aJTOCK. BRANDS. While 70a itsep yoar snbscription paid op rca can keep roar brand in free of charge. ' A.llyn, T. J., lone. Or. Horses CHi on left shoulder; oattle same on left hip, nnder bit on right ear, and upper bit on the left; range. Mor row county. Baird, D. W. and son. Horse branded D B on the left hip; cattle the same on left flank, crop off right ear, undercrop in the left. Bange in Morrow County. Bartholamew, A.. G., Alpine, Or. Horaea branded 1 E on either shoulder. Bange in Mor row count Hannister, J. W., Hardman, Or. Cattle brand ed B on left hip and thigh; split in each ear. Brenner, Peter, tiooseberry Oregon Horses branded F B on left shoulder. Cattle same on " Brosman, Jerry, Lena, Or. Horses branded 7 on right shoulder; cattle B on the left side. Left ear half orop and right ear npper slope. Barton, Wm.. Heppner, Or. -Horses, J B on right thigh; cattle, same on right hip; split in each ear. Brown, J. C, Heppner, Or. Horses, oircle C with dot in oei ter on left hip; cattle, same. Brown, W. J., Lena. Oregon. Horses W. bar over it, on the lolt shoulder. Cattle same on left b5Boyer, W. G., Heppner, Or.-Horses, box brand on right hip oattle, same, with split in Borg, P. O., Heppner, Or. Horses, P B on left shoulder; cattle, .same on left hip. Brownlee, W- J., Fox.Or-Cattle, JB connected on left side; orop on left ear and two splits and middle piece cut out on right ear; on horses same brand on the left thigh; Bange in Fox valley, G CarenerWarren. Wagner, Or. Horses brand, ed O on right stifle ; oattle (three bars) on right ribs, crop and split in eaoh ear. Bange in Grant and Morrow oounties. Cain.E.. (laleb.Or.-X D on horses on left stifle TJ with quarter oirole over it, on left shoulder and on left stifle on all colts under B years; or, left shoulder only on all horses oyer 5 years. All range in Grant oonnty. date, Chas. B Vinson or Lena, Or. Horses H C on right shoulder; cattle same on right hip. Bange Morrow and Dmatllla counties. Corrigall, M M, Oalloway, Or-Cattle orop ont ot each ear and underbit. wattle in forehead; horses half oircle 0 on left stifle, Bange Mor ow and Umatilla oounties. Curl.T. H.. John Way. Or.-Double orpss on each hip on oattle, swallow fork and undei bit in right ear, split in left ear. Bange in Grant oonnty. On sheep, inverted A and spear point on shoulder. Ear markon ewes, crop on left ear punched upper bit in right. Wethers, orop in right and under half orop m left ear. All rangs lu Grant oonntv. . . Cook A. J.,Lena, Or. Horses, Won right snoul . der; Cattle, same on right hip: ear mark square orop off left and split in right. Currin. B. Y., Currinsville, Or. -Horses, on '"cox'Ed. 8.. Hardman, Or.-Cattle, Cwlth E in center: horses. CK on left Mp. Cochran. B. E Monument, Grant Co , Or. rt.'ALt J,1 with har beneath, on left shoulder; oattle same brand on both hips, mark shoulders oattle same brana on DC under slope both ears and dewlap. Ohapin, H., Hantaan. Or.-Ho Oonrinht hip. (lattJe braudod tt jorses branded I the same. Also brands CI on horses right mign; cae same IKUV " ... ... 1 brand on right euouiaer, uu nut ri&gTass, W. M.. Galloway. Or.-Cattle. B Den right side, swallow-fork in eaoh ear; horses, B D 0nEfyw.. Douglas, Or.-Horses branded ELY on left shoulder, cattle same on lefthip. hole lDEmerV?C.'r!Mnardman Or.-Horses branded f reversed 0 with toil on left shoulder ; oat. tie same on right hip. Bangs in Morrow county. Florenoe, L. A.. Heppner, Or.-;attle. LF on right hip; horses. F with bar under on right Florence. B. P. Heppner , . Or.-Horses F on right shoulder; oattle, F on right hip or thigh. Gentry. Elmer, Echo, Or.-HorsBS brsnded H. B with a quarter circle over it, on left stifle. Bange in Morrow and IJmatillsoonnties Hiatt A.B., Bidge, Or.-Cattle ; round-top with qnarter oirole under It on the right hip. 7,' "i i u,. nil Umatilla oonntin. nHuytv lu 1 .Hiwhes. Hamnol, Wagner, Or-l- (T F L connected)on right shoulder on homes; on oattle, lft side, swallow fork in ri.ht ear and slit in left. Kange in Haystack district. Morrow county. 1 T r f"1 1 1 . . Hi ITnr.n. I fiwnii with bar above it) on righl shoalder; oattle same on left side. Bange in Morrow and Umatilla TuuTrMwin. Jh Dav. Or.-Cattle K H on right hip; hor"S same 011 right shoulder. Bange HnuhM. Mat. neppner. Or. Horses shaded h.ud if t alifiulder. Hangs Morrow (-. Huiisaker, B A, Wagner, Or.-Horses, V on left ihnulder; oattle, Hon lrt hip. Humphreys, J M. Hardman, Or.-Horses, H 00 1 Li L Huston, bnther. Right Mile, Or.-Hors H on the left shoulder and heart on the loft "title Cat. .1 - nn urt hit. Harnm In Morrow minntv. Jones, Harry, Heppner, Or -Hnrsea branded H .1 on the left shoulder; cattle lira idd J on riirht hin. also undnrliit in left ear. .Bange in Morrow county. . Jnnkin.rJ. M Heppner, Or.-Horsea, horse shoe J on left shoulder. Cattle, the Mail, Bang on KlahtMile. , , Johns.m, Fi.Hi. Lena. Or.-Hi.mea. niroleT on left stifle; oattle, same on right hip, under half crop in ri"' and stiht 'n left ear Kenny. Mike, Heppner, Or.-Horae branded KN on lefthip oattle same and orop off left r: nnder alone on the right Kirk, i. T., Heppner. Or.-H.irses 59 en left honldw; nattle Won lefthip. Knmtwland. W. G .. Mount Vernon. ftr.-I L on oattle on right and left sides, swallow fork In left sir and under 0100 in right ear. Humes sain brand on left shoulder. Bangs 111 Grant oonntv. Loften, Hlepnen, for, Or.-H ti on left hip on caltle. crop and split on right ear, Hones same brand on left shoulder. Bang Grant oonntv. , , Linnallen, Jihn W Ixh Or.-Horses brnudnd half Jiirnle J L o.mnetl on left shmil. der. t attle, same on left hlu, Kange. near mx- '"uhey, J. W. Ileppn"' Or.-Homea branded Land Aonlfl ehoulder; eetlle same on left hip, waltle over right eye, three alila In right l-ir.l fluiin. Hammer, Or. Hfi branded double II H.ne'Ud HometiBwa called win II. on left shouhler. Mri, M. I! . Ile'l'""r. Or.-f attle brandeil trela on nulit hips hrs aame on nht stirle. Hmie in Morrow eiHinlr. Minor, INcar, mntpn-r nr,-t at tie, M D 00 rinlil hips honm M n I ft ehiBilder. Mo'van, rt. N lleipnx. Or. Horaea, M ) on Mt nimlilei mtltla aaroeon left hip. Miirl,ll.(Wr. Iimm, Or.-Moews), II oa rl;hl nips olile,7Ionnhtside. hMt Andrew. U-ne lt.Or.-lliraie A N eon. BM'tnl on lft shonldwi eaitle aaine 00 both Ml, Oiler, rerrf, ltlndon, Or.-F O on left honl-ter. Ih.l.rn. J. W IVmuIm, Or. horar .t..u.i.l. MiiUuitMim ritfht hlli. I O OK left I-mfwhi. Mere. Kia'il M lie. Ilontoa, qnar ter circle hir.1,1 on left li.Mil.lr anl 1M 00 left hip. aula, f-tk la Utt ear, rlM eruppwL M on left hip. IUeon Kiatit Mile. I'arker A (llwa, llanlinan.Ot.-lliiraastroa f ti(HillHr. .... . . I'liw, K.reaM, ltlnii.Of.- Hoe-M brand. K II. K ni.eoli en Mt ah.mlitW 1 eatlle inoiKl rlhl hip. lUns. M.im.w r.inli. I'U-w. J. ll . II"'mi. Or. -H.ir, Jk mm. eHl 0. Ufl .h.wl.Urs eattie, eaias uo lft hip. Bn.ler bll to earh ear. ISritra. . '.. Im"S , h.ira diamond Pea ahoflliUr. mule, J II J e.mii l, oa the ft hip, upper stipe l Ml aaraad slip ta lbs rla-ht. AM row. llar.linaa.Or.-H.e. aqaare er.aiih .iirt irrle it wit eUna. Kth Hr... Mei.trtMW, "t. Mxnm t.rn.ll I a the rinlil etnwl tWs ct lie. I a tm Ue Ufl hio rt,.v H lft eat and dwlep a. llaM Is M t anil a.t'tnti.e.ieti"a. Al, liiBi., Or-H.ir bnu M A K mo nht h.H. nwis riri'la ier btands ml tie mm M rvilit kip. Iletfe M-rr.o e."!!, tU twm, W. II. HwryiUle, Or-H noaeet and i ! nat.t aatr an I st.lit ts t-rt. H IH qrl " U'V nim eie mm Inwl Wfl h.Mi Ua. IUb la " t,i and iiiuiam .i.i. lt,.i.. J. W ll.i.i.nM. Or,-II Ml stHMbkar. t atUai, U a rlM t4 Wral4,l W. "- ll aa aeUd Inn Uh HIW. rllt i t hli,Sil.ra .wa la riM a. d-tM ta k.,!.. I H.-, II-H. - HMtasss lira rUi-, ll.rfrt, INt1a. f -rtUe j M l,M lilt. . S nM ak mUW i --, S oa ..,.. l t- lua i" ? "!. riiik . " It la. . tUm, beai.Ud II A. .1,. ea'lla. auMM Wl a"I.W M. IUa ia a1 aw. .. I. Maia, i Nnwamw i.i.i .i,h. Mill, kuaia.wiai lastNa HW a.la an A. t , ll-l l-, H -4 arfUa. ari.M I..I I " - i ton -. sw4. 0. W , . .- -ILaraaa, M aa ,.. a. it . iimm, . - I "la W P Mi k.y .-9 .' a4 awi la Wl r t.. m I tm wn SnM I t A . Hie, Il"na.ai aam.Mf, wlk mi lfl aHa'l 1 11-a. ll rfcat.-- nls W.lll Its.-Swadl eai t tft a-i M t... alta asusta aMI M t t .n4 " tf aaiSan atin ma ''4 t..l II t. !. M.a M a.. a.arva.1 mm riaM aAiitM rtil mmm mm rM H !. kkMV mm aw ) fi'l Atsi ... .. . Ml aaa aaul r-M aa t. I I Jnfca U. SUM " Wl i'-r, ! It ava bwM i taa mit aw M l'.IAi'alila W rtA mvm e l -m mt a aJil la M w i. aata bra4 Ml atwt4aa, aaa . .J m Uf w.mt.U m-4 a.wt t- t -a, IK.- B-araaa. i t a.. mot mi l'l '-..u u . . . I ! m I aa.nrarfai Wl aam, s,,h - a. f mrm mm Ml k, mmtm aayua mm4 mmmm l a l mm Wren, A. A., Heppner, Or. Horses running AA on shoulder; Cattle, same on right bip. loong, I. B., Gooseberry, Or. Horse brander IB 00 uie runt snooiao. GET THE BES1 When you are about to buya Sewing Machine uo noi Dts uecBivea oy alluring RaveniKmcnu and be led to think yon can get the best made. nnesc nnisnea ana Most Popular for a mere song. See to it that you buy from reliable manu facturers that have gained a reputation by honest and square dealing, yon will then get a Sewing Machine that is noted the world over for its dura bility. You want the one that is easiest to manage and is Light Running There Is none In the world that can equal in mechanical con struction, durability of working parts, fineness of finish, beauty in appearance, or has as many improvements as uo New Home It has Automatic Tension, Double Peed, alike on both sides of needle (patented), no other has it ; New Stand (patented), driving wheel hinged on adjustable centers, thus reducing friction to the minimum. WRITE FOR CIRCULARS. THE HEW HOME SEWIHG MACHINE CO. OaaHOR, Mass. BosTOif, Mass. a Vmn flama, K. T riuoAoo, III. ST. Louis, Mo. Dam.au. Tuxas. 8am Fbaiiciboo, Oal. AtlautA, Oa. FOR SALE BV P. C. THOMPSON CO., Agents, Heppner, Oregon. Popular Magazines FOR THE HOME, Frank mm rrof BOVS anu j KrSS FRANK LESLIE'S P OPULAR MONTHLY Contain each Month t Original Water Color t-'mntlanlece : 128 Ouarto Vales ol Head Inn Matteri 100 New and Hlsth. class Illustra tions! More Literary Matter and Illustra tions than any otner magazine in America. ZJcts.) Ja rear. Frank Leslie's Pleasant Hours FOR BOYS AND CIRLS. 1 Ttrlirlit. Whnlennma. Jiirenlls MonthlT. rndv llliisirated. The best writers for young j.uoi-10 ntrtliiite to it. 10 'ts. s i a year. SXilD ALL SCBSCKITTIOnS TO THE GAZETTE, HEPPNER, 01E. Fbamk MtsMit's PoriiLAB M0KTHI.Y and the Uazetlo, both lor one year lor .uu. Kamk Lrhuk's 1'i.iasant Hour; for Boy ANUUiRUiand the tiawitU), botli lor one year $;i.uo. Undoubtedly the Best Club Offers trsrnil In fVnn U'llr't PuMlthlna Ttmm, X.T., r Srw Jlluaf mini frtmtum 1AM, STEAM ANB GASOLINE engines If ynti think ot bnying to angin) o( any aim) or kind aaod fr onr Catalogue ,o. .lit, ooiilainititr illiistratiiina atiil prloi-a of every kind ot engine from oo up in 'i'i hoiae power, at botlora prioea, or Lint AO. ), fr jraclil anglnea, tMii era anil maoulnary. c.ilber teal (re. Gias. PJiiiam & Co.. 197 Canal Strsat. CHICAGO Q tt f wasrsrrf m c 1 1 f t Q g NI'AklllNU'N fiTiii rTin rinnnrn 4 MIHIflli Nk Hl-. m sail I flblaliy IIUUHUU.s i kmrnilr ay K I mn fa Itaalaess, " III. ilk. haul. Haw hall l'la. MJ 2 Kail lief. it-ill I'larrr, Tenuis I la an t niifrl III lf. l:l hm soul l,t anf a I l'.-aa iin rraIH l W tla, l fmf JJ fl-a'S-S J Waullliillr oilotxt a. naunlail, ai tfi.it.il Ittalai,,! uirttf 1,1. ait ifvaa ea. rOTtivnl aMtivenlrtd imii JB f vmr aa tellers f hi It.. .Ihlpib. a,tit.l ai.,l a. .1 I.I.I. M ! rliih, rvw.Ui umtm. nm, of k.ww), j A. G. SPALDING 4 BROS., S Sm i kuMm rillel.St TM axr.fe(ll sf i aaaa t ws.aratj Is fcaaaara la aaaal aaaaaasaV f My lllastrala laat geaataf ajvHMHtltf la Hal laaS auai la to 4i4. a'. Ttoaa tataa saanaa laa NaaSM Ia Ripens Tabula 4s aorta Will say fl s I anil 1 1 aawaa) Sir-aaa TaVolaai ftita, aa saasa a aaa Of 4iS( , aa) y aMaV, S Sjrtas) CMSMJlt, II (Vat lUftl. lilo E. McNElkL, Receiver. TO THE EAST OIVK8 THE CHOICB of Two Transcontinental GREAT UNION NORTHERN Ry PACIFIC RY. VIA VIA Spokane Denver MINNEAPOLIS OMAHA AND AND St. Paul Kansas City LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Ocean Steamers Leave Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. For full details oall on 0. It. 4 N. Agent at Heppner, cr address W. H. HURLBURT, Gen. Pass. Agt. Fobtlamd. Oregon. Q0IOK TIIVEU t San iTranolsoo And all points In California, Tia the Mt, tihasta route ot toe Southern Pacific Co. the great hia-hway through California to all points Kast and South. Urand rJoenlo Houta oi trie raomo toaet. funman Hntiet Weepers. Beoond-olaos Hleepers Attached to azoresa trains, atfordma snnerior accommodations for eeoond-olasa paaaengers. r or rates, tiokeu, sleeping ear reeerrationr, eto, call upon or address IC KOEHLKK, Manager, X. P. ROGERS, Asst. rieo. F. A P. Agt. Portland, Oregon Most Modern and progressiva Kr csUloKue or Informstlon write to TMU MARUN FIRE ARMS CO., New Haven, Conn. ifiirmmiiMifiiMinmintffi E FRBE1 c ino wn"h""v,vMu,ic rF,rTi' full l SIhvi Mi UIC Ot tS latest, ertghtrtt. liwllrtt snj fcr seleiikms, both viksI an J nt popular clutllng four Uire alia Moitialts. nirn up m ins aiomi rtreM Bunnar. ui. i tula cwmnQ. r3 aeeeaee u aaesea to THE NEW YORK MUSICALECHO CO. Uroadwsy Thestre HUg.. New York City. 2 w . v.nv.iiiiti wanTEu. -a aPs T" Lama The American Protective Tariff League it a national organizatior) advocatmj "Protection to Amencan Labor and rndutUy" ai explained by its constitu tion, ai followi : "TKa at.4 af iKIa laaru aKal is aeaWt AaHU taae H a a"" aai aaaeSa, ttiuair aaawea anw anMnaJ ae4uaaa aaja.nat ifca) aaaaiWa a faeaara laa. There ' no penonaJ or privats ptof ti in connection with the tvganita ion and it iiiutta'med by membenhipa, conttibytioni and the distribution of its publication!. fiaiT t Ci.mslia I r,aiW4 saajayaHoa liswkaea. - and -QH-mmi Ca.ia.ui-a.! ta. rCONO Wa m4 m4 ateiVsaa. TMlMOt Ws avMw s m,fmmt iaail ajgnaona a paa.aa a I ,fv aaav., V.KHlalMMlMl.VIHW(a(j rUMTM: ta4 aalal t4 rmm.,m nm . a mmtf . I llwtW.luir WakaM O Uft Waa lllllwl KaTa-. $1800.00 0IVC.N AWAY TO MXNTORS. aMaaajrf aa i Ih taeaa aatanrta fc amr atUaita, aM a ww Mm vm m ta . a.i.i. m aa wy ahw, mim.m mmmm tki aw aaaas aaas m IT 1 THE SI HPLC. Ttmm lftXTWNS TrtTUlH) l OKaMS. s mmf -4 i ' 1 1 ia i aaa4 a. hi .aana i aea aba) Hha. taw,; a,ya) ail aiaa aa Mas it is Hot wj hro7s it sixms. fUPItl t ,SS tWaa aa aJ(a tl C S la sa-fwi SwwaVaSa-VsSit W Ai af tl'SiS- V) ajaaja aja.HJni waast, is m m mt SMk V I Sk SaS Sj" SJaatafaiaa aiajj. Vjasaalal eMasaatJ aWaMPi SjsaajiriBaB !.. mt a. I a.w. a. ta lt as aa At- rmi mm m i m4 aaml jl jl.a rnS JtHINWt MM tmtM A CO., aSassaaaataafcaaaajal aaat A asssaasatSM aaaaSi - M 41 laaaY tt I aS aVsaawaataasLa B,BBB,iaaasaa,aTW sat aawasr-r aasaa sjsasssaB ar astv w aj aa aj BaBHaBF Sill' Mrtti, N. W., rt . Mtiirt. i. c. Lay Sat'1 aaaa ay Mi Sa'rat. fifTlV Lightest, ilmplesf. TvOallliL) Easiest Itrongest, CTTTfl Working, 5olld IaJ!L'Hl "1aoJ Most Top fIflFAr Acur"t' Kecelver. Compact, nt as mm 'la.a.a flaVaiaSjp SjSjaJI A tfaVaajBasahnat SMSMaf MADE OF GLASS. Many Odd Artlole a Now ffnshlone d .... from This MateriuL Wearing Apparel, Coffins, Fish Bait and House Furnishings Among the Num ber Glass Houses a Future Possibility. There is an inventor who is known at the patent office in Washington as the Glass Man. His name is C. W. McLean, of New Berne, N. C, and during the last few years he has obtained patents for a surprising number of devices in glass. Among these is a glass coffin, which is guaranteed proof against decay and rata. So long as no deliberate attempt is made to smash it, it ought to last for ever. Another contrivance is a stair case made wholly of glass steps, land ings and newel posts being all of that A T . i 1 I , material, iei unonier is a giuss uurrei. address. But perhaps the most remarkable in vention of the Glass Man is a billiard table of glass. rne day may yet arrive wnen people will live in glass houses. A patent has been secured by other inventors for glass bricks of a peculiar pattern. The material of which they are composed being a first-rate non-conductor, these bricks will keep the cold out of a dwell ing built of them, while admitting the light. It is claimed that they will ex clude noise, being hollow. Further more, the inmates of a glass house need not be afraid of being under too close observation by neighbors, inasmuch as it is not requisite that the bricks shall be transparent. They may be opaque ground glass, or of any color that may be suitable for decorative effect. Thus before many years have passed It will be considered the height of lux ury, perhaps, to occupy a dwelling of glass. Glass bricks, of course, are ex pensive. People who live in glass houses will be able to afford to wear clothes of glass. Nearly 20 years ago there was shown at the Centennial ex position in Philadelphia a bonnet com posed entirely of glass. It was a love of a bonnet. The flowers on it were glass, and so were the ribbons, which looked like the finest satin. The patentee of this process describes it as suitable for the manufacture of neck ties, shawls, table covers, etc. In fabrics of this kind a very fine qual ity of glass is used. It is spun in threads of exceeding delicacy, and of the"se several colors may be produced at the same time. They are woven in a loom of ordinary pattern. Anybody may observe that a thin sheet of glass is somewhat elastic. The threads em ployed in weaving are of such fineness as to be perfectly pliable and not at all brittle. With a gown of glass would naturally go a pair of glass slippers. Not like Cinderella's. Oh, no! Cinder ella did not wear glass slippers. Her slippers in the original French story were of "vair," which means fur. Vair and "verre," meaning glass, are pro nounced exactly alike. Hence the cor ruption. A Pittsburgh man named Smith has invented a process for making glass slippers in molds. They would not do very well for dancing. There is no reason why glass gown should not be woven of iridescent glass, and its wearer would look like an animated rainbow on a ballroom floor one daz zling shimmer of ever-changing hues. Until rect-ntly the manufacture of iridescent glass waa set down in the list of the lout. art. But in 1878 it was rediscovered, and now It is a common commercial article. It is made by ex posing t he molted glass to the vapors of alia of sodium. At the Metropolitan museum of art are exhibited great num bers of bottles, platea and other art idea of glass which were made and used long before ( hrist wasborrj. They were dug up in Cypress and elsewhere. Many of them have a beautiful iridescence. but It la the rrault of drear. Ulan will rot like anything Hho, ami decay ha. illt the Structure of this ancient glass 1.1 i a ..... into luniinne or flakca, vihii'h interrupt the light ao na to produce brilliant ml, green, purple and other rainbow color. The u iutlow-blioda of the gluaa houae of the future will lie of ftlnaa, of course. That In another patent, and the In enlor atiffgeata that auch blinda may be made of whatever colors are deolred. Daby In Ihe nuraery iierbap will play with fflnaa buildinif blocka, and at a aullable air he will receive s Chrtat maa gift of s pair of roller abates with glaaa rollers. Iloth of these idea have been pAlented. When he la old enough to go fishing he will not dig worms In the garden, but will be provided with artificial bait In the ahapa of s hollow minnow of glaaa, mated on the Inside partly with a aotutlon of gold or ailver and partly with a lumlniua paint. The originator of (hit minnow aayi that It la a brilliant object In tb water anil calculated to comprl the attention of any fish that haa a particle of appetite. (ilaaa bcdsirada may be proof agatnat lightning and bug, but It la hardly to b extwH-ted that glaaa hmiea thould l free fmm mice. The in ma tea could hardly do belter than to employ glaaa trapa for Ihe capture of am h vermin. The great ad'anug of tbe glass tonus, trap, ai-etmlinir ta the ata lenient of the Inventor, la that "If s mouse ahould enler IHe trail, he owiy be aeen by other whochanee Income that way.and they will W inrllne.1 to lo the one Inside. ef aerially hra (hey oliaerve that he la siUiling s choice morsel." lp trt dai the glaaa mouarirap haa not made ItaHf popular, notithlanb I ng the Important argument In lu farr, and of the moat of the other delloea deaerlbed It la unforluhairly true that ibty have not proved print able ta the prttMtna i m have mirlej them. This, remark however, by no mean a apptia ta the glaaa Irmnn airerr, vhkh ta already a familiar ttouaa-ttold litenall. The Inventor of It ta aaM In bate al! hi righU fur V aJ.-N. V. Hot M. tiattitaf ttf mm tl t-alaa A gl aiitry a tut.! re ruing the memlarra of s ftre brira.le In a ea-riain t nut far ffvm lllinr, On tir-enr-raaiiiii It aarar a Br bn.ae mil In Ihe ! and a mtt waa balwrally tiia.le lr the Bee enr'ne whM'ti aa aJwata kept on Ike remiar tf one of Ihe la) baUUiala. t kea the al(rtxpla ta take the anf ttta nut. hwevr. they ware tnat wild the etrlaaaaHtaa f rat Ihe rua. taliat "III! ean't Uke that nut. Tve tt a W anting na there and yi all lrvtk ke err." Tra. in aera that the tre eeoinf lte f.wve if this are itrwcit Inataritlv iik-lfvat and Ihe Are i u tt f .'a .f aer draa fmtti a Soighkaatiag - ,'-ar.,srs Weakly D la LC fl X fm C0U et ree D mm Ulilii from a most or" rible blood dis ease I bad spent hundreds of dollars trying various remedies and physi cians, none of which did me any good. My finger nails came off and my hair came out, leaving me perfectly bald. 1 tnen went to HOT SPRINGS Hoping to be cured by this celebrated treatment, but very soon became disgusted and decided to try S.S.S. The effect was truly wonderful. I commenced to recover at once, and after I had taken twelve bot tles I was entirely cured cured by S.S.S. wnen the wona renowned Hot Springs had failed. 1Uw C! T nmttt, a Shreveport. La.1 Our Book on the Disease in d its Treatment mailed free to tny SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. AtUnta Ga. OHIO AGO. IwMee & St. Paul Q'y Glance at this Map Of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Rail way and note its connectiona with all transcon-1 tinental lines and St. Paul and 1 maha, and I remember that lte trains are lighted' with elec tricity and heated by steam. Its equipment la superb. Elegant Buffet, Library, Smoking and Sleeping cara, with free reclining chairs. Each sleeping car berth haa an electric reading lamp, and its dining cara are the beet in the world. Other lines are longer than tbia, but none are shorter, and no other offers the above luxurious accommodations. These are sufficient reasons lor the popularity of "The Milwaukee." Coupon ticket agents in every railroad office will give you further information, or address C. J. EDDY, General Agent, J. W. CASEY, Trav. Pass. Agent, Portland, Oregon. CAVEATS. TRADE MARKS. DESIGN PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS. stteJ For Information and fra Handbook writs to MUNN A CO.. 861 IlHotowAT, Nsw Yoric. Oldpt bureau for swnrlna; patent In America. Every patent taken out hjr us la brought befnni Via public by a uoiico given free of charge in tha Inreat clreulatlon of any iK-lentlfle paper tn the world. Klilenilltlly lliuntratetl. No lutWllKdit man should lie without It. Weekly. fc.l.OOa yeari l.lal months. Aitilrmw, MUNM A CU., VuuLUMtas, 1 UroadWKy, Mw York City. COUGHS and COLDS ELY' 8 PINE0LA BALSAM is a snra Kern for coueha, cuius, sore tnrual and for asthma. sootnes, outc!r abates the conch. and renders expect- wiauuu anaj. Consumptives will Invariably derive benefit from lis ass. Ulany who supposa their cases to be eon. sumption are only sunrrlng from a chronic cold or drep seated congh, oflea atnrravatrd by ca- tte I per Iwitile; I'lneol lUlMtr.. IV. Hold by Drnnrtsu. I ' aV-I f llUir-l'tlUDu a Us V V ...1. LY UUUIU tlla, M Warren ttu, Ksw urk. FOREIGN GATHERINGS. Liverpool haa the largeat total debt of any town in Knplaml. At Dunkirk the fli-at-sailora' home for r rencn acanien ever eatauiwnea in France haa Juat been opened. The raria muaeum containa more than Sfl.OOO atone Implement, all of which were gathered In France. Kmployea In the llrlliah home office are to be retired at the age of 60. The under eecretary who aigned the order la himself 6S, To retrench It expense Guatemala w HI abo'.ah ita poat of minister to Mex ico. One of the enterprlalng pa pent pub lished In Uracil tetla Ita redere that Mr. Tammany baa been elected preaidentof New York, The world famoua Pevree pottery fac tory haa practically alnce lu foundation been a ilate ubaldiaed InaUlution. Gnabowskl ia the augeaiiva name of the man who made the moat money on the II lata Ian turf laet year, lie haa the beat racing atable In the country and Cleared fOO.OOO. It la alleged that an English librarian baa died of tuherculnata, contracted from bnoka which have been Infected I y consumptive patient. The new tablet to the memory of Mary Queen of tVotie recently raUted In Prteralwiroagn wm paid for entirely by contribution from Cnglkah women n a mel Mary, tt enet ahnut IS.ooo. TOOK HIM AT HIS WORD. laaleaetaie naiatwHaaaai rtaS Their faalla An S Taktaf A it aleak A gmaj ji-ke la told on one of Ute at8 ot Ihe Ohio mediead college, aajra the t inrlnitall Timea sia". In a W-rtua to I the almlrnte he adiad ihera ben they came to praeteie tn always t arry In their tiwfirtea at standard lest Uauk, wbkh they could ct'tiault when In dnutt aa to ll-pniritutiailrraltirf'ril, lleaajjl they could etruae IbrttiM Itva fmm a I o Ihe prrlrtt that I hey is ta heal ! are ir I heir linrae waa landing or that Itiev had tr fl antne particular ttml I, ine lu Ihe !.,. 1 he lniena were very atlralie, frw daja later one nf I Hem nitii.l hot a natter anna prelly UxiCh laii li, and tjtbetl Ihe iliartftr r.rvaa-. turi'tiaa- b arslle. a leW lak ttd a 1.1 In a titraaurtHl tHt "l l. uaa me, 4 lif, frar mf otm (a rt aUud.ra. hit, bml him la a harry j I f ,f jnut S.-W l lltru rvlralat j lt Ihe kallaav, f.Kirul Ihe ai,ati yra tm I lie har-li-al .wt itma, aii.l. Ivluruing, iaier. Kmim all f uerea-'lt, 1 he ilie. aif t.. l . aita hi an 'I waa ir.M -l tli n llrf l.i'l-al ruaa- dMl nH lrile rlaai--na. RINHESOASij fl l American Thitthe RAMBLER Is one of the very beat wheels ever made is front rank with all high grade machines, and Ride a RAMBLER BICYCLE If you want punctured, it can be mended by you In five renowned G. & J. clincher tireB with wood rima or copper-plated steel rims. Sold In all sizes for ladiea or gentlemen at 100 each. Tandems for two men or man and woman, ISO each. THE RAM BLER la the fastest, lightest and strongest wheel In the market. For style, finish and durability it la unsurpassed, aa it is constructed on strict mechan ical and scientific principles. Chicago For men, women, boys and girls, with 28, 26 and 24 inch wheels, at (65, 55, 45 respect ively, are splendid medium grade wheels, with O. & 3, high-grade doubln locking edge cuncner ures ana are iuiiy warranted. Before you buy a bicycle, write for catalogue, circulars, terms and discounts, or call ! on our numerous agenta. Rambler Rustlers ton auu juauo. FRED T. MERRILL Northwest representatives Gormully & Jeffery Manf. Co's "Rambler Bicyclea." Main Store, 827 Washington Bt., Portland, Or. wn i-ATTEKBUJN, How's Your Liver? This question is asked daily. If dormant you need exercise need it badly. The Bicycle offers a remedy, and if you do not own one, call at Ike Ennis Bicycle Livery, Power House. Kingr of Bicycles. mm FINEST MATERIAL. LIGHT, 5TR0N0, jfrfTTS. yOf XV SCIENTIFIC SPEEDY, HANDSOHE. f , O K?VV WORKMANSHIP. Four Models 885 and 8100. EVERY MACHINE FULLY GUARANTEED. SEND 2-CENT STAMP FOR CATALOGUE. Monarch Cycle Co. Factory and Main Office; Lake and Halstcd Sts., CHICAGO. ILL. BaUNCrtes t-few York, Saa Francisco, Salt Lake City, Oaa var, Mtmphlt, Detroit. Taroata. WEBB SAFE & LOCK CO, Agents, . v-r. au., A. W. I'AllKkbUN, Agent for .i,T. VaT-Sw VS1. .U'T II iV It to Advertisers .it a great finnncial sacri fice. You need it in your business, and as a matter of business wc must sell it. The Patterson Puj i '.suing Co. PM1IE ; BIPII : FILLS Youro HOUND to TnkoUSin. Leaves No Constipation,- Csree It. a Sell aa all H llruar.. tr MaleU aa W,t.a ,v. ,tir atitus fUl ta II wrM. rW. by all mui, 1 f' fm4, ,4 Itte. 3 fala Mt bd. Ill illt'al'Muia rJtra-H . . . : " - an indisputable fact. It stands In the if you buy one you will make no mistake. I to be happy, for should your wheel be ! minutes, as It la equipped with the world J Ideals Wanted In every town in Oregon, Washing- f CYCLE COMPANY, Agt. lor Morrow uo., ueppner, Oregon. uivtaju.-. Morrmo County, Heppner, Oregon OUR STOCK f I - www SPACE IS TOO HEAVY AND WE ARE WILLING TO UNLOAD .. . t rim aqa rit ai. fii ... .