Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, April 14, 1896, Image 3

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Nervous Prostration
Complete Becovery by the TTae of
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
" Some years ago, ns a result of too
close attention to business, my health
failed. I became weuk, nervous, was
unable to look after iny interests, and
manifested all the symptoms of a de
cline. I took three bottles of Ayer's
Barsaparilla, began to improve at once,
Here and There.
Major Dennis and wife
are op from
Ben Matteson is in from the oountrT
T, A. Rbea letarned tbis morning from
was up from Lexington
and rndually increased my weight from
one hundred and twenty -rive to two
hundred pounds. Since then, I and my
family have used this medicine when
needed, and we are all in the best of
health, a fact which we attribute to
Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I believe my chil
dren would have been fatherless to-day
had it not been for Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
of which preparation I cannot say too
much." II. 0. Hinhok, Postmaster and
Planter, KinanJ's, S. C.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
AYER'S Pliis Save Doc r's Bills.
Joe Gibson
Highest prices paid for sheep pelts at
the lower warehouse. tf
Ben Watkins is over from Qrant
oonnty to shear sheep this spring.
A good farm to let nn shares. Inquire
oi a. l. iiagley, Heppner. 2t
Mrs. A. Rood and little son arrived
home from below Saturday morning.
Andrew Rood and family moved out
to their ooaotry home this morning.
La Grande Marble Works, La Grande
Ore. a. O. Smith, salesman, Heopner.
Friday evening, May 1st. is tbe date
for the eraud ball at the opera house, tf
Drink tbe oelebrated J. H, Gntter
whiskey. On tap ot Chris Borobers'.
W. A. Kirk, populist nominee for
oonnty judge, is oonfined to bis room by
A. A. Roberts returned home on Sat
urday morning from Portland and tbe
Tbe infant child of Geo. Brown, who
lives on the bill by the Catliolio churob,
is quite Bick.
A race yesterday, one-bait mile, be
tween Coxy and Sinner, was wou easily
by the former.
B. H. AroDson, representing Ferdi
nand Westheimer & Sons, ot St. Joseph,
Mo., is in town.
Keep in mind the grand May day ball
to be given at the opera bouse on Friday
evening, May 1. If
Otis and A. W . Patterson returned on
Sunday morning from tbe republican
convention at Portland.
Danger Signals
More than half tbe victims of consump
tion do not know tbt? have it. Here is a list
of symptoms by which consumption can
certainly be detected :
Cough, one or two slight efforts on
rising, occurring during the day and fre
quently during the night.
Short breathing after exertion.
Tightness of tbt chest.
Quick pulse, especially noticeable in the
evening and after a full meal.
Chilliness in the evening, followed by
Slight fever.
Perspiration toward morning and
TaU face and languid in the morning.
Loss of vitality.
If you have these symptoms, or any of
them, do not delay. There are many
preparations which claim to be cures, but
Dr. Hckrr$ Englitk Feaweyfor Consumption
has the highest endorsements, and has
stood the test of years. It will arrest con
sumption in its earlier stages, and drive
away the symptoms named. It is manu
factured by the Acker Medicine Co., 16
and 18 Chambers St., New York, and sold
by all reputable druggists.
. Through trains on the O. R. & N. will
run via. Umatilla, Walla Walla and
Pendleton. Through sleepers, first and
seoond-olaes, will run in eonneotion with
tbe Union Paciflo, tbe same as hereto
fore. A through first-class sleeper Port
land to Spokane, connecting with tbe
6rst olass sleeper to St. Paul, and a
through tourist sleeper Portland to St.
Paul, will run in oonneotion with tbe
Great Northern railway. tf
Ho, ye voting men of Morrow, whistle up
lively tune
For the "Candidate," I'm free to state, will stay
with iia till June:
Then let him oil his auger blade, with "Sperry'i
irlnwooa Kye;
TIb sweet to think, of that good old drink, for
voting men are ary.
Sold only at tbe Belvedere ealoon.
Thos. Carle, ex-mayor and present
postmaster of lone, has disposed of all
his poseesions at that plaoe, having sold
the platform to Joe Wonlery and bis
post office property to Bad Haney. Mr.
Carle expects soon to dispose of bis
personal property by public sale and
will probably go east this summer.
We are pleased to note that the elo
quent manner in which Hon. J. N.
brown, of this oity, presented toe name
of Hon. W. R. Ellis for renomination,
brought firth bigbly complimentary
notices from tbe Portland press. It was
said to be a masterly effort in tbat line,
and received great applause. .
Two long-haired gentlemen bave been
preaching on tbe streets of Heppner
tbis week. Tbey are prophetic gentle
men who claim that the world is nearing
the end. Tbe Gazette would advise,
however, tbat we all go ahead laying np
something for tbe future for fear tbat
Quite a number ot sbeepabearert in I our prophets are wrong.
M. W. Benbam, of Benbam, Trumbull
& Co., of Chicago, dropped in tbe oity
tbis morning on business.
Geo. Swaggart was np from Lexing
ton late last week, leaving Monday for
bis sheep ranch down by Tub springs.
Dr. E. T. Gagen, formerly of this city,
has recently located at North Powder,
Uoioo Co., tor tbe practice of his pro
Urand Mav dBy ball at tbe opera
bouse on Friday mebt, Mav lit, Ar
rangements are being made lor a good
time. tf.
Nat Webb departed for bis home at
Walla Walla on Saturday night. He
expects to retnrn to Morrow oounty in a
short time.
Her Redd a Demraa Aaaoaated Early Sni
day Morning.
On last 8ooday morning tbe relatives
and friends of Mrs. S. P. Florence were
shocked to bear of ber sodden death at
St. Vincent's hospital, Portland. Mrs,
Florejoe had suffered for years with
female troubles, and reoeotly it was
decided to send ber to Portland to
undergo an operation. Late last week
the operation was successfully perform
ed and for a time tbe patient got along
nioely and steadily improved, but on
Saturday night she grew muoh worse,
death coming to ber relief at 8 o'clock
Suoday morning, April 12, 1896.
Mrs. Florence, daughter of Mr, and
Mrs. E. L. Matlook, and the wife ot our
friend and fellow oitizsn, Mr. S. P.
Floreuoe, was born Deo. 5, 1866 in the
Willamette valley and came to Eastern
Oregon with ber parents while quite
young. She was married to S. P. Flor
ence on Dec. 5, 1886, and at the time of
her death was aged 30 years, 1 months
and 7 days. She leaves a husband and
two children, besides many relatives and
a host of friends to mourn ber loss.
Rev. Howard's dosing words at the
faneral services yesterday afternoon
were full of feeling and were a fitting
tribute to tbe memory of tbe deceased.
He said
"She was an obedient daughter, a kind
sister, a loving wife and mother and a
true friend. Farewell, but we hope to
meet again. To tbe relatives and friends
who bave loved in life the one now silent
in death, may tbat love be perpetuated
until you may again clasp hands in tbe
oity of our God, where there will be no
beartaobes, no sorrow, no bereavement
and where all tears are wiped away."
The funeral services were held at the
M. E. churob, Soutb, at 2 o'clock yester
day afternoon, Rev. 0. R. Howard of
ficiating. Tbe services began bythe
ohoir singing "Nearer My God to Thee."
Tbe sermon was an excellent one, being
replete with religions thought and full
of comfort for tbe sorrowing relatives
and friends. Tbe Masonio order and
Knights of Pythias were in attendance
besides a very great many friends who
were intimate with tbe deceased during
her lifetime. The interment oocurred in
tbe Heppner oemetery where tbe faneral
rites were appropriately ended.
Sarsaparilla as a blood purifier and build
ing up medicine leads everything ever
produced. It is positively the best. Others
may make the same claim. But there's
this difference: We prove it. Not by an
tiquity, but by iferit. Not by what
we say, but by
what - rmB Hd's
Sarsa- VfJQ, pari'la
does. tVDJ(t2J 1 1 H" has
Cures unequalled in medical history.
It positively, perfectly and permanently
cures when all other medicines fail.
That the keen discrimination of
the people recognizes its merit and
the cures by Hood's Sarsaparilla, is
the fact
buy Hood's
gg rlllainprcf
to the ex-
all others.
Hood's Sarsaparilla has a larger sale than
all other blood purifiers. It wins con
fidence everywhere because the state
ments in its advertising and testimonials
are verified by all who take it. No other
medicine has ever received such praise, or
so many voluntary testimonials of won
derful cures. No other medicine possesses
shown by
that they
elusion ot
a Changq in jusines All Around ?
Has bought out the General Merchandise Business of the McFarland
Mercantile Co., and the stock is being disposed of at
Wholesale Slaughter Pre !
All wooleu goods, boots, shoes, overshoes, ete., are beiDg sold below
wholesale cost Great discounts on hardware, tinware, glassware, hats,
caps, blankets and in fact everything kept in a general mercantile es
tablishment. Call and see the stock before it is too late.
ED. R. BISHOP, Prop.
The National Bank Building, Heppner, Ore.
Manager and Salesman.
&l qgfc nk 2 3 4
12. M ?L 22 23 24 25
lW2n2W29J0 QC k
Take Notice.
1. The sum of five cents per line will b
)hara;e4 tor "cards of tbank," "reaoiuuon 01
reapect," llaUnf weddlni preoenhi and donor,
ind obituary notice, (other thau thone the critt
irahall htmaellrive aaa matter ol news,) and
aoUoeolpclal meeting lor whatever pnrpo).
i. Notice ol church and oclty and all other
MiterUlnmenU Irom which reeenu 1 to be de
rived, h;i be chanced lor at the rata of fly
,eni a line. The rule will M airictiy saner
id to In everv Inatanc.
Advcrtlslns rate reasonable and made known
ipon application.
rHajra for Rardman, Monument, tanr Creek,
lona l7 and ranjron cut. icavm ioiiowi
Kverr day l a. m., eawnt HiimUv.
A rrlve vrv dv at f rfi.. eicepl Monday.
The chtKix-it, iiukkeat awl boat line to or
from tbt Interior ennrry.
Conwt Brock, Agent.
town anxiously waiting tor th weather
to warm up a little so tbat they can be
gin operations.
RobL Hynd. secretary and manager ot
tbe Morrow Gonnty Land and Trust Co.,
returned tbia morning from visit to
Oregon's metropolis.
O. B. Hatt. the tonsorial artist, can
be found at his parlors, Matlook oorner,
where he will dispense at popular prioes,
shaves, shampoos, bairouts. etc.
Neeleot ot tbe bair often destroys its
vitality and natural hue, and oauses it
to fall out. Before it is too late apply
Hall's Hair Ueoewer, a sure remedy
Any inventor in Eastern Oregon who
desires tbe services ot an attorney in
Washington, D. 0 , will find it to his
advantage to call on or address this pa
per, oti
h O : Orin L. Patterson, editor of
tbe Bine Mountain Eagle at Long Creek,
came in from Portland tbis morning and
will remain in tbe oity daring Ibeoom
iog week.
8. P. Haney reoeutly patented a bar
neat buckle tbat is bound to sell as it is
a tine thing. Yesterday he completed
the sale of the state of lediana, consid
eratinn fl.OOO. Tboe. Carle being the
J.W. Matlock and daughter. Letha,
U ra. F. Matlock. 8. P. Florenoe aud T.
VV. Avers. Jr.. came up Hnnday, accom
panying the remains of Mrs. Florenoe,
ooniirotiog with special train at Oepp-
oer Junction.
the peculiar combination, proportion and
process used in preparing Hood's Sarsapa
rilla, and which give it merit peculiar to
itself. This in the secret of its wonderful
power, of its wonderful sales, of its won
derful hold upon the confidence of the
people. This is wby it cures Scrofula,
Salt Rheum, Catarrh, Rheumatism, all
Humors, F.idney and Liver troubles, Dys
pepsia, Tbat Tired Feeling, builds up the
nerves, createsan appetite and strengthens
the whole system. Its merit, its sales, its
Make Hood's Sarsaparilla the One True
Blood Purifier. Sold by all druggists, fl.
Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.
Qambrinus Beer,
City Hotel Bar!
Drinkable Llquora end Smokable
Cigars. Call on Ted.
The latest results ot pharmaceutical
ecienoe and tbe best modern appliances
are availed of in compounding Ayer s
Sarsaparilla. Hence, though balf-a cen
tury in ezistenoe aa a medicine, it is
tally abreast ot tbe age in all tbat goes
to make it the standard blood-purifier.
Mrs. M. A. Knox, ot lone, will open
np this week with a oomplete milliner
stook in tbe store next door to tbe lone
hotel, in lone. Tbe stook will be well
selected and Mrs. Knox deserves the
patronage of the ladle of tbat vicinity.
Borne marauders, with small souls and
worse principles, bave broken some glass
out ot H. Blaokman'i Heppner bonne,
which right now is unoccupied. Tbis
is a dirty pieoe ot business and no manly
boy will engage In it.
Tbe cold weather of the past week or
so baa beeu very detrimental to sheep
interest in tbis locality and many lambs
bave beeu loat. However, tbe farmers
are rejoicing over tbe large amount of
rain tbat ba fallen.
It i reported tbat fifteen inobe of
snow fell tbe pat week over in tbe Lone
nook ooaotry. Many sbeepmen were to
the mldal ot lambing and Ibe cold snap
bs proven very duasteron to tbl in
dustry in tbat srotion.
T. 1. Vausban was nominated by the
Lane county re publicans for r pre son la
live. Mr. Vangban is tbe father nt onr
Dr. B. F. Vaoiihan, and a staunch re
publican and tbe Gazette bop- to
him tlecttd.
Mr. Arthur Minor roqnests the O-s -tl
H-l'o Dillc b0,t fnm,1y cathartic
11UUU a rills ,nd liver tlmulant. Eaiy
to take, easy to operate. All druRglat. 26oenU.
Wkt Ion fit ?
Some people want the earth; you can get a
goodly portion of it at
With very little money. He keeps a full line
of general merchandise, including dry
goods, groceries, boots, shoes.
From the Eagle.
Wm. Rndio took bis departure Friday
last for Prineville on a sheep buying ex
pedition. Mr.. Rodio is bnying for Frank
Hagenbarth, of Idaho.
The roads between Long Creek and
Heppner are in fair condition and team
ing between the two points will soon be
tbe order of tbe day axiio.
Dr. Fell baa decided ti return to
Qrant county and will looate at John
Day. He will resume hi furmer part
nership with Dr. Athford ot Canyon
Artie Brown, son ot Walter Brown,
oame in from the t x mine buoday.
He informed tbe Eagle bat the mine
would in all probabilrty be fanning full
blast before tbe end of tho week.
Nkw Febd Yard. Wm. Oordon ha
opened np tbe feed yard next door to
the Gazette office, and now solioits a
share of your patronage. Billy is right
at borne at this business, and your
horses will be well looked after. Prioes
reasonable. Hay and grain tor sale. tf.
Piles! Pileal Itching Flies. v
by mptoms Moisture; intense itching
and stinging; most at nlgbt; worae by
scratching. It allowed to continue
tumors form, wbiob often bleed and
ulcerate, becoming very ore. Swatnhs
Ointment stops tbe itching and bleed-
in 8, heals ulceration, and in most oases
removes tbe tnraors, At druggist, or
by mail, for 50 cents. Dr. Sway ne Hon,
I bave 1,5(10 ewe anl 1,000 lamb
that 1 will sell arter shearing at 91 per
bead, all 'round. I'arlie wiabing to
bny fhonld address me at Vinson, or
oall on me at my ranch in McDonald
canyon, near Viusoo.
Cam Matlock,
201m Vinson, Orr gon.
Mathews Bros, ba moved across on
tl.A rf Main llrMf. in th)
building formerly oooupied by tbe Oem ,u" fuun m "
aloon. Tbey will be pleased to
their oi l rnstomers. U
A beldam make one look perui
tare Ir old. eo a full bead of bair give
It mat or life the appearance of youth.
To arore th and prevent the former,
Ayer'a LUir Vigor i oontklontly reoom-
mended. Uolb ladle ana gentlemen
prefer it to ny otber dreesiog
n cs
Have added a NEW SPRING
STOCK of Trimmed Mats for
Ladies and Misses to the Fell stock
on May Street and ask the Public
to call and sec them before purchasing.
ha i nnabla to mak tba canvas for
Ibe oflloe of coroner on tb demooratic
tloket, and therefore detiree to withdraw.
Oris L. Patt'rson got back tbl morn
ing from Pendleton. II ay Iher I
much polilioal ffoesip over In oar neigh
bor coanty, and tbe the present cam
paign la going to b an interesting on.
Hilkbnro Argn: Mr. Andrew Rood.
ot Hepiiaer, visited bef father and iter,
Mr. Tno. Mtewsrl and Mr, (in.
Webrang, tb first ot tb week. Mb
retoroad lo ber borne Wednesday,
Mrs. Cae. Matlock cam over from
Pendleton Hnnday to attend tb faneral
of ber Dleo. Mr. H. P. Florence. Hue
wa aeoftrenalaed. bf Mrs.T. W. Alers
Jr., and Dr. E. A. Vangban.
Dr. McFsnl removed a tamor from
tb ld ot Mi Eelber Ford' bek
Halnrdsy. Tb operstlno wm very
eoocslul and Mm Ford I Bow doing
J. W. Briatoo. drog drommer, 1 la
toe oo base.
an I th mutt el eaM sa
Bwdba cltautle chan.
It ui b ciiied by a plaaaant
remedy whir la applied di
rectly Into tb Doatril. Ba
in oalckly aiawrtwd It five
rrl Ur at on cat
Ely's Cream Balm
I acknowledred to b tha eioat thramnfh ear for
NmlCaUnC, Cold la llaad aad May Fartr of all
maedle. ItopamaadelraaMUaaaaalpaattffta,
allay nia nd InftammaUnn. kaale thaanroa, pro
lan tb railroa (rota cold, raatnn the em
sf taatoanitamall. PrkaOe.atOrori-laUnrbTBiail.
ILt UUUTUCiUl, M Wrraabi.t,h.w tk.
Gilliam & Bisbee
Notice of Final Settlement
11 unilcrMirned, Kllra J. Boynr, exprutrlx of
the tta ol W. U. Borer, dot'eaacd, will make
Final bett oment ot her aci'ount With aalil ra-
tate a auch exwutrlx at the next term of the
I'rohate Court ol Morrow County to be holrion
at the court honae In Hennner. In alrt County
on the 4lb day ol ilnr, A.I). lH'.al. a' 10 o'clock
a. in. lliB. t. noi r.n,
'iV.W bxecutrlx.
Administrator's Notion.
ll uurtprilirnpil liaa Ixten aiMilntl admlnl'
trator ot the eatate ol Harah 11 Fell, dnceaawl,
bv the County Court of Murrow County, mate
ol Oregon. All pcraona havlnpr claima avalnal
aalil eatate ar hereby reiiilreil to preaeiit them
to m at Heppner, dr., duly vertned, wklila lx
nionllia from date hereof.
Datvd thliGth day ol March, 1V
4J1V. Admlulatrator.
Notice Of Intention.
I.nxti (irru AT l.a (iatNiiK, naanoN.
Man h . H".
lolloarlui'liained adder Iia filed nolle
ol hi Intention to make final iirool In tiiiNrt
I ol hla claim, ami that nald pro.il Mill txi mad
neiore i ouuiy .tera in .niirritw i i-nno, irim
at Heppner, i iretmi on April Jl, l, vli:
hi ,ir r.n w. rMnr...
lid T. No M. fur Hi NW, HKU "d KK'i
HVM,ae. H. ami NW NK and Nt.',
i '. I o. a a. B, r.. .
II name lh loliooln: llneaae to pro
Ma eoulluunua rcalileiit upon ami culilvaiion
ol uld land, ill:
I'al fnlllane. William Warren. Una. Hal
Frank Male, of Heppuer, ()r. im.
ITI-111 llealatar.
are Ik I bill.
F.ly. Of., March "I hid idi
larial fever and chill, and a attended
by pb)ieiaa "bo did ot ear to, end
grew very weak. I al for buttle of
I loot Hrprill aud began taking
Ibi me'llolo. I hv o bad chill
!, although bafor taking It I bad
three ebillt a . ay." Mrs U. M ifaa.
II a)d' Pill ear) idigMtino, li.lli-
rct ?ITY flit HT OF Tllg STATE
ireenn. lor th County of Morrow, In
lb mailer ol Ibe eatate ol Tltoma F. Barton,
deraerd, Citation
To lb heir al law, and any and all peraoti
Interealed In aald e ata iwllm:
In Hi nam ol lb Mala nl Orrfon, you ar
hereby rltr.1 and required to ai'r In II
liiuiiiilmiil nl the aiaur ol Oreem. lor lb
County nl Morrow, at Hi rnnrt room lhereif, at
Hepi.ner. In lb ouuly of Morrow on Monday
thellhd.f ol May. !". at l oeloek Inliia
lorenoiinM llial day. thou and Iher loah.iw
eaoae, t any alat, why an order ol thifurt
lino ll md be mad lr Ida Ml ol allll.er.-al
prrty brioualu Wilb aald eatate dearrltied
loiinw. lo i ; k-j w "t ie i, ip
k It kaat.and Wu laKV. art NEnINW
eKU nl nee. .. Tp la. M. U K , V), M , all In
Moriuw lui"lv. Orefi.n.
Viitaau, II. Hon. Julln Keithlr,
Ji.rol III onllly I onrl id lb
lalAl.l Mtatw of (teenti. for lb I onnty id
Morrow with Iba Heal of aaid Lourt
aflttad Ihla ltd dar ol Anrll A II . I
Attaet J. MOKKi'W.
!. ti. t lk.
We are not small men, lbs. We are small men, Xs.
we aie not irie Latoesl mercriaR'.s in iris world !
a a a But when the people of all the surrounding country are In need of a a
Hardware, Tinware, Crockeryware, Olauware, Wood and Willow ware, Nalla, Iron, Barbwtre,
Cumberland Coal, Oaaa and Water Pipe, Pipe Fitting, Stove aud Range, Wagon,
Hack, BugRiei, Wagon Material, Hardwood, Axe, Hammer, Bawi, Bledgca,
Wedge, Uuni, lttoli, Cartridge and Ammunition, Maaon Jar, Gran
tteware, Plowi, Harrow, Rakes. Mower, Tub. Waah BoUlera
and Board, Sheet Iron, Zinc, etc., etc.,
Should call and Examine our Goods and Qet Prices.
We have Good Good at Faib Price, and Cheap John Good at Chep John Price.
Groceries, Gents' Furnishing Goods,
Stockmens Suitlies, Etc.,
And Wants Your Trade!
Notice of Intention.
Did It Ever Occur to You?
That u Firm Could bo Boycotted
and Still do Business?
T Mr
From ndy Meerury, Portland
tt fel like !T!oielr eu.Ufaeinc
AlvaH W. r'te.rti, of th llpn
()aaIU, for tiM (IbJiiI work la bebalf
rf (nfr0)a Kill. Mr. I'e'twfeo la
keen, bright, t'p nilr?i ery
tack vl Mm. If li e t ti.'-f h'eount;
will klf war arrrUt ti Ulnl aed
til n(rt ! ffeei e ff.ee-) la twktlf
tfthir loebi.o. Alvak W. 'ller
III b IImi exit clerk f Morre'
eoaoty itet.
Tbl t Ut utt Ul MIlib,I
e.kxl In ktalirk' 4a- Hot am a ir
Uaee Orrii ar La 0aet r-o.
Marrh Jr. 4
Nni' i vrnmr uivr. hit ihr
lollowln l.aiBl (Hller ha ftlad nolle
l.i. Inteiiti.m ! ma. a ul i.r In n,ir1
i m I,,, elalm and laal aald .fil a III 1 ii.a-le
I ne lomily I let, of N'm I ility, al
llei-iier, iii.gon. on May laih, 1". vlt
i'airi I. I M a I U a K . M K K" &.4.
bit lb 4 V ' re.t. tl 111
r e w m
M nmm lb Mtawlnf wllwaaaa tawwt hi
eootlnaoo eieo nyum and mlUialton ol.
aid land l
i..hm Mitallf lerey Brna, I t '.')
aud, U HorTutd, ell 4 I-hi. oi
H f. tallK.
tn n aitf
Notice of Intention.
1 A Iff 'irrirl AT Vl'l7 tHi I M filiK'i".
I t 1ll. M a.l". la ket
Notice of Intention.
I ASH OrrH R AT THK DAl.l.rit. OKItdON.
j Man h. . !. Nolle I hereliy lven
lliat lh lollowlng namwl aeltler ha Died no
tlra ol hla Intention lo mak Hnal pronl In uie
poll ol hla claim, and that aald 1-rnol win o
mad bedm J, W. Morrow, lotinly Clerk, at
Hei.uurr, Uregon on April l. I", !:
ltd. f Kn m, lor Hi Ke . lo, Tp. I N. R.
r w. M.
II name that fotlowln wltneaae to firnv
hi eoiitliiiioo rewldatic upoe and rultlvallne
ol. aall laud, vie
I harley Van Winkle, rranel Kilkenny, liar.
Dev ladierty, John kllkemiy. of lalioway. Of,
1:1 HI. Ja. r. M'Miaa, Mrdaier.
timlier Culture, f ina7 Proof.
Noll for Pabliealloa.
IASI) (if Pit I! AT THK HAI.I.M. nrtR'IOX.
j Man-h i: NMIi-w I harcby elvaa
llial Andrew Keanev, ol lilnflon. m...n
kaa aied "!! id Intetitliin l mat nnal t.r.Mr
bet'tra I. W, Morrow, eiMiniy rUrk at hla i.flu
In Hipner. nt. .m. on nalnrday th mh day
i.l M-i, l"i, on 1 l'nlr I ullorw ai plli allna
Su 7i. Inr lha Pw. nnanee of aar'Min of ho
In Inan.lilp hn. Ik Hant tin A tat
He name a wllneaa. Jan.M ( inert, ken
tn !.-, I C. Thowtaun, J ante LIi,IIbI
lkn(Uin, Urevu.
iA. P. MKirlK.
I Keglater,
Ha will rnalto it ao oliject for you to trade with
Lira aa him prices are right, aod all gooda that ho
handle are of the very boat
Store on Main Street, Next Door
to City Drug Store,
Hoppnor, Oregon.
flU WW W aaVaV. I4 3T JaTai. agaV JLq
uror to C. a Van Iuyn. frit door lo City Hotel.
Has everything In tho line of Fresh Groceries,
Candies, Nuts, ond also keeps Crockery,
Lamps and Tinware.
Stock is Completo. Notions a Specialty,
7F5TT TiTrrS co
aVttoriii?y nt
by ft. IN!
ihm (...!.. 1 1. nax.d aeiil.f kaa eid iwm
ol t,la inlenlH-) make iat w( la K,t
btierui '! ! aald f will I- (eada
ll..r. il,. rMtnif n'k nl M'.-w rnnaty al
lliH'W'. t, m May I. !, ti-
ra r l. i'if, Mt it n ?.
for lh krV aertwi IT, II HHt W M
lla mm ll.e II wlli..i In .
Iila enntinu'eia MUwa awd 'lill'll-i
I tai l la.i I eta ,
J M liar. Je ftut.m. J C Kirk. Ja ' .
In.l. all ad MMwef, l'l"
m 9 Moour
O etrtf
Notice of Intention.
t Al rfK AT THK iiM.t r oar.iii
I t Marrh , H.rfl.a la her-l.r len Ilia
Ih lulliia In named iller ha nu-d IMHle
lua ImefiUon to mat anal -red In an p..rt nl
herriain. and I '.at aald will im xala
Iwl.ire J t MoeniW eiunly clerk, t lle..or,
tneon, on Mat i. i
AMim A Ml II WK.
lid f o Vai. t II.. r' II, tad
H r', II. 1HMJI
Himm In ..ll.iw n wltneaae to yMi
hi. eo. ,n.,,. a realdeie upon i.d mill. alio
ttl aald land,
, imer i..i,tfr, frnk flenl'y. W, O, Broil.
Ji.na haiv.n. all id He.wer oinjun
a r, Mixmr.
All boaloee alUeUil lo lu m prompt an J tlafarttjr
naaaar. Nolarle 1'aUie and Oulleriny.
orricr. is national hank i:ciliino.
HF-rPKEH, i I I ; I
. iL., . J
D. J. McFaul, M. D.
At J.
) t'I'ICIS t
44 r H'Wier I
nf .lel,a and Iwaahl a lo.llla ol '
. - m a -v "J A T r4 ri,..!.!.!.'. I'.la lUla In i Manama ' ... . .....
riiiiii l i iii iiii ii ' Mot ce cr nni ttuitmtm.
II II 1 1 1 1 1 V I AninniiTjN Afet.fkHiiiw,.-vnt,)IMt,y;r;
I 1 1 I 1 I I M I I'lllllllllll l eed, ran eKeeffnlly t-m- ( , .UMI 4-.ii.'.'ra.,rf M i e.-i
IlVA'aa-'v'k" I I I. ak tUih ei.ii lie .e.t H (!
AW (Mi I
ad. i
ar fi f-'
tt a fa I
UutlMii"tioi C-tiartiiAtoocl.
)H t4 a.'St I., tnf .f a e
J I I - V. 'te nulWe, J.
jr. rf a'w ei ' e" hnT .ll. Vf i
o.af 4 IlrJit. Vttf .
e-mrt Mn.MW I .nlf at H,lt..t,
, la Ml h-. e !( '. , I
m.i I v,.f . te tk h 4 'ar t-
- "'tCOlLlCTl0m
I. I f I i. f. ' I M Ktl ('.' fake.
siiNcmraiiL Nutiii! lULi;
Do You Want a Rig ?
Don't You Want a Place to
Put up Your Team ?
Are You in Need of a Saddle
Horse ?
All thfa can U procured at Tli.tnjnri k Hinn. !r Main Stffet,
He pjiorr, Orfguo.
Tliaa ranttemaa r wall aralled wltk nrnt. Ma"y Cfm- flfllaaa tad other vtU,
and e a . nvney ad tl- la aal ! -" wllk tra.ailr.
frteeela kefn all IncUnee.
J. C. .BOItC 1 1 KHS, Prop.
1 "' :
(Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquurs and Cigars.