Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, April 14, 1896, Image 2

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For Presidential Elector!,
T. T. OEER ol Marlon County
E. L. SMITH of Waaco County
J. F. CAPLES, of Multnomah County
8. M. Yoran, of lane County
For 8upeme Judge,
ROBEBT 8. BEAM, of Eugene.
For Congress, 2d District,
W. R. ELLIS, of Heppner.
For Circuit Judge, 6th District,
8TEPHEN A. LOWELL, of Pendleton.
For Proaecutlng Attorney, 6th District,
B. J. BEAN of Pendleton.
For Member Board of Equalization,
CHARLES JOHNSON, of Lexington.
For Representative,
J. N. BROWN, of Heppner.
For Sheriff,
ANDREW ROOD, of Hardman.
For Clerk,
A. W. PATTERSON, of Heppner.
For Judge,
A. G. BARTHOLOMEW, of Alpine.
For Treasurer,
FRANK GILLIAM, of Heppner.
For Commissioner,
J. W. BECKETT, of Eight Mile.
For Assessor,
A. C. PETTEYS, of lone.
For Surveyor,
JOHN HORNOR, of Heppner.
For School Superintendent,
For Coroner,
DR. B. F. VAUGHAN, of Heppner.
The Remarkable Vitality of
Aged Californian.
Stands To-day Unscathed by Disease How
Conquered Rheumatism-His Story Will
Interest and Benefit all Old Folks.
From The Examiner, San Francisco, Cal.
Josticti and Constables.
For Sustice of the 1st District,
For Constable of 1st District,
For Justice of 2d District,
J. 8. YOUNG.
For Constable of 2d District,
For Justice of 3rd District,
For Constable 3rd District,
For Justice of 4th District,
For Constable of 4th District,
For Justice of 5th District,
For Constable of 6th District,
For Justice of 6th District,
For Constable of 6th District,
For the last two or three months
upon picking up the Oregonian, or
any other of the great subsidized
single standard daily papers, the
first thing you will see is such ex
pressions as "the silver craze is
dying," "the silver craze is dead,"
and containing articles calling bi-
metallists bucu endearing names
as "lunatics," "fools" and "mad
It might be well to inform the
writers of these articles that no
good cause ultimately fails. If the
silver cauBe is a failure, why is it
assailed with such bitterness? A
dead cause cannot do any harm
"Why do bankers, money lenders,
and capitalists oppose it, raise
funds to lenittt it, and flood the
country with literature opposing
the free coinage of silver if the
cause is dend? Tho silver issue is
not a failure. It dominates the
majority of the south and the entire
west It controls numerous legis
laturea. It holds tho senate of the
United States. Although but an
infant in ago, yet this little giant
of reform has put its foot on the
head of tho golden serpent and a
silver victory is already swinging
in the air.
Because the advocates of silvei
are not always elected, that does
not prove that tho cause is a fail
tire. Patriotism was not a failure
when the army of the noith met
with defeat at Hull Hun. The cause
of independence was not a failure
because the colon iota failed at
Bunker 1 1 alt. These are things
that the golditos should remember.
The man who imagines that the
silver cause is dead never made a
greater mistake in Lis life, and do
one knows thii better than the
single standard advocates them
selves, or they would not publish
so many long, virulent and lying
articles kicking at what tbey cal
the dead carcaaa of free silver,
-Baker City Blade.
ELLIS telegraphed do one to see
that the Carey faction was ad
milled to seats io the congreaaion
al convention, til is friends stood
by him roily and unselfishly, and
Dow that he is the nominee, it bo.
hooves all republicans to stand bt
the entire ticket and elect every
man. If bolting was indulged in
every time one failed to have hi
own sweet way, br there woul
never b any teed of conventiona,
because it is a game that all ran
play at and some icpl hare tie
faculty cif remembering ft good
long while. The (larrtte believes
that perfect hartnoor will prevail
in every if t of the state and that
grand victory will bs Ins result
Till tickets, state, congreional
and county, are Dow all in the
field, and the voter Las an oppor.
tanily to mVe rompariann. The
0slU Mieves thai the repub.
beta ticket will compare favorably
with any if litem, and that it
a a I .a
SUoui.l l aupli-MU-I hf all re-
There is at least one happy man in
Sao Franoiaoo today one man who can
enjoy, despite the fact of his being sixty
years of age and of oorpnlent bmld, the
fall end free use of all the powers of
mind and body.
James Keen an is a prominent liquor
dealer at 256 Brannan street, and it is
be who is now landing those who have
restored him from a bed of pain to bis
former youthful aetivity. Mr. Eeeoan
bad, to within a year ago, been blessed
with the enjoyment of almost perfeot
health. He bad never known what it
was to be confined for weeks at a time
upon a conoh of painful disease, nor
even to lose the vigorous action of
mind or limb wbiob bad enabled him,
through the many yeare of bis business
life, to perform bis daily tasks unaided
and uoadvised.
It was a year ago that Mr. Keenan
first suffered the hand of disease to take
bold upon him. At that time be was
triken down by an aggravated at took
f rheumatism, which robbed him of the
use of bis lower limbs and of both bis
ands. For fully six weeks he lay on
his oouob, a helpless viotim of the dread
isease, and all the time he suffered in.
tense pain in the affeoted portions of
his body. He could cot mere himself
pon bis bed, and all that he ate bad to
be fed to bim by tbose in attendance.
He had about despaired of ever gaining
reloase from the clutches of the fright
ful disease, when one morning his atten
tion was drawn to an advertisement in a
morning paper, of a remedy for rbenma
tism. Tbe story of what suoceeded this
casual glance at a medioine advertise
ment can best ba told in tbe worda of
Mr. Keenan himself, who when asked
for an explanation of his seemiogly
miraculous on re, gave the following
acoount :
It seemed to me that after all tbe
weeks of terrible suffering that I bad
endured there could not possibly be a
relief. I bad no faith io patent medi
oines, and when I saw in a paper tbe
advertisement of William's Pink Fills
I was Induoed to try them only in sheer
desperation. I did not feel any relief
until I began taking the second box of
tbe pills, but then the pain began grada
ally to leave me, my appetite became
better, and I could sleep soundly
throughout the night without experienc
ing any of tba jerking pains that bad
before kept ma awake, I oontioaed to
take tbe pills and it was only a short
time until the rheumatism bad entirely
left my bands, and I bad so far reoov
erert tbe use of my legs as to be able to
walk about the house without assistance
la about two weeks more I was en
tirely free from the disease, but 1 took
two more boxes of the pills as a pre
caution against a return of tbe rben
mutism. From tbe lima that the last
traoe of the disease left me I have not
flt tbe leatt sign of its return, and
can truthfully say that I cow enjoy as
free oaa of my limits aa ever I did before
the rheuroatiuro attacked ma.
have taken the pain to recommend
William's Fink 1'illa to a number of ra
friends who are suffering from rbea
matism. I think I koow of no other
remeJ that will afford snob quick and
permanent relief from rbmroatiatn sad
William's Fink Fills, and I only hop
that man) others mar be bronghl to see
and foal tbe high curative powers that
the pitta poaseaa."
The foll iwins ease was also called to
the attention of tbe Examiner, shortly
after tbe publiratioa of lbs above, and
la aiveo bars vouched for by tbat great
Four years t at tbe lime of tbe
troolile between tbe United Btates and
Chill, as a result of tbe killing of tbe
sailors of tbe U. S. M. Baltimore, io tbe
streets of a Chilian oity, many Americans
were obliged to leave the country for
safety. Among them was W.M.Lugg, tbe
private detective and collector, whose
offioe is in the Crooker Building, San
Franoisoo, Cal.
When Mr, Lugg left Chili be went
aoross tbe mountains into Argentine,
traveling on mulebaok.
Mr. Lugg save that the trip is a de
lightful one in point of beautiful scen
ery and cerfeot weatber, but many
people dislike to undertake it on ao-
oount of tbe unbealtbful stagnant water
wbiob tbey are compelled to drink along
tbe way. Many persona have been
atriokeo down with disease from having
drank of it, and in a cumber of oases
tbe attaoks have proven fatal. The
native Chilians drink the water without
injury to their systems, but it bag a bad
effect upon tbose who Bre not used tr. it.
"I fell a iotim to the injurious qual
ities of tbe water," said Mr. Lugg. "It
affeoted my kidneys to an alarming de
gree. When I got over into Argentine
thought tbe trouble wonld gradually
leave me, but instead of tbat it grew
more aggravated and I Buffered terribly
from pains in tbe region of my kidneys.
was en route to Chicago and I deter
mined to reach my destination before
tbe oomplaiot should grow so serious
as to con fine me to my bed. Upon
reaobing Chioago I at once consulted a
physician, who told me my kidneys bad
been affected by drinking polloted
water. He treated me for some time for
that complaint, but I grew steadily
worse and new ailments were added to
my already serious condition. I began
to have neuralgic pains in my bead, my
spine was affeoted with shooting pains
and I bad no control over the urinary
organs. It was next to impossible for
me to get any sleep. I lay awake many
a night aofferiig the most intense pains,
and the pbysioiao unable to relieve
"Bat relief came at last One day one
of my friends cams to my room and
handed me a box of Williams' Fink
Pills. Of oourse I laughed at bim for
daring to think tbat any patent medi
cine could aid me when my pbysioiao
bad failed. I took tbe pills, however, to
oblige my friend more than for any faith
I bad io them, and I wa. treated to the
most joyous surprise of my life when I
realized tbat I was being relieved of my
pains. First tbe peculiar paios aloog
my apine ceased, and tbeo my neuralgic
trouble b'gan to grow less and finally
left me entirely. It took a good while
to Improve the condition of my kidoeys,
but after I bad lakeo a number of boxes
of the pills I knew tbat tbey bad done
their work successfully, for then I bad
regained control of the urinary organa
and tbe aotioo of my kidoeys was strong
and steady.
Wbeo I thought I was out of danger
I quit taking the pills. Tbe relief they
bad afforded was permanent, however,
and I have never since felt a reonrrenoe
of the complaints. I hardly know bow
to praiee Williams' Fiok Fills as tbey
should be praised. Tbey onrlaiuly are a
wonderful preparation. I have reooai
mended them to a camber of my friends
who were saffuriog from kidney ooro-
plaints, and tbey bave all beta benefited
by Ibfir nse."
Dr. Williams' Fink Fills fur Fle Feo
p's are cow given to tbe public as ao
unfailing blood bnilJvr tod nerve re-
atorer, caring all forms of weakorea
arising frcm a watrry ooo.l.ti o of tbe
blond or baltr-m! net Tee. Tbe pills are
"14 by all d.'al, re, or will be aant poet
paid on reerit.t of pike tJ cents a box
or sit boi.-a for 12 So (they are sever
old ia bulk or by the liXIJby addreaeinf
Dr. Willi. in.' Mr.llcii e Company, Hobe-
o lady, N. i.
Chioago has a mau who has been ao
unfortunate ainoe the democrats went in
power that he stands ready to commit
any orime io the decalogue for $5,000.
Bead this letter: "For $5,000 I will sell
myself to anybody or anyone wishing a
slave. I well do anything tbe buyer
asks, drudge aa bis stave or kill myself,
insured in bis favor. I will kill or steal,
taking all tbe responsibilities myself.
"Do not think tbat I am insane, for I
am not. I am only tired of futile honest
efforts to keep my mother and myself
from starvation einoe the democrats
were eleoted and my old mother's re
maining days I bave dreamed of making
brighter. I have knowledge enough to
make a Holmes, detection being beyond
human possibility. Ooly partial knowl
edge is dangerous, and unfortunate pas
sionates,only halt rascals, only iD.oomt.e
tent Booaodrjls are detected.
"I have tried to be honest nnd to see
a brother in everyone suffering. Slan
der and deceit have been my reward,
hunger my follower. Now I am tired
of it and would die, not to be spoiled by
a Christian, democratic world. But I
have an old mother, and for her I will
sell myself to hell, if hell will pay me,
as heaven does not seem to oare for
honest effort.
"I am too poor now to tura a success
ful eoonndrel independently. I have
waited too long, and so I am for sole.
Answer this prayer if you bave tbe oasb
and desire to buy me. I am no man for
half measures and will stay good foe the
Oontraot. Chioago Tribune.
During the winter of 1893. F. M
Martio, of Long Reach, West Va , con
tracted a severe cold whioh left him
with a cough. In speaking of bow be
cured it be says: "I used several kinds
ot oougb syrup but found no relief until
I bought a bottle of Guamberlt-in's
Cough Remedy, which relieved me
almost instantly, and in a short time
brought aboat a complete cure." When
troubled with a oongh or cold use this
remedy and you will not find it neces
sary to try several kinds before yon get
relief. It has beeo in tbe market for
over twenty years and constantly grown
in favor and popularity. For ante at
50 cents per bottle by Uonser & Brock,
A Great German's Prescription.
Diseased blond, coostipntiou, and kid
ney, liver and bowel troubles are cured
by Karl's Clover Root Tea. For eale by
Wells & Warren.
Easter Number of tbe New York Ledger.
The Easter number of the New York
Ledger baa a remarkably beautiful de
sign on its cover a girl holding down
a bougb of apple blossoms tbat com
pletely enshrouds the yontbful figure,
which treads upon spring Sonera and
This number ot tbe Ledger has a
charming etory, entitled "Her Easter
Gown," by the author of "Jack's Easter
Hymn," on its first page; delightful
Easter poems by Mrs Kidder and Mary
Mitohell; ao interesting article on "The
Moral Bnd Religious Character of Abra
ham Lincoln," by Rev. S. T. Wills; con
tinued stories by Laura Jean Libbey,
Seward W. Hopkins, John R. Musiok
nnd Effie Adelaide tiowlands, together
with tbe Woman's World, answers to
correspondent, children's column, short
stories and muob iaterreating misoel
looy. Ptice of Easter number 5 cents.
A Waltz by Sous.
John Philips Sousa will Contribute tbe
musical feature of the April Ladies'
Home Journal. Tbe famous head
master has been icduoed to turn aside
from marches to write a watlz, which be
has christened "The Colonial Dames
Catarrh Cared,
Health and sweet breath secured, by
Sbilon s Catarrh Remedy, rnoe 50c.
Nasal iujeotor free.
Fills Do Mot Care.
Pills do not oare constipation. They
only aggravagate. Karl's Clover Root
Tea given perfeot regularity of tbe
bowels. For sale by Wells and Warren
Consumption Can be Cared
By the use ot Sbiloh's Cure. This
great Cough Cure is tbe only known
remedy for that terrible disease. For
sale by Wells & Warren
Tin Astotia Herald is -olid for
Ellis. Good for tbe Herald.
VlCTons mast be magnanimoua.
We can afford to bo quarreled at
by some who cannot bave Kllis
To I Weston Loader eati that
there are worse men tn this world
I ban Ellis. Yoa can bet ou that
proposition, Clark.
IIos, T. II. Toxote, aa ft randU
date for congress np io the first
district, will run like a race horse.
He will take np and complete the
g.I wotk Iwgno by Mr. Her
mann. The Oaietto's gw4 wishes
are with Tongna.
Tbe golditra are cow agitating
the putting up of an independent
candidate for conrewa t ran on ft
single standard t'Utforra in rppo.
aition to Mr. l llis, Huoh a move
on their part will accomplish
very little in Kaatera Oregon.
Tat Faro Kecord.of rndleUo,
has paaiMsl io ila checks, died in
inf atse y, as it a ere. VAir Nelson
announce that he will now tUvote
bis entire tits and attention to
fia . a . . i
ooii g j hi prtouriff. an t tn Ibis
hop thai I, may b tery suv.
ful. aattatpta Lata a haril lima
ltUtos aw4 twJayt udcutft. pf it trying to live their daja.
Miss IIaiuiiette C. Wootmrrr,
the present Inrutubent of the
sthool supeiiulct.d'nt's office in
Umatilla county, but ho failed of
a retioiuinalioo at the bands of the
poopto's party, wlii.ro !. repre
sents, has sm.ouiiced that she il
be an indi-tiondi'bt f tudi late. Mias
WmblrulT has toads an excellent
ofhYUI at.d sin) was urged to take
t til step l.y her fiKMi.la a ho think
that she Iim a i.d chanc of
Till populist platform teems
aith demands and pledge of re
form and cutting down of salaries
generally, jet the sheriff of Oh
eotiaty serenely" draws his salary
which was materially increased at
the last eiio of tb legislature
W. C. T. D. Convention.
The annual county convention of the
Morrow county Woman's Christian Tem-
peraooo Union will ba held io Heppner
beginning Wednesday, April 22 at 1:30
p. m. and closing Friday at noon.
Mr. Iteroissa White Kinney, state
president, will be present throughout
the time and will deliver an address on
the evening ot the 23rd. Hubjeot, "The
demand of tbe century." "
A full program is being arranged and
will appear in Friday's usee ot this
We not only invite our frieuJs to at
tend these meetings, but urge all to at
tend whether especially interested In
temperance work or not.
Speaking ot Mri. Kinney, the Salem
Statesman has the following to say:
"Mre.'Naroiiiae White Kinoer made, at
the state fair, a forty miuute speech on
temperance and prohibition, filled with
powerful argument woven together
grnoefallr and delivered with a power of
eloquence and clearness of voice at once
pleasing and convincing. There was
nothing dry, tanatioal or narrow in her
noble address. It was broad, practical
aod unanswerable a grand plea for the
borne and the firesidn. The appeal of a
representative wife and mother to bave
the blight of the liquor traffic removed
irom tbe yontu ot our land.
It "ill lie an agreeable surprise to
persons silt et to aUs.ks of billions
eolio lo learn tbxt prompt rlief may be
had by taklnir t'harolierlmn'a Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoo R.me.ly. Io
many inatrtnees the attacks may be pre
vent! by lakiug this remedy as soon aa
the flmt aymptoroa of the disease appear.
25 and 50 cent hotline Inr sale by Coaaer
A Brock, druggists.
and by virtue ol an execution insued out
of the Circuit Court ol the State of Oregon for
tne i ouniy 01 Morrow, on wurcn in. iw.m, ana to
me directed and delivered, upon a judgment
rendered and entered in said Court on the 5th
day of March. 1KU6, in favor of J. H Townnend,
Plaintiff, and analnst Thomas Walden. W. G.
Soott and O. W. Harris. Defendants.Jor the sum
of Three H u nd red Korty-eigh t and 10-100 ($)4S. 10)
uonars wnn lnieresi inereon irom said 6tn ol
March, at the rate of ten per cent per an
num and Twenty-five ($25.00) Dollarsattorney's
fee and the further sum of Sixty-four and 89-100
()!) Hollars costs: and. whereas, bv said
judgment it was ordered and adjudged that the
luuowing aescnoea real properly, to-wie: w4
of section 24 in Tp. 1 north, range 25, E. W. M.,
be sold to satisfy said judgment, costs and ac
cruing costs. I will, on
Saturday, the 25th day of April. 1896
at 2 o'clock, P. M., of said day. In front of tha
uoutt nouse in neppner. Morrow :ountv.
Oregon, sell the right, title and Interest of the
said Defendants In and to the above described
iroperry at Public Auction to the highest and
lest bidder f r cash In hand, thn nnieeedi tn ha
applied to the satisfaction of said execution and
an costs, ana costs mat may accrue
24-3. G. W. HAR KINGTON,
Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon.
Dated March 16, im.
x and by virtue of an execution Issued out
of the Circuit Court of the Mate of Oregon for
the County of Morrow on March 10, WW. and to
me directed and delivered, upon a judgment
rendered and entered In said court on the 5th
day of March, WM, In favor of The Northern
Counties Investment Trust (Limited) Plaintiff,
and against G. W. Stewart, James D. Hamilton,
O. W. Harrington, Administrator, Addie Harvln
and J. N. Hrown, 1'efendants. for tha sum ot
Thirteen Hundred Two ahd 4-100 (I1W.0I) Doll
ars, with Interest thereon from March 5, WM, at
the rate of eight per cent per annum and One
Hundred Dollars attorney's fee. and the further
sum (if Kiftv.flv nri tiluinn tt'A IUU ltnli.H
and. whereas by said judgment It was ordered
and adjudged that the following described real
property, to-wit: 1 he Wtj of 8 of seetloa ao,
W of SW'-i, K'4 SK'i.aihl NWUol HKU section
ji,iiiirn,oi on section .vz. all in Tp. os,
K. Zi K. W. M., be sold to satisfy said ludirment.
i . .... i . ' "
coin aim nucrmug cihib. I will, Oil
Saturday, the 25th day of April. 1898
at 2 o'clock, P. M of mild day, at the frontdoor
ol the Court Houselu Heppner, Morrow County,
Oregon, sell the right, title and liilarestof the
Sinn I'elendnnts lu and to the aUive described
property at Piihlio Auction to the highest and
best bidder fur cash In hand, the proceeds to be
applied to the sntlafactiou of said execution and
all cmts, and costs that nmy accrue.
il-Ji. . V. HAKKI MiTll",
Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon.
Dated March 10. lmsi.
A Rahy's l.lfe Hac4.
"My baby bad orotip and waa saved by
SMInh's Cnre." write. Mrs. J. B. Martin.
of lluntsville, Ala. For,ml by Wells
S. II' - '
Aihor day was reserve a" at tbe college
aod a tree was planted in memory of
Itobt. Ervin.
Tbe bnye wbo take p-rt io tbe flld
ports find It very difficult to train
owing to tbe rainy weather.
The second leans of tbe college paper
will be out about tbe n.ldJIe it tbe
mn(b. This paper is edited entirrly
by the aludente.
Tbe Berbers of the senior elaae tbat
will speak oa eenlr day bave been ee
Ueied by tbe faculty. Home bare their
abjorie partly com pl ltd
rrnfeeeora HrJ.Iri k and CorJUy bava
prepared boom valqable work oa spray
ing Tbee eirrirunti bave beea
made bare at the college so l are taett
I'm'. i1rh, a bo waa until last year
a pfofeeaor nf mathematics ia tbe O. A.
C. Bow employed ia the Eageae ani
vrity, dlivr4 a Iretore bare on the
sill -l "Kvoloiioa from Ibe standpoint
of Christianity."
Pn tvr.
Corvalha, April IV.1.
and by virtu of an execution lunnl mil
of the Circuit I 'oil it of the Mate of Oregon lor
the County nl Morrow, March IA, lMti, and to
me directed anil delivered upon a judgment
rendered and entered In said court on the 'id
nay oi Man n. imi. III lavorol Ihomss I,. INr
man, I'taluilff, and agaliiht (ieorve W. Junkln,
Iiefendant. for Hie sum ol Sixteen Hundrml ami
Slty-rive illtMtsi) Dollar with Ink-rest lliereon
limn waren a. ii. at the rare ol tenner pent
per annum and One Hundred Ifcdlais attorney's
lee and tin further iiun of Twenty Dollar nla;
and. whereas, by aald Judgment It was ordered
and adjudged that the following drerrthed real
pmnenr, to wn: ar.v ami N, ol section
In Tp. 3 a. K. VI K. W. , be sold to satisfy u
jiiiiaineiii, roais ana accruing coeia. I will, on
Saturday, the 25th day ef April. 1898
at '1 o'clnrk I' M..nl said day, al the frontdoor
oi in oun nous in Heppner, Morrow County,
Oregon, sell lh right, title and Interest nf the
said IMendant lu and to the above described
property al Public Auction to Ilia hliheat and
be! bidder for rash In hand, Ihe prowls Io he
pHiro m in santiarima oi sainexecullon and
all cuata, and nail that may arem.
Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon.
Dated Man n !, Ii,
erriei or
Dear Sir:
You are) entitled to receive
PR E from your wholesale dealer,
BlackwelTs Genuine
Durham Smoking
Tobacco you buy. One bar
of aoap Free with each pound,
whether 16 oz., 8 oz., 4 oz., or
a oz., packages.
We have notified every whole
gale dealer in the United States
that we will supply them with aoap
to give you FREE- Order a good
supply of GENUINE DURHAM at
once, and insist on getting your
soap. One bar of Soap FREE with
each pound you buy. Soap Is
offered for a limited time, so order
to-day. Yours very truly,
lo Retail
Ie If you hara any difficulty In procuring your
aoap, cut out tnis notice ana sena it wltn
your order to your wholesale dealer.
This has become an established market for Eastern Oregon, Washington and Idaho
wools. Last season three million pounds were received here by rail from Huntington,
Baker City, Heppner, Arlington, and from Yakima, Spokane, Lewiston, Walla Walla and
Intermediate stations.
Low freight rates are given on shipments to Pendleton for scouring and packing in
transit. Many of the leading buyers make this place headquarters, and all large opera
tors frequently visit Pendleton warehouses. As a market this place is equalled only by
The Dalles in quantity of wool which attracts competition, with this advantage :
From no point in the Northwest, Portland
included, is wool shipped East at less ex
pense than from Pendleton.
Water competition has not afforded suf
ficiently low rates upon wool in the grease
and dirt, to equal the lower expense in
curred by shipping only clean, scoured
wool from Pendleton.
Owing to thia fact Pendleton buyers are enabled to pay as much or more for wool
at this point than is averaged at other places having reputations as "high market,"
based upon exceptional sales of fancy lots of light wools. Considering character of wool,
and shrinkage, it may safely be claimed that the average sales in Pendleton
Net the Grower more Cash for the same amount of
wool than can be obtained in any other Market in
the State.
Roe tal Ayrre M Ik Warkl a Fair
Ayar'a Hareaahlla ttjj ja lha r ttra-.f
dinar Jilinrlia of harm ra (he o.
Mmt.l t.urifW ali, an tihit.it al the
U'urM'a fair, l'l 1 . v Manafaetttrtra
of r!br earaaparillaa avtOrfM by wry
taMuL,M.lftaakn.iH. .Ilk-.. I
at tie instauce i( the 0e diuolf 1 tet ? ar all lara. away nn.i.f it
T. J. CurTo. rpraioUt.ir
at tlif at aoaaion tf the Ifgia
laturr rtvsMTrvl th tiomioatioo
laat ek tor promoting attnrnrjr
tf tha tfth juiiciaj tliatnrL Tl.ia
ia cm of tbe t&'t important tlia.
tricta io tba atata. lb Oaiaite
are 1 Vwf
M ! hy adiyii. ,
!, I '. frW ttt fl
tfci tel. I 1 ... . .
figratoUti Mr. CJnIb oohia,, .. hy w.r k
at !alt a of It rata f 'U. lira lb
enirs nf paler.! m.!iin and noatrama.
Tha tleatama of lha Wofl.Te fair aattio.
mix la fanf of Ayar'a Haraatnirilia waa
la tlfrAt aa fol Iowa; "Asar'a rtareapa
rtlla M ol a alanl l.ltlra.
kl bl.i o tba il o aoatram. Il aa
ba nr it tnrnle."
a l-"ll
I' ani v virtue ul an etiviitlon latum! out
01 V t lirull court ol th atala ol Un-fonlor
the ( ..ni.tr l Morrow, on Marrh la, ,nA tn
me dlrvf-lrd and deliver.!, upon a Judemml
rvodrrvl an. enlrml In aalil lourt on thMti
oar 01 rvn. iv in favor ot K F llmhra.
I'lalnllir. awl alnt Henry klly, lln.Uiil,
'ie 'i"i "i "n nimciri rnfrts aoq
Kim -VI liollara, llh liiirrM lhrr
an imia Marrli th ih. !. at Ihe
rate ol ln f rril. prt annum and aitiv
lllar attoniv fc and ih Inrthot sum of
Ttalriv l.wr and n l ( Ih.ll.r t-itt.
and, hrraa l.vaald ).i.lmnl II uiiMm
and al)iil(n thai Ih loiloalnt dnrrlonl rrcl
lr.,trtr. io wii Routs half of ih north hall of
rriioa ini io, ami t hl ol ax-tl'.n
lntf -lhn. all In to' nMp laaouih. rnr
iw.i.if ! mm. . , u la Mtify ai4
ud(ianl, Mxuand aerrulnf roata. I a III, oa
Caturway, tna 28ttt day af Aarll.1098
al I a rl.r V M . ol Mid Amy l Ih front d..f
ol Ih t'onrl Hon In H&iiiwf 11, arm i ,mi.
)rpoii. wil ah Ih nab!, line and Inirrvrt oi
in ni'1 itaipiiManl Inan l U I h nrriM
i-nfriT l r.ii.u nrt..a Willi hihl and
t bid le l..r ra)i la band. Ih aru is h
l l..l. lu Ih aiilrioi of ai. laruUot and
a i nww, aiwi rii iai may acru
n . ti m hki0T(.i.
ftbcrtf nf tlntrea I aimlv. VTrmnm.
ril Marrb I.
V'tiriry. ia itrurnv i.iri tiuti xmb
i and bv tl'lii ol aa uUoa ImiwH m,t
o th i in-uii i ,nirt ol Ih Mate ,4 t ,,
It, 1 nunlt ol M.rtri, t Man h IT. IK and in
nni'wrt ni iiowi atna a ) .i.nt
rn.lrrl a d tr.. la aH 1 mti on lb Jd
'l"Hi la ki n l.oo.r w Hr
rtit.-a n .-nli..lr,i,.r c4 ik. rlaio
4.c m Mt. il-.. fiainnaj.
l'l JM l Hamliloo, ia llamlllrtn
i ,", s'lK I In. end Th b.rtlhora
Inanllrt n4mbl Tt, fntll11 f.
lo th .ini ol tNt 1 knnon'l l!llh
lnHl tlMnn Inna Ji, ll. at Ih ft
rf rhl "r n m n and 1 r- nMlrv
l-l Inl ). llat attnfMf Im. end Ih
.l IhMl.ui n Hint Mi and So HI mlln)
! an.. hf Ivl ) 4an M
rlrrv4 and aV""l. Ihnl l loi nalkl Si
r"'l nl .m In an . al '.
i ". 'I Is l a I K , and 1
-d nl aiiina I. "4
"'" 1 a. i. a M . htM to
"t Maaia aad awraingiwn
Iwl.t aa
Tb at r-(b raa
I Philoa'a car 4 flala (
la daaama. Ui p It al caa
I tataraay, K I Jib, .ay a4 AHI,1S9ft
, t , n rum r W , ol l rf, lh ,m m
a- o. in 1 o.' H in njf.nr a I ,.
l...n.u . i.r.n n ll.a m,h . ,
... , . . . ... IMH n.i-U.. M lit k,r4w
I krfri.na, Ilf4, l't.li a .t '' r-i if ii l i tn. ki,k4 ,,4
h.M k !.. . tl .j I. . n I wa ! I l
a.. m.uli;i ... )Wfc, a,4.,a,ttM
al barer. a. - a a4 ii i -.n.
la II 11. tuapaa. - Miiitn,
Ti a! kf Wlla Warn. ul
A m
The Thoroughbred Running Stallion will
stand the season at
Terms: $20 for the season. All mares
over one from the same stable will be bred
for S5 less, each.
Swamp is a Dam Bay, 16 hands moh; Star ih face, Two white
' "'VlT' fmp by Ion; flrt dam, Orrgnn Rosa, she by Tiptop: he bv Im
portant orr.t 0m; 1 1 plop Oral dam, Hrlhrey, she by Imported Bumil Hcotland Oron Koae'i
tlrt dam. orapnhot; she by Bin sshoi; he by Imported ltm kton; third dam, Hallle Uoriaa. by
John Morgan; ha by imported HoverrUQ.
Can forniab cckkI naBtara at t.1T nor mnnili nr lmA Ri
- - . M f a IhV a IVO
lee payable when mare ia eerved, either by cash or cood note.
GEO. C. AIKEN, Owner.
Columbia River and Puget Sound Navigation Co
lark and Nabrotla. ttrl conorolioo with lla-.e alaataer godrail
road; also at Yoaog't Hay with Peat,ra Railroad.
Uavee ronlao4 lis. Pally, e.cpt aUB4.y. u,va Asiorta 1 r M. Ully. od lo.day.
haiijbv OATsr.anT
Uava rartlaod P M tmlly. irn .inrta. Kt..M.t nif hi i f w lrM .
at a U A. M., esitpt aunday and Moo".,. i Joa" alybl. iTI
Uavas foniaad and rone dlrarl to llaer-o. Tnaaday and TkuKlay at A M a.i..M.. . I w
Ua.e ll.aw 1l and rrlday al 1 Al A .V?lt'"M ft!U?
Uzw Cbtxifd U EM Drj!iuti Lib lain Fret tf tiust.
for amlety, r-d, Cotafort. riu.e. Travel aa Ibe Tlpnoa. BnJWy (iMrt at4 fkosaa W..
Hotict of Intention.
I An ornrr at tmi pi i r. fmris
t Aall , l. Sattra k.n.i.. firn thai
lb lolloalnf um4 ll)at ha !. awMI. ol
b nlnto an ataa .l an4 In .i1-.ri ol
b Ulm. an4 that aud avool i: ha aalr
hiaua 1 M I ....a, . .
, - " ' . fi'rrnar,
Oraaoa. oa Mr at !. u
wno'.nn! . ran'.i swin'ri
JJ'i"4. I" v a-. v.. Tfit.
o aamaas ma !..!! Ine altn.oi. e la arm
boniinx-n roklnra ua a id .ti halloa
al i I Innd. vu
A T K ft. M A, fitden Joba f14.a l n(
taaa, ftna. and A. bk. al Hrpr..r (a,
JAa. f. Mi-.HK.
Notict of lnttnllon.
t AKtlllM kik I h.rri .w.n thai
Ifc oiii, aaoaol .; kM .af MWa of
bt Inunttoa la " an4 lm ,tr,
n liM.nd tfca M'4 an4 alii Ian m.,
knMl onnl I 4 W ..n,a i onnl. a II. i n.
aTn on H ! al,
Uflla litnV s lirtff BtVM4X,
1.4 m a, m a Ta a a ra m
aaa,vlha H". aiit .r to an
............ ti w (,(., ,..4 ,
al aM la -! v..
M M.a. ai.M a t.'ly.
aaaa ! .ial a)aana sa.4 I!,
a f,
Timber Cullurt, final Proof.
atla far raMsralba.
ay Han. iton aani . A Boika la
la llfrna. aa atoooaf. Ih -b fl.f
Al V- itiTii i!"!"" aaallranaai ba.
i.J Ih. k n, B aa it, la laaaabia
ba noma, Han a a tM, " '
M moo an
u. M. taa.nl H.yar iNwa,
4I1 a f. V'at.
1 a,(i...t.
Timbtr Vylturo. final Vroaf.
UiTrnirrTfa iao r.rn. i Atrai
l hi r S fl.M.n ttnmnm mL
:r'i' mjj ? 'ac
la r. Pl " "ba k, M
o- ...In 1..., ' TV'
ov m. ha'.n nf I... l
I ; f. at -nr