OFFICIAL sV PAPER WW liM1IMH I I I H tu n 1 1 XMI I M i i MY SUCCESS Is owing to my liberality in ad- vertis'ng. Robert Bonner. I ! ......... FREQUENT AND CONSTANT Advertising brought me all if own, A. T. Stewart. I 1 1 HI II HI Iritll liftl 1 1 1 II Ml II lM 1411'IllllM 'ft ailHi FOURTEENTH YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, TUESDAY, APRIL 14, 1896. WEEKLVrlO. 68fi SEMI-WEEKLY NO 4311 r i i i. EMI WEEKLY GAZETTE. PCBI.IHHKI) Tuesdays and Fridays BY THE PATTERSON PUBLISHING COMPANY. OTIS PATTERSON, A. W. PATTERSON. . . - Editor Business Manager At $2.50 per rear, $1.25 for six months, 75 ots. Cor three mouins. Advertising Rates Made Known on Application, THIS PAPEB is kept on file at E. C. Dake's Advertising Agency, 64 and 65 Merchant Exchange, San FranciBoo, California, where con tacts for advertising can be made for it. 0. R. & N. -LOCAL CARD. The CITY BAKERY Is dow open with fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes, etc., constantly on hand. Wedding Oakes or Pastery for sp-oial dinners baked to " order. Also oarriea a line of well-selected Groceries. Candies, Nuts, Cigars, Tobacco, etc, TWO LUNCH TABLES ... Will be kept for the accommodation of the trade. Country People stopping temporarily in town, nan set what they want very cheaply at the OITY BAKERY The Patronage of the People of Heppner is Respectfully Solicited. OTTO FRIEDRICH, Old BaKery Stand, HEPPNER, ORE. Train leaves Heppner 10:30 p. m. dally, except Sunday. Arrives 6:15 a. m. dally, except Mou iday. West bound passenger loaves WlllowB Junc ition 1:13 a. m. ; east bound 3:30 a. m. Freight trains leave Willows Junction going 'east at 7:25 p. m. and 8:47 a. m. j going west, 4:30 p. m. and 5.56 a. m. OS-OTICX-A-Xi dikbctoet. United States Officials, President ..Grover Cleveland Vice-President Ad ai Stevenson Secretory of State . Kiohard 8. Olney Secretary of Treasury John G. Carlisle Secretary of Interior. Hoke Smith SocrelBry of War Daniel 8. Laniont Secretary of Navy Hilnry A. Hnrbert Postinuster-Genoral William L. Wi son Attorney-General Judsnn Harmon Secretary o" Agriculture...... J. Sterling dlorton State of Oregon. Governor W. P. Lord Secretary of State...,, H. R, Kincaid Treasurer l'liil. Metschan Hopt. Pnlilio lnHtrartion ,.G. M. Irwin Attorney Uenoral I . IN. lineman u. w. .vioiiriae H. Mitchell Senators., is- n 1 Binger Hermann "vn"u" i."" 1 W. 11. Ellis Printer W. H. Leeds ( K. S. I! n, Snnreuie Judaea F. A. M ,Mre. , f C. E. Wolverton filxtb Judicial District. Oironit Judge Btophen A. t.owell I'roaecaun? Attorney John II. Lawrey Morrow Comity OIHrial. Joint Senator . W. Rowan Ropnentative J. 8. Boothhy I'oonty.ii'ige j'liius n.eitmj OoinmiionM J, K. Howard .1. M. Hnkr. " rinrV J. W. Morrow 11 KhnrifT G. W. lUrnnebin " TWsurer Frank (lilliara Arnxor J. f. Willi. Snnrevor Gfi. bord " School Bup't Anna Halsiger " Coroner T. W. Ayers, Jr nict'pKKn town omenta. laui Time. Morgan R iiinpilinmi O. K. Farnswiirtii. M. Lichtentbal. Otis Pttrm, T. W. Ayr, Jr., 8. 8. Horner, K. J. ttloouni. .... Kooordnr K. 1. Hallock Triyuinntr K. L. Krwlanrl Marshal A. A. Hubert I'rreiact OIBVera , Jnat.inn nf the 1m E. 1.. FrenlaDd ConsUble N. 8. Whetatnn t'Dild BUte Und (JUicers. TUB DttLU. Oa. J. t. Moore tWistw A. S. Miggs Iiecivr LA OBANDB. OB. B.F, Wilson Ugltr J. U. Kobbina lUweiver SSCBBS SXIXTISS. UAWLINS POST, NO. II. O. A. II. H nil at Lexington, Or., the but Battmlay of art montli. All veterans are inlul In Join. O C. Boon. Geo. W.Hbitb. Atliotaat. tf (ViunDMiibir. LUMBER! ttri HAVE FOR MALI AlA KINDS OF CM VT dmM Lumbar, 16 miles ol Huppner, at tnu i snow a as ut BOOTT HAWMItiLi. Fit 1,000 FEET, RUl'dU, - - CLEAR, - I too - 17 SO IF PF.UVF.Rltn IS HFI'PKFR, Sii.UU MM I.UUU (vet. ltlltonat. W1IX ADD The abort ipiolallima an slrtrtly for Cash, L HAMILTON, Prop. National BauK oi Um WI. PENLAND, CD. K. ttSHOP, I ! 1. faier. TRANSACTS A 6ENCRAI BiSHXG BCSIXES CO LI. MOTIONS kla.1 on Favor abls) Term, EXCHANGE BOUGHT & SOLD OEITSEn. tf OUEtJON Oolario-Iioms Stage Line -a r i BOBHS-GHHYOK STH9EUNE H. A. V;L'.tAW5. P op OXTAIilOliUllXS LraTM Ham I)ly at 4 p. m. an-t ar rim at OiiUrio ia 42 Mar. Single Fare $7.00. Round Trip $10.00 nunxs cas vox pmt f.H S.. I!r, rf 1.,.. -.rt',H4 I'k !' (', I'linvil. II I Llw et riru, SIMMONSX THE BEST SPRING Saw la ts Ilia In ft It 114 VI Ml. till lbfl,MN lr. Ir t a.lranr, . 1 !! ?M Hf la Ida ktjs rwtntn s at,lill J fft aa Me? ICYCLES Are the Highest of all High Grades. Warranted superior to any Bicycle built In the world, regardless of price. So not be induced to pay more money for an Inferior wheel. Insist on having the Waverlcy. Built and guaranteed by the Indiana Bicycle Co., a million dollar concern, whose bond is as good aa gold. 211b. SCORCHER $85. 221b. LADIES' $76. Catalogue free, INDIANA BICYCLE CO., HOMER H. HALLOCK, Indiakapoms, Ind., U, 8. A. Gon. Agent for Eastern Oregon, Pendleton, Or. is Simmons Liver Regulator don't forget to take it The Liver gets sluggish during the Winter, just like all nature, and the system becomes choked ud bv the accumulated waste, which brings on Malaria, Fever and Ague -and Rheuma tism. You want to wake up your Liver now, but be sure you take SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR to do t. It also regulates the Liver keeps it properly at work, when your system will be free from poison and the whole body invigorated. lou get xiici liiiisx js wjuij when your system is In AI condition, and that will only be when the Liver is kept active. Try a Liver Remedy once and note the difference. But take only SIMMONS Liver Regulator it is Simmons LIVER REGULATOR which makes the difference. Take it in powder or in liquid already prepared, or make a tea it the powder; but take SIMMONS LlVER REGU LATOR. You'll find the RED Z on every package. Look for it. , J. H. Zeilin & Co., Philadelphia. Pa, FACTS A. I 15 FACTS ! ! Vou' T en 1 at ' CAN BUY f 25.00 worth of dry goods and groceries and then have enough left out of 1100.00 to purchase a No. 1 Crescent Bicycle. This la i flrst-elass machine. Why then pay 1100.00 for a bicycle that will give no better service f THE OWEN ELECTRIC BELT CKKSCKNT "Scorcher," weight pounds, only fJ0. Ladles' and Gents' roadsters all the way from $30 to 175. "Boys' Junior, ' only $10 with pneumatlo tire a good machine. "Our Special," Men's IM; Ladles', IM. Annus.. WESTERN WHEEL WORKS, CHICAGO AND NEW YORK, Of THE PITTM PUB. Cis Heppner, Oregon, Apnitt for MORROW AND GRANT Counties. h Essls; Insliluls For tho Curo o Liquor. Opium Tobacco Habit It la lorld al Batem, Orrgoa, Th$ i!t lli-nut if ul Town on tht Cvatt Call at the 0ISTT offlra lor MrUmitara atrtrtlyeaBftdenUaL 7 1 Ml m nil prltaftni) mrf tir. A MONTH 3 -w . . V W r-W -w -v war-sr. a m s . 3 1 PAYING MILLIONS ft) ft) ft) ft) ft) (fj fmftn m m tm4 ana, ! w , ., I f mm. , (fj To rwmmi who tnrt4 In tht win of th Unilr4 Sutt-ef to their Wkiwwt, ChiMftn, or Pstrnis. (o You if iva a pri on ? IU4 Yon Nlsilva In the War of tht Rctlllo, IndUa t McbIcam War-. on whom you oVrwn4J dr support f THOUSANDS ARG ONTITLOD UNDER TUG NEW LAW T mreivt t fwnsMMi, wh now 49 t. TtMstunda unJrt tht ntw ls ift tnt iU4 to an Incrtaa U fnim, Tht fovrmmcnl swi II to ymttni It IUlng and Ansluaia to f-ijr. Why Ml prtaewt your (Ulm at !M prtaent llm f our fwaat 4mit Iron tlM llmt you apply. Now ht icrpr4 hour. l'mt fuf Uw n4 cowjtsit ln(wml,on. N Chi'ft lot tJkt. Ko fit (! (fl, Tlic Press Claims Company tttJUP W. kWm, Ocarral Manijer, M P 5(rct, WASHINGTON, D. C 9. H fW ol"l It tmstrtlU4 ay imrtf mmt ttttmmmt hmtif w S fwpaiir Ms A tM4 , W tf , . ft) ft ft) ft) ft ft) ft ft) ft) ft) ft ft) ft ft) ft) ft ft) ft ft) r. r. r. r- r. r- r. n r- 4 . r r. r- 4 SfvLiiL BLANKS. Plenty of them at the Trade Mark Or. A. Owaa FOR MEN AND WOMEN The latent and onlr anlantlfln atnA twattAnl Electric Belt made, for general use, producing .genuine current or jciectnclty, for the cure f disease, that can be readilv felt And rirn. lated both In quantity and power, and applied to any part of the body. It can be worn at any time during working hours or sleep, and WILL POSITIVELY CURE RiiKimATisn IiUIVIHAUO GENKH4L DEBILITY VAMK HACK NKHVOI S ISEASE3 VAHKOCRLK SHI L WEAKNESS IT! POTENCY KIONKV DISEASES WITHOUT MEDICINE properly applied, Is fast taking KUney and Urinal Trouble, and will effect cures In seemingly hopeless cases where every v..'. . .nun It IIW IKIICl, Any sluggUb, weak or diseased organ may by this means He roused to healthy activity do ore it is too late. Leadlnv medical men tim and recommend tha Owen llelt lu their practice. OUR LARGE ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE Contains fulleet Information regarding the curt ui -uis, rnronia ana nervous Ulseanes, prices, and how lo order, In English, Qerman. HwedUb and Norwegian languages, will lie mailed, upon application, to any address fur t cafes postage. The Owes Electric Belt and Appliance Co. aim omca ado oslt factobt, Tht 0w Electric Doll Dlda.. 201 It 211 Sttlt SlreeL OHICAaO. ILL. Tht Uttest Electrie Sell EslsblishsMiUa ll: ATM 4 m fnm r.AJmmit if MHi4ti rrof. W. B. Peeke, wh tiinkca a si-M.ii.ny nf Kullrnav. lias without doubt treated and cur. d more raws than any living i ntiitun nis SX'w Is attnikhlng, W have hoard c( csl (4 aa yrRis' standing enrea ir him. II plllrUh val m bl work on this dls. fw, hi, b be studs with lie of his alxntiila en re, frt lo an aurffrots wnomy aeni iin tr r. o ana Epr '? e '1vi unv r, wUhiftfcf artus In itilr rroLW. O. tiS, T. b., 4 Oaar St., Hew 1 Jnrnl is ia n m as mu SALVE IS LEGAL TENDER. All Adams Engaged In an Industry Which Is Peculiar In Its Operations. Adams, a small town among the hills of Jefferson county, this state, is fre quently styled the "salve town." It makes salve, lives on solve, speculates in salve and corners the salve market when it wants to. This product is put up in two sizes in round tin boxes, one size selling at 50 cente and the other at 25 cents. When money is scarce these boxes of salve pass as legal tender in the village. One of the large boxes will purchase one-fourth dozen of three-for-a-quarter cigars and entitle you to a small box as change, or will buy drinks at the hotel bars, or will pass as one "ante" in a "50-cent-limit game." There are probably more than 100 different brands of salve made in Adams. There is a salve for rheuma tism, salve for eczema, salve for tan and sunburn, salve for scratches and bruises, salve for consumption, and so through a long catalogue of ailments, a separate and distinct salve for each complaint or group of diseases. H. O. Brown was the first to make a success of the business, and his neisrh bors and then the entire population of the town decided to try their hands. These new manufacturers started in honorably, however. They all met in conference, and a plan was perfected to prevent clashing competition between makers. An organization was per f ected, to be known as the Salvemakers' Protective league, and the agreement provided for the allotment of a certain number of diseases and ailments to each manufacturer. Thus, one salve- inaker was permitted to make salve for the healing1 of burns, scalds, tetter, itch and eczema; another for wounds. Druises, cuts, sores and ulcers, and an other for croup, diphtheria, lumbago, nunaice and rheumatism. The growth of the. salve business opened up a new field of employment to the idle persons of Adams, which they were not slow in taking advantage of. Ail successful healing remedies are strongly indorsed by testimonials from those who have been cured or healed. lho Salvemakers' league solved this matter in a novel way. The manufac turer of the salve for burns would him self write, and have each member of hia family write, testimonials for each of the other members of the league. In ex change for testimonials from auch members and their families. This worked well at first, but now there are regularly employed tebtimonial writ ers, who earn irood lumi writinir for the league. These testimonials are paid tor according to merit, and are passed upon by an expert duly chosen bv the league for that purpose, -N. Y. Herald. FOR STUDENTS OF NATURE. The tail of the fish was the first rud der, and olao, it nmy be added, the first aerew protieller. Anyone watching the n.ovement of flKhea tails while swim ming will lie titruck with the resem blance to those of a screw propeller. The first trap door was made by a spectea of African spider which luw its neat in the ground, and cltmea the en- trunte by menus of a trnpdooropciiing outwardly and covered with bita of earth and grass in order to eacnpe ob servation. The tailor wasp, when needing n piece of letf In line its neat, always cuts ita jiatlern in an exnet riicle. These womi bave often been watrlirnl, but have never been known to mlntake the le, to cut the pattern over again, or to njHiil a leaf. The first hammer was a atotit used by a monkey to enuk nuta. Ilarwln, In hia story of the cruise of the Challenger, tells of a monkey on board that ream-l v hit k uwd a alone for this purpose, afterward concealing lu Implement In tha atraw of Ita cage. RHS Cewets, and 1 r'lMr ehulatd and ail i'at m NuMSwlKtM l tseesasTt tssa. Ou Orncl IS 0MiT( U, a. pttt.TOrnet w4 . WHS auia 1MB IW IMS IAvm ranwie hM mkivm. ttoi maitL or ta. ',ih aWrt its. Vt advtw, U tmtMm m 4, l" ut ifctffB, ) ! f Si'l A hSMUt, " ll -w Kjkm I Willi t4 wm I Ike U ft. s4 tuntga mnraim mm tnm, AUrMa, . tt.T O . tssa.i.avea. O C. WANTm.AN I fYFl Wfcae..tWa Ihlnt to tMilt l'Nl fnirWIi , tlf ttrtni y, wwitB, writ. JiillM WSIUiKIU HI MX C1 , I MM AlbWTW,, WMJUllgU, m, v- .w uai iiw ftttm vat. win. 4 IHROUGH mi it ink EAST AND U vu Tur. t::)i nnm m Htwaik Fuliiwaa t'mttm sii ln I a i L 1 tat bi-u. Btf.f -I 1 H. l Mlf SIMM Mftf. I.OWItM I H. f-tj:m t-vtti It A I I'M. H. liAXIM, t .m Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report , av aw oABdOItllTEKV PURE DOES WEALTH DISPEL LOVE? A Woman Who Seems to Think That It Does Her Comment. "Did nobody ever tell you that in some far prehistoric time I was in love with my husband?" said Mrs. Komaine, carelessly, in a story in the Century. "Well, I was. I used to go to afternoon services in Lent and pray for that love to last, because the sensation was so much to my taste. I used to have ecstatic feelings when his foot was on the stair and I sat sewing little baby clothes. We lived in a plainish way then; three dollars spent in two theater tickets was a tremendous outlay, and we walked to our dinners, I tucking up the train of my best gown under a long cloak, and laughing if the wind snatched it away from me at the cor ners and whipped it around my feet. Then he grew richer, and we broad ened the borders of our phylactery, and then how when dear knows if I can remember, we grew further and fur ther away from each other. Now, when he is at home I am aware of it, because he is there behind a newspaper, but that is all! When our lips meet it is like two pieces of dry pith coming together. I know nothing of his affairs, nor he of mine. ' I have money in abundance. Money money who cares for money when a man's heart and eoul and brain have gone into it?" On a Large Scale. The largest of fruit plantations in Jamaica are owned and operated by an American company. It cultivates 44,000 acres, 28,000 of which it owns and 10,000 of which it leases. The principal crops are bananas and cocoanuta. Last year it shipped 3,000,000 bunches of bananas and 5,0(10,000 cocoanuts, besides other fruit, to America and elsewhere, em ploying 11 ateamera, which the com pany owns. LITEKAKY LUNA I ICS. WILL NOT BORROW AGAIN. ThM Um Will twk lllaa Mat let Wast Ilia UnH tier's t IvtMw. There ere two brother In Memphis w ho are ao near (he aame aie and figure that thry ran wear each oUier'a cloth ing. One of them recently bought a flue new orreot, aaya tha Memphis t oiiimerriBl-.tiral, which va a ery at) lih ami roiufortahta guriiirnt, and of whii-h Ita owner was rry proud. The first nlghtafter lit Imoght the over- riml there waa a raiiiatorni. The water ft II In torrent and the rnml fairly a warn in tha street. The young man was go ing out that evening, but he didn't llkt I lie il-a of taking hi new ovrreoal out In u h laily weather. Ilia brother had a liinrtsiutJiti, and when the first young roan spied U bai.glng on Oms I at r k h deelded to aifrpriat It for lite night and aoaav hi overenat Without aayirf a word Ut hia brother l, put on tht waterproof and aallted forth Into the rain, raleulntlng that lit would aave hit new oterroal at lrat threw month' wear that night. When lie ram. Iiiin he found hi brtrtfirr In their room, "hay, old" be aaid, I tael your markltiUMb t tiirht." "That waa ail right." al the brother. "I got along -ry well wIUkhiI It," "Von didn't go mil thl evenltig. did yotiT aakel Ums owner f lh llmt "lea." 4twr4 l owMr of the IB li,l. "1 hen what did yon wear 7" "Your new ovre,at.n Ont A0OUT FtOPH. Utr4 fUllsl.ury la a gm4 a tilllaH f.layer a I. la colleagw., A, J. lUalf .ur, la a g 'ilfer. Itr. Marti Van fliirn ritevrt.a, mm T year old. I a elvteal al ! kan atale anltersily. Ir. Ilmry drarw, Uk lUt lr other tif lh fanwiua fiull fcf ttU keUr. nrtii iU-a.1 white mmg twally, lie wa ftl yrr old. f'owtil Hillwliit w H..lllrg Wer l,i,ff..l aril 1, . i. ,,i,i.. ,a, eielrl. tlw ir it,rMHel wr..lng, 1 be rwuat la )iar ,!! ao. us lualea n y rt )uiirrr. Tha Divine Afflatus Conduces to Henta Irrrgnlarltle. Are literary men more prone to in sanity than othera? Dr. Toulouse, tho celebrated I'aria alienist, answered this question after the suicide of ilippolyto liajmonds, the French writer of com edy. "Mental disorders among men of letters," says Mr. Toulouse, "alwayaap Ieal more forcibly to the imagination than ordinary casea of Insanity. Hut we must not conclude that mudncaa ia more frequent among them than In any other wnlka of life. The Kngliah hnve a saying that great genluaes nr all madmen, but It wouhl lie going too fur to assert that a man goca lmmiu iH-cauae lie Im-coiii. s a itnaaionin) fol lower of art or literature. There la no iecinl form of disunity which at tack nrtlHt or writer, but the celeb rity which the auceeaaful one achieve faselnnte a great ntouy men who have talent, but who alao have nlinoriniilly emotional tentpemment. w 1 ho active brain work, the feverlah linpiilieiK t with which they seek to gain fume, and often tha privation that they endure all these favor the development of the germ of nrndneim w hleh lie dormant lu many brnlna, and w hich w ould never have made I hem selves manifest If these person hail adopted a calm and more tegetulivt; mode of existence. It la my opinion that tha life led by moat an lata ami writera la of a sort that la eajieelally ftiviiriitilc to the bringing out In full force of any tendencies Ut Insanity which may eilat In embryo In the brain. The alighteat thing may then unbalance the mind, and It la that which too of l luii'jwna." The UlawWseas t'avar a The greatest wonder of the antipodes la tha celebrated glow-worm rern, discovered In ! In the heart of tha 1 aanmtilaa w ildemeaa. The eaera ar tavenia (there apar Ut be a arrle of urh raierna In the trinity, ra b sep arate and diatinet) are alUiated near the town of fvniUinirt, Tantiania, In a I'meatont) bluff, alwut four to I Irs from Ma I lay. The apiea ranee, of Uie niain cavern I thai of an underground river, tha entire floor of the subterranean imaMge bring roverrd with water about a foot and a half la depth. Theae wonderful TaainaniaA rate ar tint liar bl all eaverna found In limestone formation, with iht tteeption that their roof and aide literally shine with Iht light emitted by the Uilllicifla of flow wortna which Inhabit Ihrm. TltMrta' rtMear lisllMf. avert In the Ikt of Neml, war Ah bano, hata f.rtind at tht bottom of tha lake, aO feat frotn the shore, the plea lira galley In w,i h i;mrnr Tilr held hit or gte- It at d I seem Ui -lirte Willi bmnrea Bad M'taaiea. "I hey have brought Op brma l.rada, a wolf and lwtt, largela with lnerte lion and rti'gs f'r the tlrvla f animal f'nlotina tried WiIIkkiI mrrs Ul re rover tha galley a h Hih re tiiury. and ami' her alinpt wa nle al the; hrglhtilrif tf tli (a rehlnry, when aitm l'g bruit re nail were brought vp. PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE. Tlie different countries of the world now use 13,400 different kinds of post nge stamps. One hunter in Connecticut shot 130 partridges and more than 200 woodcock during the game season recently closed. A free lodging house for tramps is to be established in New York, where the rule will be, "no bath, no bed." In Jewish marriages the bride stands at the right of the bridegroom; with the people of every other creed it is the custom for the bride to take a position to the left of her mate. Trisoners in the county jail at Holt, Mo., stuck a pole with a slocking tied to it through the bars on Christmas eve and left it there all Christmas duy, A considerable quantity of small coin was dropped into the stocking by peo ple passing the jail. Mttnckester"Young Topington is a hard drinker, iRn't he?" liirmmgham "Not at all. He drinks more easily than any other man 1 know." An swers. l)e Tanque "Drunk again, eh! For shame! Y'ou dissolute wretch, I blush for you." Old Soak "You (hie) blush f me! Itatshl Y'our fnce lnh so red wiz rum, blush would'n' show through," Amusing Journal. SCIENCE OF ALL KINDS. The entomologists have captured and named upwards of 21,000 varieties of butterflies. The distance to the nearest of the "fixed" stars, as computed by Astron omer Hall, is 20,000,000,000,000 miles. The moon moves 3,333 feet per second, duy and night, and always presents the same side to the view of the people on tniseartn. The snake moves by means of the riba and the scales on the abdomen to which t nch rib la attached by a scries of small muscles. In about 22 seconds a drop of blood goes the round of the body. In alout every two minutes the entire blood in the body makes the round through tho rifnt sine of the heart, the lungs, to the left side of the heort, through the ar teries, the veins, again to the heart. DISKASUS OP THE BKItf. Tlie intense itching and tniartinf Inci dent to eeit nin, teller, snlt-rheum, and other diaeaact of lite skin in imilantly allayed by applying Cliituibcrlamt Kya suj 8kin Ointment. Many very bad cjihc4 have been permanently cured hV It. It it equally ellii ii'iil for itching pile ant a favorite rem- sdy for sore nipple; chamied hands, chil blains, front lute's "'' ehronio tore eye. For sale by druggist at 25 cent pur hoi. Try Dr. Cndy'a Condition Pow der, the are jtiHt what a hone needs alien in bad condt- Uon. Ionic, bloou ptinlier and vermifuge. For aale by Coneer k lirock, druggists FERRYSa, PWrWl ftMll aTftl A Vt f fttll gatmil ff lllatMV. JVtlhf y h'Iiiihk tfiajm V t 1 ftt lrnill I A I"! rmt I wvr kn in in Vrm'm Meet 1 Uh-iu miln wnn l.,f FFROV'Q aaaa v w V waV T -it SEED ANNUAL l J !. Itnn,r.,l ef v.Mi'e S .J . tltf'ri,w.l kKI a1-,i tmvi ih! ih w. rw by aisil. D. at. FERRY t CO., j IMrefl, Una. V Your Face sr-wiB J 9mm at pint af rt. Arennling Ut the agrkaltnrat ilrl, 1 r teat, f the of haws, win, renwa n ila kllrl et'iisui of animal ail Inaerla fsr wviee trgr oot tt agw iliir iha the trl themaetve. The enfw ewtetj hf tha eroat la Brwuiily wsete etira, rk. up lit Ike ft aw w later. I ln era alt fnl lo ta very itwrful t the farmer. Will t weaataatl wlk a ! "tlC .(!, artae yea Invest In a MeSeiiDilaclB toiei'ta wiva itt asw PINCH TENSION, TENSION INDICATOR AUTOMATIC TENSlon RELEASER, IV rnwipWvt aaM taei tw Bl U I I t af SJinj I ia. Tm uiiiti: I Of fiat ftaiia 14 ftrfrcl AtJsi'a.aL t All tal:t AriKlrt, A4 i"l I hsat .. i-i It.. 11 im ,l ftrmf j-. fl mtftit Aiiki I t t s VUviin it -tat ..), !4 !., At h, white mm m:M co CktVKLAND, O. Gazette Office. . . IVjsm is m-w s4 aW . C UAHT, Aiml, thf t, thf 0