STOCK BRANDS. White J on M.uep yoar subscription paid up jcb eukeep your brand in free of charge. Allyn. T. J., lone, Or. Horses GO on left .houlder; cattle same on left hip, wider bit on ight ear, and upper bit on the left; range. Mor row oounti. Bsird, D. W. and sin.-Horses branded D ,B On trie !"m, ii i Wi " , . . . . u crop off rin'it ear, nndercrop in the left. Bange in Morrow County. 4 n alnina. Or. Ho ee branded 7 IS on either shoulder. Bange in Mor "Srter, J, W., Hardman. Or.-CatUe brand- d B on leu nip aim wni. -i - ;r Brenner, Feter, uooeeT branded P B on left shoulder. nght siae. Brosman, Jei on I on Oregon Horses Cattle same on Wren. A. A Hennner. Or. Horses ranning AA I J rv..!.. am witwh, hin. Yotuur. J. B.. Uoosenerrj. ui.-nu u Toon the rUnt shoniiv-. IT - VwnAil 7 - , . u n ,K, lett eiae Kft ear half crop '"8X18 riggh" ttmron right hip, .plit in Brown. J. C Heppner Or--Hoesrole C5dn0tw'r ttntowl' rrfes'bar OTefH, on the feft shoulder. Cattle same on left "StoJP. 0., Heppner, Or.-Horses, P B on left 'bSnlderiBB wTfo6, Or.aUle. JB connected EntoWlerStange in Fox valley, Grant county, Or.-Horses brand. Carsner Warren. Waer bg on P A "5lVnm in each ear. Bange in riKni nun " :::.: Grant ana ,-"v VV horses onleft stifle' kS Mrcie over it.on leftR.houMer and on left .title on . - -" left shoniner raw " " - w?lrhntR0,Vinson or Lena. Or. Horses w and Umata , Curl, T. H.. J otm M, d undel bi, eaoh hip on oatUe, swallow i" in right ear in verted A and spear point v.W't,? Fm markou ewei, crop on left ear on shoulder, fcarma. ether, crop in pnnohed upper bit in ngnt. rignt a"u u-,. in Grant oountv wm ri((ht(,hral der?& ear mark square rltuCX-Or. -Horse.. on OoEd. 8.. Har,!man Or -Rattle, Cwlth Cochran, K. K., m'n;Ir i. beneath, on left under slope both ear, .and dewlap. GET THE BEST When you are about to buy a Sewinf? Machine do not be deceived by alluring advertisements and be led to think you can get the best made, finest hmsnca ana Most Popular for a mere song. See to it that you buy from reliable manu facturers that have gained a reputation by honestand square dealing, you will then get a Sewing Machine that is noted the world over for its dura bility. You want the one that is easiest to manage and is rr T7?. TTT E. McNEluL, Receiver. THE GERMAN ARMY. A Perfect and Thorougholn Mil itary Organization. rro THIS Every German Is Liable to Service After He Beaches the Age or sevenwwn Method of Recrnltlng and , Maintaining the Army ' QIVE8 THB CHOICE Light Running Of Two Transcontinental There Is none in the world that -n enual in mechanical con struction, durability of working fineness of finish, beauty in appearance, or has as many improvement New Home GREAT NORTHERN Ry- VIA It has Automatic Tension, Double Feed, alike on both sWefof needle (patented), no other has if New Stand ( patented), driving wheel hinged on adjustable centers, thus reducing friction to the minimum. . , r. WRITE FOR CIRCULARS. THE KEI HOME SEWIH.G MACHIHE CO. MINNEAPOLIS Spokane UNION PACIFIC RY. VIA Denver OMAHA HAH 1-BJUTOIPO", . .u FOR S! ATT.AMIA, OA. E BY P. C. THOMPSON CO., AgenisA Heppner, Oregon. St. Paul Kansas City Chapin, H., branded Also ca'tle same n;iht ho. t;attiepmu.r... baW.'k" Xulaerrand out oil end of right ear. Onllowav. Or. Cattle, B D on HP Magazises riff hi on lett niu. , Or. HorBM brftnttftd ELX in right ear. , Or.-Horses branded ismery, tain' ni,,(t houlderj oat. reversed C with i to I on i n L. A. "XL 'T'U ' loft shoulder s oat- 0 (reverseo wm. . -tf in Morrow oonnty. Heiwmeon right hln. uang . R. honlder. Or -Horses. F on Florence, n. on fjht hip or thigh, right -honW er; t'ff"fi;SZ Tbr-nde,! H. "rc ovr it, on. lett stllle. L Morrow and Omatillanounties. rein morrow ijnu w ,nn(1.tnn i.H.. IttaKe. r. --. r. ir. l ,"'" A. . -irnle under It on tne ngni, uip. with quarter 0,rcl.uniw.iu connd o right shoum r iwsU fork s right ear and iHthl Oistnm. " "--, n-HorsssT (cross Hi?rwaK,.V: i on riiht shoulder; oattlesame ,U,.it: tenViu Morrow and Uui.till. 0TnMKdwin. John Dav. Or.-CaUleE H on right MPS hr on rum sxu.uc. inOriitoonniy. 0r.-Hon. shaded Mnghes. Mat, "nW ,taB, Morrow Co. hTa, ! w4S Or.-liorsa.. on left honlder. oat tie Or.-Hor. H oo Huraonrey., LOW BATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. FOB THE ME. m Steamers Leave Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. p Hang in Haystack 1 r - vim FRANK LESLIE'S OPULAR MONTHLY Contains each Month I Original Water Color Frontispiece , 1 28 Quart . Page, ol Matter: luu rew irr. tlnns- More Literary m,i" - tSo'tnu ny ether MMin America Frank Leslie's Pleasant Hours FOR DOYS AND CIRLS. . w-il -t, irsnlMAm .Tnvenlle Monthly. Civ rated. The best' lor jrou luJlu iitrlbute to It. 10 cts. s SI a year. , SEBD ALL STJBSCaVffTMBa 1(1 m A r J THE GAZETTE, HEPP.UH, TM I-"U-s PoPt Month-Y and the tiazstle, oom ior uiio ' i FH.Ng Lr.HL.g-s Plbasant Hours for Boy. AMU U1K1.S auu w Fnr full details oall on 0. E. 4 N. Arc nt at Heppner, tr address W. H. HURLBUBT, Gen. Pass. Agt. POBTIiAND. OBMON. QUICK TI3VEE I TO Snrx Franolsoo And sll pointe In California, via the Mt. Bhaete rouie ui ww Southern Pacific Co. . A. 11 the great highway through uaiirornia m i points East ana aoum. uranu onwiiu " of the Paoifio Coast. Pullman Bnftet Uleepers. Becond-olaas Hleepers ifthxt tn axnress trains, affording snperior accommodations for second-class passengers. For rates, tiokets, sleeping car reservations, oJ. "-L"l"'" HW.H K. KUEHLKK, manager, flen. F. A P. Agt. Portland, Oregon Aest KVHk Inther RwhtMile.Or.-Hors Hon I one year tWW. the left sho.ll. "ran,. ""Yn Moriow eonntv. Ilnrlflnht0nil tftfl I P.ST L UlU UT1BI5 ",,n',7jrj H.;,nnr Or -Horse, hrsndwl UIIUWUU .WU. I .v branded Ind J nn ltange in Morrow county. Or -Horses, horse. i t .,,! fill Jnnns. Harrv, n-w,. ... h llH j - right hip. also onderbit in left ear. tW Studio rrnnt 1M,, rbi,MnoTIo X.T, Cattle, the saras. ftn iritrnr HUB. orcn in ri-'-. nd . t n , lef . . Rnny." ; ::.m.and crop of! left in nip ,,.. -7 - Si'rst. rfffJJ5V Lightest, Simplest. 7AlE,",t!'t MronS..t, Workln' Top CfiMi Accurat Recelver. MjP Compact. KNV eri ; on in" nnder .!' on the right Most Modern end progressive For catalogue or Information write to THE MARLIN F1RB ARMS CO., New Haven. Conn if lit. J T Hennner. Or.-Mrsee ov n e,r and nn.ier 01. n In J t bratirt on le'i ""'- , - ft hip on Same Qotintv. .nl1nn. John W.. Or.-Horc a, Jimn n.. ".... i,.i.i braud- t V" 1 . . Itiiie. near IS. a. aaui on iHivti.w. - brsndel I eMtle anme on left I called -Cattle braniM d. (tlle.aaui '"&y.J.W Heppner itr.-i '" 7 ' " a -a. l ....l.l-t ftnltl I riS?ut. v"r righl .).. thr- el.U in nghl ".rl. ..I rw.r. branded a '.Ti.i.' II eoi.nwM. Horoettmee wins H. on left .tn r.ahVMprh.'.r-m. n right .tine. Ua"ire in M,.rr.iw "' . . M.nor, tr. '" him oor-e. " 1W-. is J Mitohetl. f. l.iee. r.-Hore. II 00 " BJJ" I.-? Wjul-ler. tie -,. on l-rth hU-J t)llr, I'arry. U.stiigt4, Or.-I U 00 wn , ..1... m...n r'aht hip. . ' r m O av-7lt..t Mile. -'. JhV.W-l.l Bt-ft ah.wl. v and on !- I .V;.Vi" V.s in lft ear. Heht cropped. W nPi. hi... IU,,. on KleM Farhw A llUm. Har.lmaB.tH.-H rft l" settle STEAM GASOLINE '".-."'ENGINES MARINE M M ' Tfi TT T7i 3 5 JR-T rn sT (ft OO worth of kivelv Muilc torferty-a 111 . . Cents. conltlng jf 100 psgrs , v. fuii ,1.. shMt Muilc ot t'.is- mZ Utest. brlEhtnt. Mvellfit and mint popular 3 J srmtlons, txnn vocal sna inuumini. Sw- gottm up In the iot elf it ant niaoner, to- e" eluding four largs sit. I'ortrAlts. 7 eC CAHMIHCIT4, tht Sb.s( Oflsctr, e f-AUlUC WBI Onat Pianlit, S C- ADLummni a 3 HluaHAH ciTTwa. r3 e aeeatee tu ve THE NEW YORK MUSICAL ECHO CO. Uroeiwsy Theatre Bldg.. New York Oty. P CNVltl WANTCD. It joti tbink of bnying an nam of n or kind eeod for onr CntaUtgue &. ... ill.e.lweilWkfnel H n s 1 p o X not an power, u,i"iu r1 ' or Ll"sf A'o. 39. I r yafhl tnginee, doii era and machinery. Etiher sent tree. cuas. p.iiiam & Co., mA.p.T.L. lPoa Tl , l.a.lngtne.Or.-Mor-e brand. ' jjjkin lUne. rriw enen'. m.n right Mp. ."".r w. -H.wm. Jtf e-m ',p-r. . ir..u left bin. CHICAGO Un.t-r bit in -".. , atam.4 Pew ftva. . . i-t ,, i vDW,it. th. 'ti',UJ ...."-e. a-inare er, k..-h en the rn,p 1 ,, m hii vi.n W,ln q,iarw.rn- ... m ",:; " .n;r.iup la u 19T Canal Street, t"t'K'l !? Ill . " 4 fltHin MM 1 1 t i O M f)t"y.ggre-p" fV-Hwis si quart rtgltl kip. lt.... Andre". Ist . hraXV A II , - . nght . .i. ... l.randi rattle aane ! 1 '... . .it rtl. M a4 eplit le Mt. I ..flTHLETIG F1EIES.. lUwuk af l I'ntrs la HiutaeM. A Cemnlete Set. mnststlng of fle lllfiiT?.- - H?J; 'Hall l bi.i M lull l taif, .toll I'leter. leiiins liae and Htr.le Ki.lf. will h "' "f fl ,)r.t r II-..i.n 0 - H I 14 llaage la Mortuw JO es hwtad Hiraieni j . t.ft kiu..all as. 1 APee k.,V tt.i-rt. -'- ,r-rt,M,Ji.!! ttft'W ?,Ar.:...' Uft hip. (''' K.l. ttob-rt. !"'"- rl.M hlP a-.'' t,.!th!' V . ,.' . Afliae;-. t . trr-a upun rw.l.t ul 10 ceiua. u pay h hri. figure, are al-eolulelr perfwl. a twaiitilolly rolorM a4 hkiiiiim-i, ami mi . - - - ........, .H.l.ta...,. arrange, .,, - - E . . 1 . I. ..I ..., U.MI.UIMII.n ,i the athleiie supply 'til .i rtub, rwllnl nm. o III re of Sinn., A. Q. SPALDING V BROS. X.m Imrt iwe Mle.l let 2 fl .. bl skieaii mnm V?- 7. 1..I. h i.J I. the ,.r, '-''ir,-ki,'...i. o- rf'at,i luw" si" w" u ,"''"" . mxm t-n 'weae, I aw ..H I ,aa'" t l h l l, ,, n. .aH eat Mat PVWs1 WW The American protective Twin" League it rational rgnnixation advocating "Protection to American Labor and Industry" at epUined by its conititu tjon, ai follow, : TKe .beet efthie I ar- w.. Wear y e M airte. - ATTle,r against enepetiwe ef arge taaee. There ' personal or private profit in connection with the organixa ton and itii sustained by membership, contribution! and the distribution f it! publication. flMT Cieses.s le JWe4 fai MemSwea - ee4 ' Vet tee glCONO t.evVeea, iU4 se s ski. e ema TmiMO: Ws e-'.. s it " (mwm s K ta' eve-"! .n. mI "l eawea K 6 0 ese roueTM: r1 ' r' S '' "er. lwl sw '-.r' ww .. aant 146 WmI td tvws. Us- $1800.00 AWAY TO INVENTORS. t.n.ate geaewtetaeeeeaewVaea. pkm mmt m SM aM leiiiemiii seasaS mm till lire t w s " r ..-- ad IMS Wr ww" 'S MMidail.iiiMw eaae ee Jk a MHfM we fa M fat Va IT'S THE SinPLCTOMAL WTNTKWS TM4T VILL0 rORRNLS, m-mi sW .l.ti.a SWlwWaJi sM es". k'W.l'il-. W . Hn fW. P. M!urt..4j-M--. iw Th. Mrntlvl Is ksvwe te aws wtaee. tear tlleatrele tfcet trM,, eaeetlte e tt4 always aw te Vs wtetreeV tMee teree s.eMee . Wital ea- Myef tmm SMS Smtwf SM H WC S Tr.,1- si.wwtltoys)Mt awe m ma a4 i a4 am tM m ss ! wase t 1 ry I. eat at g ! rr ts not so hard as rr mm. fM mi p a se ssmSm srsl e-eM Ski law!,1 ." a. It r.w.aaifcsit.y''ri"ia.a .Aia-n a hnl . -aa a s M lt taaawat. S tag, a llai.ia, ISaaaaaUew.S)aldM.aWaaaaiae.e Hal. II at lasjaie It t IW - tlMawas w1at I . .-..i I ! . I . . a M aipi t ., ..w, H - II I aia f,aa la .lllaia.aaf RlpansTahulcs tzaZ?JZ mtt4 avMfc sey frevwvjsty fces )1ltrM4 ttlf The German emperor may declare war, though such declaration is sub ject to the consent of the federal coun cil. If, however, the country is in vaded, then what the emperor says pre vails, without federal ratification. An American may think that the young; kaiser talks a good deal about hia function as war lord, and takes a good deal of room in discharging it, but, by the imperial constitution oi 1871, after the Franco-Prussian war had ended in German unity, the em peror is rightfully the first soldier in the empire, the entire forces of which, in war and peace, are under his corr mand. It is his to see that the army is kept in fighting trim, and his to se cure this end by imperial legislation, The Bavarian army is, however, a dis tinctive contingent, by itself, though practically coordinated and subordinate ed in the imperial army system. Sax ony and Wurtcmburg, also, preserve a certain military identity, in that each puts up an army corps for itself. It is provided that the entire land forces of the empire shall consist of 21 army corps. Every German is liable to service. No substitute is allowed. No one es capes unless a member of a sovereign house, and he would des?m it proper to serve voluntarily. So the army of Ger many is the people's army. When a German boy hos finished his 17th year he finds a drill master wait ing for him. When he puts away the tools of war for good he is 4G years old. But practically his service will begin in his 20th and close in his 39th year. During this period he will serve active ly three years in the ranks, four in the reserve, five in the first levy of the Lanwehr. then, until he is 39, in the second levy of the Landwehr, and fin. ally until he is 45 in the Landsturm. A young fellow, however, of means ana education, who bears all expenses and passes an examination gets off with one year's service in the ranks. The duty of the Landsturm is to take part in the defense of the country. Neither the Landsturm nor the second levy of the Landwehr is called out in peace, but the men in the Ersatz (relief) reserve share in annual exercises covering 20 weeks. The institution of the one-year vol unteers is an advantageous exception to what an American might call a mili tary despotism. Under this exception, young men of professional inclinations not only re ceivethe military training that prepares them for dutv in the reserve, but also continue their studies with less detri ment to their educaton than if they de voted three vnlnuhle years to a soldier's life exclusively. But a fellow must pay for this one-year privilege, his legitimate military expenses amount ing to from $350 to $500. The military forces of the several German states are administered through their own war ministries, which are all gubject to the Prussian war ministry. To control this vnst military system there are, besides the war ministries, the emi ror's military cabinet, the cowniinion for the defense of the country, the general staff, the heud of which is directly responsible to the emjH'ior, and the great general staff, which in the most scientific sense is iutrusted w ith the defense of the em pire. Generally speaking, an army corps is recruited In the district where It Is gurrlaoned, but the 1'runniun guard corps is recruited throughout the coun try. In the cage of AUaee Lorriane, the province tuken from the French, Geritiitny discreetly takes no chance of diHaffectioti among her troop there fi-arrbonetl. The men she rtiiws In this province of French antecedent arc sol diers of unquestioned loyalty. The cavalry of the German army le the only branch which hag been In creased since the Fmieh war. Its strength la 93 regiment, or 4G5 squad rons. France ha 45 aqtioilrona lea, but of field ninttrrie hs ha 45 more. Germany' field Iwtterir 1 smaller than that of any standing army. As regards uniform, the Infuntry, ar tillery, dragoon and pioneer wear the helmet, the ofiicer th "ktsf ipl," the Vulnn the "cwqika," the hussar the fur cap, the cuiraaaler the !! helmet. The rulraa nowaday I only worn on paraiVr. The Infantry coat I dark blue. In color. iyte and equipment there I much dissimilarity in the Ger man army, but there I complrt uni formity In mark of rank distinction. A German officer And m rlt In come a uarful adjunct. A second lieu tenant monthly Income I about $30. When man baa nothing he may pr haw get a stipend from iqawlaJ fund or from thr rieror. A captain of U first cteaa drawe annually lut I1.2W; is major or lieiiteant colonel. $1,650; a colonel, $:.2.'W. Tltrr la leo en a lowKiir for otitaiiU lodging. A young officer cannot faawiWy lie up U hi social itsUun if be ha a family to sup port. H a yount officer t to tr r he must irrv in eniiwrwe ii -- akin, and aatiafectorily pro that hi locum I at Is! (In) ITueala) $M jeeir. TW futnr wife of an officer niual laaorihy thertny-heniiatbf oten btenitabrd reputation, sunt be of a fata It of uiifturelioMNl rreia. Ublliiy. There r nalor for the old and Infirm, though no f limitation ett s with u. When a Urmin rrcrnit take the oath the art ts road a olrroa a poaei hi. No rrimlhal l allowed U the uniform of tU German army. A German .Idler f. le between n and iht en dv. and he U allowed one end t-rothtrd ut of brd.- hicr late t -. A UattfMg MS taw SMtaJ lt"a. There I one eurUm fart reepeetlnf the animal rrratkit with which yotj will lerr titn tjiiintel If JOU depend on your Wit book for laforvie tkm. It I Ult K IMnf WpreeentaV tle of lh asimal klnrdora has fBor i tli.a m l. M itivita tt elaaia lat fara i font, rnt r lirnK Th fersa t lhj rible blood dis T had soent hundreds of dollars trying various remedies and physi rians. none of which did me any rnrvi. Mv fineer nails came off and mv hair came out, leaving me perfectly bald. I then went to HOT SPRINGS hv this celebrated treatment, hut verv soon became disgusted and decided to try S.s.&. i ne eneti w truly wonderful. I commenced to recover at once, ana aiter i naa bubi 'wlv "yr ties I was entirely cured cured by S.S.S. when the world- renowned Hot Springs had failed. Our Book on tlie Disease an d Ita Trestai eM ,I'4CJ? Address. ontr . omv.. .w That the RAMBLER IIIIIMIIttW ciiioaqo. IiwaiimustPaiiiai .t. rtlanutable fact. It stands m tne es, and if you buy one V.a Vi a nnr . Rldea RAMBLER BICYULJi. n you .u. ,, wlth the world 111 uVe miTlUlt'O, no m r- Is one of the very best wneeis ever sunuc --"""-- ,n , make no mi.take. front rank with all high grade macmne., a..u , y wheel be M1LWAUKEfcM . .. a JJ V.r nnn punctureu. ea . n. n f-. r ,.mn.&lei ,teel rims. renowned G. & 1. cimener nres wim -- Bold In all sizes for ladies or gentlemen at J100 each. .i..ii..nn,muind woman. $150 each. THE RAMBLERtath.fa.tert. lightest and strongest wheel in the market. For style, finish and durability it is unsurpassed, as it is leal and scientific principles. Chicago Ideals clincher tires and are fully warranted, , on SZKe tonandldaho. MrpDl I CYCLE COMPANY, . .. i.Ku.nt r.n' "Rambler Bicycles." Main Northwest representatives worm uiiy Store. S27 Washington bt ,an?10f R80N. Agt. for Morrow Co., Heppner, Oregon. Glance at this Map Of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Panl Ball- nrt note Its connections with all transcon tinental lines and St. Paul and t maha, and .omornhpr that Its trains are lighted' with elec tricity and heated by steam. Its equipment is superb. Elegant Buffet, Library, Smoking and o,in nra with free reclining chairs. Each sleeping car berth has an electric reading lamp, and Its dining cars are the best In the world. Other lines are longer than this, but none are shorter, and no other offers the above luxurious accommodations. These are sufficient reasons nr the DODUlarity of "The Milwaukee." Coapon ticket agents In every railroad office will give you further information, or address C. J. EDDY, General Agent. J. W. CASEY, Trav. Pass. Agent, Portland, Obook. How's Your Liver? m American Sjr YC TRADE MARKS, OE8ICM PATst IsTaJa 0 copyrights. eytoJ This question is asked daily. If dormant you need exercise need it badly. The Bicycle offers a remedy, and if you do not own one, call at " Ike Ennis Bicycle Livery, Power House. DE8ICN PATS. COPYRIGHTS. For Information and free Handbook .write to MUNN CO., sot Bboauwat, New York. Oldest bn-au for securing patents In AnwrlMk "va,rT patent taken out by ua la brought wiora S.e puC5 by a notice given tree ot charge In the 9 dftttifif etiC2m Ijsrpeat clr-ilatlon of any selentlfie Pfper In the t:..i.....ii.iiw iiiiiKi.pnt.iil. No liiti'lltKenl .hoii ,1 I without 1U Weekly, K3.0ta ear; 1.W six months. Andreas. MUNN i Vuua.iis, 3til llroadway, Mow York City. 1 Kiioicycles. CO., COUGHS and GOLDS ELY'S PINEOLA BALSAM ! ; sure Kemedy . ,,.i coida. sore Uiroat and for asthma.. It L10HT, 5TR0N0. SPEEDY, HANDSOnEa FINEST MATERIAL. WORKMANSHIP. tarrh. Kor estarrh nae Kly remedies are pleaaant to oas. t-ream pr hotUe ; Plneols Balsam, five. Bold hy Drtigglsl ELY BttUTUKlUi, M WsireB bL, New Yu- sootbes, vatclrir abates the conch. and renders expecte oration easy. Consumptives will Invariably derive benefit from its naa. Msny who suppose their cases to be con sumption are only en tiering from a chronic cold or d-ep seated Cough, often airgrarated bj ea. Cream Halm. Both ZPQ SCIENTIFIC a" rVlT.i-'TlOUS LEAK. It Wae Worm Hole In the Keel of the Boll boat. Tber wm s man had a Connecticut jr rht-r boot built, which coat lilm 1235. and the - a a beauty. She could tfO finite nicely and the man waa pleased v ith her till he found she leaked. "Oh, well." aald he, "that a eaaily Winedled." So he looked her all over for the leak. He couldn't find a crevice, lie filled up aeveral jilueeg that he thought nilgiu have let In a little water, but it didn't do 'he lenat bit of pood. He pave It up finally and aold the boat for 135, ana thought he had the beat of it at that. The fellow who bought the craft, ear the New York Herald, knew ahe waa a fast aailor aud he had an Idea that he waa amart enough to find that leak, but It w asn't long before he began to think maybe he wasn't auch a aue ceea aa be might be. She. leaked Just the aame regular amount all the time. One Siiiultiv he made up bla nana ne would find that hole If be never came li-k. He took her out and, after ah hod ahnwn that ahe waa In good leak ing form, he la-ached her. After the tide went down he went all around her. rit"ilng a a doctor Helena for lung trou'dv. Re beard a aucaing nois iI.miI her keel. He got dow n on the tind-r aide and In the timber of the kerl waa a worm hole In the wood. It had brrn there when the beam waa iNi-d. It tiruliably wound around like lettf r 8 and to look for It on the iiiaide would be aoinrlliitig like hunt Ing a iteeslle In a hat alack. lit aluck a match In the hole to aew how big It waa. It just filled. The matrh broke nit ml he let It go at that. Kba hae never leaked a drop from that day to thin. PERSONAL PICKINGS. Jim ftlevrne. of Augoata, Me, la 60 veal- old and haa broke 4J colt to . . . . . . K tm 1 l.anteaa. " t,er the record. Amna Hadlry. of Concord. S. II, U the owner of the eomv,lt worka of Xenoi.hon, with the Utla translation In parallel column, pflaied In Tarla la titi. i...i-a Mania, of Atchteon, Kaa, la lehrated aa the waa who aeter wore a nekt.e In hla lift tcet o tht oeea etna of hla it.arr.are. It doea not aeem to hot ltH.rf.rre.) with the atH- itoonlal ". . hTr p-nr Wnflft1s85 and 8100. EVERY MACHINE FULLY GUARANTEED. SEND 2-CENT STAMP FOR CATALOGUE. Monarch Cycle Co. - Factory and M.m Offlcei-Lake and Hatstcd Sts.. CHJAOO;JLL. -bRANCBS,-New Verg. S.a FraocUco, 5.U Uk. CUy. Beaver. Me-pm DctreU.T.rocU. WEBB SAFE & LOCK CO, Agents, PORTLAND, CI1EG0N. PATTERSON, Agent for Morrow County, Heppner, Oregon OUR STOCK V OF a a a SPACE IS TOO HEAVY AND WE ARE WILLING TO UNLOAD It to Advertisers at a great finnncial sacri fice. You need it in your business, and as a matter of business we must sell it. The Patterson Pum '.suing Co. It ifcsHft Hala aJ CaVst tr Kra-Uas) H ras Tsa-taei fH.e. f eeese a a Qt Sie. e r eaeit, Virs) (atatCak h If Ir HY ummmrn ! ts"-ir In t hi ill John rvrnnrctuTN a Co.. f.ll..S e Ammt mm eM I sei, iSI' MreH.N.W.. rto ,it. waM-f.n.c . a. . a a. t t r,, Jha Jaar rotoeatii, ot t-- tf of tasVarl creuoa. the earoel of n,.. a, le re th e-r eoovlwrd the IwoUsmIi the) thiaoeema of the ik.i -tt, aua 1I0 ." la a s-ntvm threevuaeat b4 th hlf.foiwta of j ,a -ihrr Sunday b r"1 hi" ,3ft fonr tont aaitnaj life. Tfct elerhaat , t W ti-rs and whra yoa tola att4 fcan lrtHte of otlicr aaltuaJe Uriot g IBS : EICIII : W Ypuro BOUND to Take Muii. Leaves No Constipation,- e luff to ilifTrreat onteta Wloaf to U ftwt fswe-taJSial tfibev rfoaan. t..i,'t ! tnO7 l a f.,Bi4 the ana ims aod (po dow a 'Uwt tusmaT Cr U, aa well aa a'l 0 llsneei, lr Haa' set eM Vsteaie. fh e Ca n at t a tul la tM rW. Moid ty ail Hta.a rr ert h v rit i t4 p-e. 24 eata t hot. IU.M iM U 1 1 1 CA). CXi , 111 tjislilnraka fttrs- Bmdr m,m, Vik