' OVERWORK -INDUCED - Nervous Prostration Complete Recovery by the T7e of Ayer's Sarsaparilla " Sumo years ago, as a result of too close uttention to business, my health Tailed. I became weak, nervous, was unable to look after my interests, and manifested all the symptoms of a de fline. I took three bottles of Ayer's Barsajiarilla, begau to improve at ouce, flit 4 nil frnulimHv Ineronseil my weiRhtfrom one hundred and twenty-live to two hundred pounds. Since then, f and my family have used this medicine when needed, and wo am all in the best of health, a fact which we attribute to Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I believe my chil dren would have been fatherless to-day l'.ad it not been for Ayer's Sarsaparilla, of which preparation I cannot say too much."-K. 0. Hixson, Postmaster and Planter, Kinavd's, S. C. Ayer's g Sarsaparilla RECEIVING MEDAL AT WORLD'S FAIR. AVER'S Pi::a Gave Doc tr's Bills. to ( JLJL7fLJLio IT 12. M 116 17 18 t9 20 2 22 23 U 25 12yT29J0Wm Take Notice. L The ium o( Ova cent per Una will be charged for "card of thanks." "resolution of eMPact," list of wedding present and donor, tnd obituary notice, (other than those the edlt )rhall himself give a a matUjr of new,) and aotlcesof siecial meeting for whatever pnrrm. 2. Notice ol church and aooletr and allothar intertalttment from which revenue 1 to he de rived, aha',1 be chanted for at the rale of five ,ent a Una. These rule will be (trlctljr ad her jd to In ever; Inataiica. Advertising rata reasonable and made known ipon application. TIME TABLE. Btage for Hardman, Monnment. Long Creek, lohn Day and Canyon City, loavn aa follow : livery day at a. m., eicnt Hnndav. Arrive every day at ( tn..sit Monday. The chMfxMt. qnli kct and but line to or from the Interior miintry. VVAI.T THOMPSON, Trop. Conaer A Brock, Aitent. Qambrinus Beer, HALF PINT BOTTLES City Hotel Bar! Drinkable; Liquor) and Smokabla Clgara. Call en Tad. r k Have added a NEW SPRING STOCK of Trimmed Hats for Ladies and Misses to the Fell stock on May Street and ask the Public to call and sec them before purchasing. Did It Ever Occur to You? That n Firm Could bo Boycotted find Still do Business ? I) I .4 4l'1 rButlK&ciuiloii Here and There. Johnny Waddell was in from Batter creek yesterday. Highest prices paid for sheep pelta at the lower warehouse. tf A good farm to let on shares. Inquire of H. T. Bagley, Heppner. 2 Heppner's telephone system is com plete and ready for business. La Grande Marble Works, La Qrande Ore. B. 0. Smith, salesman, HeDpner. It seems that wedding we beard about tbe first of tbe week has not come off yet. Wassa malla? Bain, rain. rain. Yesterday was a very rainy day in this neck o' the woods. Perhaps you noticed it. Geo. Barton and F. J. Hallock re turned on Wednesday from a ten days bunt op in tbe Ditch oreek country. - Rev. W E Potwine, of Pendleton, and Bishop Morris, of Portland, held Episco pal services in this oily last eveuiug. Quite n Bnnw storm occurred in this locality no Tnesday night, but it was quickly dissolved by the morning sun. Drink the celebrated J. H, Ontter whiskey. On tap at Chris Borohers'. Ed K. Bishop and R. F. Oynd de parted for Portland on Wednesday evening to attend to some business mat ters. Price Florenoe went down to Portland on Monday night to visit his wife who is iu the hospital there receiving medi oal treatment. Mrs. Plants, sister of Mrs. B. P. Garri cucs, returned on Monday night to her borne at Milton, after visiting a short time with her sister here. Neglect of the hair often destroys its vitality and natural hue, and oauses it to fall out. Before it is too late apply Hall's Hair Reuewer, a sure remedy. Times-Monntsineer: Mr. James Rhea, of Heppner, is in the city today, visiting his diughttr, Miss Eva Hliea, who is at tending school at St. Mary'a Aoademy. Waklie's Squirrel Fxteruainator now on ale at Miuor & Oo.'s, reduced from 60 ols. to 25 cts. tf. E. O.: Tbe marriage of W. P. Fell and Miss Viola Oahooo has been an nounced to oocnr this evening at the Gaboon residence on east Webb street. Best accommodation and courteous treatment at tbe Imperial Hotel, Seventh and Wash. Sts., Portland, Oregon. The Dalles is making a lively effort to seoure a good road from Fossil to that city. If this enterprise is successful it will open up a good field for trade for Tbe Dalles. Minor & Co., the reducers of prices, linvo now ou hand tbe celebrated Wak lie's Squirrel Poison. Call and see what they sell it for. tf. Steps are being taken to organize a braes band iu Heppner. This town bag been without a band for some time and ' one is much needed here. We hope that I tbia effort will be suooessful. Geo. W. Conaer returned from Port land yesterday morning aftei having aitended the congressional convention as a delegate from this oounty. Ueo. says tbey bad a warm time of it down there. G. B. Datt, the tonsorial artist, oan be found at his parlors, Matlock oorner, where he will dispense at popular prioee, BUHves, suampoos, nairouta. etc. The members of the Christian cbnrch of tins city made the final payment on their lot for a church building this week. W ben times brighten op a little these people expect to ereot a nice building on the very desirable lot tbey now own tiers is an extract from a rroeut prayer of a Boston Methodist clergy rust': "Ob, Lord, look upon these bus band tending, baby-tending women, and all these hen-pecked husbands who have been banging on the ragged edge of bell tbe last seven days. Any inventor in Eastern Oregon who desires the aervinea of an attorney in Washington, D. 0 , will find it to bis advantage to call ou or ad drees this pa per. 6f Mrs. 8. P, Florence revived from I very severe surgical operation at the hospital in Portland yesterday. Though tbi operation was a very dangerous one, till bur physii.inn stales that her pros- pec is :or recovery are very good, Mathews riros. bave moved across on tbe east side of Mam street, in the building formerly oocupied by the Oem saiiMio. lliey will be pleased to see their old rastoruer. tf O lliam A Biabee have been very busy of lute making Improvements in tbelr tore building, and after a thorough cleaning and painting of the shelving and other woodwork they now nave very attractive place of bosioees. irt mm im rem -aiff Ourtrf&iitootle DOCTOR. ENGLISH will stop a cough in a night, check a cold in a day, and cure consumption if taken in time. If the little ones have Croup or n aoopmg i;ougn, i yrvmjitiy. Croup is a very ratal disease. fully one halt of those at tacked die. The (freat danger is in n.l.v The disease progresses so rapidly that the loss of a tew hours in treatment ia often fatal. Acker's English Reme dy will cure Croup, and it should al ways be kept in the house for emergencies. A 25 cent bottle may save your child's life. Three aizeai 25c, 50c, SI. All Druggist ACKER MEDICINE CO. 16 & 18 Chambers St, New York. Next Sundav service will not be held in tbe M. E. otiurch. South, in tbe morn ing. Service in tbe evening at tbe usual bour. Rev. Howard will fill bis appoint ments at ttuea creek in the morning and at Clarks' canyon in tbe afternoon. Aa baldness makes one look perm a turely old, so a full head of hair gives to mature lite tbe appearance of youth To secure this and prevent the former. avers uair vigor is oonndently recom mended. Both ladies and gentlemen prefer it to any other dressing. E. O: The relatives of Henry Parr received a dispatch Tuesday night that tie was dead at the penitentiary in oaiem. tie aiea irom trie eneots or a gunshot wound reseived five years ago at Cascade Locks. Henry has many friends in this oounrry in spite of his erring ways, wbo will monrn bis untime ly death. He will be buried at the mission next Friday. Ho, ye voting men of Morrow, whistle up a lively tune For the 'Candidate," I'm free to tate, will stay with uatill June: Then let him oil hlj auger blade, with "Sperry't Li n wood Bye;" Ti sweet to think, of that good old drink, for vuuuk meu are ary. Sold only at tbe Belvedere saloon. The latest results of pharmaceutical soieuoe and tbe best modern appliances are availed of iu compounding Ayer's barsapsnlla. Hence, thongh balf-a cen tury in existence as a medicine, it is folly abreast of the age in all that goes to make it the standard blood-purifier. For Dyspepsia and Liver complaint you bava a printed guarantee on every bottle of Shi oh'e VitaMzer. It never fails to cure. For sale by Wells & Warren. "A DCRNED SIGHT WOEdK." A Bachelor, old and cranky, Was sitting- alone In hi room; Hi toe with gout were aching, And hi face o'enpread with glcom. Mo little one' shout dlaturb him, From noiie the houie wa free. In fact, from attic to cellar, Wa quiet a quiet could be. No medical aid wa lacking; The servant answered hi ring, Respectively heard hi order, And supplied him with everything. But till there wa something wanting, Something he couldn't command; The kindly word of com passion, The touch of a gentle hand. And he said, as hi brow grew darker, And he rang for the hlrell -g nurae, "Well, marriage may be a failure; But thli 1 a darned light worse" Cared the Chill. Ely, Or., March 8. 18U6. "I had ma larial fever and chills, and was attended by pbysioians wbo did not cure me, and grew very weak. I sent for a bottle of Hood's SitrsaparilU and began taking tbia medioine. I have not bad a chill since, although before taking It I had three chills a day." Mrs. C. Moran. Hood's rills onree indigestion, billi- ousneea. IONIC I fKJdS Politics aud other ticks is the order of tbe dty Wire worms and squirrels are getting way who muon grain. Fred Balsiger i aotlve as teacher in Hie i'leaeaot Mill diatriol. lone bee received her share of candi dates on the repmlioeo tioket. Lambing season is at band and Dumber bave found employment therein, Robert Olook arrived a week ago from Ilignleud, 111., and will rrmilo for sometime. Tbe various candidates on the three tickets are now daily dicuaaed and much toUrest is manifested. A number of pereons Joiosd the newly organised Congregational cborob on bundav and more will follow. Mrs. Knog, wbo reeeotly oponej rntllioery etore at lone, bae quits slock of goods 00 band sod well worth seeing. Jce Woolery Is Laving his new reel deuce ia lone painted. It will be qqits aa Improvement and other residents will follow bis eismpla. loos be oow a so'teoriptlon school io ob. It started a week ago, aod tbe teacher. Hies oa Jordan, a very to thoaiatie wnker, Is giving good satis- fartlon. Tbe rne Congregational Boeder tcbitnt U la a floareblig condition. Over itfl.ly were p'eaeot last Hunday. lUv Dk delivered a sermoa after It. We are aow to bave preaching leiee uiootb. Halardav, a week ago, tbe Ooogrega tl'.nal ebareb council wa held al lone. Kef. Ik ake, of (Via doe, IUv. ttoeeb, of Islington. Kv. ulapp, Ptever and mny oilier wre prreeat- tbe rifel Oong. etiareh of lone was folly organised end fMr.K il, and t was ffMHtieele d einq in rwnin quie a CL'Iffh la "Of towe. K I. Cluff bee e'rdy donated a lo for I hat parpnee and ntmuf oth l!rMl1 Is le aptuildirtf of Ion bave prntntaad lbif aid. A bartibar of kew merahwre were lakes 'a Jait A a aft lil Tbie le n iwflifg Ibal i n May 1 1 lb. I walked n Uelk-k'e drag tor oe a peir nf ertole end bnghi a U.ttle rrf Cbember lalo'e l etn Haiea fr ti.flamrne lory iheemaiwra whirh bad ipii au rv Afief esioe three (rvri t ! an emav pllly etf4. I ree rherfelly ravoca Bad it :baile II. Vi, Hanbory. le. fienft aid ntavri.l in bf vye Bf A 1 1, Ki -Waitf Hhitdaea, 1. I. t ot ) at W awai pt bt!e by Gobr A UtiK k, dragg st. AH Krai,4j It Ask your p' ;'cie, nt dreg git an 4 fnt frtede eel Hr.tl.itj (;ara fnf (oiei(4idi. Tef will rntasBeJ lit. fof sale by Wei; A Warrtw Beaeath tbe Car Wheels. Tuesday morning tbe O.KAN, pas senger east bound ran over a bobo be tween Umatilla and Wallula, and bis body was broken into fragments and scattered along tbe traok for a consider able distance. Tbe train was running along and Superintendent O'Brien was seated- in tbe rear of tbe receiver's oar. He saw tbe pieoes of the body soattered along the track and open investigation it was found that two other men were riding on the trucks with the unfortu nate man. Tbey thought he fell asleep and fell from the trucks in that condi tion. Tbe man'a name is not known and there seems to be no way in wbiob to identify him. Men were sent b:tck to atteod to the remains. If we could traoe Dyspepsia to its soiree, it would lead back to our kitoli em. In fact, tbe secret of good health is good cooking. If well cooked, foods are partially digested ; if poorly oooked, they are less digestible than in their raw state. If you are a vio'ira of faulty cooking; that is, if yon soffar from dys pepsia, the rational must be looked for in an artificially digested food, and a food wbiob will at the same time aid the digestion of other foods. Such a prep aration virtually rests tbe tired diges tive organs, thereby restoring them to their natural strength. Tbe Digestive Cordial, as prepared by tbe Shakers of Mount Lebanon, is just such a prepara tion, and a single 10 cent botile will convinoe you of its value. If your drug gmt doesn't keep it, be will be glad to get it through his wholesale bouse. Laxol is tbe beet medioine for chil dren. Doctors recommend it in place of castor oil. Forty Years Ago. Judge Bishop, of Pendleton, in the E iet Oregonian, tells in a recent inter view of tbe horrible massnore at the lower Caeoades, in 1856, at wbiob he was present. The judge says: "I refer to 0 place down on the Columbia river on tbe Washington side opposite where tbe Onsoade Looks now is. There is where I was aud also a number of settlers. That was a day of moment. I oan never forget it, as tbe Iudiaus came tkulking about the settlement and killed 15 of our white people. Times were mighty interesting about then. We were far from any other oentre of settlement' aud if (be redskins got tbe better of us we would all have lost our live'). As it was, tbe margin of eafety was very narrow and we came witnin one or two aces of being all massaored. Tbe pesky var mints not only killed 15 of our people, but almost oaptured our steamboat Mary,' which plied between there and Tbe Dalles. They advanced es far as the gangplank, but j ist at the right moment, tbe engineer of the boat came forward and ebot one of them and tbe remaining ones retreated into cover. They were afterwards pursued, CHp- tnred, and a di sn of thorn summarily hung or shot. It doesn't take innoli mdioin to cure malarial fever, provided von take Sim mons Liver Regulator. It is jmt the remedy for malaria and all spring ail ments. And yon don't need to take much of it. "Simmons Liver Regulator broke a case of malarial fever of three years standing for int-, and less than one bottle did it. I tdill nee it when in need of any medicine "-C. Uimrod, Lan caster, Ohio. HHKKP Ft lit BALK. I have 1,500 ewes an1 1.000 lamln mm x win een niter anearing at 91 per T : 1 1 it . . . , , . Dead, all 'room!. Tarties wishing to buy sbonld address me at Vinson, or can on me at my ranch In McDonald oanyon, near Vinson. Cass Matlock, 20 1m Vinson, Orrgon. CATARRH Isa LOCAL DISEASE ane I the remit ol eeMe anS (iMldea ciiawbe change. It can be cured by a pleanant nnedf which la applied di rectly Into the Boatrlla. Ba in qnicklr aueorbed it gives rrllaf atone, Ely's Cream Balm ''-SWVatJ 'noun. A3 V i " Spy w h acknowM(4 to be the moat thoroojrh ear for Naaal Catarrh, Cold la llaad and liar Fever of all retnediM. It orn and elMntn Lha r'uImmum. altare pain and Innammailoa, seal the mm, pro. tKt the BwmhraiM from eolda. mum the eetwr of tame and mll. Pr1 ane. at OmriliUor by mail 11 M Warns Street, hew lock. CITATI0H. ! THE nit'KTY ItifRT OF THK STATE ol tirrgon. for the Count of Morrow. In the matter ol the estate ol 1 horns K. Marlon. demand, Citation To the heirs al law. and anv and all twranns Interealrd In said al. gnvtlug: In the nsmeol Ih mala nl Oregon, yon are herehy rltKl and reonlmt lo apiwar In the I 111II1H t iinrt ill ,s HUt irf lrr..n, i,r the I'niinly ol Morrow, at tha enrl nmin Ihcrxif. al Heppner, In the I oiintv nl Morrow on Mnuilay Ih Ith day of May. 1 '.. al IU n rlm k Iu Hie lr'iHn ( thai day, than and Ultra tnshnw rauae. II an eilst. why an otrl-r ol thlsrniirl slHHitd not lar made for the sole nl all Ih rval pr.-rlv brloiigliig tnth said eaUta. ili rllrt as follows, to w : h' ol m- it, tp la, H 24 la.t.en.t VH NX!. SCVandNMi, tK'ola.. ivTp I a, K. u I, W. M.alllu Sliirrvw MKi'r. iivfim, Viitm. tlia Hon. Julius K Ihlv, Jii'lfi nf the unnly lonrtnl lit (EAt. etatnf Oregon. Iir lha County ol M'Krnw with Ih mtl nl said I onrl ffl -ed. ihl iid day nl April A U . I. ATTt; i. W. MOHKOW. 4rt. tlik. Notice of Intention. tsw Orrics T La on Oaso.,. Marrh 'n. Irn, Notice is ttrarRY mvex tiut ihe f. towing namxl -ttlr ha fllad ewitic nf M lo rnilon p, mak enl ptm-i Mi enppnn of hit 1 lm. and that aald pr,,( will la i,,,l t ninny l ink, nl V..fmw onnly, nu'n 1, . riMB, nn P 7 im, Tit : " f I I. I fAlM K. li E hn a-al. Ha namee Ih following sllmm Inppnve tils enniina raldare Bpta and cvlUtatlina ol. asfo 100 tis Jntis) Moisiiy try , , u. li owl, . B linffotil, ail ul vli aon, drrnn it. F. ttll.", ti k'gtsur, Notice of Intention. T Att nrrfg T Vug pttir. r,ay(,,r I J April 1. I siidli te (.af.l.f gln tt,a tb follow I i,g naeird ll f ! Sid hw. of hi, Inlanltoa la sk ! rnr,4 n tM t .M,fl.la a-l thai aid p.. will b mad "i"rt in roomy nn 1, 1 S'lfms enwaly at napprwr, iirg..i, an nay ia. t-m, H: rn r t jnra. mi i n irr?. Mil- nf hi, 1, t 1 1. it m 1 w. m M nam II, foil .wing wllnnt. In pint hi fwliininiii nil'lvliH upolsii'l qilt.,a CM aMI nr VIS I U, M.i-, Jm F'Ub. I. t. Kill, iaa imog, an m , i i.or. nr. ..t iA F w'e aisif. Notice Final Settlement. N' OTin M tttarer .iv T(fT tmi 4ttd 1mtn'in nl ui.11 nf " M tl '.,, nV. d w :l f.al l,al altir M nl Mi ,mmhli wt said rtal , .. . ,.1.. I... s Ih ltt Ul., ri to I ctwrtt, rt 4 f.iH, I 'tMf st Mf..,. ttw& fcia k.. t t, ...... , .. ,J m t -e-t: 17. . I1W1 1 r n Nerves are weak, many people say, and yet they do not seem to know that they are literally starving their nerves. Weak, pale, thin blood can not give proper sustenance that is why you arc nervous, tired, exhausted. The cure for this condition is to purify, vitalize nutl enrich your blood. Take Hood's SaisaparilU fairly and faithfully, and the rich, red blood, which it makes, will 60011 feed the nerves the elements of true strength they require; they will ceaso their agi tation and will resume their proper place being under the control in stead of controlling the brain and body. Read Hiss Bartlcy's letter: "I want to express my gratitude for what Hood's Sarsaparilla has done for me. My health has been very poor for three years, due to trouble with my I was nervous, bad pains in my back. I cannot tell what I suffered. My eyesight became affected and I was so despondent I did not bave any interest in life. I had two physicians, but my complaints be came worse. I was told that I wasaflected With Brlght's disease. A relative urged mo to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. I did so and In a short time I began to notice a change in my condition. Things began to appear brighter, my eyes improved and did not trouble me so severely. My appe tito returned and I gained strength every day. I am now able to do my own work, ond feel perfectly well. I cannot find words to express my gratitude for what Hood's Barnaparilla has done for me and I gladly recommend it." Miss Ella Bart LKY, 213 8. Grant Ave., Columbus, Ohio. Sarsaparilla Is the One True Blood Purifier. All druggists. Si. Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. u if., cure Liver IM.i: easy to riOOU S PUIS take.eMytoor.crntfl.iao. Naw Fkkd Yabd Wm. Gordon has opened np the feed yard next door to the Grnzatie office, and now solicits a share of your patronage. Billy is right at borne at tbia business, and vour horses will be well looked after. Prices reasonable. Ray and grain for sale. tf. Pile! Piled! itching Piles. Symptoms Moisture; intense itohing and stinging; roost at night: worse by scratching. If allowed . to continue tumors form, biou often bleed aod ulcerate, becoming very sore. tiwATNii Ointment stops tbe itching and bleed ids, heals ulceration, and in most oases removes the tumors, At droggiata, or by mail, for fjOoenta. Dr. 8 w syne Bon, Philadelphia, Notice of Final Settlement. XiOTlCB IS HKRKBY OIVEN T1HT THK tl iinileri-iKiieil. KllzaJ. Boyer, executrix of the eMate of W. o. Boyer, decerned, will make Klual Hettlement of her account with aald ro ute a inch executrix at the next term of the Proliate Court of Morrow County to be holden at the court home In Heppner, in mid Comity on the 4th day of Mkv, A. I), lH'M, a 10 o'clock a. m. MKS. KUZA 1. HOVER. 8.V3.1 Executrix. Administrator's Notice. NOTICE IU HKRKBY OIVEN THAT THK li uiiilernlKneii Iiki been appointed adminis trator ol the eatate of Karen II Fell, deceased, by the County Court ol Morrow County, Mate of Oregon. All ierou having claims asaltiit mill eitate are hereliv required to preaent them to mr at Heppner, dr., duly verified, within lx mouth from dale hereof. timed tills iltli day of March, WM. C. E. FELL 421-20. Administrator. Notice Of Intention. I.AKD Orrill AT LAtiBAIMie, Orxook. March , wn. NOTIfF. IS HEREBY OIVEN THAT THE Mlowlna;. named settler lias filed notice of hla ItitFtitlnii to initkf final nroof in sunixirt I of his claim, and that said proof will tie made neiore ouoiy lera 01 Morrow county, Oregon, at rli'ppner, orea-mi, on April H, IcM, vis: Bii.tr.ftiE.it w. rionr.un, ltd. E. No. for the w; hku and aru HWHhp.and Kill, S. aud KK.i. NC Hw il, Tp. S . R. V E. W. M He name the loimwlns wltnesse lo prnri his coMtlnuoiis residence uimid and cultivation ol said land, til: I'al Hiitllane, William Warren, Gu. lisle, Frank liale, ol llrpptier, Oregon. B. t. WMJtON. -M4.il Kfglster. Notice of Intention. f AND OFFICII AT THF. DAI.I M OHKitON i Marrh, . Imav Nuili I hrt given that Ih Inllnalng naoiiHl ettlrr ha SIM no- 1 if m ma immiun to mat final puxil in sun. port nl tils rlaltn. end thai aald Hoof vlll be mane nriur 4. w. Mitrmw, t mini Clrk, al iiriincr, uregnn nn apru n. iiwn, u; lAHr.i ik r. 'M ff n I.ir Ilia "Ki two. 10. To. I K. ft. K. W. M. Ilenanir ill lutliiwln vllnse In nrnv hltniiiiltiiious mi.liua uimiu and rulUiallun ol. sai l land, vii- C harlv V.nnlniil. Franrls Kllsennv. Bar. net lhtirtjr, KHaermf, o iialir, lite. 11 in. isa. r. M'xiaa. Hrgisur hmtier Vulture, final PrdofT" NiHIr for I'eblirallna. I AMI (iFFICR AT THF. DAI.I.M. flREOO!, S Marrh XV l"v M.,i I Hrb Kan thai Andr llxii, ).l lslneloii, r.in, ha lllol nn'lr nl liitontlon In mat Rnal .r.. nrinr j. w . Mfirrnw . evitini v rtr al Ms nmr In ll.jiii-r, on fun nn swmrdaf Iha Wh 1a. H ll, nil Umber I illlnr a..ballin Sa. ,d'i. r lb W. i'iartr ol '!, nl ka I. In 1ni..lilp hn. . Ksng Ho J I aal. II nam s allni' Jamr -rt, im. bn ln. i v.. Ihnawnn, Jan Uh.allel Islington, Urrgun. J A t. MoORR. J Maglaur, Notice 0 Intention. I AT) rFFi AT TMI IMI.I.M nNK'tn 4 Wan h .. Ial a.,)!. I. hrl.f gla llial lb Intlnaill.g hsiuod ltlr has Rla4 (rilrul liia Inlmliun Ui mat ! .. in iih1 ol blrilm, and ll'al s 11 pltm4 )ll - aaad mU,n 1 H M.Mi.ia rmml, clrk, l llff, Urrgoti, on MarVt. I i H"i A Nl-ll t'tlF. lid. F Ha i. Icr lb ' rw, awe, ;. sad r'. Mil. II, ff I K g. lUna'nr ih bill'iw 11 g u...a.s In nn kiarniiiinimns rsld a and rultl tsll ol aald labd. ll.a.r n.i.lrr. Frhl iMhlrf, W. O. BV.rtt, rem twvis, a. i m iiiir if.gvtn iA. f M'WIHR, ftaatMa D. J. McFaul, M. D. At J. U. HACtn't RisiDtuct. E. L FREELAND, t coutcrioks, "it INSURMCr, -it ABSTRACTS. U. S. I M) OIMMIIDMK. 14114 II !'.' t Ft ! t t -'t ta.a. ' I j , STLM) 1 8 U'ilH, ma irmc lb CM SOTrf. (Kidneys my Back HAVE YOU HEARD THAT THBRB'Hagiar Cb.r;i in Business All Ul Been a ED. R. BISHOP Has bought out the General Merchandise Business of the McFarland Mercantile Co., and the stock is beiDg disposed of at Ifible Slaughter Prices ! REGARDLESS OF COST. All wooleu goods, boots, shoes, overshoes, ete., are being sold below wholesale cost Great discounts on hardware, tinware, glassware, hats, caps, blankets and in fact everything kept in a general mercantile es tablishment Call and see the stock before it is too late. FRANK M'FARLAND, Manager and Salesman. ED. The National Bank Son people want the ie What hhMl goodly portion of it at GEO. A. BROWN'S HAEDMAN STORE, With very little money. He keeps a full line of general merchandise, including dry goods, groceries, boots, shoes. GEO. A. BROWN, HARDMAN, OR. Gilliam & Bisbee We are not small men, we are not me Largest But when the people ol all the Hardware, Tinware, Crockeryware, Glassware, Wood and Wlllowware, Nail, Iron, Barbwire, Cumberland Coal, Ga and Water Pipe, Pipe rittlngi, Stoves aud Range. Wagon. ! " "unK'ra, n aguu piauinai, naruwooq, Axe, uammeri, Haw, Bledgc, Wedge, Oun. Pistol, Cartridge and Ammunition, Maon Jar, Gran iteware, Plow, Harrow. Rake. Mower, Tub. Waah Botller and Boards, Sheet Iron, Zlne, etc., etc., Should call and Examine our Goods and Get Prices. We hav Oooo Goods at Faii Price, and Cheap lohn Good at Chep John Price. QILI.IA.M & BISB15E, M A.IN STREET - DEALS IN Irockries, Gents Stoc KMENS And Wants He will make it an object for you to trade with bira as bis prices are right, and all goods that he bandies are ot the very bout. Store on Main to City Ploppnor, uoeeasor la C. . Van Du;a. Kelt duoe U Illy llulei. Has everything in the line of Fresh Groceries, Candies, Nuts, and also keeps Crockery, Lamps and Tinware. Stock is Complcto. Notions a Specialty. AttornuyH fit Tvtixv, All bniDM AtUnded lo ar, Nolarle OrriCE IN NATIONAL HANK UCILMSO. QF.rrer.n, 1 '.rV ft W a. k2 I K t,i . J Alt thfM tftti l prorurixl t TliofDivo A I5inu, Ixivtr llin fitreft, Iff 'or, OrrROD. tb ganii.m. l rtnli4 Hh Irani. Urwv rr. rj'sj t4 Msttensttsl, u4 aa BaM aud Dm I miI thras) atl isi liais.l'.g (Mat, Fitro la koe4n oih lb tint. THOM lJSON Vs lUNNS, l-XVJimxatrr. tarr-r jg m THK PALACE HOTKL ItAll, .1. c. ijoncmons. ii op. I s aainlii a aa a il Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars R. BISHOP, Prop. Building, Heppner. Ore. earth; you can get a fts. We are small men, Xs. mefcnanls in me woridl gurroumllug country are In need ol . HEPPNEU. OTiKOONT HOWARD Furnishing Goods. OUPrLIES. liTC. Your Trade! Street, Next Drug Store, Door Oregon. lb pmrnpi n J tlfc4orT I'ablic Md CllecVn-. t ORF.OOS Do You V.mt .n Riff ? Don't You Want a Place to Put up Your Team ? Are You in Need of a Saddle Iorse ?