Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, April 10, 1896, Image 2

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For RepreMntatira,
J. N. BROWN, o( Heppner.
For Sheriff,
ANDREW ROOD, of Hardman.
For Clerk,
A. W. PATTERSON, of Heppner.
For Judge,
A. 0. BARTHOLOMEW, of Alpine.
For Treasurer,
FRANK GILLIAM, of Heppner.
For Commissioner,
J. W. BECKETT, of Eight Mile.
For Assessor,
A. C. PETTEYS, Of lone.
For Surveyor,
JOHN HORNOR, of Heppner,
For School Superintendent,
MIS3 ANNA J. BAL8IGER, of lone.
For Coroner,
DR. B. F. VACGHAN, of Heppner.
Justices and Constables.
For Sustice of the 1st District,
For Constable of 1st District,
For Justice of 2d District,
For Constable of 2d District,
For Justice of 3rd District,
For Constable 3rd District,
For Justice of 4th District,
For Constable of 4th District,
For Justice of 5th District,
J. T. H0SKIN8.
For Constable of 5th District,
For Justice of 6th District,
For Constable of 6th District,
The choice by tbe democrats of
a candidate at Chicago ia illustrat
ed by a friend of ours in the story
of tbe woman who entered a store
to purchase a jacket The clerk
showed her piles of them, bat she
still hesitated. He kept palling
more down and animadverting up
on their good qualities. He had
the whole counter full when the
lady asked if that was all he had.
He replied that it was and that he
considered it a very large and
handsome stock. Then she
thummed the counter in an absent
minded manner aod finally Baid
"Well, I reckon it don't make
much difference as the jacket is for
a corpse J Lx.
Thos. H. Tongue Choice
of First. District.
The Portland Faction Were Given Equal Hep-
reienUtloa in tbe t'oavantioa State
Convention News.
A. WELL known journalist of
Paris, M. Variderbeym, has been
spending a good while at the court
of Emperor Menelek of Abyssinia.
He tens a story that when some of
the native priests saw a photo.
graph of their king taken by the
correspondent, they upbraided His
Majesty for allowing a European
to produce his features by means
of an instrument invented by tbe
devil, whereupon the dusky Mene.
lek replied, "Idiots, on the con
trary, it is God who has created
the materials which make the
work possible." And he added
that if they ever talked that kind
of nonbense again to him, he would
have them beheaded, which is an
effective if a rather summary way
What's the matter with En1B? of spreading thegospel
He's all right.
Wednesday morning Henry Heppner
received a telegram from Arlington an
nouncing that bis brotber, Pbil, of Ibat
place, bud just committed suioide by
hooting. Henry, accompanied by Qeo.
Shipley, started immediately for Arling
ton, arriving there at 5 p. m. From the
Arliogton Record we get tbe following
account of the tragedy:
Fbillip Heppner, one of tbe wellkaowo
men in Gilliam county, suicided on tbe
morning of April 8th by shooting him'
eelf through tbe brain with a 38 oaliber
revolver. The tradgedy occurred in bis
office at tbe warehouse. He bad evident
ly stood before a email Iookine-glaB3
plaoed tbe mozzlool tbe pistol close to
bis forelilad and pulled tbe trigger. A
number of persona in tbe vioinity of the
warehouse heard tbe fatal shot and
burned to the placn. Fraok Link who
was first to reach the wareroom found
tbe door closed. After calling Phil and
receiving no answer he forced open the
door. The body of Mr. Heppner was
lying aa it bad fallen face upward and
tbe heavy pistol lying on tbe floor at bis
feet. The blood was oozing from a bnl
let bole in big forehead. The dootor was
summoned and pronounced life extinct.
An inquest was held over the remains
and after several hoars of oareful ex
amination they returned tbe following
We, the jury empanneled to investi
gate the death of Phii Heppner, find tbe
following verdiot: That tbe deceased
was 49 years old; that he came to bia
death in Arlington, Gilliam oorjntv,
Oregon, on tbe 8th day of April, 1896,
at about 9 :30 a. m. from tbe effects of a
shot fired from a revolver; that said shot
Portland, Or., Apr. 8. The republi
oan convention of tbe seoond congres
sional district met at 11 o'olock today.
Judge 0. H Carey, of Multnomah, chair
man of the distriot committee, called tbe
convention to order. Clay tot), of Oolom
bia, nominated C W. Fulton, of Clatsop,
for temporary chairman sod be was
chosen unanimously. Mr. Fulton made
a brief speeob thanking tbe convention
for the honor. Hia reference to Mo-
Kiuley and protection was greeted with
great applause. Refering to tbe oontest
of the delegates in Multnomah county
Fulton said: "Any man who can not
rise above faotional strife is not worthy
tbe name of republican."
A. W. Patterson, of Heppner, was
elected secretary. The chairman ap
pointed a committee of seven on ore
deotiala and a committee of five on or
der of business. The following are on
tbe committee on credentials: H. R
Olift of Columbia county; 0. W. Psrrieh
of Grant: 3. Tavlor of Clatsop: I. W
Hope of Malheur; T. R. Lvons ot Mor- was fired with bis own bands with sui-
. ht rrm.f,n r..i v iCidal intent.
That said deceased was laboring under
Mb. Ellis has been a faithful
servant of the people and will be
rewarded by another term as con
gressman from the second district
Sylvester Pennoyer has ac
cepted the nomination on the tax
payerB ticket for mayor of Port
land and the way matters stand at
rjresent down there he stands a
Utah, with the adoption of her
state constitution, incorporated tbe
Australian ballot system as a part
of her laws. With some modifica
tion this system is now in use in
nearly all the states of the union.
Under this system of voting the
first serious check was given to
bosses and ward heelers in the
great cities, and made it possible
to secure a free expression of the
will of the voters at the polls. It
is scarce ten years since tbe sys.
tern was introduced into this
row; JVl. Moegrove or umauua ana u.
O. McCoy of Sherman.
Committee on order of business: Lee
Morehouse ot Umatilla; J. Q. Day of
Wasoo; George Conser of Morrow; W.
D MoConnell of Columbia; P. Bascbe
of Baker.
Tbe convention then adjourned until
4:30 p. m.
At 4:30 the convention reconvened.
Ellis, Moody and Rand were pissed in
nomination for representative to con
gress. Two ballots resulted in no eleo.
would make that city a good fet. T
Mb. Ellis is appreciated in the
seoond district much better than
some of our contemporaries would
have us to believe. Quite a large
number of them had him defeated
for the nomination before the con
vention met, but notwithstanding,
he is nominated again.
McKinley may be a little ex
treme en the tariff question, but
when it comes down to pure and
beautiful manhood, there are few
grander and nobler men between
tbe two oceans. Ilia life is with
out a blemish- his character with
out a stain. Salem Tost
Tbe domocratio convention of
Missouri passed a resolution a
short timo since congratulating
President Cleveland as a duck
shooter, and expressed the regret
that he did not put in more time
killing teals and loss in issuing
bonds and wrecking the demo
crats party.
"We have hoard Bomothiug said
about what the republicans of this
state two years ago spent to have
Hon. 11 U. llorr stump the state.
Oen. J. B. Weaver is now in Ore
gon making populistio speeches.
We don't know whether lie is paid
for it or not, but it is not probable
to suppose that ho ia here working
ia the intretU of that party for
Let Satan with his hoofs, boms,
claws and tail come ana sot op a
revival meeting for the advance
ment ot Christianity. But Bimon,
Foottand Corbelt in tbe roll of I
saviors of the people would shame
the father of lies and arch hypo.
crita off tbe face of tbe universe,
and I owe the devil an apology for
mention of his name with tbe re
formers. Hy.8tander in Salem
The Salem lt twms to favor
the re-ftlectioQ ot John II. Mitch
ell lie has made a good servant
for the whole opli. lleppoor
"deemt to favorr Why the Pout
baa always favored John II.
Mitchell f'r I'm tod Stat, senator,
aud until it bears something dortw
gatory to his political character, it
always will Why not?
O.ttMl for the lt. You ate on
the ri:bt track. Mitchell is the
tnaa tor U. 8. senator from Ore
gon and be will be r elctd.
TitoXA II. ToNUlC, who was
roiuiull 1 y the ifpablicane ot
the fi'kt coPgrrbbst dial' Set in
couvcntion at Albany or Tuesday
L morw-1 lUngcr llertnaon to
cngra, is an attorn jr of Hills
boro, attd a man cf brilliant at
Uibroeiita, He alw follows farm
iu; and sbuVraiwing, and baa
proved to 1 quit sufffMful in
all th linra. He U an able and
rarnrat Ith'I' if I be bit
tn-til art 1 if h U e'iv.t which
i. i ii i t . ;.t 1 1-, i iH biitg
tl l I aciMiBpliabmrnta
stay, and with some changes that
experience wul suggest it will re
main the ballot law of tbe states
for yeais to come, or until some
better system is devised.
Mb. Hermann was retired by
the republicans of the first con
gressional district at their couveu-
tion held in Albany on Tuesday.
It took 34 ballots to displace him,
but the opposition were deter
mined and stood together in such
a manner that they could not be
moved by the Hermann forces.
Mr. Hermann has been a member
of congress from the stale of Ore
gon for twelve years, has held
many important and responsible
positions on committees, and been
a hard and faithful worker for the
state. It will take the people of
the first district some time to re
gain the prestige it 1ms held in
congress but will now looso in the
retirement of Hon. Binger Her
w7 w
Eastern Orfgoa.
Weather Tbe nights up to Sunday
have been frosty during tbe pant week;
freezing temperature at cibt have
been frequent. Tbe day temperatures
have ranged from 40 to 66 dg. Showers
ooonrred on March 30 and 31 and on
April 6 and 6, amounting to .10 to of
an inob. Linht snow Ml in looalitiea
on March 30. During the hours of
frosty weather the air was moist and
cloudy weather generally followed tbe
Crops -The weather conditions have
not been especially unfavorable to the
fruit, as in Western Oregon tbe clouds
sod moist air protect the fruit from the
injurious effects ot the frost. Home
pouches have been injured, but general
and material injury is not supposed by
tbe correspondents to bav ocoorred.
the peaches are in full b'oom. Cher
ries, prunes, apples, etc, are just oom
mg into fine bloom. This ia not appli
cable to tbe country south aud east of the
Blue mountaine, in which section the
seasou U yel in a dormant stage.
Flowing and seeding cnntiuues. Mnoh
of the fall sown grain which was frozen
out by tbe cold weather of the flrBt few
ohvs of Murch has been resown. Ihe
ground is in good oonditioo; it was well
soaked by the winter rains. Tbe range
grass is growing, affording plenty of
food for the cattle and sheep. Shearing
bus oommenoed iu Umatilla county, and
tbe wool is most excellent, the winter
having been favorable to tbe continuous
growth of the wool. Lambing baa oom
menoed in some of the counties, and the
weather is now very favorable to the
young lambs. More activity than usual
has been displayed during tbe past fine
months in plowing and seeding. The
weather conditions have been favorable
to almost continuous outdoor work. As
in Western Oregon the season opens
with all conditions favorable to a pros
perous year for all visitation.
Portland, Apri. 6, 96.
Pocket Knives
i and Scissors
temporary lnsan'ty when toe snot was
fired and that death was instantaneous
Ross Beabdblbt,
R, H. Robinson,
L. Parkbr,
J. F. Thomas,
C. H. Wbnnbb,
Tbe jury examined quite a number
of witnesses among tbem Dr. Oeisen-
dnrfer who testified as to tbe state of
deoeased's mind. His brotber was sum
mooed from Heppner anl arrived at I
p. m. Tbe body was taken to Portland
for burial.
Karl's Clover Root Tea
is a sure cure for Headache and nervons
diseases. Nothing relieves so quickly.
For sale by Wells & Warren.
Spring; Time
Is when nearly everyone feels the need
of some blood purifying, strength invig
orating and health produoing medicine
Tbe real merit of Hood's Sarsaparilla is
tbe reason of its widespread popularity.
Its unequalled success is its best recom
mendation. The whole system is sns
oeptibla to'tbe mot good from a medi
cine like Hood's Bi.rsaparilla taken at
this time, and we would lay special
stress npon tbe time and remedy, for
history baa it reoorded that delays are
dangerous. The remarkable snooess
achieved . by Hood's Sarsaparilla and
the many worls of praise it his received.
make it worthy of yonr confidence. We
ask you to give this medioine a fair trial.
1' and by virtue ot an execution Issued out
of the Circuit Court ot the 8tate of Oregon for
the County of Morrow, on March 14, 18, and to
me directed and delivered, upon a Judgment
rendered and entered in said court on the otn
day of March. 1896, In favor of J. H Townsend,
1'lalntlrT. and arrainst Thomas Walden. W. G.
Scott and H. W. Harria. Defendant, for the mm
of Three Hundred Kortvelirhtand 10-100 (H48. 101
Dollars with Interest thereon from said 5th of
March, Ih'.k'., at the rate of ten per cent per an
num and Twenty-five (t'25.00) Dollarsattorney't
fee and the further sum ot sixty-four and 89-100
(Jiil 8U) Dollars costs; and, whereas, by said
judgment It was ordered and adjudged that the
following described real property, to-wlt:
or section w in IP. l norm, range in. r.. w.m.,
be sold to satisfy said Judgment, costs and ac
cruing costs, l win, on
Saturday, the 25th day of April, 1896
at 2 o'clock, P. M., of said day, in front of the
Court House In Heppner, Motow County,
Oregon, sell Ihe right, title and Interest of the
said Defendants In and to the above described
property at Public Auction to the hlghnit and
best bidder f r cash In hand, the proceeds to be
applied to the satisfaction of said execution and
all costs, and costs that may accrue
21-34. . W. HARRINGTON,
Sheriff of Morrow Comity. Oregon.
Dated March lfl, 18.
I'iMir Indffdl
There aredegrws and kinds of poverty,
JiiNt as there are differences of opinion
among those who compute aud measure
poverty anil ncliea tiy diirereut stand
rdn. Home men deem themselves poor
because they are Ixes rich than others,
auain there are Comparatively pot r pen
pin who are atifird wib oompetruoe.
There in a kind of poverty fur which no
amount of wealth onn compensate, nam
ly, povertf of bodily stamina, evinced
by niTTonsnoss and a derangement of
the functions of digestion, bilious secre
tion and the bowels. To restore vigor
npou a permanent basis there is one
remedy that fully rovers the require
menu, "fills the hill." and this la Hoe
teller's Htomaou Hitters. II r reeUiriou
digestion, giving beallhful ImpnUs to
ilia action at Ihe bowels and lier and
Iranqnillisiog Ihe serves, it fulfills the
eondillno necessary to a resumption of
strength by the syslem. It also over
comes malaria and rheumatism.
vr nus
lion. Ellis wai nominated on tbe third
biillot. Total nnmber of votes oast 115;
necessary to a choice 58. Moody re
ceived 52, EHis 63. Rand reoeived 14
votes on the first ballot. Umatilla voted
solidly for Ellis, notwithstanding it waa
claimed be would have but one vote
from that delegation.
Tbore woe a oompromise effected be
tween the two factions in Maltnomab
oounty by an equal division of represen
tation. Tbe fight, however, may be
carried into the oonfeutioa tomorrow.
Albany, Or., April 8. Thomni II,
Tongue was nominated for congressman
over Dinger Hermann last night on the
SUh ballot, wbicb stood: Tongue 83;
Hermann 31; scattering 6. J. F. Cal
breath and C. 8. Moore were elected
delegates to the national convention,
Tbry are "sound money" men,
A Fact Worth Knowing.
Consumption, La Grippe, Pneumonia
and all Tbroxt and Lung diseases are
onred by Hbiloh'a Cure. For sale by
Wells & Warren.
Clark county Is a great frail country,
tod so ll will bo. Largs areas are
plan led In frail trees, mostly prone sad
apple, every year.- Ona frail raiser
shipped Seven oarloads ot green praoes
to Chicago last eaep. Muel of lbs
praties ars dried. One ol tb driers
aear venooavsr bandies fourteen tons
of prone daily.
I h winter ties beea a very mild one,
and dry Ion, lbs old settlers say, but
I do not sea libera lb dry part 0rnrs
la. 1 lite am riiilra noribewt ot Vaa
ooaver. Tb land Is Uvel, bnl covered
with limber which In am planes ts
very heavy. Tb V. K. k Y . It 11 Is
now ready to lb foothills ot tb I'u
radea, and logging Iraus ar running
very day. I Itv too tulle from lb
Bart station.
Taluk Is pretty !d!y felted bera la
lb woods, nlMhn like 111 road la
Ibt suaniry la later-snaddr . I'upo
Hat ar btg aad load as aver befor lb
belli. 1U of them ara getting tired
and want tntt!t Bw, aad an they
join lb 4. I A. ow Ibis A. T. A
aey4hin( new? Is not lb old Know
Bo bmitsinf
1 th Of goolaa ) that "ao aaaa
aa t a Ire ilr man and a republi
eaa bi lb sam Urn " ell, w never
belle all of lb Oregnalao. Yoq jit
y for bb tl al no nn raa I aa nail-
ilvrr maa aad a fonm republteaa al
iti am tun. lUtnol lb Oregnataa
danm lb last t Month slated
aad restated Dial l "silver eras was
declining; Dial lb dead Bad
aoUxIr Irll .i nioiira It; that penpl
rnmnM4iee.il,) aoJeraUn.l lb qttecltn
and their flly." fef Au I ro iil
II la ting lime, pee and p'lafers
ins, sail ef it, flhig I hi MiU.l
tVWIe" llwllbl.r Writ. II I right
IB ln II, x-i I bar f mmetiee,!
U nnderaUad thai quraiM B and tbry
lil Mat food rt I hi knnaledf la
illg Ihelf btllol a roiulug eleo-
Imk,, A.C
II will ' aa '!. le arrt la
petni t4t)e- la tr'l ! btUlnti
fHilw Iowa IB. I I MBit' I relief May t
Kad by tVln harnllte' t,"i
Cti nj piartb va IWaae-lv. la
man f tttal.lier Ihe aMa.ka af b tr-
i.li I bf lakmg this t B-ly a t"B a
Tbe Plate rnavratina
roRTLAND, Apr. 9. The republican
state convention tu called to orJer al
11:15 br Cbnrmao Steele ot the state
ceolral conmittee at tba eipoaitioo
building. General Geo. U. Williams,
of Portland, was eleo led temporary
chairman by acoUmntlon On taking
tbsohair (lenoral William Ibankad tba
oonvention for tb honor and tald: "In
my rating I shall reroguls no factions
in tba republican parly. I nine thai
Ton ar all rei, uhl oai.s."
8. U Eaklui of Ltn ronnty was elect
d temporary secretary and Otis Tatter
oa ot Morrow roanty aitnt Moreta
ry. Tb chair Ibeo appointed Ihf fol
lowing con. mitt-" on eredentials: J. M.
Patterson of Vao ; II I). Cliusor of
Dakar; Judge Mgr of YaoiUill; 8. A.
Dawion ol Lion ; K M. Craltio of Lane;
Claud Oaieh ot M i't ; r. J. Taylor of
Th following e -turn II on order of
baaine appiulJ: J. E. Mager
Tanibill; E. L. Hmith of Vaoo; A. J,
JohBs .n of I.tne; C. K. Wole .H of Jack
son; W. II. Court" C tauUa.
A BJoiioa nifU lost when lb
mnettiiu tsk" ' I'j4l II meet
gala la Ibe i tumS't of i-a n, 00
tb aeooHiil i f IU rl.-oaiUou buildiof
belbg enlil. Tbe t 'I I lot,
A mioIUm w mad ibat tb ebair
appotot a eomrnitir oa rolatiooa, bal
tba ebair rated ll oat of orJer anlil after
tha arlealial eommUte r ported.
Tb ooavaatioa ltio aIJiurBd till
la Oa.
Tba flbt belweea tb delegalioo
fmcB Malluomab county will brBwd
this alterem.o oa tb It Kr ol tb eoa
vanlion. Tb eooamitie on rr.!dti!a
aa Biad an t for abl la Himoa, bal B
inodiy rpfl Bill t prul.
Mm Bal Afr al Ik wetW fur
Ayef ' Har.apanlU itj ia th ttraor
dlBarydialiiMmoBot bavirg t lb nil
blood paritter aiio, an eibitm ai in
World fair, tbtv MaaalaeMref
of alber rapn!U aongtil by ery
neant lool lal a shooing td Ibelf 'ol,
bat they were all tnreed away nnder tba
i pUaiioa of tb ral f -fl idJieg lb
entry of patent mediem and nnirama,
lb deeieioai of th World' fir aaihn
ritie la favf of Afet'S Harprill we
la sffeet aa f.JInw: "Arf B tpa-
rill W Bnl B !'! Se.tiln. ll d
Bnl beloeg to tbe I t of Buatraot.
Ber oa It "' "
Tha publishers of Thb Uappt IIomb
will give an elcgunt fine tonfd Upright
Piano, valued at .550 00, absolutely free
to the person sending them the largest
list of words constructed from the letters
ooulhioed in the name ot their well
known publication,
1 HB tlAfPr UOMB. '
Additional presents, couaiating of
Bicyole, Gold Watches, Silver Watches,
Hewing Machines, Music lJox, Hilk
Dresses, China Uiuner nets, Bbd many
valuable and useful articles, will also be
awarded in order of merit, and every
person sending not h-m than ten words
will reOMive a present of vnlne. Uae
either plan I or singular word, but not
both, and on no letter in the same word
more times than it appears in Ihe text,
J list Uappt IIomb.
This is a popiihtr plan of introducing
into new hem'' this popular publication.
which has iu its three year existence re'
reived a bappy welcome in many thons
and of borne.
A the object In giving away tbe val
oable presents la to advertise and at
tract attention to Tub Happy Howb,
hu h is a handsomely illustrated month
ly publication devoted to Literature,
Fashion, Htories and Art, every list of
word muat ha accompanied with tbre
two-oenl stamp (m cents) for a trial
ropy of thia favorite home Journal C"U
laining full particular, I let ot presents,
and rule regarding oontet. ion may
reeivs a valaalil reward for yonr
tronhl. AddreasTHE UAPPY UOME,
36U Uearboro 81.. Chicago, III.
X and by virtue of an execution Issued out
ol tne Circuit court of the Htnte of Oregon lor
the County of Morrow on March 16, imni, and to
me directed and delivered, upon a Judgment
rendered anil entered In aatd court on the 5th
dHy of March. 1WW, In favor of The Northern
counties investment mist (liinned) riaiuun,
and nvnlnstu. vv. Htewart, .lames u. Hamilton,
(i. W. Harrington. Administrator. Addle Harvin
and J. N. Rrown, I'elendants, for the sum oil
Thirteen Hundred Two and 4-100 dim 04) Doll
ars, with Interest thereon from March 5, lHSKi, at
the rate of cluht per rent per annum and "lie I
Hundred Hollars attorney s rce. and the lurtner
..f L-l r,i. K... ....li'JI lllrt 1 t-.i It.. I In h
Pll III ill rill lllcnii'liw-l'nr,w.,l irv,lini . t-cau,.
and, whereas by anlil Jmliiinent It. was ordered
and adjuiliied that the following; descrtlied real
roncrtv. lo-wit: i lie i or n )i oi scctioa m.
i. or mh , e.'4 NK'i.and nw4oi Hr.usectton
ill, and 'U of HWSi section U. all In Tp. &8,
K. K W. M., he sold to satisfy said JudKUieut,
emu and accruing cosis. i win, on
Saturday, tha 25th day of April, 1896
at 2 o'clock, V. M., of said day, at the frontdoor
ol the Court House In Heppner, Morrow County,
llreifon, sell the right, title and Interest nl the
siihl Defendant In and to the above described
lonertv nt i'ulillc Auction to Ihe highest and
est bidder for cah In hand, the proceed to be
applied in the satisfaction of said execution aud
all eii.tk, and costs that may accrue.
iil.il. I. . II AKkl.M, him.
Sherlfrof Morrow Couutv. Oregon.
Dated March IU, l Hi.
We will send IEEE either a
large 2-blade Pocket Knife
with Btag handle, 0E, pair
cf 7-inch full Kickel Scissors
Both Guaranteed to be bast
quality ileal.
40 Coupons;
on, FOB
a Coupons and 40 cents.
Ton will flwl ona eoupon Inside each 1 onnee bag.
and two ooupona inaida aach 4 ounoa ba of
Send Coupon with Name and Addrtsa to
Ttnv a hav of this Celebrated Smokine Tobacco and read the
coupon which gives a list of other premiums and how to get them.
This ha become an established market' for Eastern Oregon, Washington and Idaho
wool. Last season three million pounds were received here by rail from Huntington,
Baker City, Heppner, Arlington, and from Yakima, Spokane, Lewlston, Walla Walla and
Intermediate stations.
Low freight rates are given on shipment to Pendleton for scouring and pocking In
transit. Many of the leading buyers make this place headquarters, and all large opera
tor frequently visit Pendleton warehouses. A a market this place 1 equalled only by
The Dalle In quantity of wool which attract competition, with thl advantage :
From no point in the Northwest, Portland
included, is wool shipped East at less ex
pense than from Pendleton.
Water competition has not afforded suf
ficiently low rates upon wool in the g rease
and dirt, to equal the lower expense in- .
curred by shipping only clean, scoured
wool from Pendleton.
Owing to thl fact Tendleton buyer are enabled to pay a much or more for wool
at thl Dolnt than Is avcraaed at other place havt 'g reputation a "high market,"
based upon exceptional sale of fancy lots of light wool. Considering character of wool,
and shrinkage, It may safely be claimed that the average sale In Pendleton
, Net the Grower more Cash for the same amount of
wool than can be obtained in any other Market in
the State.
Tk 111 ft W oaira.
GonitinjUtno, oaaa mora than half
th ilia of women. Karl'a Clover ll"o,
Tea la a pleasant rnr for Cuoatipation.
For l by Well A Warren.
Holict of Intention.
I A April 7. Nutlc I hrl. ilvtrt that
tho folliio lii( named avtllrr haa ft led notice of
h ltitnMiiii to mat anal pnifH In int'port of
hrrrlalm, and that said trtf sill t nadr
brlnraj. W. Miro, roiintr c!f, al llrppnar.
lirraun, nn star 7' l. vis '
fid t n (of tb hi, err. 21, TP. t .,
K ?II,w, H
aha mum th Mliialnf Hnraw lo httir.
hrr mntinmma rldiir Umu and eul'ttatln
ol aai land,
A. I K n. M A. oi.un i..hn oi.im. all of
Ion. Utva, ouq t. A. Kh. of H'f Pf. Of.
Ja. r. X'M'KK.
t an. kviatr.
kotict of Intention.
IAMtnrrit t! at i.oRMr. tur.u,
4 April . Kntlr I hrtrht iltn thai
rh Bl
Bird I
tha l.illualii nanxl tii, ku (14 of
tr IntvntttM au ma dial prntt In support of
hf rlaiM. and that aald p" tll b mad
h(,.ri ,,nil, (Uta.nl Unmn I ouulf.al llI-
iJtlll llalllY MR 11111 KUVtUK,
lf in an w. aw a. t a a. a ! m w.m
ah Mm th ..li .li.i altln to saw,
hr mniinMia r.nr Uo and talttiaUo
W at. lan-t. via
Jan M Marf. Kortna A. Kltr, ama
Jon, imam ltuhav all f H''r Huai.
r. II in
MB v a
1 ' and by vlrliic nf an ciinnitmn Issued out
nf the ( Ircull I'imrl nf III ritate of Oregon fur
IhcComily ol Morrow, March Hi, im, and
me iiim-tcii and ilrllvernl UMin a Judgment
rendered and entered lu aatd court on Ihe '.'d
day of March. In faforof Thomas I.. Inr-
man, rialnilu, and aualnat (lenrgn w, Junkln.
Drleuilant, for the sum ol fUtren llundrrd and
Hlily-Mre liollara with tnu-reat thereon
limn March a, 1'1, at thera'eol ten per cent
per annum and One Hundred Hollars attorney
lit-and Ihe further auinnf Twenty liollara costs;
and, wherein, l.y said JudKinrnt It was ordered
and acl)uilel that the following dcarrllied rrnl
In 1 p. X H, K -H K. W.M , l sold Ui (allalr aald
Judgment, roata and accruing coata. 1 w III, on
Satueday, th 25th day of Aarll. 1890
at 2 o'clock V M . ol aald day, at th front dnor
ol th Court Hons In Hepimrr. Morrow t'nuntr,
iirmnn. aell th- rlsht. nil and Inleml of th
aald IMendaiit In and to lh almr neacHliM
roiieiiy at I'uhltr Aui'tlon Ui th lilcheal and
heat bidder for raah In hand, tha prorenla to h
apfdled to th aattalartton of aatd execution and
all roala, and owl that may accrue.
KherlfTof Morru County, Oregon.
paled Marrii in, !',
il and hy rlrlii of an arcollou taaipt out
ol I Irrult court ol th Mala nf ortnnror
th County of Morrow, on March In, I"-, and to
m nlrertr.1 and dellvrmt, Un a ludfment
rndrd and ntrr. In aald Court nn lh Mh
day ol Warrh. In law of K. t Huahea,
rialiitlff. and aaaltiat Henry Kelly, IKflrndant,
ftr lit autw ol nvn Hundred rorty avn and
V n l:i; VI Hollar. Willi Inlerrat th.
nn Imia March th Vh. !. at th
ra in ten tr rent. r annum and Klaly
liollara attortwT lr. and th further sum ol
Thirty four and Itu il4d Dollar eoat
and. w hraa. hy aal.t )ulamiit II a nMtml
and adludav.1 that Ih (oliowln de rlhd rrnl
properly, lo wit wouin hall ol th north nail ol
llu lwniy two, and wat ha I nl aertlon
Iwanly Ihrw. all In township two aoulh, rah
twenty aet.n raat. Vt M , h aold In aatlaly aaUl
ludfment, and rrruln( roala. I will, on
Saturday, th 25th Bay f Aarll, 1896
al 1 n rlnrt r. M ,ot aald day at th Irnnl door
... Ik 1 ...... 1 1 ....aa In UaMa,..-- U ...... a. I .
iter". aM an in nam. una ami tnrat or
Ih aald IMendanl In an.l In Ihr at" dear rll-M
rmn at Puuiir Aurtion to Ih hliheal and
h-wl I.I.I !( hit ewah In han I. tha pIom-Ii t h
pile.1 Ui lh aallalael on ol )!. sCUUoll '
all mala, and il thai may aerro
It 4. It W. IIAHKIUTtl.
BhertnTof Marrow County, Wria.
Ht4 Man k l. av.
The Thoroughbred Running Stallion will
stand the season at
Terms: S20 for the season. All marcs
over one from the same stable will be bred
for 5 less, each.
iSmmhp is a Dark Bay, 16 hands high; Star in face, Two white
inn Ti n.
a-a ADM. neDonoro.
1 1
I 11 it Cwamp hy I-eon; fl rat dam. Oregon Rna. th by Tiptop; hi by Im
ported (irrat loin; Tiptop s Oral dam, Brllirey, sh by Imported Bonn I Scotland Oretma Koa a
rat dam. uraiirahnt: ah hy Rurkshot: h by Imported Buckton: third dam. Ball la Morian. by
John Morgan; h by Imporled ttovurelin.
Can farnShb cooil prtBtare at $1.2o per month per bead. Bcrncu
fee payable when mare ia terred, either by cash or good note.
GEO. C. AIKEN. Owner.
River and
in i it
.VIIIWVUUVI a lt I li.
an to
Laariot Al.ler Htreet Deck, TortlaoJ, for A'lorla, Ilaoo, Loaf Deaeh. Ooaaa
rari ana naneotta. iiro tontetioD witb llwaoi itars bbJ rail
road; atao at Yooog' Bay itb gabors lUllro4.
ly I'ortland T A. M. Daily. cpl Sunday. Ure Aitorta T t. M. 6lly, eirwpt fqaday.
xiAXLiiav ovTsnxaxiT
Uwr rurtland f. M flatly. cpi annday. a-lut lay tilthl. II P M. yae AsiorU Daily a
I i A. M , srd aunday and Monday, aunday night, J f. M,
Leave Port I a rvd and mns dlrwri lo iw,. Tneaday and INwUitil A. M. Bslurday al 1 P. U.
L llaare rlna.lay and frMay at J A) A. M. u uadaf aiftl al t r. M.
Bie CHftltJ It Eiibid tVtitliot IA t Free if Expense.
Far Blty, p.. row tint, llnr. Tral Ih Tlphnn. Blty Oalaart and Oraaa Wat.
mrim i.irir.
1 iniM Anvrnn at iirrrMB
1 1 t , apHl aa,
Im.ii, ll Vaiy V. nirn, T"",
fr i' i.l Ha"l rr. Baiw n
k. !. A it lUaw laii..
hw rwliln M th"" l'ii't pia aaf
oriti i r miiina, r, a,
KaiT Clw 1UI la tnirl h
bl.wl aal ai a ir .1 bi ul
. i f . si ; . .i it - M h 4 lhdi-rfr. jbUwJ aal gi a ir . tai,tiir.n.iM,H
lut-ltf fJ Wbb f ir ILU lal al rj,n4aMwlK.ui)MMlBy.af .t.lril.m. rf 1 t; W4H k Wlf. Hits 'y 4a bl h
batbual ;.UI. ' tlrwtk. ttrtfiwt. ra. ll by W4i mi
totict of final Stttlrmtnt.
VoTU l Mlk'tat i.tviri. THT 1
4 Wte.ra f 'w a tl'.latrat.rf ! t a .f
I. W M B'i .. 4 I l l r tlnal
Wall am .1 1 x.t.i a wih aai.f att a
tk it.i. r. at th wt if" of ih
Inaxlf tmotat W.m I .4 ti I r , at llep'.wr.
t.,. w hm . at llf-p.-. i ',,., la
a. ...( . u il day 4 Mas. I"s l tu
! , . at
At'ff "tr
(f l, 4mi'ii.,
ll a.t.a ln I tty
1 Imiiaan la ( rf t-ttu'tpli.
Asthma, l-' U'., I 1 a' I 1 '"Op
MhIib'b Ca l"
Nvru t ia iir htav ivm that t !rtra
m l br ilM.nol an imillon laaoa-1 mil
nf Ih I iTull t iwirl nf th aiai of ifvHi h.r
Ih i nwntr ol Motri.w. on Ba" h It, k and la
M 4lnrlr4 and dllM, JudTn
rrndrrrd and trad In aald oirt on Ih 14
day of Man h. I In latnr .4 Ur W Ur
nml aalh lmt..tal.rf al tl ! irf
lainr t Maart, iliw, riaiull and
aval' at f aw II Hamilton, .r I HnMtn.
I , Nn, t l l'aln id Th !.ihfn
t nnnilr nwtmn Tntat, fllmlied) la4
a.ia lot th iMin ol t.m lhoHMn-l ioiiaa with
.trvt Ihaemnn !rnw Jul, J, 11, a Ih ral
nl ia yt fi. pt annum and in H'tntd
aMl I nly !.!tar Morny a d th
f iiifa ii ol IhUM an 4 an la l.,;iaia
fv. ml a h a t y irh nd(it It waa
t.l.d ad a.lii44 thai II ,.,',wiri. d
f u. Ml ..I'lt l ll ! ',. "'a
I , nl.nr. )! tp K ! i M , l a ,
IVSkiM 'HlSa""''t and ! ,
all"al ts PL,ll w. M.hw ,.UI Ui
ii.i wak ) i-tf wni, mi and aarritlu pa am.
i W l.l. CM.
Calwealay, IS JSth f AHl.ie0)
at j n h a r ,(iM.i .1 IK. t
w4 I'. t I..na Ii. Meif ifa I .Midla
ay I ..a r.r. iti.a n1 llanal M 1
i i. i.- ...t a'wl in ipa 4aarrli.l
ip t t I- ' '.-i-n IK. I. ,i.m H
' W I I 11 .w.h la hat I Ih p.Haw..la W, h
a t K I a i.ia. i m aaid aian n4
. .". a a ii u.t ey .
i , MBaHQTn,
aT w kf , taara
lta4 Mara if, imm
! no epa witb lrh Dr.l, Tl, , U, MnaUotly c btsl.
WvlJiDf Cake of rUry fur tp fllal dlBBra tk4 to
orJr. AIo earri . of will alcl4 Oroeerk.
CanJies. Nut?, Cis:ar. Tobacco, etc,
Will U ttl ftir l'i BHf.roai'!,.i lb iral. CaBlrt Tr !
Bl rptB l(mrrt Han, pan tt hl tb t '
'"!'' Ml" CITY I1AKKUY
ratmoajj) of the People of Utyat-r U Vrtptaj Solicited.
Old Bakory Stand, HEPPNER, ORE.