VTOCK BRANDS. While joa eep jour subscription paid np fpm tu keep toot brand in free of charge, Allyn, T. J., lone. Or. Home Od on left shoulder; oattie tame on left hip, under bit on right ear, and upper bit on the left; range. Mor row oountr. Baird, D. W. and eon. Horses branded D B on the left hip; oaitle the same on left flank, crop off right ear, nndercrop in the left. Bange in Morrow County. Bartholamew, A. G., Alpine, Or. Horses branded T E on either shonlder. Banae in Mor row eountv riannlster, J. W., Hardman, Or. Cattle brand ed B on left hip and thigh: split in each ear. Brenner, Peter, liooseberry Oregon Horses branded PB on left shoulder. Cattle same on right side Bromnan, Jerry, Lend, Or. Horses branded 7 erry. mttb on riant Bhimiaer; cattle a on t.ne lert siae. Left ear half crop nd niiht ear upper slope. Barton, Wm.. Heppner, Or. -Horses, J B on right thigh; cattle, same on right hip; split in each ear. , Brown, J. C, Heppner, Or. Horses, cirole 'C with dot in em teron left hip; cattle, same. Brown, W. J., Lena, Oregon. Homes W. bar over It, on the left shoulder. Cattle same on left blBoyer, W. G., Heppner, Or. Horses, box brand on right hip cattle, same, with split in each eiir. , Borg, P. O., Hsppnnr, Or. Horses, P B on loft shoulder: cattle, sums on left hip. Brownlee, W. J., Foi.Or Cattle, JB oonnected onlftniiie; crop on left ear and two splits and middle pieoe cnt out on right ear; on horses same brand on the left thigh; liunge in Fox valley, Grant county, Carsner Warren. Wagner, Or. Horses brand . ed O on right utiflo ; cattle (throe bars) on right riba, crop and split in each ear. Bange in Grant and Morrow ootinties. Cain.E., Oaleb.Or. Y D on horses on left stifle' TJ with qnarter oirole over it, on left shoulder and on left stifle on alloolts under S years; on left shoulder only on all horses over 5 years. All range in Grant county. 'ta.ChM. R.. Vinson or Lena, Or. Horses H C on right shoulder; oattie same on right hip. Bange Morrow and Umatilla oounties. Corrigall. M M, Oalloway, Or-Cattli on out or sacnear rau uuu.ji.jiv, horses half circle 0 on left stifle, of sachear and nnderbit, wattle in forehead; Ilange Mor ow and umauua oooiihot. Carl. T. H.. John Day, Or. Double cross on eaoh hip on oattie, swallow fork and nndei bit in right ear, eolit in left ear. Bange in Grant county. On sheep, inverted A end sposr point on shoulder. Ear markou ewes, crop on left ear punched upper bit in right. Wethers, crop in right and nnder half orop m left ear. AU rangs in Grant oountv. Cook, A. J.,Lena,Or, Hprses, flOon rightshonl der; Cattle, sameon right hip: ear mark square orop off left and split in right. Currin. B. i, Currinsville, Or. -Horses, on Cox'Ed. B Hanlman, Or. Cattle, Cwith E In oenter; horses. OK on left hip. Cochran, It. E.. Monument, Grant Co , Or. Horses branded oirole with bar beneath, on left shoulder: cattle same brand on both hips, mark nnder slope both ears and dewlap. Chapin, H., Hardman. Or. Horses branded O on right hip. Cattle brauded the same. Also brands CI on horses right thigh; cattle same brand on right shoulder, and out off end of riLh.rag7ass. W. M.. Galloway, Or.-Cattle. B Don right side, swallow-fork in eaoh ear; horses, a D ODEyf,tBri., Donglas, Or. Horses branded ELY on left shoulder, oattie same on lefthip. hole iDKmery?(5.' 8., Hardman, Or. Horses branded 8 reversed C with taill on loft shoulder ; oat. (. same on right hip. Bange i in Morrow comity. Florence, L. A Heppner, Or. Cattle, LF on right hip; horses, F with bar nnder on right hFlorenie, 8. P., Heppner, Or. Horses, F on right shoulder; oattie, F on right hip or thigh. gentry, Kim". Eoho. Or.-Horses branded H. H with qnarter cirole over it, on left stifle. Bange in Morrow and Umatillsoonnties. Hiatt. A. B., Binge, Or.-tiattle. ronnd-top 4 with qnarter oirole nnder it on the right hip. Bancs in Morrow and Umatilla oounHea. Hiwhes. Bamnel. Wagner, Or- Jr (T P L Connected) on right shoulder on horses; on cattle on right hip and on left side, swallow fork in right ear and slit in left. Range in Haystack district, Morrow ooontr. ir..,l j I, ritltnwav. Or. Horses T (cross with bar above It) on right shoulder; nettle same n left side. Bangs in Morrow and Umatilla counties. T,n Dav. Or. Cattle E Hon right hip; hors' satnsou right shoulder. Bange in Grant oonnty. Hnirhes. Mat. Heppner, Or. Hones shaded heart on the left shonlder. Range Morrow Co. Hnnsaker, B A, Wagner. Or.-Horses, 0 on left ehonlder; nettle. on lefthip. Humphreys, i M. Hardman, Or.-Horses, H on l.'l M.nlr Hnaton. Lnfher, Eight Mile, Or. Horse H on the loft shonlder and heart on the left stiHe Cat. tie same on left hip. Range in Morrow oonntr. Jones, Harry. Hppnr. Or Horses branded H J on the left shoulder; cattle bra ided J on right hip. also andorbit in loft ear. , Hangs in Morrow oountv. Jnnkin. H. M.. Heminer, Or. Horses, horse. shoe J on left shoulder. Cattle, the earns. It.... n- ICI,.hl Mtla. Johnn-m, Fella. Lsna. Or .-Horses. oircleT on left stillii; oattie, same on right hip, under half eroti in riM and sulit n left ear Kminr, Mike, Heppner, Or.-Horses branded KNY on lefthip cattle same and orop oil left ear: nnder slooeonthe right Kirk. J. T.. Hennner, Or. Horsee it on left .1..., m.m.. nuttla HU nn Inft hln. kinnlmrUiid.W.G.. Mount Vernon. Or. I Lon naiilu.,n muM And left al.la. swallow fork in l ft air and limine nioti In right ear. Iluramaama I irt ahimliliir. Range In Grant nomits. Iioftmi. Hl"llnll, ot. Or. H li on left hip on oh" In. crop and split on rlglit ear. norms same brand on lft shoulder. Range Gran oountv. I .i..fitllnn John W.. I.ali-a, Or.HorM hraiidf I half-flrole J I, connept.l nn loft shiml. ilnr. ( atlln. saiiiHiui laflhiu. Rnuge, near lais lt..,l..rt lander. J. W. Heponer Or. Horses (trended I. and on li'tf slmnliler; retlle eaine on left lilii, wattle ovur right , three slue in right "Yr1, Oaorea, Heppner. Or. Horsee branded riniiliU II coi.nm'ii'l riouietunna called - .. II ,.n lMft BlitmllLir. Hxiis. M. . Heppner, Or. ( attle branded eiri'U on rmht hip; ! eeine on right slille. IUi,mi in M,irmv Afrtintl Minor. Oenar. nei.por nr. 4 attle, H D on l-t.t k,, L M on lift shonlder. Ilorean, H. N.. H.pner, Or.-tjoress, M) on left .honliUi eattle same on left hip, MiKihall.Oeoar, lone, Or.-liuree, J1 on right 11 .in rtiftht Side. Uml, Andrew. Ime lUirs.Or.-Horses A N erv wial ,.n left shmilderi rattle seme on uithhl. Mr. Perry, liesington, ur. r u w m li.lH.rn, J, W., IVinglas. r. horses O on left tti...ni.iMr, mii la Mina on r'slil hio, I'eeMin, Olsve, Kight M lie, t r. Il'ireee, quae l-r ctrfieahiuld on l-'t eliiuldr ml II nn left hip. f aille, f.irk tn le't eer. rlsht eroppetl. on left hip. Hn on Klehl Mile. I'arker M Gl-eeoa. Hanltnen.Or.-HoreaelPo rfl ali.Mll l"f. K (I. V. fxmnart-ti en It ehoulder I eeltle e ni ihi rig'H hip. Itanaje, H.irr..w e.ion'. I'im. J. II . Islnsrt.. . - Horsey JK es a I mlah alHial'Ur; ealUe, eaine left i-iiM k i' I.Hia. Or i bursas diamond Pee nianldevi aettle, J II J eooiiaoted, oe the eft hip, umimm slope ta left earaaut slip in Uie I lalil. llo1. Andmw, llr.inas). Or. Iloea-e. square er with qnari-r-Mmle va it ne Uft stifle. Hnall Wfm., MrlM'tiaf. tHr.-H.re brl.ll 1 nt, Xl, rlshi ahiml't-ri nattle. It oe Ilia laft hip rropofl iaft eeraed d-wlapies ewk. Haage U H,mt ami a.tj-.nlnein'iafc ItMnay, Aedr-w. Iaiint'a, Or -H.-ra-a hri'W-l 4 H s vtshl ah. ail lav, rail q lie rial ein-la oaar brand; nettle eeuae MI riglil hip. Range Mtmtw i,"i " I . It..taa, W. II laalryvllle, IV-HH txannertei w.lt, qaertt wirllaM irfl pe'ilaoe n.t hir end r.H "tl light ear an I e.lit In lalt. H.mm ee-a brand on Ml .K.wlUv. I Una la Morrow ti..teoitillieie""Hae. U..t.r t. W . Happeav. Or.-ll.areea, 10 m Uft alwmidaf. t'etlU, II imi ttht bita, rltreigM W. lUt't-e-. Or - II sha-Ud i H W all&a.aaiila i li am Ml kip, ewelluw f.. la nM ear. e-.k-tUI la l-fi. rtapp. H , llafioav, Ov.-H.areae, A T ee W.ptsalieeeaeeaasleft kip, rUrar, H..-rl, U-stilse, Of -retlls 1 na-ht eip end II rlhl aSjl.l 1 kn-aae, aa li.l .(,... l.l- llai.a- la .fr.w enaielr. h n,lK H"s . "waatille. hr. MtM-- breodan t. mi ah !. i aaitia. "- mm Ull e.wl.W. ki-.n- Jaaeae fli . Iw.l kmm hrawta,! J a ,.. uii iHM.tar aaxiie lha eaaae. elan e.aa .tduv Ra-ee t " end tlillieaeaMaatlae. ruai.kana, . llarwM. tr-t a Met M.hi a.l aallla k.i1sa.iaJ L mm tfce llatit a. la Ur, A. J .Mir . t" -te.ua, sa imm tui mll-l "an taaMWi l. W,Mf itr-Uureas.Ue) i . . axilla, aa mm lafl am. a., m u, II. tit. - I aitle W C mm Ml , rr "' ' eeaV-tt U Wt rae, 4. .I.,., Ma l"l 1 1... ..i-. J A , ll-.a, - M.wwb. I mm U'l ah.ail.nl r!ll. mm Ufl aail.a, 1 it ,- r,ke.-i-)aaM.- Itoreaa. Lee left lTrie Wrl.Pef IW.-n eat Haj T U !... l. Wwi eeitie saa s eas t-ft ki 9 .H M,I, ie . IV-. M -. II. n . 1 Or -N-a-s mm4m M f Kaau, .hi lfl ai.tan I.I aeae tv laH. II. t . l-. w - lt"-a-e HI -m a-mi m,i.t HwaJ-aaiiKsies fM fc'waIWl lii.ta . II-pi O.. II. . r U a 1 l.li ,i..i ra"la aa mm lletM kls ar i ,,1 lall pal at I !a't aa li 1-- it, " B-a, - 11 l,. i. JWiw lat ek.w.ta. Reaw II I ,1, Or faille W ilk s .l a I. a, J.I la aa I .l M-..lal, Kaaie ., II ... . II If ii a krv. t4 ',--. -i a aalk-'i ka .1 a, I I I lri ktl t .. .. I a " Wren. A. A- Heppner. Or. Horses mnnin AA on shoulder: Cattle, same on rixht hiD. loon, 4. O., ttooseberrr. Or. Hornet MSOSF T8 son we I i right ahonio. GET THE BEST Wh en von are about to bnr e Sewing Machine do not be deceived by alluring advertisements and be led to think yon can get the best made. nnest nnisnca ana Most Popular for a mere song. See to It that on ouy irom rename manu icturers that have gained a reputation by honest and sq uare dealing, you will tnen get a Sewing Machine that is noted the world over for its dura bility. You want the one that is easiest to manage and is Light Running jH$!r There Is none In the world that can eauai in uicuoaiiii;ai i:iiu yi struction, durability of working parts, fineness of finish, beauty in aonearance, or has as inaay Improvements as me New Home It has Automatic Tension, Double Feed, alike on both sides of needle (patented), no other has it ; New Stand (patented), driving wheel hinpfed on ad justable centers, thus reducing friction to the minimum. WRITE FOR CIRCULARS. THE HEW HOME SEWIKG MACHINE CO. OBASflK, M88. BOSTOlf, MUM. 88 TTrTIrtTf nQTTABU, fi X Chicago, Itx. ht. Lroma, no. uaw-.au, ns-s-ao. BAH FttAH0HW;O, CAL. ATLAIfTA, t A, FOR SALE BY C. THOMPSON CO., Agents, Heppner, Oregon. Popular Magazies FOR THE ME FRANK LESLIE'S OPULAR MONTHLY Contains each Month I Orlelnal Water Color Frontispiece 1 128 Quarto Pages of Reading Matter) 100 New and High -class Illustra tions; More Literary Matter and Illustra tions than any other Magazine In America. 23 cts. $J a Vear. Frarsk Leslie's Pleasant Hours FOR BOYS AND CIRLS. A FrlirM, Wnolesome, Juvenile Monthly. Fi"lv IHimiraieil. The best writers for young lou;.lu ntrihute to It. 10 ots. ; SI a year. Sas all suBscsirnona to THE GAZETTE, HEPPNER, ORE. rA- Leslies Porntaa Monthly and the Uazette, both for one year lor j.iw. Flume Lksub's Pmubant Hours fob Boys and U1RI.S and the Uszotle, both lor one year f :i.uu. Undoubtedly tha to Club Offers CV Send In Frnnh TUt' Pu6la(no fTovae, H. 1 or fiew lUumtnitttl iTemlaai LUl, n as. TT7 STEAM AND GASOLINE If yon think of buying ny bus or kind Bftiil (or 0 angin Of for inr Cutalogut So. 30, containing illnstrstiiitis aod prion of ewjf kind of engine from one np to 1) hoise power, at bottom prioee, or Luil An. S'l, lor aoht engines, trail erg gnd machinery. Either gnu I free. CH23. P.I'M HO 197 Canal Straet, - CHICAGO! MI'AUIIINII'SS ..ATHLETIC FIGURES.. Vairolr nf $a "mra fa rtwfam, A Complete Set, at.iint ol eve 1 1 1, i I a - I....I. . U IUII I'lal'f, foot Hall l lalrr, H..II l ai.-r. Iri.hit liar 1 BM.I Hi. i. li. Ki ln. l miiI l.i any a t tine uj-.n inalH ( 10 reoia, to y rhaia.a Ih.ar. r.fM are Hrlr r-ilrL WaMlllMlIt r-.lnrol ami Hlixinli-I, Blt anatiaa.1 t., alaii.l iiMlahl. aiitl afa aa aa . rallatil Si"ifat(lll iit ar aa laa1are 9 M lta alhlriM sif-if n t a.ntal.le JJ Lie A 2 , 3 f'tf riui, tr.tf!i fia.tii. Dime nt am. A. G. SPALDING 4 BROS firm I " I kirnm rtilavlli.ie The lew sxHaa-alaa eCi beae siesasj Is !) e wait aenssa. TVar tllaalrale Ik at (raalaf a,.iH. g Hm eleiera mm le Vs tmunm, .. Tkaee sae essaise ike teaatitaj aea Rlpan$Tabuks 4s laaar4 Wltk saf aaaalaaalf llla ttf-mu cvb P J 1 I p a- ,m f, SL 1 1 I t E. McNEilL, Receiver. TO TUB GIVES THB CHOICE of Two Transcontinental GREAT UNION NORTHERN Ky. PACIFIC RY. VIA VIA Spokane Denver OMAHA MINNEAPOLIS aJt. 1 a,Ul XVcinSclS lltV LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Ocean Steamers Leave Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. For full details oall on 0. R. 4 N. Agent at Heppner, cr address .W. H. HTJRLBURT, Gen. Pass. Agt. PoETIiAND. OBBOON. Q17XOK TI0VI33 t TO San Franoisoo And all points in California, via Uie Mt, Shasta route ol tbe Southern Pacific Co. The great highway through California to all points Vest and South. Urand Boenio Rout oi tne raoine umst. fniiman linnet Hleepers. Beoond-olass Bleepere Attaohed to express trains, atf ording superior aocomBiodations for seoond-olasa passengers. For rates, tickets, sleeping oar reservations, pie,, can upon or anaress K. KOEHLKR, Manager, X. P. R0OIR8, Ant lien. jr. a r. Agt., rortiana. Oregon Most Modern and progressiva For catalogue or Information write to THU MARUN riRU ARM5 CO. New Haven, Conn. v JE M ZZZ C IflOO worth of lov.lv Musk forForl -Jill .. tsnls. cims'.silng .if wo r-iir-a -7 tZ full li im Sltt.1 Al.ilr .,l mr lateat. bright. t. Iivrll-tl nd mo popular A1UIIC i arinnona, ixitn vot al nj imtrulnailtal. a- K.-f un in io rnoai eipani moouer. m y iludlng (our Urge al I'otliaits. 2 rAi)tHlWblM' Or, at PlanltL AUILI1A Ptlll null njumir mnn:uMm ntrmun ' VVI f . f. U. m Tur tiruv vnnv sncmn rnun mn 5 ti,uaj.v Th..o. nu...iiv,rfc, A. P. T. L. TheArrMrican Protective Ttriff Laajru it t national organization advocating "Protection to American Labor and lndutt7H at explained by its conttituw ion, at follow! : " Tka afclaat s leatve sWK ee S aaaaa Aa.ar.paa bl" a tanff aa Haaarta, kwk aKS eeaauakaif nnri laeaw mawo J afS.nt ike aamaaVWan mi Sare-ga labaa," Thara a't no perton! or prtvat profits in connection with th ofganixa ion and itiiiuttaineg by membarthipa, contribution! and tht diltribution ol its publication!. naiTl Caaaaas I Is BnftsrWe " kla.kak e " a4 J"-mmi 1 1 CO N O". Wa aaa e a iln s eeaerttaSJewe, wketaaa iMislee avge. teene iin TNINO! We Bik e W-ra mf ia.ai.ka aa .ar.a aMssat rou ea.aifg aa ekaais ef We T a-v eaai , Ca rHaA .S a aal ia ka; l'ail N 80 aafita. fOUNTM; aa-4 tmtUI mtf4 mmms- M mt taa t.aim , W f Wakaaaa Oa4 lit Waat I tWaaV hmm Tar. $1800.00 OntS AWAY TO INVENTORS. 1 aa aaar. eisaA (iaa mm B eat M ta ef I a frmrm Ika mmmt plaa p mmr atVaexa Ika aM a aM .Ik. a a. , ,n. a, a. alia aa kaaMtrfSaabskllaH Al IM aaaa) laaa mm mm m ia na mm-m fcks f-mt es laj aVal IT'S UIE MPIE. TOM Kl mCMlONS THAT 1 1110 f ORrVNCS, 'aUtiaikiiaaVAl aa af Ska mmtmt ft mm k. aaa s II nil aha km ka at mm aaa S -4 e af mt mttmrnf , aa. a-aaajaa, ai tfc aa- mt km l-ra ajll h, I r la -a4) al it is not so nuts as it srtns. raai takaa aa SatA w SVa h aa wat a ..k . 5s''at, yfirtTJfcrv t-ighust, Simplest. iSfSSlUeW E"'Mt 5olld l5. j-sf ai v'yJ t Top Wlm? Receiver. XUMi Compact, imj'jzv--rc:.7z: - a" . '"irvrj: i'- .-a a. la I... f a. 1 M M-- a-fear- Ike enact,.! .alt ta,Ll.. ,'"' ,h I" '- suddenly laa-ied a .n.e.M,M,,.wl,a 'ear. th marshal aaid, !klr.f !,,, H,n .,r,.i,ln- china. ,u. ""- .. .,we.-..k round wlK a puslel air. I i.,,i. . i- n, ... v , ml ,a .M I - , i ..... I H... if In I Sea, slat. I he only PSH -.. m,mmt,lZ Mb'' rrchaa Itr.me.l.at.ly N' ; fjr ,,, ,M Tbe e-M ant of a awawH i . i 4a-aae moaed aa attendant ard bney aaid: , , i .,,,r(ri.ae i... i.. At..-w.-.a.f.,a.t-MrtMi4, A reater r-T wittier rntrpSiiwat In ,,,,,,, . f !4, , h , JollNWl nrfrr.tt?N 4 Cry. 1 la u -n I -I tnn.e and h UnA WARSHIPS' WEAK SPOTS. Methods of Attack Which Are Most Effective. A Cnlted States Officer Gives Some Inter- eetlng Information About the Great Ironclads Offensive and De fensive Powers. A war ship is vulnerable in two chief respects in her motive power and in her personnel. It is imaginable that one might be wholly neutralized without materially injuring the other. 1 lie ques tion, not only of to-day, but of a cen tury's standing, is, which is it better to attack in order to subdue the ship? In olden days the British habitually at tacked the personnel, the French the motive power, and each was consistent; for the aim of the former was to insure decisive results, and that of the latter to avoid them. Each has had its advo cates, and consequently there is some thing to be said on each side; but upon the whole it is, I think, fair to say that experience replies, attack the men. And the reason is much the same as a hundred years ago; notonly is it impos sible to have the men as well protected as the motive power, but the destruc tion of the men who handle the offen sive powers of the ship makes the mo tive power practically useless. Now the weight which a ship of a ¥ 8ize can can-y ls limited, and must I be distrih be distributed among several objects, of which gun power is one, and the ques tion haa to be met, how shall ihis gun power be subdivided among the differ ent classes of gun? If your aim is the motive power you want heavy guns; for the motive power the engines and boilers are given thu utmost possible protection, by position, by the thickest armor, by the coal stowage, I he protec tive deck, and so on, to pierce which great force is required. But heavy guns means few guns, and few guns means few shots, and fewer shots mean fewer hits; while of those that hit, if they strike the protective system of the engines, etc., fewer still penetrate, a truth long foreseen, yet very generally dropped out of sight, and which the Yalu battle has Bingularly confirmed. On the other hand, the weight of armor required to protect the water line adequately makes it impossible to extend by similar means adequate pro. tection to tha battery spaces, except only those occupied by the heavy guns, and even where these are adequately protected impervious, that is, to the missiles from those lighter guns, tech nically called "rapid fire" there can bo no question that their accuracy of fire is Bingularly embarrassed. For that reason it is sought to aim and fire them from an interior position the conning tower, for instance a plan of which it ia enough here to say that, except for the heaviest guns, it is tending to fall into disuse. Considering the vast importance of securing the best practice from the heavy guns for I am not atall arguing against them, only against their exces sive number it becomes necessary to beat down and keep down all the other fire of the enemy. If success in this is attained, a distinct and immense advan tage is gained for the heavy guns over those of the enemy; for, if the rapid fire guns which have established their ascendancy cannot jienetrate the tur ret, they can greatly annoy the tnen in them, and may enter the gun ports. This superiority, if maintained, inilst result in victory. It lias long seemed to me that tho mutual relations of the heavy and rapid fire guns of the Rhip have a stronc analogy to a field bat tery of artillery and its Infantry sup- jKirts, the latter at once protect mid se cure the rfllcleut service of the former, However thut tuny be, the rapid fire gun of modern caliber hue. hint now fairly ratnliliHlietl its OHit ion as to the great- pet offensive, jmiwit In navul warfure. Capt. A. T. Muhun. In Century. SAMPLES OF QUICK WIT. I ma Itrehaa'a Keatljr Tarned snent to ('anrnbert. Com pi I- The reply of Lord liothxrhilil to an Knplioh snob la (rivi-n na n jfixxl sainiilc of rrody w it. It hnpiirncU at an BM'Ui Mnfe of wealthy x-oile In hiifrluml not lonif niro. liothwhild was aurrounilei ty many men of Irurnlnp, ami w us con vrml ii (f with one who ahvnys allowed hia dcti-Ktution of i-vrrylliliio; Jonlxti to overcome ordinary ifoixl inaimem i.mt common polit-tira. ('onimrntiaK upon I lie braulii-a of a plare w liich this fr-ntlrnian of atiimliiitf ami ponitlon had ilaltd In hia tiavrln, he an fur fnrpnt lilinarir aa to oilil lo one of hia re marks: "And I was Informed, too, tlmt thrre ar nrlthrr Jews nor hops to be found there!" It was an unjiorilonulile affront undrr aurh rlrrunialancra, and I he great financier doubt Iraa ftdt that It merited ft allnffliijr rrtort, for be luiinrdiat.-lv mnonded: "la that really ao, alrT Thru you and I ahould certainly pay that aput a vUlt. Wt ahould be frvat rurloaltlra." Tba aon of an Knjrllah rarl, ttayltif In Vk-npa, wa on- evenlnf at a dinner to which a I mi had hren lnltad aome of the moat lilli(rulahrd ladlra and cm- tlrtiirn of that city, (hi of the lad Ire, holed rcn anionfit her Intimate frlrnite for sailnjr alirrwd hut unrav clous thine, ciiiaidcr. the Knglmb man worthy of hrr eoniewhal rmbar laaalnf olerraitona. and smilmclv aakrd him how It was that the r'nfliah lople frnrrally alie frrncb ao la UilT-renlly. "Why, my lord." she added, encotir- aal or the aiullca of anm of the other, "w Auairlans uae that tongue with the earn f rw.nm aa do our atl lanrviaf." "Mi. lam." was I he biting rejoinder aha had little anticipated. raa only acrount tor It ny tha tact that jon ha t U- entertained th reach army In jour capital, and bare ner prrinlMnl ilii-tn t enter oir! At the lltat j-if,.i mane of Ihtmaa' I Irahfrra reerylm.! e taaral to Iw so piewctipiril and war such aH' oas iiinirnic that Marahal Can rnla-tl, ho hapftn to I prearnt. niafard II, and li.'iirrd tbe ran Vn lii-i'hen. It U fi.i.U.I, anaiarml " are nn the r i.f great hallie, HEALS RUNNING SORES UpKbS THE SER RENTES STING CONTAGIOUS Jia BLOOD POISON SSKSB ulcers yield to its healing powers. It re moves the poison and builds up the system Valuable treatise on the disease and Its treatment mailed free. I swif f smut-ic lo Atlanta, oa. CHICAGO. Iwalee & St. FaiiUi Glance at this Map Of the Chicago, Milwaukee and 8t. Paul Rail way and note its connections with all transcon-1 tinental lines and St. Paul and maha, and I remember that its trains are lighted! with elec-1 tricityand heated by steam. Its equipment is I superb. Elegant Buffet, Library, Smoking and Sleeping cars, with free reclining chairs. Each sleeping ck berth has an electric reading lamp, and its dining cars are the best in the world. Other lines are longer than this, but none are shorter, and no other offers the above luxurious accommodations. These are sufficient reasons tor the popularity of "The Milwaukee." Coapon ticket agents In every railroad office will give you further information, or address C. J. EDDY, General Agent, J. W. CASEY, Trav. Pass. Agent, Portland, Obiqon. oviiri. TRADK aaaasrsj. DE8ICN PATINT. COPVRICHTa. atoJ For information anil frae Harulbook write tu MUNN ft CO.. 861 BroauwaT, Mw York. OWleat bureau Tor securlnff patents In America. Kvery patent taken out l.y ua Is brought before the publio br a notice alven free of charge la Uxm Scientific atttcricatt lanrirt clrmlsllon of any sHiMitlfln paper In the worm. Dpioiuiiiiir iiiiutrateJ. no Inu l l Liri nS man ahotil.l lx without It. Weeklr, 3.O0a raart Bi.iaixmontns. Aiinreaa, hunn & c I'luiuuiiU, :ibl Uruwlwajr, Muw York CUT. COUGHS and GOLDS ELY'S PINE0LA SALS AM It a Bare Remedy tor coughs, colds, tors luruel and for asthma. It sootnee, acl abates the eoticrh. and renders expect- wauva eas. Consumptives will InrarlablT fieri re benefit from Its use. Many who suppose their cases to be con sumption are only suffering 'rnm a . .. , enronic coia or aeen Ws." 7 ii-M seated Couj;h, often vW- ."TC ainrrarstrd br ca tarrh. For enUrrh ue Kljr'l t'reain Halm, rtoth rannMlies re nlnuant to ne. Cream Halm, SO cts. per iHitiie; rlneoia Halanm. V. Hold by Dnnrjrlsua cli iiuuiubiusM w arren ou, new iora. ipiciiotiH by the way hr (forped hlmaelf nt a dinner to which he and other of the upiicr ten hnd been Invited. To make unit tor w orse hetvaaauffleicotly unwise, or thoiiffbtlcaa enough, to at tempt to excuse hmarlf with the mark thnt: "In entlnir well I praiae the food," tbcreby using a weil-known quotation. It wnt an ooiiortunitr nottobetoat by tbe aotnewliat disgusted and witty lady tittinff at hia elbow. ite.uiy, air." sue olmeryert. with a aweca ainne, -you anouid not carry jrle to the point of flattery." De troit tree rreaa. MARRIAGE AND DIVORCE. Mr. Hurt Johnson, of Franklin, Ind. white woman, ia now 14 year old. haa been married two year, and haa a healthy daughter. A 17 year-old bualiamfwaa divorced " a a from a 10-year-old wife In Ran Kranclaeo the other day. Tht hueband waa a mre- aenjfer lioy. A boy of 14 and a rlrl of It werr mar ried in Johnson county, (ia.. the other day. The jwrrnte of the children Inter- xiae.l no objection to the marriage. A Cheetertllle (Me.) couple recently celebrated their jrolden wed.liujf In the ery house Into which the- tnoed on their weihlinf dny JO years before. Mr. Jamb Krrnilrr, of Madiann, Vla d'ml recently w bile eotnplctlnirarranire- turn la for celrliralinjr hia f olden wed. ilmf. lie waa buried on tba loth anni versary of bit marrlafe. !ia and Amelia iMrwIn. of Hlarli IUer Falla. I'la bar been feustiand and wife for TJ year. Ilia ag la 107 and her la 101. They here fle lulnf children, w hoe afr ranf from 40 to TO j ear. An unusual r round for dlcirc la an- nntinced l a if in Ran Joae. fal. the ya that hrr hualiand wee ao niraa. and hrartirea, and tapcnillrr, that. In- ttead of eatlrtff her plea, be threw tbem out of tbe window. m m r-lee4. The city of .-m ub, la Haaalan IV li... U lnnra to rriore I..i-ill. Two lakea, one wnliln Ibe cltt and one near It. alao tirloi.f tn bint. Tbia sunnner. ml!t4jEAPOU8 I 1 MLNBBSOTATVa. J: M .X. Jm ft Solentlflo American t Agency fNA W.tXt Tal l iW raeV-7 i r . aiv I Is one of the very best wheels ever made is an indisputable fact It stands in the front rank with all high grade machines, and if you buy one you will make no mistake. Ride a RAMBLER BICYCLE if you want punctured, it can be mended by you in five minutes, as it is equipped with the world renowned G. & J. clincher tires with wood rims or copper-plated steel rims. Sold in all sizes for ladies or gentlemen at $100 each. Tandems for two men or man and woman, $160 each. THE RAM BLER is the fastest, For style, finish and durability It ls unsurpassed, as it is constructed on strict mechau- jsj leal and scientific principles. Chicago Ideals For men, women, boys and girls, with 2A, 26 and 24 Inch wheels, at $65, $55, $48 respect ively, are splendid medium grade wheels, with G. & J. high-grade double locking edge clincher tires and are fully warranted, Before yon buv a bicvcle. write for catalogue, circulars, terms and discounts, or call on our numerous agents. Rambler Rustlers Wanted in every town in Oregon, Washing ton and Idaho. FRED T. MERRILL CYCLE COMPANY, Northwest representatives Gormully & Jeffery Manf. "Co's "Rambler Bicycles." Main Store, 327 Washington Bt., Portland, Or. OTia PATTERSON, Agt. for Morrow Co., Heppner, Oregon. How's Your Liver? This question is asked daily. If dormant you need exercise need it badly. The Bicycle offers not own one, call at Ike Ennis Bicycle Livery, Power King" LIGHT, STRONQ, . Four Models EVERY MACHINE FULLY GUARANTEED. Monarch Factory and Main Office; Lake XrtvrNkX XV. SCIENTIFIC SPEEDY, HANDSOJIE. fn CV Ai : T W0RKMANSHIP' BRANCHES i New York. San PrancUoo, 5alt Lake City. Dearer. Mmpl,lj. Detroit, Tm onto. WEBB SAFE & LOCK CO, Agents, PORTLAND, OREOON. A. W, PATTERSON, Agent for It to Advertisers at fice. You need it in matter of business we must sell it. The Patterson Publishing Co. :WITI-I. PB1SS : 1111 : Fffl Vouro BOUXID to Tnko 'Em. Leaves Ko ConUipntion,- ie RAMBLER to be happy, for should your wheel be lightest and strongest wheel in the market. a remedy, and if you do "House. of Bicycles. FINEST MATERIAL. 885 and 8100. t SEND 2 CENT STAMP FOR CATALOGUE. Cycle Cb. and Ilalsted Sts., CHICACO. ILL, Morrow County, Heppner, Oregon OUR STOCK V OF . . . ilj SPACE IS :; TOO HEAVY j!j AND WE ;are willing to unload a great financial sacri your business, and as a H rM TsValae! fit, fm aaa t ill Inf 4a, M kf aae4. i ! l . . , I. . . . Ui't itiea Tliir..1 to fuUVy r ! I;i t1 T't ffci.l l!.e WW's Of ots I :t.r t, ,v ' t l.l.a lfy tr.. : ar a ltr4-,-, the state of Ceaa It. a e! tt a l II lli.n a,r ta,t.ete aJ y .).,.. tb. Ptr-HiMIHill- I! . rM. I .it f(f,. . .t, , IU Wilr-eaka aw t a. Iwfi't. Hi:i(.jM.h,C I rvm a .;: Vie a t i -Um k i. t ra f e Lis o fu y cf f-ai .-m. irf T) re -t- ia ,,re'aifi. a alaasa.'ntif ika mrnt mm Cw&SBlO-i tk, tf mfm f. I $xrmmmm - a.a t V 1- A 9 aj I- .a- '- " ' a a a.ai wa a la bast bvta iam, W - eaa-a