Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, April 07, 1896, Image 3

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La Grippe, for Golds, Coughs,
"Two years ago, 'I had the grippe,
and it left me with a cough which gave
me no rest night or day. My family
physician prescribed for me, changing
the medicine as often as he found the
things I had taken were not helping
If 2P 1
ft f
me, hut, in spite of his attendance, I got
no better. Finally, my husband, read
Ing one day of a gentleman who had
had the grippe and was cured by taking
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, procured, for
me, a bottle of this medicine, and before
I had taken half of it, I was cured. I
have used the Pectoral for my children
and in my family, whenever we havo
needed it, and have found it a specifio
for colds, coughs, and lung troubles."
Emily Wood, North St., Elkton, Md.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
Highest Honors at World's Fair.
Cleanse the System with Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
6(JN MONITinMPlTmpngg
J 6 7 8 9 10
I2 13 14 J I6 17 18
M. 2CL 21 22 23 24 25
26 1 272d29 30 1
Take Notice.
L The mm of five cent per Una will be
Ihftrged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of
reanont llata of WMldlnv nrMAnta Ami ilnnnM
ind obituary notices, (other than thorn theedltT
w snail nimaeu give as a matter of newt,) and
aotlcea of special moettnira for whatever purpose.
2. Notice! of church and eocluty and all other
yitertaltimenu from which revenue li to be de
rived, shall be chafed for at the rate of five
nil a Una. Theee rule! will be itrictlj adher
ed to In every Instance.
Advertising ratea reasonable and made known
ipon application
Here and There. -
Bas. Muir is "sorter" on the sick list.
'Zett" Mathewa lafr. PYiHaw foe Port
ThoB. Crow came in yesterday from
Andy Cook, of Lena, visited Hermner
Waldron Shea in confined to hia rnnm
by illness.
P. O. Borg got baok from Portland
Bonday last.
W. Q. MoOartv and wifa were In town
last Haturday.
Henry Thompson, of Batter creek, was
in towo today.
Lishe Watki is was in from the monn-
taius Saturday.
T. A. Rhea went down to The Dalles
Saturdny night.
Highest prices paid for sheep pelts at
the lower warehouse. tf
Sam Kinaman left Saturday for his
home at Liunton, Or.
Otis Patterson and A. Andrews left
last night for Portland.
L. H. Cozad was over the first of the
week (rum Canyon City.
Luther Huston and wife were in from
Eifc-ht Mile Saturday lent.
J as. Rhea shipped three carloads of
cattle down last Saturday.
Jas. Cartv oame in from Alpine yes
terday, leaving for home today.
W. 8. Brown, the veteran sheepbnyer,
arrived lrom Nebraska Sunday morning.
Drink the oelebrated J. H. Cutter
whiskey. On tap at Chris Borobers'.
' Uncle" Nelae SwAggart is down from
Athena to visit bis son, Geo. and Ben.
La Grande Marble Works, La Grande
Ore. a, C. Smith, salesman, Henpner.
' Ueo. I armen and Sam Walker were
over from Gooseberry Friday and Sstut
Mtb. M. A. Fuqua and family moved
out to their Eight mile ranon on Mon
Mtb. Thos. Rbea departed Saturday
night for Cecil where she will visit rel
Loyd Coobran. representing Buffum &
Pendleton, of Portland, was in town last
Waklio's Squirrel Exterminator now
on sale at Minor & Oo.'e, reduced from
50 ots. to 25 cte. tf,
Mrs. Josephine Forwood arrived from
The Dalles ibis morning to visit relatives
residing in this oity,
Tha name of Willows Junction bas
been changed to Heppner Junction,
Hurrah for Heppnerl
Mies Ellen Orabtree departed on last
evening for Roeebnrg, Or- where she will
visit relatives for a time.
Chester A. Whitomore, representing
the Irwin, Uodson Co., of Portland, w
in Ueppner over Sunday last.
Viooe Kelly and Vane Hi o ton osme in
rrom ijong ureek lor goods last Batur
day, leaving yesterday for home.
Best accommodation and oonrteous
treatment at the Imperial Hotel, Seventh
and Wash. Sts., Portiaud, Oregon.
Tha Raster annial at Mn V. ft
Slonu's on Saturday evening was largely
attended and proved very sncoesstuU
0. P. Johnson and wife and Mrs,
Haptonttal) oaine in from John Day
Haturday on their way to Sao Jose, On!
Bishop Morris will bold services for
the Episcopalians at the M. E. church
on Thursday evening. Yon are ioyited
to attend.
fltajre tor Ilardman, Monument, !n Creek,
loha Day and Cauyou City, loevoe aa follow! :
Every day at a. m eiciit Hundav.
A rrtvna every day at ( ui epept Monday,
The chnaneet, quick eat and beat Una to or
lrom tbe Interior country,
WALT. TH0SJP30K, Prop.
Conaer 4 Brock, Aitenla.
Qambrinus Beer,
City Hotel Bar!
Drinkable Liquors and Smokeble
Cigars. Call on Ted.
Jas. Wyland shipped one carload of
csttla from lone Saturday night. He
was accompanied by J. P. Rhea and
Thos. Carle.
Minor & uo., ine reduoera of prices.
have now on band tbe celebrated Wat
lie's Squirrel Poison. Call and sea what
they sell it for. tf.
W. I. Henderson sod C. II. Cardwell
are in from Portiaud aod will soon leave
for the Greenhorn section to look after
soma mining claims.
Every man having beard should
ke-p it an even and catoral color, and
if it Is not so already, nae Buckingham'
Dye and appear tidy.
J. M. Beollv, deputy U. 8. marshal
came In from Monument Saturday even
ing where h bad been on legal business.
H left fur Pendleton last nht.
Mathews Bros, bave moved across on
the eaat side of Main street, in th
building formerly oompied by tha Osm
saloon. They will be pleased to
Ibeir old ruatomers. tf
Have added a NEW SPRING
STOCK of Trimmed Hats for
Ladies and Misses to the Fell stock
on May Street and ask the Public
to call and sec them before purchasing.
mm w nice
Did It Ever Occur to You?
That a Firm Could be Boycotted
nnd Still do Business ?
1 tali
A 1
An r. at 4 vend. I.U aw fork
e-1 4 ' tear ".
WtitlHftiotlon Guaruiitoeda
of all Cough Medicines
is Dr. Acker's English Rem
edy. It will stop a cough in
one night, check a cold in
one day, prevent croup, re
lieve asthma, and cure con
sumption, if taken in time.
It is made on honor, from the
purest ingredients and con
tains neither opium nor mor
phine. If the little ones have
croup or whooping cough,
use it promptly.
Three Sues 25c- 50c and $ J per bottle.
At Druggists.
xfc and 18 Chambera Street, New York.
ScBPBisx PaBTT. The yonng girl
fiiends of Nora Matlook gave her a very
pleasant surprise party on last Wednes
day evening. They report a very pleas
ant time. Tbe following were present:
Willa Minor, Edith Hager, Mary Mo
Swords, Zoe Patterson, Mamie Estes,
Lela Campbell, Etta Sogers, Berths
Fristoe, Leah Minor, Juanita Matlock,
Hazel Morrow, Grace Greenwood, Ita
Greenwood, Edna Mallory, Myrl Jones.
E. L. Freeland. W. W. Smead and A.
W. Patterson went down to Portland
Saturday night.
O. M. Grimes shipped three carloads
ef onttle from Heppner Saturday nurht.
All shipments of this date bo to the
Union Meat Co., of Trontdale.
G. B. Hatt. the tonsorial artist, can
be tonnd at bis parlors, Matlook corner,
where be will dispense at popular prices.
shaves, shampoos, haircuts, etc.
Attorney T. K. Lyons went down to
Portland on Friday eveoing to remain
till after tbe meeting of the republican
oopgreB3ional and state conventions.
Miss Anna Kinsman, who has been
employed in tbe Heppner schools for
the past year, left Saturday night for
Dayton, Wash., to teaob in that vioioity.
Any inventor in Eastern Oregon wbo
esires the services of an attorney in
Washington. D. 0 . will find it to hia
advantage to call on or address this pa
per, stf
The report of tbe party out at W. P.
Dut'on's, though banded in some time
ego, was inadvertently overlooked. The
Gazette makes good its apology by
printing it this time.
Pap" Simons' mother sent him a bed
pread a few days bso from Missouri.
that was knit by hand. Mrs. Simons is
over 100 years of age and 'Tap" justly
appreciates bis preseut.
Orin Jj. Patterson, editor of the Bine
Mountain Eagle, arrived from Long
creek on Sunday evening and took his
departnre last evening for Portland to
attend tbe slate convention.
Mr. N. 0. Smead and J. O. Wormoth
were in from Ella to attend the demo
cratic proceedings last Saturday. Mr.
Smead bas about reoovered from the
aooident received some time ago.
The Dalles Chronicle save thst E. M.
Sbntt, editor of tbe Antelope Herald.
will probably receive tbe republican
oommation for joint representative for
Wasoo and Sherman oounties.
m T If ., a I . s n ii m i
i. u. uainews. or uauowsv. re 1 on
tbe handle of a pitohfork, Dear bis borne
last rid ay, and suffered a severe injury.
Dr. MoFaul was called to atteod tbe
Injured man and says that be is getting
aiong oioeiy ana win soon reoover.
. r . . . vr v ...
jure. m. a. jv.nox. or lone, will onen
up this week with a complete milliner
stock in the store next door to the lone
hotel, in lone. Tbe stook will be well
selected aod Mrs. Knox deserves tbe
patronage of tbe ladies of that vicinity.
U 30-law,
On last Saturday Jubilom and Brown.
fe ran a race at tbe track whiob was
declared tie. On Sunday the latter
end urover had a 800 yard brosb, the
latter winning. The oolt, Grover, runs
uiooo isaier man wouia tbe old man,
nimseti, just now.
Rev. E. P. Green left veaterd av morn
ing ror a week's viit with friends at
North Yakima and Ellenabors'. makins
the trip to Msbion, on the N. P. R. R.,
by team. Bis pulpit will probaMv ha
anpplied next Sunday by W. E. Wei
bridgs, of Arlington.
Ho, ya vnltnt men of Morrow, whittle np i
for h "Can.llilt." I'm frea to itata. will u
with in till Jiitrn- '
Than lal him oil hit auger blade, with "gperry's
l.inwnfK KTf ;
Ttaawttnthlii,of that rood old drlns, tor
....a uivu bi ury.
Sold only at lbs Belvedere saloon.
Bonday was both mlon and com-
mnnlon day at tbe M. E. ehoreb. Pre
siding Elder Moter preached in the
morning to a large congregation, and io
tbe evening the Sunday school randered
pieaains? Eaater rrnsram. Tha e.il-
leotion for mieaions during tbe day was
nsarlv $1.0.
Mies Florence Orlltenden went down
to Portland Saturday sight, where she
will prnbahlv secure a poettloo as teach
er. H law Crittenden recently was hon
ored la this eonnly with the nomination
of eonoty school saperinlendent on the
democratic tioket. 8 be aatnorisM the
Oesette to say that aha is a re publican,
that abs knew aotblot shoot the noml
nation aod that she will not accept the
Tbe attention of tbs Gat-Oa haa hum
called to the nmiaaioo of Day, aa
e'Otral eommlttaamaa from Lne. and
lao the report of tbe nomination of J.
W. Beckett, as eonoty enmmieaioner,
In the proceedings published in Toea.
day's iaane of laM vwk. Mr. lUekrtl
was oppnat be llanrv Rovaa. of Hard.
nae, and (1. W. Kmltb. of Lexington,
bnib of whom bad a erod. si rone fol
tt may eavs ton time anil mnnav In ka
Informad that, when yon need a blood-
pnnnr. Avar's eareeperille is tbe kind
moat In favor with the medical jro
feaaion. 1 1 a (he standard and. as
eneh, tbe only Mo1 nnnfiar admitted
at tbe Chicago World's Fair.
Nbw Music. We bave received from
tbe publishers, tbe Zeno Mauvais Musio
Co., of 769 Market street, 8. F., a oopy
of the new two-step marob, "Tbe New
Bully," arranged from the popular song
of that name. It is showy and brilliant,
and not very difficult the theme being
distinctly brought out and embellished.
It is being played everywhere by bends
and orchestras, and has, though a new
composition, slready won a wide popu
larity. Tnis march will be a weloome
addition to the musical library, as it is
not at all commonplaoe. Your dealer
will supply it. 40 cents a copy.
, ,
Looked Likr a Zulu. A good joke is
told on a Book oreek man who waited a
neighboring town a few days ago. While
absent he purchased a new suit of
clothes and then took a few drinks. On
his way home at night the idea oame to
bis wandering brain to surprise bis wife
by appearing dressed up iu his fine
clothes. Stopping in the road be un
dressed and threw his old clothes into
tbe reek, whioh oarried them away, not
knowing that he bad lost tbe new ones
out of the wagon. Uoable to flud either
suit be was obliged to go borne like a
Zulu. He surprised bis wife just the
same. Condon Globe.
A Pleasant Time. Id response to in
vitations issued previous to the time, a
crowd of Heppner's young people wend
ed their nay down to tbe home of W.
P. Dntton, a few miles below town, to
spend an evening on the 28th, nit.
They were met at the door by tbe smil
ing host, and after playing parlor games
for a short time the guests were bidden
to partake of a delioious repast, to
which we all did ample justloe. After
Innob games and other amusements
were indulged in nntil tbe oloek warned
tbe young people that Sunday was very
near. Then after bidding tbe charming
boetess and genial host "good night,''
they wended their way back to the city,
feeling that they had bad a delightful
time. Those present were as follows
Misses Bell O'Brien, Mabel Lepzer,
Ethel Sperry, Cora Hart, Mabel Glass
oook, Nina Donnao, Maggie Adkins.
Muble Herren, and Lutie and Flora
Farnswortb; Messrs. Bruce Kelly, Chas,
Freeland, Jaok Horoor. Oscar Mvres.
Fred Hart, Charlie Bondry, James Hart,
narry warren, Ulay PoIhouo and Jas.
Thomson. F.
a borse belonging to A. Abrnhanniok, of
Ibia oity, strolled away from Heppner
ana nas not siuoe neeii round, rue
borse was brown in o ilor and had
barb wire cnt on tbe inaide of right fore
leg, above the knee. 1 Finder will oonfer
a great favor by returning same to tbe
owner in Ibis city and receive a reward
of VI 00 5 8
I bave 1,500 ewes an1 1,000 lam ha
that I will sell after shearing at SI per
bead, all 'round. Parlies wishing to
buy should sddress me nt Vinson, or
call on me at my ranch io MoDooald
oanyon, near Vioson.
Cass Matlock,
2C lm Vinson, Oregon
"Wa tiarrCOlDl
aa la the ntuH at eekta ane
eaeaea chawlla chanaee.
It caa be tared by a plaaaant
nawdy whlcb le applied o
racily Into tbe aaetrila. Be.
Ism0'' oo JU"Mi 11 1
Ely's Cream Balm
acknnwledfed to be the atoat thnroar care foe
laael Catarrh. Cold la Head and Hay Ferer of all
rmwawa. it optu ana cM-anaea me aaal panat e,
allaya pala and InSammauoa. heala theema, pro
lan the BMBbfaae from eol'U, reetnrve the aanava
BftaaM ana amen. mm., at DrmnlMaor by miU
XXI BUUTUKIU, M Werrea Btnel, htm loth.
all pereoni
F.-ho stage leavaei floppae tfoodevs,
Wedneaxlays aad Fridays. lae ho
Tna1avs, Tatdsys and rtatnrdays.
fare f J ab way. Ofllw, Welts t
Wsrran.tlrppr.er. F-l. Drwkell, I'mn.
For 122 50 I will a 1 1 a f)rt r!ea, bajh
gra1a, Meh arm aawiag an arl, In saarao
Ie4 lr 10 years. Ff fuft.r parlirq.
Irs eall naj of aldreM, N. A leeb,
Latlkgtoa, ( rf H-lf.
Wall. TbnmfMon roes sta batweaa
llaopaar aad Montthaafit, arriving every
day esoapt Mimdsy aad laavleg every
day eteapt Pnn'tay. HhnfU and ebesp
a4 rnnie to the lelarmr. t.nae k
tlrtek, agawts.
th Tlata h talMlai
CP the syatees la at Ibia eea. lbs
e4i waal bar be Bade n a aerial draias
Spr. be Vital fnrew. Tb Mood Be
bxtome iwaAvertabad aat lejpajra, aad
all tha Naetlaaa of th b,J. ftffaf a
. Hold's Horaaparllla t Ha f4
graat Ml Mae. II te tb. O.e at?,Jl Tw
lf Ulixvi rariRr anl rre I "tile. !'' iui
flr-l'i riils bxt li.
eahH with ai wbo see tbeam.
A Ol Oregon, lor Ine County of or row. In
the mall. r cil lh eaiale of Ihomas F. Barton,
akrtam. t naiion.
To the halra et law, and any and sll
liit-ru-i in earn ae aia. trerii'
in ine nameoi the male ni itirfun, yon are
hrrrhf rllr.1 and r ilrt J to atar In lhr
t ounty t nurt nt the flat of Orrftii, for the
l ountf of Morrn, at the rout! room lliervof, at
nr,,iirr, in in i iiinitr of Mkim. nn Mun'lny
the 4th day of May, lire., at le o'i-Iim k In th
lorvnoon nl mat lay. then and llirr tn.linw
rauao. any eitnt. why an older ol thltruurt
liould not l mad lor tha aal at all II i real
troprrly helnnrltia to th aald eaUte. .l- ri-.l
aa follova, to wl : H4 a w of - J. in a a..
H. '.' Seat, and Wu Pir.W. m. MOaandNHw
-r.- oi mrw. ai. ip a n , m a , w. M , all I
Murtuw ton iir. oreaon.
Wiraaaa, tha Hon. Julius Ke'thlr,
l"'lirol th i oMiity l oortnf th.
I HE A 1.1 eiat of Ormron. U lh. I n.
ViilBlt lth til Beat of aal.l 1 i.url
tn.efl, iiiie anl oay ol April A li . Ima
r-iaai; J, n , MKMK'IW,
Nollct of Intention.
mm ecu
"Who are nervous, weak, worn ont
with local troubles find pure blood,
nerve strength, and perfect health in
Hood's Sarsaparilla.
We do not say the above to raise
false hope. It has been the experi
ence of many, very many women in
those intensely trying; periods which
demand and consume so much
force those special physical trials we
delicately indicate by merely using the
words Muid, Mother, Matron.
Like a confidential friend we susrgest
tho use of Hood's Sarsaparilla, a reli
able blood purifier and tonic; it lias
helped many others and will help you.
"I was in poor health five years, broken
down in strength, and appetite all gone.
Local troubles and other weaknesses in
tensified my misery. Nervous sick
tin m
dizziness, heartburn and pains in my
back made me think I should never be
well sgain. A friend prevailed upon me
to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. I soon begau
to improve and in six months it restored
me to better health than for years. I
bave found Hood's 8araaparUla a grand
medicine for all troubles peculiar to
I am now strong snd healthy and con Io
good day's work. I stand by Hood's
Sarsaparilla, for it cured me after other
medicines failed." Mas. Lum Dier.
Carlinvllle, Illinois.
This and many similar euros prove that
Is the One Trno Blood Purifier. All druggists. l.
Prepared only by C. I. Hood &Co., Iawrtl, Muss.
i n i in i in
Has bought out the General Merchandise Business of the McFarland
Mercantile Co., and the stock is being disposed of at
Wholesale Slaughter Prices !
All wooleu Roods, boots, shoes, overshoes, ete.. are beioer Bold below
wholesale cost Great discounts on hardware, tinware, glassware, hats,
caps, blankets and in fact everything kept in a general mercantile es
tablishment. Call and see the stock before it is too late.
ED. R. BISHOP, Prop.
The National Bank Building, Heppner. Ore.
Manager and Salesman.
What Do leu lit ?
Mnn4 rtMl are pnreljr reeetah'e, rare.
nOOQ S KIIIS fullr prepared, li conta.
Nw Fbkd Yabo. Wm. Gordon has
opeoed np the feed yard next door to
tbe Gazette otlice, and now sohoits a
share of your patronage. Billy is right
at home at Ibis business, and your
horses will be well looked after. Prioes
reasonable. Hay and erain for sale. tf.
Piles! Piles! itching Piles,
bymptoms Moisture; intense ltobins
and stinging; most at night; worse by
scratching. It allowed to continue
tumors form, abiob often bleed and
ulcerate, brcoming very sore. tiwATNi a
Ointment stops tbe itobing and bleed
ing, heals ulceration, and in most oases
removes the tumors. At druggists, or
by mail, for SOoents. Dr.Hwayne Bon,
Some people want the earth; you can get a
goodly portion of it at
With very little money. He keeps a full line
of general merchandise, including dry
goods, groceries, boots, shoes.
Notice of Final Settlement
undenlftned, Kllia J. Boyert tnwtitrli o(
the natal ol W. U. Boyor, dweaaed, will make
Fi'ial bettlement nl her account with aald re
late a aueh executrix at the next term of the
Probata Court of Morrow County to he holdnn
at the court houae In Heppner, In aald County
on the 4th day of Mar, A. 1). IK'.W, at 10 o'clock
Administrator's Notice.
11 umleralicned haa bean appointed adinlule-
trator ol the eaUte ol Harnh II Kell, deceaard,
by the County Court of Morrow County. State
llreKon. All pcraoua havtna rlalnii aralnat
aald eatateare hereby rpqutiedto preeent them
io me at ueppner, nr., uuiy verltied, wlUiln six
mnutlia from date hereof.
Dated tlili 6th day of March, 1'.6.
C. K. m.t,
421-29. Administrator.
Notice Of Intention.
I.r Orru x at LiOmxnr. OaxooR,
Marrh a, I'.
followliiK tiamrd eettler haa fllad notice
of Ms Inlentliiu to make flual proof In support
of hla claim, and that aald proof wMl be made
belore ( oiinlr Clerk of Morrow County, Oregon,
at Uepiiier, Orcaon, nn April 24, Imm, via:
Bll.lM.ir.il w. rUIKK'IK,
nd. E. No. 4i, lor tha KWy HK'i and HTM
Sl4 Krc .15. and NWIe. NK and FiK4 Kaw
sec. KiTp. 6S. It. JH K. W. M.
la namva the loiinwins wllneaaea In prove
hie roiitluiioua maldence uboa and eiiltivatlun
of aald laud, vli:
fat Hplllene, William Warren, Ous. Hale,
Frank Ilale, of Heppner, Oregon.
B. f. WIION.
CI 4.11 Haclaur.
Notice of Intention.
I Avn ornci at the DAi.i.rrt. ohhiom.
I J March, S, Ileal. Nollea la hereby liven
that the following named aettler haa Sled AO-
Vice oi nn iiiieiuiiin io mate Snal proof In sup
port of lilt claim, and that aald proof will be
made belora J. W, Morrow, County Clerk, at
liepuoer, Oregon, on apru rt, injo, via;
tld f Kn. n, lor the t , IO, Tp. I X. R.
Jh E, W. at.
He name the following wllneaaea to prove
nia eoniinumia reeiueiire upoa aim euiuvatlon
ni, Mio lano. vii
Charley VatiVHiikl. Eram-la Kilkenny, Bar.
Iter If'liarty, John Kilkenny, of ftallnway, lira.
421 t-U. Jaa. t, MiMiaa, Keglater.
I.aao Orrns at l.a Oaaar-a fiaa .oa.
Marrh .,
'nTt' is iintrsr fiivr. imt m
i f .Moving named aeiiier hae Sle. nolle
mt I' la ..li.u.,n ki make Snal pr.i In auppnrl
o I. . . lalm. and thai aald prei4 will niala
U , e County Clerk, Mufn-w onnty, at
Urpt-ner, 'nnn, nn May lath, a. via
CAkl I. J MAIUm k, l r x al.
lor (h. rs BW. f' !. Swa.S. Te, ia R.
3 St. w , M
He Ike following wllneaaea In prove his
ennltnoone realdente) tt Let a aad UIUalln af.
aald land, via
Jha Molally lerry lm.va, J. K. t.rean
Wm.l, , B. II uSoM. all wt Vlnaon, reenn
b. r. iij..
tfi SI luaiater.
Notice of Intention.
IAf orrur. at tms." ii i ra. nHr'.or,
April I. ea a.rttre la h.t.l.y yl.ee thai
It., loilnwlr baai.d aeiiier kaa Slt a.Mi.e
ol him ini.mt.. aieae Snal pmnf in an prt
f ata rialav an4 thai Mid pe.f will ba .!
I .lore the r,air ri.rt of M "row enmniy at
H.ppnar. lrr.(Mi, mn May IH, l. vlt
rSAM a L Jk, IH I Ba. SrT,
..r ll.e H aeetloa 4. TplS. NatRWM
Heneetee Ike lol.,l,.g lln... b
alacmiinnoiM reat.Ui- v.uaut fMltliallon
bf aai lad via
'aa M Ha vee. iaa trUi.. C. Elrk.Jaa
1wii(, all el fteppne. nr,.,.i
.a r. M'ir.
2 ra keai.iet.
Timlier Culture, final hoof.
Notice foe Pablieallna.
H Marrh IS, hoilra la hereby glvea
II, al Andrew Keener, of Islington, Oregon,
haa Sled no' Ire ol Intention to make flnal prrf
UI.. re J W. Mnrrfiw.rminiy rlerk. at al.olTlre
In Heppner. Un gnn. on aalontay the Hk day
f M. Iai, on llmlet I ulinre epplpetioa
So. i:: lor Ihe , anerter ol eec'ton nn
lil la townalilp Ko, J S. Range Nn luL
He namea aa w Itneaaee Jamee Cvpert. Rew
Unique, J C. ll.omeon, James Lea a, ell
Islington, irrvgna.
4 Beglaur,
Notice oj Intention.
I A"l nrricE A? THE t'Al.l.SS. flREUON
I 4 Marrh -..! M.HPe le hereby given that
Ihe foiioaltig named fertile hae Sled e!ruf
hie loir niton in make Snal ate4 In euppnrt of
bet r l.i m, and Inal aald pro-if will le. made
Ivlore J . Morrow rownly tlerk, at Heppner,
irregoH, na eiav a, I." vi
m a MiiiMor.
Hd t Ro -'i. ff.f the r, ta, See. , sad
'V "V. "ee If. ip I a a w w..
ll. aenee ine f.llw t wllneeeee Wi an
f.1. roiin,ma reat lenre upa end rnltltatloa
f Mid land, vis :
I -"ef iMtilry fat'k lalr. W, 0. re!t.
ioun parura, ail M Heppner ni-..
.AS. r. M'e-lMK.
Gilliam & Bisbee
We are not email men, lbs. We are small men, Xs.
wb are not (He Largest nercfianis in tne world !
. But when the people of all the surrounding country are In need oi a a a
Hardware, Tinware, Crockeryware, Glassware, Wood and Wlllowwaro, Nails, Iron, Barbwlre,
Cumberland Coal, Oaas and Water Pipe, Pipe Elttlnns, Stoves and Ranges, Wagons,
Hacks, Buggtes, Wagon Material, Hardwood, Axes, Hammers, Saws, Bledgea,
Wedges, Guns, Pistols, Cartridges snd Ammunition, Mason Jars, Gran
itewara, Plows, Harrows, Rakes. Mowers, Tubs. Waih Bolllers
and Boards, Bheet Iron, Zlne, etc., etc.,
Should call and Examine our Goods and Get Prices.
Ws have Good Goods at Fall Prices, and Cheap John Goods at Chep John Prices.
Groceries, Gents' Furnishing Goods,
Stockmens SurrLiES, Etc.,
And Wants Your Trade!
He will make it an object for you to trade with
bim as bis prices are right, and all goods that he
bandies are of the very bout.
Store on
Street, Next
Drug Store,
SucoreeoTtoC. a. VeeDuyn. Beat cluor Io City Hotel.
Hos everything in the line of Fresh Groceries,
Candies, Nuts, and also keeps Crockery,
Lamps and Tinwaro.
Stock is Complete. Notions a Specialty.
AttorneyH fit Ha-civv,
All bnaloaa IWeM to U prompt end sstlafaftorf
toaDBar. Notarlas I'sblw Md Collerlors.
B Km Bit, i i i ; t
D.J. McFaul, M. D.
At J. AV. Htctn't RttiDUCt.
Notice of final Settkment.
flttr t nSeV iilK TWT TMK
adn.lni.trie e4 i.a r.'.le
Da.,4eNil atjl tKete .at I
xomeia with eei-t et 1 I,
e. tee
I f ' M ol Cntm.
eaat tor ,4 it .
farri : ae at M.i-i., eM, la
e. w , tra mm mm war m mT '
A, a a vim
Iad Fl'lnttaad final f"r".' Ta.
sriAo:,fu,m Nonw iccuc
nurrxrmn. .uw,
' mJ.
lalCC tO
Put up Your Team ?
Arc You in Need of a Saddle
4ViV5 Do You Want a Rik' ?
tf ;-(), Don't You Want a Pla
l'r' M Put ui Your Team ?
All llifan tso procured at Tlmfujiw'in A Uinns, Iirer Main Btrftt,
He ppopr, Oregon.
Tkeaa fenllew.ee aea well evnlnted '. Marnev, m l. (il lUa. a4 ataef ewwat'ea,
and eaa aaie aauiwf aad Uhm la Mat li.f Uw aUM auk tratllt aal.
frVaa la levfdnf a Ilk Ifca Uatea.
Keeps the Finest Wines, Licjuors and Cigars.