REPUBLICAN COUNTY TICKET. For Representative, J. N. BROWN, of Heppner. For Sheriff, ANDREW ROOD, o! Hardman. For Clerk, A. W. PATTER80N, of Heppner. For Judge, A. 0. BARTHOLOMEW, of Alpine. For Treasurer, FRANK GILLIAM, of Heppner. For Commissioner, J. W. BECKETT, of Eight Mile. For Assessor, A. C. PETTEY8, of lone. For Surveyor, JOHN HORNOR, of Heppner. For School Superintendent, MISS ANNA J. BAL8I0ER, of lone. For Coroner, DR. B. F. VACGHAN, of Heppner. Justices and Constables. For SuBtlce of the lit District, E. L. WOOD. For Constable of lat District, OTIS SHANER. For Justice of 2d District, J. B. YOUNG. For Constable of 2d District, W. W. BRANNON. For Justice of 3rd District, BEN CASE. For Constable 3rd District, WALTER CASON. For Justice of 4th District, JOHN MCMILLAN. For Constable of 4th District, C. C. BOON. For Justice of 6th District, J. T. H08KIN8. For Constable of 6th District, I. I HOWARD. For Justice of 6th District, E. L. FREELAND. For Constable of 6th District, H. T. BAQLEY. Hermann Schulmerics has re ceived the appointment of the president as postmaster at Hills boro, Or. fl Broad w& Dlvins. EVERT ONE IN BTRACU8E KNOWS BET. 8. B. CALTHROP. Scholarly, Christian 'Maa aid a Beloved Pastor, Who Believes la Trail ing the Bod as Well as the Mind. .V Moimow's three tickets are now in the field and a hotly contested fight for the county offices will soon be on. xiX-Jr RESIDENT HARRISON was married on last evening in New York City to Mrs. Dimmick, his former wife's cousin. Anderson has withdrawn from the congreesional race, over in Baker county, his home, and gave sickness in the family as the ea son. REV DB. CALTHROP, SYBA0TJ8B, N. Y. The twenty-ninth day of April is a notable day in tbe history of tbe May Memorial church in Syracuse, aa it is the anniversary of tbe installation of tbe Rev. Samuel B. Oaltbrop, D. D., tbe eminent divine who so long baa min istered to them spiritually as pastor of tbe oburoh Dr. Galthrop was born in England and reoeived bis preparatory scbolastio train ing at St. Paul's sobool, London. En taring Trinity college, Cambridge, he soon became a bright figure in that brilliant ooterie of sobolars, literary men and wits that followed in the traditions of Maoanlay and bis associates at the university. In the middle of tbe cen tury be visited Syracuse and reoeived bis first impression of tbe young city tbat nearly a soore of years later he was to choose as his home and in wbioh his labors have been so long and effective. Tbe masterly pulpit addressee of Dr. Oaltbrop have had their fundamentals drawn from tbe deepest research. His people have been instructed by bim, not only in things spiritual, bat in tbe elements of the broadest culture, in lib erature, in art and in science. His young men have been taught b muscular system of morality. In these and in many other ways has he endeared bim seir to bis congregation, whion Is one of tbe most highly onltured and wealthy in tbe oity. Dr. Oaltbrop has a striking person ality. To tbe eye he is a most pictnr esque figui. His bead and face, framed in luxuriant mattes of silky, snow white hair and beard, are of tbe type of Bryant and Longfellow. Although over sev eoty years old, bis ratber spare figure is firm and ereot, and every movement is active and graceful, His whole life long be has been an ardent admirer and promoter of atbletio sports, and even at bis advaooed age, plays tennis with all tbe viuor and (kill of a young man. To Syracnsaos, perhaps, this remarkably versatile man ia most widely known, apart from bis profession, as a soisrttist. Oo a bright April tuorniog a reporter followed tha windlne lta-T ibe me hill leads to Cal- Toe Oregonian unmasks now and admits tbat Simon is not in any sense a Mitchell man. No one can depend upon the Oregon lan for anything but dirty work. An exchange says: "The young woman who edits the 'fashion col- umn of a contemporary, devotes space to a discussion of 'How to Dress Properly in the Streets.' That's no place to dress, except in case of fire or being 'fired.' " Much harmony prevailed in the throp Lodge, and old fashioned, red democratic camp on Saturday, and nnok mansion, surroandei by a grove why not, there was nothing to scramble over as they do not hope to elect anybody. Most of the nominations were made by accla mation, and the work of building a ticket wr.e soon gone through with. knee gradually recovered, bat always was weaker than tbe other. Abont fifteen years ago tbe swelling re-commenced, tbia time without any wrench at all, and before long I realized tbat tbia was rheumatism setting in tbe weakest part of tbe body. The troulile oame so often tbat i was obliged to carry an opiate in my pocket evey where I went. I bad generally a packet in my waletooat pooket, bat in going to a con ference at Buffalo I forgot it, and as tbe car was damp and cold, before I gut to Buffalo my knee was s woolen to twice its natural size. I bad seen tbe good effeote that Fink Fills were having in snob oases, and I tried them myself with the result tbat I have Lever bad a twinge or a swelling slnoa. This was effected by taking seven or eight boxes. I need not say tbat I am thankful for my recovered independence, but 1 will add that my knee is far stronger than it has been for thirty-five years. I took one pill at my meals three times a day. I gladly give yon this statement. Yours, S. R. Calthbof. Since writiog this letter Dr. Caltbrop has not bad many visits from his old enemy and is even more cordial now lu his reoommendation of Dr. Williams' Fink Fills than be wai then. To tbe re porter be said: "I am continually recommending Dr Williams' Fink Fills to acquaintances ana those 1 chance to meet wbo are troubled with rheumatism or looomotor ataxia. "Fink Fills," continued Dr. Caltbrop, 'are the beet tbing of the kind I know of. They are infinitely superior to most medioines that are put up for sale. know pretty well what the pills contain and I consider it an exoellent prescrip tion. It is such a one as I might get from my dootor, but he would not give it in such a oompaot form and so con vecient to take. "I recommend the pills highly to all who are troubled with rheumatism, looo motor ataxia, or any impoverishment of the blood." Dr. Williams' Fink Pills for Pale Poo pie have an enormous sale, and from all qoarters come in glowing reports ot tbe exoellent results following tbeir use An analysis proves that they oon tain in a condensed form, all tbe ele meots neoessary to give new life end riobnees to the blood and restore shut tered nerves. They are an unfailing specific tor such diseases as loooruotoi ataxia, partial paralysis, St. Vitus danco sciatia, neuralgia, rheumatism, nervous headaobe, tbe after effects of la grippe, palpitation of the heart, pale and sallow oomplexioos, tbat tired feeling resulting from nervous prostration; all diseases resulting from vitiated humors in the blood, such as scrofula, ohronio erysipe las, etc Tbey are also a speoiflo for troubles peculiar to females, snob as suppressions, (regularities and all forms ot weakness. Tbey build up the blood aod restore tbe glow of health to pale and sallow cheeks. In men tbey efc'jot MJbat cjkr I ii wiaing frpm mental worry, over wirk or excess' of DEMOCRATIC CONTENTION. Two years ago the state tickets, iu Morrow county, received the following vote: Republican, 510; democrat, 258; populist 349. The republicans Lave lout no votes since that time and if they will land firm tuey can elect every man on their ticket by a good plu rality. Tut belligoroncy of Cuba was recognizod by the United States yesterday in the passage of the voucurrent resolutions by the house. The bill does not need the signature of the president to be come a law. This news doubtless will cause rejoicing among Ameri cans generally. All was not peace and harmony ia the Portland democratic: pri tnarics and convention, either. IJallot box stuffing was the order and there seemed to be a determl nation on tbe part of a few to run things. However, the republicans down Here are ahead on this score jet, as it would appear from the printed repot la. i Tnc Oregonian thinks the nom inees put np by the Fimon ring down at Portland Saturday will be elected. This is a natural con clusion on its part for what goes with Joe Simon goes with ths Ore gonian. Hut the voters have not spoken yet and tbrir verdict will uouUlcea be uiflWml from the "great" paper's expectations. i Tnf democrats of Umatilla Co. helj their convention on Saturday and nominated a full ticket A big ratification was held in ths evening and the nominees node many gfxl promises to tbe people that tbey wlil s kiji forget should they r elect.. This great hue and cry of the democrats about "economy" iu rublio affairs dues not st wl, taking past a well as preaent munantiftii of local and Ecoefat government buaioee an utUd fci them UW aoouooi of oaks and chestnuts. Wearing a black scull cap aod a coat ot ssmi olerioal out, tbe master of Caltbrop Lodge graciously received the reporter who called to ia quire about bis health, for, though man fully repressing all possible evidences ot bis saffdrlog, Dr, Oaltbrop for many years bat been tbe viotitn of a distress ing effliotlon, antil by fortunate chance be was led to take the remedy which baa effectually cured bim. .During more than half ot bis pastorate in Syracuse, Dr. Oaltbrop bss bren troubled with rheumatism, and at iu- tervais be suUbred eiorootauog agony from it At times tbe paio was so great aa to prevent bim from walking. Maoy remedies were tried without success, tod be and bit friends had given np bope ol a permanent ears or ol more than temporary relief when be took tbt preparation that drove tbe disease oom pletely from bis system. In a letter written to the editor ot the Evening News, ot, last year, Dr, Oaltbrop told of bis affliction and Its ears. This Is Dr. Caltbrop's letter To tbe editor of the Evening Mews Dear Sir: More than thirty flee yean ago I wrenched my left knee, throwing it almost from IU socket. Great swell ing followed, and tbe synovial Juice kepi leaking from tbe joint. Tbie made me lame for years, and from time to time tbe weak knee woold give oat entirely, and tLt swelling wool J eommeeee. This wtt elveyt oeceeloned by some strain like a sadden stop. Tbe whatever nature. There ere no ' ill effects following the use ot this wonder ful medioine, and it can be given to children with perfect safety. rY i ' - .-1 1 4 m rVi f j The Faithful Met and Pat Oat a Fall Ticket No Compromise with Populism. Tbe remnants of what was once the unterrified democracy met last Saturday and pat np tbe county tioket for this year, and also elected delegates to the state and congressional conventions. To get on tbe places seemed to be no part of tbe program for there was no contest for any nomination. Tbe work of nomi nating seemed to ocoupy bat little time during tbe afternoon, and enugests a out and dried affair from start to finish, Chairman of the oounty oentral oom- mittee, J. W. Morrow, called tbe con vention to order at 10 o'clook a. m. J. Roberta was chosen chairman and Wm. Dunn secretary. On motion com mittees on order of business, credentials and organization were appointed. Tbe following were the selections: Order of busitest, Willmot, Matlock aod Spenoer; organization, Sperry, Yinoent and Holland: credentials, Inskeep, Woonward and Sloan. Tbe convention then adjourned till 1 o'clock, p. m. AFTERNOON. Tbe meeting; was called to order at 1 o'olock by Chairman Roberts, and tbe reports of all oommitteea were hooepted. Will Spenoer was obosen as assistant secretary. The convention then pro ceeded to harmoniously select tbe vari ous delegates and candidates. J. L. Morrow, Q. W. Rea, J. J. Adkins and E. Q. Sloan were selected as delegates to tbe state convention. Tbos. Morgan, mayor of Heppner, was chosen for representative without any special objection. In fact there seemed to be no speoial contest for this offioe. Then followed the nomination by ac clamation ot tbe following gentlemen: Sheriff, E. L. Matlook; clerk, J. W. Morrow; jadge, Geo. Noble; treasurer, Frank Rogers ; assessor, Ferry Snyder ; coroner, Arthur Minor; surveyor, D. H. Jeoking. Miss Florence Crittenden and Miss Olive Conlee were plaoed in nomination tor county tobol superintendent. Miss Crittenden reoeived 14 votes and Miss Conlee 13. Miss Crittenden was chosen aa tbe nominee. J. D. Ball was then cbosen unani mously for oounty commissioner. The precinot nominations were as follows: Well Springs, Jas. Leaoh, J. P., J. R. Cypert, O; lone, Tom Carl, J. P., Tom Woolery, C; Eight Mile, Ben Akers, J. P J. H. Inskeep, 0.; Hepp ner, Walt Richardson, J. P., Joe Mas- lerson, u. ine anove omoers were ohosen for the variout districts ot Mor row oounty but tbe minutes do not show just where tbey belong. The oentral committee is as follows: J. W. Morrow, chairman j Quntry, J. J Roberts; Mt. Vernon, JoKj Hughes; Heppner, Wm. Spencer; Well Springs, J. O. Warmoth: lone, Joe Woolery: Ceoil, Ed. Holloway; Eight Mile, J. H. Inskeep; Hordmao, Hi Taeb; Lena, Wm. Brown; Dry fork, J. D Ball; Pine City, CI. W. Vincent: Matteson. John Mo- Femn. No selection was made for Aloluu. . . This olmed tbe business pf the con vention. Though not largely attended perfect harmony prevailed throughout as tbe great uncertainty ofeleotion pre vented any special oonteet tor tbe vari ous ofTloet. AM KXPLiNVTIO. 1 wish to inform tbe public tbat tbe bringing of my name into the populist convention was none of my seeking. Consent was very reluctantly given, and then only baoausa I believed ia tbe pejple and tbe principles of that party, aud that tbey were in great need of some one to represent them ia tbat oapacity. I was assured that they de fended solely upon me, that thev had no idea ot any one else. Tbe office, I did not want and am glad to know I am not needed, yet tbe man ner in which I have been treated is not according to any idea of right. However, I hold myself in readiness at any time to be offered up as a sacri fice iu any great and good cause when ever needful. So if this be tbe worthy cause, aud it was at all necessary, it it all right; if not, the consequences some where, sometime, will have to be met. I am glad to say, however, tbat tbe faithful few are my neighbors and those wbo know me beet. All success to the party of whatever name, tbat is tbe purest, tbe most worthy, and that will work out the greatest amount ot grod to the people ot oar land. Mbs. M. Fuqua. Heppner, Or., April 6, 1896. 0""e '0314309V SslNVXS XN30 C tuaq) jaS o) Moq pire sumituaid jsvpo jo jsit e s3ai3 rptq "tiodnoo aiO Pi pu co3eqox 3ui3iouig pajBjq3i'a3 sito jo 2eq Xng 3 K 'KTESQQ ''03 033TSOL IVHHna S.TnASDTCH oissiuaavaNNVN Hxim BNOnoo aNis oDouaoi L'jvuuna arjinuas SiTiinna jo 9q tmo qsra apitni taodnos omi . paw 'Jtq ano aoas pu aodnoa suo put) & noj TfcO 9 PIP? JO HIVJ 3N0 '33UJ aNis osiv mm aa to zi ptre enodnoQ g VOJ 'HO i suoduoQ ft 10 J !d PS "oi QUO 33UJ ONII 11IM 3 An Affidavit This is to oertify that on May 11th, I walked to Melick's drug ttore on a pBir of orutohes and bought a bottle ot Chamberlain's Pain Balm for inflamma tory rheumatism whioh bad orippled me up. After using tbree bottlea I am com pletely onred. I can cheerfully recom mend it. Charles H. Wetzel, Banbury. Pa. Sworn and nnbscribed to before me on August U, 1894. Walter Sbipman, J. P. For sale at 50 cents per bottle by Conser & Brock, druggists. Joe Cresswell, young son nf Press Cresawell, of this oity, in a joking way swallowed a lot of camphor last evening and not long thereafter went into violent convulsions. It required the eervioes of a pbysioian to pull bim through alive, and we judge this experience will teach bim to touch tbe oampuor bottle lightly hereafter. A Great German's Prescription. Diseased bloosl, constipation, and kid ney, liver and bowel troubles are cared by Karl's Clover Root Tea. For sale by Wells & Warren. A WOOL MARKET. Charley Jones, tbe well-known "old- timer" in the tonsorial line, has again located in Heppner, hnvir.g purchased Green Mathews' shop, Minor building opposite the city botel. Charley will appreciate a call when in town. SHERIFF'S SALE. This has become an established market for Eastern Oregon, Washington and Idaho wools. Last season three million pounds were received here by rail from Huntington, Baker City, Heppner, Arlington, and from Yakima, Spokane, LewiBton, Walla Walla and intermediate stations. Low freight rates are given on shipments to Pendleton for scouring and packing In transit Many of the leading buyers make this place headquarters, and all large opera tors frequently visit Pendleton warehouses. As a market this place Is equalled only by The Dalles In quantity of wool which attracts competition, with this advantage : From no point in the Northwest, Portland included, is wool shipped East at less ex pense than from Pendleton. Water competition has not afforded suf ficiently low rates upon wool in the grease and dirt, to equal the lower expense in curred by shipping only clean, scoured wool from Pendleton. Owing to this fact Pendleton buyers are enabled to pay as much or more for wool at this point than is averaged at other places having reputations as "high markets," based upon exceptional sales ot fancy lota of light wools. Considering character ot wool, and shrinkage, It may safely be claimed that the average sales In Pendleton Net the Grower more Cash for the same amount of wool than can be obtained in any other Market in the State. r-uw-cv t!. r- 'if if i - . riM Villus Vli. glw. It will be an agreeable snrprise to persons subject to attacks of billions olio to learn that prompt relief mav be bad by taking Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. In many Instances the etlarks may be pre vented by taking this retndy at toon at the first symptoms of the disease appear. o aod DO cent iMittiet for sale bv Lkinter Si Brock, druggists. mmm MAT MRMOMMt, lirliril, SYBMTBK, V. I. The .i!li ero manufactured b tbe Dr. Willi inn' UoJ rl.i. Company, 8obe- oeotaJy, N. Y, end are sold only In boxes bearing the firm's trait-mark and wrtpner at 50 ciits a Ui or ail boiee for US), au l are never sold lu bulk They may be bad ot all draggittt or d.r.ot by m ill tram I).'. Williams' Medl lot CmpoT. The tries at wbioh those pills are l I nrnket a course ot treatment lariprnslve s compared witb other rrraJw. r'ruua the Evening Newt, f4)raeue, N. T. HMD WORD from lbs Mllloa ! Alveb W. ratteraoo, ot the H'ppner Quelle, reeaiveJ tbe nomleaUoo for eoauly clerk at the rtpabtL-aa eaaty eooveetloa ia tiwrow eeaoly lael Bel- orJay. II elteteJ AWeh will snake a competent of&Hal. from lh Mllloa tail' At tbe Eagle predicted eotne Moatkt ago, oar old lime trio4. A. (1. Pertbol omew, well asJ favorably knewa to every Miltoa eillne, received tbe nnmi- a atio la Morrow eoaely tor tbe pael tioa ot eoenty jadge on the republican ticket He'll surety be elect!, f be Is emieeally qaelifUl lor the potuioe aal It popular with the liorrow eoeali volere. Um Mai Ijiiitllki W wM e tit Ayef'e rtatafwtlU taj )t the ettreor dleary dialinrttoeof bating be tbe otlt Wood runflr allowed aa etbibit el Ibe World'e fair, Chicago, tlaoafeetarert of ether earetperttUe enagbl by every aieeet tooMele etttnwiat nf lblr fw'dt. bat they were ell tare! an.lvr the ariliriia of lh rale f ttit.lieg Ibe nrt of peienl toJiet and ftnirema. Tbe Jeue of II e Wot II t f4r est he- ri'i la ! of Aim's rUrtapertile wee la tnmi ee Mlwi "Am t tureare rule le i a ail snMieine. II ! ftot Meet ! tee I ! of eueUtme. ll m ere tm tte tcnie," liiHTMDst 1'aitt. V very plsaol young Mkt prr given al the home tf Mr. aud Mrs Krebk MdKarlaoJ, of Ihis dr. o UttFriUr evening, I He OAre,a bti -t the It'll '-iftli lav ol Ihmr eon, tMl. A'lr ')llg aumeroot eoclkl end amtuiag games, a iplendld loach wee eervtd the company ol yoeog people by Ibe koeteea, Tbe following were present : DeMbe Mail.!. Oer Made Bitbep, Elsie A; era, Edith I'otter, Edith Vaaghaa, Z rattereee, lurry Unaee. Fonwl 11 nan a. One Vaaibao i iliebee, OatfltlJ Crawort, 'rvy Mogboe. IKMer lifg, Archie Miiht Millie UetUie, I'arrul UrKerlend, Vlctoi Ui r arlanJ aid Charlie Horn of. CaUrrk ferve. Ileellb aed teeel btlb eare.1, by t Oaterrb lUasedy. I'rlee 50c Neeel lejaetor free. Tbe lUIie Chraetcles Mr. J. II. Kol man, a fira hi alive til Ibe M.iBlilb Ta!ktea Vx, M la the clly. Mr. Kol- aae te rvleremg from e trip Ibroogti Moalaea, IJabe end Eaelem Urvg and eehmgioe, and tajt bertvr be bee beea Ibere Mi aa arpereat revival o( tMttlneee, end a geeet el fltag Ibet the eotftieg eeeana will be a pioeptroet owe. Tbe tepidity wild wbleo ereat 4e vloi reiit ! lutiant lraleiili eed Ia4 Urn beatb-IJe ate rr'U f4 lie vim. Aa aiirai.le iatr fw this d le A)'e t'betry I'niMel ll ha eavad beeJrv4t of liee aa bowiil be la eef y tvoejie ebrt art eef ebUdre. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT UNDER and by virtue ol an execution lusued out of the Circuit Court of the Btate of Oregon for the County of Morrow, on March Id, 18U6, and to me directed and delivered, upon a Judgment rendered and entered in said Court on the 5th dny ol March, WJ6, In favor ol J . H Townsend, I'lulntlft'. and avntnst Thomas Walden. W. O. hoott and . W. Harris, Defendants, lor the sum o( Three Hundred Fortv-elirhtand 10-100 (IMH.IO) Lionnrs wiiu interest mereoii irom sain am 01 1 March, iwxi, at the rate ot ten per cent per an-1 num. and Twenty-live (l 00) Dollars attorney's I fw and the further sum of hlitv-four and H9-1IX) (Sl H'.l) Dollars costs; and, whereas, by said idirment It whs ordered and ailludeed that the lollowlng described real property, to-wlt: 8WI4 01 section 4 in 1 p. 1 norm. ran -'v n. w. m., t ui ,niuiy said juugmeut, costs and ac cruing costs. 1 will, on Saturday, the 25th day of April. 1896 ar a o'clock, P. M., of said day, in front of the Court House in Heppner, Morrow County, Orcirnn, sell the right, title and interest of the sain lielendants In and to the above described property at Fulillc Auction to the highest and best hinder t r cash In hand, the proceeds to be ipll-d to the satisfaction of said execution and I costs, and costs that may accrue. Ul-iU. . W. HARKINOTON, FhorlfTof Morrow County, Oregon, Dated March Id, 1H'J6. Nerve Oa Edge. I was nervons. tired, irritable and cross. Karl's Clover Hoot Tea bat made me well and bappy. Ms. E. B. Won dim. For sale by Welle A Warren. OK. XT COUNTY ITEMS. From the Katie, Dob Wilchen, of Douglas, Wyoming, arrived la Oreo I county last week to buy sheep for a sheepman by Ibe name of Wileoo, ot Wyoming. Dal Willinghara, of Heppner, well known to tbe sheepmen of Oreo! connty. It In oar midst baylog sheep fur Messrs. Etrl A Father, of Wyoming. Ureal county enjoyed corns geaaiue March weather early tbie week. The satire country was covered with a 00a! ol soow and the mercury dropped dowo to about fifteen degrees above uro. Oee of the children ot Mr. end Mrt. Well Davit, ot Cotton wool, toll Into ravine near their residence last Bat ar il ay eve, ctrikieg a rock, recalling la a fracture of tbe right temporal booe of tbetkull. Dr. Crockett wet sumtained end dreeaej Ibe wnond end did all tbat possible el the lima. Tbe little fellow wae broaghl lo tbie city aod Ibe tract a re opratl oa Taedey morning by Dre. Henderson. Crockett tad W II Heme. Tbe wnond le a certain one bat It It bnped Ibal tbe sbild will recover. Are ! Mirable by ledlgoetien, Cbeaiipa- line, Ihtsineaw, ! of Appetite, Iellnw NktnT Hbiluhe Vili-r la a ptieitive core, I or eale by rile A Warren. Tbe regular eatwcriniia price of Ibe Hml-MVkly (Uoeile te end tbe regular prl ot ibe Weekly Orrgnnlae lall.frfl. Any oee snlrril.iog fur the Osteite and peying for one year In edvaeoe fa bntb the O a telle end VlVkly Ori-.eiee ff 1 1 M. All old t b eenbere per log their eabtwipltane fr oee yeet la edveaee e tit be ealilled lo Ibeeam. ( aaaatpttae Tea be Cr4, fty the ate ol Kbilob'c Core. Tbt grel tVngh ( ere le the lf ke rdy ft thai Irrrible dienaw. For alt br Welle A Wa'rwi SHERIFFS SALE. N OTICE 13 HEREBY OIVKN THAT CN ER and lv virtue of an exiTiitlim luuml nut of the Circuit Court of the HUle of Oregon lor inr 1,111117 " iirr(w on itiarcn in, iwt, and to inn (Urt-cUil tud delivered, uuin a ludirnien rendered and enterwl in said court 011 the Sth day of March, li, In favor of The Northern oiintli-a liivt-stnient Trust (l.lmltmi) rialotllT, nd aitnlnat O. W. Htewart, James D. Hamilton, I. W. llarrliiictoii. AdmlnlitraUir. Add In l'rvln and J. N. Hrown, defendants, for the sum of I nirtcen Hundred Two and 4-100 (liaoj 041 Doll art, with Interest thereon from March &. lH;i. t ha rate of elsht ner eent oer innmn inH llm Hundrel Dollars attorney's fee. nd tha lurthar mmol Flfty flveandm-limiM AO) Dollars paU: and, whereas, by said Jndfment It waa ordered ami adludrixl that the followlnt dearrlled real prtiperty, io-wn: Tne w 4 of H 14 ol scrtloa SU, n 't 01 a, f r.',.aini nnvol r. anrtlon si, and 01 awi, awtinn Xi, all In Tp. . K. i'. K. W. M be sold lo satlifv said judgment, niaia ana accnuiig coaia. 1 win, on Saturday, the 25th dey ef April. 1896 at J o'clock, P. M., of aald day. at tha front door 11 inat;our rtoiisein iiepimer. Morrow oiintv. (lron. sell the right. CI t la and In threat of tha aalil Deleiidanla III and to tha aova deacrthed miierty al fublle Auction to the hlaheat and !ral bidder for raah In hand, the to b aptuirii to in aaiitiaciion 01 aald aiacutlon and an rnaia, ami coaia mat may aicriia. 34 .. . W. HAKKIMOTOV. aherln of Morrow County, Oicgnn. liiei ntii-t lo, pre-and J. W. Kerre, iliedly ramUr, it l'4 I 4.i ail kluda n .,'iog rx.wr haaaieg o4 will ,lt hoaa e tan- me en I lata ep eel n dtwe ft -in. e ta Hale eirel, ct-p-eice Vi bn I. rule te X4 fee. 1'iile .1 l cere eee'n-aii -e. Tbe 'ly aesretaeau. Ke'l'e t'..vr lti Tae gave pntei rceleily ol ue The Thoroughbred Running Stallion stand the season at will I BILL! GORDON'S STABLE. Hptr, Ore. Terms: 820 for the season. All mares over one from the same stable will be bred for S5 less, each. Swamp is a Dark Bay, 16 hands hioh; Star in face, Two white FEET OH LEFT SIDE, AND WEIGHS 1150 POUNDS. Ias1lfxte I portal Ureal Tom; Tiptop t Brat dam. Brlhrey, aha by Imported Honnla Hmtland (ireon Rom's Mipiwin.irniiniiiii, pii nj nuit.nni; am uj nnponra uucston: liura aam, ball la Mortau. bv John Morfan; be by Imported tloverchin. SHERIFF'S SALE. NOTICK W WRRKBY GIVES TI14T t'NIKR and br vlrtua of an itrution laanad out I ollha Clrcull Court of the Wat ot ireon for I tha County of Mitrmw, March la, 1nk. and lo ana directed and delivered upon a Jmlfment rendere.1 n. tniere. In aald ronrt on the W day of March. Iia. In favnrof Thoinat L. ir- man, I'lalntin, and walntt (eaorva W. Junkln. Irlendant, lor tha torn ol SI I teen Hundred and Wity fla tllaaiani Uollara wltb Intrnwt thrrvon float March k. m. at tha ma ol lea Be renl Mr annum and Itna Hundred Dollars attorney t vee ann intiynnrrinmni iwaniy pouaraffMla: and. ahereaa by Mid )n.menl II waa ordered ann adJuutM inal tha lolloalnt dearrllM real ertdriy. watt M,n,i ot aaa-ilon Q, in Tp, I . H M K. W. M . I Can faroish cuod pnetare at tl.2u nor moiith nor bea.l. Rni fee payable when mare is eerved, either by canh or good note. GEO. C. AIKEN, Owner. WHITE COLLAR LINE. Ml iaxt in .v Loiimbia Kivcr and wmm Nnvnrafmn In ba told In aatlaf v aa juatnant, ana accruing, roata. i will, en Beterttev, the 25th defer AeHt.1898 at I a rlort C aaid day. al lb front don ot Ihe t onn Hmiteln lli-pfiier, Norm t'minlv. ureffon. sell the rifht, lllla and lnlreat ol the aald ivien.i.i.t m and to tha ahota dej-nhe4 emprn, al Auction to tha hltheat and beat bidder bit raab In band, tba mr.U to ba applied Ui the aaii.tactloa of aaldatacntlsa and ail rcata, and eiwta that anay accrue . W. HAHKINOTOW. Plierlffof Murraw ionnly, drag oa. latan pi.rrn ia. I siiEimrs SALE. 0 Ll Stuatrj TEUmONE, BAILET GiTZERT AND OCEAN WIVE. Leevlei : AMer Hlreet Drck. rortlaod, fne Astoria, Ileeoo, Lo0f B.arb, Ooeaa Park miA Natuuitta I V. .1 m ... . ,,1. t . - viiri tunuraiigi whs iiaraeo eieemere a ad rail- rood; alee at Yoaog's lley with Rcaehore IteJIroed. TBXjapnONH Leavas Iortlan4 T k. H. Dally, ttce, l Sunday. Uaret Astoria 7 P. M. Hally. ticH and.f. IlAIIiEY OATmin rrt leaves Portland t.U Ially, aicant Sundav. ftaturd. m.hi n w t . .. ' . H annday and Monday. Sunday niftt. ir,"" OOOATAT Vi-axtti Lavae Portland and wni idlract lo ll-aco To-aday and Thnta-Uy at S A M Oalnrdav .lies. II. ac K al.!., and Friday at j A. M. o, iVnd.faTf aiit ' P UgW CtifckfJ to Eiibia Ddiijlio, Bg!h taAn Fftt tf twist Pot Oafaty. Cpaad. Comfort. Ptaaanre. Travel en Iba Telerhoaa ..!!.. r... . ... N'OTtcK tllRPRV r,VtTrlaTrDia and by vlrlita of an aterattoa. taH-4 exit ot t'a t leciiit mud nl tha Mala n Ihe I omi. it ol Morrnv, an Man h la, l"a, and In ma din. tad aod deiKered, upon a Hlmei randeeed and entered In aald Court on Ihe Mh d.y rf r K !. In tar, nf K P Nufbe, mmJ Cummings & Fall, PROPRiETORS Ot the 014 Bailable I'..!' 1111 and af.lnal Hanff hell,, tteleadanl, . T T to lha 'im nl aaeva Mondred fony aaran and I If I I . . ! n i-lM wllaa. a nh Inieraat I J I I I I - 1 1 C J m. March I '.a k.h. I. al tba I Tf 1 Mil I 1 I f I I r'a ot lea r rant, pmf annnaj and Maty - v V' V.4 W Wa Ikill.rt atlnrnev t tea and lha further Mao ' thirty kmr a"d titl JM til Imliart nan and a hereaa I t al I )..1.awnt II a Meniere.) tn.1 a.t,i,lta4 thai Ibe Iciloatnt dearntwH real rn-ieiu, in .it nmiih hall ol Iba north hail of aril., aenl taa. aod aaat hal nt tariu,a laaiy tbrea. ail In tnanabla taaauafh. rtnta taeatv aaa eaat, M . ba ld a aallafv aaid i Ifrnenl, ataiM aecfnlef eoaia. I III, an SelurCay, the J3IH ttey cf Aarlt, 1699 M . m atl I day al lha Irani done M lha I oiM .,iaa Hff e. M-irme I naaty. lrtHq aellalllba ll.hl una and Inlareet n lha aalt Iwlendant la and to lb. ahaea deacrtoal ro pa ir .1 r,'. le Aaclla la Iba h'tHaet ant laM M l lf Ine raeh In hand Iba am aa la in b r M ae'i.iadioej m aalil elaeaatoa tM i nnaia, a a. I e.t. trial say are H MaiaT'l1 heeiC nf M.erran; lmatf , tanm l'ei vtaren la aak. rmcAoo. iu.. Half Mnrh araalnf tba Tnlna pt4 nf C 1 A U..C M tnr.c ,f rtw ac. nd U.C. at. L 4 I. nailnavlt. M eVX ICee SBU.txt DAY fee. W. Mt.llaoa and ainw an, eaemauS. XXJU fae eaa. Ta sharae tf tl' la the Keiioeal It! nf Itarrea. Al Iraat lUchaM T. laieia. eale Welle aa4 Wirm.'1' Ailiet, Mit Kottct of final StWcmtnt. orin t nttier oivtH. that tiu i ' ndnned adailalalralne nf tha ealala a W M C'laaa. Aeoaae I ) aaaSa flaal hetliawaal M Ki. trewnit ih aald aaiaia at taeh a .1 h. n lha (a,ai;(a,fta Mras C naaty. .1 Hefsna "nrxl. 'a) ha hnldaa al M.MnM iw - " " ee bet mc day "I Mia. at im eM , he. 4pnrw iinifi MizRirrs sale. nf tba I leeitlt CoMrt of tbt htalenf flretaa Inr lha I nonty o, Mntmm, March II laaTTL rendered and .i,l.l I. "'.r1. - ' 9 1 day nl Man h , ; ItZnTS '. W Jam a "B,""'nr tba Paul af ........ I ' .7 ".. naaaenj, rialnlllt. ........ .ea I' Hamilton Ik.M l' ti ,., I":.. .""'" r,'v'"- and Tba horthaca and ? . lbaaaa,nllnaTh.M.nd Ull.ra .Hh ot bn net rant .nana, ,M gandraJ "i .VJ! i L . ? r " Til'l Z. ''. aed err reukgtneaat e,re)er, the WGiH dey ef Aaetl, rt'tT.lTZT? M '' cf Mare, t n, aly. Ll.,T.'', -"n. v. u,. .Td ! av fr Peum I. fe, . e ' r a, tat cm-. 11..1 . . . . - -r a n Mthkieote, Cvsaif, Ort,.