Portland Ubrftrj "1 i i f MY SUCCESS OFFICIAL 8 PAPER i 3 a i I i 9 Is owing to my liberality in d- venij'ng KODert Bonner. in in niiiuiiiiiwinuiidiit Mil iiMiuniiiiiaiiLiniMtii i f 'tifiMTiiyHtinniiipiiiiiMummmium,,,!, wl I 3 i r r tf,vvs iu rsvi w o ..t.s,.v,- aBV- Ml M 1 T. f I I I I II I I T I A I W i -.T CV a-aw V M K m UI II 1 BT I W W I SIX I I Ie- W Ik I FOURTEENTH YEAR SEMI WEEKLY GAZETTE. rUBMSHSD Tuesdays and Fridays BY THE PATTERSON PUBLISHING COMPANY. OTIS PATTERSON, . . . Editor A. W. PATTERSON. . Business Manager At $3.50 per year, f X.25 for biz months, 75 ots. Aduertising Rates Made Known on Application. THIB PAPER is kept on file at E. C. Dake's Advertising Agency, 64 and 65 Merchants Eiionanga, oan rranoieoo, California, where cou. racts for advertising can be made for it. 0. R. & N.-LOCAL CARD. Train leaves Heppner 10:30 p. m. daily, except Sunday. Arrives 6:15 a. m. daily, except Mon day. West bound passenger leaves WHlows Junc tion 1:13 a. m. ; east bound 3:30 a. m. Freight trains leave Willows Junction going east at 7:25 p. m. and 8:47 a. m.; going west, 4:30 p. m. and 5.56 a. m. OFPICIAIi -DIXS-ECTO-R-ST. United States Officials. President. Grover Cleveland Vice-President Ad'ai Stevenson Beoretary of Htate Richard 8. Olney Secretary of Treasnry John Q. Carlisle Secretary of Interior Hoke Smith Secretary of War Dnisl S.Jniont Secretary of Navy. Hilary A. Herbert Postmaster-General William h. WilBon Attorney-Gnneral Jndson ITarmon SeoretaryoE Agrioulture J. Sterling Morton State of Oregon. governor..... w. P. Lord Secretary of State H. H. Kincaid Treasurer.. Phil. Metsolian Bopt. Public Instruction (i, M Irwin Attorney General t C. M. Idleman Senators 1 wr- McBride I J. H. Mitchell Congressmen j $nge rjI1,,!nai,n Printer .'.W. H. Leeds Supreme Judges.... ill. a. Kan, F. A. Moore, C. E. Wolvflrfnn Sixth Judicial DlRtrict. Circuit Judge Stephen A. Lowell Prosecuting Attorney John II. Lawroy Morrow County OfIleinl. Joint Senator A, W. Gowan Uepresetitative J. 8. Boothby ' "untyJndge Jtilitts Keithly OommisHioncni J. It. Howard .1. 01. lMKCr. T. W. Morrow O. W. Harrington Frank Gilliam J. V. Willis Goo. Lord . Ann FtnlaiirAp Sheriff Treasurer AtwAssor Surveyor... Sohool Sup't... Coronor ..T.W.Ayers, Jr 'Jiyor.. Thos. Morgan BEPPNKa towm nvFmvn.. v'iurir.uinnii u. n. rarnswnrth. M ' J""""""""". '"is.1""". X. W. Aysr,Jr & UUIUUI , ML. tf. DaUCUlU, ltun.ll 0 V tl.ll L. rawiuTr. ........ .... .... ...... .... linilllVl treasurer , E. L. FrKolsnrt Marshal A. A. Roberts Precinct Officers Justin fifth. Pmw V. I. TrVanlMnrl Constable. N. 8. Whetstone United Htate Land Orticers. TUB DAf.I.UI. OR. 1. 1. Moor !t-ffUter A. 8. Biggs Receiver B.F, Wilson Regixter 1. 11. Uobbins Roooivor i.a nuiMii. on. 8ECIIKT SOCIETIES. RAWLINS POST, NO. IL G. A. It. Moots at Lexington, Or., Uk Ut Baturday of 'arr. month. All veteran are Invited to )in (.' C. Boon, Go. W. Smith Adjutant. tf lkmmandw L UMBER ! WE HAVE FOR MALE ALL KINDS OF CH ' dremed Lumber. 16 miles oi Ueppnar. at what Is known as ll BOOTT BAWMZXjZj. PEE 1.000 MET, fcOUOH, " " " CIJIAR, I too - 17 60 r PEUVEREW IN HEPPNER, WILL ADD mw jTir i,ww vauionai, Th above quotations art strictly for Cash, L HAMILTON. Prop. National Bank of Mm. W. PE.NLANO, ED. E. BWI10P, Pre-ldrat CMslr. mmm i cener.il banking business COL.LKCTIONS UmU on ForaliU Trm. EXCHANGE BOUGHT & SOLI) OEITSER. tf OREOON ODlirio-Uoros Slaac Line BDBHS-CflHYOJt STHGEUKE H. A. WILLIAMS, P'op. OSTAUiaiJUILS'S 1tm Bnrna Hall; MS p.m. ol ar- l OoUfiu lo 42 bftort. Sinqlo Faro $7.00. Round Trip $10.00 fWf"" frfM ' ri. ft ri4. nuiixs-cAxvox ! iinH nlir. fnonart St I n.n t ,if mh M'prt M'Mnwvni nln .),.,, friMirliM il Uixt ta u '. Now i thm lis H rM Ik V, wkl ffrf.iari, lbs frt mppf of lb Wwl. lb(l'4i-,Urfli fir If In 4?M,1w ;, 1 & Ttt K4lf pbUaiiift of psrwrs W-.ila I fb '. ftoal f frm 4 f.Titii! aa s! li'; .ml fn'.it. tt.lf f'l llaaUf, iwftitt.fi purt. The CITY I now open with fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes, eto., constantly on hand. . Wedding Cakes or Pastery for epeoial dinners baked to order. Also carries a line of well-selected Grooeries. Candies, Nuts, Cigars, Tobacco, etc. TWO LUNCH TABLES Will be kept for the accommodation of the trade. Country People stopping temporarily in town, oan get what tbey want very cheaply at the OITY BAKJSRY The Patronage of the People of OTTO FRIEDRICH, Old BaKery Stand, v HEPPNER, ORE. Are the Highest of all High Grades. Warranted superior to any Bicycle built In the world, regardless of price Do not be Induced to pay more money for an Inferior wheel. Insist on having the Waverley. Built and guaranteed by the Indiana Bicycle Co a million dollar concern, whose bond is as good as gold. 211b. SCORCHER $85. 221b. LADIES' $75 Catalogue free, INDIANA BICYCLE CO., HOMER H. HALL0CK, iNDUM.rous. Ikd., U, B. A. Gen. Agent for Eastern Oregon, Pendleton, Or. j JM FACTS ; ! j; OU CAN BUY I2S.00 worth of dry goods and groceries and tben have ) ' ; Y enough left out of 1100.00 to purchase a No. 1 Crescent Bicycle. This Is j ' 1 1 a flrst-class machine. Why then pay flOO.OO for a bicycle that will give i 1 i C no better service t i I CRESCENT "Scorcher," weight 20 pounds, only too. ' "' i, Ladles' and Gents' roadsters all the way from 130 to $75. 1 1 "Boys' Junior, only $10 with pneumatic tlra-a good machine. I ! "Our Special," Men's $50; Ladles', $50. """" WESTERN WHEEL WORKS, : S CHICAGO AND NEW YORK. : HIE P1TTERS0.V Kl Cis I Heppner, Oregon, f ' 1 MORROW AND GRANT f l! h Essls; Institute ins. government! ft) PAYING MILLIONS A MONTH Ta pttwm, who emJ In tht wm of th Umir4 S'ainof to ttwir Widowt, ChiMftn, or Nitmi. l)o Vou rtct ivt a rnswn H4 Yon i rtU.ivt In th War f tb Rebellion, lo4Ua or Mekaa Wara on whom you tfrpemW U support f THOUSANDS ARE ENTITLED UNDER THE NEW LAW T left! i ptniion, wh? now da not. Thouaandi ndf h rtw lw art tnitsWd to an Incrca c-f fwmim. Th fownmttit own it la yoy snj ft UUBg and Anli ta py. Why no rtaet yotir claim at this pnMmt lima? Vow attilaa dat from lb lima ymt tpply. how It tb ntt?tt4 hour. trWtm f.f bwi anj omrl(ia Inlufmiiton. Na Chsrgf fcr aJvka. Ha Pta ntr trsW4l. ft ft ft ft ft) ft ft) ft ft) ft ft) ft ft) ft ft cl Tiic Press Claims Company $ ft) rajP W. AMSCTT, Orarral Maaaftf, ft . M V trctt, WASMINQTON, D. C (f) Cj 'rMi.r.Mif, , I I'll II, HI Plon,V of them" al" the HEPPNER, MORROW : ' J BAKERY Heppner is Respectfully Solicited. For tho Ouro o Liquor. Opium vi Tobacco Habit? It Is located at felon, Oregon, The Mutt Beautiful Town on ths Cxut (7a11 f h.a il.,,,,,,. M WriijreoUa4.nU4U. ImiMil rl tils and ,u ft f? ft ft) ft) ft ft) ft ft ft J? COUNTY, OREGON, ?fWgro3arsffj'.'iwiiissl.s. Z!vryJ THE BEST SPRING MEDICINE Is Simmons Liver Regulator don't forget to take it. The Liver gets sluggish during the Winter, just like all nature, and the svstem hrnm.ac ua u.: the accumulated waste, which brings on rillMi cvcl a,lu gue ana Kliouma usm. You want to wake up your Liver 51?,Y,iJUrt, be sure Vu take SIMMONS Liver Regulator to do it. it also regulates the Liver keeps it properly at work, when your system will be free from poison and the whole body invigorated You get THE BEST BLOOD when yuur svsiem is in A condition, and that will only be when the Liver is k. pt active. lry a Liver Remedy once and note the difference. But take only SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR -it is SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR which makes the difference. Take it in powder or in liquid already prepared, or make a t?a cl t'.e powder; but take SIMMONS LIVE!? t CU LATOR. You'll find the RED Z on eveiv package. Look for it. J. U. Zeilin & Co., Philadelphia, Pa. THE OWEN ELECTRIC BELT Trada Mark-Dr. A.Owsn FOR MEN AND WOMEN rwil,' ,n1,on'T selentiao and practical Electrics Belt made, for general use, produclni. genuine current of EFectrlclty, forthi euw lated botn In quantity and power, and applied JprX rtof '"Hr- "canbeworaitanj time durlnj working hours or sleep, and 7 WILL POSITIVELY CURB HiiKmnrATisai mi ago OEN Klta L DEBILITY LA IT1 1. HACK NEHVOUS UISEASE3 WJA. WKAKNE8S in POTENCY KIDNEY DISEASES WITHOUT MEDICINE Kldne. and Urfnnl TroublT vTd wt -i ruact euros In seamlnglr hopeless cases whieverr atber known means has failed. 1 ' An all. f.nl ul. . a 1. oifi0i'i!!!'. "'.1.lrl1 men nd recommend lbs OUR URGE ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE Contains fullest Information regarding the enra I L '. "rvoiis nineiuws, priree, and how to ordnr. In English. Oermsu, Hwedlsb and Norwegian languages, will be mailed, upon eit iCaUlin 1A 111. .,1.1 aa.. a .......'.'" Ha Owen Electric Belt anil Appliance Co. AlK orrira ami, dkiv .irtn. The Owtn Eltclrlo Dtlt Clog.. 201 tp 211 Stale Street, CHiriiji ii i . Tin Latgest Clectrie Dsll CilsUI thm.nl In th: Xutt r ISOlliu lik aid its nan TO THI Emtok I hive an ahjolute mrteay for Consumptkm. Uy its timely usa tlxjusandj of bopf kM civs have been alreid pFrrrancmiy curea. .v flXXX-positive am I of Ks power tlut I consider It my duly to una two miui frtt to live or your readjri wno nave ijnnsumpHon. I imaL llrnm-hLil r Lunf Trouble, if they wiU write nie tlelf enrress arm postofiica ad.lresi. Siiirerely, T. A. ILOCDM. K. C, III faart It, Ikrw Tart. a, imn.w taw IMMvut rruiMU, WANTrn.AN inriwiiBe..thii.i thing U NtUflt? rmtaftvnnrM.w.t UVHlt t.. l'.u.nt Altorrxrs. WaaluiKLuB. U. C for Ibsif IttJU prtae oScT. -TO Till E.AST AND SOimiEAST vii rag iniox nnnc mm thfnitih fyllman rskr gir. Iixiitat mvi mt4 ttmm ti lli.l I k.u ten I Ail, If tut hlisgtt. bcMiri eat4 sta this Hue i KatVra PntBte, STfM HUT. PmTSCH LIGHTS -VIC r I.ATI.M, tL II'. DA XT Hit, On. Agrl. I'lirtlnni, ltam J. C IIAUT, Agent, lt rt, th:jn 1 l-im l, r 4.. j T' v..i i,, r.ii( fc I ' I i .. wr., but i.ja,,,! , , ssl 4 ft 4 Sa.ij A nr.uj A l rtiry Sit. Inri t,'--' . I.,,.,., V fJ t f t I..a . - r I , I . J I ).-. I .1 .,. V. .., j I .. .. i . t i J TICKETS TUESDAY, APRIL ACCIDENTS TO BIRDS. Singular Misfortunes Whioh Be fall the Little Creatures. .1 Heron Choked by a Fish That Was Too Large to Swallow A Bird Hang by a Hatr In a Colt's Tall. Many strange accidents have oc curred to birds while feeding. An Irish naturalist once observed a dunlin be having very curiously on the seashore. The bird rose in the air and flew for a short distance, then alighted and shook its head violently in a vain endeavor to detach a round lump observable upon its bill. The encumbrance proved to be a cockle which the dunlin had found open, and, in innocently attempting to negotiate, naa Deen trapped by it. This kind of bivalve accomplishment no less than an authority than Mr. Tegemier declares to be not at all uncommon on our shores. A Whitstable cockle recent ly bore testimony to the veteran naturalist's assertion by capturing a green linnet By one of its toes. A poor little chaflinch was found dead in the neighborhood of Epsom a short t ime ago with its lower mandible firmly imbeded in the shell of a beechnut that had become so inextricably fixed that the bird had died of starvation. A hen pheasant was not long since ob served by a sportsman flying round and round in the most unaccountable fash ion, and on being shot was discovered to have a large oak leaf impaled upon its beak so as to completely obscure its vision. Herons sometimes choke themselves by attempting to swallow large trout, how large may be judged to some ex tent from the fact that I recently dis sected a bird of this species in whose maw was a large water rat in a perfect state of preservation. An eider duck has been killed through attempting to nwallow a toad, and a bullhead or"mill-rr's-thumb" has proved too much for a water rail, a little grebe, and a king fisher. A member of the last named Kpoelcs wns, discovered a season or two back in a Cambridgeshire ditch by some sportsmen unable to fly except for a short distnnce, and upon being caught and examined it was found that the bird had a young pike protruding from Us gullet. As soon as the fish, which measured no less than 4 inchrs, was removed, the kingfisher flew away ap parently none the worse for lU experi ence. llirds thatemployhair in the building f their ncBts aomrtlmea come to grief by hanging, but I should nay very acl dom indeed in tho following manner. A rntVmnn wbo,d a number of eolt.i uiion n farm oii duv nc'te.m . bird entangled irf th long Imir of the lull of one of thorn. The lit tilt fi'Pll f 11 Fa had evidently been in aeart-h of material wherewith to line its tirt. mid by some iiunccotintublu accident hud l eeo'ine en Miured In the tuilfeiiipthnlrof the colt's luil. Canes of birds getting their fin-t entangled In bits of yarn or string are not uncommon, especially in the breed Itig m-UKon, and v. believer the victim of this kind of mishap hupin na to get the lniH-dimciit fastened inn tree or among stones, death Is pret ty ure to 1 the re mit unless prompt liunmn aid Is forth coming. In the spring of the yenr.aa iverylKMly know, the dead leaves of l-umpa grass full to tlm ground and curl tip like the aim. lugs front a car ..enter'a bench. A Field eorreiondent mciitiona finding a jioor robin hlch had accidentally got one of theae pieces coiled around Its neck ao tightly that it waa unable to feed, and died of starva tion. lloolh deacrlbea a very peculiar ac cident to a kingfisher, thua: "While nlp shooting one winter round Hick ling Iii-oad, In Norfolk, I noticed some -mall object aplnshlng In the water at the aide of the dike, and on proceeding lo the spot f discovered an unfortunata Hngflsher that had come to grief In a rather aingular nmnnrr. Th Klr.i k.,i idently t ami former lima been truck by a shot hlch through th tiper mandible. Thia woumi waa quite lii alcil up, but a smalt lileee of the liornr suits tanr nf th. I-mL had been splintered, and Into the crack promieeu by the fracture two or thnv of lha fine flbrea which form !. flower, or aeeda of Ui- reed wen ao nrmiy fixed that the bird waa held f,t. It must hava been Urine' un il.a .Iil. and brushing too eloaely u tha reeda rrow on ih banka, to hava been caught In tha manner dearHUed." ( ortihill Magadna. PRETTY JAPANESE INTERIOR. lha UMmt l aa Ha fMala4 at tltHa Caat. A Jattaneaa Interlctr will ).... t i- favor with T ns of moderate means. "" m Kixt an arreet nut ba b. Uinedataoallfl.tact. Hangthewall from baaelxMril t.i rolling it. . ridga pr f dull old red aimnlatln a frlea t, artlhiff th tan,lw rail l Itti be below tha celling, form m dado and panels with bsmlmo, ad atfticil both daa'o and fries with Jap "'fM in itmam ana rosier, Iut a grt,lh whit cream tnattn.gon the flmir. and soreaal tt all. I...... In Imitation of !heatn and Ksar. a.na or uaa Itaiutiona ara really "Jii'irrmi, Tberw must not ) a atnala Ui walla. The divan i.,... i la. I . - prlnf naUra laid dirertly on tU fW. f wer I kla with a Japan print, and have tiiilowa en.t hi, i - ' " , ft Wfi, a).tb,avttnn ere p, and Jattaaea nrlnUs I i a. .1. . i ... r ,-wt tum neai, or u ditan aus,bd biff J a M aea hu,t,rlia ha hd. hut mora to ih tight. "f rfra MO. p. r, belter ti. a atandard lairp of lerraectia. with orfn deenratinna, ffttrti rMh trown oenia will anawer adtulraWt fur nrfrtff la (hie mont. !! err few rhsiea ar,A Ul it.... I Of Un.l.aj. rttt U i tha big pdhra, f enef,f with JsiwA'aa el;ira. v. Highest of aU in Leavening AB50E.UTEI.Y PURE with a bit of Japunese drapery; use n oapanese tea service, and a gong of uiuiize. xi ii is a library let the desk be of bamboo, as well as such uuoK-eBaes as are not built into the walls. For a square hall a few touches in the way of a Moorish iron hanging lantern, vi oneniat drapery if only of chintz, hung over a spear a rug thrown over the balustrade above, a jute rug on w.o , a, ocui oum under t'je stairs and covered with Japanese chintz or a ,5- i us, win give tne effect of a aTVajr-iurnisnea nail. jy. x. World. HIS RETORT COURTEOUS. ouia unanfee the Htory So as to Give una Credit. ur. maimers, the eminent divine, ioua oi teinng the following story: Lady Betty Cunningham, having had some difference of i" sw TV J AA UC parish minister, instead of putting her ... w.,,iuuuuu in ine collection piuie, merely gave a stately bow. This having occurred several Sundays in succession, the elder In charge of the "" 'osi patience, and blurted iiit 4TT Jt .I ... vvii. ,d cua aae wr less o' yer man ners, an' mair o' ver allloe m i,i.i w . - ...-,vavij. Dining on one occasion nt ti, - -a aaa- V - UVUuG or a nobleman he happened to repeat '" "ci.uuio, wnereupon the boat, in a not over-well pleased tone, aaid: "Are you aware, Dr. Chalmers, that A-auy neiiy is a relative of mine?" "I waa not awam mv m . n.., J '"'"I ipilCU t i. n ! . with'our permission, mcuuon me i act the next time a mn me atory." . PUNGENT PARAGRAPHS. "Boy, are there any flsh in thia pondr "I don't know, air." "Whvara you fishing in it, then?" "To find out, air." N. Y. Herald. "I ate a piece of pie for sup er last II A1T1 is Mm mgui. now am you reel when you awoke thia morning?" "I haven't been asleep yet." Once a Week. Customer (in restaurant) "I've forgotten what I wanted to order, and I hud it right on the tip of mj tongue." Walter "What did you aaf about a tip, air?" Philadelphia Record. -"a iu for Alttrrna-Tle "Were you alarmrn,0a,nrr-1, T hlmmnA you ao auiiuenly In the conservatory Inst nto-ht?" nnrlln"Vn Kit f rather thought it waa you." Detroit L T., , x rev a re as, Millson "Do you believe that the aoula of the departed can communicate with us after death?" K;lby "Oh, Ves: I freouentlv trrt leftjra (friends who have moved to rhlladel- pnia. Kxchange Student (hurriedly accosting a mate of his) "ft.pcrlot, there are a couple of creditors close on my heels." Fellow.fitudcnt-,'Quick, run Into the aavlnga bank over the way; nolmdy will look for you there."--Iluntca Al lerlel. The late Dr. W. B. Robertaon, of Irvine, waa once addressing a boys' meeting, and having delighted them with some of bia racy anerdotea he began to draw to a rhiae by saying: ".Now I'm going to point out the moral of all thia." "Never mind the moral," ahouled a little fellow from lha middle of the ball, "gle'a anllher atory ." Lon don Telegraph. Wenora Lelta "Don't you feel tha absence of your huslmnd. now be haa gone to J ujuy V Beaora Bargoa ".V0t In the least You nee ha hue left ma a plentiful supply of cash, and at break fat I simply lay a newspaper on tha table at tha place where ha generally alta, and I aaaura you that half tha time I forget that ha la really not there."EI Dia. ' Tb My Kafltsa Matlae. Krrvanta ara no longer member of lha family. They ara profeaaionala, da Urhed from ieraunal ties, and with no mora feeling of love or gratitude than baa the cabman for hla fara, whom he drlsee with aklll, for whirl, ha Is paid according to tha tariff naiM Inald his rat. Their pride Is In their profession, and perwnnal affertlon doea not enter Into tha account. Their own plcaaure their own adtantaga.d. Tha butler haa hia stated houra of relaaatlon and hla rigid rulra. self made, of riirU lion. Ha will not do thia and ba will not do that, and wild horses uU! not make him btidga an Inch out of his own Una. Per rontra, tha eerv.ee ba will not render lo bia master ba demands from lha footmen and peg boys for blmaelf, and lha diarlpllna ba ao h.ftily rajecta ha aa lgnrouy enfnreea. He la em phatically tha master-bia own, bia M low arr.ai.ts'. bia My', whom be ea Hc or overawes; bia nominal iar'a, whom b lakes rare to keep In good ,y. twr by personal atleathma conducive lo ev.mfort. Klaewisa h aria aeeoHIng to bia own will, and ba la tha msl tyrant of lha aetablishmanl.-.alional llevlew, ':'.' Ml deer Wandered Int., IKa wifl f Tentral Cake, Ulch, early on rerant Sunday morninf. trotted thr4.tig. tba streets foe aw bile, and tovW .t U wtHHla again befnra any af te suriUf lahat.lUale avwhl ite Utrlr wTva avrorW ally togwt a gun,, ... ti t'Jk ara aastaaeatniiUeMllaiantitvy. Or,, thia wuur. and loai-a ,...,. atmota ara waalajr gvweA sj-.rt M fnt nmt t laeft. art Hits'. , A, fssad ef It a.lt waa aet wtttitti tHfaiiai' rt ft a ttiiti t a arlfVrraai t.M awa TRHirT.V rfn ccci SKMI-WIBKLY NO 4291 Power Latest U. S. Gov't Report NOVELTIES AND INVENTIONS. There is said to be a fortune in Btore for the lucky inventor of a bottle that cannot be refilled. Sensitive finger covers are now used. They are made of thin rubber film, and protect the skin from chemical steins while retaining the sensibility of touch. Perforated anti-rheumatic bed cloth ing is now made. It is claimed that the perforations permit the escape of the vapors of perspiration and thus act as a preventive. Coal dust is successfully used as fuel for boilers by a process invented by a German named Wegener. It is fed to the furnace automatically, and only" ordinory chimney draught is needed. A folding bicycle has been devised. By a simple and ingenious arrangement the connecting rods of the frame may be folded until the machine is reduced to the Bize of one wheel. A recent Invention provides for the automatic filling of shuttles in cloth weaving looms. Hitherto one man could attend six looms; by this Inven tion one man can attend 10 looms; and tis there is no necessity for stopping'tho looms while the shuttles are being filled the quantity of cloth produced la doubled. Dlirincr tha wlnta tano tj r Martin, of Long Resoh, West Vs., oon- Iraoted a severe nnlrl mhink with a cough. In speaking of how be cored tt he says: "I nsed several kinds of oougb ayrup but found no relief nniil I Kirs HnUi at L 1 1 1 a ni . wugut uuuio or u.iBmberlein'a riHCQ Rommlv u-hinl, i 1 i . i. i riir.ru uiu almost iDstantly, and io a abort lima hmitfrllfr .kaal - - 1 .. .... w.u..Hu amiui at-umpiere cure. " wiien troubled with a oongh or oold nse tbia remedv and vnn will nni n,i ,t ary to try several kinds before yon get re.ief. It baa been in the msrket for oyer twenty yesra and constantly grown In favor and popularity. For asle at 50 centa per buttle by Uooser k Brook, druggists. FUTURE COAL MINE. " DUooverv of a Burled forest off r ranee That la Fast neoomlal Chancai to ( oal. A aingular fact la recorded oamrlv, thaton tha ahnreanr T'.;.i...... ' i -aj r I... ... tyof bt. Luogat elation, at a plane cullcii Port Blnne, tho tides have lutcly dis placed a consiilerabln any to the depth of sonic 9 to 13 feet.' .i.i.i)iuii)iig mis remarkalile phe nomenon is the fact that forests known to have been buried for rn.rii at amssl ea j- ,v a some li. or 20 centuries hfiVfi tlfilA tvars brought to light and a vast forest has. It omiears. Ih iti illnMn.i i.. ... of transfortmitlon into coul. Fcrna ona tne trunks and bnrka of trees ara to be seen In an advanced state of de couipofiition. show Inc. in filet !,. l and flnkea which BTm ffllitwl tit Avnl - - vit and, while mmie of the trunks are 11 feet In length and still very distinct, they are becoming rapidly transformed. DISEASES OP THIS fiKI.f. Tha tnl,Mm ll.l.l..- ...I . .! I I -..- , a "" r.iiiaT inci dent to enema, tetter, salt-rheum, and other diseasea of the skin la iosUnily allayed by applying Chamberlaina Kya and Bkia Ointment. Many aery bad cesra have been permanently cured by iL it la equally sflii lent fur ii, i.in i,;l .a ...!: . I " 'n t -," .hvwi ih, i r ill- aly fur ar.ra nipplta; chapped hand, chil blaina, frnst hiU!, and i .ironic sore ayt r or aaia by arujrgun at 2d cents per box. i vuiiuiuun i v n urn, iney arajurf what a boras needs when inbadeondi Won. Tonic, bkiod purilWr and vermifuge. For sale by Conser k Brock, drnggiata. Tee fie CmAmlm F 4UI V. J . at Faco Wilt ! weeaiaa wlta a mast af egtag smiie, anar yen latest In a tem wna ra as a ' PIUCH TENSION, TENSION' INDICATOR AUTOMATIC TENSION RELEASER, a'! iaai,lei HA aoful 4vksaavta anpw, in any sewpig MsiatM. TtiVwiflTIi fa ' ' t , Darals.f t4 rlaauitity la!H, ,Bf flaa rialtl Ml fifftfC AjtstL , , Itwl Ml ffwti Arllclat, 4 awi anrte so J 1 ! yn , to tha full IttaN bf eaf f i(t.tsi.M,. fcWtnt., U 4'dkiu, tUi; ,.,... , . 0a t o a A tebawnia tlmr tIjt, f V.. a la trj, t. irt tl,f tt,kt a e( Himttei a4 nmri