Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, April 03, 1896, Image 4

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While foa up roar subscription paid op c
aakaap rourbrandiB freeof shares.
AUn, T. J., lone. Or. Hone GO on left
shoulder, cattle nm on left hip, n rider bit on
right ear, and apper bit on tha left; range. Mor
row conati.
B&ird. D. W. and son. Horses branded D B
on the left hip; oa tle tha aaTia on left flank,
crop off right ear, andarcrop in the left. Range
in Morrow County.
Bartholomew, A. Q., Alpine, Or. Horse
brandnd 7 E on either shoulder. Range in Mor
row oountv
Bannister, J. W., Hardman. Or. Cattle brand
ad B on left hip and thigh: split in eaoh ear.
Brenner, Peter, itooaeberry Oregon Horaea
brand 'xi PB on left ahonlder. Cattle eame on
"llroslnan, Jerry. Lena, Or. Horaea branded 7
on riiiht shoulder; cattle B on the left aide.
Left eiir half crop ind right ear noner elope.
Barton, Wm.. Hnppner, Or. -Horses, J B on
right thigh; cattle same on right hip; aplit in
"Brown, J. C, Heppner. Or. Horeee, mrele
C with dot in 9' ter on left hip; cattle, eame.
Brown, W. J., Lena, Oregon. Horses W. bar
over it, on the left shoulder. Cattle same on left
hlioyr, W. G.. Heppner, Or.-Horses, box
brand on righ hip cattle, same, with split in
BorirJP. O., Hoppner, Or. Horses, P B on left
snouMer; oattlo. same on left hip.
Browniee, W. J., Fox.Or-Cattle. JB oonneoted
on left ni'le; crop on left ear and two split and
middle piece cnt. out, on right, ear; on horses same
brand on the left thigh; Range in Fox valley,
Grant county, ,T . ,
Caraner Warren. Wagner, Or.-Horses brand.
edOon right stifle; cattle (three bars) on
right ribs, crop and spl it m each ear. Range in
Grant Bnd Morrow oonmiea.
Cain.E., Caleb.Or.-Y D on horaea on left stifle'
TJ with qnarter circle over it, on left shonlder
and on left stifle on all nolle mder 5 years; on
left shonlder only on all horaea over 5 years. All
range in Grant oonnty.
Oate,Chas. R Vinson or Lena, Or. Horses
H C ori right shonlder; oattle same on right hip.
Range Morrow and Omatllla ooontiej.
Corrigall.M M. Oallowiy, Or-Oattle crop out
of nach ear and nnderbit, wattle in forehxad;
horsts hirf circle C on left atitte. Range Mor
ow and Umatilla oonnties.
Curl. T. H John IMy. Or.-Double oross or,
eaoh hip on oattle, swallow fork and nndei bi
Inrightear, split in left ear. Range In Gran
county. On sheep, inverted A and spear point
on shoulder. Ear markou ewes, yrop on left ear
pouched upper bit in right. Wethers, crop 10
right and under half crop in left ear. All range
in Grant oountv. . , . .
Cook A. J. ,Lana,Or, Horses, (Won nghtshonl
der; Cattle, same on right, hip: ear mark square
crop off left and split in right.
Cnrrin. B. Y., Currinsville, Or. -Horses, on
l6Cox Ed. B.. HaHmau. Or.-Caitle, Owlth
in oenter: horses CB on left iin.
Coohran, R. B., Monument, Grant Co, Or.
Hors branded circle with bar beneath, on left
ahonlder: oattle same brand on hth hips, mark
nnder slope both ears and dewlap.
Chapin, H., Hardman. Or.-Horses branded
O on right h p. Cattle brauded the same. Also
brands CI on horaea right thigh: ea-We same
brand on right ahoulder. and out off end of
riDonYas. W. M . Galloway. OreWeR Won
right ile,swailow-fork in eaoh ear: horses, R D
on left hio. . i...uit,v
ein left stiouiuer, uivm "
iDEmerr',C.' 8., Hardman, Or.-Horsos branded
fl. Ireverseo iwim n .?.
tieVaroe on right hip. Range i in Morrow oonnty.
Florenoe, L. A., Heppner, Or.-Cattle, LP on
right hip; horses F with bar under on right
n2?lne!' v winner Or Horses.
F on
right shonldeJ; oattle. F on right hip or thigh.
""L Il.Tnho OrT-Honws Tbrsnded H.
8 with a quarter eircls over it, on left stifle.
Range in Morrow and Uraatilleoounties.
Hiat.t a!b Ridge. Or.-JJattla ..round-top K
with qnarter oirole under It on the right hip.
Range In Morrow and Umatilla oonnje.
Hnghea, Bamual. Wagner, Or- F (T P I
connected) on right ihouldor on horses; on oattle
on right hip and on left aide, swallow fork in
right ear and slit in loft. Range in Haystack
district. Morrow oonnty.
Howard 3 U Galloway. Or. Horaes (cross
with bar above H) on right ahoulder; cattle same
on left side. Range in Morrow and Umatilla
"HallTEdwin, John Day. Or. Cattle E H on
right hip: hors a same on right ahoulder. Range
in Grant oonnty. , .
Hiighae. Mat, Heppner. Or.-Horses shaded
heart on the left shonlder. Range Morrow Co.
Hunsaker, B , Wagner. Or.-Horeee. on left
honlileriealtle. Oon left hip.
Hn nphreye, J M Hardman, Or.-Horses, H on
Hton, l-nther. F.ight Mile. Or. Horee Hon
the hift ahoulder and heart on the left stifle Cat.
....i.r kin It in ire In Morrow nonntv.
Jones, Harrv. lllpn-r. Or -Hora branded
H J on the left shonlder! cattle bra irled J on
riaht hiii. also nndurbit in left ear. Range in
Morrow oonnty. .... .
Jiinkin,. M., Heppner, Or -Horses, horse.
ho J on left ahoulder. Cattle, the earns.
. Vl-kl Mil
..i.... fn. i..n Or. Hnrnaa. nlrcleTon
left tiHe;'eattle, sa ne on right hip, under half
erooln ri"'" """ " " . . .
R ' inr. M ik , HiPP'er, Or, Horses branded
KNY on lM hio cattle same and crop off left
nr: titidw elor on the right
Kirk 1 T.. Ilnminer. flr.-llorsos M on left
.i 1. 1.... n.ul. hu on left hln.
K'i'nhrUid.W.G.. Mo int Vernon. Or. I ljon
eat"'i'n right an 1 lf eidae, "wallow fork In left
ar i.m,I imlr eion (n right ear. Horaea earns
i i .. i .hmiMnr. Itanae In Grant e tint
Ijfti, H'ephen, For, Or.-H lion lft hip
in .v.it l. emu and snlit on rlgM ear. Humes
.,.,.. I., ,,11,1 on left ahouller. Rang (Irani
Inen'dlen. John W.. Or.-floiw
bran l I half-circle J lioonnecte-1 on leflshoul
dr. l adle. il oil left hlu. Range, near l
Lnihey, 3. W Hiunr Or. Ilorses hrandel
I.aiid K l-tl eho'ililert ettle aame on leff
hip, watlls over right -ye, three aliU In right
Uird, Oe-trira, Heppner. Or. Horses hranded
double II eii.'iefl MuniKtimea called a
wing II. on lH ehiml'ler.
Maria, M. Ileppner, Or. Cattle branded
eimU on right hint homee eame on right stifle,
lunge In Morrow rumnty.
Mm, iHicar, ni.inr rr.-tttle, Dm
right hip: home. M n left shtMild-r.
Morgan, H. N . H"ppn-r. Or.-Hor.ee. Ml
on left honldi settle same on left hip.
Miinhell.tHear.lona. Or.-Hnre-e.il on right
bun nail I. Hon right sida.
Nwl andrw. lone Honk.Or.-lloraee a N eon.
Baeixl on loft ahmld"rt eattle earns on both hi tie.
Oiler, I'erry. Usliit. lr.-l' U left
Ifelmrn, J. W., pougUa Or 1 h-ireee O on left
liml Inn caillsmon r'ehl hip.
I1.-,!.-!, I Hare. Kiehi Hile. it-.-H'e,rir-lev
rlmleahieM rt ltt hirild' and ti at ei
hip. 'aUK ''" In -ht eropit t
on l'l hln. Range on flM M'le.
'.H-' ilwm. lUril nan.Or.-HoraeelPo
Mt .v,nl I t. .... ,
'i,w, Kra t, lln.n.r.. tlor ee brand
K ll. K riiiil M. I't eho'll'Wl nalll.
nte on right hln Range el.trr .w whii'i,
l'H. J. II ,lrilil ' i,lr M ir. JK e.i
SrliH n It1 aheil t-l eallle, ' left hip
n-lr bi' In e-h w
I'eim, a I'., i"i. Or i Inm dla-nond H
- h-mld"'! rn'ile, I l J ..n-i I. on tv
aft htp. inMr sb.iw la left ear a I alls tn Ww
Ilnol. ta lr-w. Ilir-I'nan. Or.- H rs. ir
ariM. w,m hii.iW-1 role n I' "a left
H ih hr... Mo", '' -M.ww hrai. t. I
M the rlM Himt lt eeiHa. U n th lfl am
,nin n1 Ufl ae I d-Un a nark. Ileal ti
Mrrmw and a-IMnlng eiMnilx.
Unf. andrew. l'in-, lr l.rr.
braatwt III M nhl h.mfcW, il twrii
rlrnle over brands eMIla aame mi right hip
iaee H'rrw rvMi.
ti,. W" 'I iKirfIM. fW-HH ,a
wlih niar" Mfim .w "''"ti n ' i Ki
and ir..eJ "a" ''' 'a N ""
H,. hni I lfi iVni ti la H r.r
Kranl n.l 'I.Hia e miiia,
Hhh W, l-li'w. Or -tl.iewa. JU
Ufl stMMktw. ( alUe. ) right kli
fhrelgM Uewa-r. -H.ea shlt
lM Ul slin.. eel lie J H left kip, ew4lni
f..fk la rh ear. aed Wl la Mt.
K,,,,,, Tl,.. ll-a.t.. iw - ll. , 1 4ra
left kipi "l' ' Ml "'
tUren, R.-rt, t.Mglaa, lly -rattle I 1 fm
rM Kip ! He'd I hifm, H am
,ui,l I.Ur H..,- in w.wn.w e-enlj.
H-niUi Una . ' tile. tie. M wa. bnte-MA
M t mlkia,.Ui eellla. l'l el,.ll-U
tKir Ja, ll", Oe.l Mw Wanntad
J H ,. Mt twwi.U's tmtttm tkj m. alw
roWtla. IW la awl iliilie"e"n"ita
Ma. . A., H.rl . tlr N ) M
WW annei eoU t iHe flghl
,..m. Mre A. J -l "" -te"e,
W Mi l - -ft 7.
O. , Mti.a- le - ll'Arasa. M s
U' .eid- i M -fl a'f ,
fr-rr, B . Umnmrn -
li hip g.l ad la Ml fm
a. . in knmm W t efci4-
! i-. J A . H-h-. - -M.wwa,
eh ,l,t-i e il 1 left
I -t,Mta.t Ti'ayl.t.-U' l'"
( vtl W, lls -' .- eaa 1
lri ei..ii.x h"rmi mm a left Mf
. . . .utklMiiiMa
r,-A.-.. It. . I Or -nmm IreaaeVrf
I f eevMl ra l-H . earn k'4.
v.4i-.t. M. T . "- ' K
,t mi iaMtuiua)gM nki
k'l ,IMIf, Wei ll-w. . II.WM C L
M ikimievii aa-wa tle'.l hip
,.t en I ' a l-HI
Je- g. !,, aw-w Wniww, Or.
II ln.M Jf Ue M siiAWiVwW- IW
WwXTw w' '). V W Willi geaa)
.,. II t-l . .' Ma
H m-m t. 4 Ut MmsUw, Hm
g.l. Ii , Hi", Ot - we ewM
a .4 Vt eWiH-w h! ki
i , iihi W e Imik
W t -" H ass, Wr.-M iiwa, P?
I?. wii t ,a
f , . Ma - (JW
i' teg teAk eaaate aja4
Wren, A. A., Heppner, Or. Horeee running A A
on shoulder: Cattle, aama on rurhr hin.
loung, i. H., Gooseberry, Or. Horaea brand
T8oa the riaht ahnnld-
When yon are about to buy a Sewing Machine
do not be deceived by alluring advertisements
and be led to think yon can get the best made,
finest finished and
Most Popular
for a mere song. See to It that
you buy from reliable manu.
(acturers that have pained a
reputation by honest and aquare
dealing, you will then get a
Sewing Machine that is noted
the world over for its dura
bility. You want the one that
is easiest to manage and is
Light Running
There is none In the world that
can equal in mechanical con
struction, durability of working
parts, fineness of finish, ber.uty
in appearance, or has as many
improvements as the
New Home
It has Automatic Tension, Double Feed, alike
on both sides of needle (patented), no other has
it ; New Stand ( talented), driving wheel hinged
on adjustable centers, thus reducing friction to
the minimum.
Oajjifil, Mass. Boston, Mass. SJ Uinos Soi-ah, N.T
Ciucaoo, III. St. Lons, Mo. Datxa. Texas.
Sam FaAKCisco, f .'At. AtlaktA, Ca.
P. C. THOMPSON CO., Agents,
Heppner, Oregon.
Popular Magazines
Contains each Month t Original Water Color
Frontispiece; 128 Quarto Paget of Heading
Matter) 100 New and High. class llluatra
lions; more Literary Matter and Illustra
tions than any other Magazine In America.
23 cts. $ J Year.
Frank Leslie's Pleasant Hours
A Bright., Wholesome, Juvenile Monthly.
Fullv Illustrated. The best writers for young
pooio c ntrlhnte to It. 10 is. ; t a year.
Fbank Ltsug's Popola. Monthly and th
Uazutlu, both lor one year lor ,.uu.
Frank Lrsmb'h Plkanant Hours for Boys
ANuUmLiaiid the OHzetie, ooiuiui
one year ;i.uO.
Undoubtedly the Eest Club Offers
r Send In Prank UtHf'ii Publtealaff novt, X.
fur Sew Iliunlrateit JYrmlum iMt, ri
l( yon think n( bnying an enifina of
any piga nr kind send fur onr Catalogue
So. 30, oniitttintrg illiiatra'iong nod
prloea of every kind of rDglne) from ooe
op m 2") home power, at bottom prioes,
or I.M A'o. 39, "X yanlit ennineg, boll
ett auJ maolilnery. Kitlier tnot free.
Gfas. P. Willaiil & Co..
107 Canal Street, . . CHICAGO
a- a
. . ' . -1 "" ;b
f Mf M t ft C llilQ
i nniirnn nnnnrn
iesHltlLtlllU rillUiUO..:
as Mnnmiir nf $a Vnn fm hulm. ff
P . A Camplete Set, i of e J
llf. in- i.d.i. H- lull I'lar-r, foot
H.H l Ui-r. u ,l( I'latrr. I ruins flavor
. I Hn 1. 1 III I l. a HI ! Mill Incur
I If
i hi rvretpt id 10 rviita. to par
I hi- ttrt ar aidiitiv tvrlrrl
W'tlit'ilti iN.h.rwl nut ta"tiitft, ad
' ens' Ui slaiitl otittf hl.att i .r. m ,
iH'il a.Htnf o oill ,ftrM l.,lrrs
I lh alhlviiK si'fl rid. f.HUiils n
for flak. m.llng frm.m. oRi,w nr home, g
.Vflf I !.' ti4itrl4M 2
0 ( t 1 1 1 II f t A 1 1 1 ft t A i J
Te rwrrailrate ef t ee rweer4e
la ! la saawt ainsae.
f aer ntere Uel freaMt aHf la
tset eJwer eMM M M aeatred.
Iksee set's esaveee IM Wastslai faA
4 earel n ear aveeteeaty aew a
btl(irs CtKB
ttsMalTei ise, Wa4
Of twit, e y ataet.
Wm ewtlwMs. , It lfrwe sVi
iiis4 ifl i l",-4 l rr!l
71 P fiM
III 1 1 1 1 " III TT
E. McNEluL, Receiver.
Of Two Transcontinental
Spokane Denver
St. Paul Kansas City
Ocean Steamers Leave Portland
Every 5 Days For
For fall details oall on O. R. 4 N.
Agmt at Heppner, tr address
Qen. Prsb. Agt.
quick Tiovtaa i
San ITiroxioisoo
And all pointe in California, via the Mt. Hhasta
route ot the
Southern Pacific Co.
Hie irreet hiahwar through California to all
point bast ana South. Urand (Scenic Home
of the Paoifio tkjast. Pullman Buffet
Bleepere. Seoond-claas Bleepera
Attached to express trains, affording superior
.ccommoaations lor second-class passengers.
For ratee, tickets, sleeping ear reservations,
to. call noon or addresa
i. KOEHLKR, Manager, E. P. ROGERS, Aast
en. r a r. arc. fortiana. urogon
Most Modern and progressive
Fur cstalogne or Information write to
New Haven. Conn.
St: ff I ft 00 wi Hi ot lovely Musk tor Farty
T aJI LI Cenl Consistlii( .it too pages ,
ZZ rull site She4-t Miulc ol '.lit -
. latest. hrhhtel. Ilvill,.t mnA K..n..i..
selections, ruiih vocal anj Initrumental,
giHien up In the mot rli-gant maimer. In- S
...u. mi go i.ie ruriiiiui. m
fr- CAfiHlHCITA. Ih. SpanM Dane?,
eADlKlWSKI, tbt Urtat flanl$L
A 111 ! ,L j n I T , , ,
: nmmt siuumah cutting.
j. liroadway Theatre Hldj.. New York Oty. IS
- tnvASRl WINTIO. 1
e Pa Ta Isaa
The American Protective Tariff League
it a national organization advocating
"Protection to American Labor and
Industry" a explained by its constitu
tion, at follow. ;
"Theeajeetef Wile tssfue kJ fc to
Ameewaa la" by a sanrT aa erts. wfcia sa
eeeeuetoljr eaeue Amsnaaa leieastusl aeeaiisle
. . ... . atf - Lh.. a
There are no personal or private
profit! in connection with the organiia-
tionand itUiuitained by membership.
Contributions and the distribution of its
FIRST I CiMsspssfi'is Is esflsitosl eefaJwIxf
MwtMli.t'tiiA - Gfftl Cli'mii sii f.-
tCCOKD: We esse a ilnn tosWsvVaae,
wew asaaa e laega, t awe eauas.
YMIRO! We e e Isfe se at
eeelea aa issas e fce Taxef omi. Ci
Arte .i ke lse1 to a aeaXae ear 60 Hula
aajule MutH mS ak.Am AamsMa t suaaiai
ei"wre" eFy s1 AWeBsaievi tja. nRsaBpaesnysj.
A AaaBAaBBB WaW . 1A V SSMIB & - . - . - ... -
esjre""w WW iw t , ww a)vsaMeMe, wejaajajai WWWwrwwqt
WsSMsW. NewVsre.
! swerf Bsaek aa as to SAty eaewa ea
Ma a ww ie a pat to rW wf siUte,
IMliltHKMIInt Al Mm
A to nfiis ay ta sas tot I
rr s the simple, tbvtal xMWfS
ssa as e ik as W at
ss'mis toki IS-. ism is
, siw. a lws.4 Ahv Kai tfHs
at hmhsMish
l i a4 fctoM
to 1 1 1 im i eve w Am to kft Hwrse to toe
em . itftollaktel
fiewss aa niw Si ! la
" bmnmti pi. ei, M4mIm4 at to i.)i.
I C !Vls He mai.. '! a gi.il iiifc.e ai Aiaeeaa
to e a-iaa t4 , V e fania a vaat ae
ntm to i mm H fmt, tmMmm iwa
t tim aiiteitt I'. M ma, m mi i.. a
'll Mia , (.1 Kan IiaiH
as t' mi m te se kwmI pi. m
si l tmmmt.. m4 s 4mm' 9tm
4 iM- llniM AM UMl .i.l
e i ,m ! m9m.ttm 0mm swa-e is stow
I KM SAtkSjf to 1 1 InaiUt
ms srmvnmvH a en..
tsSAStlase e4 " .a M I f fatissii
til I' fcirwt, N. U
iare" a iffAfaeifi .e ai
a esn iiaswijei au juumjn
Si'Mt, yVjt-Jv Lightest,
Simplest. 'i'llllj Easiest
krongest, 1 Tit J . C3T1 fTl Working,
5olld lUASailvlillfMoat
Receiver. Compact,
Tha Ore at Ranches to Be Cut TJp
for Small Farmera
Large Syndicate Has Been Formed to
Control the Land Holdings Home
Particulars of the Mam
moth Deal.
A syndicate has been formed to pur
chase and place on the market over a
dozen of the largest and most valuable
ranches in northern California. AH
arrangements for closing the deal have
been perfected, and within a few days
all the papers required to bind the
holders of the vast tracts of land to the
termseof the transfer will be drawn up
and signed. From present indications
the syndicate will close with 153,000
acres, though it is probable that an ad
ditional 10,000 of the Cone ranch may
be admitted into the deal. All this prop-
rty, which is now owned and culti
vated by a few wealthy men, will be cut
up into small ranches of 20 and 40 acres
and be improved with dwellings and
outhouses. When the vast acreage of
the syndicate land is taken into con
sideration, and the fact that the land
has a frontage of 74 mijes on the west
bank of the Sacramento, besides a large
frontage on the east bank, the colossal
extent of the big land deal will be
readily apparent.
Arrangements are not completed as
to the Cone property, as it is notdeflnite-
ly known whether the original offer
of the Cone estate of 3,000 acres will be
upplemented with an additional 10,000
acres. Arrangements have been com
pleted for the transfer of 153,000 acres.
The most important holdings in the list
are as follows: On the west side of the
Sacramento river Boggs, 12,400 acres;
Glenn, 41,500 acres; Chambers, 20,000
acres; Imnell, 20,000 acres; Tyler,
2,000 acres; Hamstreet, 1,500 acres;
Hart, 1,500 acres; Itawson, 4,741 acres;
on the east side of the river llevis
grant, 8,000 acres; Bid well, 7,000 acres;
Cone, 3,000 acres; Wilson, 3,500 acres.
These are the principal holdings, and
they are interspersed with smaller hold
ings of 1,000 acres and less.
Mr. Chambers, who has placed 20,000
acres in the syndicate, is a prominent
capitalist of St. Louis. His agent and
attorney in fact is John Finnell, who
has put an equal amount of land into the
pool. To expedite the work of dividing
the big holdings into small improved
ranches, and thus attract settlers to
California, a corporation will be formed,
to which all the lands enumerated will
be deeded eventually. The sale of the
stock of the corporation will be used to
pay the owners for their property,
though many of the owners have sig
nihed their willingness to take the pur
chase price of their land, in part, at
least, in Btock. Then the plan will be
to subdivide the land into classes
Lands are to be offered at prices that
will represent their relative value, and
whntever surplus is derived above the
cost to the corporation will be distrib
uted to the purchasers of the land when
the first subdivision of 10,000 acres is
closed out. The object is to sell the
land at a very low figure, it being the
ultimate and paramount object of all
interested to st-cure a subdivision and
occupation of the country by actual
settlers. San Francisco Chronicle,
When water freezes it expands with
a force which Trautwine eHtimates at
not less than 30,000 pound to the
quare Inch.
The water animnli were lower in or
caniHin and older in exixtenre thnn 1 hi
air-brcnthinff animala. Thcv naturallv
found their existence caairr than did
the animula exioaed to the vicissitudes
of the atmoKimere.
A heavenly cenaus ia now licintr taken
by the Taris ohaervatory; to count the
vara me nravrna are pliotorrrapneu In
section. Some of these sect ions ahow
only a dozen atari, while others of the
same dimenaiona ahow over 1,500.
J. E. Gore, writinar on the "Size of the
Solar Svttem." snvs that "f nnrninii.lv
larjra a the aolar ayitem absolutely ia,
compared with the size of our own
earth, it Is, compared with the size of
tneviaibieunlveree, merely as adroo in
the ocean."
Wilted rosea can be reatored by plac
tag the stems in hot water for a minute.
Coffee etaina on white fruods should
b waahed la warm water before plac
Inff In sails.
A dish or Dlate of water art In tha
oven when baking cake will prevent
ecorcned edgee.
Don't clean brais articlea with a?id.
t'ae puttv nowder with aweetoll. Waah
off with eoa panda, and then dry. Thl
win insure drlghtnraa,
rink and blue (rlntrhame'of a wash
able make can be kept from fading by
waahlnir In a weak eolution of vlne(rar
and water, Iiina la the same way and
dry In the shade
The pope la fond of children and fre
quently fives them an auuirnce.
Iald l.Mnfstone'a slater, Mies Janet
I.lrlnirs tone, baa juat died In Edinburgh
at the aire of 77.
Maiaanllnl, tha great fipaniah bull
flgbter, waa a. railway porter before be
found bi preacnl occupation. '
William Waldorf Astor ia not ao called
by the tondoa newarapfra. They al
ways aprak ot him as "Mr. .Vator."
l'aul Ikiurgrt baa loat a brother In Ue
Madatraarar epelitnin. lie died of
fever as be was on the point of starting
The sultan of Turkey la constantly
Mr ruled by a eunuch who will lie be
headed if the aultan should die of pot-
Huron lien keren.who.nndrr the name
of 1 1' An tea, killed the Kueaian port
ruarhkla la a duel la lJ7,haa jueldard
at the ae of It at Kuls, In AIace.
Mile. IKirrA, an old tnald. who lately
riid at rrl, hae tMuihr4 l.oon
franet ta the pllrmrn patrolling the
dlatrtet In wkx-h h reei.ted.
rWaaloe rorkrlll has fuel flniahed a
hnnae la Waahlrifton and Ul live there
the reat of his life, he ear.
('vntreetoin a flulUtway. of Xew
it am pah ire, la one of the taltewt met) la
the new mgreaa. He Is alt feet sit
Ini-hoe high,
Senator 11.11 has teased laree honae
In the Isshiowahle quarter of I stmt,
Whlif inn, sen! rrf one more ha
It Ihflt he la r.rt raplating m biaUI
liMJltial iit iirw.
From early child-(
hood until I was '
grown my family 1
spent a tortona;
tryinetocureme '
I of this disease. I visited Hot Springs i
and was treated by the best medical 1
, men, but was not benefited. When 4
all things had r 11 A 1 1 "Ued I de-1
' termmed to K 1 1 1 Itrr S.S.S. i
. and in four 1 1 U III months was
entirely cured. The terribh eczema '
was gone, not a sign of it left My
general health built up, and I have i
i never had any return of the disease, i
any return oi me uisease. i
i nave oicen
I recommend
ed S&S. and
i nave never
. vet known a failure to cure.
su. w. ikwik. irwin, ra.
ever ians to cure,
i even when all otber I
remedies have. Our
i treatise on bloed and i
I akin diseases mailed
' free to any address. I
SWIFT SPEC111C CO., Atlanu, CA.
HilwauKBB & St. Paul R'y
Glance at this Map
Of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Panl Rail- I
way and note Its connections with all transcon
tinental lines and St. Paul and malia, and I
remember that Its trains are lighted with elec
tricity and heated by steam. Its equipment is
superb. Elegant Buffet, Library, Smoking and
Sleeping cars, with free reclining chairs. Each
sleeping car berth has an electric reading lamp,
and its dining can are the best in the world.
Other lines are longer than this, but none are I
shorter, and no other offers the above luxurious I
accommodations. These are sufficient reasons
tor the popularity of "The Milwaukee." Coupon
ticket agents In every railroad office will give
you further Information, or address
C. 3. EDDY, General Agent,
J. W. CASEY, Trav. Pass. Agent,
Portland, 0aon.
TRADK aiisrl.
wor mrnrmatinn ana rree Msnauooit write to
MUNH ft CO.. U6I Broadwat. Nw York.
Oldest bureau for securing patents in America.
Every nntent lalten out t'y us Is bronuht before
ttie public by a notice given free ol charge lu toe
Scientific Jltuetott
Lsrifest elrMilntlnn of any scientific paper In the
world. Kiilemlidlr Illustrated. No luU'lllifont
man should be without It. Weekly, 3. (Ml a
Tear; ei.oo six montna. AHilresii, hunn ft UUm
VusLUucas, 30 1 llroadway, Hen York City.
ELY' 8 PINE0LA BALSAM I a sore Kemedy
fur coughs, culiis, tore Uuoat and for asthma. It
soowes, 9oC(y
abate the eornrh.
and renders expect
vrauun essy.
will invariably derive
brnrnt from its nee,
Ulany who suppose
their cases to be con
sumption are ouly
suffering from a
chronic cold or deep
tesiea coogn, often
st'tTSTsti d by ee
Craain Balm. Hoia
tarrh. Kor catarrh ue Kit's
remedies are pleaesnt to n.
Cream Ilsim, BO cts.
perlxillle; I'lnenls Hslssm. W'
Mia ny umgirtsta.
IX Ulto'i'UKUiM Warren BU, hew VwM.
Murion lliitlrr, of Xorth Carolina, the
youiifreet member of the new arnate,
33 ycara of iirp, is tall and alenUer, and
rf-Heniblea a colleffe profeaaor. lie haa
prominent fefiturea, dark brown hair,
muiitache and pointed Word.
Speaker Reed's home life la a charm-
Inple aimple one. It is the home life
of any cultured citizen not at all
luxurious and ui plain aa It can con
sistently le. llealilea Mr. Reed and the
epcaker, the household comprises one
child, a daughter. Mlaa Kitty.
Id Iceland codfish beaten to a powder
are uacd as bread.
It Is now pvne rally believed that new
lakes, canals, etc., become filled with
fish by inee.ni of birda. The birds, after
feeding on flr.h-spnwn elsewhere, alight
on the new watera, and drop some
ot the spaw n from their bills.
A sturgeon weighing 030 pounds waa
taken from the t rsacr river by a ftah-
erman recently. It waa the largest
caught thla araaoo. The wholesale
price of the fish ia one cent a pound.
but even at that rate It was a profitable
uay'e fishing.
I'laberatrn say that the ue of nets
In Ashing for sturgeon la rapidly sup
planting other methods ot taking the
big fish In the upper Columbia and
ttaeke rivers. The net are from floo
to 000 feet long, snd the meahes vary
in sim Kviweea jj ma is inches.
A Ratal rwtaro.
Years ago, when staying In Ilerlln, 1
waa conducted over the prtiate rooms
ot the rorsl family In the) llerllsj
arhluas, 'IheoidemHror"sronmswere
stren with bite-lots ao numerous and
ao charming that a young princes
iiiight have envied them. On his birth
day gifts of every sort, with bunches ef
his fantrite cornflower, were eeut to
Inns from all peris of trie kiirHim.
I'lue w as the prednmlnant color of the
decorat kins, and Ispis-lsjail vaae and
ornemenia were there in tfoteoa. W hat
atrurk me moat of ail bis piaaeaioaa
wm a picture pbtei in water colors
by I.tnprea I miertck, t'.ien crown
f tlniea. It ertsiictl of a lAfre buocn
of gay rtnwers.snit in tneernirrol estck
f.ner d forth the head of one of
the e m-rr s l.ltie gratvirfi.iiiren. In
a wl'.hnr.l vUih t waa the tatty fare of
IVlnre r gismuBd, hn, it will be rs
n.BiUreu. iiej w b be ws hut two
jrar o.l. .r. e;t Mmnhmi
Vifacfrl was g.alfather to the tJay
thiSd, and ie h.ii. I rmnitr, a ant
d et's c to tsr. After hit flesih the
o n f f inn's rriumetl It to the fen
rial, . I asi UhI uwi l her
i tv t f Emm u Mu ia. 1 via
aa at Uuamc
. toV. p.
MlNNESOTAtot) 0. y
I Sl T
Is one of the very best wheels ever made is an indisputable fact. It stands In the
front rank with all high grade machines, and if you buy one you will make no mistake.
Ride a RAMBLER BICYCLE if you want to be happy, for should your wheel be
punctured, it can be mended by you in five minutes, as it is equipped with the world
renowned 6. & 3. clincher tires with wood rims or copper-plated steel rims.
Sold in all sizes for ladies or gentlemen at 100 each.
Tandems for two men or man and woman, 150 each.
THE RAMBLER is the fastest, lightest and strongest wheel in the market.
For style, finish and durability it Is unsurpassed, as it is constructed on strict mechan
ical and scientific principles.
Chicago Ideals
For men. women, bovs and slrls. with 28. 26
ively. are splendid medium grade wheels,
cnncuer urea ana are tuny warranted,
Before you buy a bicycle, write for cstalogne, circulars, terms and discounts, or call J
on our numerous agents. Kamoier Kusuers n an tea in every town in Oregon, wasmng
ton and Idaho.
Northwest representatives Gormully &
Store, 327 Washington bt., Portland, Or.
OTIS PATTER80N, Agt. for Morrow Co., Heppner, Oregon.
How's Your Liver?
This question is asked daily. If dormant
you need exercise need it badly.
The Bicycle offers a
not own one, call at
Ike Ennis Bicycle Livery,
Four Models
Factory and Main Office; Lake
Cs Kingr of Bicycles. (
BRANCHES i-ftew Verk, Saa PraacUoo, 5alt Lake CUv. Deaeer. Memphis. Detroit, Taroata.
Ll. W. PATTERSON, Agent for
f ell:' -jrii
It to Advertisers at a great financial sacri
fice. You need it in your business, and as a
matter of business we must sell it.
The Pattersc.n Publishing Co.
i riiii
puis : mum : Ml
Youro BOXJKB to Tnko 'Km.
Leaves No Constipation
fes M, ae wait as all ti llie.sj.ra. Sirk tUJ,0 m4 V,.f)4t ri i-
V.svt.SSSMII ra. s.n,l,l. ffetj t, all t , ,,f ."J
and 24 inch wheels, at 165. 155. 145 resrject-!
with 0. & J, high-grade double locking edge !
Jeffery Manf. Co's "Rambler Bicycles." Main i
remedy, and if you do
- S85 and 8100.
Cycle Co.
and Halsted Sts.. CHICAQO, ILL,
Morroto County, Heppner, Oregon
VOF . .