A SPECIFIC FOB La Grippe, for Golds, Coughs, ' AND LUNG TROUBLES, AVFR,G CHERRY HI til W PECTORAL "Two years ago, I had the grippe, and it left me with a cough which gave me no rest night or day. My family physician prescribed for me, changing the medicine as often as he found the things I had taken were not helping t? me, but, in spite of his attendance, I got no better. Finally, my husband.-read-Ing one day of a gentleman who had had the grippe and was cured by taking Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, -procured, for me, a bottle of this medicine, and before I had taken half of it, I was cured. I have used the Pectora for my children and in my family, whenever we havo needed it, and have found it a specific . for colds, coughs, and lung troubles." Emily Wood, North St., Elkton, Md. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Highest Honors at World's Fair. Cleanse the System with Ayer's, Sanaparilht ffii BH t Wj. 1 2 1-2Q 2L22 23 2 25 26 1 272d2930 1 fig W Take Notice. L The sum of live contt per Una will be Ihanred for "cards of thanks," "resolutions ol respect," lists of wedding presents and donora, nd obituary notloes, (otlior than those the edit or hall himself give at a mattHr of news,) and aotloea ol special meetings lor whatever purpose. X Notice! ol church and society and all other jntertaiiiinents from which revenue Is to be de rived, shall be chanted for at the rate ol five jenU a Hue. These rules will be strictly adher ed to lu every limtance. Advertislnx rates reasonable and made known ipon application. TIME-TABLE. fits for Hani man, Monument. Lons; Creek, loha Hay and Canyon Cltjr. leaves as lullows : Every day at (I a. m., eio-pt Honda?. Arrlveaeverydayat; ,n., except Mniiday. Tha ch-aiK-t. qulckiHit and bvat line to or from the Inturiur fount ry. WALT. TUOMIMON, Prop. Conser & Brock, Annuls. Qambrinus Beer, XwHALr PINT BOTTLES City Hotel Bar! Drinkable Liquors and Smekabla Cigara. Call on Tad. orncr k iica Have added a NEW SPRING STOCK of Trimmed Hats for Ladies and Misses to the Fell stock on May Street and .ask the Public to call and sec them before purchasing. Did It Ever Occur to You? That a Firm Could bo Boycotted nnd Still do Business ? i) Am si. I at i I -! SSnt Isfnctloii Here and There. Little Elmer Bloonm ia still quite ill. Chaa. Johnson was in Hnhn terday. Harry Myers is back from his father's Blalnek ranch. L. Blomentbal returned from Port land last week. Bruoe MoAlister was in from Lexing ton yesterday. 0. A. Hales was in town yeserday from Galloway. Ed. Aohbangh was oyer from Eight Mile yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Haul were in Heppner Tuesday. J. M. Hamblet took in the populist convention Thursday. Gna. Hale dropped over from Little Butter creek Thursday. Wm. Don flip as and wife were in from Butter creek Thursday. Hon. J. N. Brown is confined to his room with a severe oold. Sunday is Easter. Look np your hen that lays the colored eggs. Ben Maltnnnn war in tn a H on 1 tVio populist convention yesterday. Mrs. W. B. Gilliam moved out to her Hard man possessions this week. Bill Tnurnm name in WArlnsalav and took in the populist proceedings. An AnrthnnaVn vioi'tarl Pnetlarwl . terday. It did no damage, however. Drink the celebrated J. H. Cutter whiskey. On tap at Ohris Borobers'. i T,a ftrnnrln Murhla WnrV. T n..n Ore. 8,0. Smith, salesman, Heopner. Onnar RnhnfTnr was in tmm 1 W Morrow's Rbea creek ranoh yesterday. evening for Hillsboro to be absent about ten days. WnVlia'a Rnnleral l?.taiim!niiiA. on sale at Minor & Oo.'s, reduced from 50 ots. to 25 cts. tf. Billy Orank got in from Hitter Wed nesday. He reports considerable snow in Camas praine. D. W. Dobbins arrived from Hillsboro Wednesday rooming to accept a position with Minor & Co. Emile Marx, representing Blumauer Frank Drug Co., of Portlaod, was in town early this week. Billy Sorivner has almost completed his new blacksmith shop, down below Geo. Harrington's residence. Best aoooramodatlon and oourteous trentmentat the Imperial Hotel, Seventh and Waeb. Sts., Portland, Oregon. Mrs. Hick Matthews returned borne last Sunday from Centralis, Wash., where she has been to visit her parents. Assessor Willis is preparing his blanks from the present ownership books for the yearly onslought onto tbe taxpayers. Stacy Roberts was over from Eight Mile yesterday. His son, who hat been ill for some time, is getting better grad ually. Eight Mile was represented yes terday bv Pearl Jones, E. B. Stanton, Hem an Caldwell, Rev. Swift, Cliff Jones and otbera. Frank Wilmartta left yesterday for the Okanogan with Mrs. Weloh's oattle, Wm. Kuark having taken them on tbe shares. Thera will be a O. A. B. meeting held at Lexington nn tbe last Saturday in April, the 25th Inst. All comrades are invited. Minor A Co., the reducers of prices, Lave now on hand the celebrated Wak- Ilea Squirrel Poison. Call and aea what they sell it for. tf. The Lexington drug store has sold its stock of goods to Wells Warren, of this plaoe, and has gone ont of bnsineas. It was owned by H. Fadberg. Mathews Bros, have moved across on the east side of Main street, in tbe building formerly oooupied by tba Gem saloon. They will be pleased to see their old customers. tf Thore will ha preaching Ratnrdny night and Sunday morning at the M. E. church, Elder Morier presiding. The Sunday sohool will present an Easter program for Sunday evening. J A. Paltrann and Pilar iVRn m down to Portland to attend the Mystic nanqnet ot tbe Hth degree, Scottish Rita Masons. W. H. Swayoe is palling the tbrottls during Pat's abseoos. Csay Officer, of Davvills, waa in town srly in the week, on tbe way homo from the atals) nnnvontlnn. II mmm mlrmlA that John 6. Lure bad beeoabangbied," oot jono turned op later oo all right. 6) 0 i f with sSnra O tin in ii teed. an Highest nrinea nairt fnr ah.on nolle at the lower warehouse. tf A new time table will go into effect immediately, making tba time between Portland and Spokane fonr hoars shorter. Messrs. W. O. Smead and J. O. War moth will represent Wells Springs pre otnut at tbe demooratio convention next Saturday. Osoar 8chaffer thinks that Marvin Smith is tbe best driver on Rhea creek. Why he should so oonolude the writer knows not. Geo. D. Fell left f ( r Pendleton on Wednesday's train and will at oooe pro ceed np in Washington to but wool for E. Y. Judd & Root. Every man having a beard should keep it an even and natural color, and if it is not so already, use Buckingham's Dye and appear tidy. The delegates to the state convention from Grant county are: Wm. Rudio, Dennis McCray. Ed Hall, Dave Over holt and Cbas. Parrish. Born To the wife ot Wilson E. Brook, Thursday. Anr. '2. in Hannnnr. a 10 pound boy. Wilson hardly deigns to reoogoize bis best friends. G. B. Hatt, the tonsorial artist, can be found at his parlors, Matlook oorner, where he will die nun He nt nnnnlar nrinoa shaves, shampoos, hairouts. etc. Tow raoes were run Wednesday, Ches ter and ftrnvar. nnA.half mila vnn Kw the latter, and Chester and Brownie, one-fourth mile, won by Brownie. Any inventor in Eastern Oregon who desires tbe services of an attorney in Washington, D. O., will find it to his advantage to call on or address this pa per. 6tf Mrs. M. A. Knox, of lone, will open up this week with a oomplete milliner stock in the store next door to tbe lone hotel, in lone. Tbe stook will be well selected aod Mrs. Knox deserves tbe patronage of tbe ladies of that vicinity. 27 30-law. Tt mif aavA vnn ftimA nA tvmtiAw t KA informed that, when you need a blood purifier. Ayer's sarsaparilla is the kind most in favor with the mnHinil iw. fession. It is the standard and. as suoh, the only blood-purifier admitted at the Ohioago World's Fair. Ho, ye voting men of Morrow, whistle up a lively tune For the "Candidate," I'm free to state, will stay with us till June; Then let him oil his auger blade, with "Sperry's Linwood Rye;" Tla sweet to think, of that good old drink, for voting men are dry. Sold only at tbe Belvedere saloon. The rapidity with wbioh oroup de- VelonB fulls for Inatant trutnunl. n1 yet few households are prepared for its visits. An admirable remedy for mis disease is Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It has saved hundreds of 11va an1 should be in every home where there are young children. Will Soon bb Hebh. Ladies, your attention is called to tbe faot that Mrs. M. E. Brlggs, of tbe "Leading Milli oery House", of Tbe Dalles, Oregon, will be in Heppner on Tuesday, April 7ih with a oomplete line ot latest novelties in summer millinery. These goods are new goods, showing latest designs of Eastern houses aod trimmed by a thoroughly competent city . trimmer. They will be displayed in tbe parlors of the Palaoe hotel, oommenoing Tuesday, April 7th. Call and inspeot onr goods. 2t. A Matorai BeantlHer. Karl's Clover Root Tea purifies tho blood aod gives a dear and beautiful complexion. For sale by Wells St War ren. SStbaybd Away. A short time sinoe a horse belonging to A. Abrahamsiok, of tbia city, strolled away from Heppner and has not aluoa been found. The horse was brown in oolor and bad a barb wire cot on tba inside ot right fore leg, above tbe knee. Finder will confer a great tavor by returning same to tbe owner In this oity and reoeive a reward ot 91 00 5 8 For Dyspepsia and Liver complaiot yon bavs a printed guarantee on every boitle of Sbilob'i VitalUer. It never fails to cure. For sals by Wells A Warren. Niw Fiko Yard. Win. Oordon has ODened UD the trnl var.l n-.f the Uaentts office, and now solicits a snare oi your patronage. Billy ia right at home at Ibis business, and your horses will ha (vika.l fi. i easooabla. Hay and grain for sale. tf. Catarrh Car, health aod sweet breath secured, by 8bllob's Catarrh Remedy. Prios 60 centa. Nasal Injector frsa. For aala by Walla & Warren. Echo ataga leave Heppner Mondays, Wednesdays aod Fridaya. Leave Echo Tucedaye, Tursdsya and tietnrdays. far Si each way. Oflloe, Wells A Warrsn.Ueppeer. Ed. Driakell, Prop. ah For 123.60 I will sell a first claaa, high grade, bigb arm sswlog machine guaran teed (or 10 years. For further particu lars Ball on or suldraaa. M A. I ..nh Lsiiogf on, Oregon. 84-tf. Walt- Thompson runs ataga between Hstrner and Unanmanf day exoept Monday aod leaving every day eiopl Hnodey. HborUal and ebeap t rout to tba Interior. Ouo A Uroek, agents. ! liMwwa At Darling-ton rwcoaUy a minister's IlltU daughter waa attending bar first church acrvkM. bn luul Hisrsms hr father ia th pulpit befor. and oa bis sntranr thera br prvavar of inlnd furcuok hrr and al pipml out in a voir reaai of rrotgiiltiooi "Why, thrrw'a my papa sp thera ia that bos!" Ariigtng j.iuity rpl 4ma afan tba lillJ auahlva, aod for a avaaoa ther waa a grrat calm, lint ll.a arvi waa grlavooaly long I eucb a m worship r, and ah bn-am rry rvatleaa, walk ing bp aod dowa tb pw and atgblog auilil.ly. "It won't I king, Ovar." RiBRiin blsprrB.t. Wlirrriiprta b. tord another brWf vrhid of uiH, bat It waa aot to last. Tlrvd tmiiy nature bad rvacbad it wtui'iat limit of endur ance, and by and by orr U quiet lia Uart aroa a tail ult, tlar aod plaiwubt aod auaslng;! "Isn't yon Marly dob, yyf Lwitdoa Itt-fl"- m ar V Um Ot ItxaM aabapey pm abo ar eat- 9mlim With SiAaS aiAM MfAttt. kl tvry slls-bl sal, anal.U bi en.lora B aaibl M lf Atd ilala tad e r"p.a, tba art pm Uwl ma t par aa I b"itl tg by lha grswl bttotJ pari3r an i I ... II t. U . ..Hi. Kon-t't fills ar lb ts aflaf d.inaf ,ll, mm 4fttn( prarsiit oti(a- lifttt, ST. THE NAME OF " MURPHY." Aa Irish Clergyman Repudiate It In Favor of tha O'Morthoe." England has done many wrongs to Ireland, but one of the worst of them has only just come to light It seems, says London Truth, that we have stolen from the Irish the ancient name of O'Morchoe and substituted for it a base English counterfeit in the shape of "Murphy." At last one of the family. Rev. Thomas Arthur MucMurrough Murphy, rector of Kilternan, has deter mined to have back the ancient family property. He now advertises through the press he has for and on behalf of himself, his children and descendants renounced, relinquished and abandoned "my said newer or Anglicized, but hitherto always by me used, name of Murphy, and that instead thereof he revives his ancient and true name of O'Morchoe. Long may he live to re joice in the recovery of his lost prop erty! Probably when once they real ize that they are only Anglicized O'Mor choes we shall have the whole of the great Murphy family throughout the United Kingdom, to say nothing of the colonies and the United States, follow ing the lead of Rev. Thomas Arfhur MacMurrough. There is an h-umble article of diet (also Anglicized) which I have heard spoken of as a 'murphy." Ought we to call that an O'Morchoe, too? A Diplomatic Tutor. From a French journal comes this little anecdote of a tutor and his royal pupil: The lesson was in Roman history and the prince waa unprepared. "We come now to the Emperor Caligula. What do you know about him, prince?" The question was followed by a silence that was becoming awkward, when it was broken by the diplomatic tutor. "Your highness is right," he said, "per fectly right. The less said about this finptfiw the bettor." Democratio County Convention. A demnnrnlin nnnntv nnn - vuuicuuuii lll tbe OOUntv of Morrow. afntA nl rt.unnn is called to meet in Heppner, in said county, on Saturday, April 4. 1896, at iu o moon a. m , lor cne purpose of nom inating candidates tor tbe following county offioers: One oounty judge, Oonntv flommiaainrtAF nnnnf. - . . - . . , vu.iij vim,, oounty sheriff, county representative, ouuuiy treasurer, oounty assessor, ojuu ty sohool superintendent, county coroner and oounty surveyor, and also preoinot officers for tbe several preoinots, and four deleeatea each tn tlia miuta .ml second district congressional conven tion, ana to trankaot suoh other busi ness S8 mav nronnrlv nnma hAFnra .n.k convention. The convention will oon- sisc or 9d delegates, ohosen by the sey eral Dreainata? and thn uvonl of the county will be entitled to repre sentation in saia oonvention as follows: HeDDner 4 F.ioht Miio o Gentry 4 Alpine.....' .2 Mt. Vernon 3 Pine Oity 2 IOCS 1 Mattnann O Ceoil 2 Ixingtiin!.'i.'.'i!i2 lry 2 Wells Springs.... 2 Dry Fork 2 Lena 2 Tbe same being one dolegnte at-large from eaoh precinct, ami oue delegate for every fifteen votes, and one for every fruotion over one half of fifteen votes cant for J. H. lUley, the dcmr.orntio can didate for congressman, at tbe eleolion in June, 1894. Primaries to eleot the delegates in eaoh of the several preoinots will be held Maroh 28, 196. Poll will be open at 2 o'clock p. m., and will be oonduoted in tba usual manner of holding primary elections. J. y. Morrow, Chair. Demooratio County Committee. BHEEP fOK BAIX I have 1.5(10 ewes ant T nnn lu,ti. that I will soli after abeariug at SI per ui-uu, an ronnn. rarliea wishing to buy should address me at Vinsoo, or call on me at my ranch in MoDonald oanyon, near Vinson. Cass Matlock, 20 I m Vinson, Oregon. CATARRH is a LOCAL DISEASE aaa Is tha mall eatds sna" staMsa cliaialie caanoss. It can bs cared by a pleasant faetly Into lha aoauils. Ba log quickly aJanrtwd It flvse roller at on ca Ely's Cream Balm 1 Wbk-S laannltari AL. Is acknowladnd la ha lha hwm hmni hum m Nasal Catarrh. Cold la Haaa and Hay Fsvar of all rsnsdtas. I' - -ill Tl-snirs Ihs maslpsasstfrs. ailaya a! a and Inflammation, hsals tha sona, pro. iKta tha nwrnbram from cm da, rMima Uia smeas tt taataaniWmril, Hrlcv S"e.atlrnf slats nrhymaiL LX bUOl ULIUi, M Warm ainat, ,m tots. CITATION. I THE COP NT Y COfBT Or THE STATE ol Oregon, lor tha County of Morrow. In tha mailer o tha aetata of Thomas f. Barton, T Inl To tha rielrs at law, and any and all Persons ilemtel In said eelat. grafting: n tba name til tha Htata of iirion .., herrbv ntcl and r-ilrrd Ui a -ar In Ilia County Court ot tba Mala ol Oregon, for the County ol Morrow, at the court room thetmf, at lleppir. In Ihe oiimit of Morrow nn Monday tba llh day ol May, , at 10 o'clock In lha lorenoonnf thai day. then and there In show rans, II ant eilet. why an oflrr ol Ihlanoirt should no ha made fur tha aala ol all the rr.l piorty belonging tn lha aald eaato. dwrthnl aa lolloaa, 10 w-: M '4 atA u ,. M i. r, ) a., M J4 aaat.and WH hfcu fti NF, and Nw 1, ar.Soa...Tp a. k W X., W. Malllu Morrow fHi'ilr. Oregon. niiaaaa, lha Hon. Jnlloa K.llhlv, Jivlgrol lha 1 onnly I onrt rrf lit ("IA. Dtaieol nrrg,Mi. Ir lhat.Hintvol Morrow wiih lha a ,4 M Couil SlTl led, this std day ol April A U , tin Ansel. J, W. MiiHK'iW. tort. cieik. Notice of Intention. Laaa Orrus at La Qar Oss.ma. Marrh M. Iat VoTic K is iitRrav mvt. hut ihr iv I'-lloa lug named artii.f has nie.1 nMl-e ol bis l iienUon In make Snal pnail In so i-.rt ol 1,1. claim a ad lhal aald l.r.. w l, n.a.e ! loomy (Ink, rf Morriw minly, at IU iowr, iirgon, on May lh, ! els An I. I. MAUJi ti. it K Mo UN, Jp?,,Jr jj " " . . la 1 a R. He namea the Mtnwlnf winaas In prove Ms entiiinoooe resldencw a p.. a and Miltlalloa ol. aald laod ll : John Moiallf Jerry llroenan, J II Ocean vl, it. a HuBotd. ail ol V loar.n. .-,.. m. r, aniN. Notice of Intention. TAKt rri( R 4tTiiV fui 1 rs or.'.w, i kyt I l N.rfk. la ,.,.i,f gi,.n (hat le loimwiag aaaM i'il.a S.-H Mi ol hie ln-nii..a in aake Saal Sipnol la ki x l aia claim anA thai .act .r... a he made llor the rM,Hiy eiek ol Morrow CMinir at ll..of . !... rti. atay K l. tit rM KS I. MM, IN R ho irf. M lha g , T la N V. K W M Hi M"im lha ..'l.,e..g illmm ., .rnre Me coim-i Mae met lento i aw-l e iilaii.,H ul aeld Knl Ki J" M M.t-a. Ja file., I Kl'k Jaa tOg. alt 4 a.ef.p.M!, IN-H IK I U'mll K.....I Notice of final Ssttkmtnt, Null" la uraritr i,nr TWT tin -1 a. li.ll-al.rf ol Ihe m.l. '4 1 II ath.a. 4e-e.'l ol mli I ,,m 1 t.t fc .... i'h 0.1-t 1- a a1fr.ier'.i ai li.e a-. 1 t, ,. 11. .h -if . -o.rl ml M. rt e 1 ..i.if al lli-n. fc I I. 1. a al II.11 (. .,, . Sai'l ....!. Ue II a tee , MS.) I J r. A. SUM A4IbmH'i ... OITOS In combination, proportion and process Hood's Sarsaparilla is pecaliar to itself, and unequalled in true merit No other medicine ever possessed so much curative power, or reached such enormous sales, or made such won derful cures, as Hood's Sarsaparilla. It is undoubtedly the best medicine ever made to purify, vitalize and en rich the blood. That is the secret of fts success. Head this statement: "When my son was 7 years of age, he had rheumatic fever and acute rheuma tism, which settled in his left hip. He was so sick that no one thought there was any help for him. Five sores broke out on his thigh, which the doctor said were sores. We had three different doctors. Pieces ot bone came out of the sores. The last doctor said the leg would have to be cut open and the bone scraped, before he could get well. Howard became so low that he would cat nothing, and one doc tor said there was no chance for him. " One day, a newspaper recommonding Hood's Sarsaparilla was left at our door. We decided to try this medicine Howard commenced taking it the last of February, after having been sick lor a year and a half, ne hadn't taken it a week before I saw that his appetite began to Improve, and then he gained rapidly. I gave him five bottles, when ihe sores were all healed and they never broke out again. The crutches he had used for four years wero laid aside, as he had no further use for them. I give all tho credit to Hood's Sar eaparilla." Mrs. Ada L. Moody, Fay Street, Lynn, Mass. This and many similar cures prove that Sarsaparilla Is te One True niood Purifier. All druggists. $1. Pr"varcu only by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell. Mass. LETTER LIST. T ETTERS ADVERTISED AT HEPPNEK I J Or Mnroh .V I MIA Geiuer, William C. Hall, O. W. When calling for these letters please lay advertised. J. p. Williams, P. M. Notice ot Final Settlement. iOTICE 18 ITKREHV GIVEN THAT THE 11 undersigned, Kliza J. Boyer, executrix ol the estate of W. G. Boyer, deceased, will make Final Settlement of her aeeounU with said es tate a such executrix at the next term of the Probate Court of Morrow County to be hoklcn at the court house in lleppner. In said County on the 4th day of May, A. D. 1896, at 10 o'clock . m. MRS. ELIZA J. BOYER, &'-35 Executrix. Administrator's Notice. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE undersigned has been appointed adminis trator ol the estate ol Sarah II Fell, deceased, by the County Court ol Morrow County, HUtte ol Oregon. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present them to me at Heppner, Or., duly verified, wllhlo six months from date hereof. Dated this 6th day of March, lttx). m C. E. FELL Administrator. Notice of Final Settlement. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. THAT THE uuderslgni-d administrator of the estate of G. W. H. Brians, deceased, will make Final Hettlement of his accounts with said estate as such administrator, at the next term ol tha County Court ol Morrow County, at Heppner, Oregon, o be hnldnn at Heppner, Oregon, In said County, ou Ihe 4th day ol May, lttuti, at 10 O'clock, a. m. ANDREW ROOD, Administrator. Notice 0 Intention. Land Orrica at L(iann, Oasuoit. March S, l, VOTICE IH rIKRKRY GIVEN THAT THE liilliialng liaiiu-.l settler has hied notlc ol his Intention to maka llnal proof In supiairt ol his clnlm, and that said pnaif will I made iN'fora 'ttitiit w I 'In, b ti Umm- I '. .....( ... I at Heppner, Oregon, on April n, i ' SYl.VKnlKR W. FUiltKiiN, no.. r no. , lor ins bw1- hk1; and SEU HWttar..art NW1 NK'4 and fiKia NwJ 8c riTp. 4S. R. 2K. W, M. Ha namea the following altnews to pmva hiscntitliiiinus resldanca upon and eultlvaUon of aald laud, vis: Pat Ciiillane. William Warrrn, Oils. Hal, Frank Hale, ol Heppner, Oregon. B. r. WILSON. Agistor. Notice of Intention. I AND OFFICE AT THE DALLFrl. OHEOON, J Mar. h. a. Isai. Notli-o la hereby siren that lha following named aeltler has filed un til ol hla Intention In make Anal proof In sup port of his claim, and that aald proof will be mada bt lore J. W. Morrow, l oiiiily Clara, at Heppner, Oregon, on April rt, vis; JAMFa CAR fY jbV. "Wl "' '"' ,0, Tf' - He names tha following witnesses tn prove his pniitluiioos rnehleitca upon and eulUialloo ol, aald land. vl- I barley Van Winkle. Francis Kilkenny, Bsr. O'T Jkohertjr, John k llkenny, of italloaay, (11a. UIM. "s.r. Mooaa, Kegnur. T imhr Culture, F inai Proof. Nolle for Pablicallaa. JA"I "FFH E AT THE I'AI.I.M. OREGON, i March iMs Notlia la hereby ateea II, al A ml raw Km tier, ol Islington, l)ion, haa Sled ootlra ,A Inlcnllnn In make final pnan Ivfora I M M or roa, rou oly rletk. al hla nlh.-a lu Heppner. Ongon. nn Hal. inlay Ihe Wte, rlay ol Mr, on 1 Holier nllnra application So, ,.. ,rf lha SW, Quarter ol serMon iH Ha I'l.lo luao.l.lp N. 7 a, hauge ho J Fast He nates aa Hltneeaea J am -a I'ypert, k.,. hen Um, I V., llioa.aon, Jaioea laih, allot Milogum, Oregon. ikIL f. M'lORR. " a later. Notice of Intention. ' f AND rri at at THR DAl l FA. ORRGON, IS Marhr. Ia. I'll, a la herrlr fl..B thai lbs lolloalng named aeltler haa Slen lurilraul hla loleiillou In make Snal pc-'l In support of h-fcl.l.n. and ll.al aald pl.. mill m snale ri.nej n ai..,.,w monly alert, al Heppoa Orrgon, on Mar ), ar. itf A fim A Ma filkg HI r No ai. I.r lha F' Itv, aec, II. aad II. Tp I a k ' lie namea lha loln.wing wllneaia to prove hla e.,i,ii,,( real leiwa upua aod mitlialiwa ol aald land, vis r imer airy, rraok t.enlry, W 0. anal, Joka Baftnti, ail of lleppner Otreon III t M'HIMg, ' k later. D.J. McFaul, M. D. At J. Jf. HtQtn'i fiisDincf. E. L. FREELAND, ' CQIMCIIOHS, t INSURANCE, Ma ABSTRACTS. V. S. I AM) COMMISSIONS. Ia-1 i l ta iM rii-al oi. T"S, j unrritrm. ic:if, HAVE YOU HEARD THAT THERE'S Bess a Chaage ia Business ill taai! ED. R. BISHOP Has bought out the General Merchandise Business of the McFarland Mercantile Co., and the stock is being disposed of at Wholesale Slaughter Prices ! REGARDLESS OF COST. All woolen goods, boots, shoes, overshoes, ete., are being sold below wholesale cost Great discounts on hardware, tinware, glassware, hate, caps, blankets and in fact everything kept in a general mercantile es tablishment. Call and see the stock before it is too late. FRANK MTARLAND, FH R RI9HOP Pmn Manager and Salesman. - L" ' D 1 n V f rrOp. The National Bank Building, Heppner, Ore. flat De mmwmmmhiMlt M r Some people want the earth; you can get a goodly portion of it at GEO. A. BROWN'S HAEDMAN STORE, With very little money. He keeps a full line of general merchandise, including dry goods, groceries, boots, shoes. GEO. A. BROWN, HARDMAN, OR. Gilliam & Bisbee We are not email men, we are Dot He Largest s a a But when the people of all the Hardware, Tinware, Crockeryware, Glassware, Wood and Willowware, Nails, Iron, Barbwtre 1 Cumberland Coal. Oass and Watar PI ,u pi,w inn,,... D. ...... ...a ., ... ' . , ... " r-t'-r aim xuhihvs, nagons, Hacks, Buggies, Wagon Material, Hardwood, Axes, Hammers, Saws, Bledgus, Wedges, Ouns, Pistols, Cartridges and Ammunition, Mason Jars, Gran iteware, Hows, Harrows, llakes. Mowers, Tubs. Wash Bolllors and Boards, Sheet Iron, Zlno, eto.,eto., Should call and Examine our Goods and Get Prices. We have Good Goods at Faib Prices, and Cheap John Goods at Chop John Prlcca. aiIL,3L,IA.M & BISBKE, MA.IN STHEET - T. R. HOWARD -DEALS IN Groceries, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Stockmens' Supplies, Etc., And Wants Your Trade ! He will make it an object for you to trade with him as Lis prices are right, and all goods that he handles are ot the very best. Store on Main Street, Next Door to City Drug Store, I-Ioppnor, Oregon. Sarreaaor to C. i. Van Diiya. Kelt door to ( lit li.i.. Has everything in tho line of Fresh Groceries, Candies, Nuts, and also keeps Crockery, Lamps and Tinware. Stock is Complete. Notions a Specialty. TFITiTiIS d 3LafS"03SrS, AttornoyH t 11 iw, All baaloaa alUmleJ to la a .romp and aetiafarlorr banaar. Nolarlaa iBb!io anj Cullackrra. fiPPimrn rriCE IN "ATIOHAL HANK LCILMNCl. I1F.PIKEII, l I ; i 011F.OOH fr ""I Don't You W.mt .1 Place to ft Put up Your Team? ' ' lV) C CrHfj Am You In Nr1 nf n Sn.UI,. n , l i 11 ir, 11 Tawaft II I I W ' .a-waawa-AaV I lOFSC I All thfai can I irrrorrHl at Tliomt.n Uictia, I,ower Main Htrent, Hct'IitiiT, Orrgoo. Ttee realleeaeei era well a,.,.i.l..l-l aim Ureal, ll.r..,r l..k IH'Haie) al lhe runlleL ,,M' laasaia aatei aa4 Una la aaaain Ibe-a alt..i4 alia lfa.l.i. ihs. I'rVaa la keefliif a Ilk Ibe U mm. THOMPSON HINNB, x.x-rjt-r4mavf. ncmrin. THE PALACE HOTEL 1JA1J, .). O. MOItCi I KliS. .Pi-op. Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Ton Ml Bbs. We are small men, s. piercWs in newoiim mrroundlng country are In need olm IIEPPNElt. OUKOOTST