REPUBLICAN COUNTY T1CK.ET. Tot Representative, J. N. BROWN, of Heppner. For Sheriff, ANDREW ROOD, of Hardman. For Clerk, A. W. PATTERSON, of Heppner. For Judge, A. G. BARTHOLOMEW, of Alpine. For Treasurer, FRANK GILLIAM, of Heppner. For Commissioner, J. W. BECKETT, of Eight Mile. For Assessor, A. C. PETTEY8, of lone. For Surveyor, JOHN HORNOR, of Heppner. For School Superintendent, MISS ANNA J. BALSIGER, of lone. For Coroner, DR. B. F. VAUGHAN, of Heppner. Justices and Constables. For Bustlce of the 1st District, E. L. WOOD. For Constable of 1st District, OTIS SHANER. For Justice of 2d District, J. S. YOUNG. For Constable of 2d District, W. W. BRANNON. For Justice of 3rd District, BEN CASE. For Constable 8rd District, WALTER CA80N. For Justice of 4th District, John McMillan. For Constable of 4th District, C. C. BOON. For Justice of 5th District, J. T. HOBKIN8. For Constable of 5th District, I. L. HOWARD. For Justice of 6th District, E. L. FREELAND. For Constable of 6th District, H. T. BAGLEY. How do you like the republican ticket by this time? It looks now that Mitchell will be re-elected without opposition. intimidating voters he retreated to the npper story of his "ranch" and held up the officers with a shotgun. This is the purity that the Oregon- ian prates about IE the republi can party can stand such work as this it certainly will live against anything. The Tribune got "skunked" in Umatilla county. Davis and Gur dane, two old fighters of the ranks of "the 30," were nominated for representatives on first ballot and the delegation to the congressional convention is for Ellis. The Trib une can never win as long as it is managed and edited by a "muckle- head." Poor Indeed ! There are decrees and kinds of poverty. just 88 there are differences of opinion among those who compote and meannre poverty and riobea by different stand -ards. Some men deem themselves poor be online they are less nob than others, again there are comparatively poor peo ple who are satisfied win a ooropeteooe. There is a kind of poverty for which no amount of wealth oan compensate, name ly, a poverty of bodily stamina, evinced by nervousness and a derangement of the functions of digestion, bilious secre tion and the bowels. To restore vigor upon a permanent basis there is one remedy that fully covers the require ments, "fills the bill," and this is Hos tetter's Stomooh Bitters. By restoring digestion, giving a healthful impulse to tbe Rction of the bowels and liver and tranquillizing tbe nerves, it fulfills tbe oondition necessary to a resumption of strength by the system. It also over comes malaria and rheumatism. Col. J. B. Eddy has got his pole up again for congrese. Eddy never takes a tumble. The fight in Portland waged warm yesterday and, in any event, will result in bitterness. (Sunday is Easter. If we forget Dot Easter has more to do with the weather than the best weather clerk. POPULIST. CONVENTION. Tj Coaveatloa Met Yesterday utf Selected a Fill Ticket-Katifleatioa Followed. As per agreement at tbe time of tbe meeting of tbe populist convention of this ooanty which adjourned on tbe 7th of February, tbe delegates again con vened yesterday morning at the court bouse at 9 o'clock pursuant to tbe call of the obairman of tbe convention, J. L. Swift. Besides the chairman. Secretary Stanton and assistant seoretary Fearl Jones were also in tbeir places. On the basis of representation tbe convention would have been composed of 48 dele gates. On roll oall and after awaiting tbe report of tbe committee on the cre dentials of delegates eleoted after the former meeting it was shown that 41 votes were cast either by delegate or proxy, leaving four votes unrepresented, probably from preoinots where no pri maries bad been held. At tbe request of several present the resolutions which were adopted at the previous meeting were again read for tbe benefit of those present who had not heard the seme, after whioh an amendment relating to tbe salaries of tbe different county officers was added to the original resolutions. No further preliminaries appearing, K. W. Turner and Wm. Orabtree were appointed as tellers when nominations were deolared in order. DOCTOR. ENGLISH for Coughs, Colds, and Consumption fa beyond question the greatest of all modern medicines. It will stop a Cough in one night, check a cold in a day, prevent Croup, relieve Asthma, and cure Consumption if taken in time. " You can't afford to be with out it" A 25c. bottle may save your life I Ask your druggist for it Send for pamphlet If the little ones have Croup or Whooping Cough use it promptly. It is sure to curt. Three Sizes 25c, joe. and l. All Drugglits. ACKER MEDICINE CO., X6 & 18 Chambers St., N. Y. PRIZES TO BE GIVEN AWAY. UMATILLA KEPCBL1CANS. Things are in bad shape up at Juneau. Many are penniless and murders and robberies are fre quent. Oregon seems inclined to send a delegation to St. Louis for Mo Kinley, but Allison must not be overlooked. Tbe republicans of Umatilla made the following nominations yesterday: For representatives, J, 8. (Jurdane, E. J. Davis, W. T. Kigby ; for county judge, Wm. Martin; for commissioner, T. P. Gillilland: for sheriff, Zoetb Houser; for county clerk, B. 8. Burroughs; for record er of conveyances, H. E. Biokers: for treasurer, Wm. 0. Eern; for assessor, E. Gilliam. Ringing resolutions were en dorsed. Tbe delegates to tbe state and congressional conventions aro: Belts, Yates, Bean, Koontz, Wilkins, Moor house, Proebstel, Fell and Mosgrove. Tbey are not instructed tor congressman but it is oonoeded tbat Ellis baa most of tbe delegation. None Bat Ayers at the World's Fair Ayer's Sarsaparilla enjoys tbe extraor dinary distinction of having been tbe only blood purifier allowed an exhibit at the World's fair, Obiosgo. Manufacturers of other sarBBparillaa sought by every means to obtain a showing of tbeir goods but they were all turned away under tbe application of tbe rule forbidding tbe entry of patent medicines and nostrums. lbe decision of the World's fair autho- Reports from Cuba state that Spain kills all prisoners. The cruelties imposed are shocking to fitie in favor of Ayer's Sarsaparilla was . , I in effoot as follows: "Aver s Baranpa- hu extreme ueyrue. nim jR not a patent medioine. The Salem Post seems to favor the re-election of John II. Mitch ell. lie has made a good servant for the whole people. PltEHiDENT Diaz, of Mexico, up holds the United States on the Venozuola matter. His discussion of the tnattor is quite lengthy but "loe very clear. it not belong to tbe list of nostrums, here on its merits." does It is KINDS WORDS. From Pythias. Alvab W. ratterson, of Dorio No, 20 Knights of Pythias, of Iieppner, the popular vice president of the Oregon Press Association, is mentioned as tbe probable nominee of bis party for tbe of clerk of Morrow ooonty. Alvab has the ability to fill suou a position. From Die Hst Ori'iionlan. The nomination of A. W. Patterson, by tho republicans of Morrow county, for tbe has authorized the ex-1 penditure of $20,000 more to make a protecting wall at Cascade Locks. "When this work is done the locks office of county clerk, caused the great est amount of interest la this city and county, where be is very well and (svor ably known. Mr. Patterson Las been for a long time an active worker for bis political party, not only in Morrow ooanty, but in the state, where bis In Queues baa been felt in several cam Tbia Is tbe first time he baa asked bis party for anything, and no doubt be will receive the bearty sap- port of all its members, now that be baa been nominated for office. Tbe coolest for tbs nomination was spirited. Messrs. Uarrlgne, Mallory and IlyuJ made gallant fights and showed tbat tbey had strong personal followings and com winded a large amount of respect in tbe hit County of Morrow. Many of tbe men few concerned la the content were once Umntilla county men, for Morrow was ooutitv. Mr. Palter- prominent Knight of I'ylulaa, will bo roady for use. Ihe 1 onululou Iribune it run by as thorough a jackass aa ever brayed a bray. Kvory time he opous liu moutu lie make a bigger ass out of liimsolf. The Waweo News says the Hepp- nor Uazetto doesn't like Moody. Tho Heppner Uazotto never said an, Tbe Ileppunr Uazotte is for Kills now and tho noiuiuoe after the convention. Senator IIautmax made a on the floor of tho senato a dayaago Lcn ho said that the vnmtiiia oonoty nv ; . i , ,, ones a I art of this gold ..reus were opposed to the h ' , At iroo coinage oi miver um unaiier- MJ at tbe grand lodge next lobabeld ably in favor of the froe coinage will be the slat orator. He is vice- of falsehood. Thk popultaU have their ticket In tho field now and though the Uazetto thinks that they are ovr-r- aangaine in thoir tiopos for auo- COfts, it U compound of good men who will doubtlessly poll the full party stronctli. president of tbe Oregon Press Aasocie tion, and personally an agreeable, oblig log, honorable, competent niao, who, if elected, will bring all these qualities to the sortie of Ihe people In tbe ctTWe of entity olerk. REPBEBENTATIVH. J. Li. Bwift and Li. W. Liewis were placed In nomination for representative, but the latter declined and J. L. Swift, of Eight Mile, was nominated by ac clamation. 8HEEIFF. For this office Joe Hayes, of this city, being the only nominee, was also nomi nated by acclamation. CLBEK. For tbe office of olerk, Wm. Orabtree and E. B. Stanton were named. On vote Stanton received 32 votes and Orab tree 11. E. B. Stanton, of Eight Mile, reoeiving a majority of all votes oast was deolared the nominee for olerk. JUDGE. W. A. Kirk, Cbas. Long and Wm. Duran were named. Tbe latter declined and on tbe first vote Kirk received 32 and Long 22. W. A. Kirk, of tbia oity, was deolared tbe nominee for judge. TREASURER. J. Li. Teager, of this city was no mi nated for treasurer by acclamation, having no opponent. COMMI88I0NKH. For commissioner Tbos. Hoskins, A T. King and J. T. McAlister were named. King reoeived 11 votes, Hoskins 4, Mo- Alister 28, and blank 1. J. T. McAlister, of Lexington, having received a majority of all votes oast was deolared the nomi nee for this office. SCHOOL SUI'EHINTBNDKNT. Mrs. Martha Fuqua and Mies Addis Conlee were the nominees. On vote Mrs. Fuqua reoeived 7 votes and Miss Oonlee 35. Miss Addle Conlee, of this oity, was deolared tbe nominee for sobool superintendent. Miss Conlee made a good race last year, and thongb unsuccessful, ber nomination is a de served compliment. ASSESSOR. Wm. Orsbtree, W. Metier, 0. A. Re pass, Tbos. Uoskins and ilulpn BeDge were plaoed in nomination. Repass, Metier and Benge declined and on vote Orabtree reoeived 30 votes and Hoskins Wm. Orabtree, of Matteaon, was deolared tbe nominee. SURVEYOR. For the office of surveyor, R. W. Turner, Spencer Akers and Win. Duran were named. Tbe latter two deolined and R. W. Turner, of tinnd Hollow, was nominated by aoolamation. OORONIB. Courtesies were exchanged and a nam' ber plaoed in nomination tor this office, but all as speedily deolioed, and Jas, Mitchell, of this city, was nominated by acolamatiou. This having oompleted lbs Domina lions Neman Caldwell, who bad jnst returned (rum the stats convention, read tbe state platform alien it was adopted Tbe couTootion thro adjourned for luoob and ronveuid again at 1 u'olock (or Ihe porposs of holding ratification meeting. L. W, Lewi, wbo presided first littroiliioi-1 the Moo. John 0. Luce, of Orant oouuty, h bad stopped over ou bis wsy borne from Ihe state gather log to alteiid tie oontcbtion. Mr. Lore spoke for mere 1 1 o on boar in dt-feote of populism. lls followed by i. L Hwift, Ihs nnruirc for representative, who thanked tbe convention for lbs booor oouferrvj. Heman Caldwell I V. LwM jI W. li. Kwing also epoke bri H after hicii the galherin adj mini a nine die. The publishers of Tub Happt Homb will give an elegant tine-toned Upright Piano, valued at $350 00, absolutely free to the person sending them the largest list of words constructed from the letters oontained in the name of their Well- known publication, "Thb Happy Homb." Additional presents, consisting of Bicyole, Gold Watches, Silver Watohes, Sewing Maohines, Musio Boxes, Silk Dresses, China Dinner Sets, and many valuable and useful articles, will also be awarded in order of merit, and every person sending not less than ten words will reoeive a present of value. Use either plurel or singular words, but not both, and use no letter in the same word more times than it appears in the text, Thb Happy. Homb." This is a popular plan of introducing MUSIC AND THE STAGE. Paul Bourget is writing a one-act play in prose for the Comedie Fran caise. The title is "The Screen," Johann Strauss is going- to Paris to conduct the rehearsal of his "Gypsy Baron," which is to be brought out at the Folies Dramatiques. In 1890 M. Alvarez, the French tenor, is to receive $7,500 a month from Sir Augustus Harris. The following year his retainer will be $8,750. Saint Saen8 will not appear again in public as a pianist. He gave up prac ticing two yearj ago for lack of time. He says that in him 'Hhe' composer has killed the pianist." Luigi Arditi, the "II Bacio" Arditi who conducted Italian opera at Castle Garden in 1850, before becoming the leader at Covent Garden, has written his reminiscences, which will be edited by Baroness von Zedlitz and published soon. M. Lugne Poe is going to try a new form of theatrical entertainment in Paris this winter. It is a guignol or puppet show, in which living actors will take the part of the puppets and make the gestures, while the text is recited by the showman. The living guignol has been given with success at Lyons, where the puppet show orig inated. Charlotte Wolter, the great Viennese tragedienne, who is now 61 years old, appeared as Sappho at the Burg theater recently, after a retirement from the stage of many years. There was a fight for tickets, people presenting them selves at the ticket office at eight o'clock on the morning of the perform ance to wait till the doors were opened in the evening. "4L 'SMcEr- Jour HfofcMii SENT POSTPAID IN EXCHANGE FOR 100 COUPONS, OR, IP VOU PREFCR, FOR 2 COUPONS AND $1.00 IN CASH. Ths watch ia nickel, good timekeeper, quick item wind and set. You will find one coupon inside each 2 ounce bag and two coupona imide each 4 ounce bag of BLACICWELL'S GENUINE DURHAM TOBACCO. Send coupons with name and address to BLACKWELL'8 DURHAM TOBACCO CO., Durham, N. C. Buy a bag of this Celebrated Smoking Tobacco, and read the coupon, which gives a list of other premiums and how to get them. 2 CENT STAMPS ACCEPTED. o o o o tOOOOO SHERIFF'S SALE. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT UNDER and by virtue of an execution issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Morrow, on March 18. 1896. and to me directed and delivered, upon a judgment rendered and entered in said uourt on me om day of March, 1896, in favor of J. H Townsend, Plaintiff, and aftainat Thomas Walden. W. Q. Scott and G. W. Harris, Defendants, for the sum Of Three Hundred Fortv-eleht and 10-100 f348.10 iioiiars wnn interest tnereon ironi said om oi March, 1896, at the rate of ten per cent per an- u. .h:. nnnni. .nki;..i;n. num. and Twentv-nve (I'ift.OO) Dollars attorney i .u. UD wn vu. Huu..u.,Ul., feeand the further sum of Bixtv-four and 89-100 which has in its three years existence re ceived a happy weloome in many thous ands of homes. As the objeot in giving away these val uable presents is to advertise sod at tract attention . to Thb Happy Homb, which is'a handsomely illustrated month ly publication devoted to Literature, Fashion, Stories and Art, every list of words must be accompanied with tbree two-cent stamps (six cents) for a trial copy of this favorite borne journal con taining full particulars, list of presents, and rules regarding oontest. You may reoeive a valuable reward for your trouble. Address THE HAPPT HOME, 360 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111, (64.891 Dollars costs: and. whereas, by said judgment it was ordered and adjudged that the following described real property, to-wit: BW)4 oi section ya in i p. i nortn, range a, c. n. m.: be sold to satisfy said judgment, costs and ac cruing costs. I will, on Saturday, the 25th day of April, 1896 at 2 o'clock, P. M., of said day, in front of the uourt House in Heppner. Morrow :oumy, Oregon, sell the right, title and interest of the said Defendants in and to the above described Eroperty at Public Auction to the highest and est bidder for cash In hand, the proceeds to be applied to the satisfaction of said execution and all costs, and costs that may accrue. 21-34. U. W. nAKKlNUTUN, Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon. Dated March 16, 1896. Aa AaVlavIl Tbia Is to certify that on May lllb. I walaad to Meltok's drat stora on pair or emloliM ana bong hi boll of Chamberlain's I'aio Halm for tnflamnie lory rhenmeliam which bad ertppl) ma op. A'tor nainc tbres ltt!a am eonv pletolr enml. 1 can cheerfully recnm Btaod it. ( harlee U. Wiel, Banbury, la, riwora and nberribe.l to bef r ma na August It, ltt Walter Hblpman. J. V. For eat at fa) ant per bull by LiTK fnmta liavo Almost ruined the) fruit crop in Morrow county, Winter in tbo projor (jkid ia much more Mtisfnctorj than to Lave it cIioiumhI up ia littU biU nJ diilribuUttWU along through "Bf OiA t)w,1it iwiilrn mnntVia. I Tilt Kwx io.-Mr. W. A. John i i !.i . .J r i I0". k t J" ret'iraeJ from a lil It I- miJ that the anU Do1rh u upnPf b(U rrM-pf fof CiPD were pabl monry last inUr rwj inM u Mrr,w,o6lf tieiter. to fight the) ttlo rl tliA Urcgonian. In-, Hhrep tii)er are tinmiia la lb Th frion.l tf Mr. iK.lj.h bJ IwU . " f'm II m toil a for W let that matter drop. A good '''"B !"'"' '',J . ths logiaUbirt Could tll .,,,. w, Mwg eneo,,.,,, l0c atnrira ami rov thora that they m, iblog ta f,ii,l ,.r them, the wcra ou the rttig aide to get ny fall bcl having n.u:nJ material rnorey for their totiv I damair ditrliist th aitiUr and a larg jiteage tif sitrtntf sria I liug tia -T.M. UmK of Hiniati'a )Htog plaice dwo at 1'tirtUnd-the xxMn-l ward --wMl.K't.' l is HuIIiraa'e to . .!.... .. 1....... .. t - lUI..u wm's lh,,..!,,..,,! rnr., fMetirtiil Uie ofllfcri r ndmtorf 1 to Uip Lie ' r" Vt wn a Wert.. Ihe Ills r .. C-t.l )kl M , ettw tuor than tall th Ills (4 men. Kail's ('luvef IIm4 Piles I Piles! itching Files. bymptoms Moisture; intense ltohins and stintting; most at night; worse by scratching. It allowed to continue tnmors form, whioh often bleed and nlcerate, becoming very sore. Swaynbb Oiktiibnt stops the itching and bleed ing, heals ulceration, and in most oases removes tbe tnmors, At drnggists, or by mail, for 60 Cents. Dr. Swayu A Hon, Philadelphia, V Cbnrch Announcement. An Easter service, consisting of songs and anthems and followed by a resur rection sermon, will bo oouduoted in the M. E. obnrob, Hon Hi, Unnday evening. The service in the morning is dismissed, it being tbe quarterly meeting oooaaiou at the M. E. church. O. II. IIowahd. jrrwhl'le sorprixe to (- a'.U Jie cf billion It ill an rereons in J H colu to leau tli .t -f"n.t relief may b had by latlnir HttulMTlaio Oulifl Uuolr and liarrtxtea Itemed?. I many InaUoee the attack may d pre venlej by talma this remeJy aa eooa a tha first ymtnm of lb d appear. L'S aoj 60 eenl bottles for aai by Onoaer A Uroct, drag giat. PlATM At IlABttMAM Tb tldJen death olUeo. A. ltrown, Ihe UarJman buiicee man, yeeterday a boot noon,ur- prtaej peopl her very moob, thoogh hi ever llloee wa well kaoaa. air ltroa and lauily speat avrJ days in luwa last wea, lea? leg tat bm on FriJay. II ol well at that lim. bating a very vr rolJ which aooo devellJ into pReannoia. VI r, liroaa leave a wtf ai4 ynuog ebtlj to niooro hi nalimely demiee, beatJ" a boat of Ira trteoJ. Mr. Urowa wa a geaUl, wblle4 man and strictly baor abl. Ilia death mean aa Irreparable las In the county an J eotnmastty. U wm a member i( tha I O. O. F an t to dunl l inl-froenl Will nouf at Hard maa aaJer th aoeie of tbat order. SHERIFFS SALE. NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN THAT UNDER and by virtue of an execution issued out of the Circuit Court of the Htata of Oregon for tne county 01 morrow on siarcn 10, imk, ano to me directed and delivered, upon a judgment rendered and entered in said court on the 5th day of March, liCJO, in favor of The Northern counties investment mist (Mmited) Planum, and against O. W. Stewart, James D. Hamilton, O. W. Harrington. Administrator. Addie Parvin ann j. n. Drown, perenuanis, tor uie sum oi Thirteen Hundred Two and 4-100 (1M.04) Doll ars, with Interest thereon from March 5, lX'.Hi, at tne rate of eight per cent per annum ana une Hundred Dollars attorney's fee, and the further sum of Fifty-live and W-100 (l"5.60) Dollars costs; and, whereas, by said judgment it was ordered A WOOL MARKET. This has become an established market for Eastern Oregon, Washington and Idaho wools. Last season three million pounds were received here by rail from Huntington, Baker City, Heppner, Arlington, and from Yakima, Spokane, Lewiston, Walla Walla and Intermediate stations. Low freight rates are given on shipments to Pendleton for scouring and packing In transit. Many of the leading buyers make this place headquarters, and all large opera tors frequently visit Pendleton warehouses.. As a market this place is equalled only by The Dalles In quantity of wool which attracts competition, with this advantage : From no point in the Northwest, Portland included, is wool shipped East at less ex pense than from Pendleton. Water competition has not afforded suf ficiently low rates upon wool in the g rease and dirt, to equal the lower expense in curred by shipping only clean, scoured wool from Pendleton. Owing to this fact Pendleton buyers are enabled to pay as much or more for wool at this point than Is averaged at other places having reputations as "high markets," based upon exceptional sales of fancy lots of light wools. Considering character of wool, and shrinkage, it may safely be claimed that the average sales In Pendleton Net the Grower more Cash for the same amount of wool than can be obtained in any other Market in the State. and adjudged that the following described real rty. V'4, KMHE'4,and NV VU of BWV section costs and accruing costs, l will, on proper WV4 31, and 8W of K. It. W. M to-wit: TheWHofHWUofsectloHM, of NWW, R RE'i.and N WVof BK! section : bwm section 2, an in ip. on, be sold to satisfy said judgment, A fact Worth Knowlnf. Consumption, Ln Itrippe, t'ncuincuia and ail Throat and Lung dwenses are en red by rihiloh's Cure. For sale by ells & arrun. Tub Convention Coxtest. Mr. W. R rarsona, Ella's postmaster, visited the oonvfntii-n last Saturday as a delegate, but as Well Springs precinct bad no for- Innately elected two seta of delegates, tb committee on credentials settled tbs matter by giving John Dandy, W. B. Parsons, Asa Thompson and W. Drunk, by Asa Thompson, prosy, one-hslf rote each. Mr. Parsons gave bis one-balf yote to Mr. Handy, bnt remained aa ao interested spectator tbrongbout tb en tire proceedings. Tbe republicans all hop tbat Ibis unfortunate incident a as settled satisfactorily to all and tbat do bard feeling eiiat. Saturday, tha 25th day of April, 1896 at 2 o'clock, P. M., of said day, at the front door I oi the (Jotirt House in Heppner, Morrow county, Oregon, sell tlie right, title and interest of the! said Defendant In and to the above described property at Public Auction to the highest and best Wilder for cash ln hand, the proceeds to be applied to the snttHfactlon of said execution and I costs, and costs that may aecrne. 24 III. (. V. HARRINGTON, Hherlli of Morrow County. Ureaon. pHted March 1(1, 1MK1. SHERIFF'S SALE. NOTIt'E IMHKREBY GIVES THAT t'NDER ami by virtue of an execution Issued out of the Circuit Court of the tilnte of Oregon for the Comity of Morrow, March 1(1, lMitl, and to um llrect-, mm oltvercl upon a Judgment rendered and entered In said court on the 2d day of March. 1N', in favor of Ihomns I.. Dor- mini, I'lHiiiuu, una nttninst xeorge w. junain, 1'efetnlKiit, for the sum of sixteen Hundred and Mlnty-tlve HA-,ii Dollars with Interest thereon Itoin Mnn-li A. I v,. at the rate of ten per rent per milium and One Hundred Dollars attorney s I lee ami the lurtneriiim oi Twenty uollarscoata: and, whereas, by said Judgment it was ordered no eojuugeu that the following described real p. s a, K. 2 E. w. M , be sold to satisfy I The Thoroughbred Running Stallion stand the season at will BILL) CORDON S STABLE, Ipr, fe. .... I., said I will, on wlnr art proierty, Ui-wlt: NK and of in i p. a a, k. 2 a. w. m , ie som to Judgment, costs and aocrtilng cost. Saturday, the 26th day of April. 1696 at 2 o'clock P. M., of said day, at the front door of the Court Honseln Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon, sell the right, title and interest of the said Defendant In and to the above desrritied hnierty at Pulille Auction to the highest and Terms: 20 for the season. All marcs over one from the same stable will be bred for 5 less, each. Swamp is a Dark Bay, 16 hands hioh; Star in face, Two white FT ON LEFT SIDE, AND WEIGHS 1150 POUNDS. s9c1llCr9 Bwamp by Leon: first dam. Oregon Rosa, she by Tiptop: h by tra-' id. Oregon Knee property i riiniie auction 10 ine nigneai aim . r-""r . ' -.. ., no t,7 In-at bidder for cash In hand, the tiiwewls to be PortI1 r,"": T1P"P nraldam. Brthrey, she by Imporu-d Bonnie Heotlam applle.1 to the satisfaction of said esecuUon and I "rrt dam. Urapeahot; sh by Buekahot; he by Imported Huckton; third dam, in costs, and coats Uial may accrue. Take Himmnni Liver Regnlatnr to pre. rent iltnea from the malarial Miiaon blob eotUM with th spring month Hiramon Liver Itegntstor i a mild laiatlv tbat cleanse lb system and pnrifle tb blond. An eioelleot alter ative and loiitd for tb spring. "I bar been very much Improved In health by taking bimmons Liver IWgalator." M. Newport, Williamsburg, Ky. rrealdent Hmead, of tha Morrow County Kepnblioan Club, inform lb UbEelt thai tber will ba no meeting neit HatoMay night. However, on th 11 th Inst, tb usoai meeting will be held. All Keeaaiaea It. Ask your pbyslciao. your druggist and your frieods abnol tihllnu'a Car tor IVinantnption. They will renmnad it For sal by Well k Warren atril t rer kmmt Tea ke a tr cure t r llea.1. ke aaj af v-u iI.msws. N"tl.Uig relieve HQuliy T sal by Well A A erren. Tb regular sobecription prio of tb rVml -Weekly (lasetta t I2.S0 and tb regnlar prir of tb Weekly Oregnnlaa la 11.50. Any on snbaenbieg for lb Oaietl and paylrig for ou year in advance ran get both tha Clasell and Weekly CJr.-g,.n tao tor 1:1.50. All o'.d so b son ber paying their snWriplloris fur oa year to advaoo will be en tilled p the same. It fsatea live Kvery lay. Thoiisao la p( eae of dxtsuoiptioe, Asthma, Cnagtis, Cohls an ) Cmnp are ear4 vry dy by hbiloh'a Cur. For ale by Welle A W arren, 4 . . hf ea, T. elly iitilf, is tt tar. ,i J i kind of painting aiid paper haiiiiifg an I will da lHie clean ine and tV up ftu I nt ilien raipela, l)l!(.e i-q .Ui.l air -ef, i-pit! t, I't bh I. (i. V.. HAkklNOTON. Sheriff of Morrow Couuie. UrtmiL . . . . . ihihki siaren in, SHERIFF'S SALE. NOTU R 18 IIF.RKBY OIVKN THAT t'NDER and by virtue of an execiitkm taaned out I of the 1'lreiilt enurt of Ihe Mat of Orraon for tne t iiiiiiiy oi Morrow, on March In, 1, and to ma illreele and delivered, upon a Judgment rendered and tillered In said Court on the Mb day of Uarvh, Ikm, In favor of K. P Hushes, I'lalntln. and airalnat Henry aelly. Itelemlant. for th aunt of seven Hundred Forty-erven and .SMiU ri;7.1v7) Dollara, 1th interest there on from March the eth. lwa, at the rate of ten per rent, per annum and Riity iMdlars attorney s fee. and the further sum ol Tkirf..l,rii. inn it.. ..II lll.n . and. whereaa. hyaald Judiinenl It was ordered and llul(eil that the lollowlne deerrlbeit mtl propsrty, Ui wit: Miiuth half of the north half of serllon lntT two, and weal ball of eerllon Iweiiiy-lhree. all In township two ann Iwemy aeren rut, w. M , ne S"ln to JutUinent, fosla and arc ruin etau. Saturday, the 26th day f Aaell. 1806 al 2 o'elnrk f, M.. of said day. at th front dint Ikal'Miri llntiM In ll.hhu.f U...H,. Orea-nn, aell ail the rlht. till and Interval oi tbeaald liefendanl In and lolheabova diwrlhed r-rmaerlT al r bile Aurtlun to Ihe htrhetl and beat l.l l lrr lirf raah In hand, the pnreeds is be tilled In Ine aaiiaiaetimt of said eseeulloa and all e.ta, and euata that may aerena i et. i. W. HRHIMII1. Miertgof Morrow Couuty, Oregim. iNkieu Harra ia. ia. sllEHltrsSALE. joTiri in timr HT UlVgW THAT rspyg il an. by virtue of an eorulkm laol out of IheClreull I'mirt of the aula of Oreaoa Ik the! nunly of March 17. l. and in in ill reel. I an.) delivered. tir-'B lu.lfmenl reiideee.1 ant ettteee.1 la aaid ( ntirt on lbe i. day .at March. In lavnr of Itaim w Mar- rti(Um. aa the AdntluUiraliir ol the Ftalf lamrm W. eteeart, 4Het, I'lainlllf. and Klnil James i II a mil inn, hr '. Hamilton, J N. Hroan. ad He l anln, and The Slnrihera t iMitiliM Inveatmenl Tr, HJmllnl) llen. anta lor ilieaMm ol One Thonaand Idolars will. i,lerel thero.n In June ;l. Ia. al the rata oi len fcet eenl ft annum and una Hundred axl t aenly S IMtara attorney a lea. and the ro-thet s-ita ih immtiii and an l-ai Niiaf and. vheteaa. bf aich lu lrmenl it m orier. anl a.l)n-laet hi tha f4.U1.aib d rriMq n4 peij-rnf, wan of rw. ew - arrima n lesa. a r. vi.h, and e ol S and URte of aW a-ril-Mi 4, and hvt'. an.M, is lp 1 1, I I, I. , II , baantd W. aaiuty anil judfmenl, (.( IM anrrnln e-ala I "l.l. mi Saturday, the 2St day ef Aae4l,1696 Mlnrinir M , of aal-l dar, al lta front dt , Ihe i irt It.Hiae In I1e.ptr Huovia I onntv. H-.n. a-ll Ihe rtiflil III. anl llilerrat of J al. m f.-ila -la In iM " ih ( d-tl- i... i .1 h,i.-ir aw than tn lha i!i an-l M 14 I I. 1 I. I h la ha... Ihe .na wla to la f.,.al it. 1 . aatl.'a. it.a aaid aaaruim eet a-i caia, and ta thai n-ay ac re mm. n Maani'it.tie'i, a,en7 nf M .fit. a I .on,!, al.l W.rh U. Ia. I John Morgan; b by Imported Boverelan. bailie Morgan, by Can furnish rood pasture at tl.25 ner moLth cer hpatL RArricA fee payable when mare ia served, either by cash or good note, GEO. C. AIKEN, Owner. WHITE COLLAR LINE. ii' 1 11 in I it i lma uivcr ana m imwmwi Staacn TELLTDONE, BAILEY GiTZERT iXD OCEAK WAVE n 1 1 10 on tion to .nlh'Tani, A"' I aaid I'ark and N'abcotta. Dir I wfii, on road; also at 1 Clil.-t J Lira, Ihe Veil kan .l timer in l a ai,uiial I, tie, L a aki l-te. ! Ilrpprier. b t t-U'eliae.J 1 " SaJa, llr.-ea lll.eea' sie-li. Mnir building Ten al.ara of et. k ia H e Ntrbal hmii 1 1, file b IL (l.atl.y will , r(.k of II-1 t-rr. A I lre 1U bard T reria! a r)l a bea ia !. f,T. Ilerea, Arbagton, Uraftxi, e4lf. I tiree opiK. lappr Portland, for Astoria. Ilveeo, Long Deaeh, Ooeaa ireot aonneetioo with llwaeo eieamer and rail Yoang'a Bay with Seashore lUitroad. TDIiHrnONB Uavs Portland 7 A. M . Daily. ecpi Sunday. Leaves Astoria T P. M. Dally, eirept ggaday. UA.IXjU'V sT ATtr.-n -n era Leaves Portland S P. M lially, eieatd Sunday. HaiuMav ni.hi n s m i . cd Sunday and Monday, eunday aifl't.7 p. U OOBAH7 WAtTTl Laave Portland and runs dlrart to llwaeo. Tuae1ay and Thursday at S A M kinnl., .new UavM li.. We-lnealay ,4 Friday al raj A. M 0".f M r M 1 ' " h?p$ Checic4 to Poibii Desticatioi M Brki Frte sf Erpta Poe Safety. Speed. Comfort. Pleaene. Travel oa the T.lephooa. B allay Oataart and Oeaaa Wava. The CITY BAKERY Ii bow epea with freeb nreaJ. lie, t,, eon.lantly oa bead Waddief Cake or Faalery for sp-eial dioser Uk4 ta ordr. AUo esrrie a Una of at 11 selected Orooori. Caniie?, Nuts, Cigars, Tobacco, etc. TWO LUNCH TABLES Will ba kept lr Hi a4wirKdeir.a t,f lb tra,!-. Ometry I m. tapping I.p.vrri In Inwn. e. , Ih ' 1 - "" et y cheaply at tb CITY IIAKKUV Tbo ratronagu of tb VVU uf lUmt i rutfallj 8.,licilmL OTTO FttlEDRICII, Old BaKcry Stand, HEPPNER, ORE. .4 )