OFFICIAL - sV PAPER MY SUCCESS Is owing to my liberality in ad verting Robert Bonner. FREQUENT AND CONSTANT Advertising brought me all own, A. T. Stewart. i 4 III III l imitM! Mil I'll 1 1 1 MtMMtlttM4 1 1 . .mi '3 1 i - TUUKlUCJNMi YEAK .HOTNRR. MOBPHW SEMI WEEKLY GAZETTE. FCBLISHKU Tuesdays and Fridays BY HE PATTERSON PUBLISHING COMPANY. OTIS PATTERSON. . . . Editor A. W. PATTERSON, . Business Manager At tt.50 per year, $1.25 for six months, 75 cte. Cor three muntas. Advertising Rates Made Known on t - Application. THI8 PAPKR ie kept on file at E. C. Oake's Advertising Agenoy, 04 and 65 Morchauta Bxiohangs, San Fraucisoo, California, where cou racta for advertising can be made for it. 0. R. & N. -LOCAL CARD. Train leaves Heppner 10:30 p. ra. dally, except Sunday. Arrives 6:15 a. ra. daily, except Mon day. West bound passenger leaves Willows Junc tion 1:13 a. m. ; east bound 8:;i0 a. m. Freight trains leave Willows Junction going east at 7:25 p. m. and 8:47 a. m.; going west, 4:30 p. m. and 5.56 a. m. OFriCIAL DISBCTOBT. United States Officials. President.. Graver Cleveland Vice-President Ad ai Stevenson Secretary of Htate Richard 8. Olney Secretary of Treasury ....Jehn Q. Carlisle Secretary of Interior Hoke Smith Secretary of War Daniel S. Laniont Secretary of Navy Hilary A. Herbert Postinaster-Qeneral ..William L. Wi son Attorney-Ooneral Jndson Harmon Secretary oc Agriculture J. Sterling Morton State of Orngoa. Governor..... w. P. Lord Secretary of State H. R. Kincald Treasurer..... Phil. Metanhan Hoot. Panne Instruction O. M Irwin auuruBy uenerai (j. in. Id'eman Senators i ti. W. MoBride ( J. 11. Mitchell t Hiniror Hermann Congressmen .... Printer " ( W. It. Rllia ( R. 8. B n. luprems Judges F. A. Moore, ( C. E. Wulver olverton Sixth JniliMul l)ltrl,.f Circuit Judge Stephen A. Lowell iwkuudk Aitonu'y jonn il. ijawray norrow l oom j umiuais. Joint Henator A. W. Oowan Representative. J. 8. Bonthhy ':nnty Judge Jnlins Keilhly Commissinnnr J, R. Howard J. M. Baker. H :!rk.. .T.W. Morrow ' nnenn (i. W. Harrington Trnaanrer Frank- (ii Ilium Anwor J. i"'. Willi Surveyor.- Omi. Lord ' School 8up't Anna Balsiger Coroner T.W.Ayem,Jr HIFFNTB Town omavas 'laroi ... .Thos. Morgan C mnr-Hinart O. K. Farnsworth. M. Ltohtenthal. (Mis Pattorw.n, T. W. Aysrs, Jr., a. o. nunisr, c. m. ciooara. KaRnnler If J Hll.u.b fVeasiirer E. L. Fre'lund Marshal A. A. Robert PlfCIBft OflllHrfi w u.Liir. 111 ww f mm,,., ... . . r., r rapinaq Constable N. H. WheUlone T ...,!... nf ,k - n . , United Mates Una OrHmra. J. 9. Moor,....'.. A. 8. Biggs ..cas DALLES. OB. Ili'glstcr Jtsonivr B.F, Wilson... i. H. Kubbins. LA OBAM Dl, O. Reg(tr Keoeivsr KAWUN8 post, O. A. B. M seta at Lexington, Or., the Isst gatarday of ft monUi. All veterans are Invited to loin. C. Bona. limn. W Msm Ailiataot. tf Cotninu.ter. LUMBER! tXTI RAVB FUR HAl.K AM. Klsrw or AN f dressed Lumber. IS mile of Ueppner, al wum mm mm BOOTT SA.WMZZjIj. PER 1,000 FEET, KOUMM, . -h CLEAR, - 1 1 00 17 40 I f DELIVERED IK HKPPNIR, WILL ADD The above quotations are strictly for Cash. L HAMILTON, Prop. national Bank oi lm. ww. rcLAtn. to. . bihhop, PrMUeat. Caakler. TRACTS A 6EXEa.lL BANKING BUSINESS OOLLKCTIONS Male 00 Favtirable Twin EXCHANGE BOUGHT 4 SOLI, OEITKEa tf OREGON Ootario-lloros Sluie Line BflflSS-SiSfiEUIE M. A. WILLIAMS, P op OXTAHlODUnSS laM flnrna Dally at g k m ao l ar rive Hi OiUfi- iii 43 ho tin. Single Fore $7 BO. Round Trip $10.00 mT"Tkt9utm trtti rt tmtt fwt sib4. iiunxs-cAxrox mi I "V" ilv H If tpn n.H. few rnnt In Inl.rtut tmm I" .ft,-t mM ts i. a la r.unn, friiMTiiis s4 Utfit KM al iaraa, 04 Aswi4&3ti y K hi lU lim It IM Vswilf fr"iea, ih t ''( aprf t1 lhs Wa-I. H ill Ikf1 -. t vot If 1 aJ 1 M H S.Hr tiphaik MtHtni h ! IM wlalsi, nMa will M its)tis mm t litfil j . . f"Wt ".a, XMtM tl fH(f, Cos i MJ toWrlU. ITHE KINQ CURE - AAA '55 OWEN ELEOTRIO BELTS AND APPLIANCES INSURE TO THE SICK THESE GREAT POINTS OF ADVANTAGE OVER ALL IMITATORS 'i't Etcctrle Cnr. rt-in niibeimraedl soothiiiar to the tnntt senslliTe. The scrensrth of the ourrent Is under the nnmnlntA mn. tiol of the wearer, so muth so that a child may be treated and cured by tho same power of Belt necessary tor the strong. est man. 'IIIUI M 11 V . nv wcuilinca AHI NECESSARY. . a . ? a11 oheaP (B0-aned) Eleotrio Belts and fraudulent imitations of our Electric Belts and Appliances, as these are an Imposition, upon the suffering. maaT S,-0,!6 EIlE9P TBUSS Is th moat retentive and curative Truss made lor the radical cure of Rupture, . Germlslh "n?8 J.6nd ,for onr U, I"iMtrate Catalogue in English, mnJi1;i-iH0nre8.taJ 'anW: talng medical facta, sworn statements of oures made ana aesoriptions of Belts and Appliances. Address THE OWEN ELECTRIC BELT AND APPLIANCE CO, 203 to 211 State Street, Chicago. Are the Highest of all High Grades. Warranted superior to any Bicycle built In the world, regardless of price Do not be induced to pay more money for an Inferior wheel. Insist on having the Wavt rley. Built and guaranteed by the Indiana Bicycle Co.. s million dollar concern, whose bond is as good as gold. 211b. SCORCHER $85. 221b. LADIES' $75. INDIANA BICYCLE CO., HOMER H. HALLOCK, Indiakapolis, Imd., U, 8. A Gen. Agent for Eastern Oregon, Pendleton, Or. S YOU CAN BUY 25.00 worth of dry goods and groceries and then have enough left out ofllOO 00 to purchase a No. 1 Crescent Bicycle. This Is a first-lass machine. Why then pay 1100.00 for a bicycle that will give no better service T CRESCENT "Soorcher," weight 70 pounds, only J0. Ladles' and Gents' roadsters all the way from $50 to 174. "Boys Junior, only i0 with pneumatic tire a good machine. "Our 8peclal," Men's 30; Ladles', IJ0. ADD REUS. WESTERN WHEEL WORKS, CHICAGO AND NEW YORK, Or e THE PITTCRSOX Pll t Heppner, Oregon, A gnu for su MORROW AMD GRANT Counties. h Eeoley Institute -''CC'Cw''' d 1 r'r & TMU.S. GOVERNMENT 0 PAYING MILLIONS A MONTH f (?i ft) ? ft) ft) ft) To person wtia irvt4 n Hit tt of h LWrd Sfsirtef to thtlf Wi4w, ChiUrtn, or TsitfUt. Do Von r-iv 1 rntion 1 M4 Vm rtU ivt in tht War of th RcNIUatf, In4ias or Milca Wart on whom yoa 4e rd4 fjf tupptirt t THOUSANDS ARE ENTITLED UNDER THE NEW LAW Te) rertivt frnon, he fi'-w do rot. ThM4i tinkt ff nrsr Uw- rt "l.iU4 to lncrf of fnum, fht rnvtrnmtnl wt il lo you nj is witting mI AnskMit to rtjr. Why not prtacttt yr claim at this fat ? Your ptnslo Aattt front lh time) ytM ppty, Mow Is the? Ktrritd hour. M Um mJ tmvipUro Inbprmatioa. Ko Qitfft ior tdvka. H PrO n1s tut(ctful. c The Press Claims Company f-7) riliUr w. AVIXLTT, OtfxraJ JUipr, ,S P MnH' WASmNOTON. D. C ft) X A-rn fMSMf is -MJ a aw w tmt mm . - a.i-i. jluiii ? t OVER ALL FOR IS It ean be changed from positive to negative ourrent In a moment. They have and are cur ing thousands of cases of Rheumatism, Chronta Disesmea and Nervon Ail snenta In man and woman (from any cause) where long oontlnued medieal treatment! ailed to oure. FACTS A.1XI FACTS ! . For the Curo o Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habit II It lonsled at Ralera, Orvgon, TU Mutt Deautiful Town on (A Cbort fll at the O.tmrrs elRnt fw irnita trtrtly eotifldsatlal. Treauaeat prtrsteaud sure cure. 8 ft ft) ft) ; vtgaT . Um, COUNTY, OREGON, THE POPULIST STATE TICKET. The people's party state conveotion was held in Salem on Friday, sod they pat the following tioket io the field: Congressman, first district W. 8. Van djrburg of Coos county. Second district, Martin Qudd of Maltnomab. PresirleDtial eleotors. Harry Watkins, W. D. Hare, H. H. Spaugh and M. L. Olmstead. District attorney, sixth district, Wil liam Parsons. Judge, eigbtb diatriot, K. J. Slater. Diatriot attorney, eigbtb district, H. E Ooartney. Joint senator, Umatilla and Union oonnties, O. Teel. Chairman state central committee, J. C. Yonng of Baker. The platform reaffirms the funda mental principles of. the Omaha plat form; favors the initiative sod referen dum, redaction of official salaries and free and unlimited ooioage of silver at 16 to 1. tlOO Reward, 1100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that soienoe has been able to onre in all its stages nd that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now kuown to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a con stitutional treatment. Hull's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, aoting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, therebv dpatrnvino ha fn. dation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the QuuatuuMon ana assisting nature iu do ing its work. The proprietors have so much faith iu its curative powers, that they offer one hundred dollars for any oase that it fails to cure, tiend for list 01 testimonial. Addresa, F. J. Chbney 4 0i , Toledo, O. tSold by uruggists, 75o. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE NOTES. As the football season is over, the boys have got the base ball fever. The total enrollment now at the cnl leg is 394, but will reaoh tbn 400 mark by tbe beginning of next term. Tbo first college paper, called the Uollege Barometer, came out March 16. it Is edited by tbe studeuts and will be issued monthly. Tbe end of thsseoond term will oln.e this week. All examinations must be held before March 27. when tba grades will bo made out ami aeot to the parents, Tbe O. A. 0. dairy is running with good result. Farmers are oontinuallv bringing in milk to have it tested, to see iftbeiroows pay for keening tbem or oot. Pro. Fbaw is busy tenting the differ. ent kinds of hay for oattte. The ra. su'ts are fsrefnlly noted and some fslo oepuini win be gained along that lino. Tbabovsara tsltina lt...t I.. prepariaii a track fur thw int niu,.i.i. contest which romes of! io June. The raco tra'k will ha fl'teen feet aid and qnanr of a mile log. Btcdiht. Uoretllis, March, 26 196 ytsrs' slamlitig carea ty him. He pablistiMa vslasble work on this dls- easa,whkli e scads with a tie of his ahliita rnr, fr to aay aurTe,.rs who m.r esnd itidr '. o, and .l r. t . &. . . ithlrtf a rur in sit'lrf- 4C4arCUevTer WANTrn.AM irtrA Wbaraathla thing to pat-ott Prrrfwt your W-as-.i hey may fonf o wealla. Writs JHN WgliUKIU KHfi ,,orw,. Waliia(ua, li.ia.iof twr !. prise oa. .. , . . of aoo simple -TO TUf- EAST AND SOUTHEAST vii T3E ra pacific srsrw I kiek Puliataa fslsre K,p.n. fntillal aiMMM k nil V m y.ti.t.. , t i . - r - - - ........ V Care 1-AiLY Uhbvfu. Maay hnnrs eavH via this line U taetora rlala $TC4M HT, PlKTICH LIGHTS L.OWISMT MATItst, It. It. BAXTER, 6V. Agtml, I itrltnnH. Vrtoom . J. V, It ART, Ayi, lhipmr,Otgn. Cummings 8c Fall, r0BR CT0$ Of the 014 RsllsUe Gault House, tHICAOa ILL, s wst ta rw4 es4 IMiaLlf Klif4a. il 1 IUJ vvr;: nirPii II JHslM St rial m ma ! YWM SBU.tss Mll f A V FRIDAY, APRIL 3, i . WASHINGTDN LETTER. Prom our Special Correspondent. ThsCasoade Timber Reserve matter is now before tbe president and all the Correspondence thereof has been laid beforo him It oousists of a letrt writ ten by Senator Mitohell in behalf of the members of the Oregon delegation, and eigaed by them, deecriptiou of territory desired to be excluded from the reserye, maps accompanying suoh description, letter of the commissioner of the gen eral land office, indorsing tbe sugges tions of tbe delegation and petitions of settlers and others who have been in juriously effected by tbe oreation of tbe reserve. The letter of tbe delegation oalls at tention to the fact that the Cascade Timber Reserve inoludea a vast extent of territory extending through tbe state from the uorthern to within thirty miles of tbe southern boundry and of an average width of forty miles, containing a area of about 4,000.000 aores. It states that the people of Oregon and their representatives in congress did not pro test at tbe time the reserve was created beoatise they did not realize its magni tnde and the many serious objections to it, nnd that they the members of the delegation believe that it is tbe general sentiment of the people of the state, irrespective of party, that the proclamation of the president oreatint? such reserve should be modified. The delegation, in view of tha faots laid before them and the Detttiona and expressed wishes of the people of Ore gon reoommend, that the proclamation be so modified as to create three reser vations instead of one. One to be oalled tbe Mt Hood Public Reservation and to contain 822,000 acres in tbe vioinity of, and surrounding Mt. Hood. A sec ond to be oalled the Crater Lake Reser vation and to contain 922.000 aores io the vioinity of and surrounding Crater Lake. A third to be called the Mt. Jef ferson Reservation to contain about 30,000 aores io the vioinity of and sur rounding Mt. Jefferson. Tbe aggregate number of acres is to be exoluded from the reserve and thrown open to oocnpatioo and settlement to be about 8,320 000. The letter shows tbe hardships that tbe reserve, as at present established, baa worked on hundreds of settlers, and tbe lack of wisdom and undesirability of withhold ing such an Immense tract f the public domain, as ts now included in tbo re serve, from noenpation and settlement. Tbo letter with tbo accompanying dornments was referred to the secretary of tbe interior, and from him to tbe commissioner of lbs land offloe, for con sideration and opinion. The opinion of tbe commissioner tread the matter exhaustively. Qe says tbe statement of facts shows that tbe present reserve has left settlers, several hundred Io nnmber, entirely isolated without nelah- bora, schools or churches for all time to oonie, and that tbe explosion for local inn and developing tba Isrua areas of mineral lands wblob lie wii,ln lbs reserve, seriously Interferes with tbe development of tbt natural resooroea of tha stato. Ho also refers to tba faot Ibat a large portion or Eastern Oregon is almost wholly devoted to storkraising and tbo people bad therefore had free accras to tbe eaataro alone, of tho Cas cado mountains for tho enmrorring i f their flocks, more than 400,000 sbeep having taeb rwsnrrieg summer baeo driven from tbo hot and dried. ud nlalua to tha erxil shades of lbs mountain slopes, front which saoaas tbey are bow prohibited beauseof lbs eatahliabmenl of tha reserve. He further says thai tha statement of facts shows ibat a railroad has for years beo eotistrootad from Yaqtiloa bay running to point itblo tba present reearve, and Ibat II would ba oawiao aad oontrarr to tba polio usually pursuad by Ibo govern- mem to bave tbo Isods for a distance of forty Kites along tbo lino of this rail roai inoloJe.! In tbo oblle reaervallou. Tbo eororolns loner it tba ooacluaioa of bis opinion says: "After aarafol oonsbleratioo of tbo ontiro msltat. I an eonetfaload lo reeorameot a subdivi sion of tbo SXiaHeg Ceeoeda Forest Ha. sarvo as prayed for, A.y. fr0B1 lbt doabifal polley of I ha withdrawal froa tbo polilio domala of so large aleela tract of lae la eae atata. etMebiag so it dos from tbo Dorlhero la tha aoatb. booodsry. and loolaJiag 4.010.000 ara, it would sm that tbo great fundamental eoeaaities f tbo eetab liahnatit of sirb a rerve. to witi tba oonaotvalKMi of ibe wetter aepply, aad Iba prrvatina tA tiaW do sxit iet bara. Tbo rail fall in Ibat serlioa a p. aara In ba saffleiantly abuorlaat, aorl prndaaal by eaoaea wbieb wootd rem.U Jtsl as tky now rtiel, if tba wttre a'ae ernMs.J a fana ivta- mi1. bo redosxl Ut afiirullarat It farther- aopeare Ibat Iba raaxte it ia ftot fl t tttwe.i as in ataka It eHbHreaal dsalrabta .tr the preaafve- wa tT Iba fnrM smslK than, tU fa ee 1 m ftw able Ui oVUialh. tba 'l.'a frlaxl sub-livisioha a, II a-ffla. -ally ttrrearve !hes loOiltH, whtek aaefat f aa'arel ailraritwa abwalj awtalai rt I l4 (r ia elllet H 0 b atlf toao of ho asaaraaa oai- "w taftla'H M Iba rraMva aal af a 'J H " -4 t ) os "ff, ! f II n.. rvws.ks 1896. Highest of all in Leavening i ' - MM oADdOIstlTECV PURE Water supply wbioh the nnrlnralirna citizens and farmers are thoroughly sat" isnea is in excess of all neoessity. Our greatest drawback iu farming ia the exoess of tbe water supply in tbis part oitne oountry." The petitions further state that the said settlers now isolated on tbe reserve have tho painful alterna tive of abandoning their homea and thereby losing the improvements and all the labor and money expended thereon, or of bringing up their ohildren away from civilization without schools or cbnrohes, away from polling places and postoffloes and all the advantages of eooial intercourse." The plan of tho delegation excludes all mining area and all area where there were settlements at tbe date of tbe first proclamation. At the requeat of tbo seoretary of tbe interior, Senator Mitohell had a con ference a few dava aero with the resi dent, during wbioh ho weot over tbe whole ground with him. Tbo president and seoretary of tbe interior era an! no somewhat slowly in the matter because tbe national foreatry association is opposed to the reduction, or in tank an reduction whatever, of tbo reservation. Tbis band of disinterested patriots are working for posterity and do not think that tbe present generation has any rights that onr unborn ohildren are bound to respect. As thev are all nin gentlemen, soientiflo gentlemen, tbe president must give their opinions due consideration, but whether they will weigh against tbo wishes of tbe people of Oregon is a matter only timt will deoide, for be has not yet made no hia mind. Did you ever stop to tbink ahatlnrti. gestlon really means T II means simply that your stomach ia tired. If onr lam are tired, wa ride. Tbo horse and tbe team engine do tbo work. Wby not give lour stomach a ride; tbal ia, let something else do its work. Foods can be digeeted outside of tbo body. All piaots ooutsiu digestive prinoiplea wbioh will do this. Tbo Bbaker Digestive Cordial oontains digestive ptinoioles and is a preparation designed to rest Ibo tumaob. Tba Shakers themselves bave such unbounded confidence io it that tbey have placed 10 oeul sample hot ties oo tbe market, and it is said that eveo so small o quantity proves beneficial in rasjofity of tases. All druggists keep it. Laxol is tbo best medicine for chil dren. D -ctors reoommatid It la place of Castor Oil. .s Hectare's Hagaslna ror April. Madura's magasino never tails Io make good its special claim of timeli ness. Tbo April number bas for frontis piece an excellent portrait of Profeaaor Iloolgen, whom tbo German Emperor baa, attbio Ibeee few dsys, made a baroo for bis marvelous discovery of tbo cathode rays; and Ibo leading article is almost tbo Oral sooount yet given of Profeaaor Itoolgta, as seen ia bis own laboratory in tba act a el condool of bis xpsrimeDla, II is tbo rvoord of a visit nodertakeo by a opacial reprreeot stive of Iba Bsgstiae, Immediately on Iba atinonooameol of the discovery, and reports Iron Professor Itontgro'l own lips the way In wbieb bo made It and bis opinion of in aatnro and beariog. Tbo article io illustrated with camarous pbotograpbo by Ibo sew proeeaa, as w also a anpplemeetary artlolo on "Tbo Rontgea Keys io A merles," by CSsve- laad Uiyffatl. Tba new Aotbooy Hops rote sees, Le uo In this aaaiber, promises to sapply lbs Boat attraotivo evmpeoy of people and Iba most sothralling aariaa of ad. vsotorss Ibsl Iba frolifol aathtaT of Tbo Piiaoaar of Zaada baa yet areaUd. Opeeiag sbsplafa are osually a lit tie slowmoviog, bat bers laUrset ia folly aroaaaj almost from Ibo first paragraph. One of Ho eathne'a beat sfblsvemeoU also ia tba now Klpliag ballad, Hnldier an' (tailor Ton." Il baa Iba faadameatal laei wldesafsaeUveasas tbal only gMiiits Is apahlo at. A a aeoooat of Lioolu's eoarUbip sod marriage, baaed on Ibo iMtlaioay if Intlnata frUads of bla still llviag, oo pletely disproves a abeaefst story, p4 by aosao of Iba beat Ugra.a era, that Ltroln car sabjattj Iba My obo aflar wards Uoasso bio wife la Ibe oaeoaakalla bamillaltooi of abeaal teg biatawlf, wilhaoi waraiaf or eipla aatiob, n aa erraaVn aipiate4 for Ib-ir Rierriags. Aloag will) Uto te l0 aa eeeatf tttebata, aitb pas froaa a litila known at Lsarola'a, wWaeata ba ba4 Daoglea far ao Ofpoaeat sail aoatpleieiy 4Um&4 bid, Iwaaly veers bfra Iba btetano lUbata of IV4 Taa aMsraa are a bo a 4l eit aa la, C". lt"S)eea at Ifietr fell iaa of Ki'i)fijiiMiiMf it rf iiiti , , , frHKim! WEEKLY WO. 6P4 SEMI-WEEKLY NO 4281 Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report Low's "A Century of Fainting." Eliza beth Stuart Phelps tells how she pro duoed the best known of her works, "Tbo Gates Ajar." There are good stories by "Q" and Mrs. E. V. Wilson. S. S. MoClure, limited, 80 Lafayette Palaoe, New York City. During tbe winter of 1893. F. M. Martin, of Long Reaoh, West Va., con tracted a severe cold wbioh left him witbaoough. In speaking of how be cured it he says: "I used several kinds of oough syrup but found no relief until I bought a bottle of Ohamberlein'a t oogh Remedy, which relieved me almost instantly, and in a short timo brought aboat a complete cure." When troubled with a oough or oold use this remedy and you will not find it neces sary to try several kinds before you get re.ief. Ii has been in the market for oyer twenty years and constantly grown in favor and nnnnlsrits liV 60 cents per bottle by Oonser & Brook, The nerves of warm-blooded ani mals telegraph information to their brains at the rate of about 150 feet per second. When anyoue puts hia hand on hot iron he doea not feel it until tho nervea have sent tbe message to the brain, and in tho intervul hia hand haa been burned. It ia thought that thia would not lie the case if the nerve mes sage were transmitted with the inten sity and velocity of electricity trans mitted over a copper wire to a brain act ing" with tha promptness of a Ley den Jar. Food, to be properly digested, should be well and thoroughly cooked. The process of cooking promotes cer tain necessary chemical chungea, and destroys a prolific source of disease. Food and drink frequently contain poiaona which the long-continued ap plication of heat will render Innocuous. Tha practice of recommending raw or partially cooked meuts is especially bad. Such food la a heavy tax upon the digestive organs, and often acta aa a carrier for the vhua of Infcctioua dis euHea. Tho average foreicner'a limnran of things American was brought borne to a traveler in Madrid thia summer, who waa strolling through the ktreeta of that city Iu company with a Hpnniah gentleman of excellent education. Tho two puased an Inn on whose sign-board wer painted the wordsi "Cuaa Washing ton." The Spaniard pointed It out to hia companion. -Ah. we think so much of your Washington!" he auid. "He waa the greatest man of our country." The American at once felt the correct thrill of patriotic pride. "Yea," con tinued the ti her, meditatively, "hia books on Spain are a delight, and hia career here aa minister nuide him to bo admired by all." The American caught bla breath, but wlaely did not under take to diaabuaa bia friend of tbo Im pression that tha greateat American waa Washington Irving. DISttASia OP THE SKIS. Tba IllteilHa ttrlitntf inrl Imirtin. In. J dent to enema, teller, salt-rheum, and other uweasea oi me sain is instantly allayed by SIMilrlnir Chamberlain'a Fva an,l KLi. OinlmenL Many very bad cases have been permanently cured by L It is equally efficient for lulling piL-a and a favorite rem edy for sore nlpplca; chapped hands, chil blaina, fmet bitm, ami chronic sore eyes. For sals by druggists at 25 cents per box. TrrDr. radv'araailltbin Paarilflra it... are just what a horse nrla when in bad condi- ii., t E - 11 I . fit a "mc, uimxi puruier ami Vermifuge. For sale by Cooser A lirock, dmgjlsts. Your Face Will aa wvwatkea wHh a a est eefegtag SMie, after yeti latest la a lewtaatn wit tva at PINCH TENSION, TENSION INDICATOR AUTOMATIC TENSION RELEASER, TkO saeet tomplrff an I eatful drvkea tvat StUstl l' Sy etateg k'Sibine. Tb WIIITi: l Car akty ail Niadtswtly Is tit, Sf riaa riaUb ta rarfnt Aiifwist, Itwi AIL Itwakta Artlaita, Ae4 SH asrvf aa4 pht pm ep to ika t& taut af ymmr apuilMe. Artlva t'tst tai Waatin la tw kt4 iwritury, Liutl t. tn., AJn t WHITE SEV71X3 O0!HE CO,, CLCVCUUHO. O. tB " tw4 .f elrfe, . ' i, .. , ( " ,' j , s a I, Vr, ' s . f m W UmAimrm 4 Mvmn se , ( -r-r. c. j r . r . r f- r - r r