under bit on Mor- VTOC.V BRANDS. While job aap roar abortption paid ap fen upkeep roar brand In trMof oUarga. An. T. J.. lona. Or. Horaa. Gi on left ahontder: oattle same on left hip, rlaht ear. and upper bit on the left; range, row ootmtjr. Baird D. W. and sin. Horse brancind D B on the left hip; os'tle the .am. on left A"", erop off riifVit ear. nnderorop in the left. Hang, in Morrow County. Bartholamew, A. Alpine, Or. Home branded 7 E un either shoulder. Hawse in Mor- t0warnit8r,.T. W.. Harnman, Or.-Cattle brand, d B on left hip and thinh; split in eaon ear. Brenner, Peter, iooeeberry Oregon-Horses branded P B on left shoulder. Cattle same on " HroSman Jerry. Lena. Or.-Horses branded 7 on "shower; cattle B on the left side. Left ear half crop nd riirht ear upper 1P- Barton, Wm.. Heppner, Or. -Horses B on right thigh; oattle, same on right hip; split in Brown J. C, Hoppner. Or.-Horse. oircle C with dot in eei tr on left hip; oattle, same. Brown? W. J., Lena. Oregon. Horses W. bar .,7 An the left shoulder. Cattle same on left hlBoTer W. G., Heppner, Or.-Horses b9x brand on right hip cattle, same, with split m "BorTp. O., Heppner, Or.-Horses, P B on left hnnliiei" ealtlo. same on left hio. Browniee? W? J.. Von.Or-Cattlo, JB eotineoted tm"f7M ("op vn left ear and two splits and middle pi on ' out on right ear; on horses same brand oTt's .left thigh; Itange m Fox valley, Grnrm,rnWarren. Warner, Or.-Hoiaa, brand dOn" riKht etifln: cattle (three bars) on "?t.. ir,in andsolit in each ear. Hange in Grant and" Morrow oonnties. flain.ftj Uwithananer i s BrB. on range in Orant oonnty, t;ate, i;r H C on rii Wren, A. A... Heppner, Or. Honea rnnninf A A on shoulder; Cattle, same on right hip. I wing, J. 0., (Jooseoetry, Or.-Horses brand' T8 on the right ahonld-. Grant aim morn , , (t 9tinB, nnarter circle over it, on left shoulder fertshUler oniV on all horses over 5 years. All fSSChSr Vinson or Lena. Or, Horse. gni nw , rTr- -.- - - K.n .Morrow and Umatilla counties. B(",?rigairM M. Oalloway. Or-Cattle crop ;j'"r'. ..J nmlerhit. wattle m forehi - ...h nnrl nnderbit, wattle in Chalf circle C on left stifle. out head: Kange Mor- C rf T. H.T John Uay7br.-poub1e cross on each hio on oattle, swallow fork and nndei bi f? riX ear split in left ear. Kange In Grant In right ear, P' inTorted A and spear point "Snide? KarPmarkou ewes, crop on left ear onshon dor. Mr mar Wethers, crop in rndTlerbhairoropRinleftear. All rang, in ftraut, oonntv H mn rihthonl de?!at.TleJin Hghthip: ear marl square "Curl! R! ffllt-Or. -Horse.. on 'I'o'xEd. 8.. Hardman, Or -Cattle, C with Horse? branrt oraw k th'hiD,7mark int nnr.uff Bniua . GET THE BEST When yon are about to buy a Sewing Machine do not be deceived by alluring advertisement and be led to think you can get the best made, finest finished and Most Popular for a mere song. See to ft that you buy from reliable manu facturers that have gained a reputation by honestandsquare dealing, you will then get a Sewing Machine that is noted the world over for its dura bility. You want the one that is easiest to manage anu is Light Running There is none in the world that can equal in mechanical con struction, durability of working parts, fineness of finish, beauty in appearance, or has as many improvements as the New Home It has Automatic Tension. Double Peed, alike on both sides o needle (patented), no other has it ; New Stand (patented), driving wheel hinged on adjustable centers, thus reducing friction to the minimum. WRITE FOR CIRCULARS. THE HEW HOME SEWING MCH1EE CO. BAM FttAHClSCO, CAL. ATLAUTi, OA. FOR BALE BY P. C. THOMPSON CO., Agents, Heppner, Oregon. SI? e E. McNEld-. Receiver. TO THE 1E A. IT GIVK8 THE CHOICK Shoulder; , J jn. under ope , no. .. '0r -Hone, branded bmndsCl onhorse, right thigh; oa-tie same braml on right shoulder, and out off end of riDouTa. W. M . Galloway. Or.-fJattle, R D on riglirHrswailow-fork in each ear; horses, B U on loft hio. . nr ann branded ELK onE&Xiild;roIttie same on lefthip. hole in right ear. . nr.-Horses branded Kmery, o.j ":"?, .ui,i, . rmversed t witn " " , ireverseu w w Morrow oonnty. e same ouriKi.v ,, t, , with bar a VV U..nnnar I IF. I jHI.LIH. FlorHnoe,iJ. i.. '-.-v riaht right hip; horse. If honlner. Iflorenoe. 8. P. Or Horses. V on right .hoald;;V.ttiV,'F on ri.ht hip or thigh. 5" "MorroTand Umi'tiTucoaniiei'. Ran ge in Morrow na umw r,. K .Hh anr?'oirornnder Hon the right h,P. rlgeruTorrowandUmatilan 0,,i i, Liind on left tide, swallow fork in rghltrMtinlefti Range in Haystack t-.-ifr Morrow oonnty. . t r n.ii.... Or. HnrsesT (oross ;.i?r?r.hove IH on right shoulder; oattle earn. on'U'sid lUn in Morrow and DmatilU oonnties Q Or.-f!attle E H on rig"" L-hr." . .am. o?riM .houlder. Bang. In Orsnt oonnty. M.t Hannner. Or. Horae. .naaea heart on th. Wt .hoMder. Ilan.? Morrow Co. " HnnlakS?. H A, W-n . .Or.-Horae.. on left ' V-rSrST J M Hard man, Or.-Hoe.. H on '"VlS:., Lnther. K.ght Mde. Or.-Hor. H oB POPULAR MAGAZINES FOR THE m Of Two Transcontinental GREAT NORTHERN Ky. VIA Spokane MINNEAPOLIS UNION PACIFIC RV VIA Denver OMAHA A NEW WONDERLAND. Montana Has a Rival Beauty Spot tD the Yoeemlte Valley. It I Located Among; the Snow-Crowned Feaks of Remote Reg-Ion and Bur rounded by Dens. Forest. FOR CURES SCROFULA, BLOOD POISON. St. Paul Kansas City LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. U same on iHii .. ((r Horsi. hrandsd rt iT'th. TOt Klir; ea.U. braided J on i hi,. -m.lrbit i.'. left "- Morrow oonnty. Jtmkin, H. m., m,im A un left Hnnif on ClihtMlle. , , l.fl .title: nattle.wn.on right hip, under half on in in rl" nd nilit n I , KNY on left hip oaltlasam.and orop oil ri linilir .loll on inn '.,. Kirk. J 1.. minnow. ll.nr Or -Home., horwi. .hmil.ler. Cattle, th. Mini. FRAMEC LESLBE'S OPULAR MONTHLY Contain, each Month I Original Water Color frontispiece; lzs W"rio -" i.io nu and H irh-cl... I lustra tion. ; 'nor Literary Matter and lllu.tr.. tlon. than ny otner jnagazin. in iuocwkm. FraiLeslio's Pleasant Hours FOR COYS AND CIRLS. i n.t..i. Ti'nnlA.nmfi. JiiTenlle Monthly. Vn.U illimlrated. The best writers tor young irtKjiilo nt.rlbrW to It. 10 i t.. : i a year. THE GAZETTE, HEPPVER, 01E. A U,t E PBANK LdHMK'H P0P0l. MOHTHI.T a m Oaiette, botn lor one year v F.anii Um,n' PtttASANT ,,t",,r"lJ(I,r0Y" AND U1K1JI aim me wns'-i., one year f.i.UO. f Undoubtedly th8 Best Club Offeis r-w ftrA la Frank Utltf't PufcM.Mnp IJnrue, H.T jurNtuUnmtriittiil'rrmtumlM.Fi Ocean Steamers Leave Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. Fcr full details call on 0. K. k N. Agent at Heppner, cr address W. H. HURLBURT, Gen. Push. Agt. Portland. Obuqon. QUICK TI3MI3 t TO San Franoisoo And all polnU In 'alifornia, ria th Mt Hhwta route 01 uie Southern Pacific Co. fh. Brest hichway thronah California to all point. Kant and South. Grand Hoenio Ront of the Paoifio (ka.t. Pullman Bullet Hleepers. Beoond-olau Bleep. r. Attached to eiprees train., attordma superior ancommndation. for Moond-alaM paMenaera. for rate. tiok.U. .leepiuc oar reserratioofc Ujto. call npon or addnw. K. KUEBLKK, Manaxer, I. r. ruu.m, ami. en. F. A P. AKt.. Portlanrt. Oregon pT eLlghtt, Baslut Compact, Or.-Hor.. (19 on lefl -I i.l . n..ltlA IIU ,,11 !ft hill. Kii nlir.ind.W.I..M.. intVrnni,.Or.-I li on . 1 11 .. 1 . ' j i..ft .i.lMi.iiwa o fork in left "r".r. :. . .. . m nht f. n..r.. 7 " V. . .. i Italian 111 (Irnlit O'lnnt. nrai'i mi i'"i " .. . . ... Liu Lmflw, Hiuhn, F.n,iir.-n i. ..n v .v on call!; erop and ...lit n rlt; ear . i ..n i.,ri ill iiiinr. iwi.iki w.... .tiiiui mtiiin - i t..t,n W. . -- r.-llor." lir .'n l .l hu'lf-rinil. Jl.eiinniwt-lon li.ft h'lill ll.iV ( 'atlUwuu- on left hio. '''. '' I1 it Vii'V i W. Ilminr (Ir.-M.inw. hran'IH I,. i l l A oi I 'It Kim -il-l-'-i ,"'."" '"i i ," ?,ii ruht . Ihrw slit, in rmh I, .'1. dmilii D ob . Ml (!,. H.imiiir Or, H II ii.ii .i..u .iiHiiii 'Vlrln . lliMMii"'. r.-CMtl brnd-l iri. nulit bin: i.irwi.wiin. on ri.nv .uim. Uanaw Ul M irmw nuiiity. Minor, (. ninmr nr. aiua, riirht him h..r M . l-ft .honl. . w r:.Lr.Tw; orHor.-. n-n klni roiHI. lion ri.ht "til.. mi l ift .h.ml.lwi ettl.im i.n l.thhl-j inf, rrr. iniw"i. - (MlH.rn. J. lo'"l "' t h-ir.0 on Ml .li...,.li r'il unii- r'B,'l ! V,r,. Mi.... K,.'it Mil.. r. -"". I"'.; bin. t V-Kf .rinl-'' ""J. ' ;W'.l eropi-l. W un lft iiiii. Un 'l,,'t M ' l. " . . " i. i -.i .i..., I. II irw, Ir rtl .- i'ImI md-fl .il ln Mill-. MHon l.ft hip. h".tn..""';H":,.,.-. .ll..nrl P, .fihtp.ui.i-t .lot ' lf ' ' '" ln Ul r1l!'.l, niw. ,r. n. Or.-H.-.. .inar. ...S ,1,..r.r..l...-f K ."I rr.,,. .,H l.ri Mr .n( dwUi. n- a. IU4. b ... b...l, -.til. Min. tm ri.hl hip .Irr".." t-'.. "t .t'l" " . h-o. .in ,", IU"" U lir.l i4liH..B-w"l'". ,. ... iii.k i, w . u-pi.- VvtIV"- ' hnHU. l attl. - Haht hit. m ll..lrt. VW r-raitl. II L... Mnfl f t.tit Hll.l-. I im.ioo .r'"rT.' til. U w atoa ' illlli Wo. la w tlillUi .H STJ5AM GASOLINE ENGINES g 0TBLC AND MARINC If yon IlitiiV of buying an rti.tna of any or atiiii wmi i"r mir v iunijwr AO. 3D, OoiiUlnu-g lllil.iraimna o prloiHi of erjr kinU o( rnama front on a i to 2" huta. power, al bottom prioi-a rtr I.Ut So. 2'J, f-r jracbt anuiiiea, boll era ami maolilnrjr. fcitbur aunt rrea. cans- p.vjuiaifl & Co.. S.'r.t, Simplest, Mronsest, Solid Top Receiver. Most Modern and progressiva Tor cUlogu. or lnform.tlon writ, to THE MARUN FIRE ARMS CO., New Haven g JLV 1X ItL Jt$ g (f irjOOw'thof lov.'lv Music tor forty r ill, .... .wr. full s.re Mici t Aiuslc ot in. 7 latnt. hrlghtrst, llvi llrst on J mot populir 5 sliH-tlons, b.th vival .nJ Inkl1umrnt.1l, Si t'.iii.-n up In Hie m..M I'l. i'.inl nuuiner, In- j-; cluJintt (uiir le I'ljiuaitt, tAUlHtlMikl, i Or.nl Pianist, 73 AULUN PAtll anil tA SlUUHAM CUTTINQ. 73 THE NEW VORK MUSICALECHO broaaway Theatre UMg.. New York Qfy. caNvaaatna wantco. There has been discovered during the last season by a party of scientists in one of the most inaccessible portions of Montana a spot that for grandeur and unique beauty gives promise of out rivaling the Yosemite valley of Califor nia, the Grand canyon of the Colorado, and other famous scenic attractions of the great west. This newly-discovered wonderland is situated north of Lake McDonald, near the boundary line between Flathead and Teton counties, among the snow crowned peaks of that remote region, and surrounded by almost impenetra ble forests. Until recently the beau ties of this place had never been seen except by Indians and half-breeds, and possibly a few trappers and prospectors. A half-breed scout having told a party of "wise men from the east" camping on the shore of Lake McDonald itself a bit 01 wondrous scenic beauty mar velous tales of the wonders of this spot, their interest was aroused, and they de termined to visit this isolated region and judge for themselves of its attractions. Accordingly they first proceeded to the head of Lake McDonald, where they se cured as guides and packers two trusty frontiersmen, half-breeds, named Ged- uhn and Apgar, who were familiar with these wild mountains and trackless for ests. It was an arduous undertaking, but they toiled persistently onward. The steep, narrow trail led northward from the lake for perhaps ten nules; when this distance had been ac complished their journey was only just begun. For many miles they were obliged to chop their way through dense forests and tangled undergrowth, where nothing but the trails of deer and footprints of bears many of the latter very fresh could be detected. After two days of indefatigable labor they suddenly came upon a spot of such rare beauty that Dr. L. B. Sperry, of Minneapolis, one of the party, consid ered an authority on American scenery, pronounced it "a scenic gem of the first water." This consisted of a basin, in the shape of a horseshoe, about two miles in length and a mile or a mile and a half in width, surrounded on all sides by walls of rock, rising almost perpen dicularly to heights varying from 3,000 to 4,000 feet. In the floor of this basin, like a jewel in its setting, was a beauti ful lake of deep sapphire blue, a mile and a half in lenurth bv half a mile in width; its waters of such perfect clear ness that the speckled trout, with which they were filled, were plainly visible. The surrounding ledges of rocks were surmounted by numerous peaks, rising to dizzy heights, 1,000 and 2,000 feet above the timber line, their lofty summits white with perpetual snow. At the head of the basin were two BtrenniR of icy water, pouring in beau tiful cascades over the rocks and cliffs; sometimes clinging to the walls, resem bling ribbons and cords of silver, and sometimes dashing over the ledges, diffusing themselves In clouds of rain-bow-tfnted spray, hundreds of feet be low. The total height of these silvery stream was cstiniut-d to be nt least THE CURES CANCER, ECZEMA, TETTER. BLOOD OH IO AGO, Iw A & St. Paul B'y J A $ xil That the RAMBLER I wti-ela ever made is an indisputable fact. It stands In the front rank with all hieh trrade machines, and if you buy one you will make no mistake. Ride a RAMBLER BICYCLE if you want to be happy, for should your wheel bel punctured, it can be mended by you in five minutes, as it Is equipped witn tne worm j renowned 6. & J. clincher tires with wood rims or copper-plated steel runs. Sold in all sizes for ladles or gentlemen at $100 each. Tandems for two men or man and woman, ?150 each. THE RAMBLER is the fastest, lightest and strongest wheel in the market. For style, finish and durability it is unsurpassed, as it is constructed on strict mechan- j ical and scientific principles. Chicago Ideals irlri.. with 98. 2 and 24 Inch wheels, at $65. $55. $45 respect-i ively. are splendid medium grade wheels, with G. & J. high-grade double locking edge enncner tires ana are fully warranted. Before you buy a bicycle, write for cntalogne, circulars, terms and discounts, or rail on our numerous agenu. KamDier Bustiers antea in every town in uregou, umug- ton ana Idaho. FRED T. MERRILL CYCLE COMPANY, Northwest representatives Gormully & Jeffery Manf. Co's "Rambler Bicycles." Main Store, 327 Washington bt., Portland, Or. OTIS PATTERSON, Agt. for Morrow Co., Heppner, Oregon. Glance at this Map Of the Chicago, Milwaukee 'and St. PanI Rail way and note its connections with all transcon tinental lines and St. Paul and maha, and remember that its trains are lighted1 with elec tricity and heated by steam. Its equipment is superb. Elegant Buffet, Library, Smoking and Sleeping cars, with free reclining chain. Each sleeping car berth has an electric reading lamp, and Its dining cars are the best in the world. Other lines are longer than this, but none are shorter, and no other offers the above luxurious accommodations. These are sufficient reasons 1 lor the popularity of "The Milwaukee." Coupon ticket agents In every railroad office will give you further information, or address C. J. EDDY, General Agent, J. W. CASEY, Trav. Pass. Agent, Portland, Orioon. Sctantlflo American Afjency for k I w w 1 J t"- How s Your Liver ? This question is asked daily. If dormant you need exercise need it badly. The Bicycle offers a remedy, and if you do not own one, call at Ike Ennis Bicycle Livery, Power House. CAVEATS. TRADE MARKS. DESICN PATENTS, C0PVRICHT8. to. For Information and f re. Handbook writ, to MUNN ft CO., 861 Uroadwat. N.w Yoac. 01dt bureau for soctirlnu patents In America. K.ry patent taken out hy u Is lironxht brfor. tli. public by a notice given free of charge lu lb Inrest elmilatlon of anv wlentlfle paper I" th. won. I. Ki.ltii. 11.1 1 r liluitraUnl. No InU'lllK'nl man shoiiM 1 Without It, Weokly. R3.0O. jpari .I..HIHI month. A.Mrww, M U NN ft CUa Vu.li.umu, ;ibl Uruadway, &ow York City, it; r n: i. Viyv King- of Bicycles. I . ... . . . . . I III 1. ,y , conn. "w " el- ,l,p-v ""l ive ui. ir aupply ,P from tlm Mint liclilM of flcrnul nnow ly- yiajjifs' ''v' TTK. ills' in th nwfiil Kolifiiili H fur ntiovp. I ( ft : vf T & VT Vr Aloiis u jxtition nf tho stitithiTii wull I'utr'l-llKJ J there was it tikme c.xtoniliiiK' from ul fi-iSfcitf ,QV!3 II Til 1.B A . " , . T.ja p MU''r.iV. v 197 Canal Straat, CHICAGO la HTe La urr7& Qf;i 1 f 1 1 1 t t tQ :..IIIHLhllj WML W.rr.lr 11 M IVflt I. Hmn, 1 A Campl.ta Set, m ( ' lll.ii... 1,. II. ltll ri.vr, riKil 1 lull l Ui.-i. .11 I' .i. r iviiiit. 1'l.t.r 1 .ii, Hl. i. I. Kl.l-r. a til ! will to nv I ..lit,.. uhiu tiivljit ul ID ritt, to pay l,,u rlfiirr. .ki !.iiM IHwt I I illl .'o. t,wi.lllr., .ml .rr'.rl ti .U'ttl iilulf ht..n I mtv .ft ... 1 lrttHt miv lr ul it'll 1 r.i. mm lo..lf. I th. .ll.l. 'ir n.lr o.'ii.l .illl.. f.if rl'ib. fltm timio, 01B1. of hiHM. A.Q.SPALDING 4 BROS.. !..' t Sir m litlrlukt 1 1 A 1 1 1 1 1 f 1 1 A t Lt AtCtCtjJ r , k . i-H tm. luW Kilt - Hirr Hi-. I .III. W C M l.l t. tHft pmt Uft .l.-n' t-. Ik 1 .. . i u.fi .mf U. Xt"Vf I . t-rt .'.i t-. : ' '" w 11 tw -an Mi-o.l II f mmmmm,l l-fi stn. ,, I, J ! ' . 1 iwll.ttw. HI ,, .i,.i ii ril iWlM kii , I. .,. t ...! m.4 . - l-' - 1 I ..... t,.. 1.1 , I . 1 1 . II .,:mK 1.4 Th American Pr otectlv Ttv iff LeagtJt ii a national organization advocating "Protection to American Labor and Industry" at explained by it constitu tion, at followi : ,Tkfcjw.f tkl lafue tiwwu torn, kf un tm imp, . .h.i WMKif iiwh Aimtw.. IMiMtn.1 f4 f .ml VM wnp.VkM t fVf. btm There are no pertonal of private profits in connection with the organiza tion and it it sustained by memberships, contributions and the distribution of its publications. Umtt0 " 4 " OrriMl CtmtfWMH. it CO NO". W.M mtnnM, kith, ml Wit, to aaM. Tmimo: w ui itf 1 t lulu M M m-m4 to vi 4r SxtU fOUNTHI t4 4 wt mt ri Hiril. 1 lie Wm 1M StrMt Kn Vwn. height of 2.UU0 fcotilown nctirlv to tin border of the hike. Here uvnlaiit heK (ire of frequent oeeurrenee, Bhootiiif.' down the hIi)k with Wrilie fnrei', and with n rtishiiifr, roitrln noiiihI, not un like jM'alitof th miller, an J i!uiijriiip; into the uiifalhmnaljle deptha of riM'ky rliiiHiiiH. On neemint of the oft-reeur-riiifr nviilumliea the iinrtv chiihlened thin Nfeluded iiioiintain vulley "Am lniulie ItiiHin," and the aurrotindiiif; H-aka and u tureH(iu iiiiikwr of roek were given iiainea Mtieited by their apearuiiee; the Kphinx, the Dome, athedral Spire., the ( a.tle, and the Matterhorn, the lout on account of it aurprUlnir rem-mhln nets to the far- famed Alpine ieuk. 1 he walla ini lohliiff this bit of wonder- lund ate of meta morphia aand.tone, aome of the at rata lieing of uneolored quart, nearly a. white ea the urnuitid- Ing anowa, while other atrata are of brijf ht red. The formation of the rock. rxtnlilt. many martrluua phenomena and the nlaee eontnitta many acientifle aa well aa acenlc attraetlona, and will prote a tnoat Interehtliiff field of study lor the freoloiri.t and mlnernlopl.t. It ia very prolmble thai Ion if gn. In the prehialnrlc a (Tea. thia kjI waa the Ihh of aome enormoua Inland lake of irreat depth, of which the little lake now exi.tlnir In Ita renter rontalna, eoinwratlely aieaklnir, only the laat few drop In the .low ly emptying basin, ltat whatever may haelern Itahi.tory In the dint and di.taul pa.t It la easy to predici It. future; for when, by tha rnn.trueiion of sttknI roada, rammiinl ration ahall har been r.tabll.hed wtlb the rallwaya It la rrrtalnly dettined to become one of the nm.1 rlebralnl re- art.; a ahrlne w her rarth'a weary nil- frlmMbrourbeoniinunloo with nalure. will flml peac am! rr.t. SHI THOUQHT OF fcOMCTMIhO, COUGHS and COLDS ELY'S PINE0LA BALSAM Is a sura Kemedr for eouehh cuia.. tor. Uuunt and for asthma, ft abate, th. conch. and renders txpact- orauon eajy. Consumptives wlllltiTarl.biTderlr. brnrnt from 11. as. Jlnnr ho suni.oM their caw. to bacon .iimiUoo ar. oulf I ufli-ring from a ...ij throntc cola or op V ' " m.ipq Congo, oil. A v v '' .T-i. at'(rrT.tfd by ca tarrh. Fur runrrli uo fcif't i ri'Sin H m. Bota rutni'ilir. un ii.fi.'int to ti".. Crf.m tt.m, SOcts. perlwtilr: l'"i'nii lla'wm.W. -ild hy Drnrolsta, JiLi LUul Utltl, b Warrea bu, lSr Vork. ww FINEST MATERIAL. LIGHT, STRONO, fr&USS. " fSf HXk SCIENTIFIC W0RKMASHIP' $1800.00 GIMN AWAY TO INM-NT0RS. T ymfrl t tw.t.ret I. wa I. amt pmm. fa.? titf.ta th t.i ...ny Si tM aiw.ya Mt ta t. tUwi.A. .. t fpr th. Hllltl .at Hy af RipansiTsbulcs A nmrtril wta aay aw.l ly twm tvrrrs44 ai .. lf 4if at fry aMit. . tau tit.tuUk Ii II ayaw,tk. flHbM wrW NKM JtWNI Nf to Wfe AM "W1 M fMSMll IMSailWjt mej tjh4 tsul es 0wi etaf N tst seWiet,l(HB HWfc-Jsftli fjK tMtmt.tiMtniMMMi siivm. IT 1 THE SIMPLCTCtMAL LNYDfTKm THAT VILLD lomCS, taik at .V. -t .hut m W ..N wi4 e. e-";' tM,., WW. .mi nm .W ml a, mm &m m . f m tmt-1 mm wwii. .mum tfx lH t be. mwM H MM IT tt NOT SO HARD AS IT SIXHS. ftfi.i. tfc . f"f ti im mm hw".l h mlH, r M M ! in w. U ,4iiii,i""ii"-e'-'",i". Il-H I .1 tl. f'4 I fr 1 tlMlWfc W . 0 , I !. II-. I.,.,, . . a ifc. .. wt . m w w, iiiiiiiiwa1 W w.wt ..(k M t W .' l tm ymm hmm' ! t.iv 1 i'y wtl'iii JOHN XM OOf KT.VUN A CO.. ftuHtw at... 4 t . re I OiS I' Mret. N. W.. A Mm. lata tutrri Mrtg kl I.m Thai t4 ttta Ufa at rawwi.ea "Speaking ot titwrteaca oa the rail road," mmi a hew Vork traIUif man. "1 had a alieht arr.iM one time oa a SMHtaUle rv4 U Itoaaaave that sna be worth bearing. "tYe ware oututag duwa a lwf grade f Us lull a la a tttiaed tralo. i Ml la. e ba4 a gutnloU SuatteJ with lira aa lite altd ear, with our two p-Mmraset ua.ba aad u.(k. tat, ana I abuuKt aay wa were tu.hiag abuut 2a W a buuf tm tlMk liiat wuuM b imum ua t. ry kittiltj it it Ot-lw's .iitig ua ibte t.raily If wa darvd toaM 0 mile. (.a t our la otr beu I tip mhJ t luwk out of tu l.itr di.Mi swi m a wtlil Uau wf luiMwl mU vwia alu(l''g daw a aftar aa. Ibay baj rk)aliy started at a tip$iSe w bka we bad p4 j only a f.w tuisuua bttora. a4 waa 1 1 aaw then th'jf were gtag ao faat that 1 Ui.y iI.iumwJ tha mot o th. f rxut.1, 1 w ha n.ti a run to (t on at I tui tb'it full! .r r. .l.t. I a wil tu.b f I Iba vutitiu. lui, but ti.r f m h4 biiS k bJ OTli4HwJto.fi. (f'tif l let l b.a t k b l'f ail .( wtth..n. in Iti.a tuuufeU it nai ml H could du to keep t.'iLiu from juiiipin off. "It wua only a abort time until we began to at-e that our aulvution lay la tha purauing' train Hying the track, be to una wa bud rcuclicd our limit, and our train waa awayuig and toasmg ao that eterybotly waa acurt'd out of bla wita. 1 know 1 waa, and I juat aat lu my aeat and bald on, waiting and listening to the thunder of tha train behind ua, which waa not JOOyarda aw ay and gain ing every aevoud. It waa far heavier than oura, and 1 knew that If anybody went ott tha track It waan't going to ba tha coal train. 1 aaid a moment ago wa bad no women aboard. 1 meant we bad bona to eak of. "There waa one, but aha waa a homely mountain girl, whotlidn't aceiu toknow auytbiug, and becauao aha aat quiet la tbceorncrand didn't terrain wa thought alte didn't amount to enough to count. 1 waa look it. g at her la a daied kind of a way, wheti all ot a auddrn aba lit out of. her aeat aa If aha bad been abot out of It, and, knocking everybody out ot the w ay, the daabad out of tha rear door betora anybody could touch her, and wa thought aba had jumped off, but the hadn't. Mi Jumped for lb open car, banifing on like a cat, until aba got to tha far end of it, and In a second aba waa tumbling tboM Uee ott at the rate of a tkiM n a ecrvbil. Tbey would bit the track and bounce every which way, but aha krit piling them off, Iba roal train filing rhwer atery aecuod, and at last a eowple of tbetn stuck op la a raiile guard, and lb neat thing we knew tbcra waa a ter tlfla cra.lt, mil. and tle.aud trackaand rual flew, and the r-ul train rulled eter ttwlf and weal down th. kill la a bean. Hy Ueorga, aa that girl atom! there la Ler plain ralio lrra and ber old tuu boaa.t and watched that train pita ap a ber feet, I thought that Jua of Are, t1eKitra, Qurra r.iiaabeth, Urace liar, (tig and Iba M of Ibera weren't a patch Ing to ber, and. aa I.r aa we were eon teraed, thy wtren't. "fh bad aet our train and our lie-, and wa !k Mr on with aa In triumph. Thee wa n.n.le op a purw for br big etMmf h o buy farm with, atid I'll hat Ue'a (nl tii'na ft tlirthea. and Jewel ry, ami I .la. and trlnketa and thing than any ? I In Ik. awiualaina, tor wa Meter fiiij,- b r Mi. ! .! t(ult. ap pre. l.t of the ni tkiara aba U.-. but ! aerare fur lhalf We t-reriat ,r Jn.l the ." Waa h titgtna fr. Four Models S35 and 8100. EVERY MACHINE FULLY GUARANTEED. SEND 2-CENT STAMP FOR CATALOGUE. Monarch Cycle Co. Factory and Main Office; -Lake and Malstcd Sts., CHICAOO, ILL, liKANCHeSs-rtaw Vork, Saa PraacUca, 5alt Lake City. Denver. Mamfhlt. Detroit, Taroata. WEBB SAFE & LOCK CO, Agents, rOItTLAND, 0RE00N. i. W. PATTERSON, Agent for Morroto County, llcjypncr, Oregon OUR STOCK OF . . . SPACE IS TOO HEAVY AND WE ARE WILLING TO UNLOAD It to Advertisers at a great financial sacri fice. You need it in your business, and as a matter of business we must sell it. The Patterson Publishing Co. :"vrnj FIBS : M51IFII : Fiffi Youro 33QUND to Tnho 'Kin. "f.rrtt t it l.k ) Mr t v M' I t' 1 te t j.ii. J ih. toa,-ife. I ' i r ,-" r. I rtitr a ra - tn1 i ii ; a T" 1 '.. rw i " t lo , "et J,,f- it M t.l.l Leaves No Constipnlion,- Caeea r, aa wU aa ail ft II t'l tt..4..i ,,A Vt.. . . a, aiPi.at.at at ti - rJJ tt.K ..f... , , 'r' W.J fciVl ml t'l I'll iwii 'e 1 I'.a.K ,j . I i'l ti' l'li ill, . 1 j 1 I . I,.. I II It.,, I IM I. I 1 I Ml, 1 fW 1S. H ahirtjtfHI, C. '.'I ., W.a.1 U'ubtlb ... 11. ' ' Hit .tif Mil, at . tel. Wl.