CANCER CURED -AND A LIFE SAVED By the Persistent Use of Aycr's Sarsaparilla "I was troubled for years with a aore on my knee, which several physicians, who treated me, called a cancer, assuring nie that nothing could be done to save my life. As a last resort, I was induced to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and, after tak ing a number of bottles, the sore 1 ir f 1 a 7 ft tr- V?...s. Here and There. began to disappear and my general health improve. I persisted in this treatment, until the sore was en tirely healed. Since then, I use Ayer's Sarsaparilla occasionally as a tonic and blood-purifier, and, in deed, it seems as though I could not keep house without it." Mrs. S. A. Fields, Bloomfield, la. AY The Only World's Fair Sarsaparilla. Ayer's Pills Regulate the Liver. Borg leaves for Portland- to- SUHIMOH'TUEIWEDITHUIFRI 15AT I "2 3 4 56X ir W 10 TT 12 13 IT 15 1W 17. 18 J9 20 21 9.f 2 14 23. 26 2f ?C ; 291531 3 1 tetekyk? Take Notice. L Ths mm of fire cent per line will ba )harged Inr "carit of thanks," "resolutions of respect." Hull of wedding presents anil donors, ud obituary notice, (other than those the edit or shall hlmsolf ilve aa matter of news,) and sotlces of special meetings for whatever purpose. 2. Notice! of church and society and all other intertalnmeuti from which revenue U to be do rived, shall be charged for at the rate of Ave enta a line. Trims rulei will be strictly saner ad to In everr Instance. Advertising ratoa reaaonablo and made known ipoD application. TIME TABLE. Stags for Hardman. Monument. In Creek, lohn Day and Canyon ( ny, leaves aa lollowa : Kverydafat a. m.,ecent Hnndav. Arrivcwavorvdav a'f ji..ecept Monday. The cheapest, quickest and beat line to or Irom the Interior ronhtry. WALT TUOMrSOX, Prop, Conaer A Brock. Agents. Qambrinus Beer, w.wHALF PINT BOTTLES City Hotel Bar! Drlnkabla Liquors Cigars. Call Key. Green ia ill. Nat Webb ia ia from Walla Walla. Mrs. Greeo Matbewa it maoh better. Mrs. Geo. Corner ii reported as better. J. B. Natter ia down with rheumatism. Alex Cornett was in town yestcjduy. Mrs. Sarah Dodo boo is on tbe sick list. Mr. B. B. Bishop is over from Pendle ton. Bad Willirjchsm is back from Caovon City. P. O, night. Qfo. Fell sot home from Portland Sandfly. Pqnirrpls out south of here are dvios witu soab. Joe Eakelsoa was iu Souday from Lexington. Laten Jones was in from the country late hist week. Case Fnqna was over from Eitflit Mile yetrdny. Emil Orntcopp is in town after a hard winter's rustling. J aa Roberts bas recovered from an attack of rheumatism. Ralph Swinburne returned borne Sun day from Hood River. Wm. Campbell and Rev. Swift were in Qeppner Saturday last. Moo. J. Monteith is in town lookiom after bis tailoring interests. Ed. Day ounae in Tbarsdty with soma wool, tbe 6 1 at olio of tbe season. F.J. Hallook and Geo. Barker are enjoying a visit in tbe mountains. T. D. Matbews, nf Galloway, bas sold 1.0(h) yeai lings at 81-12 Per bend. Mauiioe Ball is over from Gilliam county to enjoy a week's visit boms, La Grande Marble Works, La Grande Ore. S. C. Smith, atleRmau, Heopnnr, Jobnov Ayers aod family moved ont to their butter creek rnuoh on rjatnrday G. W. Maxwell, one of Dry Fork's delegates, called at tbe Gazette office Saturday. l'oru--To the wife of W. A. Johnston, at The Dalles, on tbe 26th iust., a 10 pound by. Waklie's Squirrel Fi terminator now 'n sale at Minor & Oo.'s, reduced from 50 ols. to 25 cts tf. Tihn Spickuall was in from Gooseberry Saturd ty to attend the convention pro ceedings as a spectator. Diok Perkins, proprietor of the PerkinB hotel, of Portland, and Huber Sutton viaited Heppner last week. Best aooommndation and oonrteoos trentmeniat the Imperial Hotel, He vent b aod Wash. Sis., Portland, Oregon. Minor & Co., tbe reducers of prices, bave now on hand tbe celebrated Wak lie's Squirrel Poison. Call and see what they sell it for. - tf . On Thursday of last - week Elmer Benmnn was thrown from a horse and seriously hurt. At last uooouuts he was oo lQued to his bed. Every man bavins a beard should keep it an even aud natural color, and if it is not to already, nse Buckingham's Uye and appear tidy. Jas. Hilton and wife have located io Heppner. Mr. Hilton baa purchased half interest in the wbite laundry, next door to fjbaa. Jones barber shop. G. B. Hatt. the tonsorial artist, oan be found at bis parlor, Mat look corner, where be will dispense at popular prices, snaves, snampoos, nairouts, etc, Jas. Johnson, ton of Felix Johnson of Butter creek, returned from Portland Saturday morning. James baa been at tending business college for tome mouths. Tbe Gazette is prepared to fornish horseographa and jiokotvprs any siis or quantity, at reasonable rates Uore men desiring such advertising should give as a call. Mathews Bros, bsve moved across on tbe east side of Main etreet, in the building formerly oooupied by the Gem saloon. Tbey will be pleased to fti their old customers. tf Mrs. W. O. Gentry, who bat been ab sent at Tbe Dalles for some time, re turned home on Sunday morning. fibs was nocotnpnnied by ber daughter, Mrs Johnson, whom lbs nursed through recent very severe spell of siokness, aud who is still quite far from being well. Many people, with tbe notion thai nature ongbt to take oare of herself sllow a cough to plague them for week aod months. Whereas, it nature aaaisted with a dose or two) of Aysr'i Chrry Frctorsl. tbe core might tffeoted in very few days, Farm Record: Dr. B. F. Vangb came ov.r from llerpner Wedoeads nifbt, remained over Thursday aod left for home lat night. The tfootor rrportt and iimokable ,D" pomwai pot mi oniy ououiiDg, out on T4 Doiung, over in aiorro Danger Signals Mori thin half the victims of consump tion do not know tbey bavt it. Here is a list of symptoms by which consumption can certainly be detected. Cough, one or two slight efforts oa rising, occurring during the day and fre quently during the night. Short breathing after exertion. Tightness of the cbest. Quick pulse, especially noticeable in the evening and after a full meal. Chilliness in the evening, followed by Slight fever. Perspiration toward morning and Tale face and languid in the morning. Loss of vitality. If you have these symptoms, or any of them, do not delay. There are many preparations which claim to be cures, but Dr. Hckrr'i English Rtmtfiyfor Consumption has the highest endorsements, and has stood the test of years. It will arrest con sumption in its earlier stages, and drive away the symptoms named. It is manu factured by the Acker Medicine Co., 16 and 18 Chambers St., New York, and sold by all reputable druggists. Horner k ieH Have added a NEW SPRING STOCK of Trimmed Hats for Ladies and Misses to the Fell stock on May Street and ask the Public to call and sec them before purchasing. HigLest prices paid for sheep pelts at tbe lower warehouse. tf Frank Sloan was in from his butter oreek rauoh over Sunday. O. S. Van Duyn bas engaged in tbe furniture business in Tbe Dalles. Andy Stevenson moved bis family oat to tbeir mountain borne yesterday. Tbe populists hold tbeir county con vention in Heppner oo Thursday next. Mrs. Annie Crump aud family re turned to tbeir country home yesterday, W. A. Johnston came in Sunday from Tue Dalles, leaving tor home lust night. B rn To tbe wife of W. P. Snyder, oti Sunday last, a nine pouud girl. Perry is now all smiles. G. T. Walker. Alva Mikesell and "Colorow" Daly were aruoug the country visitors yesterday. John Barker aod Tbos. Soott, red dents of tbe Galloway section, enjoyed the convention proceedings. Clyde Saliug and mother have re turned to the Sand Hollow ranch after aving spent tbe winter in Heppner. Dou't forgot tbe Euster sooial at tbe residence of Mrs. E. G. Sloan on Satur- uy evening. You are promised a good time. Condon Globe: We learn that Dr. Bnnloek of Lone Kick oontenipleies moving bis drug store to Heppner be fore long. Word oomes from Grant county that oe Johnsou bas been nominated by the republicans for sberifi and John Powell (or olerk. Marriage lioenses granted sinoe last report: Fred W. Frey and Mrs. Loo McMillan; Ed. W. Mclntire and Miss Amy Andrews. Gid Hall's black bear bit tbe end off M. D. Hayman's finger Sunday morning, the breach baa not been healed. Neither bas the finger. Chas. Sargent got borne from bit Portlaod trip Saturday. While below be purchased a brand new 'bus. It will be brought in from The Dalles overland Sam Sparry bad an examination yesterday before Judge Freelaod and was bound over on a charge of larceny He also plead guilty to petit larceny aod will serve four mouths. Condon Globe: Geo. Gray of Hepp ner is in this section for tbe purpose of buying about 10,000 bead of yearling ewes, which be expeots to take to Wyo ming this summer. He is paying $1.10 a bead. Heppner'a publla school closet on Friday and owing tj tbit fuot our town is being deserted by numeious famaliet who are in tbe habit of living during the summer on their farms aud ranches in tbe country. Mrs. W. J. Let-zer oalls the attention of the publio to the fact that she it still io tbe bakery business, and ber old cus tomers will be fnrnisbed an extra quality of bread at tbe grocery of ber buabaud. Your patronage is tolioited. tf Oram Co. News: The Virtue mice, io Baker county, baa been sunk ao deep tbat tbe water in tbe bottom io quPe hoi. Ibrongb some mistake work man was lowered into tbe water, aud before be ooulJ be drawn oat reoeived a paisfol bum. It inrpriaed tnaoy visitors to the Chi esgo World's Fair to find tbat of all tbe blood-pariQera, Ayer's rjersept nlla was tbe only one on exhibition. Tbe reason is tbat Ayers Sarsaparilla it a ataudard remedy, and Dot a patent inedioine, or aeorsl nostrum. Bo, ye vo'lnf aicn of Morrow, whittle up lively tune for Hie Tatiillilate." I'm free to state, will stay with us till June: Then lot him oil lilt auger blade, with "8rry'a Llnwoax Hye:" Tla awe! to think, of that good old drink, for young mail are oiy. Bold only at tbe Belvedere aaloon. Himoq 8. Hart m an, of Tooneltoo West Va , bat been saHerl to ettka of entio abonl onoe year, and would bave to call a Uuotor and then toiler for about twelve boars as muob aa some do when they die. He was taken recently lust the eme as at other times, ao eoneluusd to try Cbeniborlaiii'a Colic, (X'era and Diarrhoea IW-medy. He aays: "I Inrk oot dues of it and it gays me relief in five mioniee. That is more thsa anything else baa ever done for Die." For sale by Cnoerr k Brock Resolution of Coadolenee. Hall of Ruth Chapter, No. 82, ) Order of Eastern Star. ) Hbpfncr. Maroh 20, 1896. To the Officers and Members: We. uor committee, appointed to dralt resolutions of condolence upon tbe death of our sister, Carrie E. Wells, beg leave to report tbe following: Whebkas. It lias pleased God to re move from this finite Chapter to tbe in finite Chapter above, onr 6ister, Carrie E. Wells, who died at ber home in Heppner. Oregon, on tbe 12th day of March. 1896, and. Whebkas. Ueoeaeed was a member in good standing of Kutb Chapter, No. 32, Order of Easter Star, therefore be il Resolved, That while we bow in huo ble submission to tbe will of God, we grieve for tbe drath of onr sister. We deplore her death beoause we have ever found ber a woman, tnougu young in years, was still posscsxea in loll measure of those qualities and principles, wnion diguify womanhood aud maker life a blessing as a member of the Chapter; f h" was earnest and full of zeal for tbe order. Resolved, That we extend to the hus bacd and relatives of the deceased, io this tbeir great bereavement, the oon oise and earnest sympathy of this Chap ter, and join with tbem in the hope that our parting is but fur a few years of lime. - Resolved, Tbat a copy of these reo lotions be spread npon the, records i f this Chapter, a copy be sent to the bus band of tbe deceased sister, and a copy be sent to the Heppner Gnzatte for publication. Mbs. J. W, Leezeb, ueo. (JONSEB, J. N Bkown, Committee. fryoodte Sarsaparilla as a blood purifier and build ing np medicine leads everything ever produced. It is positively the best. Others may make the same claim. ' But there's this difference : We prove it. Not by an tlquity, but by Aferif. Not by what we say, but by what m Hood's Sarsa- VNlSl m Priu does. 1 11 ha a rec- '" ord of Cures unequalled in medical history. It positively, perfectly and permanently cures when all other medicines fail. That the keen discrimination of the people recognizes its merit and the cures by Hood's Sarsaparilla, is shown by the fact that they sfww fgv buy Hood's Sarsspa- li-ny I m rillainpref- erenceand ft'JO-st.l to the ex clusion of all others, Hood's Sarsaparilla has a larger sale than all other blood purifiers. It wins con' fidence everywhere because the state ments in its advertising and testimonials are verified by all who take It. No other medicine has ever received such praise, or ao many voluntary testimonials of won derful cures. No other medicine possesses All last winter Mr. Geo. A. Mills, of Lebanon, Conn,, was badly afflicted with rheumatism. At times it was so severe tbat be oould not stand op straight, but was drawn over on one side. "I tried different remedies with out receiving relief," he says, "until about six months ago I bought a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. After usiug it for three days my rheumatism was gone and bus not returned smoe.' For sale by CooBer & Brock. HAVE YOU HEARD fa a THAT THERE'S Hi III I I A ne.s ah mmt ED. R. BISHOP Has bought out the General Merchandise Business of the McFarland Mercantile Co., and the stock is being disposed of at Wholesale Uter Pri REGARDLESS OF COST. All wooleii goods, boots, shoes, overshoes, ete., are being sold below wholesale cost Great discounts on hardware, tinware, glassware, hats, caps, blankets and in fact everything kept in a general mercantile es tablishment. Call and see the stock before it is too late. ED. R. BISHOP, Prop. The National Bank Building, Heppner, Ore. FRANK M'FARLAND, Manager and Salesman. latDota fat? the peculiar combination, proportion and process used in preparing Hood's barsaps rilla, and which give it merit peculiar to itself. This is the secret of Its wonderful power, of its wonderful sales, of its won derful hold upon the confidence of the people. This is why it cures Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Catarrh, Rheumatism, all Humors, Kidney and Liver troubles, Dys pepsia, Tbat Tired Feeling, builds up the nerves, createsan appetite and strengthens the whole system. Its merit, Its sales, Its you can get a Will Soon bb Berk Ladies, your attention i called to tbe tact that Mrs. M. . Brigus, of the "Leading Millinery House", of The Dalles, Oregon, will be in Heppner on Tuesday, April 7ib with oomplete line of latest novelties in summer millioery. meet gonna are naw goods, showing latest designs of Eastern houaes and trimmed by a thoroughly competent city trimmer. They will be displayed iu tbe parlors of the Palace I ntel, commencing Tuesday, April 7tb. Call and inspect our goods. il. Democratic Coouty Convention. A democratic 'County convention for tbe oouuty of Morrow, state of Oregon, is called to meet in Heppner. in said county, on Saturday, April 4. 1890. at 10 o clook a. m , for the purpose of oom In at in g candidates for the following county otBoers: Cue oouuty judge, oounty commissioner, county clerk, county sheriff, coiiDty representative, oounty treasurer, county assessor, o iuii- ty school superintended, count; coroner and oouuty survevor, and hi so preomct officers for tbe never a I ireoincts, an. four delegates each to the muto am second distriot congressional ootiven tion, and to trantiaot auch other bus! ness as may properly oomn before snch convention. The convention will con sist of 33 delegates, chosen liy tun sev eral precincts; snd the several products of the county will be entitled to repre sent at ion in said conveulion as follows Heppner 4 Eight Mile 2 Oeutry 4 AlpliiP Mt. Vernon 8 Pine City 2 lone 2 Matteson 2 Cecil 2 Islington Dairy 2 Wells Springs. Dry Fork 2 Lna The same being one delegate at large from each precinct, and one delegate fo every fifteen votes, and one for every fraction over one half of fifteen votes caet for J. U. Haley, tbe demi orotic can didate for congressman, at tbe cleoliou o June, ItfJl. Primaries to elect tbe delegates each of the several precincts "ill be held March 28, 1"0G. Polls will be open at 2 o clock p m., aod will be oonduotet! in the usual manner of holding primary eleotions. J W. M oh how, Chair. Democratic County Committee, be uir Make Hood's Sarsaparilla the One True Blood Purifier. Sold by all druggists. 1. Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. 1-fwNl'a D!11c ,amllT cathartic liuuu J i uu and liver stimulant. to take, easy to operate. AU druggist. Some people want the earth; goodly portion of it at GEO. A. BROWN'S HARDMAN STORE, With very little money. He keeps a full line of general merchandise," including dry goods, groceries, boots, shoes. GEO. A. BROWN, HARDMAN, OR. LET ETTER8 i Or.. Ma GeiRer. William C. KK r : 1 J Or., March 30, 1896 LIST. ADVERTISED AT HEPPNER When calling advertised. Hall. G. W. for these letters please say 4, r. n 11.1,1 a mb, r. M, Notice of Final Settlement. TViOTICE ia TTKREBY GIVEN il THT THE nmlr.linied. Eliza J. Bover. executrix of the estate of W. O. Boyer. deceased, will mass Filial Mettlement of her accounts with said es tate a such executrix at the next term of the Prohate Court of Morrow County to be holdvn at the court house In Heppner, In said Comity on thu 4th day ol May, A. u. inw, ai io o ciotx 111. MKO. L1.A 4. nui tit, 3S Executrix. Gilliam & Bisbee Administrator's Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVES THAT THE undersigned hm been appointed adminis trator of the estate of Harsh H Fell, deceased, by the County Court ol Morrow County, State of Oregon, All persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present them to me at Heppner, Or., duly verified, within six months tnun nine ncreoi. Dated this 6th day of March, lH'.Kl. C. E. FELL 421-29. Administrator. Notice of Final Settlement. NOTICE W HEREBY GIVEN, THAT THE uuderslgni'd administrator of the estate of (1. W. H. Brians, deceased, will make Final Settlement of his accounts with said estate aa inch administrate r, at Hie next term of the County Court ol Morrow County, at Heppner, (iri-ion. o be hidden at Henuner, Orcuon, In snhl County, on the 4th day uf May, lb'Jti, at 10 o'clock, a. in. ANDREW ROOD. 42X-31. Administrator, We are not small meo, lbs. We are email men, b. we are not tne Largest fnercnams in trie world ! s But when the people ot all ths surrounding country are in need of Hardware, Tinware, Crockery ware, Glasiwsra, Wood and Willow ware, Nails, Iron, Barbwlre, Cumberland Coal, Gass and Water Pipe, Pipe Klttlngi, Btovcs and Ranges, Wagons, Backs, Buggies, Wagon Material, Hardwood, Axe Hammers, Paws, Sledges, Wedges, Guns, Pistols, Cartridges and Ammunition, Mason Jars, Gran itewars, Plows, Harrows, Rakes. Mowers, Tubs. Wash Bolllers and Boards, Sheet Iron, Zlno, etc., etc., Should call and Examiqe our Goods and Get Prices. Ws bavs Good Goods at FAia Prices, and Cheap John Goods at Chep John Prices. MA.IN 8THEET - HEPPNER. OREGON T. R. HOWARD -DEALS 1N- A Borlsl rveal Ths following program will he rrnd- red In thn riper bonss, Frl.lsy ev, April 3'il, followed by a basket ai'lablf. No admission ( ill bs ehargsd. A cordial invitation it rxtsoilsil to evsry body. All lbs Islies ars rsqiestsd to tirioa baskota witb luorb aooogb for two. CuMMITTBg. rHOORAMMI Devotional Exerrlsrs Id by J. W. llnrnor Aiilliero ny tne iraiu liistrumeiiUl Solo Wis. J l Rrowp Rerltnllon Mhm .ddla onlrs ViN-sl Moln ... Mix Anna Brown Mkl Ooarlelts "Hunter's all" C. M Howard, W. L Haling. I. Iloriior, C. K. PwUnil. 'Tarabls ol Ihs Virgins Tto Young Ladles. hllt t P rK HAt-K, I bars t.&Kt swes ao t I.OtXJ UmU tbat I will soil afUr slirarlug at II pet brad, all 'ronnd. I'srtlt wislilog In buy shnnlJ sddrrss m at Vinson, or omII no ma at tny isurb In MoDonald esnyon, oaar Viusoo. Css Matlock, 2t11m Vit son, Ongoo. Notice Of Intention. Land Orru s at I.aGsamds, Orkoon, March . Ik1. XTOTICK I HRREBY GIVEN THAT THE i following namel settler has filed notice of his intention In make final proof In support of tils rial in, and that said proof will be ma's tH-lore t ouiity Clerk ol Morrow county. Oregon, at Heppner, Oregon, on April 'il, I, vis: nil., r.p i sn n. rwnr."n, II I. E. Mo. .. for the HW'i Ki a"d SKI HWU K-e. IS, and d and Sl NWIa .Tp. H. R.iS E. W. M . He iianiea Hie lonnwing witnesses tn prove his coiitlniioiis residence upon and cultivation of said land, VII: I'st Hi.lllan. William Warren, Gus. Hals, Frank iinlo, of Heppner, Ori son B. t. WIIJWiN. ' 4JI-1 Krglster. mm w hie. IUnriCATtoa Msmso -On flslardsy vtiieff Ihs Morrow Uonnty K'pnbl.cau l Inh raei at lis opra boos and tiei.l a raiirjration msrlina' wblob was wall itendrd. Nunirrnus arsons ai'lread lb olub, liirlodiDg tnsny wbo bad mti defeat st Ilis bsoda ol lbs doyen' ton, and Imm Ihs obern.g words sipressrd, Ihs rrpolilicso Uriel most start ont with tr ing thdorssmenl at ths bails of its Jiarty. Ihs hM x Ik ia. Ii iiol ba itnlurd to bur apy ctbsr if on bavs asada np y or mind to Uks II o ils Hraiarilla. lUrorrurx-r Ibsl HimhI's Hrsosrllla aures wba all H tiers fall. li bot givs lip in drSiaif bresu oib cnrdicuiK bava fill to help oO. Taks Hood's fsrsspaolla foillifoll V sod o4 may rrawtiably SI I i I Io m cored CATARRH Notice of Intention. I AND OKriCE AT THE DAI.I F.ri, OHEOON, t March. S, Notlra la herelor given that the folloalng named settler has filed no Ureal his Intention to tusks Anal proof In sup- pfiit of his claim, and that aald proof will I inn, la I .Wore J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at lleppiisr, Oregon on April .' IKJU, hi: JAMKSCAKrY. M r. No X,. Ir ths sK4 ce. 11. Tp. I N. R. If, E. W. M. II iiaim lbs following Wllnertet Io prove hlsrniilliuioiis tHSldeiu s upon aud cultivation ol aal't land. !' Chxrlov VanHlnkle, Franrls Kilkenny, Bar. ner iNOierty, Johu Kllkauny. ol i.aiioway, (us, 4il 4-H. r. Mooas, KrgUiar. Did It Ever Occur to You? That o Firm Could bo Doycottcd and Still do Business ? I) l1 AM t!, 1 Si ! a 4 ftM BS. ; .!' ft t I Willi so 1 V Ilmxt's I'll Iss ars purly vrgrlatils, Sarefnlly prpara.) (fom Ins lirt Ing'S- dieO'S l ta'KAna rixts. H-i far ss bsard from lbs derrxMiralio delegates ars: LOCAIDISEASE aS Is Ihs eawwl si As s4 SaSSss stMMtt Skes It eaa a ear4 ky a lsant mavdy wlK saipid dv rvrtiy Inta tM anairiis. B Ini-i'ltrklf iurtp4 II (Ira r r atone. Ely's Cream Balm Is arknaMa4 la ks M oa thnrnajrw far f' smJ 1 sAa k. (0.4 la Haa4 snd Hay frr ef ail Wiaili . It sikwiM aliasisis UKS-salsssnf SiMva sais s4 InSaMaMtww, smM ths amaa, I ha aMinM Inm awAa, inKiiw U' iwnl t mr iw.ll, rrw sv al lrnau Sy Mi tU.f tMUSI lUUa, Wwraakuvaltllew Iwh. timber Lvlture, Final Prooj Holies fur Pi bt if alios. 1AM) OrriCE AT THE OAI.I.E. OHEOOW, j Manh IS, 1M4. olli' la hereby given mat nnrw nmn', 01 ismaion, 'ron. has Bled no'Ce of liileullon In mass Inal proof Iwlora J. M . Morrow, r.iuoiy rlerk at Ms oltlra Iu llriiiiiier. un ion, on Saturday lha wk day of on llinlier Cilltiirs appllrallna Sn Int tha qoarter of aee' Ion of No I'll,, Tnwnslitp ho. 1 a. Haifa Nn. S fast. II names aa a llo'ss a: Janir ( l'U hao I'anl, J ' Ihoinsuu, Jauao l S,allwf lsliigiuii, uregon. w. "nr. Mi j ma Kegitr. ( I Kotlc f lnt"tln. il If AM) OtrUK AT THK tlAl.l.fa, ORRilON, ', le Marrh aft. I"- lotow is hrrrl,T (Ivs.i that 1 s I lha follow Ins msiiimI It lr has (lll notlra. o Not let of Intention. Nort k is 1 ltWi,f I l.i st Orros sf La Oai.s liaanos. MafTh th. IWS iirsrar .ivn nut in awl ur i,a Sid rw.'ir ol his IhI'IiIImii ( mass Soal pur s i .ft trfhlsiialm aid thai said i-r.-.t will h inl Mm a I" r . M .rr" 1 .'ir, al l.i.i n i.f..,n, on May ISO.. I" vis 11 l -r s. I A'A I 1. J M 4 ' l K. H R So Iieppoar,oc. tur. cv,u f f , , ,w T , Itrown. Job Ular. and W ill , s J hlf,efj Ml. Vernon. Jas. P. .bea,Jtia lie oaa tha following ltosr Inpn.ta his Hughes ,nd Vim tonr.; leary, Tom ."""Tt "I-" "'!""- - UalloCk. Is, i. Bfla. (I. W. B.-OM I i,, Je'ty twn. I tt aad Tboa. Olsi I. Tba b-ita will nst ' '. M Hi .". il t i' "". - his iMimlloii Io mas Soal prd In soppurt l hetrlalm. aiM that aa 4 teKil will I tntl hvlota I II Morrow ronnly rlalk, St Heppner, ui.a oi, oa i, i vir A Htm A M J-ll I'lT. ltd. f. In SMi, lor lha ft , Sen. II, sad r' ."f 'a. II IP II I VI lis mum lit lollow us wltiomi In prove his roiniiioous rvsl'lvif a upon an4 culllalloa ul s-i.l latui. via. Il.,-.f iMiitrv, frank flefllry, W 0, aroll. lobs HjiUmi, ail of Heppner irron ik f, M'MIKR, 4AJ Groceries, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Stockmens' Supplies, Etc., And Wants Your Trade! He will make it an ohjpct for you to trade with him aa bis prices are right, aod all goods that he handles are of the very beat Store on Main Street, Next Door to City Drug Store, Hoppnor, Oregon. ucorssur to C. a. Van Duyn. Kelt door to City total. Has everything in the line of Fresh Groceries, Candies, Nuts, and also keeps Crockery, Lamps and Tinware. Stock is Complete. Notions a Specialty, Attorneyn t T-s-tiw, All basins altandsd to ii prompt an J aatlsfactory tnannsr. Notaries 1'ablie and Collectors. OrriCE I!f NATIONAL HANK UUILDINQ. DEFPNER. t t I i i OREOOH Hslnrrlay sod Cgbt It -ot. i n. r. iiii. K' s later. D. J. McFaul, M. D. At J. aV. HAGIH'9 RlSIDtHCl. Kutlj-wfuotloii Guurautootls Ptsatsii Awsf. A sbft lima slnra a W-n-sw twl"ping li A. Atrtinalek. t.t Ibis fily, slroilad sasy from llai paar and ba 't Sine ln f.mnd, Tha h'Kew was li'ows In .i a1 hd S lia-h lis rat rn th ln ' i.( 1 1. b t - Urf. 'ta Ilia ;. ''der Will .( f S g ! l iatufsir.t m ! M.a " IL ssiy S4.J ra r '! i4fsiW tl Kotlct of Final Settkmnnt. NOti'R l rirnv.ivy tht Tmr H... r-ln4 et't'i,'w"v to Ot ft II r-.." rl. a III . !!'ma rl W f !l Mroiit 14 l'l St't a a S lll -. ! Ivfrtl 4 lha o'i. i r.,.1'1 ol ... 'n .. tf at, I t ,, I . b" fl-' al I M i J f, ' f"S. I" S. .,', IA It lie) -4 I . A a V I I E. L. FREELAND, -if coutcrioHS, 'Its INSUHANCF, if ABSTRACTS. V. S. I,M) COMMISMOM-R. Iat ft H"l !' Islen, sTio una virav tunc Do You Want a Rig ? Don't You Want a Place to Put up Your Team ? Arc You in Need of a Saddle Horse ? All lie can bo jirocored at Tbnm,oo A liinns, Lower Main Btrtet, Hfjiporr, Oregon. Tnsa (antlaaMS ar wall ae,.ie!t with Orant. Ilarnay rrk. Ol'lleea snl thf sanntl, snd eaa atnnay s-4 Hm la Making th kIIu alia traveling aisu. I rk la gasping alia U UnM. THOMPSON Sr, i.iviiTWiir. Jixr-rat. , , . 11 . .. . . '1 THE PALACE HOTEL BAH, ,T. C. nonCrriCRS, Prop. aoai i a a s an aasaai a s a Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars.