Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, March 31, 1896, Image 2

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For Representative, -J.
N. BROWN, of Heppner.
For Sheriff,
ANDREW ROOD, of Hardman.
For Clerk,
A. W, PATTERSON, of Heppner.
For Judge,
A. Q. BARTHOLOMEW, of Alpine.
For Treasurer,
FRANK GILLIAM, of Heppner.
For Commissioner,
J. W. BECKETT, of Eight Mil.
For Assessor,
A. C. PETTEY8, of lone.
For Surveyor,
JOHN HORNOR, of Heppner.
For School Superintendent,
For Coroner,
DR. B. F. VAUOHAN, of Heppner.
The Delegates Meet and
Nominate a Full Tick
et for the County
Congressional and Stat Delegates Re
quested to Use Their Influence for
Ellis-Senator Mitchell and Judge
Lowell Endorsed.
Justices and Constables.
For Sustice of the 1st District,
For Constable of 'st District,
For Justice of 2d District,
J. 8. YOUNG.
For Constable of 2d District,
For Justice of 3rd District,
For Constable 3rd District,
For Justice of 4th District,
john McMillan.
For Constable of 4th District,
C. C. BOON. ,
For Justice of 5th District,
For Constable of 6th District, '
For Justice of 6th District,
For Constable of 6th District,
in tnis issue tne Uazette pre
sents the ticket selected by the
republicans in their convention
last Saturday. The editor of the
Gazette has experienced defeat
and knows what it means. It
hurts, but the republican party is
yet larger than any man, and it
is the duty of fivery republican to
support the nominees. If repub
licans bolted every time they were
Dot pleased it would be entirely
unnecessary to nave primaries
and call a convention together.
Organization would be cast to the
forewinds and the enemies of om
party would have legitimate rea
son to consider that there existed
more stubbomebS than principle.
The ticket put up last Saturday
is certainly an average one. Good
men have been selected and tb it
is an important feature. Their
election, considering the large plu
rality for the republicans in thi
county, is assured, if differences
do not work havoo where har
mony should pzist.
AViHT is the matter with the
ticket put up by the republicans
last Saturday?
Some of tln-so Li anti-Ellie
booms will got the wind punched
Out of them iiext week.
Porci.lHT convention Thursday,
democratic convention Saturday
Tho fur will tlien proceed to fly,
j HE u n)ocriitio primaries worn
slimly Httendcd laf-t Siiturdny, but
f . : i ; i r .i -ii
iroin muumioiiH mire win no h
stroi g -fl.rt tumid to put up a first
class ticket
In some localities of the first
congressional district a strong
fight is being made against Her
mann, as each locality is putting
forth its favorite son. However,
we proJict that Mr. Hermann will
receive the nomination.
A WEALTHY Japanese gentleman
who came to this country a few
weeks ago to ktudy its civilization
has seen one lynching, watchful a
football game, attended a meeting
of the Chicago city council, wit
Denned au afternoon caaioa of the
Kentucky legislature, and has start
ed back to Japan
That was a neat little device of
ths Iowa legutnlora, w uo hive pro
hibited the manufacture and sale
! - . . . I II
oi cican-uep. - rici'ininr. uv Ii.ihum e
for u outiide of the tatM Iu
other word, they don't mind a-
For Representative,
J. N. BROWN, of Heppner.
For Sheriff,
ANDREW ROOD, of Hardman.
For Clerk,
A. W.
PATTERSON, of Heppner.
For Judge,
A. G.
For Treasurer,
FRANK GILLIAM, of Heppner.
For Commissioner,
J. W. BECKETT, of Eight Mile.
For Assessor,
A. C. PETTEYS, of lone.
For Surveyor,
JOHN HORNOR, Of Heppner.
For School Superintendent,
For Coroner,
DR. B. F. VAU6HAN, of Heppner.
Pale, Thin People Usually are Diseased.
The FlrsiStep Necessary to Gam Flesn is Health,
Men Proper Food ior Both Bou and Nerves.
An Old Soldier's Clear, Straightforward Statement.
Diet. . E. U Freeland, J. P.. B,, T.
Bafley.O '
Tbe central comaitteemen were o med
before the convention adjourned and
are mi ioI'ows: Heppner, J. f. linger;
Cecil, Geo Miller; Dairy. El. Coi;
Eight Mile, Ed Rood; L-xii.gt m, J. 8.
B Hit) by: Gentry. Jaw Dt-vins: Mt.
VVrut n, Geo Smith; Io'n. E T. Per
nios; mattes' o, J. 11. Manning; fine
City. I. L. Howard; Well Sprintra, W.
B. Parsons; Alpiue, A. Andrews; Dry
fork, JN. K. McVay. J. M. Uaaer wag
named as the chairman of tbe republl
can central committee.
The convention then adjoarnrd sine
nf, tiHving finished its labors inall
Kreat enthtiflinsiii. Perfect barnn-ny
prevailed thmqtiout the entire prv
oeedit gs, and tUotiKb many of necessity
must have been disappointed, itidioa
lions are that a fall lepublcati vote will
be polled iu June ami the eutire ticket
The delegates to the Republican coun
ty convention assembled in the court
house at 10 o'olock, last Saturday morn
ing, and were called to order by A. W.
Patterson, chairmen of tbe republican
county oentral committee. After a tew
brief remarks tbe work ot organization
began and J. N. Brown was elected as
temporary chairman and VV. W. 8mead
as temporary secretary. E. L. Freeland
was obosen as assistant secretary.
On motion the obair was instructed to
appoint five on a committee on order of
business, five on credentials, three on
resolutions and three on organization
rhe selections were as follows: Order of
business, Ed ltood, E. P. Voruz. N. R.
MoVay.J.L. Howaid and Chas. Barnett;
organizntion, Geo. Miller, J. M. finger
aud E. T. Perkinn; resolutions. Otis
Patterson, J. B. Manning and Andy
0nk; credentials, E. L. Freeland, Ed.
Cox, N. A. Kelley, Joe Rector and H. T
The convention then adjourned till 1
o'olook, p. m.
On assembling in the afternoon tbe
various committee! reported as follows
To the obairmtn and members ot tbe
republican coonty convention ot Morro
nooniy, uregon, lor low: We, yonr
committee oo credentials, beg leave to
report that tbe following named persons
e entitled to seats in this oonvention
lelegates from their respective preoincts,
to-wil : Heppner, D. Oox. E. L. Free
'and, J. N. Brown. Pat Quaid, II. T.
Bagley, N. A. KIIey, J. M. llsger, Rob,
Welkins, Otis Piittersnn, Albert Osmin;
Mt. Vernon, E. P. Vomz, W. W. Buiead,
Miohell Bearann, Ueo. Smith. 8. Laloode;
(leutry, Wm. Barratt, Ed Duran, M. J,
Devln. Joseph Hector; Lexington, Cbas,
Valentine, J. T. Boothby, Clia. 1 Bar
nett; Lena, W. E. Uialt, Andy Cook, Pat
Kellelmr; Diiry, John F. Royse, E. S,
Cm, J. O. Williams, O. I Kobiuion.
Henj, I'oiionira; lone, Paul Ki'itirmn, E.
r. IVrkiii", Frank Eti.lemnn; Dry Fork,
(I. W. Maxwell. N. 11. MiV.iv. J O.
U'g; MttHn, Hihis Wright, David
Hamilton, II. K. Hi'vl.iricl, J H. Manning;
B'gl.t Mile. Kl II ml, l'. t. r Brenuer, J.
vV. Ileckntl; ilcpil, T. J. la.iin. (leo.
Vliltr; Alpine, Arthur Amlri'trs, L. M.
I'naell; UVIIh Spruitf", John ll .ndy and
vV. It. IVmhii, a halt vole each, A. B
rbompfon and Willard Drunk, by A. B.
rbomiis m, proxy, a bait vote each; Piue
City, J. L. Uowaid, L L. Howard.
Respectfully submitted,
E. L. FaiiLAHD,
K. 8. Cox,
N. A. Kii.lt,
J. W. Kicroa,
II. T. Baolit,
OommtltM on Credentials,
lleppoer, Oregon, Marob 2H, IHtiC.
We, the committee on nrganiiation,
reiHttt and reoommend tbat tbe present
rganitatinn of the eon tent ion be made
pemuneiit by lion J. N. Brown being
made ebairman, W. W. Hmead, eeoretary,
nJ K. Lk Freeland, aenisUnt aeeretary.
(). MiLLia,
J. M. tlAOia,
To Ibe republican eonnty eoorentlnn
if Morrow county: We, your oooiniiliee
appointed to preoeut or, lor of baslneea,
reeneotfolly submit lb folloalog report:
e racommeod Id order if baniSMS
be as follows: Perniaoeol orgsaliation,
IrO'liiD of delegalrs ti Sltle enVfntlo,
Irriioa of dlrira'r to e.itrionl
nvi)tKei, niuinalion nf tUrr tt. elerk.
Ju lre, reprwotaiiv, eobool mf InUo-
ImiI, trearv, axwuir, coraniaelattar.
From The World-Herald, Omaha, Neb,
Florerce, the oozy little suburb to the
north of Omaha is agog with excitement
The older generation, of which the pop
ulation ot Florence ia mostly composed,
are apparently getting yonng again, and
vie with the jouhger generation iu feats
ot strength and agility.
A World-Herald reporter wag attract
ed by the evideooo of renewed activity
of some ot the older inhabitants of tbe
village and enquired tbe cause. Mr.
Audrew Finkeukeler, who was a member
of Company B ot the First Iowa Volun
teers dnnng tbe war, made tbe following
explanation ot bia strong, healthy ap
pearance, when lor years be bad been
orippied or compelled to lie on a tick
bed with a complication of disorders re
suiting from tbe hardships which be
was compelled to endnre. He eaid:
in July, itibo, while my oompany
was on tbe march through to Austin,
lexas, my leg troubled me considerably
But I thought that It was nothing but
a recurrence ot the effects ot a sprain I
had reoeived dunog tbe war by my
horse falling on me, but tbe pain Boon
uoi eased to such a degree that 1 was
compelled to ask for medical treatment,
Tbe surgeon pronounced tbe cause rbi-u
matiem, and tbat of the worst order. At
Alexauder, Loumiana, I was in such
weakened condition, though 1 continued
to marob witb my oompany, tbat the
exoessive heat overcame me and I was
euuatruok, remxinmg uooonscums sev
eral hours. As a result ot tbe sunstroke.
I was unable aud bave ever ainoe been
unable to rerun! q in ibe glare of tbe sun,
even on a moderately cool day, and
every summer I bave been overcome by
tbe beat so that I would be com pel ltd
to give no my work. Tne feeliuu that
I experienced was a sort ot bearing down
on my bead, as though a heavy body
was resting there and at times it would
come quickly, like a blow and I wonld
nnconsioosly stoop as though involon
larily avoiding an obstacle presenting
itself to my bead. This bearing dowu
gradually gre into stead pain hicb
iooreaeed until it seemed us though my
head wonld burst.
Tbere wss aleo a constant ringing in
my ears rendering it very diffioult for
me to bear. Coupled witb this, palpi
tation ot tbe heart oaused me great
trouble, and this grew so tbat tbe slight
est shook to my nerves from a slight
noise or other disturbance would set my
heart to thumping against my cbest aud
I would tremble from head to foot as
though I bud 81. ViIuh' dance. Three
times, from slight cironmstHnoes the
palpitation was so great that I fitinted
and remained ouconscions for from
seven to ten bou rs, at wbiob lim"i my
relatives despaired of my life. In addt
tion to this the rnenmatiem, which bad
fealt only iu my ankle, beau to work
np my right leg uutil the whole right
Mine oi mv oi my was unvcica ny it, so
much indeed, that my bead was drawn
dowu to my right nuouider. I was
totiilly unfit for work, lost my strength
and IIhuIi. I tried every phyaioiau who
ai reported lo me to l ave a special
knowledge of tny oae, but after luiig
trial, 1 only experienced temporary re
lief from the puin. I was oouQued to
my bed during the greater part of the
cold weather of each year.
"for twenty eight yiars I have con
sulted iihyaiciiitis and tHken their pre
Hcripiioiia without deriving any material
benefit. My ailmeuta increased IU In
teiiBiiy Until 1 wks aexiired that there
was no hope for nt During last year
I ent into the butcher busiuene, bill
the dampness from the toe ueed in
creaeed my rheumatic pains to such an
extent that I was not only oompelled lo
quit tbe business, but wm confined to
my houe aud bed for nearly six mouths.
"I bad given up all faith of being
well man again, wben in November last
I read in Ibe World-Herald a eae of
man wbo had been entirely on red from
tbe ailments from which T whs riiITv, ma
bV the use of Dr. WiIIihojb' Pink Film
for Pale People. Though the name did
not at first strike my futicy, ou Novem
ber 2o, 1 purchased a b.'X. Iu a week
1 was astonished to know that 1 felt
better tbau I hail fur six months paHt,
aud before 1 bad used hulf a box I wie
sure tbat I hud fonud a oure for mv
ailments. Tbe ringing iu my ears be
gan to lessen in volume and finally left
me. lUhl was the Ursc effect 1 exnert-
enoed aside from an iuoreaeed appetite.
ine pain from tbe rbeumatiem gradu
ally left me, so tbat witbio one week
from tbe time I took my first nill I was
able to sit np in bed. Oo January 1st
I was able to go out and walk around
a little. Tbe palpitatious ot my besrt
entirely ceased. On February 9, 1 wae
so thoroughly cured tbat I aocepted a
position as night watobman in tbe For
est Law cemetery, remainiug out ot
doors rrom 6 p. m. until 6 a. m. I bav
gained in weight from 141 pounds wbioh
1 weired in November last, to 172
pounds wbion I weiub now.
"Ibe rheumatism bas entirely left me.
exoept wben I have too muob walking
to do durng tbe nuht, my right ankle
pains me a little, but only when I do
too much walking. I now feel like a
well man and am good for forty years
yet. 1 Hm titty years old aud bave re
sided in rlorei oh nine years, having
come to umulia lo 181. 1 nvs reoum
mended tbe pills to nine people in this
village all of whom are taking them and
expeueuoing tbe same beneficial eiTots
which 1 have received. I used nine
boxes of the pills."
Mr. K. W. (Jowan, keeper ot a general
store at Florence whs also seen by the
reporter. Mr. CAwan is also an old
soldier, having been a member ot the
141th lufautry, Company C, and the
latter ot Company M of tbe First Miuue
si ta Cavalry. Mr. Cowen stated tbat he
oontracted cbionio diarrhoea wb'le he
was in the army aud bas nev.r until
within the past few months, received
any relief. He stated tbat be bad taken
two boxes of tbe wonderful Piuk Pills
and was now almost thoroughly oured,
so much so iu faot tbat be baa disooo-
tinned their nse. ,
He was also paralyzed in the left side
of bis face, tbe moutb being drawn op
at tbe left c truer, aud be was entirely
unable to move tbe mosoles of his fore
head or to close his left eye. He states
that be believes it is oing to tb use
of tbe Pink Pills that be bits reoovered
tbe ne of his left eyelid, wbich, prior
to bis taking tbe pills, bad been fastened
down by a physician so that Ibe sight
would not be destroyed from the eye
tiding witb dust, and eeortbes the re
covery to the 1'iuk Pills. He has gained
fifteen pound iu weight since last
October, and feels healthier and strong
er than at any lime since the war. Il
iniends lo reoommenoe using the pills
with tue expectation of a ouinpleto re
oovery fmm the paralvils.
Dr. Will hujs' Pink Pills for Pale Pn
pie are considered an nufMiling specific
It sui'h diseases us locomotor ataxia,
partial paralysis, Ht, Vitu-i' dsnce,
oolnticH, neuralgia, rheumatism, nervous
headache, tli after ( Aids of la grippe,
palpitation or the heart, pale and sallow
complexions, that tired feeling remil'iug
from nervous prostration; sll diseases
resiiliiiiK from vitlH'ed hnmois in the
blood, such hi (i-rofnln, chrni.ie eneipe
I .a, etc. They are also a spenfln ft
irotiMis peculiar lo smiles, sncu s
suppression, iiriguliiriiies, am) all form
of weaknei. Iu men thev IT-rt
rsdioni cure in an cases aitslng froru
mental worry, overwork, or exces of
wbatevrr nature. Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills are sold by all dealers, or will h
seot postpaid nu receipt o' price, fx)
cents box or six boxes for 82 50 (they
are never sold In hulk or bv the 1(A)), hy
addrensiug ur. William s Medicine Uo
Hoheorrtady, N. Y.
None Bat Ayer's nt the World's Fair
Ayer's Sars-iuhrilla eni iys the extraor
dinary distinction of luiv.ng been the only
blond puriner allowed an exhibit at tbe
World's fair, Chicago. Manufacturers
of other sarsaparillas sought by every
means toobtaiu a showing of tbeir goods.
out they were all turned awny nuder the
application of the rule forbidding tbe
entry o( patent medicines and nostrums.
Ibe decision of the World's fair aotho.
rities in favor of Ayer's Barsaparilla was
in effect as follows: "Ayer's oarsapa-
rilla is not a patent medicine. It does
not belong to tbe list ot nostrums. It is
here on its merits."
Consisting1 of one sheet of FARM BUILDINGS and one sheet
of 78 Subjects, DOMESTIC ANIMALS, etc. These are to
please the children. The Farm House and AnlmaJe can
be cut out and made to stand, thua making; a complete
Miniature Farm Tard.
3 Ways to Get This Farm:
r- 8 Coupons j or
JCliu 1 Coupon and 8 Cents j or
10 Cents without any Coupon, to
and the Farm will be eent you POSTPAID. Tou will find
one Coupon inside each 2 ounce bag, and two Coupons
lnalde each 4 ounce bag of
Bl All's Genuine Curiam Toon.
Buy a bag of this Celebrated Smoking Tobacco, and read the
coupon, wmcn gives a list oi ouier premiums auu uuw iu gei inem.
Mrs. M. A. Hoox, ot lone, will open
np this week with a oomplete milliner
stock in tbe store next door to the lone
hotel, in lone. Tbe stook will be well
selected and Mrs. Knox deserves tbe
patronsgeof tbe ladies ot tbat vioinity.
27 30 law.
and by virtue of an execution lriaued out
of the Circuit Court o( the Slate of Oregon for
the County of Morrow, on March W, 1896, and to
me directed and delivered, upon a judgment
rendered and entered In wild Court on the 5th
dny of March, 18, in favor of J. H Townnend,
Plaintiff, and mmliiet Thomai Wnlden. W. O.
Heott and . W. Harris, Defendant, for the aum
of Three Hundred Forty-eight and 10-100 (:4U0)
Dollar with interest thereon from said 5th of
March, 1896, at the rate of ten per cent per an
num and Twenty-five (125.00) Dollari attorney'!
fee and the further 11101 of tiixty-four and 89-100
(tiil 89) Dollari coats; and, wherein, by Mid
judgment it waa ordered and adjudged that the
following described real property, to-wit: SVC
of aection 24 in Tb. 1 north, ranire 25. E. W. M..
be sold to satisfy said judgment, costs and ac
cruing costs. I will, on
Saturday, the 25th day of April, 1896
at. 1 o'clock, P. M., of said day, in front of the
tourt House in Heppner, Morrow- County.
Oregon, sell the right, title and interest of the
aid Defendants iu and to the above described
Eroperty at Public Auction to the highest and
est bidder f r cash in hand, the Droceedi to be
applied to the satisfaction of inid execution and
1 coats, sua costs that may accrue
24-31. O. W. HARRINGTON.
Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon,
Dated March 16, I89S.
listing ia tli 0 corruption of tbe
70Uth of olber stales, but propos surveyor, coroner, trmorl oitirers
to protivt their own.
N faed,
To I Jacseobvilla Timr. tlcmo-
crane, piree tnia picture r( a
county rulcl by populWU: "Tlii
political titaaUno crow trior'
interesting in Ktatoatb Monty as
tL Unit draw near for LoUing
CormuUntia. Tbe) tnanftRcmttit of
contity affair. 1 7 tli populist
tTieiala is tery ooaatisfactory,
etrrrt to th ulista tbetnarWea,
Tli opuliat aaaeaatir trilj tuia.
takea in tie aesroent rSI last
year t'tii amount cf tCl.fXlCt, au l
tben rliaf t'e I th ciubty llfiO m'r
i t iu siti titan ia usiaiiy
rlirceL HherifJ Tilrh baa klotn
lilllrt tit draw l ie salary, end
alUi MihC. N. (lor l.tn catnjwd
on tli" trad i f tlm Ti'-y prt
ita rd lx ra, and ia laiclieg Ibrw
Mm ly 'ii .i I 1 t ion -ara, r
N r t 1) lit !'. I .i camp t
iii Hm r I !.,( ,n rerut tn.
rutn' i.t w,:i . i t ii"iniiil.' I
hud t'." 11 1 I tS j 1 r ne tut Jau
K. 1. Ibain, t'h.iftnis.
K I'. Voai s. rWy.
lleppaer, Or, March 3H, lt.Ki.
l1e eomaatttae on rawolattoas thio
p'Mntd the follow if;
Waaaaaa, Uin to adverse Wglsla
tioa paaaed by the drtanrralie party sad
tlod tf a drweralle prMideal, wbtea
has Iwpnve'tetH ear elisos frost nae
end of Ibe lead ta the 1.1 her, rrf ardlise
ot neeupeiloe, aaJ
n isaaaa, W plol witb l ul arl lalo
Its aread rrJ cf lb repohlieee parts,
inee He twtlaetnf, la Iks leteevai ot
bumanity wiihoal retard lt birta or
lalli-N, Ih'frf.rf i
IiVki tr.f. l tbe rfMlatiet Ike
rpatiir partr i4 M .ir.w eoauty, la
enkali n tnh I, hl we
sn nar iiiifl-. em n ! la lb
.f 11 '! unnfUir.l fr..ui lima t flat
la t'ii 'i' t '. un-'of ir frtr, wb b
, ihnf.ifl.lr at4 stf-tof
lly Ui, n nH, wa da aow, a
hff I. f,., niil rrteif i-ondma tba
nke sad Ii 1 las rtxiia pariaed
hi the .loi w.lie il) a. their rtwts
tihb ii i mn.'h ! a
t e 1 .f. f,.ii e'i. n I.t at,,nu til
M liii". 1, a,iu a bat tn,, ( irarr sa l
im r.j r--I I ai il hi il'afaa
I' e '-, t l (i'i e ! g lh fimva
nw ''i I i I- sj' Iha ttf 1
m't i f I r t 1 ., . 1 i f,;.-int men.
' . , I h .1 1 f'i fl )
I' 1 .' u t r l ! t --I ia t
U Us swak, a4 tWeuj ww standi
ready to endorse tbe sol ion ot our party
lo stale and national conventions.
Remjlvftl, That wa refr witb pride lo
tba reoord of tiou. W, 11 KHis, represents
live In rnigret from thu district, end
that our dekuittHi lo the state and rou
greaaional eouvcutious are requested lo
use iheir utru'iat euJeuvor lo acoure his
Hemttvtit. I'bst we rftoanicln Senator
John tl. MitOhell a ui-ful aeivant of the
bole people ninl tb l we blieve Orsifon's
luterrsla detUHinl I II re rim tl" U kt tha
oeltsiin of the le aUlure, aud wa
hereby piedif our eutidat for repre
sent s' ire, if e sited, to givs bia earnest
aod 111 qnalid.d aupp.nl.
crsofi'cif, Ihil firfw!' line. H. A.
liima.l, j Mire i this J-idieUI dialriei, a
e enmpvteut and liuinil juriai, and we
pUdita Ibe support ot Mono eoauty for
bis reeotnlnslinn.
Cria PTTeao,
l'T J V.
J It. Maxiu.
( iiirni'iee uu lUxtiullons.
Tbe rtwotuhiiue were all sdopisd ia
Iba order ol prrsMilatioa.
(e m iu il aa di-ei.led thai auml
aaiiiHis shmilj be made ty lofuiaial
Tba ebair eppoiolej Geo. Ibdiloson
and Asa Tbonpaoa a lellera. Tbe coa
veatioa ihee pmratded lo ballot for
i.1 and by virtue of an execution issued out
of the Circuit Court of the Mate of Oregon lor
the County of Morrow on March 16, 1896. and to
me aireciea ana delivered, upon a Judgment
rendered and entered In said court on the 5th
day of March, 1898, In favor of The Northern
counties investment Trust Limited) Plaintiff,
and against G. W. Stewart, James D. Hamilton,
O. W. Harrington, Administrator. Addie Parvin
and J. N, Brown. I'efendanta, for the aum of
Thirteen Hundred Two and 4-100 (1:IOJ.01) Doll
ars, with interest thereon from March 5, 1896, at
me rare 01 ewni per cent per annum and one
Hundred Dnllara attorney's fee. and the further
sum of Kitty five aud 60-100 ($55.60) Dollars coits:
and, whereas hy said judgment it waa ordered
auu aiijimgea iiihi tne loiiuwing nescilbed real
property, 10-wu: 1 ne wu 01 a-t v 01 aectlo 80.
W"4 of K8K',and NWtiol HKia section
SI, and HWiof kw section 2, all in Tp. 68,
K. 25 K W. M.. be sold to iHtiafv said ludu mailt.
voBis auu accruing cosia. 1 will, on
Saturday, the 25th day of April, 1896
at 2 o'clock, P. M of said day, at the frontdoor
01 inei;.uri Mouse in iii-ppuer, Morrow County.
Orfe.in, sell the riifht, title ami interest of the
aaict iieieiiilauis 111 and to the alwve di-scrlbed
roierly at Piilille Auction to the h u heat and
test tiMiler for caah Iu hand, the proceeds to be
in plied 10 tne faiisiaciiiiu ui sain execution and
ail c -is, auu cosii tliat may accrue.
21-;. w. . H A KKI NGTON,
Hlirrlir of Morrow County, Oregon.
Dated March Hi, IK.Ki.
This has become an established market for Eai'ern Oregon, Washington and Idaho
wools. Last season three million pounds were received here by rail from Huntington,
Baker City, Heppner, Arlington, and from Yakima, 8pokane, Lewliton, Walla Walla and
Intermediate stations.
Low freight rates are given on shipments to Pendleton for scouring and packing in
transit. Many of the leading buyers make this place headquarters, and all large opera
tors frequently visit Pendleton warehouses. As a market this place is equalled only by
The Dalles In quantity of wool which attract! competition, with this advantage i
From no point in the Northwest, Portland
included, is wool shipped East at less ex
pense than from Pendleton.
Water competition has not afforded suf
ficiently low rates upon wool in the g rease
,and dirt, to equal the lower expense in
curred by shipping only clean, scoured
wool from Pendleton.
Owing to this fact Pendleton buyers ire enabled to pay as much or more for wool
at this point than is averaged at other places havl g reputation! as "high markets,"
baaed upon exceptional lalei of fancy lots of light wools. Considering character of wool,
and shrinkage, it may safely be claimed that the average tales in Pendleton
Net the Grower more Cash for the same amount of
wool than can be obtained in any other Market in
the State. .
rrtTi MLtotrsa.
Tne laforwal ball. wae as follows:
A. Andrews. 87 J J N. Brwwn, 4), J. M
. iT. II Howard. 91. aad
eaeraas eealtertaf jle. O4 aaolloa b
hIM was dwUred l.ifosal end the feur
ebtve named ware declared eleeted
Tbe vote e aneirvaatoaat dU(ate
t4 a f.ilw! 1 L L tw a. b0. U
0.a, 5I5E.L rteolaad. 7 W. W.
Mtneed. 4. and am aellrie(. Tb
fuar batawd i dlard electee!,
Tbe ief.ral UUo bt.. O W.
Ilrfiet..a 17, A H-l2t. N H, WM.
inn II sad blink I I be fl"l f.ml
blll rvaulted Is Ul r'itie 8J
.-, lUrnnti.n In t-. Miller I an I
bi.io..l air. K . l was de li.l
tbe ftimine,
Tha af rrotl tilt retlt-l m A. W
IVim4 r-fci.f 1 , M I. lar
iim l Will Mili ar ad Hnbrtl
I -I V llwasebol flM tt ap
tuth r4iit hll..i mn lt,a a,li
h" I 'li.m Z). tl't'S'l' 17 I
, lH.f 5 A,W. I''l".n atll!iq U.
! rUr J the ,n.le.
I a ihis
O4 tbe utuitfai UJA tut twMily
JudaT E. A. Brnodasa had 15 vnlee, J,
N. Elder 6 end A. It. Ilsitholornew 80
I'bs fl'sl formal' balld settled it
ftvor of Bartholomew who reoeived 82
vote. Lldar got 8 and BruLdege 11.
IUtibolvjine w was drclarrd Ibe oomiose
Tbe liititrmil hallnt showed ss M'ows
J N llrowo i"J. J. a Uooibby 9. C. M.
1 c 11. J.ihuaon 1 and blank 1. The
Oral formal ballot stood Brown 33
Ux.thbr 7 and Peck II. Broan aa
ibrQ declared the oomlnee by J, M.
llaer wbo bad breo called lo Ibe cbalr
at hoil scr ISIKTIX DIXT.
Tbe toi,e frgardwf UfirBH ballot
were suspended on oiollitn. Vor settuol
sapertaiemUot, Mls Anoie J. Bslsige
rei-etved 1W v.iu an I Mr. J"ho lUiyaa,
of Hardtnea 15. IIia Balsiger was
declared Ibe anatinee.
Tbe first ball ot for treasurer resulted
la Oil urn ree-ivluc 'ii. Lie 'item hl 13
sn I wAlil' II. D lb a-n. balh4
Itillians 1 I 'X votra, Lsehtentbal 17,
MaAliir7 aed b ask I. Odium was
declared ths aoiniase,
Tbe first ball it for e, r wss v'i
neb waller 1. McM.llaa fMm 10
vnto. Wylaa l 8, Ualhtek . VViUU 11,
I'etUys 11 and bleak 1. o tba een4
ballet MeMillat r" 4. W B 1 1 Hal
lek M, Will.s 21 and l'(Uii IS Hal
with Irew es t the battle waged bl
h-iwswa Ibe fries J of VVl, and
IVtleya, and tb Ultar weal la with '47
votes to MU I is 7i
It at'd by virtue of an execution turned nut
f the Circuit Court of the Htnte of lircvon for
thpt'niinty of Morrow, March Iti, 1mi, and to
me directed and ilelivend upon a judgment
reud'Tol mid cntiTed lii aald court 011 the 2d
Imv of lr'li ls,. in lavor ol 'Ihomas U fior-
n an, I'l'iliiHir aud :,il,.t tieorgn W. Junkln.
Peleitdiiitt. lor ilit 'iiti of sixteen Hundritl and
Mxty ine 1$ i,.-iii Hollars a llh InUrrat thereon
Ii. mm Mureh h, lti, at ttieraeof tptinerrent
per annum and line Hundred Dollars attorney's
Ice and the further sum ol Twenty iKillararnata:
and, whereaa, by Mid judgment It waa ordered
ami aojutigeu mat tne lonowing dcacrloed real
riropwrty, to-wll: NriW tml NKU of srrilon 10,
11 To. H a. K H K W. M . be sold to sallaly Mid
judgineiit, coat and accruing coata, I will, on
Saturday, tha 25th day of April, 1898
at I o'clock H M.. ol Mid day, at the front door
ot the Court llmiaetn lirppiirr, Morrow Conntr,
Oregon, aril Ih-right, title and Intereal ol tha
Mid iN-fendant III and to the above deaertlied
property Putillr Auction to the hl heat and
Iml lil'bler lor raah Iu hand, tha proceeds to he
applied to Ihe Mtlalartlon o( MldKuUon and
all eoaia, aud coata that may aeerue
HherlrTof Morrow Couuty, Oregon.
Dated Hana IS, ikm.
The Thoroughbred Running Stallion
stand the season at
Heppner, Ore.
Terms: $20 for the season. All mares
over one from the same stable will be bred
for 5 less, each.
Swamp 19 a Dark Bay, 76J mm high; Star ih face, Two whiti
1 ita t Swamp by teon: flrtt dam. Oremn Rom.
Sorted Ureal Tom; Tiptop s Aral dam, Brthrey. she by Imported Bonn! Hrntlan
she by Tlptoa;
oorlMl Knnnl.riMtli.nA im
nrainam.urapeihni; aha hy Rnckahot; ha by Imported Buckton; third daa.lalUsMoraan.br
tireiron Rosa's
Jobo Mortao; bs by Importad SoTurelno.
xTtiTirit m ittRpnv r.iwtritiTriintil
it and hy rlrtoa ol an eierutloa tasuwl out!
Mitt Irrult court of the atate of I'reaon lor
the County of Morrow, nn Man-a la, !, and to
n.a niearUN ami neiiirerM, upon a J our men t
rendered and euterol In Mid t ourt oo the.Mk
dayof lirh. IM. In favor of K. f lluihea.
rial' tin. and amine! Henry Kelly, Defendant,
fn tha aum f wren Nnadred rnyn and
WW l;M) Imllata, altb Inlereat Iheea
oa front Man-h the n. Im. al tha
rata of ten tef rent. Iter annum and Maty
toilers aitomet a tea. and tha further aum of I
ibinyiemr and aaian HM) Imiiani enaut:
and. whereat. byMId Jndtntenl It waaordarad
and at ida. that Ine following deariii! real
(.ropefty, ta wit Houth half nf tha north half of
keel ion twenty !. and wmi kal at SM-tloa
twenty. threw, all In townahln twaaoulh. ranaw
twenty artenaaat. w . t win toMtlafy Mid
)id(menl. enata and arrruo aia. I will, en
Saturday, te 25th slay af Aaril, 1898
at I a rlrl r . of Mi l day. at tha Irani 4 oof
of te I otirl llm.w In It t, Moemw t ixinir.
ieeon a-ll all tha rt(hl. fills and Interest af
the Mid Iwleo laol In aod to lb abora derrlla.
fe..i-rl at rublte Auetl.Hl to I ha al(h aid
Ivat bl l ler for eaeh In band, tha ftm . It ta ha
app'le-l to the Miiat-rt oa nf Mid etaraUa and
ail eraia, sod Coata tbat anay aeerue
nit u. w, m annum.
Sheeltfef Mnrraat lonnty, utwtrna.
Dalad Maecb It. pav.
Can forDieh pood pnstore at tl.25 per month per bead. Sernc
fee payable when tuare ia served, either by cash or good note.
GEO. C. AIKEN, Owner.
n 1 i
10 DO
John II raer, a loeae tntt rf nrp
swr, ski Is a Ib.Koiwb stalest sail ba
bal Bute It el ;i tears la teaebloj
Ibis r li't t, was a"n nata l f it aarteyor
liy SMl.itit'l 't. fwetan ra ftfou.ael
ll O l ttie ol!l w etVepUMy d S.L
r a ata
A talli-l was Uk't on eoftear ae, Ih
ajliola ft 'I y. on r,.le Ware ilatri'i ll.
"H'li t'wwl at muif nt) II iwetet.
anna ..-r. t'ij i'f I r H f,
Va'ifHu lr lia a.ti.n. i t tha
ti'i t-t tale t f l tl e; t was t.oi- j
naiwl ia a Iwitilhef
rataartat aa sen t f. S j
........ (
I ne raw n idea ir Jttie I'l l r
atali ew ! Itta rl ma la'fi'! ar at
' ..it oa.: t 1 K I. W ,t J , O
t f. ; II a. J. J V.n"., J ',
t. 'V I f.. . t J t' - 1 l-n ".
J.P.Wa.l-e t'ft Oj hat 4 Jin
M -M i l.. I I" ' 0 II -t tJ It,.- a
J. a Ualias. i. V , I L. iw C,
N'OTtrt ta MtHRMV I.I V HI tt rwii
and t TlMoa n an linUna lawl Ml
tt Ibat liwnlt t ourt ot tha Mala nt lieewnei nf
tha Mntr wf Msrenw. sn ware a It. tana and ta
a dleeete.1 a4 te(!wtw4 nfni a twdfaanl
reaulenl and etm In Mid t oort nn Ihe j.
May nt Hank m in tarn, nt ttwneew W Mar
nnaton m the SdalnUiMtne a4 tha rtate
Jamea W Mewaet. rt-ead. flainliS7. and
!.. j.mr i llamiiiow, l.a r Hamilton
1 nrwwn. addi larn ad tha Nonnntn
I mmlMliuM ui.l t ,t. lUialle.il ieea
ania I,.' Ihe m I h ,'Ma 1 Nlltaul
l"te.t tneeon lenns ina j, lt at tha rata
mI l.n e.1 rent pe tanna and -a Ntn'te.t
a m I aeit ee i.Hea .nntn, a tw. and IKa
fn thefann of Iklntri a 1 an Imani
a.wta al tleni fcy evt 1 1 tnnt it waa
ne le.erl ad e.!h'lf4 that tha n,!Mlf ilea
r'. ee, ,e.eft,f t ail .nfeej'v !.,
e-eio,.. m l,ta w. at w II, a4 ,
of ia ...t ol aw a -eti t. a-4
nn K It t )-. M , na aeid lo
"'; Mi I )4 If 'nenl, enata and aeemtnf ewaia
I w ui. on
Sat.rasy, Ihe 23tH Sy af Apeil, 1898
al I n rl r W , of Ml I 4ar. al tHa leuot sno
,.l ts. i ,,., II w H't anee Mnenaa loq.lt,
, I ti' a and Inlareat nt tfcf
I m . t I- i U , l. .. tn tha a'-xa ilnrillal
jj. .1 -a, i t ii-n ta itakifhtael
I . M I 4 . In kand tea la M M
. .1 l t m .. ti..n nf Mid aawFntMS SM
I : e a. e 4 " ii.J n y e.enn
I .1 'i M atn1n.
I " 'I'nl trew Keantt. t
IVi if n,
l' in in i t it .i
ii ia iiivcr ana roffe Noun mm ion n
- q wwn..n n,-i qm VI V IS J V
Uettot AKUr Bireel Deck. Fortlsorl, for AHorla. ll.aeo. Loot Beseb, Ooeaa
lark aed Nehcoita. ihreol eonoeetKio witb tlwton eieatBars aaitrail
roaJj also st Yooag's Hay witb Seashore BailroaX
Leates rortlaa4 T i V, Dally, rapt Sunday. Uayes Aatuila 1 1. M. Dally, eicepl laaday.
Uaras rnia4 1 t. Si Ijlly ateeni Stino.y aaiuM.y nl,hi. r J. Iaeet Astoria Dalit a
at ii A. M., ateapt Sunday and Mun-Uy. SuimU; alf ht. 1 r. si.
ISkfeBBa rrs41lBaa4 Bfal SMeai lawa-.e S It aa ...
itM-.,. wv..T.'nar m ?yr .t,m ritM '
for Safslr. Srwad. romlort. rteaantw, Traeel aa tha Talsaanna. a. II.. n.i..- ..a e. ,
' ima, ninj,
fat nia.
T' o if en- I laj IV-a Ks'tea,al
I . . I. i,t-'. Adl'-sw lUttar 1 T.
C-. k.ni, li-a, Usu. PM.
Is aew epea with fr-ah Ilrea-S. Ties, C.le-.e, Mtf ot, ks.J.
U4Jie Cakes or Ia. U ry f, $p oi.l rlles.re baked in
Wiler. Also earrlaa a line of will saleciaj (Jrooeriee.
Caniics. Nuts, Cigars. ToLicco, etc
Will ba kepi fr t,e aeee,eartJs!loa tf Ike irate. C aslry rscrt.
et. ri"e Utapoear'lr la tnwn. eaa tt bal they ... '
tyebesplyatilisCITY llAKKUV
iTU rrouaSe of the rirla of H-fpotr it Itearetfolly BolieistxL
Old BaKcry Stand, HEPf'NER, ORE.