Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, March 27, 1896, Image 4

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Whils ron aoep your subscription paid up yea
ess keep your brand in free of charga.
Allyn, T. J., lona, Or. Horses Q(i on left
shoulder; cattle same on left hip, nnder bit on
right ear, and upper bit on the left; range, Mor
row oonnty.
Baird, D. W. and em. Horses branded D B
on the left hip: on' tie the same on left flank.
crop off rirtit ear, nnderorop in the left. Hange
in morrow uoanty.
Bartholnmew, K. G., Alpine, Or. Horses
branded T E on either shoulder. Knave in Mor
tow countv
Bannister, 3, W., Hardman, Or. Cut Me brand
ed B on left hip and thigh; split in eaeh ear.
Brenner, Peter, (toofleberry Oregon Horses
bran ied PB on left shoulder. Cattle same on
right aide.
Briwman, Jerry, Lena, Or. Horses branded 7
on right snouider; oattie a on tne lett ewe.
Left e;ir half crop tnd right ear miner slope.
Burtim, Wm., Heppner, Or. -Horses, J B on
right thigh i cattle, same on ngtit tup; split, in
Aftnh nnr.
Brown, J. 0., Heppner, Or. Horses, circle
C with riot in oai tor on left hip; cattle, eame.
Brown, W. J., I-ena, Oregon. Horses W. bar
over it, ou tlio left shoulder. Cattle same on left
Dover, W. Q Heppner, Or. Horses, box
brand on right hip cattle, same, With split m
asp), ari.
Borg, P. O., Heppner, Or. Horses, P B on left
snomaer; chttio. hiuiih on imt mo.
Brownlee, W. J., Kox.Or Cattle, JB oonneoted
on left side; crop on left ear and two splits and
middle piece cut out on right ear; on horses same
brand on the left thigh; Kange in Fox valley,
Grant county,
f aninar Wnrrnn. Warner. Or. Horses brand
er O on right stifle; cattle (three bars) on
right ribs, crop and split in each ear. Kange in
f-l-onf unH HnPTflV COnntlAH.
Cain.E., (Jaleb.Or. Y D on horses on left stifle
U wiin quarter mrum il, uu mil, -imuxnoi
and on left stifle on all oolts nmler 5 years; on
left shoulder only on all horses over S years. All
range in Grant oonnty.
Cate. Ohas. H Vinson or Lena, Or. Horses
H 0 on right shoulder; cattle same on right hip.
Rnnm Morrow and Umatilla counties.
Corrigall, M M, Oalloway, Or Cattle crop out
of each ear and nnderbit, wattle in forehead;
horses half circle C on left stifle. Kange JHor-
ow and Umatilla oonnties.
Curl, T. H John Day, Or. Double cross on
each hip on oattle, swallow fork and undei bit
in right ear, split in left ear. Range in Grant
oonnty. On sheep, inverted Aaud spear point
on shoulder. Ear markou ewes, crop on left ear
punched upper bit in right. Wethers, crop in
right and nnder half orop in left ear. All rang.
In Grant countv.
Cook, A. J. ,Lena,Or. Horses, OOon nghtshoul
dor; Cattle, sameon righthip: ear mark square
orop off loft and split in right.
Currin, U. Currinsville, Or. -Horses, 0 on
left stifle.
Cox Kd. 8., Hardman, Or.-rCaitle, Cwlth
B in oenter: horses. OK on left hip.
Cochran, H. K.. Monnment, Grant Co, Or.
Horses branded oirole with bar beneath, on left
shoulder; cattle same brand on both hips, mark
nnder slope both ears and dewlap.
Clmpin, H., Hardman, Or. Horses branded
O on right hip. Cattle branded the same. Also
brands CI on horses right thigh; ca'tle sane
brand on right shoulder, and out off end of
viua. W. M . Galloway. Or. Cattle. R D on
right side, swallow-fork in each ear; horses, K D
ni'io Rpm Donslas. Or. Horses hranded ELY
on left shoulder, oattle same on lefthip. hole
in right ear.
Emery, C. H., Hardman, Or. Horses branded
a reversed 0 with tail j on left shoulder ; oat
e same on right hip. Range in Morrow oonnty.
Florence. L. A.. Heppner, Or. Cattle, LP on
right hip; horses P with bar under on right
Florenoe, 8. P. Heppner. Or. Horses, F on
right shoulder; oattle, F on right hip or thigh,
n-ntr- K.lmer. Koho. Or. Horses branded H
B. with a quarter circle over it, on left stifle,
in Miirmw and Dmatillaaoanties.
Hiatt. A. B., Ridge, Or. Oattle. round-top 4
wlthqnarter oirole nnder it on the right hip.
Hange in morrow ami u maum wun
tTmuKm rUmnnl Wagner. Or r- (T V
connected) on right shoulder on horses; on oattle
on right lilp and on left side, swallow fork in
right ear and slit in left. Range in Haystack
district. Morrow oonnty.
H.rd J fx. Hsllowav. Or. Horses T (cross
with bar above It) on right shoulder; cattle same
on left side. Range in Morrow and Umatilla
Hall, Edwin, John Day, Or. Cattle E Hon
right hip; horaa sameon right shoulder. Range
in Orant oonnty.
Hughes, Mat, Heppner, Or. Horses shaded
beart on the loft shoulder. Ilange Morrow Co.
Hunsaker, H A. Wagner. Or. Horses, H on left
honlder: oai tie. Oon left hip.
Humphreys, J M. Hardman, Or. Hones, H on
left Hunk
H iHion, Luther. Eight Mile, Or. Horse H on
the left, slioiilderand heart on the left, stifle Cat
tle same on left hip. Itange in Morrow nnnnt.y.
J oins, Harry, HnppnT, Or Horses branded
H .Ton the loft shoulder; ca'tle lira idd J no
right hip. also undorliit in left ear. Range in
Morrow county.
Jmikln, 8. M,, Heppner, Or. Horses, horse.
alio. J on mrt aiinuiilur. ii.i.ib, ma mini,
IU ,,. on VI..M Mile.
I .hna in. Ki.llx. I.ana. Or. niirsaa. irlmleT on
left, sMlle: entile, SHmn on righthip, nnder half
oroo in ri' and split n lert ear
K inr, Mik, Hiippner, Or. Horana branded
KNY ou left hip cattle same and orop off left
ar: nii l ir nlmia on Ilia right
KH.J t lliipimer. Or. Horses (19 en loft
hm..r; entile. 'W oil Lift hln.
K i lM.rln.id,W,(., Mo-ml Vernon. Or.-I I, on
Bit. ' on riH'il and Infi sidi-s. swhIIow fork in li ft
s-tr s.ml nnlr nmn in riifht esr. Homos anm
brn td on l"ft stMiiitd'ir, Kunge in tlrant C'ntntr
I, .n ni, Htnplien. tot. Or. H L on l"'t hip
on im'tla, mm an I split on right ear. Horses
niiiA brand on left shoulder. Hangs (Irani
1 , i . i , 1 1 1 ' n , John W., I, (!.' i Or. florsn
ttrnu li l Imlf-cirnle Jl.poiinectnfl n li'ft ahoul
Her. CalUo, su ns on left hio, Itnngn, near Let
U,ihey, J, W- Heppnr Or. Horses hrsnded
I. and on hut almulil'iri iwltla same on left
hip, waills ornr rilit ye, tltross slits iu right
Iird, (lrg, Heppner, Or. Horses branded
double li OfH,ne't4 ' Hometiinee called s
wing II. on left annuliler.
Mtris, M. 0 .. Heppner, Or. Cattle branded
eirols on right hipi horaee same on right stifle,
llanm in M'M-niw eonntr.
Minor, Ostiar, Metipner Or.-4IU, M D OS
right hip; horae. M on left shoulder .
Morgan, H. N., Heppner. Or.-Hmm, M)
on left shnnldei callls sains on left hip.
Mitohsll.O-w. .i, r. Hureea, ?I on right
nint iaIIIs 11 n nifht aide.
Seal. Andrew, lone Rock ,tr. Itoraes A N eon-
tectnii on left ahoaldari net tie same on both hi (as.
tiller, I'erry, Uttlugbm. W.r U Ml
ti.lH.rn, J. W 1..iiIm. trr.) homes O on loft
lioiilder; caitla same on right hip.
IWwm. Illave. KigM Mile. I N-. Honiaa, qnar
tr rind shmld on 1-1 hcmM-f n I il on left
bill. Csllle, t'fk in left ear. right cropped. St
tin left hin. Itiicn Mstit lile.
I'piiknr A fllaaeiin, llafilinan.ltr, Horses II ur
ft shoulder.
I'M', frfe-t, lnlnjti.a. (r.-Ilor-w brand
WK (L K rHiinwiti"ll lfl shiMililnr naiilv
n on tlg'it hip. lUngn, ttorrow eouiiir.
I'll", J. H . lnl"irtiMi. r. -Il'ipm, iV, e-m
erie,! mUft ii.ml tnri pallia, saiaa ua left In p.
Bud r bit la wh ear.
i-,hi . I ' .k Or I hors diamond Poe
mUmUit ". J H t eo"ni., on th
eft hip, upMr slops In left ear and slip In Uw
Ilt, amlrow. 1Ur. na. Or.- mar
IttM !ih ipianf-pirioe ti on in siine.
hnh llroa., MroiTiT. '' tt-ir hfn'lt
Ita the riii stxml I"'. riMle. I i-n lb lfl am
PI.. 1 i,r1 taft mtt In I d'wtsn n I. lUtigs ll
M'i'inw and lrtiiicmnia.
Itwif. lrw. .iintMi, tr - Hm
bran. 11 IH stenl liw, wait iwrie
ritvie over liTan.li naiiia et u naht kip
is- s tt.irniW rnm-lt.
Ibna, Wat. II lairtilU. ftr-HH oianMai
With laeri' phUi ea'ilena rii Hit
ml if nil rigi.i ear em i (' la i'i. i.
Ma brand nm Ul .l U. Iiaa la
branl a4 HiiUata pnnniua.
Hmt 4 W . ll-i'l". rr-Hori
Uft eiwaldar. t a lie, O ea rlgt.l ki
;o as
tWralcht W. K lln.-r (H -II
i at a. tad
I M ms I-" etlfU, eiile J N oa left aim swaibi
iiril la rsM ear, tslMt ta lfl.
K.,.!.. 1U-m, Hf(MMt. - Hnraea, Ape
left kiRi eaU mm m Uft kill.
tUifa, M.eWt, Dimglaa, lf -faltje " m
riM i and t " flg.l mH
f , 1,1 pH.mi.pPS Ue ia tt,Prw ewMtelff,
pi i.iia IIpi . ItMMiPtlle. r. Mimas, lnvU
U A asiwWWi ilia, fc.uUr
pVimv , artiem, Isr.i a- raiw bpasxiaj
Jh Mi t... Up wim tne tmma. atea .
la. haa aa-t (tiiluMHaiMK
rn.t, 1 . Mnea. !! s
rii.l Mia, raiiia I, mm ! rtfM aVa
'. are a. , iii laiaHM,
a nM kill ali" l- la tall .
ttMPMi. . . HHe-. I w - U.M, M
afl ai.ual.to 1 ("IS it ia Ipft Inn
t ,,t r ll . Hpi,i.. Or. - I aula i(.)
pt.. ! I I anA"et ta Uft rasf,
a M i.mb W t oi Ml si.iat.Mpp
J ,.h,a. J a. H-vi.-p IN - M,M
r ai.-..'4 i .mi !ft pH.ial.W
. I ..I itiw.lla.lf. IIpm. i'.mm Ml
k. l-
1 K W Hi -' - .all saHial t
rf a'.'-'i 'Ht aa-aa ua ml ,.
a. II M I - a l M p W-i
, ,.Mnit i.e l'i Ui a.a.. mmmrn h4
U.l l I . I w ll lit
I on f.j'-l 'n-Kajiita, ax naM
t .
k I-
pa i
W a It ii lJ ll.aa ll U
t I a ..i..Ip i aM II Ifltit )A
..t 'l ml an4 i g',1 aai laj at
J,M U, HhkwMi 4 llwflaf, I H -
, I it . I -I J en in ar im.ui.im livga
i i I '
H '"H la W Ha ,
ail. P.-I ta Kai-I aP
'l fci-..av.paf. Mnaai !
i I '
, II.-,
If.--, Ipi44
pi I l-i t,,
, a I ' ' I..,-
i I
Wren, A. A., Heppner, Or. Horse ranningA A
on shoulder; Cattle, same on right hip.
ionng. i. rJ., Wooaeoerry, Or. Horses brandai
son we
i right should-
When you are about to boy a Sewing Machine
do not be deceived by alluring advertisements
and be led to think yon can get the best made,
finest finished and
Most Popular
for a mere song. See to It that
you buy from reliable mnnu
lacturers that have gained a
reputation by honest and sq uare
dealing, you will then get a
Sewing Machine that is noted
the world over for its dura
bility. You want the one that
is easiest to manage and ia
t Light Running
There is none In the world that
-'. f J can equal in mechanical con-
ff. parts, fineness of finish, beauty
fr ffijh in appearance, or has as many
v, si rv J Klruction. ouraoilitv or wnrkino
improvements as the
New Home
It has Automatic Tension, Double Feed, alike
on both sides of needle (patented), no other has
it ; New &ta.ni(fiatentea), driving wheel hinged
on ad j u stable centers, thus reducing friction to
the minimum,
ORjLnis, Miss. Bostok, Miss. 91 Union BqlTAltF., S. Y
t.'iucAno, III. Ht. lxris, Mo. Pallas, Texas.
Bam Fbahcisco, Oal. atlaktA, Oa.
P. C. THOMPSON CO., Agents,
Heppner, Oregon.
Popular Magazines
Contains each Month i Original Water Color
l-'runtlsplece j 1 28 Quarto Pages ol beading
Matter; 100 New and High-class Illustra
tions) Mora Literary Matter and Illustra
tions than any other Magazine In America.
23 cts. j f 3 Year.
Frank Leslie's Pleasant Hours
A Hrlifht, Wholesome, Juvenile Monthly.
Fmlv ilhmtratiHl. The best writers for young
lieui'le c ntrlbiite to It. 10 cts. j ft a year,
Frank Lrslik's Pnroi,A.B Monthly and the
OajiotU), both for one year for f.'i.(W.
Frank I.Knt.tR's I'i.rasant Hours for Boyp
and (jiui.a and the (oizcltu, both for (
one year t-H.
Undoubtedly the Best Club Offers
WUfKll In Frnnlr Unllt'l PvbHtMna rfnuaa, N.T
or Ntw Humtrattd iVpmlum but. Fret.
It you think of buying o enifitip) of
nf ! or kind send (or our Catalogue
No. 3H, ennUtning illustration sod
prior nf pvpry kiml of engin Iroin on
op In 2.1 hotae power, M bottom prioe,
or i.isi Ail. :, lor yaolil nglnci, boil.
r ktnl moliluery. Either mot froo.
Clas. P. Willarfl & Co..
197 Canal Street,
'"' a Vrar, 1- hmlmrti
I Complete Sl, ''..i.ii,., r n,e
Z " Hall l-lat-t, r...t
J Hail l llr. li.ilt I'jpvpr, Ipnnta i'lalrr
T and Mh j.Ip HldPT. i I aoni allf 4
J a I If, - u.,u rxiptfl ol IU rpiita, lo l tt
t. ' m
I lia.
J I h. a Hsu,
S hpwilt'fllMv p
a"-t In at
ppS are aolilrlv uprfert !
piiIp4 ami innl,li. and It
land ol.rLilil.an l arpan
rpip,it a..oia ,,i,f out Ai i.aiaaa l-a Ippi
inp amiriip sni.ly ..,. pHiitahi
l'l rlua, fMbliiif n.na. mf himM.
QirplitMf Itttttllitllf J
awiLli iTJi y ; i i a "4-1 H
f rrailvsl f iKsse lesr
I kawe Is awl nare.aa.
ttwf lllaelfel Iftsi (rsalev faaallty f
plat aloar awst te ke Oauad.
t Has iiaaa M ia ai.
Ripens Tabutcs
At iiMMrrt4 otik m prwksvaly lMar
iiiNtnit (mi
It T I fill, e ( kaM
t'l '(', f sit,
E, McNEILL, Receiver.
Of Two Transcontinental
Spokane Denver
St. Paul Kansas City
Ocean Steamers Leave Portland
Every 5 Days For
For full details call on 0. R. ft N.
agent at Heppner, tr address
GeD. Pass. Agt.
Portland, Obbqon,
San Franoisoo
And all points in California, ria the Mt. Bhaata
route 01 tns
Southern Pacific Co.
tTie irreat highway throngh California to all
yiui dhi sun ouaw. urana rjoenio noute
Of the Paolflo Coast. Pullman Buffet
BleeDers. Beoond-nlaju Hloennra
Attached to express trains, atfnrdinf superior
woomaiodations for aeoond-olaH passencera.
For rate, tickets, sleeping car reserrations,
vnii ii i" u ur aiiurnas
K. KOKHLKK, ManaRer, E. P. R00BE8, Ant.
tqii, v. 0 nil., roriiana. ureaon
Strongest, ,
Most Modern and progressiva
For catalogue or Information write to
New Haven, Conn.
00 wniihol IovpIv Music lor forty 5
. . Cenll. rnntUtin,. . . L
r... r . . i. iwrKa-
" I . . l . . ' fliusic Of til-
a- Istrst, tirtghti-st. Iivplrt snj most popular 3
Jt: srlntlon., h.lh voial mni Instrumenul, -3
RiHipn up In the must el.-i'jnt manner. In-
rlmltnB I,,.,, i i..-.,.
iuii mc nriwi Music of tii-
I- ' t" tur ,-uipjaiim.
riw it nan, ih, urtal FlanltL
- caNvaaataa wantio. t3
SP- - - - 7 i iTa,ua lliun,, nnr ruif n
Aa Pa rPa Lae
The American Protectiva Tariff Laigua
it national organization advocating
"Protection to American Labor and
rnduttry at txplainat, by its Conititu
tion, at (ollowi :
TKebrter tals lamfe MU
Aeienaaa laaa Sy tarfr aa tmsarta, aWI sKa4
dwiuaaaty sssyre Amaneaa inSuaipl apVws
ta.net VKS epiiaViea mt arssa taker,
There ar no perioral er private
profiti in connection with the otaniia
ion and itiiiuttained by memberships
contribution! and the distribution of its
riMT! CPPaaMa , ,.nlaW Mm-wtea
MaaxMpalue - a tfftt Cir , Ha.-
efCOND: WiwaltM mtlmrn, envVaa,
WWsePsnaJafkvfs, WssaaaM.
Tmino: wi b-ra a ., i,
WpmtlalWalaltMtafltSMpUii, Cm.
rOUKTH! a eaatel .a r lb
aa en ef aae " a-apM lnaf
lit VeH IS $m. Me. tii. W,,UJ
Imimanait sweaeaarr , aayaaa aAaaa.
was a-w. row sskv
Wsaastwsfcf sWswsr ettsote.
M Ma) Man Am a M aa kunnpi aaaMt k
a-a,a l M Al aaaas ansa m
saa a. aasaasaM ta m r - lad kVat
trsTHE siHrt .CTcimt iotvons
inu i HID roBlTNTA.
Mk ss - .U. I. , W a d-t
aal awva, anB"-! Bu Mm ,
a M." Aa . -aa anMsaa.
mmm s nwH aim B r. aVal a al
aaa aa a4 a -4 . - - -
"' 1 T to WI pi mw A- as Ma
It C ,a,aaA asa aaf r .1. in i m 4Ma
la SVt aMa a V a parnMSi a aa. . a.
raa a IWpuM at tat, a- a4 m ,
aA- al a-a) Iiim r-t. I fc t. -4 .
al p- a l ' S M4a ,mm - I. a.,i i . a
f-fr 1 ir'rri.ii. .a,
MA a .- J , p. v i -.t v.M
Sato a4 twalawa, iae
wawwai nna4 an,l a-t WuL
aV- a
iiim rnii cnifM a rn
IWMartwe mt 4wOim ! I t"9HttU,
mih 1 Mml. Hi. V .
ftsirS Worklnj,
They Tell 7i That They Are Now Smoked
In "Society."
- The greca tea cigarette has arrivtd,
and promises to cause greater ravages
than its predecessor, the slender roll of
aJleged tobacco, which now poisons the
air almost everywhere in Asia, Europe
and American. The person who first
discovered that green tea would smolTe
is responsible, says the Is'ew York Jour
nal, for milions of disoidered nerves,
stomachs and heads, but is probably
too far gone in adoration of the ener
vating habit to feel any remorse. Al
ready the new fad has taken posses
sion of England; it will soon storm the
walls of Paris, and before we ct'.n
fortify against it here we shall be be
sieged. It will penetrate the boudoir
of the ladies, and even the strait-laced,
orthodox public will see no harm in
an innocent tea cigarette. But none
the less a deadly peril lurks within it.
. New areas for the growth of tea are
constantly opened up in the east, and
the product will be pushed with all the
energy of merchants determined to
make fortunes. We can even foresee
the time when to every pound of tea
purchnsed for legitimate consumption
as a cheering and noninebriating bever
age the subtle grocer will add the
dainty package of tea cigarettes, en
veloped in paper covered with pretty
Chinese or Ceylonese designs, thus urg
ing the entrance of the demon into the
household. There it but one compen
sating feature in the whole business,
and that is that at its worst the tea
cigarette can never furnish an ef
fluvium so stifling as that of the Amer
ican paper roll with which every office
boy deliberately exposes his lungs to
partial paralysis daily.
William Gives a Vagabond Some Money
and Good Advlco.
An ancedote of the kaiser and the
tramp has just appeared in Berlin pa
pers, says the Pall Mall Gazette. Kaiser
William was, it seems, lately staying
at the Jagdschloss Ilubertstock, near
the Angermunde, and was one day
shooting in that neighborhood. A
tramp descried him from afar, and, not
knowing it was the emperor, accosted
him with the usual German request for
unterstutzung or financial propping up,
and also wished to be directed as to the
road to Angermunde. The kaiser com
plied with both requests, conversed
with him at length as to his personal
and professional views of life, and dis
missed him with a wish for a pleasant
end to his day's journey. The pleasant
end was in the police station, for one
of the kaiser's servants, who seemed to
be of the Scotchman's opinion that it
was "an awfu' like business for puir
fouk tae lulk at a king," imagined that
the emperor had been Insulted and tele
graphed far and wide for the arrest of
the pilgrim, with accompaniment of
bonds, fetters, handcuffs, and so on.
The wanderer was run to earth at An
germunde, when he learned several
things that he did not know before
inter-alia, that he had been speaking
with the kaiser and was guilty of high
treason, anarchism and the like. Need
less to say, he was Rpeedily released by
an impetuous telegram from the em
peror, who ordered that he should be
fed, comforted and have a free ticket to
Cuxhnven, "where he told me he wanted
to go."
The Remedy Was All Itl(rht, lint It Was
Given to the Wrong; Man.
One of the most amusing stories of
tlio duy treiils of mistaken philan
thropy, ftccordintr to Tid-i:it. At. a
certain army pout there wits o London
sentry on uuty near the hospital. The
surgeon was preparing to go to bed in
side, when he was annoyed and alarmed
at the sentry's coughing. His ex
perienced ear told him that tli mnn
lind a severe bronchial affliction need.
Ing a strong remedy.
He debated awhile with himself and
then going Into the dianenainrp-rrinm
corupoundt'd a powerful miitum. This
he took outaide to the sentry, w ith In-
iructioni to wallow It Immediately.
The man refused. The etlrrravtn In.
Istd, and finally commanded the
oldier to take the medicine, ulnrh h
did with much rrumblinir. Then 1ip
won-ny urgeon went to bed, pleased to
r no more roughing.
.et niornlntr. to hia umrla )
commanding officer aent for him and
aid that the aentry had complained,
declaring that the urireon hail fnmxl
hint lo swallow something he thought
poison. An Investigation followed,
and revealed the fart that while the
itrpeon was mlxlnrr the mrdlrln th
coutrliln aentrv had hen rllnl ant
eonaequently the remedy had been
I"ru i wie wrong man.
I'kosBliorM la Ike liamaa llarjy.
The human brain contain a mmlil.
erable proportion of phoaphortia, vary-
in i mm i -.-u u i-ao ol Uie entire mm,
H the ave ragf weight of the TaucMlan
brain l taken at 4?K nunrwa It ts in
then contain an amount of phoaphoru
amounting m rrom 1 7-1 tot ounces.
A rurlotta fart rrrardin Una nhna.
phoru In t he human brain la that Itiaal
tnot entirrly wanting In the brain
matter of Idiots,
WHIPr-lrtq LtflLi. GIRLS.
Aa tfart Aeka raw to Aawtlah th
rnra ta fcaglaae,
Tha authoriartt flogging of little
flrla la a plec of tartrtrri which
now that the subject baa beo definite
ly rsiard, U rsHflv. a trust, no
cuuntrnanr from tha hotua fcerrrtary.
) the UimlonHaily rs. Wr. Ililr-
as that girls la lb vlemenUrt
schools ara rantnl, a bit of inturmatkia
which rommrtid to the linmt-diat
Hit lea of Mr John Until. The miblic
of Iindna has ovitgroaa In la)s of
Mother I!r blif (. and Molhrr froa.
rlgg. at lh rf ! rtlrti)ir In
turius ua, was ni ustalorl by jin! '
j try, pubiif oinkrii, or Jav Krirb in
her thenrira and lr r-rscttr, allit
rastiirstion cf girl. TUr wer hlUaa- j
phra, to laa aur. w l,o aprrrrJ ,f U
mplHfsg or f Ifla. I.rVe ri.mr. of a
!T ! wkli fil her I, (lie danrk-
"I' M I'lt In onlrr ! rim I hrt'
ta innfr.a a.. ron errr; an I J.,i,i,..n 1
rtMtnetn a HintUrr W ha Wkifti brr j
"K'.fflnl'i lurrrratutfottir Irulh.
fiilnwa !-, tha girl bad ta J ate'
an. a In ihrx.i f S nr. ij.a.r. w ts n la f-1
si ha.1 r. iip n hf, f), ,ni),,, -,(
th. ttrir ,U l. u tl, l.t arit
ti,r, ( x J,,,,, ,S4 ,,,.;
In i,-1.1 las t,ir-tiia far 1 out
lf I In ir ! IIP" Ill CM I'M I a n U .1...
vr- ..,!..;. r..Vr-.l ( i'.a,rslu I
n 1 1, .'4i, ,f .. h, ,, f j j
Hias Dells Stevens, of Boston. Ham,
writes: I have always suffered from
hereditary Scrofula, for which I tried
various remedies, and many reliable
physicians, bat none relieved me. After
i am now well, i
am very grateful
to yon, as I feel
tbat it saved me
from a life of un
told airony. and
shall take pleasure in speaking only
words of praise for the wonderful med
icine, ana in recommending it to all.
.treatise on
Blood and Skin
Diseases mailed
tree to any ad
dress. m
SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, 0a,
Hwaulee & St. Paul R'g
Glance at this Map
Of the Chicago, Milwaukee nd 8t. Paul Rail
way and note its connections with all transcon
tinental lines and St. Paul and ' malia, and
remember that Its trains are lighted with elec
tricity and heated by steam. IU equipment Is
superb. Elegant Buffet, Library, Bmoking and
Sleeping cars, with free reclining chain. Each
sleeping car berth baa an electric reading lamp,
and its dining cart are the best in the world,
Other lines are longer than this, but none are
shorter, and no other offers the above luxurious
accommodations. These are sufficient reasons
for the popularity of "The Milwaukee." Coupon
ticket (gents In every railroad office will gtvs
you further Information, or address
C, J. EDDY, General Agent,
J. W. CASEY, Trav. Pass. Agent,
Portland, Orison.
Tftlns MAatfS
... . . " w n , a, am,
orinrormstmnann rree Hamlbook write to
MUNN ft CO.. twi Broadway. Naw Vork.
Olilent burraii for anciiring pnuint In America,
r.verr patent Ukrn nut hy u la liroimht before
tlis iiubllo by a notice given free of charge ta Uu
nnrfific iuwicittt
Iiwt elrriilntlon of any artpntlflo paper In the
world hi. , madly lllutratd. No IiiwIIHtpiiS
nan ntil,l lie without it. Weekly, t.1.00a
yiTir: (UMisIx moniha. a.l,lr. MIINN CO.,
nvi uruauway, isvw xora city.
C...A a xAAix.ui.a nALOAjn is a snre itemedy
lor couglrn, cu.a., sura uuoal and for wtlima. It
Ml'C- ootbes, guUklw
si any h0 soppoa
.'',U1W&,''--, "mPtloa are ouly
r 3.HV.-'K. .. 7 suflerina from a
'i' '- p. . thronle enld or deep
VX' S , --T-l seatrd enuiih. often
. k u ,.a -'T
win" y-a r.tj a v rear nana, riots
Iwnmhra bm ,.Ih..i ia .. .. I I, ,,
v - -- ,- ... - viraia paipi, vw CIS.
JwrtKittlr; Pinenla Halssm, tV. Hold by IJrnMlsia.
VI V 1111, .'ill i-i, ..it- ... i
-.a vnviuj,i,ai n arrva ou. msw A Ufa.
ro' buck to thoae days, and any serious
nl public attempt to Ret back to them
woum ue an absurdity aa well as an
farpoM er tha tsateanlal Wblrh Will Be
iMrad Man ir.
Tlia purpoai's of tha Tennessee cen
tenniaj are thrrefuld. First, to cele
brate the state's birth. Second, to show
the ret of the snU-rhood how really Im
portant Tennessee la. Thlnl i, .i,na
Tennesaeeans w hatever the other stairs
and foreign countries may want to
how thru.. According' to history, Ver
mont and Kentucky preceded Tennes
see Into the union, but In s good-natured
way Tennesaccana claim that the
technicalities Ip the case entitle their
commonwealth to the right of the first
born. Al any rate.Tenneaa is the first
to cv lebrat the 100th anniversary of
her statehood, and tbat thought has
awakened an unprecedented patriotism
throughout the tate. The products of
the roitttnonwraltn are peculiarly well
awapirtj to oiapiay. . state la famous
ia more lines than Tenne. In the
production of marble. Iron, tine ami
coaL the state is known throughout the
won, aa it is lor the grwwlrg of tobacco,
w heat, corn and cotton, and as the home
of race horwa and fine catUe. Mors
Hard woods are annually cut In Ttunr
rw than In any other state, and within
30 miles of the capital there are bound
leas beds of phoaphata. What Tennes
see puts on display at her etptwiUon
will aaUiniah the world, rrom abroad
II la intended to brtttg the striking In
tentions and arte of man wherever
nMta pWt aaa t Slaaws aialasiaa.
Are Orwiiy r terlas.
f hinrae pulitirlans arw doubUeM
making grrst capital out of the fact
,u now that the nrtr uf
hat grrne up rtiifwiouajr ct late
Whether this IsrvstlydiMitatHesehot
srs xiUll.an( la-cit.ir,,. M-arvwr, like
w !,!, r.f Irtllvrir il.apa;lng more se
tt it t ' ''iff capture, la d,s.t.fa!.t,
l i I lie fail frniaiua that lb.ir fins.'
f a 'I'Hrnry, sr la-cmljig drarer snd
ll la gerw rally pipav, that t,arka,
lis af t.nrr ratrr. itn.J. f
lal,.lM-., I.e. , .tl!.T.l.rrra.ii,n.
'' '-- '-tl,, ,,,,,( t,ttu4
.ll-f..e '"'-a-k,,.. .,.,,...
l-t l-f-.i .,.-., , . , ,n,
M . h .-.nr. , :, ,., ,,arft,;
r ....p.l ,1 lni ...... r,(l ,.. mt9
, "I , I k.t,. arc
'' I "! a. 1. l -.iai, i!,.,t
nTiaVtayf, PAUl pi. J
o 4 S J
2 X II
i Sclantlflo American
Agency for,i
IT! VA tZI-taaa-
Ib one of the very best wheels ever made
front rank with all high grade machines,
punctured, it can be mended by you in
renowned G. t J. clincher tires with wood rims or copper-plated steel rims.
Sold in all sizes for ladies or gentlemen at $100 each.
Tandems for two men or man and woman, f 150 each.
THE RAMBLER 1 the fastest,
For style, finish and durability it is unsurpassed, as it is constructed on strict mechan
ical and scientific principles.
Chicago Ideals
For men, women, boys and girls, with 28,
ivelv. are snlendld medium crude, wheels,
flllnnfinr tfrpa anil apA fnllw wappantoH
, ,
Before you buy a bicycle, write for cntaloeue. circulars, terms and rllmimmta i . !
uu. Miiiiiciuua ancuts. Aauimci nuBticiB tiauieu m every town in Oregon. Wftlhinc
ton and Idaho.
Northwest representatives Gormully &
fifnra Wl Wosliinnrnn Wr Tr r.-
How's Your Liver?
This question is asked daily. If dormant
you need exercise need it badly.
The Bicycle offers a remedy, and if you do
not own one, call at
Ike Ennis Bicycle Livery,
Power House.
Four Models
Monarch Cycle Co.
Factory and Main Office; Lake and Halsted Sts., CHICAQO. ILL.
BttANCMUSi-New York. Saa PrsocUos. 5slt Lsks Cltjr. Dssm. Mnnphls, Detroit. Tsronta. "
PORTLAND, nitpnnv
A. W. PATTERSON, Agent for
v m ' ww m u m i
It to Advertisers at a great (innncial sacri
fice. You need it in your business, and as a
matter of business wc must sell it.
The Patterson Publishing Co.
HISS : EBB : fis
Youro BOUND to Tciko 9Km.
Leaves No Constipation,
' M. as wall aa all H
is an indisputable fact. It stands in the
and if you buy one you will make no mistake. !
want to be happy, for should your wheel be!
five minutes, as it is equipped with the world !
lightest and strongest wheel In the market.
26 and 24 inch wheels, at $65, $55, $45 respect-!
with Q. & J. hio-h-oriirio dnnhu inn -j f
Jeffery Manf. Co'i "Rambler Bicvclei " Main I
' vvmt " i
OTia fATTEKBON, Agt. for Morrow Co., Heppner, Oregon.
oi uicycies.
$85 and S100.
Morrow County, Heppner, Oregon
AMn wrr?
(are willing
to unload
! ths o,l.. si.,),, a. . i s. TV. .).
UlisaHM. f UL 1 ULPiCiL Vn ' m
i ', I ru.!, t St .t n ti, H,,Ulli,
- a r r t'.i lifi.war, f b
.... -ti ,. .; , , ,
Slid, ! I .Hi i tr. it I !. ip Ir .1 . t .1 .