CANCER CURED -AND A LIFE SAVED By the Persistent Use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla "I was troublud for years with a soro on my knee, which several physicians, who treated me, called a cancer, assuring me that nothing could be done to save my life. As a last resort, I wa3 induced to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and, after tak ing a number of bottles, the sore began to disappear and my general health improve. I persisted in this treatment, until the sore was en tirely healed. Since then, I use Ayer's Sarsaparilla- occasionally as a tonic and blood-purifier, and, in deed, it seems as though I could not keep house without it." Mrs. S. A. Fields, Bloomfield, la. . The Onty World's Fair Sarsaparilla. Ayer's Pills Regulate- the Liver. mill mst v CALENDAR., m 8 SUHlMOHlTUElWEDlTHUIFRI I5AT T 2 3 4 567 "8" IT "HT IT J2 J 3 IT 75T5 17 18 J9 20. 2J "22123 HE M 27 28 , Take Notice. L The mm ol fiv cent per lino will be ihanred tor "cards of thanks." "resolutions ol nanwt " linti ol weddlix nr wonts and donnra, ind obituary notices, (other than those the llt or shall hlmtelf lve aa a mattor ol news,) and ntlneanf anar-lal moetlnirt lor whatever DiirDoes, 2. Notlcea ol church and society and all other intnitalnmanta Irnm whtnh revenue la to be de rived, sha'.l be charged (or at the rate ol live enu a line, meae rtues win oe nncu; auuer. d to In everv Instance. Advertising ratei reasonable and made known ipon application. TIME TABLE. Rtaire (or Bardman, Monument, Xjnng Creek, John lay ano ;anyon y.uj. innvea an luuuwa Every day at a. m.. except Hunda. Arrtvaaavarvdavalt? n.-encept Monday. The cheapest, qiitckeat and beat line to or Irom ths Interior (-wintry WALT THOMrsOS, Prop, Coneer Brock. Agents. Here and There. I Convention tomorrow. Spring showers yet continue. Mrs. Geo. Coneer is quite ill. Geo. D. Fell is over at Pendleton. Geo. Brown and wife are down ftom flurdmao.. Bruoe Hainet was in Heppner Wednes day. E T. Perkins was up Tuesday from lone. Mrs. J. A. Burdell is ill at the Palaoe hotel, W. B. Finley was up from Alpine yes terday Mrs. Geo. D. Fell la visiting friends at Portland J. B. Curmiobel was up from hisranoh Weduexuity Wesley Bruouou was oer from Eight Mue yesterday. Frank Bale wub ovm from John Day early this week, Ratification meeting tomorrow night at tue opera Uuuue, Jus. ftlauion visited Heppner yesterday for W nub urns & Uo, Mrs. Prioe Florence has gone below for medical treatment. Rev. E P. Greeu has been ou the list of tuoee ailmg, tbis week. Nat Hale, ot Lexington, was seen on Heppner streets Wednesday. Charley Baroett and J as. Leach were up from Lexington Wednesday. Hou. J. S. Bootbby and sou, Tom, were in from Lexington Wednesday. 8am Kinsman oame in from Portland on Tuesday to remain tor two weeks. Born To the wife of Geo. Brown, in this oity, the 26ih itiBt , a H pound boy. La GrunJe Marble Works, La Grande Ore. 8. 0. Smith, ealesmau, Heupner. Ed. a. Oux, tbe well kuown Uardman- ite, was in towu Tuesday and Wednesday. Mrs. E. P. Yoroz aod child are back rum below, having arrived on Thursday's traiu. Waklie's Squirrel Exterminator now on sale at Miuor & Go.'a, reduced from 00 ots. to 25 cts. tf. Horace Matlock arrived Tueeday from Monmouth where he has been attending school tbis winter. Miss Smith, of Pendleton, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Howard, the M. K, south, minister's wife. Ladies are especially invited to attend tbe ratitioatiou aod oiub meeting at tbe opera bouse tomorrow night. Best aooommodatlon aod oourteous treatment at the Imperial Hotel, Seventh and Wash. Sis.. Portluud, Oregon. Ob as 11. Hams proved up onbie Hardmao ranch Wednesday, witb Ed. Cox and U. U. Bullis as witnesses. Tbe Ladie's Aid Society will eiva an Easter social at the resideooe ot Mrs. E. G. Sloan on Satarday evening April 4. Mrs. Lena Wehrum, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Florenoe,bo bas been tilli ng bere. departed Wednesday lor Halem. Bis meeting at tbe opera house to morrow uiflht under the auspioea of the Morrow County Republican Club, Be on hand. Minor A Co.. the reducers of pnoes, have now on hand tbs celebrated Wak lie's Squirrel Poison. Call and see What they sell it for. tt. F. M. Roger, a mining man, came in from Portlaod early tbis week and will soon prepare for tbe season's work over on tbe Jobn Day. Geo. Copeland, who will be retnem bared as a pioneer sberpberder ot tbia locality, oame in from Lone xtock tbis week, spending a few days. Green Matbews U having quits a seine ot sickness at bis bouse. His wife bss been ill for soma time witb rbeu- matism aod now be is down. Mathews Bros, bava moved across on the east side ot Main street, la tbs WMAj DOCTOR lAMf ENGLISH Remedy will stop a cough In a night, check a cold in a day, and cure consumption if taken in time. If the little ones have Croup or nnooping conga, use if promptly. Croup is a very tatai disease. tuny one halt of those at- The disease progresses so rapidly that the loss of a tew hours in treatment is often fatal, acker's English Reme dy will cure Crouo. and it should al ways be kept in the bouse for emergencies. A as cent bottle may save your child's life. Three stzesi 35c, 50c, SI. All Drag gists- ACKER MEDICINE CO. 16 A 18 Chambers St, New York. f CM- SLv TBE DBCON. Qambrinus Beer, sjieHALF PINT BOTTLES City Hotel Bar! Drinkable Llauors and Smokabls Cigars. Call en Tad. Cass Matlock and son, El., were over Tuesday from tbe McDonald oauyon ration.. Joe Eolman bas reoeived bis floe line of spring samples for shirts and suits of everv description. Call and eee him at L. BlumeDtbal's store. Q. B. Hatt. the tonsorial artist, oan be fouud at his parlors, Matlock corner, where he will dispense at popular prions shaves, shampoos, hairouts, etc. Stacy RobertB was over from Eight Mile Thursday aod fouDd every person so mo oh ensrossed in politics that he said there was no one to wait on him io the stores. "Satan, tbe Devil, will get bis cor resDoudenoe Dubusbed when his name ie siened to urtiole sent in. Tbis rule is an old one in printing offices, but it is just as good as ever. Mrs. Julia Bradley, at the City bo'el, is serving excellent Sunday dinners. Our reporter knows wbereot be speaks as it was bis good pleasure to be a guest at one of these dinners recently, by invitation of Mrs. Bradley. Mrs. W. J. Leezsr calls the attention ot the pnblio to the faot that she is still in the bakery business, and ber old cus tomers will be furnished an extra quality of bread st tbe grocery ot ber husband. Tour patronage is solioited. tf Bob Burdetts is out sgmn with his "Rise and Fall ot the Mustache." It bas been all ot nineteen years sines the Gazette's soribbler heard Bob, but be would go it be bad tbe chance to bear tbe tunoy man on the old subjeot as given above. 'Grandpa" Florence fell a few days ago and seriously bruised bimselt. For a time it was thought he bad suffered a fraotnred rib, but later developments prove that such ir not the case. How ever, suoh a tall tor a man ot Mr. Flor ence's age is a serious thing. Uo, ye voting men of Morrow, whistle up a lively lime For the "Candidate," I'm free to state, will stay with us till June; Then let him oil hit auger blade, with "Sperry's Lin wood Rye;" 'Tli sweet to think, of that good old drink, (or voting men are dry. Sold only at tbe Belvedere saloon. Married At the Grand Central hotel, last evening, E. M. Molntire and Miss Amy Anderson, both of Prairie City, Grant onnnty, Recorder Hallock tying the nuptial knot Tbs young people are high ly thought of and leave Saturday tor their Grant oounty boms with tbe best wishes ot all. Geo. Gray brings over word from Con don ot tbe death of Ernest Seobamp, of heart disease. J. W. Blake was Hecbamp's agent to sell soma sheep aod George thought that be would go over aod see them. Upon arriving at tbe Heel) amp residence he was found dead. Deceased was a siogls man end lived a lonely life. His deatb was very sudden, expiring out io tbe ysrd. Simon S. Uartmao, ot Tunneltoo, West Va , has been subject to attack ot colic about onos a year, aod would bavs to call a doctor and then suffer tor about twelva hours as muob as some do when they die. Us was taken recently hnildinif formerly ooonoied by tbs Gem just tha same as at other times, and ss mm. Tbey will ds pieaaea w thfir old customers. Tbe young people acquitted themselves very creditably at me opera nouse on Wednesday evening. Tbe Deacon", a comedy drama in five aots. by Horace 0. Hale, was render ed to a large and appreciative audienoe. by a oompany ot borne amateurea, and was a decided suoosss in every respect The proceeds are to be used in defraying the expense incurred by tbe Heppner Literary and D abating Sooiety during the past few months. Deacon Thorn too, the obief character, was represented by C. C. Ssling. Clyde had a clear conception of the "way down east" style, and played tbe role u a highly pleasing aod entertaining manner. George Graef, by Jas. Hart, was well and ably rendered. This role carried ith it from beginning to end the sym pathy of bis bearers. Jim is graceful and at home on the stage. The viHian cbarnoter, Mat Wheeler, was played by M. B. Galloway. This is by far the heaviest role in the oast, and was faithfully portrayed. Mr. Galloway made bis audience believe tuat be was indeed a mean and despioable man, which impression the role was designed to convey. James Reed and Parson Brownlow, two minor parts, were well presented by Normm Myers. Clay Folsom, as Billy, the Deacon's boy, sod as Pedro, the organ grinder, was a whole show to himself. Mr Fol som bad a good make-up, and played the silly boy to perfection. Pete, the darky servant, was the very onmical character sustained by H. T. Bagley. Harry bad a splendid concep tion of the part he played and kept tbe audienoe almost constantly in a roar of laughter. He plays tbe oolored man well. Miss Helen Myers, as Mrs. Thornton, was good. Miss Myers is graceful on tbe Btage and ber movements were fully iu keeping with tbe character. Helen, ber dauuhter, and the intended bride, was played by Miss Edith Potter in an able manner, showiug oonolnsively tbat she fully understood tbe part entrusted to her. Miss Amelia Fawcett, the prime old maid, was faultlessly presented by Miss Cora Rhea, and the many comioal pnsi tions wbich sbe assumed in the third and fourth aots were indeed laughab'e and entertaining. Miss Rbes is a de cided suooess as an old maid. Miss Ada Minor entered into tbe role of Mrs. Uarrah, wife ot Mat Wheeler, witb much feeling, and although a diffl cult obaraoter, sbe was equal to tbe oooasioo. Nellie, ber ohild, was played nioely by Willa Minor. Daisy, tbe servant, and a oomedy drama all to itself, was played by Miss Mable Herren, whose ability on the stage is well known to Heppner audi eooes. Hue was up to ber purl tn every particular. The policeman was taken by Homer Hsrrintrton. The music by 0. W tngraham, J. 0. Hart. Cora Hurt aod Vawter Crawford was exoellent, aod onmmentvd on to a areat extent. It was announced that the play would be reproduced on tomorrow evening, but owing to tbe republican rally it has been deoided not to do so. Nerves are weak, many people ay, and yet they do not seem to know that they are literally starving their nerves. Weak, pale, thin blood can not give proper sustenance that is why you are nervous, tired, exhausted. The cure for this condition is to purify, vitalize and enrich your blood. Take Hood's Sarsaparilla fairly and faithfully, and the rich, red blood. wliich it makes, will soon feed the nerves the elements of true strength, they require; they will cease their agi tation and will resume their proper place being under the control in stead of controlling the brain and body. Read Miss Bartley's letter : "I want to express my gratitude for what Hood's Sarsaparilla has done fox me. My health has been very poor tor three years, due to trouble with my DCOdlinieys I was nervous, had pains in my back. cannot tell what I suffered. My eyesight became affected and I was so despondent I did not have any Interest In life. I bad two physicians, but my complaints be came worse. I was told that I was affected with Brlght's disease. A relative urged me to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. I did so and in a short time I began to notice a change in my condition. Things began to appear brighter, my eyes improved and HAVE YOU HEARD Been a Ik THAT THERE'S i n i 111 I IR B ill H age ifi ED. R. BISHOP Has bought out the General Merchandise Business of the McFarland Mercantile Co., and the stock is being disposed or at Wholesale Slaughter Prices ! REGARDLESS OF COST. All wooleb goods, boots, shoes, overshoes, ete., are being sold below wholesale cost Great discounts on hardware, tinware, glassware, hats, caps, blankets and in fact everything kept in a general mercantile es tablishment. Call and see the stock before it is too late. FRANK M'FARLAND. ED. R. BISHOP, PrOD. Manager and Salesman. ' I The National Bank Building, Heppner. Ore. My IE did not trouble me so severely. My appe tite returned and I gained strength every day. I am now able to do my own work, and feel perfectly well. I cannot find words to express my gratitude for what Hood's Harsaparuia nag none ior me auu a gladly recommend k. mihb dabi LEY, 213K S. Grant Ave., Columbus, Ohio. Sarsaparilla Is the One True Blood Purifier. All druggists, ft. Prepared only by 0. 1. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. X In. Til.. U frt , . rtff wi'ci ...., ....J nOOU S fills teke,easytooperate.260, Consomptioa Can be Cured By the use of Sbiloh's Cure. This oreat Oonuh Cure is the only known rernedv tor tna ternoie aiseose. tor sale by Wells & Warren ' Notice'of Final 'Settlement. K.tVTXC.r. IS HEREBY IN underpinned, KllzaJ GIVES THVT THE Hover, executrix ol th tt nf W. O. Bovcr. decerned, will make tnle a- such executrix at ths next term of the Probate Court ol Morrow County to be holden at the court home in Heppner, in asm uounr on the 4th day of My, A. I). 1WW, at 10 o'cloc! . m MRS. ELIZA 1. BOYER 95.35 i-xecuinx. Vtt Do Tn rait BByfci7Mftfflfjs Some people want the earth; you can get a goodly portion of it at GEO. A. BROWN'S HLHrMA.lSr STORE, With very little money. He keeps a full line of general merchandise, including dry goods, groceries, boots, shoes. GEO. A. BROWN, HARDMAN, OR. Gilliam & Bisbee Tbe Brat Cough Cure Is 8hlIoh's cure. A nnvleotej oonuh of Oregon is dan aero us. Stop it at once with Hhiloh's Gure. For sale" by Wells & Warren. 1 Administrator's Notice. OTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE nndornlinierl hm been appointed adminis trator of the etate ol Sarah H Fell, deceaed N by the County Court ol Morrow County, Htate ot Orenon. All persons having claims agatnat said estate are hereby required to present thera tf There will be regular services held al tbe M E. church. 8outb, Bonday. The eveoinu service will be devoted to tbs snbieot ot Missiojs. Text. "Tbs field is tbe world." 0. B. Bowabd, P. 0. Tbe Upper Rhea Creek Rpublioan Clnb, ol Mttesoo precinct will bold Its next meeting oeii rrtaay, April om, at Wo. Hush's place instead of tbs Lealherman place, as previously an nounced. All are invited to attend this meeting. Horner enooluded to try Chamberlain's Oolio. Oolera and Diarrhoea llemedy. lie says: "I took ons dose ot it and it save me relief in five minutes. That is more than anything else bas ever done for me," For sale by Conser k Brook. An authority ou slang produces tbe following on a popular term: "A robber neck is something tbat is trying to gel OMt to somebody's affairs. A womao tbat keeps looking out of the window to see what her oit door neighbor is do ing, or is prying into affairs thai do not eonoero ber Io the least bit is one ol them, aad :he womao tbat is straining every serve to eurry lavor and reeeive eomp'.imeots from msu by sboweriog opon tbem deoeitfol smiles is also a "robber-oeck." lou'vs seen a man try ing to read a letter over another mao's shoulder, lie's a "rubber oeok," b eaose yon see bs Is stratoblng bis peek to gerinlo eomotblog that is none of his business. It will readily be sseo that according to this d0Lltioo, every outn monliy has its "rubber seek s." Democratic County Convention. A demoorntio oounty convention fir tbe oonnty ot Morrow, stte of Oregon, Is called to meet io Heppner, in said oounty. on Saturday. April 4- 189G, at 10 o'clock a. m , for the purpose of ootn ioatina candidates for the following county oQioers: One oounty judge, oounty commissioner, oounty clerk, county sheriff, county representative, oounty treasurer, county assessor, e inn ty sobool superintendent, couuty coroner and eoonty surveyor, and also prroinot officers tor tbs several preoincts, sul four delegate each to tbe state and second district oongrrssinoal conven tioo. and to transaot snob other bnnl- ness as may properly 0010s before such convention. Tbs convention wi! con a 1st of 33 delegatea, chosen by the aey eral precinct; and tbe several prroincts oftha county will be entitled to repre sentation In said eonvnti'id as follows: Heppner 4 E'gbt Mile 2 (lei, try 4 Alpine 3 Mt. Vernon 8 Pins Olty 2 lone 2 Mattcsno 3 (Voil 2 Uilngt.B 3 Dairy 2 Hells Hprii gs....2 Dry Fork 2 Ine 2 Tbs same bt-iog ons delegate at large frnm sarb precinct, aod one delegate for every Dfl'fO votes, and one tor evrry traction rvr one half of flflwn voir ot for J. IL lUlf y. the denx credo ean did ate for mngrtwamau, at Ibe election io June. 1891. Primaries to elrot ths nVI-gte in each f the vml prnii.oia lo hel l March UH, 1MK5. foils will h otmn at 2 o'clock p m., and will he enndunted In le usual manner of holding primary !ton. J W. Mom now, Chair. Dmoralio Cooely Committee. to me at Heppner, or., duly verllled, within six month! Iroin dale nereoi. Dated this 6th day ol March, ikis. C. E. FELL 421-29. Administrator. We are not email meo, lbs. We are small men, Xs. ws are not ne Largest Hie-rcnants in ifie VVotid ! But when the people of all the surrounding country are in need of Hardware, Tinware, Crockery ware, Glassware, Wood and Wlllowware, Nails, Iron, Barbwire, Cumberland Coal, Gaas and Water Pipe, Pipe fittings, Btoves and Ranges, Wagons, Hacks, Buggies, Wagon Material, Hardwood, Axe, Hammers, Saws, Sledges, Wedges, Guns, Plitols, Cartridges and Ammunition, Mason Jars, Gran itewsre, Plows, Harrows, Rakes. Mowers, Tubs. Wash Bolllers and Boards, Bheet Iron, Zlno, etc., etc., Should call and Examine our Goods and Get Prices. Ws have Goon Goods at Faia Prices, and Cheap John Goods at Chep John Prices. GILLIA.M & BISBISE, main stheet - iieppneh, ohkuujn Notice of Final Settlement. VTOTIHIC 18 HEREBY GIVEN. THAT THE ll undersigned administrator of the estate of 0. W. H. Brians, deceased, will make Ktnal Settlement nf his amounts with said estate as such administrate, at the next term of the County Court ol Morrow county, at Heppner, On-uoii. 'o be holden at Hummer. Onaun, In uld County, on the ith day ol May, WJG, at 10 o'clock, a. m. m 42:1.31. Administrator, Notice Of Intention. Land Orrics av La Orakps, Osxoow. Marrh , In". NOTIfE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE fillowlii(. named settler has II led nolle of his Intention tn make final proof In support of Ills rlalin. and that said proof will be mads helre County Clerk of Mormw County. Oregon, al deppuer, umron. on aprii ji, iim, m; M)l.s,sin.n . rirr.'ii., nd. E. No. 43011. lor the MWt. HK'i and SEW WV -. IV and NWIa. NKV and hl Bee K.Tp. 6H. R. I E. W. M. Ha name ins following wmir w r"" his mnilinimis residence upon and cultivation Hill lttti Vllt I'at Hplllane, William warren, uua. naie, Frank Hale, of Heppner, Oregon. n. r. Ttiiwi. 421-Ul Rralaler, HOWARD -DEALS IN- Have added a NEW SPRING STOCK of Trimmed Hats for Ladies and Misses to the Fell stock on May Street and ask the Public to call and see them before purchasing. EOT)! ELY II' lX Firfret WIMata WooU give os perfect health. Be leaasenveo and womea are out perfectly I wisa, they most take medieiee to Beep Iheonaelvim t feci I y healthy, rare. nob blood ie lb basts of food health. ' HiKxt's Hereepenlla ie Ibe One Tree Llnod ronfler. It gives good health I because It builds ap the Iros futjade- tion pure blood. Pills are purely vegetable, per- ItVllv harmless, always reliable aod beotficiaL Rraaren Awat. A sbrt lime since a txr beiegtog la A. Abrahamatek. of Ibis city, atrolled away from tleppee and has 0t sluew beD (.rand. The r-nree srei browe In e lor and bad barb wire eel na the nadao( flshl (- .r, atKva ibe sse. riadsr will eon fr a great favnr by teluralng same Ibe ownre In ibis eily aod receive rrd f 1 12 00 OS Tllla te 4 i,Bf, r.lls do enl eere e.nii.,li.ri. They enly agf'avsgat'. K'l's Cl'ivef lfy4 Tee DHe regnUnty Ibe Uwels. For eale bv Wells end Warreo. A Hatty's Ufa av4. "tf baby had emnpand a saved lV Union's Cure." write Mrs. J. B. Martin, n( Huo'sville. Ala. For sale by Wells & War res. Keeoey rlaim In bate osd elgbl inns of bay tbia spring selling gain bens, Tii Oit-t'' repnr ha put e grealdeal oiore lose thai la sp-cu Utive race horse, to ssy Dolblug ab.nt loe or to ot cats. la lb enof of a eor.vrsil io a few day ago II aellmd thai lb (all nf Ir J.,hn lv l'rj fe.1 to ib roll' 1i.. h outblitf. a bystander nf irmed lli.iiowil. II knew a creek ibl hail so ronch fall that tbe tor earn hot, eanad by rnblilfig aaine lh rek, l is he'd Io believe Ibal all tbe liar are dead. Notice of Intention. I AND OrrtCB AT THE PAM.Eri. OHE'ii)!, I 1 Marrh. S. I'. Nolli-e Is hereby gives that Ibe following named settler has Bled no- fire of his Intention Io make final proof In sup port ot his rlstin. and that said proui win tie mad belor i. W, Mormw, County Clerk, at llri pner, Orejiin on apni a. m, vis: r J1UK4 1 AHTY. ftrt E No sr.'JS. lor u st1 m. 10, Tp. I K. R. m K w. y. Hatiame th loiiowtng wtineeae to prnye hlaeootluiimia realdenc upon and cultivation ol, said land. l : 1 hrlv Valivt llixie. rranris Kiii.nnr. par. ner, Juhu kllkeuny.M dalioway. lire, 41 4-11, r. ji'KJaa. ffM-a"r Tfmljer Culture, Final Proof. Nolle fur fabheatloa. I AM) fifEK E AT THE PAI.I.K4. OEEOOK, 4 alarrli i, M. hoUf la hereby ftB Ibal Andrew ene, ol lsln(tnn. Ott-eon. has Slel bnilr ol InlenlliiB Io snake Snal pfl hel'ir J w, Mormw, eouniy rink al ble In Mefnee, Oroo. on aaiiiMay ia ih day of U'f, on Tlmlier ( nll'ii .pllrallnB ho, n", (of lb B, aoart'r ol mrr'Um of fa l. In TownsblB ha. IB. Kanfa Mo. M raai. lie name a wllnraw Jtune I TP". hen I'aul, J :. IbomeuB, Jam Mack, Bit ol LaklnaUiD, Urefio. J At. f. Bf'KlEE, tn Bt IWIeter. Groceries, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Stockmens Supplies, Etc., And Wants Your Trade ! He will make it an object for yoa to trade with him as his prices are right, and all goods that he handles are of the very best Store on Main Street, Next Door to City Drug Store, rioppnor, Oregon. Did It Ever Occur to You? That a Firm Could bo Boycotted and Still do Business? F.C, Ae I al ' ! ' a -4 u.atf Ml " '1 taps- s Hf&tlHfuelloti Gtmrniitooil. Sa Tbio Tan -', Oor.bui ba ep4 op lb I-4 d well dwf to lb (tasti i.ra , bs i e-iuei a eh' of yonr airokeg. Hilly t r'gbt al l lb, ao I "tlf hor will b- well looked flr. I'rieee reasvreabl. Hay sad fam fff sal It CATARRH Is SBWeja ' LOCAL DISEASE I fftl tn fh wmM ef et 4 I fi'J4'mUt I so aasien akaeeea, I B. k .7 S Notice of Intention. IAn orncE at the 4 Mank . I'. Hoilre Is herel.y gle Ibal ha I. .11. namarf alllr haa Siel ewrt k of hie liimli.n U mate Snal pnaif In ent-fwrt of tHrlaln, an-l lhal Mid proof will l-e sna4 tvlorej W tJoimw r.,nif elerfe, al Heppner, lira..!, on Mar . mm )' A U'M A Ml.-ll f'1g H I g N . I..r the t't ex. II, a4 SUhKa. Bae 14. Th I K S He na we ll follow nf wiu.eaei a in pme iisroiiiinioe real-laeM Bpo bimI rullltalioB of Ml'1 laM. l llmar iMnlry Erank fUnlrf, W. Q, ftwirt. luttu fce'Via, B.laf Hvrt e.f-H JA E, H'K'hE. 47SJSI llale SuceesaorioC. S. VaaDuya. Ktit door to City IIoUl. Has everything in the line of Fresh Groceries, Candies, Nuts, ond olso keeps Crockery, Lamps and Tinware. Stock is Complete. Notions a Specialty. 5 & AttorneyH fit He-IaW, DErmEn, AU boslne) alleded Ut U a prompt and aallsfeetor BQBDBsr. Nolsrla fsblie and Collector. OmCK IN NATIONAL HANK LC1LDINO. I I i I I OREOOS ll m k eara By a ,himwI fuSy kB It si-. m 4. SMif M im amtwx fW IngyWaif si si nil si gles Ely'sCrearn Balm Is arBasa-lsaasI M Ik Steal lW.f tart Satllt,tt4 la Hm4 aa4 Hay frrm at a. D. J. McFaul, M. D. forte ( l( I e Bereoo. fnH, I'rilal.l aad ru. K ail Clovet Tee ba mad te veil aed fcspp Ma E. B, Votui. f x sale by Welle A Warree. OiaUy J'Mi. la well kefi "oil liCB'f" tn lb t"i..;al Ime, ba again I-rale, I In ll( "". ' l'1-ebaeed Oreati Mailt ' '"!. U- f lis) xllng rit Ibe rity lwtl4. t oerley lll trcrvxists s ceil ba la kia- ll aia.4 tn sat U a .11 airs eaia b4 ttliaann. Baaai laa . Ix te ifaa Biiatae trum 'U. im ewl tt laa-e i lllllWfaa'tMa'l 1U.I HUTI U K,S V mv tat, Hear Ivt. AT J. OI'I'ICIS t if, HiCtH'i HtSIDtMCt. Notice of Final Settlement. VOtKI is ttrsMiy "ivgi tnr tug1 il tt'.-lar-len-! a-1-ire' f laa aia trf H a'm. laa"1 a iM Mtet I l"l aat'.aii I I J I ! ai.A wl I . k a-t !' (,.. a IM ! ! ti ' I ! - 'l i t el ii'tt"-". In,f l 0 h" Am-, al I" 4 taxi cwtHit. tm la Mt Bar M ai. I- A BUI E. L. FREELAND, ffilCOUtCTlQHS, IMSURANCe, m ABSTRACTS. V.. S. I M CdMMI-MoXIK. 14 fin. r a A yi- ! STL0.L,ti,.;i'. NIu.I tuna Do You Want at Rig ? Don't You Want a Place to Put up Your Team ? Are You in Need of a Saddle Horse ? All IhfM can be) procured st Thnra.Hio A ISmne, Ueier Msin Street, Hejijitier, Oregon. That fl a see ell afxtlnU BUN Oel. H'ey. rr. lll'llae, bb4 ether , sn4 ean eat Bwsy B-4 Um la BMtleg U.S l lHi.g tiS't la lHtr Hk Ue . THOMPSON Sr. IJINNS, x.x-vTr-gJg". itrrrit". ...fll''e. j. B TIIK PALACE HOTEL BAK, .j. o. no uc 1 1 lons.viop. S S II III r - I Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars.