Ellis is all right, just the same. Republicans should support the ticket After tomorrow the republican voters will have a slight rest Mitchell will have do fight down at the next session of the legislature. The old ring will get "what they need" down at Portland tomorrow. Let 'er go. uood sprmg range will prove almost as advantageous as a boun teous crop. The road through to Mitchell should be finished before wool- hauling time. Campbell, of Ohio, is counsel- ing the democratic party to stand together at Chicago. Englsnd has almost made up her mind to recognize the bellig erency of the Cubans. Politics is the rage, but it will be some quieter in the republican ranks after tomorrow. Sbeepshearebs are again in the field. Prices will be no better than last season for that work. HAS Kill mi FAILED 1 Paine's Celery Compound Gave Mrs. Porter Back Her Strength. John L. Sullivan is said to be troubled with dropsy. How the water got into him is a mystery. Back in Hoosierdom the blue jay and bluebird are getting in their good work, heralding the coming of spring. Mb. Malcolm Moody will have more difficulty managing legisla tive politics than he has had in running The Dalles. Connect Ileppner's telephone system with the main line "long - distance" and the benefits arising therefrom will be large. It IS now conceded that John II. Mitchell will be re-electet as sen ator without a struggle. He will have no particular opposition from any quarter. The Gazette is republican. Were it bo uncharitable as some of its opponents not a man would be elected on the republican ticket Did this ever occur to yon? Geo. O. Knowles has purchased The West, Senator Alley's old standby, and will continue the pub lication of the journal at the old stand. May it ever prospor. TnEOregonian has matters fixed upon the congressional matter, but it isn't working out its way. lie turns show thnt Ellis will have his usual pull in the second district nrt a a . a a . HIE legislative ticket down id Marion county is composod o Mitchell men entirely, and are as follows: Dr. J. N. Smith, Itev, II. L. IlaroUy, II W. Chapman McKinley Mitchell and Pan Craig. Hare-lay and Craig were anti-Dolph men in the last legU. latum. It is a strong ticket and nill win easily. A iuiliioad man over in Dritinb Columbia tried to chastise an edit or the other day. but after the editor had hit Lira on the head with a side stick, jallxsl him in the ril with the RcisMirs and bit off tbo end ol his finger he gave up the job an bad tha journalist arretted for a aaulL Tha editor proved Pitmen provocation and paid a small fine, but there wilt be no mora attempts to lick him. m TI American KoonotuUt pub. lubea an exhibit of the losses in th value of live stock on our ftrmee that is indne4 aUrtliog. Live stock that aa worth nearly two and a half millions of dollars on January 1, lHUi, in tha gmxl times cf McKinley protection, was worth ITrk'l.fC.VVJi I.e. mocey in tha farmers exactly four jeara later, after three years experience with a democratic admlnUtration. Kmj farmer la every section of th country, hil stadjiog th low talus of his lira Uk, shouU d terrains to restore tha Jx.licy o I MecUon and rrjerity for Hi American farmers, by voting for protection candidates for congreaa and tha republican candidate for th office of president. All ImI aloW fclr. ()v A. Mill, I.t,aaa. la,, bli rau4 at Ual be eonl l a4 U4 ( tiaifM, bt w m i la, I utl a rs. with tint frtte rif. b ., "nM lMtl Cl MllM I tbt blll t4 fbewttaftal' rt Hal. A fief le,r, II fr Ikfaa 4i$ mt rkaii m 4 be o rer. ., Far aal by CWe Pearl . These sharp, raw, capricious days ot Marob are blamed for much eioknees that ia simply the direot result ot nerv ous weakness. Perfect health will keep one above any depressing influence from the weather. Pure, rioh blood and better fed nerv ous tissues will tOBke people feel well even in Marob. During bis many years of bard and wonderful work. Prof. Edward E Phelps, Dartmouth's great professor, bad in mind tbe thousands wbo wer. weak and run down. Bis study of tbe many cases of nervous prostration, neu- ral(ia, rheumatism, dyspepsia, and de bility led him to tbat most marvelous disoovery of tbe oentury, Paine's celery compound. In every oity, as well as tbe smaller villages scattered through this country, are men and women wbo for years have relied npon Paine's oelery compound whenever they found themselves weak WASHINGTON LETTER. and ont of health. Hundreds of letters like tbe following from Mrs. Porter ct New York City, tell how this great medicine has kept tbem well and stroag. New York, Jan. 3, 1896, Messrs. Wells, Richardson & Co., Dear Sirs : For several Tears I have used your Paine's oelery compound whenever I found myself run down in health. During that time I bate reootn mended it frequently to my friends and I know of many persons wbo have been much benefited by it. I am never with Prom our Special Correspondent Senator Mitchell naturally feels com plimented by tbe mention made in sev eral Oregon papers ot bis nsme in con nection with the vioe presidency, in tbe very probable event tbat tbe St. Lonis convention wonld go so far vest for a candidate. It is always pleasant to know tbat your people at borne have a high opinion of ynu and appreciate your effort to serve them faith frilly in return for any honor tbey may have bestowed upon you. It wonld therefore be strange and very nnnsual if Senator Mitohell did not feel complimented. It is just as well to state, however, that there is no presidental and vioe presi dential bee buzzing around in his bon net. He knows tbat a Pacific oosst man. could not hope to secure the presi dential nomination and as for tbe vice presidency f If by any misfortune be sbonld ba elevated to tbat position, tbe task of Sisyphus rolling that bnge atone everlastingly up bill would be more endurable to bim tban the masterly inactivity of that high office. The vice presidential chair is no plaee for a man of bigb strung nervous temperament united with great pbysioal vitality; it is no plaoe for a man wbo is never satisfied except when tbe works of his mind are running on full time. Life would be a plague to him and while he looked down from bis high place, with a front which usage demands should be calm and unruffled, and listened to the clash of verbal arms and smelt tbe smoke of rhetorical battle in the arena around bim, a still-life spectator ot the scenes in wbich he has so often participated, be wonld find himself repeating the soliloquy of the clown in tbe forest: Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow, Creeps on this petty pace from day to day, To the last syllable oi recorded time. How the world wans: 'Tls but an hour since it was twelve (the hour senate met) And In one hour more it will be two; And so from hour to hour we ripe and ripe, And so from hour to hour we rot aud rot. Senator Mitobell has been a tremen- n Indian war veteran. Senator Mitchell baa introduced a resolution asking from tbe scoretary ot war an estimate of tbe cost of improve ment of tbe Clatskaine river. Do you remember the adage tbat "Pre vention is better than on re?" This is just tbe time of tbe year to exercise s little cere to prevent nickneee. Oo get some Himmooe Liver Regulator, liquid or powder, and take it to rid your body of any poit-on and tooe up tbe system. It will save muoh sofferiog and life. "It is a safe and reliable medioene, and a great preventive of aicknees." Bev, J as. Rollins, Fairfield, Vs. From Eiht Mile. Tbe gospel temperance meeting at Eight Mile will be oo tbe 29th ot March instead of the 22J. I wai pleased to leara while in Hepp ner tbat the reading room was so comfortable and pleasant. It is open to alL Farmers, their wives, eons and daughters arqftpvited to go there and rest, read and feel at home. Tbe ladies of the W. 0. T. D. of Heppner feel very much disappointed that this olasa ot persons da not avail themselves of this opportunity, as they had this olass of persons in view when they arranged tbe reading room. It is taken care of by Mr. and Mrs. Qrossman and is situ. ated on Mam street near the opera bouse. ' MRS. CORDILLA ASHBATJGH President of Eight Mile W. O. T. D. Are You Hade . Miserable by Indigestion, Constipa tion, Dizziness, Loss ot Appetite, Yellow Skin? Sbilob's Vital izer is a positive on re. For sale by Wells & Warren. SHERIFFS SALE. NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEK THAT UNDER and by virtue of an execution issued ont of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for me county 01 Morrow, on Marcn IB, law, ana to me directed and delivered, upon a judgment rendered and entered in said Court on the 5th day of March, 18U6, In favor of J. H Townsend, riainuti, ana against j nomas vtaiaen. w. u. Scott and G. W. Harris. Defendants, for the sum of Three Hundred Korty-eisrhtand 10-100 10) Dollars wun interest tnereon from said atn oi March. 1896, at the rate of ten per cent per an num. and Twenty-five ($25.00) Dollars attorney's lee ana tne turtner sum ot blxty-tour ana ny-itu (Jfit 89) Dollars costs: and. whereas, by said judgment it was ordered and adjudged that the following described real property, to-wit: 8W14 01 section n in id. 1 norm, ranee . &. w. M.. pe soia to satisiy saia luaement. costs ana ac- nrulniF costs. I will, on dons worker all bis life. He is too old Saturday, the 25th day of April, 1896 to Change bis habits in tbat respect. If at 2 o'clock, P. M., of said day, in front of tha vyumi. uuu.c til neppuer, wiurrow l.uuuiy, Oregon, sell the right, title and interest of the said Defendants In and to the above described property at Public Auction to the highest and best bidder f r cash In hand, the Droceeds to be applied to the satisfaction of said execution aud ail costs, ana costs mat may accrue. Zl-itt. li, W. H AKKINliTON, (Sheriff of Morrow Countv. Oregon. Dated March 16, 189C. any malignant enemy of his wants to kill him eff let him Contrive some way lo get him elevated to the vice presi dency; his friends would be strewing flowers on bis grave inside of six months. The vioe presidency is intended for some bappy easy gentleman wbo is a out a bottle of it in tbe house, and take i stranger lo tbt neceosity ot keeping his SHERIFFS SALE. great pleasure in expressing to you my belief tbat it does a great work for bumsnity. Mas. M. Pobtib, 282 Eighth Ave. Mrs. Porter's experience is like thous ands of others. Paine's oelery com pound made ber well, because it fed tbe starved nerves and blood and regulated their functions. Try it and be oonvinced ot its remarkable power to oure disease. ' .. -TT- jfBa l-EXINUTON BRKFZKH. Waller Hill is on tha sick list Ibis week. Crops look encouraging in this neok 'o tbe woods. 1 Miss EfQe Moyer is convaleioent form recent illness. J. L. Gibson's new residence on Main street is fait being oompletrd. Mrs. Dick Uowsrd is visiting ber sis ter, Mrs. Dan Potter, in this oity. Newt. WhetitoD and Fred llallock were interviewing tbe Lexingtoniies Thursday last. Politioa! political And democrats, aristoorats, anlnorats and "odder" rata. There are plenty ot 'era in onr city. Mr. and Mrs. Oeo.Kmitb bavsbronght their son, Charley, over to town for a few days thinking tbt change would benefit his health. Tha f auerel of "O ran dm a" DonalJaoo oocured laat Handay evening. After months of great suffering sbe emsaed (lie dark river of drain, cue leaves a daughter to nmnro ber departure. Winter baa asid away and spring baa taken ber plaoe mlied In beautiful green. Tbe wheat fields are beginning lo look green aud lbs farmers are hope ful of a good crop and a full yield. Morrow oonnty is all right yet. "Ys pious scribe" begs Imvs to predict Ibal as Ung at Orover Cleveland Is able lo go a fisting and tbe rvpablioans give th'lr oonp d gises with a fall baud after tleetloa, and the itimiK-rji s aud Mpos" till a sad boo Si.ir to Orvr, then, and not nnlil than, will we bate good and prtwperons lime. J. Josta Loiingtoo, Or., March 24. IK. Hi. Back from Nebraska. Frank Rogers returned yesterday morning from Ne braska baying Sam Sperry in charge. Hperry is obarged with tbe laroeoy of a borse aud saddle, the former from Jesse Kirk and tbe latter from Rev. Cbss. Kirk. Hperry olaims tbat be bad traded for tha borse from Kirk and that he considered it bis, but admits borrow ing tbe saddle biob bs sold while 00 spree at Penuletoo. However, be ;lainis tbat be intended to come baok this spring and settle for tbe saddle. The prosecution will claim tbat it was a plain case ot laroeny, Moas Bat A yen at tbe World's Fair Ayer'a Harsaparillasnjnys the extraor dinary distiuotion of having been tbe only blood purifier allowed an exhibit at tbe World's fair, Chicago. Manufacturers of olber saraaparillas sought by every means to obtain a showing of their goods, but they were all turned away under the application of tbe rule forbidding tbe entry nf patent medicine and nostrums, The deomloo of the World's fair eottio. rities lo favor of Ayrr's Haraaparilla was in effect aa follows: "Aver s Marsapa- nlla ia not a patent medicine. It ilx not belong to tbe list of nostrums. It is here on its tnxrita." Hwar M faatrfrltr Wbo Itifi-st the market and are the SMMtne nf ri'Mitng sirk ripi of their money, aed what I of still srvater 0"n wquroca of nl ntifrvqnenlly sssraval Ing the ixaplalls audit wbk b tbey lalr It t an t of doty we owe to anrlly to warn lbs pontile ssan.st the dangamne frauds. A little ears on tbe part of the pnrrliara will pMlert tbra inns) tmpoaitiKO by bearing la snind lbo lMm: Nr bay where II ta offrd in bnlk. (m kf or aa lb tannine llnalrtUr's rlmmarh ll.lUrs eta sold poly ta ImimI bavieg tbo band entM stl plate lhsl displaying the eowtal telfa hi, (lsrs and tbe Dragne, and baving at tbe IxHtoos a mlaialara nt ,anl for ctaa rent. bwtag tbe fa simile af tbe taelare of the rvijnl of lbs eipy. ()rr the ok la a nlallis en. pa whlrh is lra d tbe nam rf lUa arlteta, f ihr wtu a Mi"UHi'a te4 la t ttitf. Ar rni eilir lbs eKnlr fell HiMMrttft's rVniaaen HlHra we aball not rMiiau it tr tnf 1,1 jitir, aa we af ia i u tiavii. (henb t alertaiaaeat Tbero will ! a m is l prorsat, aes sitting of (, mHUtloas, eta rva drd at tbe M. II rbsrrh, K-.aiU, ea rtUsy eva, April If J. Tha froctaaj ill U f .ll.ia.d 1 7 t ttV't s.Klal.la No a lsalilarre f, AH ate invited to !, and la-lira are f 'jnl. ta btig iakH. Tbe pf(faia will art to It Wk'S IImIiIj and tfih aarJ tjr bliba t'altirl rUaa-ly. frMO K. Paaal tea. mind engaged. It is a highly orns VTOTICE 19 HEREBY GIVEN THAT TNOER XI and bv virtue of an execution lamH nut mental position; tbe man wbo fills it f the circuit court of the Rtate of Oregon for , , , . hi, iumiij ui muiiun uu nuvn lo, invQ. alio 10 bears very much tbe same relation to me directed and delivered, upon a judgment tha onvprnmant thnt tha maraannv man rendered and entered 111 said court on the 5th tne government mai ine mergenoy man jfty 0( Marehi WJ6t ln favorof Tne Northern does to a theatrical company or tha Counties investment Trust (Umlfed) Plaintiff, and against (J. W. Stewart. Jamea D. Hamilton. substitute does to a base ball nine. He U. W. Ilurrlneton. Administrator Adrll. farvln ma hpcnrtiA nf ni r.mnnnt imnii.. ,nJ''11' Brown, I'elendants, for the sum of may become or pimmonnt importsnca Thirtcen Hundred Two and s-umwii rm rmii. in a ooctingecoy out in lbs mesntima wun "'ler'" tnereon irom March s, 1H9S, at 1.. 1. 3 tj 1 l . 1 ""' eii per ceni per annum ann mie be IS S Ognre head. People wbo Come to Hundred Dollars attorney's tee. and the further Waahinoton alwAva aiali In l,nk nnnn sumoi nuy nveaiiatiu-iiiu .5.eo) Dollars cosu wasnmgion always WIHU to look npon i. whereas bvsald ludameut Itwuord. tbe Vice preaident. His good and bad luI adjudged that the following described real points are onrion over very muoh as if be were tbe heir presumptive ;of , a yerv wealthy noble-1 c4,,lnd cruluffcou- 1111, 00 Saturday, tha 25th day of April. 1896 at 2 o'clock, I. M., of said day, at tha frontdoor 01 me uiiuri riousein Henpuer, Morrow County, (iregon, sell the right, title and Interest of the said Defendant In and to the above described roierty at fublln Auction to the highest and beat bidder for rash ln hand, the proceeds lo be liiro to me satisfaction 01 aam execution and an cnau, and costs that inny accrue. M-.ll, . W. HAKK1NUT N. Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon. isaiuii .narcn 10, wak and, whereas by said Judgment It was ordered and adjudged that the followlnsr described real J . . , property, to-wit: The of Hv)4 of section , nel marked and oonned wof nw, EHK'.and NWiof 8E!4ection as if be were tbe heir S'STSV V'il'f. ,J..?..!-:.!il .'.? A!' I f . , , . . . . man, unviDg ooiuirjg 10 oommena nun save bis eipeotstions. Senator Mitchell has served bis stste and conn try too well to deserve snrh a fate as Ibis. It ia probnble tbat before (bis letter is resd in Oregon Ben. Mitchell will have reported to the senate bis amend ment proposed to tba oonatitution pro viding for the election ot senator by the SHERIFFS SALE. Ar to a M. E. Gum 11. Marob 29, morning rerneive I.on, tha first 12 verses of Mntliew V. Aonther olass will reoeivs ILe sarraiusul ot baptism, Sat urday, April 4tb at 7 A) p m. tbe prs siding sldrr will prrach an I coodact tba qnaitvrly contrn tm. ; tin I on lbs follow" Ing morning al 11 be aill preach and a.lmlnlsler tt.a lord's s upper. Tbe evening err vre lb tt l y will consist of an F.aaler program by tbe "noday school. Is it "over.. lk" that baa filled tbla ennolry wilb oervnoa dyptioaf tbat tatea lbs II "b off their boaea, tba vital ity from Ibrir ,lMtd, and makea them feeble, emaoialed and tnrltlcttei f No. Ills bad C'-sltrf. t renin of InJl gfwtibl am IT, and uttirr l.eallb dmlrny Ing habile The rerurdy la aa arlitlclal'y ligmled food nneh aa tha Hfitker lH- live C".lll. Inaaa. ot tmlallog the alrealy lullanird aloataeb tba Ubr dial five tl a rbanra t rt by nourlab lag tbe eyetem l'alf and digeaiing other food lakea with II. Ko Beat, and aireogib re'arn. Is at tba Ha mlloB- alT Tba Cirdinl ia palalabla and ra liatea IroaixtiaUlv. No oiey risked to daida cms Ma velae. A ID eul trial bnle An Ibtl. 1-Ati. is tba beet medioloe lot chit- dma. loeinr rtinnl II la plaee of Seal. oil. people. For tbe Brat time in the history xt0tice is hereby gives that under nf tha utiila a tnainrilv nf II, ..m-I I' and by virtue of an execution Issued out . . , . . . innne rireult 1 ourtot the Htate of Oregon for mittee Will report in favor of the pro- the Comity of Morrow, March 1ft, lMm, and to poaed amendment. The aenator in bis ,d, report Will oall attention to tbe enor- "y" ren. ln..ln (avnrol 1 homes U Dor ' . .. " " man, I'laliitin. and aaalnst (ieorir. W Junklti motlS WSS'a Of time and money tbe preS- lx-lcli.lnt. lor the sum ol mxteeu Hundred and .nt .i , .1 . . 1 "Ixty-Sva illiA. iii Dollars with Interest thereon .uurvLMu p.iU uii4uaieu aja- rtom March &, Ixsi, at lhara'aof ten percent tern Involves; be Will Cite tbe many r "" """ ""nore.1 Hollars attorney 1 1 ...w .... . t.r. v.,,,, ,,, , wvtiiv iniiiarirtMia rei enl inatanoea Wbere legislatures bava "! whereaa, by aald Jndiment It was ordered balloted for data aiilhnnt r..nhl-,. 'hat the lolWlna de-rlbed real Dauoiea ior aaye wimont reaobiog any pnyerty. to-it: kkv ami s"i of aertion 10, result and bow a failure to reach an In fp. a M. h. in K. w. M , b sold to aatis'y said 1. 11 ,,, , ... . ,, " Iti'ismeim coats and acrrulng costa. 1 will, .,.., . ,u.. irai.ie. uauoiing Satorda. tha 25th daw af A. ell 1ft OA continued tnrourbntit tba entire legis- 0 ,ir r M.ot said day, at the frontdoor laliea aln ..., I ...... i. . I nww in nrppiier, Morrow lonntT latlte aeeaion Oaused tbrea States to OS I Omrnn, sell th" rlaliU lllla and Interest ol th, withoot Iheir constitutional ropretenta- . ,1 . .VK,7,,'7''r,lw1 lion in lha Opnar hooae during tba bidder lor rush In hand, tha hmwli to ba wi'l'iim w .t.w wKipiv-iKiii 01 saia exscuiion ana all rosla, and cuata Uiat may a-rrua. it-, . . N A K K 1 H iTOJf , Shertirof Morrow County, Urecon. Dated ktarcb l, I'M. Hit.r run etii I bava l.f0 ewea aal l.OO Ian! thai I will sell after ebaarief at II pH bad, all 'foetid. I'arlias wUblng lo bay sbonld address ana at Vienna, or call oa tse al aty ranrb ta MrlVkaald Canyon, nnr Tinsa. Caa If trua a, 9n Ins 'teano, Orva. A Ureal baeasaa's tissslitta tHaeaaad bo..4. eat ialuta, a4 hid key, liver and bowel imqblea are rrd t Rarl a t -lover R wt Tea. tut sale by Uetla A Wat era. raar nr vtnaa Ma. Wei I an, wbo aw rai Im at W aaal's rMi.taee la ToHlaad, wiebea lo thauk tba people of llappaer fur Ibatr kiadanaa Inward krWf sad llCe bil ta ilrpiaa. last enngrrsa, and a cotilest arising from tha same cause leaves Delswars wilb only cna senator at this time, while Kentucky will probably be ia the name situation wbea lha fifty-fifth eoogrees meets. A tisT .k A a tta,. a a. a uo oiarco ii, nenaior ,miiodii inlro- doced in tbe senate a joint rrolatioo SHERIFFS SALE. VOTtrg I ItlRyRY filVEM THAT t'KDIR IV and by virtue ol an eieeiitlon laaof.4 out of th (Irrult eMir ot lha mat ot oreaonfor the County ol Morrow, on Marrb la, w, and to . .... ot., . . . M-1'..i-i, iiwiimfni anlhorislng tba immedi.ta eirndltora 7n,!,?''1i0"rt f" ,,,hrMb ofaatimnnttO tieeaxl I'iD.OOk), to COO- HalMlir, and avalnat Henry belly. IMvadant, nw inesun, ,i t. n nunorvi vony-aevtn ana iMtu u.ij.i ) luiiara, wun inlereat trier. from Marrb I lie Aih. Im. al the FRENCH; ?2 FREE Illustrated by 6 dolla with 31 drassea, 6 snlta, OS hat, and 86 other articles, furnishing the ladies with the latest French fashions as well as tbe children with an amusing toy. 3 Wa VS tO f Send e Coupon, or Z" J Send 1 Coupon and 6 oents, or G et I neSe Send 10 Oenta without anj Fnchinnc. I coupon, to n wwinwiiw. BtMckweir Durham Tobacco Co., Durham, N. C, and the Fashion Dolls will be sent you postpaid. You will find one coupon inside each 2 oz. bag, and two coupons inside each 4 or. bag ot Blackwelus Genuine Durham Tobacco. Buy a bag of this Celebrated Smoking Tobacco, and read the coupon, which gives a list of other premiums and how to get them. M i: a!! A WOOL MARKET. This has become an established market for Eastern Oregon, Washington and Idaho wools. Last season three million pounds were received here by rail from Huntington, Baker City, Heppner, Arlington, and from Yakima, Spokajie, Lewiston, Walla Walla and intermediate stations. Low freight rates are given on shipments to Pendleton for scouring and packing in transit. Many of the leading buyers make this place headquarters, and all large opera tors frequently visit Pendleton warehouses. As a market this place is equalled only by The Dalles in quantity of wool which attracts competition, with this advantage : From no point in the Northwest, Portland included, is wool shipped East at less ex pense than from Pendleton. Water competition has not afforded suf ficiently low rates upon wool in the g rease and dirt, to equal the lower expense in curred by shipping only clean, scoured wool from Pendleton. Owing to this fact Pendleton buyers are enabled to pay as much or more tor wool at this point than is averaged at other places having reputations as "high markets," based upon exceptional sales of fancy lota of light wools. Considering character of wool, and shrinkage, it may safely be claimed that the average sales ln Pendleton Net the Grower more Cash for the same amount of wool than can be obtained in any other Market in the State. The Thoroughbred Running Stallion will stand the season at BILLY GORDON'S STABLE, Heppner, Ore. Terms $20 for the season. All mares . over one from the same stable will be bred for $5 less, each. Swam? is a Dark Bay, H hands hioh; Star in face, Two white fill ON LEFT SIDE, AND WEIGHS 1150 POUNDS. at rod bet wee d tba op per lock gala , .... . ...... ... , p., nl p,, nBMn ,o4 (I,r maaoery at the Caeemlee oeh proles. I l"tur ait..rti.T t and the forth, maul tlon Ol lb project int walla aa may b ami. hrraa.hf aahl lodsment II Mortared tiereaaarr to enable the canal ta n4 ',),,','-l h, u..n drrit-d mi ' rssoia ma canal so D9 I .,. . ui all a.,,,11, hll at ihm uni, k.il i ptiroed tl tnotnersa. Tealerdaf Bora, arrtmn taentT ia. and mi kail ol artlon I m l. ml Mi II . - I i.niTiniw, III in wvnanit lasDHtlll. fanaa m in.uru laTiiiiuis rryuT inils I lnl east, w. M . tw .t In aallslt said the drpartoeetj be renrbril the eom- '" " e arrftiing cu. I in. on atwray, ine don eey er April, 1090 at t rlrt f M . at aali dai. al the Irani done ot th 1 jtr ( Hmii. ta Ht'"f. U'tnm ounlf . "nt" aril an ine nam. una ait.l inirrt si tnltlee oo enmmerre wllti It a tew biq ota lfure He fetjonrnment, imt eoan enongb ta e that lafnrable report aa enfl.!e. to tbe enstojy of fUoatot UeBrlJe. talbe annate a few mlnat later Ho. M.Drl.le prraaota-l Ibe re port anj Mfc! for lie Innediate rati el I er el loo. The reeotutina went ibruegb ae if II baj ba greaal. went ever a aa k a a... 10 ine ponar, waa rererrea m im river I vurit i in Mr ei ed Inslroetlone to report It aaj will brief it op la Ihe bonae Ibia mnmiaff. llrMia. Mitobell, MfD'lle and Kiln ill reqaeet tbe wfelarr r-f war to opea Ibe raeal to boat at tbe prtpr llBM. tatr VleHrUe baa Ixxa astreetsJ k report fasorat.ly frn tbe ntBmiltav en poblle laala bta bill fot Ibe tlaaatH). f atio. tit. f Mlnral len t lo Or an.l Waableito. Ilia bill t einilar la all reepeei to Ibe one ablet baa already paeJ tb bona lr California en. I ta abic IWa. Miiehall ptnpna4 to ark an a,tsnat faailol It apply to (-r. Tbe CaJifumia itbJeeM, fenritiff tbat la aweeJaiawl ailfbt Hra't IbsMt b.11, M tit UI ft. MrllnU t leirmlarw a aepawnt II aill a fw l aoasijat at, traw. diel.l; :ui the California bi'.l i arto4 apoo. Re. Mr Hit t baa ror4 fsmratt pt frr IM ptew (ot !( o lb biUfer Urlf af 0. f. DaU, the mI, lirlrtwUnl laatd lotba above dav-rlti4 rr,.p.t1 al ruh.lr awllon la the klhl ai4 hrl hi I ! few rMh In kand, Uta ptorwti Is ai'pitr.1 an ma aausivimn oi aaia esacnuon an4 all ta, and euata Ut mt trrm. MM. it W. H MKIli)rol. h.rtrT of Morrow tvwnty, irrecon, raM Man k la, tMa, till LHIFF3 SALE. ar uivg TnTt xnr ., M etrUaa laurl aul nun a4 lha mat of .nmnm kit Ibe 1 -unit vl fcUfmo, a Warrk It, las and la mm 'llrwi. an. I tpvrr.. .mi a ladlwMt rv,..lrrt and etrrd la aai. 4 .mrl a a 14 hi m Mar. a M la urn. u4 Uma.tr w Hat n.... aa H.a aminiMl.rf ol ih luiairral tMrwat. I. rlunim, aa4) ltwl Jaoasa i IIsm,iiih, ka Hawllloa, I n. nrmw, Aill ra'ia. a4 Tha ..nhrr Cot, a I im ilMa.nl IlH. lljxltadl twlc.l .rtts 1.4 U.. .m nl tin. tho'iMM t.i'.r w ilk Inum nrnns liws I.m it. im. al ii. rata at trft r,l fMf aoaVMi aM ll'-a .lr a4 !' l-i iiimmi a an4 IM fa ifc atnt t IkiMfsis ad I , trmim ad IMIM T Hl Mll II U m-itw4 aM a.tj(el lrl ih k,iiiae A i na ml a I", ap.iiM 'l tH I SI w, M . ad a riiiuiMllil"lMiiitl e4 mm n i i a a i a , m SnM m mi ' a4 ja4Mil,er4a nay arrl fmm I Hi. Catoeway, tk tSm 4r af ApHI, 189 al I " r M .rnirnH tat. al lha rraM aflhalvvl H Ii H. a.l Vwnlmli int.! a. I ma rifht in. a a4 laiitnl mt the a., I a..lanta la M la Iba a AmmrrtmmA mi..tm,..i al rM liua ka Ika bahat a4 Ui miimM la ka4. Ilia r la I' a aaU.t. ttm M a4 avln aM a, n4 mm tli err H iaiotow. tau-t k IT. Iik par ews. T al raw f tu k la Ibe J(atWaa U IU i na. A-l IU.S4.I T 0t, Re4w, AiIImWa, OrwawaB, Mlt '' I UC I Itimpbr lAin: flrst dam. Orron Roaa. aha he Tint,.., k v.. l ported Ureal Tow ; Tlplo' Brat dam. Brlhrey, she hy lmrirtrl Bonnie ncotlnnd (lreon Rose s aratdam. Urapeahot; aha by Burashnt; b by Imported Bucalon; third data, Hallla Uonan. b John Morgan; be by Imported HoTarelco. ' ' Can famish cooA rKHtnr nt tl IT lee payable wben mare la aerved, either by cash or good note. GEO. C. AIKEN, Owner. WHITE COLLAR LINE. Columbia River and Pucret Sound Navicralion Co Stustn THETDONE, BilLET GATZERT AND OCEAX W1YL -.vi.unIN1 wiid nwaoo etoamer o4 r ti ro J; alto at Tooot' Day wttb Beaatior lUllro.4. fZlXiSPZXOItf 23 Ua rortland 1 A. M. Iaily. ..p mml.y. Umwm AstorU 7 P. M. tHlly. sire fend., "l"! JS. T"T . 1m mrm. . . . OOBAN WAVD Leaf a rortland and mna 4lreH lo Itaarn T.nlii n.l ti,,..i..., . w . . . ' w 'IUUI BlaT 11 tU sT. M fXt,.i I, D.1.J n. n ,i n i n . tab rntiin m lutuvu Kwim w;i itri ift ar rrotn Pee My. Ikd. oaalorl. Plra, Traeal a. ,. T.lepkona. ..y Qaiaarl and Or., W.ra. The CITY BAKERY I. a, ap. ...b fmb Hra.1, ru., et, ...X fcMj, Wa44if Cnkaa or raalar, foe a? ial dmn.r Uk4 w orJef. Al arriM a tin of , lai4 Oroeaeie. Candies, Nuts. Cigars, Tobacco, etc TWO LUNCH TABLKS Will U kept tut n,mlt. of k ttu, ci,.,lf, . ... .PPmtt.a,poenrt, M.. M) ViLl rnry ebpa atibCITY IlAlCliltY Tha Talrona.. of the VmtU cf Hrro, U llpoctfall 8c,!iciu,i OTTO FlilEDIUCII, Old Bakery Stand, HEPPNER, ORE.