Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, March 27, 1896, Image 1

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    Portland Library
Is owing to my liberality in ad
verting Robert Bonner.
Advertising brought me all I
own. A. T. Stewart.
Tuesdays and Fridays
OTIS PATTERSON. -. . . Editor
A. W. PATTERSON, . Business Manager
At (2.50 per year, $1.25 fur six months, 75 ots.
(or three morions.
Advertising Rates Made Known on
THIS PAPER ie kept on file at E.C. Dake'e
Advertising Agency, Bt and 65 merchants
Gxohangs, Ban Francisco, California, where cou
racts for advertising can be maAe for it.
0. R. & N. -LOCAL CARD.
Train leaves Heppner 10:30 p. neatly, except
Sunday. Arrives 6:15 a. m. dailyjtexcept Mon
day. West bound paBBenger leaves Willows Junc
tion 1:13 a. m.; etst bound 3: HO a. m.
Freight trains leave Willows Junction going
east at 7:25 p. in. and 8:47 a. m.; going west, 4:30
p, m. and 5.56 a. in.
tulWd States Officials.
President Qrover Cleveland
Vice-President Ad ai Stevenson
Beoretarv of Htate Biohard 8. Olnev
Secretary of Treasury John Q. Carlisle
Secretary of Interior Hoke Smith
Secretary of War Daniel H. Iiamont
Secretary of Navy.? Hilary A. Herbert
Poetinaster-Qeneral William L. Wi son
Attorn9y-(tnneral J nelson Harmon
Seoretaryot Agrioulture J.Sterling Morton
State of Oregon.
Governor W. P. Lord
Seoretaryot Htate
.Treasurer -..
ftapt. Puklio Instruction.
Attorney General
Supreme Judges
,.H. K. Kincald
...Phil. Metschan
O. M. Irwin
...C. M. Idleraan
I Q. W. McBride
' J. H. Mitchell
Hunter Hermann
W. K. Ellis
( It. 8.
...V. A.
(0. K.
W. H. Leeds
H. 8. Bean,
Sixth Judicial District.
Circuit Judge Stephen A. Lowell
Prosecuting Attorney John H. Lawrej
Morrow County OlUcials,
joint Senator A, W. Gowan
ltepresentative. J.. 8. Boothby
cmnty Jndue..
'' Commiwiioners..
J. M. Galior.
" Clerk
" Sheriff
" Treasurer
" School 8u
" Coroner..
.Julius Keith ly
j. u. tiowaru
J. W. Morrow
..G. W. Harrington
Frank Gilliam
J. Willi'
Geo. Ixrd
Anna Halaiger
T. W. Ayera, Jr
ur.vTAun Town ornonns.
Mavoi ,'. .Thos. Morgan
CJunrilmeut O. E. Farnaworth. M
IiichtanOnl, (Mis Pa'terson, T. W. Aysrs, Jr.
H. H Knniar. Y I. Hlncnru.
Recon,,.. .F. J. Hal nek
rrnawr K. 1. Fwlinrt
HabuI A. A. Huberts
Pi-Tcinet Officers.
...E. L. Frwlan'l
N. 8. Whetetone
United States Ijand OtKcera.
Door H"irin'er
A. 6. Biggs Kaoeiv
B.F, Wilson Rglter
J. H. Bobbins Ileoeiver
rutins of the Pease.,
Co wtable
O. A. B.
Meats at Lexington, Or the last Saturday of
arh month. AU veterans are Invited to Join.
C'C. Booo. Uao. W. Smith.
Adjutant. 11 tf Coinmsmiar,
V V dressed Lumber, It miles ul Heppner, at
what la known as Uia
n - m CLEAR,
17 M
A &w per l,uuu leal eeuiucinai.
The above quotations are strictly for Cash.
national Bank o! imw
Frealoeat. Cashier.
Undo oo FarorabU Term.
OataFio-Burns Staac Lin-
V T t
Latvee Burn Dally at 8 i. ra. end nr.
rite at Uolafio la J Door.
Sinqle Foro $7 CO.
Round Trip $15.00
arsTBra(k Irsight r, rnl set fan 4.
tmm Him rfattv strap fHi
ll an-ita in Inlarto I e trftle-t m M
with tha ihiiait-a, TtBlil llew
tt el Isrtia,
KNOCK Aoore spot, green,
black, or blue, is a
QDflTC nfiB QT InPRDQ fill the color fade.
Ul UIU uii jnuuuo uil
the soreness disappear,
;nn owen electric belts and appliances insure to the sick
The Elcclrie Car.
iren t mn be linmedi.
airly folt, although
(toothing; to the
most netisltlve. Tne
Birength of the current is!
umlor the complete con
trol of the wearer, so
tnuob so that a child may
be treated and cured by
the same power of Belt
necessary for the strong
est man.
It can be ehanged
from positive to negative
current in a moment.
Tbey have and are cor
ing thousands of oasea
of Rheumsttlasn,
Cbronle IMaeaaea
and Narrows Ail
meats in man and
woman (from any cause)
where long continued
medical treatmentfailed
to cure.
void all ehean fso-oalled) Electrlo Belts and fraudulent Imitations of our BleotriC Belts
and Appliances, as these are an imposition, upon the suffering.
THE OWEIf ELECTRIC TRUSS is the most retentive and ourative Truss
mode lor the radioal cure of Bupture.
Inclose six cents and send for our lArae Illnatrated Catailoaio in English,
German, Bwedish or Norwegian languages ; containing medical facts, sworn statements of
cures made and descriptions of Belts and Appliances. Address
80S to Sit State Street. Chicago.
Are the Highest of all High Grades.
Warranted superior to any Bicycle built In the world, regardless of price.
Do not be induced to pay more money for an inferior wheel. Insist on
having the Waverley. Built and guaranteed by the Indiana Bicycle Co., a
million dollar concern, whose bond is as good as gold.
211b. SCORCHER $85. 221b. LADIES' $76.
Catalogue free. INDIANA BICYCLE CO.,
HOMER H. HALLOCK, iNDiAKirous, Ikd., V. 8. A.
Gen. Agent for Eastern Oregon, Pendleton, Or.
To render linen, cotton or muslin
incombustible dip it in a solution of
common alum.
Creamed onions are simply small,
white onions boiled in salted water and
dressed with hot cream and butter.
Pound cake (measured in cup, and
always Teliable). Two cups butter,
three cups sugar, three cups flour, eight
eggs, rind and juice of oue lemon.
Prairie Farmer.
Beef Croquettes. Take any remains
of cold meat, chop fine, add twice the
quantity of mashed potatoes, well sea
soned, one beaten egg. Form into cakes
and fry in hot butter.
Steamed Indian Bread. One pint
of sweet milk and one of sour, three
pints of Indian meal and one of flour,
one cupful of molasses, one teaspoonful
of soda, one ol salt. Steam one hour,
then bake one hour. Either eat warm
or cold. N. Y. Ledger.
-Minute Biscuit. One pint sour milk
buttermilk, one teaspoonful soda,
two teaspoonfuls melted butter. Flour
to make dough just stiff enough to han
dle. Mix, roll and cut out rapidly with
as little handling as may be, and bake
in a quick oven. Marion Harland, in
Farm and Fireside.
-Fig Layer Cake. One cupful of
sugar and one mixing spoonful round
ing full of butter creamed together, one
egg, one cupful of milk, in which dis
solve one teaspoonful of soda, two level
cupf uls of flour in which two teaspoon'
fuls of cream of tartar are mixed. Beat
thoroughly and bake in two layers.
(Jood Housekeeping.
Apple Compote. Pare the apples,
cut the cores out, leaving them whole;
make a syrup, allowing three-fourths
of a pound of sugar to a pound of fruit;
when it comes to a boil put in the apples
and let cook until tender, but they
should remain whole. Kcmove the
apples to a glass bowl, and diHsolve one-
third of a box of gelatine in a half-cupful
of hot water and stir briskly into the
syrup, first taking oft the fire. Then
strain it over the apples. When cold,
heap whipped cream over it. Thia
mukes a very presentable dish for tea
or luncheon. Housekeeper.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
The New
Motor Carriages
Their Cost
Cheapness One of the Advantages of the
Novel Conveyances Received with
Great Favor In This
lwu.Se government!
To persons who served in the wars of the United States or to their
Widows, Children, or Parents. Do You receive a pension ? Had You i
Telaiiva in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Wars
on whom you depended for support ?
To receive i pension, who now do not. Thousands under the new
law are entitled to an Increase of pension. The government owes it
to you inJ is willing and Anxious to pay. Why not present
your claim at this present time? Your pension dates from the
time you apply. Now Is the accepted hour.
(7Write for laws and complete information. No Charge for advice.
No Fee unless successful.
The Press Claims Company
PH1UP W. AVIRETT, Ccoeral Manarer,
618 P Street, WASHINGTON, D. C
JT. B.JTtU Company it tontrolltd fry nrary ewe (AoussnJ Uadiff iwr
txiurrs in IKi Vmtltd KlaltL and It truaranlred bt Hem.
YOU CAN BUY tn.ee uita u dry food and grorsiU and lata have
enough left oat of lioooa to parchee t Xo. 1 Crescent Bicycle. This is
s IratcUea macbloa. Wbf then 1 1 00 00 tot a bicycle teal will give
bo baiter service f
t RtiCI T Hwrrbet," weigh! boaada, enif r.
lAdlsa' a4 OeaW ruaxiaUri it tBt) roa to f
"Sots' Jeeluf. ' only In with kaalla llre-a goud KsafBlae.
"Our perta.," Men t o. Ullt', I A
Countltt. y
tee tmm na rs
It !!, Orf,
, . , ,
Now U I He lime U lU Wswfclf
(Wr'xn, g fil srsp-v f,
lh Waal. Hlt Ibsfl-s-'. rh erte I
f Meafxw.oaa f, H 80 !1 hrt
VTTpLlea'W.a t -spsirs . I ms'la
a he etata. 1wMm will r
errnna aa al liitntiat J .. H
t-wA nHr, aa ' -"- I I''.
Qvns la " 9 I ei
Tur. Lwcasiiirt. Insuhavcf. Co.
MA('iiKari;i, itvm.Aii
A Breton sea poet named YannNibor,
who was a fisherman, and for some
years past haa sung his own songs in
public in Paris, is now employed by
the government In teaching them to
the sailors of the French navy. lie
goes from one ship to another, spend
ing about a month in rwh forecastle.
The intorioo itching ami smurlinor inci
dent to eczi'iuu, totter, aalt-rheuin, and other
diseases of the skin is instantly allayed by
applying Chamberlain's t'yt and Skin
Ointment. Many very bad caxes have been
permanently cured by it. It is equally
efliciont for Itching tiilca and a favorite rem
edy for sore nippkn; cliMiiped humls, chil-
oiuins, irost bites, and i hroulo sore eyes.
For sale by druggists at 25 cents per box.
Try Dr. Caily's Condition Powdors, they
are just what a horse needs when in had condi
tion. Ionic, blood piiritierand vermifuge.
For sale by CoDser k Brook, drogMs.
The practibility of these carriages
seems to be, placed beyond doubt. Since
1592 they have been growing in favor
in France, and the only wonder is that
we have not seen them over here before
now. The future would appear to be
long to them, if all be true, and we can
hardly doubt the bona fides. They are
us easily worked as a tricycle prob
ably ensier. A novice, as many witness,
is able upon the first trial to drive his
carriage over 200 miles in 2 days of
10 hours apiece. Tourists have wan
dered over half a dozen departments in
them, and the taste is spreading every
day. Soon the enthusiasm will reach
Kngland, and then well, it is difficult
to say what will happen then.
For among the great advantages of
the petroleum carriage is its remarkable
cheapness. The cost of a carriage is
not much in the first instance. They
are built, as we have said, with touching
fidelity to old forms. There is the dog
cart, the wagonette, the phaeton, the
"break" and the "mylord, ' as our
French friends have it. From a purely
lay contemplation of these vehicles, we
ore not disposed to think that finality
has been reached in regard to their
When the first railway carriages were
constructed, either out of loving con
servatism or from a desire not to of
fend, they were built upon the line of
the stage coach and colored to match.
In time they uchieved their own inde
pendence and individuality. Messrs.
l'auhard and Levassorwillpicbably find
time and experience ripen their in
vention in this respect. At present a
voiture a deux places cost 108; a
voiture a quartre places forme dogcart
routs 200; the phaeton, 212, and
the "mylord'' heads the price list at
240. These cannotbe reckoned ex-
travagunt prices. And when you have
once purchased a voiture to your taste
the saving seems amazing.
To begin with, two horses can bedis-
a riled; and horses, we believe, are
roughly estimated to cost 25 or 30
n yenr apiece to keep. A purchaser of a
petroleum carriage reckons that it cost
him from l.SOf. to 2f. a duy. The manu
facturer s reckoning is 4c. per kilometer
for a 2-sentcd carrluge and 5c. for a
4-seated carriage; let us say, on an
average, .something between a half
penny and 3 furthings a mile.
Conipure this with the expenses of
horses. 1't us say a cab horse cost
some 30, and Is available for three
years; that conntitutes a yearly charge
of 12. Add to thia 25 for fond and
keeping, and we get a total of 37. The
initiul outlay on the vehicle tnuy be Ig
nored, as we arc also Ignoring the Initiul
coat of a voiture. A horse, year in and
year out, would hardly do more than 15
miles a day. Out of thrKC figures, which
are, of courw, rough, one inuy deduct
something like tvoenee a mile as the
root of a horse rnrriuge. The advan
tage ia in favor of the petroleum car
riage by 3 to I. London Saturday lie-
To Tire Editor I have an absolute
remedy for Consumption. By Ms timely use
thousands of hopeless rises have been already
permanently cured. .V rroof-positlve am I
of Its power that I comkler It my duty to
una two Miin trtt to throe of your reader?
who have Cinsumptkm,Throat, Bronchial or
Lunf Trouble, If they will write me their
express and postoflice address. Sincerely,
'. a ILOCTm, K. C ItircartBUatwTark.
- The trfHortal sail Iwim W..t.mnt f
lus rajxt tiwnUM uu , n rwnwaai
tig to patent T rr"wl ytwrl'lM
ng vtwi wealth. Write JOHN
KN a) CO.. I'.wnt Atlomeva.
U G foe Utelr lluu priae udf.
i hey mf
m mm
TO Till-
T irajgh Pullmea Tatar Slerf,
tw'iat aiei-s and free lUrllnlnS taai
UK 1 aii.1 Hi I axega.
Hear hoars eet4 via U.IS line la Kastara
i-o wicsa r s a.'1-icm.
M'. BAXTER, Qn Aaml,
lU rllnn l, I) tgon
J. C. II ART, ?', '7r, thtgtm
Ca 4 TSa sa4 4 fss
lhMMaWil4 iiutt Mia I
a4 M. -r W-a, 4-
turn. W ax M aa, (- ml l
mf. tH Ma V . fmt a .ar4,
g, ftemu, " '- '' r." aS
mm ft4 b S. a4 tr4a tiwsna
Mas Peree I ad leas Lie Med Ink as a Bob-
atitala for Liquor,
The Nes Perce Indian la not averse to
a little fun in his stolid way, aaya the
Spokane Outburst. The prevalllDh Idea
os to just what fun means held by a
great many of these Indiana la getting
filled up with white man's wblaky. Of
course the government dura not allow
the sale of liquor to the Indiana, but all
the same the Indiana find ways of get-
tlog liquor, and when they can't get It
thry rraort to lemon extract and red
The Indian who discovered the lemon
extract was good to drink snd intoxi
cating la now looked upon by bla fellows
sa s hero v how only rival latheHinaab
who found out thai red Ink contained
00 -r rent, alcohol and ten wr rent
medicine to "make Injun sick. The In
dlan agent Las seen fit to warn store
kerprra against arlling more than one
bottle of lemon extract or four bottles
of red Ink to any one Indian, snd the In
dian who tried an admixture of alkali
watrr and squirrel imiIsoq la now bunt
ing buffalo with bla tore f. libera.
no joVinTeadville.
Lt'e tin Mae ttrwwe Taa Yaase Sa late
as! iae lettaa.
There uaad to be a deal snore variety
and life In Laadvllle thao there la sow.
la Its early days every tibaae of bumsa
nature wee rrpraaratad bare, and If
there was any wkkedueaa ewmutua to
any other ari tion of the gluba of which
this ra tn p bad ho a-vhnrn aiwe pub
llc spirltrd bad oisa would Imiatrt
supply. II was lively in In In if ramp
la all that I he Urm Implies, and never
but lb Hgbl of Ma wlrkrtlneaa ijn-ler a
buahvl. Nothirig Waa bidden, nrltbrr
lb mUhui nor tba (anil)liig boiiare
tur lb uit tilaera, Ilia men a ho
wautad loba bad ward aaak but l'litly
lor ae opiitumiy. Aa I'f th iliver
I ermrnl of an linpfuitiptti duel to Id
llaalh, I hat was ao rasily obtained S to
,ulrhly bia Itsrbarm, l,f)Uly ear-
rtad a "(fun, and, axn or lata, every
bucfy osad It with a lei low -bains'
Now tbi la largely ehanged. l-a.
till I not yet a primliit way slsttoa
ON tb route lo the la tier land, but IS
se pfaaeful aa the ateray town of Ita
Im Is or out of Hie turning I 'if lm.
Men bare era li busy tn attend tr ll.a
affairs of ILfif naiahltrsi tiirra Amm
; r"t em It la mm t lia amu'tnt of
drinVlttf, and LusinvM fee on alaiut
e It elavttt.aia, CUU elfVSl t
eiill Lara, and lhM tthn iiww In
energetic and general conllagrution
along that thoroii'rhfare would result
in a purification ol the moral and phys
ical atmosphere. Still, 1 coutend thut
Leadville ia no worse than many other
towns, and by comparison with some
of them, and esu-ciully with its former
self, is a brigi i and shining light set
upon, a hill. Louisville Courier-Jour
nal. .
i i
Lord Bramwell' Piety.
The late Lishop of Winchester is said
to have possessed, among his many
other qualities, that of sarcasm. A good
story is told of a retort he made to the
late Iiord Bramwell, who, meeting him
on his way back to his room to take oil
his robea after reading prayers in the
house of lords, apologized for bavins:
been absent from the ceremony. "When
1 kneel down it gives me palpitation of
the heart," said Lord Uiamwell; "and
it would not be respectful for me to sit
or stand while your lordahip was pray
ing." Bishop Thorold, perhaps know
ing almost as much about the old
baron s sanctity as did Lord Bramwell
himself, answered, In measured tones:
'Pray do not mention it, Lord Bram
well 1 I am aura your lordship can be
equally devout whether you are stand
lug, kneeling, or sitting I will not any
lying!" The playful old Judge after
warda Inquired who bad read prayers
that afternoon, and, on being told, re
marked, with a sparkle in his eyes:
"He's a sharp fellow." Household
Memories of llonsnarte's Visit to Polish
Peasant's Cottage.
The French consul at Warsaw, the
capital of Russian Poland, recently re
ceived a request from a peasant that he
aid him in repairing his cottage, which
was falling into ruin. It was In this
cottage that Napoleon Bonaparte spent
a day ana a night in December, mm,
The cottage stands five versts from the
fortress of Nowogeorgiewsk, in the lit-
1 le village of Okunlw, on the bank of the
Itiver Narcw. It was while superin
tending the passage of hia troopa across
this river that Napoleon occupied the
peasant a cottage.
Above the door tbeae words are
carved deep in the wood: "Palais de
l'Eropereur, 1c 23 decembre 1806. An
other inscription, this in Latin, Is
carved upon a black marble slab set
In one of the walls of the house snd
conveys substantially the same mean
ing. It la not known by whom the tab
let wns placed or who carved the words
over the door, but it ia assorted that
they date from the time of Napoleon's
visit. The present occupant of the cot
tage is a direct descendant of hi in who
entertained Ikinapurte beneath hla
roof, and the report made by the French
consul aaya thut the M-asant tells with
enthusiasm the details of the ImjwriHl
vlait, which had been handed down
from generation to generation, and that
he exhibits to visitors a statuette of the
emperor, which shows him aeated on
a throne with the world beneath his
feet. This statuette ia very old, snd the
peaaant regards It with the utmost
Phenomenal Time Made by
New York OentraL
It fa n Booth Aasarlaaa Taa aeS Paw laal
ere Sana of It,
"Mate?" repeated a tea dealer
awhile sco. "Never beard of IL What
is itr
"A tes grown In flout h America, and
It Is drunk more than Chinese tea by
those iieonle," was the anawer of the
man w ho had asked for the article.
This conversation waa related In
doxrn offices, till st I wit, cone I ml In
that the tea trade knew nothing of It
the man beViok himself to lb Cruguny
consulate. A man waa found there who
for years bad resided In the Parana
region, and who, when told of the qurs
laughed snd, pulling a little bag from
under a table, aald: "I am not sur
prlaed. I gueaa this bag represent
tb aum total of mat In this rl of lb
city. There la no trad In It, for only
few iirople who have lived In Kuulb
A marks snd bare become attar bed to
the tea buy small quantities; for their
own use.
II oiwnrd the bag. H contained per
bap 10 pounds of leaves, ground roars
of a dead-green rotor, bat lug no prreep'
tlble smell ao I oi a slightly bitter taat
"I got I bla, be went on. "partly for my
self and partly to arnd to tb Atlanta
esKHiiliia. And, you know, cannot
Inf'isa the lea aa wedot blneee; must
l drunk boiling hot not allowed to
aland els I, harom insipid. Ko
bav thres cup snd lutws," and be look
from bis drak a woral shell cup ,k a
gourd, holding a eeanl half pint, snd S
lube about s foot long. VlaUmate about
two rents a pound dowa la Paraguay,
N. Y. Press,
An Interesting Incident of Early Travel
Recalled by a Coincidence of Dates
Discoveries of Great Im-
i . I
The phenomenal time record made by
the New York Central & Hudson River
Ralroad company, on the 11th day ot
September, 18U5, recalls an interesting
coincidence of dates ot Bpecial interest
in the city of Albany.
On the 11th day of September, 1609,
Henry Hudson, after making several
unsuccessful attempts to discover 'a
northeast passage around the conti
nent, under the direction of the Anglo-
Dutch East India company, entered the
Hudson river, terminating his trip at
the head of the navigable waters in the
vicinity of Albany, which he named
'the New Netherlands."
Hudson did not make the rapid transit
of 65 1-3 miles per hour, nor Is it pos
sible that his sailing record compared
favorably with the speed of the Defend
er or the Valkyrie, but the result of his
discoveries was of vastly more impor
tance, as it indicated the route which
was destined to be followed in the march
ot civilization and the development ot
this continent, and has done more for
the advancement of science and the
arts than any section of the earth re
corded in history.
It was here that the first meeting of
the colonial representatives was held,
resulting in the preliminary steps for
the establishment of the present re
publican form of government. ,
It was here that Clinton and his co
adjutors, taking advantage of the nat
ural topographical route provided by
nature, inaugurated the canal system,
connecting the waters of the Hudson
with the lakes, which was the pioneer
movement for inland transportation,
and wns followed by the more rapid
railroad system rendered necessary by
the demands of commerce. It waa here '
that the first institute for the develop-
inent of science and the arts and the
promotion of agriculture waa Incor
porated by Stephen Van Rensselaer and
others, wnlch Is still in existence.
It was here that Dr. Nott provided the
first plan In the introduction of the
grate bar, by which coal could be suc
cessfully used na fuel.
It waa here tiiat Mttleflcld brought
Into use the first self-feeding base-burning
It waa here thnt Squire Whipple first
reduced to science the art of bridge
building, erecting a traprgoldal truss
bridge of Iron, and presenting formulas
for Hcvenil structures.
It waa here Hint Prof. Henry snd Dr.
Tenl'yck strung miles of wire around
the walls of the Allmny academy, dem
onstrating lb practical tiae of elec
tricity sa a iower and In the traimmia
slon of message, which was Immedi
ately applied by Prof. Mora by the us
of hla atphalict.
And it waa here, at the West Allmny
shop of the railroad company, that
William Buchanan, superintendent of
motive power, planned and constructed
the celebrated engine 9U0, and others of
the as me at.vle, which have gained an
Internal ionnl reputation, and without
which the eocrvaa attending th phe
nomenal achievement could not have
been accomplished. H la worthy of
not that our Dutch ancestors of the
Netherlands, In whom w are Indebted
fur ao much, have just launched I ho
largest steamship now afloat of the twin
screw type, May success attend their
enterprise. Peter llngan, In Ballston
Daily Journal.
May or -elect J oaten Qulnry, of Hoe
Ion, Is the fifth ot that nam to gain
fern snd oftW.
William lltirbenk. an 1 1 yar-old real
b n t r f Thorn pane 1 1 1 1 .Ton n ., w a f a ta 1 1 y
Injured recently while mealing down a
bill la that J lace.
Nathan I'earaoo, a well known
Quaker residing noihat of Kokotno,
Ind., Ifiotigli nearly SO year old, fre
quently walks to yearly turning at
I'iainflrld, a alliance of over to tuilra.
t'rwitand. Me, tieea It has two of
tbo ohlrat t rosvof In tba counter
Lower California la being rtplored
for ropier.
There are only two mire mine In
Bengal, aod their output la steadily de
creasing. A tab; or an tone mlna has been
found st dims station, on Heart creek,
hhaata county, t at.
The "natural soap" mine, near I'.lko,
Srv., la to ba opened tii, snd tb prod
u t utllled roiiiiiicriltilly.
In the aoulhweatrrn part of Oregon,
st tirenlt Paaaand Medtord, Ui pbwvr
n.itir are bring worked with much sue.
lith soft snd ttsrd coal were dieror-
rrrd a few days ago on a farm near
Haro, Me., and tb -opl of that region
i tetng great development.
An Important stik on the lied
mountain, two mile nortbweat of
Cripple ( rrek.ta announced. Tb sulk
Is In a riu of ore carrying ayltaait.
forty acres of phosphate land, near
IMjrfM. Hernando cotinty. I la-, bar
(hanged banda. Th purrbaaer In.
tend to put up a plant and work U
I ropvrty for hard rock,
lbs long tallied of tramway, Il;
ro.lee long, from UisseUnd U Welti
bonding, tl. ('.. I al Is.i to b builu The
tismasy will coma near all U j rlnrl
(al mine of tba ramp and will sslt
materially la lh!r dewlopmant.
X new mining tamp Is barn dlaro.
erad snd le litg rnrd op In tr
fiotife I'tali dit'rtrt, :. fcVilr ti"tU,.
b ..I .1 l ... ...
4 - mm ia e v a. aaa iaraa saaaai i r- m, i'-' w-. , - n m nn uioraa rs mavova in va rouniry. I - -
S trM. A I r,(hr ilaS liat I lltrir.lr in k(,"- TH g of Oft of llirffl, W, VV. Thon.sa, C 1 1 h'cs w I y f rm ;n eg
C. A.SriOVf&. CO.) ,u """ '" la tl y-ais an I erven tr.nt.lhs. snd the r"S i ,'rn' UsUwtrr frt.rt.Jre
m".-Vo '.7 w..-..: a e. I "-'V '"'.-- ' ;' " " etb.r. Lv, la j.et fwr twvaUse, ,,-uu
I aw eaaa' aw faMieWun ' I Uatalvttevav An JooaeTi?, j