YTOCK BEAND8. While yon aeep roar abieriptloa paid o job tea keep jour brand in treeot ohsrge. AUyn. T. J.. lon. Or. Honwa GO on left shoulder-, cattle mil on left hip, under bit on right ear, and upper bit on the left; range. Mor row county. Baird D W.and son. Horses branded D B onthelflft hip; os'tla the earn on left flank, crop off right ear, underorop in the left. Bange in Morrow County. Bnrtholnmew, A. G., Alpine, Or. Horsee branded 1 E on either shoulder. Banxe in Mor- WBa"uiStw,J. W., Hardman, Or.-Cattle brand d B on left hip and thigh: split in each ear. Brenner, Peter, gooseberry Oregon Horses branded P B on left shoulder. Cattle same on "Bowman, Jerry, Una. Or .-Horses branded 7 '";,., .hnnlilnr: eatt e B on the left side. Left ear half crop nd right ear upper slope Barton. Wm.. Heppner, Or. -Horses, J B Barton, Wm each ear, C right thih; cattle, suine on ngnt nip; spin, in TTnnrjrier. Or. Horsee, circle Horses W. bar with dot in cm ter on loft hip; cattle, same. Wren. A. A.. Himinw. Or. Horses runninaA A on shoulder; Cattle, same on riant hio. loans, i. B., Uooeeoeerj, ur.-ni - Son um T8 e itsbtahnoUW- 3, -JLlit nnthfl left shoulder. Cattle same on left br;;r.n Vw'tW :"i.Wn.witl split in eBBnrTl'. 0.. Heppner. Or.-Horses, P B on left bonldor; cattle, same on loft hip. Brown ee , W. J..F,Or-C.attlo. JB connected l lS'lpon left ear and two split and aZmriiw in Fox valley, Wagner, Or.-Horse, brand. ed O on right stifles cattle : tiniue or, ,,u JL n ami huI it in each ear. Kange in Grant ana ant ana .iimi"" , . .,., Cain.K.. (Jaleb. ci on ''"""TV" "T; ; on All TJ with Quarter c.rc, Ranoe Morrow and Umatilla counties. Co rigall?M M, Oallnway, Or-Cattle crop CarrinsvUle, Or. -Horses." on -TWans branded KLY cattle same on lofthip. hole Quarter circle i ntitla nn left shoulder only on all horses over 5 years. H Con right shoulder; oatue same .m ris.. m, out ead: E'J. tillf circle C on left stitle. Range Mor- nw and Umatilla oonnties. Cnri T. H." John Day. Or.-Donble cross on each hip on cattle, swallow fork and undm bi frloht ear split in left ear. Range In Grant ?v Sn sheep, inverted A and epe rant on shoulder. Ear markou ewes .crop , ou lei.ear in Grant com ... HnrM. non rightshonl den Cattle. sameonriBht hip; ear mark sguare orop oil lert ana wni . mirnn, it. j.., IelL"iSi a. TTardman. Or.-Caitle, C with E in center, horses. XX ion left lip. Hors T 'circi;-with bar beneath on Wt shoulder; oatt le same u ""' under a lope noin ? -&raee branded :"BB'"uV ( t.le branded the same. Also tj on nam. "r; ; -.;,,. ...i-h, ca'tle rr"du riht shoulder, and cut o.f end of rwhtftar. x r nara nit. , rlgllt a ie. iW-fork in each ear; horses, B 0 on left mo- , . n. Elv. Bros., Douglas, Or. on left shoulder, Emery C.'H., Hardman, Or.-Hrse branded n rreve'rsed ( with taill on left shoulder ; cat-f)- lreTBr"w':vA.V Itanaa n Morrow oonnty. tie same on r.K... I" - n P.i;ttle. LK on F wTth bar un.ler on right .boulder. wnnner. Or. Horses, F on .tt-rw"- itn ,Bf ltltUk BanV-in Morri-w and ZZ ,r oirol. under It on the right h.p. E. i Mrrnw and Umatilla oonm u" -.1 Warner. Or-"T (T F L """"T'.rrT.;. .v..l,l.rni, horses: on oattl COnI.,e,.Th snd Ton eft ii da. swallow fork in ji..ji Miimi oonnty. L r r. Oillnwav. Or. Horses -f . (oross iYh bar above It) on right shoulder; oattle same on left "iSSf BW Uorn"' nd Um,t"" HeUEdwin. John Day. Or.-Cattle E H on L';. wTSi - aam on right shoulder. Range shaded irrow Co. on ten nn;-. ... !,! Hamphreys, J U. Hardman. Or.-Horse.. H on left Hank I the Ue .am- .Horse. ri jTin Ihs h'f I " ,n 1 'nf ' " ', 'i-i I '.,n i,i nlnoanderhlt 111 K'". M..rr.;w coimtv. Or-llor-K, he .ljal;':.. i'..V.' .l.i.,.l,lr. Csttlo. the sarin. niw ,1 "'V,, VI Mil " r ' " "V. ri, clrcleT on lev; .r"lni;;i": ..;; .. h.i lip. le .ear KNv'nn l't hiii cutt le wtme and orop o left r- iin i"' sl'ioeon Hie rlitlif Ki'a .1 T . Hfi r. Jlr. ' hf XV W W . ( .. M t V..nmn. r.-l !. "" p " .. " ...i ... i t..n .i i.m awni ow fork in Itfl ' .'V.'i ..!..... .,.. in light wr. Horse. Sinn. ,r ,, . it,.,,,,,, in (Irniit r 'i'Jty. ,.,, ", ;,,.. r. H mi mp " . .... - ..i limn '!' . : it ..rt nut i.r, i.'inii' "'" GET THE BEST When you are about to buy a Sewing Machine do not be deceived by alluring advertisements and be led to think you can get the best made, finest finished and Most Popular for a mere song. See to It that you buy from reliable manu facturers that have gained a reputation by honestand square dealing, you will then get a Sewing Machine that is notea fljfl the world over for its dura- rf(-i. hiiifw Von want the one that 'v- u. is easiest to manage and ia Light Running fr-llA There Is none In the world that i-1$ can equal m mecnanicai con i'il struction, durability of working in appearance, or has as many improvements aa the New Home It has Automatic Tension, Double Feed, alike on both sides of needle (patented), other has it ; Mew Stand ( patented), driving wheel hinged .i i,i0 w. cantera. thus reducinc friction to the minimum. WHITE FOR CIRCULARS. TEE EW HOME SEWIHG MACHINE CO. Obapos, Mass. Boston, Mass. m Ban 1eamcihjo, Ca u A tlaut A, o a. FOH 8LE BY P. C. THOMPSON CO., Agents, Heppner, Oregon. Ulo E. McNEILL, Receiver. to thb B A. T GIVES TUB OHOICB Of Two Transcontinental GREAT NORTHERN Ry- VIA Spokane MINNEAPOLIS PACIFIC RY. VIA Denver OMAHA -AND St. Paul Kansas City 9 Popular Magazines sS FOR THE EiSI, LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. WATER THAT EXPLODED. A Bartender's Experience Under Fire of fusillade of Beltaer. "Do you know," said Billy Clark, of the Grand hotel, to a Cincinnati Times Star reporter, aa a big seltzer bottle fizzed and two or three men on the out side elevated a foot each on the railing and looked on. "that these seltzer water bottles will explode easily?' And the three men each put a foot down on the floor and moved slightly away, "Sometimes just the temperature of the hand will do it, the warm hand, placed against it while bringing it from a cold room, or sometimes while lifting it one will strike it against the counter and it will explode and the metal top will be driven with great force by the gas. One time, while at the Gibson, I refused to give a man a drink. He took it very much to heart and went away vowing he would get even with me. I had turned about as he went out and had my back to him. Suddenly there came a sound like a pistol shot. I tried to turn around and couldn't, and I was sure the man had carried his threat into effect and had shot me. Directly following that explosion came another and another, and there was a rapid sue cession of explosions. Then I knew the man had opened a regular fusillade on me, and yet I was riveted to the spot, I could not stir. I thought I had been paralyzed by a bullet. Come to find out. one of these seltzer water bottles in the far end of the counter had exploded and the concussion had started the other J, until all had exploded that were on that shelf. And the man had gone away and I never saw him again. But I never will forget my experience of that night, when I was sure I had been shot." Mr. A. H. Cranstrf, of K I mtXXESanSZXttSXmSXSE& 158 Kerr Bt, Memphis, Tensu, writes that bis wue nsa w eer wnich bad eaten two lartre hole In her breast, and which the best physician of the sorroundlng country treated, end pronounced i in curable. Her jmndmother and sunt bad died W Cancer and when told this, the most eminent specialist ot tew v-ir nnrler whose treat- clared her case was howlem. All treatment having Jailed, she was given 8. S. 8. was recflmmenaea, and astonishing seem, a few bottles cured her sound and well. Our treatise on thMj dis ease will be Bent tree to any address. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta. G jlflllHHlMfTlil'iTg CHICAGO. Iwsite & St Fad ft Hnnssker. H A. Wagner, Or.-Horaes. ho i leriosltis. won iiv...v. Humphreys, J U. Hardman. Or.-Hon si.H!n Lnther Kiuht Mile, Or.-Horse Hon he oft shonl" "and hSSrt the left stiH. Cat. le wm. on left Mo. IUnw. In "n branded d J on Itange in FRAWK LESLIE'S POPULAR MON TtlLY Contains each Month I Original Water Color r:." .i i , I2H Quarto Paies of Reading , ,w,i..,i.-- , ' u . lll..aa. Matter: iu new aim tlonsi More Literary Matter and lllustra- tlons tnan eny "r ,'""" 3 CIS. Mvm.. Frank Leslie's Pleasant Hours FOR DOYS AND CURLS. Juvenile Monthly, Fuilv Illustrated. The bent writers for young ueuo "tribute to It. 10 ts. i i a year, SBS ALL SOBSCEIPTI0II3 TO THE GAZETTE,. HEPPNER, ORE. Frank Lislis's Portti. Monthly and the Uazette, both lot one year lor t i.OU. Frank Usui's Plrasant Hours '0 "oys AND UlRIJi ana .iiie vmi., ..v, one year J.IX). Undoubtedly the Eest Club Offers for MrB Jilurimtwi Trmluw Utt. rf. 1 Ocean Steamers Leave Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO.' WIDOWS TAKE TO PARROTS. tiWf, PAUL MINNESOTA' U J? Jl M -i Xlii o w -'a p diF """ For fall details call on 0. B. 4 N. Agnit; at Heppner, cr address W. H. HTJRLBURT, Oen. Pass. Agt. Portland. Obkoon. QUICK TI3VT33 t TO nn Francisco And all point In California, yia the ML Bbasta ronie 01 we Southern Pacific Co. Die great highway through California to all points Kast and South. Grand Hoenlo Route Of the Pacific Ooaat. Pullman Bnffet Uleepers. oeoond-olaas bieepers Attached to ezoreas trains, affording superior accommodations for second-class passenger. For rata, tickets, sleeping ear reservations, ito, call upon or address K. KOKHLUK, Manager, s. r. kuuajus, assi. len. F. A P. Agt. Portland, Oregon M'nt, jffitlTvK. Llll:,,tet Simplest, ijlUillE,,slet itrongest, pjYlTiM Wrkln' 5olld rU5" Most Top J'a AccuraU, Receiver. 3r Compact, l,iri:ns B en lnfl .1 .d-..t-..i-J.-aja-i! i ' Co I lir..'.' Ill" . Inc I, 1.... tiruil'l on AND .1 . l.-i-f !,. .11 1.11 1" I. t e.t ,!. V,' , ii iti u"f rn, H,M.,,-,.,r It ,1 ) tun. lr ' Or.-Hoiww -I nil lnfl "hull! K'Hig't. near 1l,ir-s lirsn'lo'1 II li H'unw on lft tl,riH sliis ill rmlil m Itraiiilnd eallml ,,r. (l"..rt. llei.nor.r.-H"ri doill.le II Co"'-'" 1 l"nitl'"'" ,m'", "i. "V. II..: . r I lr. 'ettlrt brt,.l.l ., nal.t Iiiii: ln.rii wmie on right suite. .,. t..rr,,w I'Oltllty. Minor. thMMir, Mimr e'H, right hi; h.r M I"" "wi"-r. Miu-h.ll.) o,.-H..rae. Jl on right bins ealile.17on D on . M) t'il on l" slioni'iiw. '""77 tiller, '7. Islington. tr.-P O ' J. W.. 1....Im. Itr., horw. n Wl h.inl.lrirtUaainn rtht hip. irrls.ln.lil n l-ft .h.wl. W snd J .mi tf hin. I 'sills, furt 10 left ear. rUhl eroppad. iM on 1.1 l,ln. IUn "n r'l Mila. Pirsf lllewn, lUnliiian.tH.-lliMwislI oe 't'ltKr:;... llnsW'r, Hop- " a K (I. K e..i,n-tli l"'l ni t-' t "attte . nT. on ns'.t hit.. IUn. "."'"an'i- I J II . lysine ' ll 'r. ' ,Z i .. Ml .I.....I I-C; oattU. aaiae Uft hip. ikI-w IiH In "h "r ., . ., . ,. lb 1 rt,,nMS rilsKnnil P on ili.r.1.1.! r-tiK J e.n-" l. efl hip.i.p.isloWln Wl aad slip In tlw IW-.I. Hani-nan, . ,nar H-i-l. Hn- H-fMn. ', 1 .i l- e,lll I . Ih Ml h.l. rn. ifl i' I .wU. " n . Ilang kl ...,r,. ll .l....ilie. '- IU"-. A.l.-U. l-l'l'-. l-l.rS h.!,.-l H - ' . -' -. " '" ftn-U; rla '"f IU-.S- . ?.": '.,. 1.M bn.n.1 .m U at-".! W. lUftf la l n,t STKAM GASOLINE 'ZC.' ENG INES If ynit ttittik of Imyina n stiina) of n gixa r kiinl setul fur mir Ctitahgur A'o. .7". coiil,tiiiUK illtistrlioii ami prloi-a f r-vrry kmU of engine from one up to ii horne power, al bottom prioet, or Lint Vfi. S'.i, fur jrgPhl englnee, Don- ert ami machinery. Litber lenl ire. Gtias. P JilM & Co Most Modern end progressive For catalogue or Information write to Tim MARLIN riRH ARMS CO., New Haven, Conn. FH BE) ?.SIOc Polly Ii a Great Favorite wlih the Lone Women. Parrots have never been suspected of having a mission in life but one has been discovered for them in Brooklyn. An attendant in a shop where animals and birds are the stock in trade was asked if all the parrots that talked were trained by sailors, says the New York World. "Not at all," he said. "If you should come in here during the week follow ing the arrival of a cargo of parrots you would .soon find out that there are a lot of women in New York who make it almost a profession to train parrots. The best customers we have, however, are Brooklyn widows. There is one woman who comes in after almost every cargo we receive and buys at least one or two parrots, sometimes more, which she intends to teach to talk. The women who do that are mostly widows. How do I know. Why, they tell us so. And why do you sup pose they want the parrots? It's for company, they say. They say they are lonely and the parrots are company because after they talk to them enough the parrot talks back. "That is why widows like parrots better than canaries, they say. One in Brooklyn keeps a little notion store and sells candies. The children see the parrot there and the parrot is speedily sold and taken away n soon as it can say two or three things. Then the widow's lonel i ness conies over her ngai and she conies in search of another pupil in feathers. She gets three times as much as she paid for the bird and if it learns rapidly and has quit a mini ber of words or sings a song she gets even more," So after all even Polly has a mission. Glance at this Map Of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Rail way and note its connections with all transcon tinental lines and Bt. Paul and maha, and remember that Its trains are lighted with elec tricity and heated by steam. IU equipment is uuerb. Elegant Buffet. Library, Bmoking and aieeDins cars, with free reclining chairs. Each sleeping car berth has an electric reading lamp, and Its dining cars are the best In the world. Other lines are longer than tbls, but none are shorter, and no other offers the above luxurious I accommodations. These are sufficient reasons tor the popularity of "The Milwaukee." Coupon ticket agents In every railroad office will give you further Information, or address C. J. EDDY, General Agent, J. W. CASEY, Trav. Pass. Agent, Portland, Oreooh. TOLD BY THE THUMBS. 00 mih nl luvi Iv Music Ijrforlf; isms. cuniiinp ,l too p-iir-. , full ie Miint Music ol tii -s. bilcst, hrlhtp-,', livi-lli-kt snj emit popular si-li-itltins, In-Ill vk'I snj, i gnitrn up In the most rln-.nt manner, lu- cluJing Imir lirpf site I'uitialts. That the RAMBLER miiiittr Is one of the very best wheels ever made Is an indisputable fact front rank wtth all high grade machines, and if you buy one you wi 1 Ride a RAMBLER BICYCLE if you want to be happy, or J m,M,Bd tt can be mended by you In five minutes, as it is equipped with the world renowned G. & J. clincher tires with wood rims or copper-plated steel runs. Sold in all sizes for ladies or gentlemen at 100 each. Tandems for two men or man and woman, 150 each. THE RAM BLERi" the fastest, lightest and strongest wheel in the market For style, finish and durability It is unsurpassed, as it is con. o- leal and scientific principles. Chicago Ideals a .A. assr e-e JK Matuuit. Fvarerp Unnhr tires and are fully warranted. Before vou buy a bicycle, write for cstalogue, circulars, terms and counts, or call on our numerous agents. Rambler Rustlers ttaniea in everjr tonand ldaho. MERRILL CYCLE COMPANY, x a.a, a, TatTorT Mnnf. Co'i "Rambler Bicycles." Main KOrinweBi repress. luxiiveo uuiumu; - Store. 327 Washington bt., PKgoj,, Agt for Morrow Co., Heppner, Oregon. 4 ScVtntlfio American S Agency for- JJ Jk TRADt MARK. &'3Jr 0E3ICM PATENTS. " COPYRIGHTS, wto. How's Your Liver? This question is asked daily. If dormant you need exercise need it badly. The Bicycle offers a remedy, and if you do not own one, call at Ike Ennis Bicycle Livery, Power House. 197 Canal Street, . CHICAGO CAHMl NCIT A, tht 8panlh Oanetr, -tAVl HI ihi Urtat HlanllL T AM. LI ft PA11I anil UIMNIt MUUMAH CUTTIHQ. r3 T: aaast as ma. eaotas ZZ THE NEW YORK MUSICAL ECHO CO. 2 . UioaJwav Thratrs IIM?..Nw Y irkUty. - CArivaeacsis wantco. 3 A. P. T. L. ti.'iTZ.,A? i W-111' . i w lti,iHMM. Or - II Mt aiwal-M. t Ua tl UM a'th DraUht W It- llt ln'. Or,- II.Mwas eha-tari ;'U-iik''' i i . iwi kin, .wit..- t.a-h la rM --.. la h... I , Ul4a.. iH. It. Uft a.. ul. -. ' . IL.h-rt. laaagiaa. r -fatlls 1 HM ..a sn. B rta-M -.I.U- t k"f-. H oe "t ' .u H.a..illa. nr. H-.n.- ("e-W M it msaatWi .'. .a Urfl ahl-U. H-.air- aaia. A.l.aaf ".l JM ,H laft K,l'l-' Jt) m nr.. bMiaftl MM r.T-, ...a.--.i L tm tK ril awl Uh .h.-.-U.iaa'ila, M w a.p a a a dt Lain aMaavn i.naw - .Hie W C a ' ' 4. I M aw, I a ... un . a r ka.anXMK.Ot. Mull", t '?"'-' Mf II -. (H -"Ki-'-a, ... - h,.4 . , -.1 "-'-- .. ; , ii I ia , " ". - - thai li' -a - arliaJ Mi aig NT . U-I---I . -I m i ti tt Xm 111, .- . II V U I,., , i ! a-.a liaht n at , t. I I !,! Ml l-l I . ... .. . .... . II- , a. - i'... I .1 1 1 ' ha W II I ..a b- ..... v I .Hi. f m -l l I. ,1 a l-'i aJ.... W, i.'a . II MM t4l ail t- 4 HI'AI.OlIMU'St 4 J 3 i to Vntrt in flntia.f. A Complete Set,r.".ii" l 3 lllV.iT. i.a,7i... Mall l'l..-r. Hail l lai.-r. ..-.It l ia.T, Irni.ia liaf " a-l l lll'H I. Ml.laf. IU a..i.l I., an a I If,.-a ii-,ii l... ,-li ul HI rents. In f fttarH.-a . , , a . .l...l..i I- L, 5 In-.-, 1 1 1 . 1 1 T rl..fnl and lim.inlr.1, an. 3 m a.raiitfMl 1.1 alaii.l .it.rl.lit. aii.l mrr an .1,1 s., it r i If i.l ,.r Jit liall aa l.lafl 4 lit. alhlrllp l-'ll ... K.HUl.le ..f rl.ib, rm.lii.i rm. urn., or, A. O. SPALDINQ sV BROS., r-l. 4 Quit .tut! rci tc rtJJ The American Protective Tw iff League it a national organization advocating "Protection to American Labor arid Industry " ai explained by its constitu tion, at follow : TKs sbjart f tills league shall U to smtoH Amenoan labw ky a tonff aa waavto, vklck shag adwiuatoif saawas A.w a Muatnal ar4u - - - - -a - - - ihM a There are no personal or private profits in connection with the Of ganiza ion and it ii sustained by memberships, contributions and the distribution of its publications. rmsT : c is s.Ris4 .-; Mam Sah.a - -Orf.a) Cirrus Sa.1 etCONO: W. aa v4 ail...,. aW-.kvWwS aknka- smalt ar targa, to eve saaae. tHIMOt We sanVMSi tfgae .SMWSato swag sM aaaaa at 1 ar-f Mit". Caay gw sat .ul e ma-Hat to ej .r.i IW BOaanss. rOUNTMl Snl swatol eae asgaatt -a. aa Na " tairmn luiia it" a4-M vv ,Nua g. Wakiwsa. Oaaeeal Ssaetoy, 119 WallUIVMa Vee " SI800.00 OHTN AWAY TO INVENTORS. fisaa.mii snia taa ewe to sr eae a, as. An Alleged Indlratlon of Nervous lie- rang cm nit That Is Oliaerrail ( nnimiilily "Whon I vent to it nerve aprciali (lrat, auiii a niim wliowiwom-piin alid, "he told me Hint one way to jutlfr of the condition of n Jin-noil h nerve wag to watch um tntinilm. Mine that time 1 have found I lie ltcuIi faacination In looking at M-oile'a thuuilm. The dK-toi- mi id I hut if they moved inroliiDlarily outward It wa a aipn that the nervea of tbtit tiinn or woman were not in the Im-kI condition. 1 find tuyaelf now awci-lnff the line that aita opjioaite me in a car, and if that doctor'! teat la a good one there ii a surprising" number of people in his tow n whoa nerves need looking-after. There arc few among- the women who do not involuntarily move t he thumbs out ward at intervale of every few minutes. and when your attention hag once been attracted to It the proceaa of watching their gloved hands growa very interest ing. 1 have found the habit much lra frequent among men; but lake the av erage number of women in a cable ear and it w ill tie a eurprls to you to aee how many of them indulge unconscious ly in thia little habit. I only hope it does not mean anything as serious aa It might indicate if that r.erve special iat'a dlagnoaia waa a good one. For Information ant free Handbook write to MUNN CO.. Stil UitoAUWAT, New York. Oldest bureau for securing patents In America. l:v.-rT potent taken out hy us Is brounht before the iiulilio by a nutioe given free o! charge la Uie Scientific ammcjm I,nrrr!.t elivulntlon of nnv sclantlfle paper In trie t-t.ltmillillr IlliistruU-il. No lutf lliK'nt r-an i-hnuhl lie wllliout It. Wecklr, i:MMa i-ir: rinlalxmontha. Ail.lrpm, MUNN CO., Vi;i.uiaiii;i-i. :m I lirtilwuy, Kuw Vork City. OQUQESS and GOLDS ELY'S HUEOLA BALSAM Is a snre Ucmedy fur rniu-lK. tuiiia. sure Uiiout and fur asthma. It awLuca, f aiciy abates the eoueh. and renders expect oralioQ easy. Consumptives will Invarlsbly derive benefit from Its use. Many ho siip)ose their raars to be con sumption are ouly sudrrlng from a chronic old or deep seated eougb, often airirraratrd liT ca tarrh. Vt r.T rrh ne fcly 1 Cream Bsim. iioib rrin.-irea re i-i-a-unt to u. Cream Balm, SO eta. nert.tMe; I'meois Hsiim,V. Bold hy lmggl.ta I f I'll. .'I It 1-1, K- U'..MM III . Km, .lf. UIIU1UI.1WIII. i, , - mmm King" of Bicycles. FINEST MATERIAL. SPEEDY. HMAnship. II tr It m. m ! .t. Ta. tawe.ratlval.a ef laeee Keeeenli Is Same ewet srssae. tay lllMlrsle thai (raalaf g.aallty te Ntl always sMast te ke deatitA. Tkeee .. WsxStlal aaat My ef fZipnnsTnbulc$ 4t tewfersd rk eay antsaly kaew IHMtNt CI tO (.(! taa'a a i f 4i. ((-.'a. if I. .. Saal (al aiciA C4 1 1 Ves IS., t. a.nnn K. k yelwiUSaeamearUaito, Wm4 al Sm . . m SB s.ra.iiaga avual is to SOTatrak 4 San. tot, M aa Al aa aams Save a) ma to in swiaaiaVs r Aiatka IT $ THE SIHP1 E,TKtML INVENTIONS THAT .ILLO l ORRNLV ark ss A "t ." k a, to aa.v aVI as a- N-vl ..akiag Sto twinca S kaiS, a.k." W a. "k n.i. a-ra., a4 a ta-...4 mtm kfa ll,r aVa. av-4 Sv M ... 9M s .ay 4 -i.-f i at a a Ma pal sai..aai aia ih - !.. t-n-r ltv nmm to toe sail . I it la Itwk mi il,,4 k anaat IT IS NOT SO It m AS IT SIXMS. FASHIONABLE FOOTWEAR. Mere Atteatlosi r!4 t Ceaarert aa Ceo vaalaar. The reraaerty. "Of rourae, for carrlnge wear, house wear, evening wear, the fouls Quinte heel Is all the go although I do not advocate women moving about all day in the houae, for Instance, with their feet at the angle thou heels enforce Whether a woman Is wslking on the street or wslking In the house her foot should lie properly poiaetl. The low heel and pointed toe.eten soektremely pointed tiw, are to ! preferred to the broad toe and high heel hit h pretailed a doten or so years ago. "And about the pkadilly toesare they vanishing?" "A rounded toe, aellher pointed nor tiare. la w hat we are making now for wslking boots, btit slippers still ter minate lu a sharp point, perhaps not as exajrgrtaled ss last sesaon. "Iluiklre haie little to do with the anatomy of the foot," he aihM, "ttut I want to show Vu th'a rut steel buck lea on I he pa tr n t h-s I her si i rs,' and he look front the show win. low s variety of t Hvl.-rrlla like footgrsr etrstv. and bmVlrd In novel and l.ilii'v iliaigna. They vere prrlly eii'ii-ir'i f-r lh nwl. f f-l l fairies. 'In trfif't to Irrr'er. a aubW-et an IH.U..-I', i -isijiiiiii n-:.iiy. ".Many people are one-nnteii nmi their imwiicb tnrown Vawr Models 885 and 8100. EVERY MACHINE FULLY GUARANTEED. SEND 2-CENT STAMP FOR CATALOGUE. Monarch Cycle Co. Factory and Main Office; Lake and Halsted Sts.. CHICAQO. ILL. " BRANCHES t New York, Sao PraacUco, Salt Lake City, Denver. Memphis, Detroit, Teeonte. WEBB SAFE & LOCK CO, Agents, PORTLAND, 0REO0N. clear out of plumb H.inpiy from always w PATTERSON, Agent for Morrow County, Hcjypncr, Oregon having balanced thcmaelves on absurd I ' " J " 1 1 ' " heeN and hrwlng worn the wrong shape I of shix1. I know personally an appar ently sensible woman who weighed two hundred and twenty-five pounds and w ho wore habitually a one and one- half shoe w Ith a heel three Inches high. She fell once or twice and hurt herself, but the fall was never attributed to the shoes. I have another customer, a 8ne- looking girl of noble proportions, who Invariably orders an 'A last. It Is en tirely too narrow for her. Among the people who come to us to be fitted are a great many w hone feet are totally un like. They have a corn, pcrhspa, on one foot, and habitually walk In such a way as to eaae that fool; that la, row the pressure off the forn. A different set of must-lea Is ued and the foot enlarge in a different way from Ita companion foot. Teotde Invariably 'favor' one member of the body more than the other; In measuring for leggings one leg la often found much larger than the other, and the same Is true in regard to feet. The shoes are made similar, but the feet are distinctly different." N.Y. Tribune. HOYLE. NOT ACCOKOINQ la Tkle reeee bta. aa Fnia There waa a game f draw poker played on the bank of the bay. Bear the riltaburgh dorks quit recently, aayt the Rrkt Dispatch, w hlch aa eyewltoeaa would like to have referred to some an- thorliy cn the game for decision aa to the value of a "band. Two while men were playing and a colored man rame along and wanted to set In with t heru, which wsa prompt ly agreed to, aa "soft snaps" are not pUketl uki every day. and a Jack polwaa Nitt oirurd by oueof tbe hile men oa a nimf arke. .No. 8dro pcdouU The lirero eta vnl, for a glance at his hand hwed 'here Bi-ce. In the "draw" he eii'ti a it r if ten. The i.ttarr tu in iSrv thrre cr.!. stul In th ihr v n i-i e more is. ,r o f la. ka. Then the l- lt ij.' crrw lurly Until the J't li-ld OUR STOCK a SPACE IS TOO HEAVY AND WE ARE WILLING TO UNLOAD It to Advertisers at a great financial sacri fice. You need it in your business, and as a matter of business vc must sell it. The Patterscn run. ..suing Co. 1 I L tWlTl-J rea,i,UMi-.vtiHia,His4Lls Imi v t ,,,! ,, t,, ',,,1(lr. end rail , f r I u. li e vil. hfwl no more ffnf Wtt W TlRFHIUflf f H ft! ? f M I E-SSSSSS ;::z: iMlM V fl&GiUl & V FILLS a. n k-H.-..a4Mto- that .iairy snl aatiafactory accee-1 I i a . r.. snk. the othrrj "I a-l .e. ew a... . as SUltW V. t M laltfrtft' ft I t twl , M astettlkiaa I sMSMa) . 4 .at tv aa ta,a -' o- n of ti r WUf tn1 of I ' ' r netr thrm mm h t y x t T v f x a rn i ttazriJczu ' -. , rrn . i ouro liOUIs D to InkoVluii. ..M.aaNixi'-.ii.lHHaiwai J'.fl'v sre l.tittftird f.iy eeinienW-nee In ) ami tie lrgm, ana 4 aw av kws4 ta skae .1 a -- f. a . j irl 4 Hiay eaJUasAd, jt i'sn v. rnns it.izh a co., f U-S a-t .4 4 l. i I'MMtl, Mfcrt.N.W., n. c. In'.v IIm-ik, hut the trior e- I a ic Sif t,i-, w,th del'uste prt'l a .in a I lit I ". - it. Tl,,! ii ' .' -.. !e r tittM fi ninee stt. 1 1 ,ni i.i :,. it t.. i, i:.i.-1 r i t t t! i i i hi . If,, i !, tu -,t i-f I . r " f.Tt t " t'.nis they v. t , ,1 ,P() ,:! i,t imur ra.T. the - , p pirvliK-r-l It. ard . . .. , ,., . . i-,ih hite l nil !'; i ,iy , . .... v. . fr.-m whU h be -ii - iitit' a rfor bf au Lcnvcs No Constipation, Cnrr It, aa rt as a'l B l!i-.n.a m !aa aeM ar. VaUria, The r-sl. (kistet.siisai a Mil ta Me rld. Huid by ail Hr.rr..i. , , raH e ff. 85 cs la per lava. flaUlUUJ MKl'K'AL CO. IU Cei'.fwfBks Brmt be t raa1sB, tal. I' ,tl. U ash.ngtnn t r iisnmw .j"" i' ea rVf Vk I. J it's I- t t v 7" s svaa r'a. B I.