its ist rs lure 3M I) s ao lya rare. t f e sited. RE. a.U,w C., jot aaraav -it. t af 1 1 leaf aaitoa Bpaaf tf. tre. its A - e Wi. -4 in a bM or le aita rigbt oor Prieee 'I. It LOSS OF VOICE After Acute Bronchitis CURED by tfsnro A VPD'Q Cherrr l I O Pectoral A PREACHER'S EXPERIENCE. "Three months ago, I took a vio lent cold which resulted in an attack of acute bronchitis. I put myself under medical treatment, and at the end of two months was no better. I found it very difficult to preach, and concluded to try Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. The first bottle gave me great relief ; the second, which I am now taking, has relieved me almost entirely of all unpleasant symptoms, and I feel sure that one or two bot tles more will effect a permanent cure. To all ministers suffering from throat troubles, I recommend Ayer's Cherry Pectoral." E. M. Brawlet, D.D., Dist. Secretary, Am. Bapt. Publication Society, Petersburg, Va. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral GOLD MEDAL AT THE WORLD'S PAIR. AVER'S LEADS ALL OTHER SARSAPARILLAS. waa io Heppoer Friday is iver from Monn- fit hp CALENDAR. "T-I SUNiMOHlTUEIWEDITrW FRi SAT I 23 4 5 6 7 8 9 flTTT 12 13 14 WW 17 iaJ9.20.24 2223ZI5 26 27 2 "20 30131 N? Pore re Take Notice. Here and There. JT. Q. Grafts waa in from Ion Friday. Tom Baroett waa in Heppner y eater day. W. E. Hiatt waa in from Lena yeater-day. J. H. Piper last. Henry Murphy ment. Mrs. J. X. Hugbea is ill from throat trnable. Frank Allison was io from Eight Mile yesterday. Frank Caldwell was over from Coudon last week. Mrs. Bob Willi is suffering from faoial erysipelas. Eoeineer Ed. Reeoe was io Heppoer OTer Friday. Mr. A. A. Wren baa been on the aiok liet tor several days. Ling Creek freighters are beginning to oome m for Roods. Mike Kenny and Tbos. Oil&Uen were in Heppner yesterday. Alex Liudsay and wile was over from Butter creek yesterday. ' Andrew Reaney says orop prospects are good down theoreek. Isaao Phipps is in form Harry Jones' plaoe on Little Batter creek. Sam Branson and Mrs. Carrey came in from Long creek yesterday. Collector Blacken no Sundayed with relatives and friends in Heppner. M. 8 Oorrigall and H. M. Thornton were seen on our streets yesterday. La Grande Marble Works, La Grande Ore. 8. 0. Smith, salesman, Heppner. A. A. Yerez, representing Wadbama & Kerr Bros , was in Heppner yesterday. Heman Oalwell went below last night to attend the populist state convention Bob K nek returned Friday from Ar lington where he had been to visit a friend. Waklie's 8qairrel Exterminator now on sale at Minor & Co.'s, reduced from 50 ots. to 25 eta. tf. Ben Sinsbeimer and Chns. Haglev were among the traveling men who Sundayed in Heppner. Beat accommodation and oonrteona treatment at tbe Imperial Hotel, Seventh and Wash. ots.. Fortland, Oregon. Lambing is in progress among Morrow county's berda. This is a job that can't be postponed on. account of inclement weather. Mrs. Sarah Hayea departed on Sunday morning lor ber ranch near Lone Rock where aba expeota to reaide for tbe summer. 0. 0. Sargent, proprietor of tbe Grand Central hotel ot tbis city, left on Batur day for a abort visit at The Dalles and tr urtiand. Minor k Co.. tbe reducers of prices, bave now on hand tbe celebrated Wak lie's Squirrel Poison. Call and see wbat they sell it for. tf. Some good music is being rehearsed tor tbe drama "Tbe Deacon," wbioh will be presented on tomorrow evening at tbe opera bouse. Telephone wlrea are being strung by the "Higb Water Co.," and soon the "hello" girl, Jas. Hart, will be ready for business down at Conser k Brook's. G. B. Hatt, the tonsorial artist, can be fouod at bia parlors, Matlock oorner, where be will dispense at popular prices sbaves, shampoos, naironts, etc. OK Wl of all Cough Medicines is Dr. Acker's English Rem edy. It will stop a cough in one night, check a cold in one day, prevent croup, re lieve asthma, and cure con sumption, if taken in time. It is made on honor, from the purest ingredients and con tains neither opium nor mor phine. If the little ones have croup or whooping cough, use it promptly. Three Sues 25c., 50c and $1 per bottle. At Druggists, ACKER MEDICINE CO, Xti and x8 Chambers Street, New York. Geotle spring showers this week. are plentiful Mr. and Mrs. A. Asbbangh are in from Eight Mile, tbe guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. W. cristas. R H. Wbitsou, very well and favorably nown in Morrow county, is foreman of tbe f etalumiao, "folly Larktn'a" week E. N. Crockett, the Long Creek drug giet, got in tbig morning from New York oity where be bas been taking a course ot lectures at Bellevne. A stimulant is often needed to nourish and strengthen tbe roots and to keep the bair a natural color. Hall's Hair Kenewer is tbe beat tonlo for tbe bair Farm Record: Mra. C. Nelson and daughter. Lnella, mother and sister, re- peotively, ot Thomas Nelson of tbe Farm Record, arrived from Heppner Wedueday morning, lo make f endleton tbeir future home. Condon Globe: Atty. T. R. Lvona of Heppner made a flying bnianess trip to Condon the first ot (he week, leaving for home Wednesday morning. He expects to be present during tbe April term of ciromt court here. L The sum of fire cent per line will be charged lor "cards of thanks," "rcMilutlnni ol reapwt," liar ol weddlntr. present and donors, ind obituary notice, (other than those the edit or ihall hlmaelf give a a matter ol new,) and aotloeaof peclal meetlnn for whatever Diinoe. 2. Notice ol churrh and aoclct jr and all other tntertatnmenU Irom which revenue I to be de rived, sha',1 be churned lor at the rate ol five nu a Una. 1 hew rules will be strictly adher ad to In everr Instance. Advertising rates reasonable and made known ipon application. TIME TABLE. RUM for Hardman, Monument, Long Creek, lonn umj ana i.eiiron 1.117, leave na loiiowa Every day at a. m , exoept rtundav. A rrlve everr day a f .n., except Monday. The cheapest, quit-seat and beat Una to Of from the lutcrlor rountrv. WALT. THOMPUOJf, Prop, Cooler A Brock. Agent. Qambrinus Beer, Tis.HAir PINT BOTTLES City Hotel Bar! Drinkable Liquors Cigars. Call and Smokable ot Tad. Grant Co. News: Prof. A. A. Roberts of Heppner was otor last week on bust' oa, and iuoidentally sizing uo the political outlook for Congressman Ellis Eagle: E. N. Crockett is expected to arrive from New York today where be bas been a atndent in tbe Bellevne Hos pital Medioal oollege daring tbe winter, Any inveotor in Eaetern Oregon who desires the services of an attorney in Washington. D. C . will find it to hi advantage to call on or addreas tbia pa per, otr Walla Walla Statesman: T.R Lyons, an old Walla Walla rmy, now law part' ner ot Congremaa Ellis at Heppner, is pnkao of aa a candidade tor diatriot attorney lor Morrow and Umatilla cooa tiea. "Tbe Deacon" tomorrow night at tbe opera bouse, played by borne talent nuder tba anspioes of the II. 8. k I) society, Coma and witness tba spirit seena, intermingled wilb thnoder and HgbteoiDg. Nnmeroos eomioal poet lion throughout. Oome aed bava good iaagb. Tni Dbaoon. Homer h ieH Have added a NEW SPRING STOCK of Trimmed Hats for Ladies and Misses to the Fell stock on May Street and ask the Public to call and sec them before purchasing. EEPCBLICiN DELEGATE. The following ia a list of tbe republic an delegate selected at tba prim ir lea beld ia the different preoinote ia this oouoty last Saturday: Heppner Jas. Hager, J. N. Brown. Pat Quaid, D. Ojx. Otis Pattersoa. Harry Bagley, E. L. Freeland, Albert Oamin, N. A Kelley, B ib Watkina. Mount Vernon S. Lilaude, George 8mith, E. P. Vorua, W. W. Smead, M. Beaman. Gentry Joe Rsotor, Jay Divin, Win. Barrett, El Darau. Hardman Geo. Robin son, J. F. Riyse, Ben Poppin, J. O. Williams, E. S. Cor. Lexington Tlios. Bjothby, Chas- Barnett, Ohia. Vaieutioe. lone Paul Reitmao, Frank Eigle mnn, E. T. Perkins. Lsna A. J. Oook, Pat Kellebar, Wm. Hiatt. Matteaon J. B. Manning, B. F. Hev land, D. A. Hamilton, Silas Wright. Ceoil Geo. Miller, J. T. league. Dry Fork N. R MaV.iy, J O Msggs, G. W. Maxwell. Pine City J. L Howard, I L. How. ard. Eight Mile Ed Rood, J. W. Baokett, Peter Brenner. Alpine A. Andrews, Milt Powell. Tbis leaves but Well Springs t bear from. A Natural Beantifler. Karl's Oloyer Root Tea purines the blood and gives a dear and beantiful oomplexion. For sale by Wells & Warren. Portland ia infested with another "faith bealer," so oalled. by the name of Walter Putnam, but so far no one baa been found that will aay he bas been cured, though crowds are flocking to see the "bealer" daily. Condon Globe: J. 0. Meek left Wed nesday tor a oonple of days' visit with bis sister, Mrs. Wm. P. Scrivener at Heppoer. Miea Julia Harrison went over with him and will make ber borne with Mra. Sorivner this summer. Lost A note signed bv 0. W. Onev and payable to Jas. Fristoe. for 820. Mr. Ooey paid off tbe note and then lost it As it is of no value to any person but him be will be thankful if tbe finder will leave it at tba Gazette office. ioe oase oi &yer a tiair viator is a refined and delicate fluid, wbioh does oot soil or beooms ranoid by exposure io toe air, ana wnion is aa perfeot a substitute for Ibe oil supplied by nature in youin ana Dealt h, as modern chem istry oau produoe. J. V. Crawford departed on last night's train for bis borne at Waitsbarg, Wash , after having spent abont fonr weeka io nor Oily. He baa ooarge of the singing daring tba protraoted meetings at tbe opera bouse and gave splendid satisfac tion In tbat capacity. 'Snooeas is Ibe reward of merit" not of aaaumption. Popular appreciation is wbat tella In the long run. For fifty years, people bave been using Ayer'a Sarsaparilla, aid today it la tbe blood- purifier most in favor wltb the public Ayer's Harsaparilla cures. On tbe way to Heppner yeeterday. Mr. and Mra. A. Asbbanich met witb quite an accident out in Caaon canyon, about a bait mile tbis aide of tba Rhea oreek bridge. Tbeir vehicle collided with tba atage, breaking the tongue and doubletree ot Mr. Ashbsogb s wagon. bat injuring neither ooenpenta nor boraea. Tba stage was uninjured. Orant Co. News: A whole mountain ot aabeetos baa been found on Ifeaob creek about four milea north ot Mt Vernon, near Mr, Adam Gordon's resi dence. Mr. Gordon, Cbaa. Angell and 0. W. Birga were in town laat Uatorday making tba Beoeeaery locatioo ot the premiaee according to law. and will thoroughly prospect tba premises. Tba fibre varies front a bait mob to two iDohee in length, and ia ot eicelleot quality. A bnnJ of abeep bad been berded over tba mountain, and where their hoofs bad beaten lha rock tba I bread a of tba mineral could be gathered op iika so nacn wool. Hlllsboro Independent: The news reports to tba daihee g iva a quite full report of a speech oor lion. U. V. Oatea mad in Heppoer laat Halo rd ay aigbt, before tba republican dob of tbat town Mr. Galea srx.k parilrolarly oa tb tariff and the rffeaia of free trad wool. II i quite well acquainted witb tba wool growing Industry of South America, and bl bearraa had eome knoa-ledg of tb Orrgon wool lodoatry henna hi fpaeob waa eo a subject tbat fully loUreeted tba people of Morrow eoonly. Mr. (J a Us I to (peak bef'W tH lUd II iub. tbis eoaoly. neit Hatorday,lU2ll last. fto, V vntlng t ol Morrow, whUXI l(lv lul rot tlx "t aii'llilat.' I'm fre le Mete, will stay tin ii'i tin: Then let him irt I an aufvr blade, lib 'H perry ' Untl Kve." Tl tathins. ef tbat (oo4 eld drink, M VfMing aven era ary. Hold only at tba Belvedere aalooa. Mr. W. i, 1tft call the alteatioa Ot I h PttblM to the tact that she i Still ia tb bakery baloa. aed ber old so Inruers will b f araiebed eitra qeaiitv rt breed at lb grurary of bet bo band. Tonr patronage la sol.eiled. if Walt. Tbompeoa roe ! betweea aed Monnmeot. arriving every day inpt Monday aad leaviag every lay eioepl "mday. Hbofieal n,l cheap eet f.mle in lb ieriir, (jDr Ur rk, atee. Catarrh Cared, health and sweet breiitli aernred, by Shiloh's Catarrh R-ra-dy. Price 60 cents. Nasal Injector f r. e. For sale by Wells ft Warren. i) Did It liver Occur to Your That a Firm Could bo Boycotted and Still do Business ? C. 'I1W1 tapy en m I el ' " 'M ' 4 HfiliNffietloii OunniiitoeU. Keeell fell lb ei-y A vt aaaee of dceui. t.itiitabaUte tMlimoDy prove Ixti nd aay eeiliilily of i'jM ll.el Itnriii Mrff III art ally d ef feriit ewl armneetiy an ! aaeaxt bf tuft' bl td. I reeonl t ' i anejialil and IkM ere) bate rrflea t enearlibJ after all A'it prep fall had ln i. iltpxl' 'il ttr all 114 til, billnoe a. Jaa-liee, lad geeiiaa, atek bes t b rr- vtu AT A b tt lime eioea g eVre belnagiag U A. Abhlrk, at tbia e lf. slroiUJ aaay fmej tl'pp aa I aee aot elaw te fmnd. Tba tvere a ! la -l ir at I b l a barb wi (l I Ik f tell fiaek. fiaJ.f Ml tr fee a gvt fa" by re'ie WODIfiieinl Who are nervous, weak, worn out with local troubles find pure blood, nenra strength, and perfect health in Hood's Sarsaparilla. We do not aay the above to raise false hope. It has been the experi ence of many, very many women in those intensely trying periods which demand and consume so much force those special physical trials we delicately indicate by merely using the words Maid, Mother, Matron. Like a confidential friend we suggest the use of Hood's Sarsaparilla, a reli able blood purifier and tonic; it has helped many others and will help you. "I waa in poor health five years, broken down In strength, and appetite all gone. Local troublea and other weaknesses int tenslfied my misery. Nervous sick Headaches dizziness, heartburn and pains in my back made me think I abould never be well again. A friend prevailed upon ma to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. I soon began to Improve and in six months It restored me to better health than for years. I have fonnd Hood's Sarsaparilla a grand medicine tor all troublea peculiar to Been a Chan in Business All Around? ED. R. BISHOP Has bought out the General Merchandise Business of the McFarland Mercantile Uo., and the stock is being disposed of at a Goon Obqanization. List Friday a number ot republicans gathered at the Upper Rhea creek school bouse in Mat teaon precinct for the purpose of organ izing a republican club. A large orowd was present and whe i tbe list was circu lated 20 signed the same and At the meeting the following day 8 more joined the good work of republicanism The following officers were selected for the coming two years: D. A.. Hamilton, pres ; B. F. Hevlaod, vioe pre. ; Frank Beard, seoy. After this J. B. Manning addressed the club, creating consider able enthusiasm and applause. He was followed b A. W. Patterson, E. A. undage, J. N. Brown, A. G Birtholo- mew, d. F. llevland and James Talbert, eaob ot whom stirred up tba republi canism in the audieoce. A abort time ago it was reported that but one re publican waa left in tbat section, and in view ot this the organization of tb Upper Rhea Oreek Republican O'nb ia oertainly very creditable. This will oertainly be an aotive organiz ttion dar ing the present oampalgu. Won't SbxIi. It eeemn that sheepmen will not sell tbeir sheep at the prices tbat have been offered Over In Umatilla oouoty. tbe Gazette la informed, year! logs are commanding 1 25 and two-Tear-olds $1 75, at least Matbew Neeoe, wbo Uvea near tbe onnniy line between Morrow and Umatilla add at these figures. Tbe Gazette does not desire to encourage sheepmen to hold on and lose tbeir chance to sell, but it seem plain that tl and II. 60s beep are not plentiful here. For Dyaprpale aod Liver complaint you have a printed guarantee on every bottle of Hhilob's Vitalizer. It never falls to cure. For sal by Yvella 4 Warren. Denoeratie Coaaty Coaventloa. A democratic county convention for tbe oouoty ot Morrow, stat of Oregon, Is called to meet in Heppner, in said county, on Saturday, April i. 1890, at 10 o'clock a. m , for tba purpose ot oom ioatlng candidate tor tb following county officer: One oouoty judge, county commissioner, county clerk, eoouly sheriff, county representative, oouoty treasurer, county aesessor, oion ty school superintendent, county coroner and ooonty aurveror, and also prtoinot officers for Ibe several precinol. an I four delegate eab to tb stat and eecond diatriot eongriool conven tion, aod la transact snoh ottier busi. ore a may properly oom be (or snoh onoventmo. Tb onnventlon will eon aiat of S3 delegates, olioeeo by the sev eral precioot; and tb several preolnot rf tbe onnoly will be entitled to repre sent I me to said convention aa follows: S Sex I am now strong and healthy and can do a good day'a work. I stand by Hood's Sarsaparilla, for it cured me after other medicines failed." Mrs. Ldb Dies, carllnville, Illinois. This and many similar cures prove that Inlootfw Sarsaparilla Is the One True Blood Purifier. All druggists. It. Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. HnnH'c DSItc ere purely vegetable. ear. nOOa S PUIS fully prepared. 24 cant. LETTER T ETTERS AnVEKTlSEU IJ Or,, March 23, 1896. M. M8T. AT KSFPNEB Brown Reger, Mini Ada When calllne advertised. Grahara, J, 8. (or these letter p!ease say J. r. niLLlAMB, r. M Notice ot Final. Settlement. XlOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE underMKiied, KUza J. Boyer, executrix ol the estate of W. 0. Boyer, deceased, will make Pinal Settlement of her account with said es tate a such executrix at the next term of the Probata Court of Morrow County to be holden ai me cnuri nouse in Heppner, in saia count' on tne 4tn aay ol Mav, A.I), lmw, at 10 o'clocl a. m. MRS. ELIZA J. BOYER, 25-35 Executrix. HAVE YOU HEARD that thekk5 S CD iter D m REGARDLESS OP COST. All woolen goods, boots, shoes, overshoes, ete.. nra haW snlrl hnlnw wholesale cost Great discounts on hardware, tinware, plasswarft. harn caps, blankets and in fact everything kept in a general mercantile es tablishment. Call and see the stock before it ia too W,. ED. R. BISHOP, Prop. The National Bank Building, Heppner, Ore. FRANK M'FARLAND, Manager ana Salesman. la t Do fa fat ? Some people want the earth; you can get a goodly portion of it at GEO. A. BROWN'S HAEDMAIST STORE, With very little money. He keeps a full line of general merchandise, including 'dry goods, groceries, boots, shoes. GEO. A. BROWN, HARDMAN, OR. Gilliam & Bisbee Administrator's Notice. TiJOTICB M HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE ll undersigned bas been appointed admlnt- ii Fe trntor of the estate of Harah by the County Court of Morrow County, Htate of Oregon. All persons having claims against said esute are hereby required to present them Ut me at Heppner, Or., duly verified, within six nion I hi from Oat hereof. Dated this fith day of March, 1WK). C. E. FELL 421-29. Administrator. Notice of Final Settlement. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEV, THAT THE undersigned administrator of the estate of O. W. H. Brians, deceased, will make Final Hettlement of his aecouuta with said estate as such administrator, at the neit term of the County Court of Morrow County, at Heppner, Oregon, 'o be holden at Heppner, Oregon, In said County, on the 4th day ol Mhv, 1h. ANIMtfW HOOD, 42H-31. Administrator. Notice Of Intention. Land Orrica at LAGaaxnc, Orxook, Msrrh , lit'.. NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN THAT THE following. named settler ha filed notice of hla Intention to make final proof in aupport of his claim, and H at said proof will be mad before County Clerk of Morrow County, Oregon, at tteppner, Oregon, on April i4, 11, vis: mVI.VK.iIKR W. KUiUKuN. Rd. E. No. 4.iog. for the mw; hk;" and aKU rl Hrc. l and N K. and NhV NWW 8ee .22. To. ft H. R. 2H E. W. at . II name th loiinwlng wltneue to prove hi. continuous residence upou and culllvatlon ol said land, vil: I'at Ht.lllane, William Warren, Qua. Hale, Frank liele, ol Heppner, Oregon. u. r. vriijin. 421 heglsler. Heppoer (lutry Mt. Nernon.... lop t'wl Dairt lr for It Klhl Mil- Alpioe I'lna City Matteaon.... ., llinglon Wells Hprl-.g. Afia... Tba sarna beiot on delegate at larva from saetj prroiart, and ona delegate fur very QfUea nlee, and no for everr r ran mn over one hair nr nrtM totea ea.t for J. IL 1UI. lha dem rratio rli.Ute for rnogrwmn, al lb SetiiiN la Job, 19. rrliaariea to elefll tba deleoaie In "b nf lha ver rrealnela ll bM MareU 'iM, I'olt I be m-n al '2 e'rlu k a m , ami will b aa1uete In lha oaaal eoaooar of hol'lioa" priruar leetloaa. J. W. MtiaiwiW. Chair. Ufovieratlo Coaatf Cummiliee. Ike lltsaf a. Ooaatlnalioo, eae idum ,an half lbs III of women. Karl's Clover lfyxrf, Tea la a ileeii rare for Oubslipatioa. ruf sals t walla H arrea. Notice of Intention. t ANIl OFFICE AT THE DAl.I.M, OKfUION I j March, a, ISA Nolle I heraliv glvan that th following named settler ha Bin. I n llceol his Intention lo mak final proof In sup- port oi ni riaiin, ann inai aani proof will be made before t. W, Morrow, County Clerk, at iirppuer, urefon. on aprn n, iwm, vit: jAxr.a I A it I T . Md F No. '. lor the kKU Hee. 10. To. I N. R. aa K. w. M. II name th following wltnesse to prove hi rniilltiiioua residence utwu and eultlvallon of. said land, vit' I liarley anv Inkle, Franc is Kilkenny, Bar. ner ix.ritrty, John anaenny. of iiaimway, tire. vji hi. ,A. w. Mmaa, Hegiaier. Notice of Intention. I AND OFFICE AT THE DAl.I.M, OREOOH, a 4 r. i, im. ktMir a h.ri.T given ti Ih following named settler baa A led nolle of his Intention lo mak Snal pn, In sni'portof barlalm, and lliat aaid pref will be mule Iwloret omit, Morrow t ' Hepp ner, irrvgon, on Men n I " "k, vn; r.tiKi F. HAIKU, H I R Ko. for lir' Kkt. NvVUIKtaand M" a ta."-e r. In r. K. . F, II name Hi following wllin nri to pmv blarxMiiiniioo mldem upon and cultltetlua Ol said land, l: Jeff ion, l,rorge Smith, lame T. Talbot, HiM m rea, tn Heppner, Oregon. JA. F. MmiRK. 414 It KegUUr. Notice of Intention. T Ar OFFICE AT THB ruM.Fa. ORROOI iJ Fb. tl. I h.ill.el b.r.l.y given that lb following nseied settler ka Sled nol nf his Inieniiun In mak anal proof In upprt or art riaim, nn mat .am "'. will M Wiail nerore Ib emmty eter or Morrow etnty Heppner, Oregon, on Marrk T, l4, Hi. it Antra ii. his. No, 74. lot o.e U andrttSWla af XTFVX lyi 'k.jit "It" BaTaV U ! I aV m mm k " mi.Ui- u pot 'yrajoi We are not Bmall men, lbs. We are Bmall men, Xs. v;c are not me Largest fnercfiants in tne voriti! But when the people of all the surrounding country are Id need of Hardware, Tinware, Crockeryware, Glassware, Wood and Wlllowware, Nails, Iron, Barbwire, Cumberland Coal, Gas and Water Pipe, Pipe Fitting, Stove and Ranges, Wagon, Hacks, Buggies, Wagon Material, Hardwood, Axes, Hammer, Saw, Bledgei, Wedges, Guns, Pistols, Cartridges and Ammunition, Maaon Jar, Gran lteware, Plow, Harrow, Rakes. Mowers, Tubs. Wash Bolller and Boards, Bheet Iron, Zinc, etc., etc., Should call and Examine our Goods and Qet Prices. Ws have Good Goods at Faib Prices, and Cheap John Goods at Chep John Prices. GILLIAM & MAIN STREET - HEPPNER. OREGON T. R. HOWARD -DEALS IN Groceries, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Stockmens SurrLiEs, Etc., And Wants Your Trade ! He will make it an object for you to trade with him as his prices are right, and all goods that he handles are of the very boot Store on Main Street, Next to City Drug Store, Door I-Ioppnor, Oregon. JT. 73tZ. JT&ttJHJZJZr9 Sueoeeaor to C. a. Van Duya. Mail door to City Hotel. Has everything in the line of Fresh Groceries, Candies, Nuts, and also keeps Crockery, Lamps and Tinware. Stock is Comploto. Notions a Specialty, AttorneyN fit Inv, All boaloeaa alUmled lo ia a prompt anil atiafactonr toaoaer. Notarlea I'ablw aud Cllctora. OT TICK IN NATIONAL DANK UUILDIM). DEPPKCR, i t t i , 0UF.O0N lea LOCAL DISEASE a i mimstiMUi tl nraa fc mm ' kik I tfi4 I't W M Mrl., . Nt'aif 'nsafta Bjf'sCriarn Balm b kvMt(4 ! Utenl I MJ aera. C m4 M H4 4 Hr rm II Hni . I brov eua and taitlvallna of aaid laud, via Id I us. Iter,,, Hendrls C H HuIII. ( barle I) t olawaa, ot, tirn ia r. M"i. i 1 n.(i..r t i e I' f a.1 paMI 4 KSW.MIM. SM I .4. IX I IU7lMIJS S4 rreu...l .. D. J. McFaul, M. D. i'iieie i At J. M. Htcm't RiswtMCt. Notice ot fmnl SettUmint. 4 t ll ii.mnmn AmmmmmA Still MaalarS) aTltvell "' ftati4M s s wi nt mth tel'l mm vl'vi"'. IM mtm -t thm far.l mi Wnrf I nf HMirfuf, i 1 1 1 tr r a i . la, ,, I E. L. FREELAND, fWCOlllCWHS, 'it INSUIWtCt, -tt ABSTRACTS. tl, S. I AM) COMMISMONHK. laiM flilntsaM fl-al tf.h T. MlttRT iraic Do You Want .i Rig ? Don't You Want a Place to Put up Your Team ? Are You in Need of a Saddle I Iorse ? All Uif) can be procured at TtVmrxua k Itinns, Lower Main Btrtt, Ilii0fr, Orfoo. ThM fentleieen r trait eerta!rlt elth fteanl. Harnev rem . (IIHIara an4 ether emintte, rwl eaa ny .! lime la aakl( Ihee eerlluu olife lrelln( awn. frlee la ttllif elik lh llrae THOiM PSON nTNNS, uviaTuiM, nxmria, THE PALACE HOTEL MAK, .T. O. BOnOHKUS, Prop. si si n 1 1 a mm t Keeps the Finest W.n:s, Liquors and Cigars.