THE FIOHT FOR MITCHELL. The people are conducting the fight for the re-election of Hon. John H. Mitchell to the senate of the United States. The people of Oregon are not trifling about it They are deadly in earnest It is the most serious campaign ever entered upon in Oregon politics; and if any doubt it, they will have their doubts removed, to their sorrow. The edict has gone forth that the last vestige of popular sentiment shall be removed from the senate. ' It is to be made an American house of lords, an asylum and breeding place of aristocracy, a hatchery of plutocratic shanks. Every member guilty of the mis conduct of representing the peo ple's side on public measures is to be retired. Hence the fight of the people for Mitchell means a great deal. It means resistance to a movement that is un-American; and that, if not checked, will destroy our rep resentative form of government. This issue is best formulated by Mr. Mitchell himself in his cham pionship of bimetallism as the cause of the common people, and his battle for a constitutional amendment, making senators elec tive by a direct vote of the people. Senator Mitchell has thrown down the gauntlet to the money power and to centralizing tendency itself, and his fight has been made on high grounds and with much ability. The re-election of Mr. Mitchell is the battle of the people for right and justice and the preservation of a constitutional government. Mr. Mitchell may not represent these issues as fully as some could wish, but he represents some of them in an able and agressive manner, and the elements opposed to him represent hostility to popu larizing our government. The people are coming to understand the whole scheme of wrestling the ripper chamber of the national congress out of their hands. It is to be wrenched away from its original design of being a conserv ative check upon rash legislation. It is to be depopularized and the controlling influence of publio sen timent is to be taken away. The sennte is not to be reached by any man directly.' representing the people; but only through the aid of great corporations, and when the aspirant is canonized by the money power. The people should realize the situation. Capital Journal. MICHIGAN'S BENEFACTOR. HH OFT REPEATED STORY OF TRIE PRILRKTHRDPY. What Chas. H. Hackley has Done for Western Alichigan How the only Cloud in the Life of an Honored VI an was Brushed Away by Science. EIGHT MILS NOTES. From Grand Rapids, Mich,, Evening Express. The llritirth CJovernment all the timo holds nearly 00,000,000 on poKtollico deposit h, pnyable on call, and on those deposits pnys inter est at the rato or 2 per cent per annum. England Lrh about 37, 000,000 inhabitants. f this conn try had a postal telegraph and savings bank on the same plan, it would not be necessary to disturb business by a call for a loan of $100,000,000 every little while, Our people would keep probably f 1,000,000,000 on deposit that way, which the government could use at '2 per cent, without paying any Ixiuus to syndicates who would negotiate the sale of the lionds. The man who thinks that the American people are a bright peo ple is a little olT, judging by tho wny tho government handles its finauces. Fait Lake Tribune. CHAS. H. HACKLEY. The most beantifnl spot in Muskegon ia inseparably associated with the name of Haokley.and in all Western Michigan there is not a name better -known, and among the studious . and those inter ested in deeds of philanthropy, this came is known and admired. Cbas H. Hackley has been in the lnmber busi ness continuously since 1856, and in that time has amassed a fortune, whiob gives bim a rating among the wealthy men of the nation. Bat with wealth there did not come that tightening of the purse strings which is generally a marked characteristic of wealthy men There is no prettier spot in the state than Haokley Park in a square sur rounded and pierced by stone walls, emphasizing with their whiteness the green of faultlessly kept lawns, its orowoing pride a towering soldier's monument on the top ot which stands a bronze figure pointing ever in re membrance of the heroes who died that the nation might live. Sorronnding this park are the magnificent Hackley Public Library a poem in granite with its 00,000 volumes, and the equally stately Hackley school, like a bee bive with its COO children. Other elegant buildings testify likewise to the liber ality and munificence of this man who has pulled wealth out of the forests of Michigan. It is no wonder then that the name ot Charles H. Hackley is known at home and abroad. His munificence to Muskegon alone represents an outlay of nearly bait million. For the past twenty years be has been a constant sufferer fron neuralgia and rheums tiBtn, also numbness ot the lower limbs, so mucb so that it bas seriously Inter ferred with bis pleasure in life. For some time pant his friends have noticed that be bas seemed to grow young again ami to have reoovered the health whiob he bad in youth. To a correspondent of the Tress, Mr, Hackley explained the secret of hie transformation, and to bis friends who have known how he suffered, it is in deed a tnitiNforiiiation. "I have suffered for over twenty years." be said, seated in his private fllre, "with pains Id hit lower limlis so severely that the only relict I tumid get at night wsa by putting cold water rornureeses on my lower limbs. I was bothered more at night than in the day time. Tbe neu ralgic and rhenmatia pains in my limbs, tilth hail Wo growing in Intensity for years, finally became chnnlo. I made three tripe to the Hot Hprings with only partial relief, and then fell back to mv original state. I couldn't sit still, and my sufferings tiegsn to make li's look very blue. Two years ago last Sep tember I noticed an account ot Dr. Williams' fink Tills for Tale People, Maj. K. 11 KrAHLHAN, owner of the Nashville Manner, of course, a democrat, evidently thinks the republicans have more than fighting chance to cairy Tcnncaee, lie says: "It's a serious question whether a democrat can le elected governor of Tuncsea this year. Ucyond the fact that the part? is badly split on the silver iaaiie, a prat many citizens who Lavs always acted with the democracy liava never condoned the action of the legislature in counting out II, Clay Evans, whom they honestly Mists was fairly electej goyer nor in 1891" I ITS fight against I'll is, ths Tribune pays that gentleman a deemed compliment. With other things the Ttihuoe says, "Mr. I '.II is is lo congrrs exactly what he was at home, a clean, conscien tious getitleman." This cannot eai lnf every prjgreman. It is ptt of tho fight, for gold-bnga. If 1.11 is ia defeated, an I ths Tribune tuut work for g l 1 bug suprem ftv, henre it must work sgains I'.llia. .'arm llHNird. The resolutions censuring lUy aid I ur patriotic? utterances abroad lata pas! tht turns of rspwoUUtes. and what they bad done for others, and some oases so nearly resembled mine that I was interested. But I did not know whether tbe testimonials were genuine or not, and I did not wish to be humbugged, so I wrote to one who had given a testimonial, an eminent pro fessor of musio in Canada. Tbe reply I received was even stronger than the printed testimonial, ana it gave me aith in the medicine. 'I began taking tbe pills and found them to be all that tbe professor bad told me tbey would be. It was two or three months before I experienced sny peroiptible betterment ot my condition. My disease was of snob long standing that I did not expect speedy reoovery, and was thankful even to be relieved. I progressed rapidly, however, towards reoovery, and for tbe last six months have felt myself a perfectly well man. I bave recommended tbe pills to maoy people, and am only too glad to assist others to health through tbe medium of this wonderful medicine. I oacnot say too much for what it has done for me." Dr. Williams' Fink Fills for Pale People have an enormous sale, and from all quarters come in glowing re ports of tbe exoellent results following their use. An analysis proves that they oontain in a condensed form all tbe elements necessary to give new life and riobness to tbe blood and restore shattered nerves. They are an unfailing specific for such diseases as locomotor ataxia, partial paralysis, St. Vitus' danoe, sciatica, neuralgia, rheumatism, nervous beadaobe, the after effeots ot la grippe, palpitation of tbe heart, pale and sallow complexions, that tired feel ing resulting from nervous prostration; all diseases resulting from vitiated humors in tbe blood, snob, as sorofnla, obronio erysipelas, etc. Tbey are also s epeoiflo (or troubles peouliar to females, suob as suppression, irregu larities, and all torms of weakness. They build up tbe blood and restore tbe glow ot health to pale and sallow cheeks. In men tbey effect a radical cure in all oases arising from mental worry, overwork or exoees of whatever nature. There are no ill t fleets follow ing tbe use of this wonderful medicine, and it can be given to children with perfeot safety. BaCKLIT park. These pills are manufactured by the Dr. Williams Medicine Company, Sche nectady, N. Y., and are sold only In boxes bearing tbe firm's trade mark sod wrapper, at 60 cents a box or aix boxes tor 12.50, and are never sold lo bulk. Tbey may be bsd ot all druggists or direct by mail from Dr. Williams Medicine Company. Ths pile at wbiob Ibese pills are sol I makes s coarse of treatment inexpensive as compared with other remedies. i Pearl Jones bas a very sick child. We are glad to learn that Mrs. Anson Wright is getting better. Roy Roberts is slowly getting better, but be still suffers with neuralgia. Rev, Swift will preach tbe first bun day in each month at Eight Mile Centre at 11 o'clock. Harlan and Elbert Stanton bave re turned from .Lexington where they were going to school. Gospel temperanoe meeting ot Eight Mile Centre school bouse on Sunday evening, March 22. We congratulate Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Rood. Wish them maoy happy years and welcome tbem to Eight Mile. The new school board for this dis trict are I. S. Young, clerk; Mr. John Bellingsbrock aud Mr. William Inborn, directors. Farmers bave been killing squirrels by shooting, and poisoning, but it is a difficult matter to tell whether they are doing any good or not. It seems the only way to exterminate tbem would be for all the farmers in a dietriot to ap point a day to meet end put out plenty of poiton, all putting it out at the same time. , We were in hopes Mrs. Cox would make a visit to Eight Mile Centre while in tbe oounty. Heppner was highly favored by having this evangelist visit them and bold revival and temperanoe meetings. There oonnot be too muoh said about temperance and religion now adays, for tbey. go hand in hand. No one can feel any enjoyment in a saloon who is a true christian, bo it goes to prove tbat no christian will vote for the saloon. How unhappy tbat woman wbo h wending her way to the house ot God, knowing , that ber husband is in tbe saloon. As she looks at ber boys does the thought arise in her mind tbat she will do all in her power to olose tbe saloons for their sake? Ah, bow often do the women go to the saloons and implore tbe proprietors not to sell sny more whiskey to their husbands, and tbey are told to go borne, it is no plaoe for them. It does seem so terrible tbat tbe people (which means the met.) can not see this awful destroying curse in its right light and drive it from tbe land. It it is right, why does it bave to be lloensed? Why do the saloons bave to be screened to prevent persons from looking io? Why not bave it free and tbe saloon doors free from screen ingf It there is evil in it why license an eyilf Will tbat make it right? Will God excuse his children for upholding such an evil because they cnunot vote against it without voting agsinst their party principles? Oh futbers, as you look at your children don't tbe question arise in your hearts, are my children to be tbe druukards ot tbe next genera tion ? Well, if this terrible liquor trafflo is permitted to be carried on a great many of these innnaeot babes and youths will be the drunkards ot tbe next generation in spite of bonie train ing, the same as we see today, young men finding their way to tbe saloon; yonng men who will soon be old enough to fill places of trust. Must tbe voters go to tbe saloon to find young men to fill offioea tbat they feel are qualified to fill them? I any man qnnliflnd to fill an important offlie who drinks or gambles? And should not a follower of the meek and lowly Jeans blush and hide bis f ire when he votes f r a man of tins description? In It any wonder the suloonlst langhs in his sleeve when he sees a church member vote for msn of this kind with the h'p tbat be will reform? Now do yon waot to know wbat my polities ars? I am a r-aoni-BmoNrrr and I mesa what I sy for the eke of tbe rising generation. Wipe out Ibis drink ours. From Oeoesis to Rev elation I osonot find where God sanc tions anything liks liquor trsfflfl, but can find where lie condemns It, When the choreics get down to basi nets yon will m tbe saloonisls tremble. If prohibition will not prohibit, wby de tbe liquor dealers fight it? E.M. O. Eight Mile, March 18, 189ft, Eutibtaihmsnt. Tbe members of tbe Eastern Star Chapter ot this eity gave an attractive eatertainment on last Friday evening at Masonic ball. The ettendtinoe was eouflood to mrmbers of tbe Masonic fraternity, their families and invited guests. It was not large owing to the fact tbat tbe next day was to be convention day and the exeeeding irksomeuess of the preparatory labors through wbiob they had just passed inoapaoitnted a number fortheerjjoy ment of the occasion wbo would other wise have been there. A goorlly number however, were present to enjoy the rare literary and musioal treat io store for tbem. The meeting was presided over by Mrs. J. N. Brown with grace and dignity. The performances were of a high order of excellence, and while we would institute no comparisons, nor wish to be understood as being partial to any, we cannot refrain from mention ing th recitation by Mrs. E. O. Sloan the dialogue by J. A. Patterson and Mrs. P. O Bmaod the vooal solo by John Ayers as of a very high order. the supper was a feast fit for the gods. cm riik WHOLE for 10 CENTS. it makes a erand parade with elephants, cages of animals, ehariotsTbandsr Gives a full performanca in a pag, with rips marter. olown, acrobats, bareback riders, trained dogs and el. Shanta. winding up with the pantomime of Humpty Dumpty. including all the characters and soenery. i lv i n i mm m 10 Counons. or O ways iu wi i VQTIfi l ConDonand 10 cents. or I UbUU . n i . v A Fact Worth Knowing. Consumption, La Grippe, Pneumonia and all Throat and Lung diseases are oured by Shiloh'B Cure. For Bale by Wells & Warren. This Circus ; TO 14 cts. without any Coupons, Blackwell's Durham Tobacco Co., Durham, N.C. and the Circus will be sent you postpaid. Ton will find 1 eoupon "side eaoh a ounce bag, and 2 ooupons inside each 4 ounoe bag of Blackwell's Genuine' Durham Tobacco. Buy a bag of this Celebrated Smoking Tobacco, and read the coupon, which gives a list of other premiums and how to get them. 2 CtNT STAMPS ACCEPTED. lllMMIIIIIMIII'tt Hit ...miimnnmiim. At an early date tbe Eight Mile tem perance people will debate tbe question, "What is tbe advantage of state control of tbe sale of liquor, or prohibition r ' Karl's Clover Boot Tea is a sure onre for Headaohe and nervous diseases Nothing relieves so quickly. For sale by Wells Sc Warren. h KccUy lute -OF- SHERIFFS. SALE. For the Cure o Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Hal It is located at Balem, Oregon, The Most Beautiful Town on the Ci Call at the Gazktti office for partici Strictly confidential. Treatment privatand cure. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT UNDER and bv virtue of an execution issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for me i;oumy ot Morrow, on Marcn it), am, ana to me directed and delivered, upon a Judgment I renaerea ana enterea in lata uoiirt on tne am day of March, 18H6, In favor of J. H Townsend, Plafn.lfV a . A .., TLr . . U'..!:l.. W i Scott and G. W. Harris. Defendants, for the sum ot Three Hundred Forty-eight and lO-lOOWWMO) Dollars witn interest tnereon irom said bin 01 March, 1896, at the rate of ten per cent per an num, ana i weiuy-nve (imuui Dollars attorney s fee and the further suns of Slxtv-four and 8-i00 (fb4 89) Dollars costs; and, whereas, by said uagmem it was ordered ana adjudged that the ollowlng described real DroDertv. to-wit: HWW of section 24 in Tp. 1 north, range 25, E. W. M., oe soia to satisfy saia judgment, costs ana ac cruing costs, i win, on Saturday, ths 25th dsy of Aprll.1896 at. a o'clock, P. M., of said day, in front of ths Court House in Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon, sell the right, title and interest of the said Defendants in and to the above described property at Public Auction to the highest and best bidder f r cash in hand, the oroceeda to be applied to the satisfaction of said execution and an costs, ana costs that may accrue. 24-34. G. W. HARRINGTON, Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon. Dated March 18, 189(1. Lffil HAMS Plenty of them at t Gazette Office. . . Otis Patterson NOTARY PUBLIC '..CONVEYANCER 0 WHITE COLLAR LINE. Ml II TA Columbia K 1T itv in it is nMMNawoD Steamers TELEI'flONE, BAILEY GATZERT AND OCEAN WAVE. SHERIFF'S SALE. M-OTICE 19 HEREBY GIVEN THAT UNDER of the circuit court of the Kute of Oregon for Leaving Alder Street Dock, Portland, for Aetoria, Ilwaoo, Long Beacb, 0 far and Nabcotta. uireot connection witn llwaoo steamers and rail road; also at Young's Bay with Seashore Railroad. TETjEPHONB Leaves Portland 7 A. M. Dally, except Sunday. Leaves AstorJ nAIUBY OATI Leaves Portland P. M. Dally, except Sunday. Saturday nUil aio:o a u., except ounuay ana Monday. Leaves Portland and runs direct to Ilwacn, Tuesday and Tbarsl Leaves uwaco Wednesday ana rruiay at 7: JO A. M. Ou 8 Baggage Checked to Railroad DestiDaiuulloth Beaches Free cf Expense. For Safety, Speed, Comfort, Pleasure, Travel on the Telephone, Bailey Gatzert and Ocean the County of Morrow on March 16, 1M96, and to me directed and delivered, upon a Judgment rendered aim entered in saia court on the fttn day ol March, 18'J, in favor of Ths Northern Counties Investment Trust (Limited) Plaintiff, and against G. VY. Stewart, James D. Hamilton, G. W. Harrington. Administrator. Addle Parr In and . N. Brown, hefemliinta, for the sum of thirteen Hundred Two and 4-100 ill:iu2.04 Do 1 ars, with Interest thereon from March 6, 1896, at the rat of eight per cent per annum and Hue Hundred Dollars attorney's fee, and the further an in nf VWttf H v. iH l.t 1 tu r,nii.M , . and, whereas, by said Judgment it was ordered" and adjudged that the following described real property, to-wlt: The W4 ol ha of sectloa W'4 of SWW, K',4, HK'.and NWiof section ai.aiidHWof BW section XI, all In Tp. 5 8, K. f, K. W. 11.. be sold to satisfy said judgment, uosui auu accruing costs. 1 will, on Saturday, the 25th day of April. 1896 at I o'clock, P. M., ot said day, at the front door ol tlieC.nirt House In Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon, sell the right, title and interest of the lii-leiMliiiits In and to the above described property at Public Auction to the htuhent and beat blilder for canh in hand, the proceeds to be it ipiicn io i in- sHiumciioii oi said execution ana all conn,, and coals that may accrue. Ul-ill. 1. . llAHItlN'OTOM. Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon. iMieu .wurcn in, ia'.mi, ally, except Bun Astoria D r ill IV I M a uJuJ'lirfww if.. The Ml! to mako Arizona t, stnto linn prtHRcd Hi aonatt). Jons I j. SlLLIVAS nml TfuMj HyKD, two tiKl-titner of tbe ring, were in Portland last week. Jons II. Mitchell will I turofel to the position that ha now so ally filial iu tho U. 8. natA. Hon. Hyhax Aiuuham, a well, known democratic politician, fell dead on Third trcet, Portland, last week. i Toe Oregontao it roaring be cause) Ohio republican! have adopt ed a platform declaring rqaallj in faror of gold and silver. Tbe Sal era Statearaaa make aome aeoaible remarks oo the situation, tatiog that Ohio hat no ailrer mine neither haa the. a Wall treet TltrtiK haa lwu a decrease of over f T.'id.niKVNW in the tain of farm products in this country aioee 1 H'.l.'l, if h published figure don't Ik The greater part of this shrinkage ia in the Value of Lir, and it ia pn l al le the deficit io this regard is more than made giod tjr the incrcaee in the output of trolley cure and ti) c!h. The till n pared If ft'naU-r Mitchell prut tdit g tot an ametd ment to the constitution of the Cnitod States, so tbat senator will be elected by a direct tote of tbe people, haa beeu favorably re oortcd to the senate from tbe emo tion committee. We hope to see this measure become a law as the jufttice of it ia plainly recogoiz! by slL Nm Hal Afsrs al Ik WtMs fair Ayrr's rirs. anils si.Jojs tbe eitraor dlnary Jialit.eti.iBof tav.n te tbsool btooj purifier allowed an siUibit at lbs WnrlJ'e fair, Cbieao, fcUnofselarsrt of otber ssrsspanllas soogtil It iwi means to ntilais aahowlnf ot Ibelr fnods, but Itiey mtr all turaej sway lb spplwatmn of tba rule tutbidJinf tb airy or patent medietas and oatraras. lbs dMia of ths World's (air sot ha rd w to fe ol Aysr's MarsaparUla was in effuM as follows: "Aist'a Marsaoa rilla M sol s patent mad In. It (foot aol belnof to lbs list ol BMtrams. It ta ber oa lis rsatiU. Kafle: rmatllla eon a I y saa tale d.iwo lb kill gal and are.l to 11 (tract rvanty ra Its ooa sITair. Asa rU lb atyii erk mJ will K o(fied at otiea, and lfa-le rlalios ill bo rMosl SoeMtrtHed. Tbls sNiold bavs txva d ioe I a I tear, ant tfnabt nal I bae ba d b bsd It "l t-n f -f lb frelieal treated OO voont o be ererik n of a t-II sal Iba Nottb Kiwk bridfo. SUE-RIFF'S SALE. VOTK E H IIF.KKHY GIVEN THAT CSDF.R I' ami by virtue of an execution Issued out I of the Irenlt fniirt of the Mata of Oregon fori thul ounty of Morrow, March IH, IM., and to I me uiriM'teil ami ilellverril upon a Judgment I r-'iiitere l am! entered in aald court on the M I leyni vnreli "i, In lavornf Ihnmas U Dor- hmII IMa nllir .ii. tfc- l..biM I'.-li iiiUiit. for the .din of SU'ren Hundred and wily hv . 1 1 Ihillara a ltd Inlrrnat thereon I Horn Marrh ft. Isi. at thera'cof ten ber ernl I u'r Mil ii ii in ami one lluiidnii ixiunri attorney s I M. anil 1 1 in n i.i.r .11 n 1 w .111. in .hm.i. and. a berena. by laid Judgment It was oitlrreii hot to WTrites) Wllb. (From Cincinnati (iawttt ) Will peopl asver leara that a "cold" is aa arrtilent to M dreaded, sad tbat ben it occurs treatment should bo prompllf applied? Tbero la ni know lot where tb Imnbl will end: and bile omplet reonver ia the rate, tb eteeptiono at terribly frequent, and thousand anno tbooaaads of fstal tll- oeeor every year nsliered In by a tits ! trijndiciaas eipoeur and aeem lest tritlin symptnni. Iteyool Ihie, tbero aro today enoaileos laeslldo wbo eaa tract their oomplalnts to ")lds." mob al tho tins of oomtrreno t at 04 oee'n. and wee nf Wled. U he troubled lib a sold 00 Chamberlain's rViflgh KetMOdF. It t penp and effeotoal. M eent bottles f .f Sato tjt looser a iirooK. Tker m aa td oemaa wIm liv4 la a ftb'W Phs ka4 nr. dausHWrs sb 4 14a I keew t la ab fcoashl Uveas ail blcrftM. and aww bo M Ueiv svot Met (trio era all tat blnnsaeea, aim aojuogeii mat Mie following deariitml real projierlr, U-wlt: Miu and iTi of en-tlon IO, In 1p. Is, H it K. W, , be sold lo aatlafv aald Jndginent, coals and acrruliif coats. I will, on Saturday, tho 25th day of AoHl, 1890 at lo'rlnrk H M.. of aald day, al the frontdoor of the Court Itouaetn lleppuer. Morrow c'otintr. Oregon, sail th- right, title and Interest of the aalil Oefenilaut In and lo the above dearrl property at HiitiUc Aurtloo to the hlahMl and beal hldder lor rash In hand, the (imwli to b appueii io in. aaiisiai-uon oi saiatiecuuon ana an nwia, aoa onaia trial mar en-rue i. H. HAKK XOTOK. SherlfT of Morrow County, Oref on. A'aiva nan's ia. ina. The CITY BAKER Is now open with frosb Bresd, Ties, Cukes, eto., oonatantly on hand. Weddias Cakes or Pastery for sp oial dinners baked te order. Also oarriea a line of well-selected Orooeries. Candies, Nuts, Cigars, Tobacco, etc, TWO LUNCH TABLES Will b kepi for li accommodation, of tb trade. Conotry Feopu etoppiog Umporarilt io town, ean get hsl tbe? want Try cbesply attb CITY IJAKKltY The Tatronageof tbe Teople of Heppner is Respectfully Soli OTTO FRIEDltlCH, Old BaKery Stand, HEPPNER, O sWpaklleaa Ceaaly Cesvtstlea. A repnbllcao oonoty cooteotioo for ths coaely ol Morrow, slat of Orej-oo, SHERIFFS SALE. JOTtrt t FtFRFBY litVIJt THAT tKMI 1 1 end by virtue el an exnrutloe Iaaue4 eat o( the I Irrull enirt of tbe HUt ol lren" lot the t'nuiity of Morrow, en Merrh la. lav, and to . ,l'"r,t "f0" au4a.nt la sailed lo meet u Ileppoer, io said iwaomv out wtwiwaw aaeaia HIS VI1SJ BU I day ol wan-N. iwa. In favor el i. f Hughe, I COOBty, OO BSlOrdsy, UarcD 2S, 1SU6, al I lainun, ami aeainat Henry Rally, ilmlaL I ,n -ib . . - to. the sum M tweau Hundred Forty ants and 10 0 lat P0'! f " H'ltst (.; Holler. im Inlereet Uera-1 laslloS faodidatt fof tb futlasln fr.. Man-b lb Mb. I. at tbe I rate ol M pit rant, fwt annua. n4 aistylCoaaty OlQaats: UBS COOtily Jildg, lollaraltnrtwy s . artd the further euei al .I . Thirty .Hir aud l ilM J liollara e.u I SOOO' COtomiastoOef , COOOty Sltk, aud. aberaa. hyaald Ju.lgnvnl It iMoMtnl aotistr BbOflff. COObtr rtrBtatitaV MltilMma th.1 ikelnilnaiiif SMrHMl m wv"' tv"B'7 reiveweotUV, prorty. lo wit Snutb ball ol lb nana half ol I SOOOly IreMOrtM', Soont aor, SOOS- PM ,,.M, i.mj m ami wm. aail of erws , li i. j i ... twanly tbrM. all la inwaable tweewutb. rang I "w, .lunoimunimogsi tmrooer i;;JJrr: MJw..lf samWaa. pmlaet St.e.ay,th 28(h slay fArtl, 1806 offl9r" 'or '' treolaet. and aiterlm-sF M . ol aald day. at tbe treat 4oot foar dtlegste tach tO tb Stat aad Almlrlak enn f I ii ii t aam. lb all Ihi.ikI.iiI laen-ttoib atone 4rrlU4 ri....t. ,1 rutillr llin talbe aih.t aa kwt bl.l Ut to ra I band. Ue sBat aa be apiMq u in aaiwartiua ot sa)4 esaruUu aa4 ao iaa euw w.i may a-rue I at, . w. MtaalwDTn. n el More laiy, wrasoo. lam ner I a, ipk. rent ma, aad to transact tasb other boa. e aa nay properly Wots saeb sostMtioeu Ths soateatlos will sos sUrt of Bl delegate, sboeeo by lb tal pretlaot; and lb several preinel f lbs emialy wUl h ulitled, to rpr eataUoa is said sosteottoa as folluas: Heppset 10 EltblM.Is J Att last Inter alt. (leo. A. MH. f f Irbaaua. l'a.. batiy arriil lib rlieamatiaiu At tins II so Hinma ft. tlartma. of Tanttnj, Weet Va , ba teat)ert to attacks or snlMt 'mi fKie a r. and woald bar lo tall a Oortol and tbea n(Tet fot atmot twelve Son 'a a aarh a eM do wbea Ibet d. II take reeaotlf jt lb a at other tim, and eoaelu led Ut try ('batsblain' (.Im, Outer and I hart bo, lUeaety say: I ( b d e of tt d t ( in relief In fly mtauia Tl at U to-re than antlbina eta baa vt tt b fot n.e," r'.'t ei by (Weet A Iu -ek. SilLkirr SALE. VuTKf. ta NtaiBT OIVM TN4Tt MB it IM M tllut.1 aa etaeatlaa ln.J .nl al tbe I teralt oart af tbe state al IXmos m I Oeotrt . aitlr-tt aad lllwl. ulenl I Sit VfBOS) .... raer im ataar4 la aaut I urt aa ! 14 I t 4y al Mab, IM la tavae al Umtt W Sir I rinaVH., aa tse arfaMnwrafe al ba teteia al I OrSll amlit lunM i Uaiiii, HaaiHt.-a, I t'eity i n ernaa ai im rar.a. a4 Tba nbar I IWa l.k IdilMlmalMl t . il4a,iti ll.. I I l OtB a ,.w n. aaw m tma i mum l l.. ana 1 . . I.I.MI ikMa Inal.wil. a .1 ia. r.i. I 0 Btf On delrj-ale-elUffa e r- o v. Mr.M I from eab ttfa.lal ..I 4.1...,. I . I4 .l i,l. UUIMunU milk,! ' -, . m; i, iMharf lki.i, . a4 a. iu . ery erteeS tote. aoJ m f.t ' aat ak.a i-y b a4(at itaaala .. . . ..... ""m i "I C. teles Alpine Pta City Ifatteeoa I'liSftoB mI' Hprieim tn ... Cummlngs & F PROPRIETORS Of tb Old tellable Gault Hon CHICAGO. ILL. Half bines a eat of the t'nlnn tVant of t.. cm imr.r a a . r rt r. and tbe UM,Lr, Railroad! su.oo iic i Cot. W, Madison and Clin la Si errr:A9o. rx. f l'sin Thd -Win. Ootdi opened np tb feod yarj ,x t th(J.iM rftlrw, and sow tol ebf i f tour patron!. Uilly I at bom at Ibis bntlaee, o, borea i be well looked afiot. rsaanaalk Itsrsedfrsea fori For 13 SO I will aell a si .u. trade, btf b ana saving macbto i ll fot ID yeara. for fortbor p I . pm all - . . ... .r ' auurwaa, n, A. lata sail Lilajos.Uroa. H'H-I tilMtet: Ut. Joba K'ne. tt nt It ll'n-u.r on the aiht traia Medy M bfte d'n m t be fit In trade fr.-f Mr lalr., I a I.k be id forty were i f laa I tt. ji tune a . (! ut a'-i trfidt alb4 eft. aret aa.era ., aa mam out inj wp i r-..k" t I- l. Ue.l. aial Oill aKaigtil but drsoa t dm re ( 4 ft ttv lattai tWlket. aide, ' I litad d ffer-et la r a. tie With : .B AM NeaM4 H Aak t'-nt .i.y a. .. t-u,-, t at t frwe ' H-I H ,-l t, a t nm ft I'.wieaaa! i..n Tt 111 tHnaH II '. s.l by tHs A Wattetj Pitt tartvl relief, be , rili ata nt sit tatlh t houylit b-'HIa of than, bat Iain's ft H!a. A I tat aitC II tot Ihrae day my fbenaaatiea a sad bae at.4 relarned iao." fot sal by tVneet a Drurb . m. i.t ,. .1 m.i . ..,.ataf 4,a y io- 1,1. i r , .l ! ! t al arl4a t t'4 J ' r " a.iw I a, ! au ( , . a.t.i.a , W I, tataeway, th J3t. Say of Aetl,18?S al I " rt . r M t 4, al tn.l ,1 ... -H llui,H,,,wl a'a .r .. t... f, i i,. . a4 ! M in ' ' a 1 It the a' i I a t! . ... . Ni(,tnti a I- i -a.. I t t ' 1 1 .., t , I I U W. Jl Rlrf. It. repohlie ran 4i 11 fot evfreeatbaa, St lb etrel.oa IS !, Trtaiatie to eletl lb dl't'e In afc of tb .v-ft prerlnelt II he bel I Mrb Jl Kt rill III be epan al I oVIofk p, at, an 4 m,il h o he ia tbe aal jaonaf f btl lin ptitaar 44tea A. W. I'rTs. lbt. lepUarS C-'ron.iltea, II. I a.i. Tn.',.. yf al- a ft,. Itllnl 111 1- . . . i. t. . Lisa" Sa laf - abilob'a fa t. ..H.e..,a.. ah,.,,. M.f. iby vl..A War,- 1 " W, , W, Hmead, soanty orranl tepnblioaa rlnti. wtBt , 'o f t to any pteottxi br org aa ? dT' Msee wU ms-, him. .Notify htm al !lpp,e, Oti Frbo taf I,.., llrppm ya W,,, ..4 rrldsy. Le,a Tola.s, ToUy .ad rl.l. rt- eaab w,,. ()m w V.atya,lltppat. Kd. ti.a,e.l. 4. W. Key a. b oil ha.i U. L r'-lldo all kind J'a. Mpet banal, an.l will i. i . aad 1.1. sp aad pol d ,. ta '"'7 Mala siteet, opptwtf It Bea bee teeey t,. , is of pf OtMoojelio ll'ka. t.a.l . f II. . rt - "T a . v" e"- i rua p aa 'Tvpnm' t - Uatley ( .'ley J,,, lh, w Mg J'to-t- It, th r,e,f. )o tM , I .rated J It.KOat. b ft a, O-ean Nail,..,. ,bc.p W.a , I lfPtatSBelrBlatoa.