Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, March 20, 1896, Image 4

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While yon ep roar subscription paid np ro
Mi keep roar brand in free of charge.
Allrn. T. J., lone. Or. Horse GO on left
shoulder; oattle same on left hip, under bit on
right hi, end upper bit on the left; range. Mor
row oonnty.
Bftird, D. W. and srra. Horses branded D B
on the left hip; oattle the same on left flank,
crop off right ear, nndercrop in the left. Bange
in Morrow County.
Bartholaraew, A. G., Alpine, Or. Horsee
branded 7 K on either ahonlder. Bange in Mor-
tranniter, J. W., Hardman, Or. Cattle brand
ed B on left hip and thigh: split in each ear.
Brenner, Peter. Gooseberry Oregon Horsee
brandod P B on left shoulder. Cattle same on
right side. . m
Brosman, Jerry. Lena, Or. Horses branded 7
on rinht shonlder; oattle B on the left side.
Left ear half orop and right ear upper slope.
Barton, Win.. Heppner, Or. -Horses, J B on
right thigh; cattle, same on right tup; split in
Brown, J. C, Heppner, Or. Horsee, circle
C with dot in net tor on left hip; oattle, same.
Brown, W.J. , Lena, Oregon. Homes W. bar
wr it. on the left shoulder. Cattle same on left
Boyer, W. G.. Heppner, Or.-Horses, box
brand on right hip cattle, same, with split in
liorg, P. O., Heppner, Or. Horses, P B on left
shonMor; cattlo. same on leu nip.
Brownlee, W. J.. Fox,Or-Cattle. JB oonneoted
.win. nnmon left ear and two splits ana
middle piece cut out on right ear; on horses same
brand on the left thigh; Bange in Fox valley.
Qr,lJT&an WBner. Or.-Horse. brand
ed O on right stifle ; cattle (three bars) on
right ribs, crop and split in eaoh ear. Bange in
;ain,K (Jaleh.Or.-V 1) oq horses on left atififl
-I ' ".j ,t nn left ahnulilnr
and on left stifle on all colU under 5 years; on
ift .hniiiiiar nnlv on all horses over 5 years. All
1. ripunf nrinntv.
it.. Vinson or Lena. Or. Horses
H C on right shoulder; oattle same on right hip.
Umatilla oounties.
"orrigall, M M, Oalloway, Or-Cattle crop out
of each ear and underbit, wattle in forehead;
horses half circle U on lett stine. range mor
A Umatilla onnnT iR.
Curl,T. H.. John IMy. Or.-Double cross on
each hip on oattle, swallow fork and undei bit
inrightear, split in left ear. Bangs in Grant
conniy. On Bheep, inverted A and spoar point
on shoulder. Ear markou ewes crop on left ear
pnnohert upptr mi in " ' lij
Jiot.t and tinder halt crop m left ear. All rang.
I n Mrntlt ftnnntV,
.w.ir A .1. 1rfna.Or.
-Horses, flOon rightshonl
der; Cattle, same on right hip; ear
mark square
-Horses, on
orop oil lert ana iwn ra
Cnrrin. B. i., Currinsville, Or.
a i. - j. : iJ
Coi iVA. 8., Hardman, Or.-Cattle, C with
t in oenter; horses. (IE on left hip.
Cochran, B. K., Monument, Grant Co , Or.
Horsns branded olrole with bar beneath, on left
-i i.i-. ,.kima brand ou both hips, mark
under slope both ears and dewlap.
Ohapin, H.. Hardman. Or.-Horses branded
flonriifht hip. Cattle branded the same. Also
brands CI onhorses, right thigh; cattle saie
hl,ln riuht shoulder, and out off end of
rlU!,T-... w M nll..wv.Or.-Oattle.BI)n
right side, swailow-fork in eaoh ear; horses, B D
onJ,n.ftJ'j. tw,1. nr.-Hon.os branded ELY
i..it .hnller. oattle same on lefthip. hole
'"ElneryI.'H.nardman, Or.-Horses branded
reversed 0 with tail on loft shoulder ; oat.
tiesame on right hip. Bange in Morrow oonnty.
ii I. llnnnner. Or. Cattle. liV on
right hip; horses. F with bar under on right
,ll.l.iB R. P. Heppner, Or.-Horses, F on
right shou der; oattle. F on right hip or thigh.
"1 -7". k'ii. Ifnho. Or.-Horses branded H,
H with a quarter eircle over it, on left stifle.
IV Jl ' .n.l Ilmntillseounties.
Hialt A. It.. Bidge. Or.-tJattle. round-top A
with qnarter eircle under it on the rignt nip,
liange In Morrow and Umatilla oountms.
Hnghes, Hamnel, Wagner, Or- (T F t
rioht ahonlder on horses; on cattle,
on right hip and on left side, swallow fork in
Sfhtearandslitin left. Range in HaysUok
rilniriiit. Morrow oonntr.
Howarnj u, h.ik.wi.. r
with bar above it) n rght shouldor; oattle same
on leftside, ivange m moiruw nm
Halirkdwin. John Day, Or. ('attle E H on
right bip; hors s same on right shoulder. Bange
in Orant oonntr. . . .
lloghs. Mst, Heppner, Or.-Horsee shaded
i 27 ' .v.. n .k, mhiar. lUncs Morrow Co.
ll.muksr. B A. Wagner, Or. Horses, 8 on left
houlder; cattle. on lefthip.
Hnmnhrers, i M. Hardman, Or.-Horsee, H on
lln.ton. Lnther. Right Mile Or.-Horsj H on
the lrtslionldiirand heart on the lett stine ( at.
Ue sains on left hip. Bangs in Morrow onnnt
liarrv. H"lpn'r, Or Horses hrandet
K J on the toft shoulder; cattle lra nl.d J on
right hip. also underbit in left ear, .Mange in
Morrow county.
in..Lin it M . Hnnnnar. Or. Horses, horse.
shoe j on left shoulder. (Mile, the earns.
Unrig Vlatit Mile. ...
i. V..II. !.. Or. Horses. elmleT on
left stiHsi'catlle.sameon right hip, nader half
orop In t n'l !" n ion ear
u MiW. II, hit. Or. Horses branded
KNV on' left hip call Is same and orop otl left
tar: nnder shine on the right
Kirk, J. T., Heppner. Or. Horses (18 en left
-1.....I I . nallU HU..n lnft liln.
K,iilmrlKM(I.W.t..Monnt Vernon. Or. I Lon
.. i.. ..,.i n,l lufi aiilna. swallow fork in Ir
r .,i,l under on. n ill right ear. Horses saint
ltnnita iii ((rant nouut
l.,fimi. Hlouiieii. Fm.Or.-H Lon left hi
m ni.iiin rrnu Mini sidit on right ear, II
h t us lir.inl on left shouldor. lUnge Grant
"i"."J.Tlil..n I.ihii W.. lovln". Or.-Hoi
k ...i.. l i. .'if ..in.U J I. rvimisrli"! on left shoul
d..r. t 'al'l. sams on loft hio. lUnge. near lot.
l-nhny. J. W. Ilnppner Or - Horses branded
I. anil K iin Iflt slio'ildw, rntlle asms on left
1,1,,. ,.tilolr right eje, three alila In right
l.,r 1. II Hue. Hinr. Or. Horses brandeil
rionlilo II roiiDKiid Siiinetiines oalleil
II .. ahuulilnr.
l,i. . t" . H'M'I r. Dr. Cattle brandml
rir. Uoti rmht hip; Ihhps same on right slille.
lU'i re in M..rn.w wmiii.
Minor, liamr, n-pp""' r.-t attla, M I) on
riw ttl lni; honi M on left should".
Morgan, H. N.. Ileppunr. Or.-lloss, M )
on Mt shimliUi mllle same on lft hip,
Milrhell.Oanar.loee, r.-Horss. II at right
k.1... 11 ..n ImIiI alltS.
Neal.And'r. Umis Book.Or.-llores A N ur
ni on left shoulderi nattl same ihi iMghhlt
rlir. IWrw. LeitngUHi. Or.-I O OS) lei
iM.rn. J. W l)i.ni(la. Ir. horses II on !
I,..iil,l.r; rnllla miiK on nxlit lil.
I'mnam. Olsve. Kiahl Mile. ll"iraa, qnaf
la nlnda lilil m ln li.l l"f Sllil 14 on ln
hip. sill", f'k in lft esr. right eroitd.
l... It-.,-. ..ti Ktrfht ltila.
Vkmt Hin. Hanlioan.Or.-IUaTMielPoe
l. -i..d,i.iM.
l;,mt tri a.t. Islington. Or.- llofa brand
V 1 1, K, nmiiarlr.ll en W sl..wld i mill
. ....... .1.1,1 hio. lUng. Morr-iw anljr.
,.. 1 ii l..li,i..n. Or. - Hiiraa. JK em
a i-l loilnfl ahinildari oallU, saaie oa afl kip.
n-tar bit la awh ar.
(lis, A. inm. Of t horaas diamond P oa
-I..-.I.U.: ran la. J It J roir,l. na ths
eft hip, uii( shtt-e in left eeraad slip In the
IU..I, aadrow. IUr.man. Or.-Horaae. a.,nan
r,MVI,),Mwira4.irrlnvaritiMI Uft atllta.
Kiah Hn ll-li. H.iraee bro.l I
m n.a risl.i a.fcfi rail la. IX the Wt hip
rntp Mil lfi l ilwlai on sa'k, lUoga is
Mfra awl .lj..liilngNiilla.
lUanar. .lw. Iml', Or Hoeaat
ktaivtal II neht al..ll.laf, Wll qitariat
rlrria Irfand. mtlia satM ua nglit hip.
Ila aa M tfr,, r"tl',lr.
I4.mIL. . tl.lMHI.!lr-ilR
ill, tiarw fin-Is l'P e aaHla..a n.l hi
n. cr-.u H ewM a.r and aj,l,i la Mt Ihma,
mmm 1 . Uf .tvil Va. IUae
)(,.., I ! UilllMMMBliaa,
J. W . tl-ffiM-J. IV-ILweaa, JO m
Ml alnmUtiW. tatUa, a rtebt hip.
airalsht W. V. ll-l l'n. - l -e sha-lad
I H oa allrU.lila i laft hip, swalMi
f.Kk la nM -'. '" la hfi.
Ku,a, U, lla.HMj, lw.-ll.wtaa, I Area
Uft hii ' eaiae m Ut kip,
Han. IM-rt, lrele. Or - falll 1 a
tl alp and i" rUM ah.ml.la h.Ra. im
I,. i,l .h-iUt H- IR M.wr-w ."air.
P-Xllh ll . WBaaj,.ll. It. Iloraa., MW.U4
t. a ...-.i.L. ..ilia auisas latt ah.Msl.la,
a.,.,, JaaM ArUaa'-ai. tk.l
rl,a.ai. or.i R"i "'a iwwhwi
Jn Ml aa.m-U mila lh a.-a. slati .
Val lla U- . IS w.-r..R .( IlililaiR a.mMlaa
IM-.I.. , II l-l h-v-a Mm
ti.l.l !., aaMI. a.,am lai L Ml the r;il
Mm A. J . II - i -Attlm, i
R (,.l.l hil l il-W " I" U" .
aart it. HiR, -ll.ea, U aa
1... -L i.i , aallU 4i kaA hlB
R.av.1, haM Slit" """"';,
Ifc,.,..,--. t A . H l i, - M-ween, aa
l.'l aajilt. I mR Ufl ahml'la
tlklauH 1,1 .iiMslf .- I,m. I - aaj ml
I a.na N W.II-R Iw.-Urt,,!!
eat-liaj T
Kile aws R haft hip
' ' ... . . . . .- .
R.'lt M III Wrfk
I wwm.m. H. W . ' iw-n-ama nwvas
t ..mm ft t ! 'I il(Ui alvaa. M h'R4.
II. T . a.tlr M II I
a.. H IwWl aJ14i.alllR,ajMaS alat
k 'U.IWte-,Wa IHt- . Il-v-e. r I.
..a II l-l aUm.la. nia) Raw iirM hip
a.- . ..1 hl M Rt t 4
t,l, i e W . Pm Mta. w -
l !.! I)1M Ml sJami-la. hWaR
hi rtM a. .
VI a,aR ! . " I e"iu W a.ih earta
.... ...Ml II U.1 . . a, LI la fl aa
i . h- 4 Ml e U. i
I,,... .if
i. -r. i -," M
.a I I-"
I . a
. I
,, ..In II.
ha-, tarf
I a i--.-- 1
I. h'SH
Wren. A. A.. Heppner. Or. Horses ronnincA A
on shonlder; Cattle, same on right hip.
Xoung, i. a., GoosebefTr.Or. Hone brand!'
oung, i
on the
right ahoolde.
When von are about to bar a Sewing Machine
do not be deceived by alluring advertisements
and be led to think yon can get the best made,
finest finished and
Most Popular
for a mere gong. See to It that
vou Duy irotn reuaoie manu
facturers that have gained a
reputation by honest and sq uare
dealing, you will then get a
hewing Macmne mat is noieu
the world over for Its dura
bility. You want the one that
is easiest to manage and is
Light Running
There Is none in the world that
can equal in mechanical con
struction, durability of working
oarts. fineness of finish, beauty
in appearance, or has as many
improvements as u
New Home
It has Automatic Tension. Double Feed, alike
on both sides of needle (patented), r.o other has
it J New Stand (patented), driving wneei ninscu
on adjustable centers, thus reducing friction to
the minimum.
OnANOHS, MA88. BOflTOH", MAlW. 98 UHlOH FrQTTAltS, It. X
lUCA'tO, itOi. or. lAHi.M, flu, wsiiw. i-a
P. C. THOMPSON CO., Agents,
Heppner, Oregon.
Popular Magazines
J- ..
'to 1
Ana i
Contains each Month I Original Water Color
Frontispiece; 128 Quarto Pages of Reading
Matter: 100 New and High. class Illustra
tions; More Literary Matter and Illustra
tions than any other Magazine In America.
25 cts. $ J a Vear.
Frank Leslie's Pleasant Hours
A Tlrlirht, Wholesome, Juvenile Monthly.
Fiiilv illnnirRled. The host writers for young
loi4o c nti lhnte to It. 10 ots. s II a year.
Sas all suBscurrions to
Frank Lmuit's Po-ulab Monthly andjthe
Uazctte, both lor one year lor ..uu,
Frank Lksi.ik's Plrahant Hours orBoys
and UlRbsaiiii ine uazeiui, doiu tut
one year $1.00.
UntlouiJts(S!yj!ieEest Club Offers
t-8rnt to rrnnk ijiHe't fuMshaa ffoiae, N.T
far Arw ill ontrulf l i-rnmlMm LUt, Ae,
If you think of buying an PtiKine'of
ny sie or kind oil fur our Culaliur
A'o, :iK ootilaimnir lllastratliitii and
jirloiHi if every kind of eDgina from oo
np to Iii borne powur, at txittom prioea
or l.m ii. (or yacht engines, boil
ere and maouinery. Lilber senl free.
Gias. P.wniard & Go..
197 Canal Street,
Qf f 1 I A 1 1 . t li Q
m I i.., IV .!. aj
aisrralf a pi IVart la rfaalRsaf.
a Rsmslsls at riillliis of Ave et
III. Im..!.- Maaa Hall I'lstar. f.a.l M
ill I later, n-ll I'lstrr. Trnins I'latR
sod III. )' If Hl,r. a III t ..i,i I,, air
s-t lms iio rx-vtt of 10 mils, lo pay
J I hra fsnras are atoiitlr prfrl,
W hRsiilllillit rilorR sod lmiint,t, ami
arrsiisa.1 t.i aiaii.l iiprtsiiL, aiol srvan rs
1-Rllanl a,M,tattlrl our Al f ars sa PRafa
ol Hi aii.lnif sofi'ly R.oi.l Ruiialiia
or rliih, rnt'ltng r.wim. otnre r horns.
M,U.arLUinu ft BHDS., m
fitm I f I smi rs.ilo.iWi.ARS m
Q It p KM t ff A f A p t .UIUJ
T Im aapeatlalae ef t keee ttree4t
Is haewa ta iri peresns.
ltp MIrsIisi Ihel reaiaaea(y sa
MH elereya avetl la he elr.
tkeee aeies stpteae the peaeltlal ai.
Atieai parsd ttnh say fviajaiy haav
lllNirNt Ctl
iipaa tsWae i PHte, pa e a V
C'f Sa as hp eaaO.
tMrririri 4 tf erflii T"r -R
ftaf Ah4 1 l mCAi ( 1 1 pp. an A. f .
E. McNEILL, Receiver.
Of Two Transcontinental
St. Paul Kansas City
Ocean Steamers Leave Portlands
Every 5 Days For
For full details oall on 0. R. & N.
Agent at Heppner, cr address
Qen. Pass. Agt.
Portland, (Jbkqon.
qtjioh: Tiivria t
Sun. frarioisoo
And all point in California, via the lit, Hhaata
route ol the
Southern Pacific Co.
The great
t hiahwar throna-h California to all
points East and South. Urand Boenio Konte
Of the Y aoino Uoast. Pullman Buffet
Weepers. Beoond-olass Hleepers
Attached to express train, all online: sutierior
aocommoaations lor second-class Dsssensers.
For rates, tickets, sleeping oar reservations,
etr , call upon or address
R. KOKHLKK, Manager. K. P. ROGERS. Asst.
(sen. r. ei r. agt. roruana, uregon
strongest, I
Most Modern and progressive
For catalogue or Information write to
Rj-Ltrs as a is i i vl r?irsn a rs ajt a. er
ftliL. iiiniL.i.i i iivl, vy.
New Haven. Conn.
fc: ff I fl w"r,h ,HVv MuMc tor ftrty
tnis. consiatinir ,
conslstlni; .if loo rirr -7
full tire Shci-t Music of Xitt
r 9
CAHMNCITA. f Kncnl.H Danr.,. S3
53 PADMltotihl, thr (Irtat flanitL 2
AUUim PH11I a4
SRoaiRa iu eaotas va
JR ttroaJwav Thtr HlJg., New York Qty. Z-
f rm I Laag
The American Protective Tariff League
ii national organization advocating
"Protection to American Labor and
Induitty M at eiplained by its constitu
tion, as follows :
"Tke shjaot e W laaajs skall k W Mrl
lilwiRM lavRV f a Wit rr rr irs, Rhxk Skss)
aausaiy nun iwii tRaiasanai aRS)u
afns IAS RMRpRRRRR f Hffl .
There are no personal or private
profits in connection with the organiza
tion and it is sustained by memberships.
contributions and the distribution of its
rlNST: CWMlrlll M aatlslW aRfaaa
MsarK,- n4 " Omal Cirrn t.
tCCONOl Wi ml iIiIwi atr.srW-i,
RKavKa. iad a skfa, w awr ssasa.
YhiNO: Wi mrIirI a r T vr4
faaanaf S"ai sf ta I ' aaSM, C.R,
part Sat an M RRVla r ana aaaat Kt 60 eSRtt
RRiRRS am f S ' Am
t4m W . t, Whrm
lit Vim I Mew Vara.
iaaainiiMisi fai
Aai iiiiiiiRga at rr as as
W RMn tlx W4 fRaaaat W esse atiasita.
M RR) alaar al thm aai a R aaaaara i
SRsaal r1 Saa aK, aIma Al mm aa
"Rt Rfttti
I ry s sWi al mrr s irrrrI
rr is isot so h ko as rr scots.
" -Aassi Hot as)
Ik ti-ttf , (Vt ti-t . iW v rfc i
Wlk VlMSl . tK'O-N fcia.a-aj.ua pf U
m 11 W 4 fW " mrI ll-arAB. - SJi mtm isM g
-f sf wmm. aa-.) J--a ff mi
- W mi i t-! k-aw aVa m4 Wi
Ah. mmm m,m mt
JiHN t tIf kl.l US A CO.,
$UiHt at osn sal .-( I'rWrO,
tlSI'Mrrrf. n. w..
rHMt.i's. hin(t. D. C.
l7T4aTV3T1fe Working,
lutnt. hrthlr-t. Ilvrllrst and musi popul
S RriKiiona, r.in viksi anj lnlrumni(.-l,
gntirn up In Itie most rlritant maoner. la- 5
iluJInr fimr Isrs sir loitrslts.
a aa HR.R1 tat.Ha' rM I Ill Ra.Su
S'lllll atSaa) RHK SVaaaa tVal awa)
at MRS Raa SV S Raf mt saFRaai , Rr4 thaat Mil 1 1
RiiaaajiiWi aas SKS RS SRRl RRI la.al RaJ-SRa as RBS
The butterfly collection belonging to
Prof. Nenmoegen. of Brooklyn, N.
ia valued at $60,000.
If the Atlantic ocean could have a
layer of water 6,000 feet deep removed
from its surface it would only reduce
the width of that great body of water
It has been legally decided that a
man is entitled to vote on the day pre
ceding the 2l8t anniversary of his
birth. In other words, if he was born
on .November 6, 1H74, ne can vote
on November 5, 1895.
A chapel in honor of St. Paul gave
a new name to tne Minnesota city.
It was originally called Pig's Eye,
from a nickname given to a one-eyed
Frenchman who kept a drinking shan
ty at the place.
'Mr. Fred Snow, of Vinalhaven, Me.,
while making repairs to his house, dis
covered in the wall three bags contain
ing silver coins to the value of $1,000.
The latest date on the coins was 1850,
indicating that the money must have
been put there over 40 years ago.
The executors of the estate of the
late Samuel J. Tilden have determined
io sell (Ke plants at Greystone at pub
lic auction. One of the plants, a sago
palm, is over 200 years old anu is said
to have been at one time owned by
(Jeorge Washington.
i Hailstones as large as hen's eggs
have given place as a remarkable nat
ural product in Washington state to
api.'es as big as footballs. Bed apples
15 inches in circumference have been
produced in several districts, and pip
pins a.jd greenings measuring from a
foot to 14 inches around are almost
Mark Twain is making a big sue
on his lecturing tour of the world
Australia his reception has been
ually enthusiastic.
F. Marion Crawford, wh
turned to America from N
was "pure luck" that broui?
plot or his first popular no
Isaacs;" and that he will not
fate again by writing an Indian stoj
Mr. Alphonse Daudet has been sorely
Iroubled by his uncomplimentary re
mark about English women. He de
clared the other day that he had de
cided to bay nothing about women in
the future, because this "sex, usually
called feeble, has too many defenders
when attacked."
Tolstoi's "Master and Man" has just
been translated into Turkish by Mme.
I.ebedeva, who had previously trans
lated into that language the greater
part of the works of Pushkin and Ler
montoff. She is now engaged in turn
ing Seid Emir All's "Life and Teach
ings of Mohammed" into Russian, in
order to encourage the Russian Tartars
to read Russian.
Chenilles are etill used In embroidery.
but they are not so popular as when
they were first introduced, as they have
not proved durable.
Beautiful little doyleys, In white pon
gee silk, are hemstitched and embroid
ered in Kensington stitch, to use for the
finger bowl to rest upon.
Fine chamois skins are now utilised
for a great variety of purposes for small
table spreads, tidies, sachets, fancy
bags, borders for scarfs, etc.
Uordura worked in cross-stitch in gay,
rich colors decorate table covers made
of the beat quality of burlaps very ef
fectively; a row of tassels in the nunc
colors finish the edge.
A novel pen wiper recently ad
mired was composed of a spray of ma
ple leaves In various shades of olive, old
gold and red felt, each leaf showing
veining and ribs embroidered iu colored
silk; under the upper decorated leaves
were the pieces of plain felt for wiping
tne pen.
The lnt turnpike road In Connect!
cut, the ohl Derby road, is soon to be
made free.
Green lake, Colorado, is 10,250 feet
above . level, and Is said to be the
most elevated body of water In the
Just what has led up to It la not stated
but the town of Williams, A.T., ha Just
passed sn ordiaance prohibiting women
from appearing In the street In bloom
Fishermen In the vicinity of New
London, Conn., report that recently ser
era! of thrtn have seen a hue1? whole
about Pi feet long In the waters there,
A seaweed of the South Pacific of tru
grows to lie 30 or 40 Inches In I'inm
ter and l.'oo to S.ouo feet long. It has
no root. In the proter sense, the nour
ishment being abaortxt! from the w ater
Klthrr living is remarkably cheap In
RlmpeoQ county, Miaa., or the paupers
there get very poor tionrd. It costs
the county leas than a dollar a head a
week to hoiiaa and feed Iu dependent
liar Harbor is consoling Itself for
dull whiter wlia the reflection that
the iRXiple who summered thrra lost
araaon reprearnlei! wealth to an
amount greater bx I in.ouo.onQ than
tlioae vs. ho summered al Newjiort.
Wooden water pipes with a six-lnrh
bora are used In the streets of several
lnM in Washington and Oregon.
They last A long sa iron pipes, and are
much cheaper. A plpe-lln seven miles
long, of pine loga, recently laid, coat
only 12,000,
( ol Waring, of New Yotk, In his cam
ign for clean at rev t a. Is making
great effort to Impreaa ttjson all cttl
hhi that It Is their duty to abaUl
frvm littering the afreet. This Is
reform that la worth Imitating ia Amer
ican cilies generally.
atarklafl rtsalrs te ! Ma lite
In mis I rr4 S mt I ha Mr l.
Th hosiRts sra mainly HrtR and low
thresvetory builtimg blng rare and
eii-tf y siniriurva quite common
Yon tvtlco that cvertthifig la toad to
rrv romfort and erailnraa. I natrad of
lias inrf i mi of glaaa, lit vi hnl. i s ar
ilo and f uarJrd by I s: 1.1 Inm raiMnr,
at4 thm heay tut n sI.riis arc left
ajar. Yii era into many bor as )oi
m dlotig, and ty .! sn4 rlran
tlsey l.a.a 1 bera ara Mart'! flira.
rii a, Rr, itit.ra Si.d k'tlt frs, thla
l rurtaiiR, and fti-ia of mtirt In
lite rt Wr ff ea b l-u I'hnf , i-flr stlth
gts-ra plant sr gaudy BossefS fnslrg
la tUriw Ictssern U parl. and the
ail. Ixn. u ill fnd linn h 1 1 tsrii
Ua your b'.lil vu tiif 'k la
at the tl a r or II. .i.i.n a-u.ru m
m .poison
b the remit of the usual treatment of blood
disorders. The system is filled with Mercury and
Potash remedies mora to be dreaded than the
disease and in a short while ia in a far worse
condition than before. The common result ia
for which 8.8 .3. is the most mltahle enm. A Im
bottles will afford relief where all else has failed.
I suffered from a severe attack of Mercurial
Rheumatism, my arms and legs being swollen
to twice their natural size, causing the most
excruciating pains. I meat hundreds of dollors
without relief, but after taking a few bottles of
I improved rapidly and am
now awellman.comDlete.
ly cored. I can heartily
recommend it to any one
Buffering from this painful
disease. W. F. DAUCx.
Brooklyn Elevated B.B.
Our Treatise oa Blood and Skin Diseases matted free to say
sparest. bwij?i arLuritLU.,Aian,iii.
IlwauftEe & St. Paul D'y
lor the po"
ticket ageu
you further if
C. J. B
J. W. CA8KY7
TRADsl saaasre.
For Inrnrmsttnn and five Hsndbook write to
MUNN CO.. net Broauwav, New Yorc.
Oldnst trairsu for swurtng patent In America.
Every pstrnt taken out by us it tirouRht bernr
tlie public by a notto gtvea true utdiarg la Use
cf ricutif tuwicittt
inrit clrnilsttnn of nv rentlfle paper In th
world. MlundUllr Illustrated. Mo InlHIlK-nl
man houl, ta wlltiuut It. Weekly, 3.0Oa
years ll.Sl tlx montht. Address. MUNN A CO.t
Vuuutuuia, Slit liruadway, Kuw York City.
ELY'S FIHE0LA BALSAM Is a sure Remedy
lor coughs, colds, sort uuoat and for asthma. It
sooines, oulotly
aliate th connh,
and renders expect.
visuva vasy.
will Invariably derlv
benrflt from Its as.
Msny vrho snppaa
their rase to bcon
snmpttoa ar only
snflertni from s
chronic cold or deep
seated eouh, oftea
SCLTsrsIrd bv ca
tarrh. For catarrh a Kir's ( ream Halm. Both
reiui-illet are nlesatnt to Use. Cream Halm, sorta,
por Iwitilej rineola lalm. Me. Hold by ImEr1sU.
1 iiiiuiuuuin o arrvB dw, iv sola.
hi tun lioiisiH Kcriu capable of being
nil thrown open, while in the center of
the building you see i tie blue sky over
hrud. Kijuully cool do ail the inhab
itants apiar to be, and the wise man
who consults his own comfort will do
well to follow the general example.
Lven the soldiers wear straw hats,
The gentlemen are clad In underwear
of silk or lisle thread and suitsof linen,
drill or silk, and the ladies are equally
coolly aptuirried. Havana Is dressy
place, and you vtill be astonished at
the neatness and style to hich the tuv
suelik. goods worn there am made to
conform. Hut come end see the apart
mcnt you are to rest in every night Ten
to one the celling Is higher than you
ever saw In a private house, and the
huge windows open upon balcony
overlooking a verdant piaja. The floor
Is of marble or tiling, and the bed la an
ornate Iron or brass affair with a tight
ly stretched sheet of tanvas or fine vt ire
netting In place of themattrsyou are
used to. ou could not deep nn a Rial
trees with any proper degree of comfort
in ttiei tropica. There la a canopy with
curtains overhead, and everything
about the room Is pretty certain lobe
scrupulously clean. Conspicuous there
and ever) where else (hat yroj go Is a
rm klng-chslr. Ilorklng-cbair are to be
found In tows In the houes and In
regtmcnU la the clubs. Cornhill Mag
a me.
Ia a lecture delivered some 30 years
ago a Weill known doctor stated that
tho only ca on record of a death
front a broken heart was thai of
brewar'e drayman.
Prof. Mscey. famous for hi feat tn
install la i ruua work, has just succ-tvled
In phobigraphing a dragon fly oa the
wing-aa orrtion which. It Is da-
clarssl. be ci-aaiUted an rpsiira of only
1 80.01 of a oesxwd.
M. rolivare, w Ho has been Investigat
ing t! actkan of the irvontt on the
hHrtooruhvy of the earth, ha diacov
i r-l that it ho an In flucnc not only
on th prsatactlon of ryrlosira, but also
on their direction.
We prak if araMintrig by e
l-salng it to the air and drying out the
vater. Hut nrtrr Ihlnk of aramtnlng
tone, and yet thi la aa pnt-vtmrf al
Hm-sI B riMR.titnf -(. f'sevy gtaal
sn hitrsl. In tiialilnt hi r. iiUUiim,
lkea ll i Into cant iIrta inn.
I In a res-eiit -s-r tt arf") V. M
j K !- i.f . .If , ilrfH it .1 rlf.-r in U
iim-iI.irI I.. I. I i,.-. ,r him. and
I yura r! ( ( literal
( In , r I ,i. n at ,1 r s,l 4
,i ,4vr ii
' Si ,'iinl f..i, a ,,,!.. ;i t t' j-
Mi-US y
jk Sclentlflo AmeNa.
A ","t' !irvk
i n tr rail sw f
Ut m '-fJ W aW
I if ' -1 sa. .Sa T llVl fj-sfA.
Ib one of the very best wheels ever made
front rank with all high grade machines, and
Ride a RAMBLER BICYCLE If you want
punctured, it can be mended by you in five
renowned 0. & J. clincher tires with wood
Sold in all sizes for ladles or gentlemen at
Tandems for two men or man and woman,
! THE RAM BLER I" the fastest,
i For style, finish and durability
Four lLYodelsS85 and 8100.
Factory and Main Office; Lake
BRANCHCS :-Nw York, San Praacisoo, 5alt
A. W. PATTERSON, A gent for
It to Advertisers at a great finnncial sacri
fice. You need it in your business, and as a
matter of business vc must sell it.
The Patterson Publishing Co.
ouro HOUN
Leaves No Constipntionr-
Car. It, oa ail aa 't II llasraeaa, erk H ,) a4 ai,;.
o .! tan fill In Ha f.fl.. h..l. tya'l rrrRta e ea, !
rrs-ttt 4 tws n eaeis p h..s. i Kl ,M IMS MrilCAL
til CaJ.iWala m.a.1 baa rraa-nasaa, ( .
is an indisputable fact. It
if you buy one you will m
to be happy, for
minutes, as It is equip,
rims or copper-plated
f 100 each.
) each.
oi ii-v
Cycle Co.
and Halstcd Sts.. CHICAQOj
Uk City, Denver, Mao-pbls. Detroit, Tt
Morrow County, Heppner,
OF . . .
mm : pis i
D to Tnkti JSm.
If asaR a
itosi 'nai 4 tw, fur fa- t -,t