4 V 4 V 1 r is LOSS OF VOICE After Acute Bronchitis CUBED BY USIHG Cherry Pectoral AYER'S A PREACHER'S EXPERIENCE. "Three months ago, I took a vio lent cold which resulted in an attack of acute bronchitis. I put myself under medical treatment, and at the end of two months was no better. I found it very difficult to preach, and concluded to try Ayer's Cherry Here arid There. . Warm. Pre me closer, aU my own; Warm my heart lor the alone, Every nerve responsive thrills; Each caress my being fills. Rest and peace In vain I crave; ' In ecstacy I live, thy slave. Dower'd with hope, with promise blest, 1 boa dost reign upon my breast. Closer still, for I am thine; Burns my heart, fur thou art mine; Thou the message, I the wire 1 the furnace, thou the fire I the servant, thou the master Roaring, red-hot mustard plaster. Bob Burdett. Politics, plenty of 'em. Republican primaries tomorrow. Earl, the little aon of F. J. Hallock, is quite sick. Mrs. Sarah seriously ill. Joe Banister was man Wednesday. Aaron Teropletorj, of Haystack, was In Heppner Thursday. Donahue DOCTOR. ENGLISH for Coughs, Colds, and Consumption Is beyond question the greatest of all modern medicines. It will stop a Cough in one night, check a cold in a day, prevent Croup, relieve Asthma, and cur Consumption if taken in time. " You can't afford to be with out it" A 25c bottle may save your life I Ask your druggist for it Send for pamphlet If the little ones have Croup or Whooping Cough use it promptly. is sun to cur. Three Sizes ajc, 50c. and Ji. All Druggist. ACKER MEDICINE CO., X6 b 18 Chambers St, N. Y. . Fossil will goon be a dry town, as Tom Dawson has decided to quit the saloon business here and no one else has posted a lioense Mr. :s Maroh 19 b, eoae without a regular a seoood to K0 od per- Jumps MoOnmber, of Butter creek, was Vl in our city Thursday. ' Thin is good base ball weather. Why i il in ii 'i JTeppner baveaolub? 1 i luflDoed one of mons vnton Ave hei quires 12 13 14, TTq Oft ol w I f I W 1 aW n$ZA$. li 27T28 7f- Take Notice. V .Day V3 f Clubs Ba Obqamizbd. The Eight Mile Republican Club was re-organiaed last Tuesday aTening with tbe folio wing offioers: Ed. Rood, pres.; J. W. Becket, vioe pres.; Thos. Morgan, seo'y, and Will Beymer, tress. Following this tbe meeting was addressed br J. N. Brown, A. W. Patterson, E. A. Brnndage, A. G. Bartholomew, C. N. Peck, 8. 8. Horner and W. L. Saliog. After remaining over night with the good people of that section, the baok load of republicans proceeded to Goosberry and re-organized the club at that plaoe with the fol lowing officers: N. R. MoVay, pres.; S. R. Esteb, viae pres.; E. Myers, seo'y snd tress. Tbis meeting was also ad dressed by tbe visitors. P. Brenner, of Eight Mile also spoke briefly. A trio oompoeed of S. S. Horner, W. L. Haliug sod A. W. Patterson also favfied the meeting with several songs .f' Both clubs meet again tomorrow after tbe primaries to be held at each place. All last winter Mr. Geo. A.V.MilIs, of Lebanon, Conn,, was badly afflicted with rbenmatism. At times it was, so severe that be oould not stand) up straight, bnt was drawn over r.u'o'ie side. "I tried diff8rTtt"reniedies with out receiving relief," he says, "until about six months ago I bought a bottie of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. After using it for three days my rheumatism was gone and has not returned sine? " For sale by Oonser & Brock. Found A watob oharm was fonnj by Oonduotor Duun on tbe platform of tbe Heppner coach. . . Owner oan iot tbe same by calling on bim. A "oolored gentleman" was the objeot of mnoh curiosity on HepDr.er streets Wednesday. 'Tis not often we see such people in these parts. Consumption Can be Cared the use of Bhiloh's Cure. This Cough Cure is the only known for that terrible disease. For ells & Warren e franklin, woo has been th Mrs. Tons Bradley of this some time, left for her hums at on Wednesday morning's L t "u of five cents per Una will be )harf or "cards or thanks," "resolutions of lists oi wending prtwents and donors, iiary notices, (other than thorn the edit himself give as a matter of news,) and of special meetings for whatever purpose, Cotlcee of church and society and all other talnmeuts from which revenue is to be de 1, shall be charged for at the rat of Ova a line, i hese rules will b strictly adber In every instance. lvertlslng rates reasonable and made known application. TIME TABLE. for Bardman, Monument, Long Creek, and Canyon City, leave as follows i day at f a. m., except HuivtaT. s every day at f in., etevnt Monday. repeat, qulckeat aud best Una to or interior country. WALT. THOMPSON. Proo. r & Brock, Agents. mbrinus Beer, HALF PINT BOTTLES City Hotel Bar! Drinkable Liquors Cigars. Call and Smokabl) en Tad. of Portland, repre- steio & Mayer, was in dnesday. e grooery stook of W. J. Leezer was tbis week sold td satisfy creditors. Ed. R. Bisbop purchased it. Mrs. Isaac Large is improving nnder careful nursing and it is expected that she will sooo be able to sit op. Best aooommndatlon and courteous treatment at tbe Imperial Hotel, Seventh aod Wash. Sts Portland, Oregon. Rev. E. P. Greene visited friends at Arlington tbis week. He will presob usual at tbe M. cburob on Sunday. Mrs. Ha'sb Hayes returned on Toes day morning from a tbrss months' tisit with ber daughter, Mrs. Curtis, at Sho shone, Idaho. Minor ft Uo., tbe reducers ot prices, have now on hand tbe celebrated wak lie's Squirrel Poison. Call and set what they sell it for. tf. We r re pained to learn tbat Emery, lbs little son ot Mr. and Mrs. Albert Sloonm, baa taken a relapse aod Is again very dangerously ill. u. B. Hattj tbe toneorlal artist, oan be found at bis parlors, Matlock corner, where he will dispense at popular prioes, sbaves. absxnpoos, balrouta. etc. Any inventor io Eastern Oregon wbo desires the vervicea of an attorney to Wsshington, D. 0 , will find it to his advantage to call on or address tbis pa par, 6tf Thhlt AsTOHMmwo; Miss AooetU N. Moeo, Fountain, Minn., ssys: "Ayer's Cherry Pectoral basv bsd a wonderful effect in curing my brother's children of a severe and daogereos cold. It was truly astonishing bow speedily they found relier after taking Ibis prepa ratio o." oner ifaHrr Have added a NEW SPRING STOCK of Trimmed Hats for Ladies and Misses to the Fell stock on May Street and ask the Public to call and see them before purchasing. Did It Ever Oceur to Your That n Firm Could bo Doycottcd nnd Still do Business ? ', C. THOMPSON (lips' Sutlnf notion Gtmrus&toocl m con-flume. rsoe farther iss tbe flume so tbe hill above Tbis change will give vantage of water power entire year, as tbe gain in will ensble them to ran tbe iih less water tnan it now re- Arlington Reoord: We predict the re- nomination of Distriot Attorney Jsyne and election by a great big majority. His oonduot of the office during bis oooupanoy has been so satisfactory tbat be has wou tbe support of many leading democrats of tbo distriot ss well as tbe republicans. As no oandidate will de clare himself for Mr. Jsyne's plaoe it is hardly probable tbat one will be in the field. . O. B. Tedrowe, prorrietor of the City hotel oar, has greatly enlarged his plaoe el business and made many needed im provements to tbe same, thereby adding lis attractiveness and ooovenienoe. Ted ir determined to make his resort popular, and has added ao attraction Io toe way ot a ires lunch wbion be serves to his customers. Tbe sooner you begin to fight the fire. the more easily it msy be extinguished Tbs sooner you begin taking Ayer's Sarsapsrilla for your blood-disease, tbs essier will be tbe oore. Io both oases delay is daogerons, If not fatal. Bs snrs yon get Ayer s aod no other. Bo, ye voting men of Morrow, whistle np lively tune For the "Csnillilste," I'm (res to state, will stay with us till June: Then let him oil hli auger blade, with "Sperry's i.inwixxi itye;" Tlsswret to think, of that good old drink, tor voung men ara urj. Sold only at tbe Belvedere saloon Geo. Brown, wbo was reoently very badly hurt by falling Into a well out at Milt Powell's, is oow almost well. He bad to undergo a surgical operation which was performed by Dr. McHworda of tbis eity in very successful manner Mrs. W. J. Letter calls tba atteotioo ot tbe publie to tbe fact that she Is still io tba bakery business, aod ber old ens tomers will ba fornlsbed an eitra qoalrty of bread at tbs grocery of ber bosband. lour patronage is solicited. tf A suit for replevin. Ben Matbews vs. Foster Adams, oooopied to days before Justice rreeland this week. li. T. lisgley represented Mr. Matbews aod U. w, Ksa, Mr. Adana Ice case was takes oodsr advisement. Tbs three Boat promioeot candidates for Iba position of eornner on the re- pnblkeao llrkei are 8. 8. Horner, W. L baling aod Ueo Lelaod. It la to ba boned tbat tba straggle for this boeor will gtot esose bloodshed. A. L Waller, traveling man, aod quite well kaowo by the business por tion of nor eity as a genial good fell as In lieppoer tbia week representing tbe eigar manufacturers, Waller Co., of New York city. Walt. Thompson runs stage between lieppoer aad Monument, arriving every dsy eioept Monday aad leaving every day eioet,! Hqaday, Shortest aod obeap- eat mule io tbs IsUnor. Goaeer A Brook, agveiia. Oood showers of rata vleiUd Ibis Drk o' toe woods tola eg sod not ber sarta Is beglenlng V reepood to tbo spnsg lika weatber by palling ea a beeaulol cnat nf gto. "Wearing o' Iba greeo," ao to speak. Tba Marrow County lUpubl leas Clab will mwt oa tomorrow Heiar1ef ) evo leg. In tbe opera bone laelead of at lbs roart boa as bereiiifora. Aa lolerest- log prog'aoj will be d Mooted of. Tba beira of aa aste la " Aegle nobtr. Cel., raised at lin.un, wal to law aboai it eoe tltn agi, aod Iba eteroior lof annnaneM lb be bae jnet f .fty StitS f lbs esiaU I ft Vn, Hoakles, sgeol (of Brown's palnl e-pifrl gin. s la it e n'r. Tbs IS S0 at..a'atnS lof a!!! I and tsqfM iiMi la V m baadliog Itteaa ej.jirf ( egerrnlnal'KS. ()illisa A I'.is'ire, IHe feafUaf deal, ata, r making a m 'f ti.lfa In levaal iiprnvMtts tn tei alea bott ling writes ells sstev N Its al'rae lltimei aod enavealmca. A Baby's Life Saved. My baby hsdoronpand was saved by Shilob's Cure," writes Mrs. J. B. Martin, of Hun'sville, Ala. For sale by Wells & Warren. E. A. MoFhersoo, representing Arthur Kobn, tbe Portland olothinr, waa in Heppner this week. He is a very pleas ant gentleman. Catarrh Cared, Health and sweet breath Bhiloh's Catarrh Bamsdy. Nasal iojeotor free. S 3oirs In combination, proportion and process IIood'8 Samparilla is peculiar to itself, and unequalled in true merit. No other medicine ever possessed so much curative power, or reached such enormous sales, or made such won derful cures, as Hood's Sarsaparilla. It is undoubtedly the best medicine ever made to purify, vitalize and en rich the blood. That is the secret of fts success. Bead this statement: " When my son was 7 years of age, he had rheumatic fever and acute rheuma tism, which settled in his left hip. Ho was so sick tbat no one thought there waa any help for bim. Five sores broke out oh his thigh, which the doctor said were sores. We had three different doctors. Pieces of bone came out of the sores. The last doctor said the leg would have to be cnt open and the bone scraped, before he could get well. Howard became so low that he would eat nothing, and one doc tor said there was no chance tor him. " One day, a newspaper recommending Hood's Sarsaparilla was left at our door. We decided to try this medicine. Howard commenced taking it the last of February, after having been sick for a year and a (Bured halt. He hadn't taken it a week before I saw that his appetite began to improve, and then he gained rapidly. I gave him five bottles, when the sores were all healed and they never broke out again. The crutches he bad used for four years were laid aside, rs he had no further use tor tnem. l give ail tne credit io Hood's Bar- saparilla." Mrs. Ada. L. Moody, Fay Street, Lynn, Mass. This and many similar cures prove that Sarsaparilla Is tne One True Blood Purifier. All druggists. tL Prepared only by C. I. Hood St Co., Lowell, Mass. seoured. by Prioe 50c. Democratic County Uoo vent Ion. A democratic oouoty convention for tbeoountyot Morrow, state of Oregon, Is called to meet in Heppnor, in said county, on Saturday, April 4. 1896, at 10 o'clock a. m , for lbs purpose ot com testing candidates fur IHs following county offioers: Ons oounty judge, oounty oommiesio'ier, oounty olerk, oounty sheriff, county representative, oounty treasurer, oouoty assessor, oon ty sobool superintendent, county coroner and county surveyor, aod also preoinot officers for tbe , several precincts, and four delegates eHcb to" tbs state and second distriot congressional conven tion, and to transaot auob other bnsl ness aa may properly come before such convention. Tbe convention will oon- sist of 83 delegates, chosen by tbe aey oral precinots; snd tbe several preoinols of tbe county will be entitled to re pre sentstioo in said oooveotlon as follows Heppner 4 Eight Mile 1 Gentry 4 Alpine 5 Mt. Vernon 3 Pine City ' Iooe .2 Matteeno ! Cecil 2 Islington Dairy 2 Wells Hpriogs....! Dry Fork 2 Lens ! Tbe same being one delegate at-largs from each precinct, and one delegate for every fifteen votes, and one for every traction over one half of fifteen votes os.t for J. IL ltaley, the demr cretie can didala for roogreeamsn, at tbe aleo'ion io June, IW. Primaries to eleot ths delegates to each ft the several preoinols wa. ill lie held Maroh '28, 1'J6. Polls wilt be open st 2 o'clock p. m., aod will be oooduoted in tne usual manner of holding primary eleotiobs. J. W. Moshow, Chair, Democratic Conoty Committee. HAVE YOU HEARD THA.T THERE'S Arcund n i i age in ness A w ED. R. BISHOP Has bought out the General Merchandise Business of the McFarJand Mercantile Co., and the stock is being disposed of at Wholesale Slauchter F REGARDLESS OF COST. Ail woolen goods, boots, shoes, overshoes, ete., are being sold below wholesale cost Great discounts on hardware, tinware, glassware, hats, caps, blankets and in fact everything kept in a general mercantile es tablishment. Call and see the stock before it is too late. mi ED. R. BISHOP, Prop. The National Bank Building, Heppner. Ore. FRANK M'FARLAND, Manager and Salesman. lat h h tat ? 14 j rMi cnre J'lvfir Ills; easy to llOQd S HlIIS take.enovtnotwMn. ilc. Rev. Frank Adkins departed for his home at Daytou on Tuesday night's train arter baving spent a week with friends and relatives in tbis oity. Robt. Bayers, an old timer of tbe Douglas neighborhood, was in tbe me tropolis Saturday. He reports it dry down tbat way aod says feed is very scarce. Pills Do Not Core. Pills do not oure constipation. They only aggravagate. Karl's Clover Boot Tea gives perfeot regularity of tbe bowels. For sale by Wells aod Warren. Administrator Notice. Some people want the earth ; you can get a goodly portion of it at GEO. A. BROWN'S HAEDMAN STORE), With very little money. He keeps a full line of general merchandise, including dry goods, groceries, boots, shoes. GEO. A. BROWN, H ARDMAN, OR. Gilliam & Bisbee ajOTICB IH HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE 1.1 undersigned has been appointed adminis trator of the eatata of Harah 11 Fell, deceased, by the County Court of Morrow County, State of Orctton. All peraoni having; claims asralnat nld eautle are hereby required to preient them io me ai neiipner, nr., amy veriuea, witnin ux month! from date hereof. Dated thli 6th day of March, 1HM. C K. FEU, 471 -W. Administrator. Notice of Final Settlement. NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN, THAT THE underlined administrator of the estate of O. W. H. Brians, dweasml, will make Final tfc-ttleinmtt nl his accounts with said estate as such administrator, at the next term of the County Court of Morrow County, at Heppner, On-Kon, 'o be holden at Hiippner, Oregon, In aalil County, on the 4th day ot Mar, 1HM. ANDKtfW ROOD, 42HSI. Administrator. There Is more Catarrh iu tbis section of tha oimotry than alt other dtaeaaee put together, and tintil the leal few year waa enppoa-d It ba incurable. For a great many years doctors pro nonrtO'd it a local dieeaee, and pre scribed bxal reinlie, aad by con stantly failing to care it with local treat ment, pruoouneed Itienrri'la. Heienoe has proven olrrb in b a eonatitnitonal i)aiae, and Iberefurs rq litre i-oostr tuional lr-em-n'. HaM'a Catarrh ('ire, maniifaelured y K. J. Cheery A C '. T 'll", Ol'l'), l the (dilr rniiaMu II Ual eora ou lha mathrl It ia taken itiUrnally In d form 10 drops Ut a taaMMMilu'. It acta diteotly no tba b!J and MiOefne sirfaesw of lb sys tem. They offrr hnadred dollar fr any eaae It fails In cure. Head fur circulars aod tealimonlaU, Ad.lrraa, r. J. CMMtf A C . T4di. u. 8 ld by drnttgots, 7'xt. In Htary Itoberla Wa KigHi MiU oa W.ln Isy, lleppaer from lie yports bia inns aa, wbo baa been eirk for ao long, aa vary mneb Improved. ! Oa H. I wa aervoit. tired, l-rilt, e and en. Karl's Cbrver ll't Tea baa niaj ma well aod happy. Ma '.. II. WoapRa. r..r aa! by W.ll Warrea. Hatliewa Ilros, Ibe barber, ara bow nojfnrtably lolcJ I lb Morrow Kh.1.1 I m.I k4 I. L. . . baring mMv4 from h old City hotel d lb pM week. Notice Of Intention. I.Adu Ornrs at La URAMpa, Orkoon, March S. lwie JOTICK IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE followlm. named settler haa Sled nolle of hla liii-ntloii to make Anal proof In aupport of his claim, and that said prool will ba mad before Comity Clerk of Morrow County, Oregon, at rieppnrr, iirpfou on April ia, iwm, vu: SYI.S Khl F.K W. FIXIKKON. fl M m au. .... .1. . ' i . . , aw.. no. r.. nu, t-"m, it nit, n- rr.'i ana rr.ia MM 14 Kr. IV and N1, NKt and RtV NW. Hc. -ii, Tp IK. K.S" K. W. M . He lmml lb IoIIowIiik wltneaan to nmr his com itmous rrsldeuc upon and cultivation of said land, vl: I'at Mi. Ulan. William Warren. Qua. Hale. r rani uaie, 01 iieppuer, urcg.ni. j. r. wiioh. 421 HI Register, Notice of Intention. I AVI) OFFICE AT THE DAI.I.F.it. OHF.liON I J March, a. !'".. Not lea la hirelr lvn thai lb folloaln iiaminl attl-r lias filed no lle or Ma Inlnitluii Io mak nual proof In sop. port of hla claim, and that said pnaif will ba mad lMfora J. W, Morrow, onntr Clerk, al iivppncr, urrfon. on aprti n. !, via: JAMKS t A It I V. H.I r. No. lor u.a kKv eac In. Td. I K. tL m r.. w. m. II name Ih following wllnceso In prove nia coiiiiiiiimia reaiiimic upoa ana euiuvatlon 01, Bain lainl, vi! I b.rler an rikle. Franrls Kllkcnnv. Bar, Key Ih.hcrty, John kllkaony, inl f.aliowar, Or. ii m. aa. r. Moia, Krgiaicr. Notice of Intention. I Af FFI E AT THE liAl.t.E, OREdon I J r-b. It, lw. Sotl Is hrl.jr gln thai tli following narnnt arttierli-a Slwl aotlr of hla lot"titlon Io anaha Anal proof In tippf,rt of h'arl.lm. and thai aald prool III b mad hwforwi ouotf Clerg, of Morrow County, al Hpe wvr, tOTgon, on warr n i, vis: nr.'iHi.l F. BIRI. HI X Xn Y-t I. lava'. kKi. NWUXEUand ar4 eat.a-r , Tp. s I. a. E. II nam-a th (j.llown.g win s to pro Ma eoi.tlioioii. rranlrnra upon and euUliallon ut id land. vl Jfl iotma, iorg Smith, fame T. Talbot, inmem w ran, 11-pptwr, urrgon JA, F. M'miHR. l II. Segt.ur. CATARRH Notice of Intention. f A"n firrit F. atth ti.i ra. inr.M I J f.ii ll, ima Noll. la har-l.y flv-n lhal lha liilkiwliig nat4 Mif SIM mmtrm of hla lnlnti'Mi in aaak Snal prncf q aappcl nf hla rl.lia, and thai .aid pf.l will ba Hiada 11. ib r.M,wif eirrk of Morr-1 cotntr al ll' ,t-r, 0m an la-v l l"-, ,n , 1 II4MI ra it. IMHi. Hi V li r4 M IM k't swllilW n. ip 1 a r- f w m Manama II. I. .11. .wing wlln.a Io pro bla roi.iin.iou. rai liwa upoa and taliltatloa tri aald land, til M . u-..ir ll-adrtt r H Bullla. ( barle , t .t.n.ftu, ,. HalOiK.ii, Ol'f.ii i F M'WiSR. 414 H H-tt.l'f We are not email men, Iba. We are small men, Xs. we are not tite Largest Hlercfianls in ine worifl! a a . But when the people of all the surrounding country are In need of . a a Hardware, Tinware, Crockeryware, Glassware, Wood and Wlllowware, Nalle, Iron, Barbwlre, ( Cumberland Coal, Qaai and Water Pipe, Pipe Fittings, Stoves and Ranges, Wagons, Backs, Buggies, Wagon Material, Hardwood, Axes, Hammers, Baws, Sledges, Wedges, Guns, Pistols, Cartridges and Ammunition, Mason Jar, Gran ' Iteware, Plows, Harrows, Rakes. Mowers, Tubs. Wash Bolllers and Boards, Bheet Iron, Zinc, etc., etc., Should call and Examine our Goods and Qet Prices. We have Oood Goods at Fair Prices, snd Cheap John Goods at Chep John Prices. QILLIA-M & BISBlSIil, MAIN STREET - IIEPPNEII. OREGON T. R. HOWARD -DEALS IN Groceries, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Stockmens Suitlies, Etc., And Wants Your Trade! He will make it aa object for you to trade with bim as bis prices are right, and all goods that be bandies are of the very bout Store on Main Street, Next to City Drug Store, Door I-Ioppiior, Oregon. urreaaur Io C. a Van Dnrn. Kelt door to City Ho!!. Has everything in the line of Fresh Groceries, Candies, Nuts, and also keeps Crockery, Lamps and Tinware. Stock is Complete. Notions a Specialty. TF21T alT mlTC-! & 3Lr!r023TE?, iVttonioyn fit Iciw, tlEITMEIt, AU boalnaaa atUold to it, a prompt and atiafariorjr maaoar. Notaries I'uIiIk! ami Goiter tort. OrriCE IS NATIONAL DANK BCILDINU i I i i OltKOON Is a. a (I any fee C ! Of all Ika fawbla 4 t lata tmtt af Uiput faalll at lb l " I att thai ra 4-ia a4 4tlila4 a4ldiloa ht-tl tl sli. Iba anrMty aU4 a half a d' n b""! al llK4'a tiaraatrariila ill a-irn Wk la la evlaraa la r l.aall'i aali 'CV ' b"4' ""eM ' tin.. I'a ,!! a.a au la l. till I ik, y iru. Car all Hm. Sea. localVisease a fta ra eaaae f as aa "a ii a um sn.a. It tmm k Rm by i'iiiiiiI M a tf atan-M a en.) Mawiwa ft kf lav., eM a a e -m asaa Ely's Cream Balm W'Fa'V 1 1 D. J. McFaul, M. D. At J. Ol'ieiC'IC I U. MtCfH'9 fitilDtHCt. , it I a IM aaS llwMf M aifr.C.4 as Km4 a4 Hat I W ,! f taa. 4 tM, twm aa I m fcf tU.1 a.u1 ulaa, a a avN, a I . ta v rr I fl.'UV tar A '' I sv,n,li d.i..f.n. fl'itB; It ib , il .' Care, tt s 1 Welit A Vtarrra. E. L FREELAND, ""fCOLlTCTlOtS. . 'it IHSUMHCE, ABHWACtS. t'. S. ) (OM MISSION! K. ,4 Hil rM Fl- l Few 's Ta. jno;Etpja viriKT ittua KxrrMSA, cm maw. Do You Want a Rig ? Don't You Want a Place to Put up Your Team ? Are You in Need of a Saddle I Iorse ? rer Main Ktrtct, All tliim can m procnrxl at Thomjiaon Minna, Loi Tkaa fl'aaa ar mt arnalnkM ai fl'aM. IU'.f f. ril'tlaia 4 arkaf entinll, M aa aM a4 Urn la aatln( la sariitm ana lra.ili aaan. ttr-m la la.fif wills In Haw. THOMPSOINT Sr, IHNNS, x.:vsaTMKsr. Harnriii, THE PALACE IIOTKL HAR, .7. C. IJOnCH KHH. Prop. i laaaa aaai na j Keeps the Finest; Vines, Li(juori and Cigars.