AN EXPENSIVE LUXURY. One of the moBt expensive luxu ries we have today is that august body, the United States senate. The senate is composed of 90 members, and they have 353 em ployees to wait on them, at a cost of about $482,000 a year. Each senator, besides his salary of $5,000 a year, has attendance cost ing $5,355 annually. There are 121 clerks to committees in a body of ninety members; fifty-two labor ers, whose occupation or necessity nobody has ever been able to imagine; fifteen special policemen, while the senate end of the capitol building is amply guarded by the capitol police. Senator Chandler has rendered a public service by calling atten tion to this monstrous extrava gance. It is an abuse of large proportions, and it is made worse by the fact that most of the money is paid to persons near to the senators themselves for purely nominal services. In other words, the senators are quartering their families and dependents upon the country at an annual expense of nearly half a million dollars to the taxpayers. Is it any wonder that the expen ditures of the government exceed the receipts when the highest law making power in the nation per mits and encourages such needless extravagances? When the mem bers of this body create offices for their relatives, the salaries of which are to be paid by the peo ple, it seems that there is no hope of retrenchment. No wonder the people are groaning under the burdens of taxation, and are be ginning to look upon the senate as a needless luxury. Mountaineer. The Marion county democrats departed from their usual platform of exaltation of themselves and denunciation of their opponents. Not a word in approbation of the Cleveland administration, not a word in denunciation of the re publican state government or even the legislature, no allusion to their time-honored party traditions or the iniquitous high tariffl What does it mean? They did go to a great deal of trouble to endorse free coinage of silver, and bo in structed their delegates to the state convention, some of whom are single standard men. The young delegates who voted to table the resolution all alone was not informed as to tho program or lie would not nave done so. Many of tho older heads who are staunch Cleveland goldites kept silent or voted for the free silver resolution. What docs it mean? Bimply that if there is an oppor tunity tliPRO goutlemcn would be willing to unite all the silver ele ments in tho stato under tho ban ner of democracy. Tho tempta tion to ignore tho tariff, foreign immigration, the Monroe doctrine, state, county and municipal re form, and all other questions to get into power once more was too great to bo resisted. Capital Jour nal. Not all who shout Israel are of Israel says the Scripture. Not all who shout Mitchell are for Mitch- (y. A year ago an effort was be gun in Uregoo to shelve Mitchell IJut he tu so strong with tho iHHtple that wait abandoned some time agn, and now men are catch ing onto tho popularity of the man's name to foint themselves upon the people as Mitchell men when at heart they aro machine men and will betray Mitchell for the ma chine if they have a chf.nee, Ixxk out for them, they aro but wolves in sheep's clothing. TilE council that has leon bear ing the charges against Key. Pr. Ilrown, in hao liaociseo, has put little whitewash on tho gentle, man's character, by reporting that Mr a. Htockton is not a woman tthntto. testimony ran I taken for truth. Tho rouncilmen were la save tho iWtor'a char after, even if they had to mala tho woman, on whom ho had mmd tolwit) Lis aftVctiuna, out a liar. 1 '! A M m ilt tact was otit f tie attractions at Fan Franruco on KL 1'atrick'a Day. I-abe, Tat and Torn Marpby wero tho atarters. The starter was Tom Murphy; ths judge ware Jo and Tim Murphy, tho latter a well known at tor; and tho porao was prtaenloJ by Lucille Morrdir. IUU Morphf was tbe fvontand won as ebe Ual with l'at aeoood Tnt Kentucky legislators at jouro! without hating elected senator. Oregon carat irj near doief tho ssroo thing last wiottf. COL JOSEPH L. FOLLETT One ol Sheridan's Gommanders Saved Dy Paine's Celery Gomoound. WASHINGTON LETTER. Col. Joseph L- Follett of New York has a national reputation. At the age of 21, Ool. Follett enlisted in Battery G, First Missouri Light Ar tillery, and sood roes to its ooinmnnd. At Lookout mountain, Lis was the only battery that reached the summit. bince the war he has defoted himself to meohanioal engineering, and has in vented several Important improvements on the sewing machine, and a hicyole that promises to be one of the surprises of next season. The tension on the nervous system of an inventor, kept np for months and months, seriously weakened the henltb of a busy brain worker like dot. Follett, and bis constitution, whioh even the hardships of war did not weaken, threat ened to sucenrab to nervous exhaustion. What Ool. Follett baa to say in record to bis restoration to health, cannot fail to oarry great weight. In a letter to Wells Richardson AJCo. of Burlington, Vt., bs writes: "When suffering from mental exhaus tion and a general disorganized system, and overwork, I used Faine's celery oo m pound. "Ths compound acted like a oharm on my bowels and kept them in flue condi tion, and I experienced great relief from my brain troubles. "I bare not used Taioe's celery com pound for six months, but I shall when in need of a touio and general regulator of the system. I have recommended it to a great many, and every one who tried it got relief. "it is tne best general remedy 1 ever used or knew anything about." When the nervous system has beoome weakened from any cause, Paine's celery oompound builds it np as nothing else oan. It makes people well. People in every walk of life Lave reason to be grateful to Prof. Phelps of Dartmouth, the eminent scientist who discovered Paine's celery compound lie understood the peouliar needs of the nervous system; be knew that the back ache, headache, sleeplessness, loss of appetite, and disordered blood all mean that the nerves are weakened and in adequate to the demands upon them. The experience of thousands has proven all over this broad country that only Paine's celery oompound will give health to the nerves, and through them to the entire body. Colleges conferred upon Dr. Phelps their highest honors for his Invaluable investigations in medicine, but all this seems insignifloant in comparison with ths oborus of gratitude that has gone up all over the world from men, women and obildren, who have outgrown weak ness aod the laok of health by the nae of Paine's oelery compound, the most wonderful nerve and blood restorative. lONK ITKMS to The weather is warm and pleasant. Horn grain is still being hauled lone. Heveral from lone have been up at Oeppner during the week. Mrs. Alice Keller ami soa move into their loos residence this week. . T. Perkins was re eleoted ilireotoi of the Ions publlo sobool, and Edward Kstlrr clerk. A little rain would give ths grain a good start. It bat soffored some from ths last frost. Tbe Ions lUpublicao Club met Hatur- dsy aigbl and a number of eotertaiolog speecbrs were made. It is the duly of every republioan to attend tbe primary meeting Helorday. Come oat and vote fur your delegates. John IlaUigor, who he been teaoblog a private sobool tbe peat winter Bear the mountains, is down for a week's visit. Tba Lttlogtnn publio school oloeed with an appropriate entertainment on It arc b Clh, whtrb laafd notil late in tbe evening. Wo deelr to correct the el el truant we have tnaJe leal week. Tbe ballJmg of tbe lone LMingroaaliiiBn ehurcb will toet eight bnedrel dollars Instead of four headred, and the value of all tbe sburcb properly, bl etc., will eicd that sura. One year age loBe's laal spring b-oio commenced. I'rnprte or ad pros poets, erop or bo emp, the boom aster eaee4 bat steadily c.clioufJ bbIiI bow ear village bee grows la thrice Its sits. Bueiaeee after basineea bas tprnag Bp. family alter family have nood da. Mpring ta stain bare, tone te slill grow log and what tbe eammrr hae In store fnf tte B one eto tell, tint we pan eefely predict that with another wj top Ibis year aa.l good prlooe f if grata, ear Village will grew as II baa aoer grown tfore, Jtsa I ., alarob in, I- l.eoos eti.Urs ,y fond rroellag In a ditie el .roar b are the direct eeta of ili"'tiiiro. "t, ttionrtiilia, liver an. I kidney empUl its, asthma, Mihii en. I meey af v 'oa ellmonte. Iboooironlle are -vtil,t by tbe dm of Iba Hnakr Ihgoelive t'ulial. a rem edy dieooo. bI prpert by the Hhakore uf Mount lban-n. N. T. It te la iteolf a fned en I has fwaer to dlgoet other f,KK Uko wiiii II Ibne II roots lh dieeeooj elrnaoeb and flaally snnoter lbs worat eaeae of dytpie. It aeta promptly aaJ track etroegtb la erooeoj welj-M snw foil oa Tba firal 4 m, lakaaj tino.ltaU tftor eolief. aeo tbe rale an t Atatraa ei draa laU hy a rt ii. e 1 b Ulaa-anee la tri,t i la a.anta-1'l eaata. I.i i la lbs (mi tJiiie tat ebll- '". rcnBiWSd II ta) ft til ranr vii. The II. H. A. Hiaka Kare. Running stake for 2 year old, f 5 to accompany nomination, aod S10 before starting. Tbe etake is to be run daring the spring race meeting. May 26 to May 21), at tho time of the Itcppoer Speed Association racee, for ool I bred and raised in Oregon, Washington or Idaho. Noo tboroagbbreds allowed 5 pounds weight. One bait mile. Closed March Hth with the following nominations: J. B. Tedrowe, b o Paul Jones, by Hlr Uonry, dam Delia. Pattereon Tiros., b o M Qiad, by New. ington, dam Mary. C. J. Matlock, br I Gertrude, by Leon, dam Addie. C. J. Matlock, b fl Lo, by Leon, dam Lady Duffy. Q J. Matlock, b e (lid Halt, by Leon, dam Cbls Clilo. L. M.llook, b f IWrtha, by Leon, dam jMeie. E u Mtl..k. b f N ra. by Leon, dam H'petla. Oeo. Mwgart. b f Mt Ileppner, by Hir Henry, dim nuknnwn. Frank Hitierta, ho Pontand Dullea, by Hir lUary, data Opal. JohnKrenr), s f Uladja, by Laos, dam neknowa. J. O. Maek. br Utah, by We, dam Me Oakaa, by Dn lUy. J. (). Mark, eb b Hornla, by Vloe, dam (jtea, by imp, Ilillel. 1. U. Mack, rb Y Trevltl. by a . Sl ...... at. a a viioeia, om RiH ittat ivalle, t.y got' tea a. Malt ttbll., eb f Mamie Oregea. asm Manila n, py nam piveea. rrl l iahar, b Hbaala, by .NahaJam, dam Km M. W. U Wbilmore, eb g Jim Tsraar, by CV.I .ma, dam I.a4y T. W. I. W biimre. e ( oa, by li4oma. dam looa. ftawere el faairfntf W bo lafaat the market and are tbe BMMMtS i'f D'ttlrg nek rple of tbair aaoeay, aad bai la tf still arvaler One) aj.iror if ti"t anfrj'iaily Msreval Ing lb enoiflalele a W wbk'b tbey alr II la an aM of dnty we awe to a. il In warn lbs p"ila a:atnat Ibaaw dangamn frait.ta, A little eare oe) tbe part if II. pnrrbete will pentarl Ibant irt lmp.-ait.oa hf baarlng In BIb. baa faeia: Kevar bey waare II te pfTarad la walk. (IB ! or Ja) ae tbe fntte .alUre tlmcnarb lUIUre are eald oalv ta hnillaa bevisf IBa B,. .fae elaal plale tahal daplayt the eHrl twlwaaa M. ()enf aaO lb lfa aii'1 bavtrf at tba knitoea a miaiala'e wale at I fe oaa raat. rrom oar Special Correspondent Patriotic thrills baVe beeu ruuning np and down the spinal columns of our national statesmen daring the past week. Cuba bas been tbe all absorbing theme. The senate and home have thrown defiance in the teeth of Spain. A few cold-blooded gentlemen who think through their pookets have uttered a wail of protest, but they etand alone in tbe midst of a great orowd. All the Oregon delegation are entbnsiastio sup porters of the cause of Cuba. They all declare that it is our duty to extend a frieodly and helping band to a brave people straggling under the yoke of tyranny and oppression. Senator Mitch ell was one of seven teem senators who voted to recognize the independence of Cuba, aod Messrs. MoBride, Hermann and Ellis all endorsed the ballifreraocy resolutions. Sen. Turpie hae just concluded a three days eneech in reply to Sea. Mitchell on the Dupont cuse. During his re marks he found questions asked by Sen. Mitchell somewhat too penetrating and deolined to be interrupted. There will be a great deal of finespun rhetoric lo.ig drawu out to cloud tbe merits of this olear issue. To a oummon every-day citizen who is not a lawyer but who knows something about the spirit of our institutions, there would seem to be only one reason as to whether man oan exer cise the duties of an executive aDd leg islative omoe at tne same time, but a lawyer oan persuade himself into any view or a case wnicn seems to agree with hie interests. It reminds me of tbe story of tbe school teaoher who was being examined as to ber qualifications by a oountry school board. She was taught whether or not she thought that tbe earth was round. "Well," she re plied, ''that depends; on such matters I should not be expected to have an opinion. I find that in some districts where I have taught that the parents desired me to teooh that it is fiat and in otbers that it is round. I have always made it a rule to teach that it is round or flat just as my patrons desire." It is very likely that sometimo during tbe present session Sen. Mitchell will bring before tbe senate bis constitu tiooal amendment for tbe eleotioa of senators by the people. Sen. Mitobell is very muoh in earnest about this matter, and will try to bring it to a vote so that tbe people of this country msy know what members there are of tbe I United States aenate who are alraid to go before tbe people and ask for their auffrsges and support for the positions tbey now get by indirection. Tbe rivers and harbor oommittee has been in executive session a good deal during the past week. Its proceedings are supposed to be seoret but I learned that Mr, Hermann is endeavoring to get tbe work of improving the Wills tnette placed nnder contract and to have the Yamhill with its looks and dams joined lo the Willamette nnder the same system. If this is auoom pushed and Mr; Hermano appears to be very confident thai it will be done tbe work oaa then be pushed nninter ruptedly to cunpletinn. He is also rying to get the Ysqniua bay improve ment placed as a Continuing contract for a total amount of over a million dollars. Mr. Hermann says that although tbe speaker wishes lo make an economical record for oongrees darlog this session, be is very well satisfied with the estimates be is getting for Oregon in this oommittee. Col. L. 8. IIowMt, commissioner of irrigation for tbe state of Washington was beard by the committee on arid lands during the week la favor of the bill granting all snob lands to Ibe state wherein I hey are located. Tbe com mtttee will fevonbly report the bill probably during tbe coming weak. Chairman Londenslager bas asked Hpeaker Ileed tor reoooition for Ibe Indiaa war veterans bill nnder tbe sue pension oi the rniea. its passage may ool be secure 1 daring tbe preseol es sioo, bal lbs prospects for its passage sometime daring lbs present caegrn art bright Tba delegation from Florid and I tioee of several olbor states aber Indiaa wars bave taken place will so operate. As the lime for boldiog Ibe repoblioso Conventions In Oregon Is galling near II to aatorat tbal Maears. Hermann aod Kllis are getting oa lbs em ions benob Tbey are certainly I t fortanataly placed than aoy of Ibair rolleagnne; I tbe latter ean gi b ime lo Ibair convea lions aad manage Ibair eempaiga, while Meeare, tlermaoa aod Ellis mast re Bin bare and wslob tba battle which immediately concerns tbeaa front afar off. Tbey oan smell tbe powder aad a a little of Ibe em ke. bal like tbe old time Feral ea king tbay are alto gether la tba heads of Ibair friends, or geeeral. (taeelor Melliue neliooea lo grow la popularity. Kver)blr like blm, be Is saeb a very pleasant (aelleoaa. I. N. DBV.rfllrtor f .r Ibe Dal'ea, la la tbeeity. He speaks eroarslBg of Ida work of that great ooderttileg, II la Beeaey lo taake available a small amount of tba meaey atraady appro priated for the pMtPtnB of BavigatioB befiire tba loke are Ikr iaa opn. Ib Will doabtleae b dose. Revival Sibvicih Closed. The re vival meetings in progrees at tba opera bouse for the past three weeks, cloaed oa last evening with a large attendance and good interest. Elders O. Bushing, Athena, aod J. W. Jenkins, of The Dalles, who bave been doing tbe preach ing, took their departure on tbe evening train for their respective homes. The meetings have resulted in muoh good to the Christian ohurch of this city. Mot to be Trifled With. (From Cincinnati Gazette.) Will people never learn that a "cold" an accident to be dreaded, and that ben it ocoura treatment should be promptly applied? There is no know- ng where tbe trouble will end: and hile oomplete recovery is the rule, tbe exceptions are terribly frequent, and thousands upon thousands of fatal ill nesoes ooour every year ushered in by a little injudicious exposure and seem- gly trilling symptoms. Beyond this. there are today countless invalids who can trace their oomplaints to "colds." Dion at toe time or occurrence gave no concern, and were negleoted. When troubled witb a oold use Chamberlain's lough Remedy. It is prompt and effectual. 50 oent bottles for sale by uonser e Brook. Republioan entries in tbe raoe for offloe close SUnrday, Maroh 21st. Tb fee bas been placed at $2 .50. paveble to tne treasurer of tbe Morrow County Re- piuDiioan uiud, w. L. Haling. All entries not paid in fall on that date will be canoelled. By order of tbe Executive Oommittee. SHERIFFS SALE. m NOTICE ia HEREBY GIVEN THAT UNDER and by virtue of an execution lnnueri nut of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Morrow, on March 18, 18, and to meoireciea ana delivered, upon a Judgment rendered and entered in said Court on the 5th day of March, lH'tfi, in favor of J. H Townaemi, Plaintiff, and aealnit Thomas Walden. W. O. Bcott and i. W. Harris. Defendants, for the sum of Three Hundred Fnrtv-eitrht&ncl m.inn U:UH w uuimra wiiii interest mereon irom said bin 01 March, 1896, at the rate of ten per cent per an num, and Twenty-live (125.00) Dollars attornev's fee and the further sum of Sixty-four and 89-ioO nuj imiiars costs; and, whereas, by said Judgment It was ordered and adjudged that the following described real Dronertv. tn-wit: HWu of section 24 in Tp. 1 north, range 25, E. W. M., be sold to satisfy said judgment, coats and ac cruing coin, i win, on Saturday, the 25th day of April, 1896 at 2 o'clock, P. M., of said day, in front of the Court Home In Heppner. Morrow Countv. Oregon, sell the right, title and Interest of the said Defendants In and to the above described property at Public Auction to the hiaheat and beat bidder f r cash in hand, the nroceedi to ha applied to the satisfaction of said execution and an costs, and costs that may accrue. 24-31. G. W. HARRINGTON, Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon, Dated March 16, I8U6. Naae Bat Ayate at tka W s fa.r Ayer'e rtareefarilla ej ye Ibe eitreof SILVERWARE WC WILL BEND YOU CITHER EXCHANGE 30 Coupons, OE, for 2 Coupons and 30 Cents. FOR 2 n&5 Teaspooas, OR, 1 Tablespoon, OR, 1 Fork, You wilt find one coupon Inside each 2 o-incc bug, aod two coupons inside each 4 ounce baj cf Blackwell'S Genuine Durhaivs Tobacco TH:5S?I'ITT "'J?.'" fltst-claas. Eoecr.' make. King's pattern. NOT tha ware ordinarily offered an premium!. W,:l laM for Bmok. Blaorwell r Durham Tobacoo and nwnjre a nrl of S'lvorwaro suitable for palaoa avoottaga. Baud ooupuna with name and address to tf cou L1W BLACKWELL'S DURHAM T03ACC0 C3., DURHAM, N. C. Buy a bag- of this Celebrated Smoking Tobarro. anrl rA coupon, which gives a list of other premiums and how to get them. 2 CENT STAMPS ACCEPTED. NOTICE. ; lis Kcclcy Institute -OF- For the Cure Ox Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits It Is located at Salem, Oregon, The Most Beautiful Town on the Coast Gall at the Gazktti office for particulars Strictly confidential. Treatment private and sure cure. LEGAL BUNKS Plenty of them at the Gazette Office. . . . Otis Patterson NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCER A K D OALI AT OPPIC8 WHITE COLLAR LINE. Columbia River and Puset Soil Navigation Co SHERIFF'S SALE. Steamers TF1EPIMR. BAILEY GATZERT AND OCEAN WAVE. XTOTinE 18 HEREBY OIVEN THAT UNDER oi th."areuVc?uUrt Alder Street Dock. Portlsnd, for Astoria, Ilwaoo, Long Beach, Ocean rsrx ana iNsocotta. iireot oonneouon wun ilwaoo steamers ana rail road; also at Young's Bay witb Seashore Railroad. TBIjZIFZIODy'Xl Leaves Portland 7 A. M. Dally, except Sunday. Leaves Astoria 7 P. M. Pally, except Sunday. 23ua.IXjI3Y GATZHIIT Leaves Portland ? P. M. Dally, except Sunday. Saturday nlxht. 11 P. M. Leaves Astoria Daily a ato:to A. U., except Sunday and Monday. Sunday night, 7 P. M. OCEAN WAVE Leaves Portland and runs direct to II war o, Tuesday and Thursday at A. M. Saturday at 1 P. M. Leaves unaco neanesuay sua friaay at 7:au a. m. un Sunday nigat at o v. M. Baggage Checked to Railroad Destination Bulb Beaches Free cf Expense. For safety, Speed, Comfort, Pleasure, Travel on the Telephone, Bailey Oatxert and Ocean Wave. the County of Morrow on March 16. 1H96, and to me uirecu-a ana aenverea, upon a judgment reimereu aim Miuered in u n innrt nn inn Art, day of March, 1h;i6, in favor of The Northern Counties Investment Trust (Limited) Plaluthr, ano against u. w. Stewart, James D. Hamilton, O. W. Harrington, Administrator. Amldis Parvln and J. N. Brown, hefendants, for the sum of Thirteen Hundred Two and 4-100 (I1W.04) Doll ars, with Interest thereon from March 5, 1X96, at ine rate oi eigni per cent per annum and One Hundred Dollars attorney's fee. and thn further sum oi rmy-nveand W-I00(.ri5.0) Dollars coau aim, wnereas. by said judgment It was orderec and adjudged that the following described real property, to-wit: The W'4 of SM V of sectloa ao, W H of S W'. and N WI4 of K El swetion 81, andHWitof SWVi section XI. all In Td A H. K. i E. W. M.. be sold to satlsfv said ludument. vvmim auu acuniiug costs. iwilLon Saturday, the 25th day of April. 1890 at 2 o'clock, P. M., of said day, at the frost door 01 wun nousetn Heppner, Morrow County, Ori'gon, sell the right, title and interest of the sold Defendants In and to the above described roprrty at r-ubllc Auction to the highest and lit-at bidder for cash In hand, the nrnreetla ti ha applied 10 the aatlsfM'tlon of said execution and 11 cosu, aim costs that may accrue. . W. I1AKK1NUTON, Hherlff of Morrow County, Oregon. Dated March 16, 1N96. SHERIFF'S SALE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT t'NDER I and lr virtue of an xecotintt lumui mil 01 me cirruii court of the Htata of Oregon lor the County of Morrow, March is, 1M, and to me ntrrrUMi sn delivered upon a Judgment ri'iidi'rml and entered In and! ronrt on ih M day of Man h. IHH, In favor of Thomas L. Dor- niau, rialuilir. and against nrg W. Junkln, I'.'l.'il.l.nt. for the Sum of Sllteeti Hlindre.1 and tlxty nve if hiiSisi) Dollars with Interest Uieiwn Horn March , ll, at the rate of ten per rent per annum and One Hundred Dollars attorney's h e and Hie further sum of Twent Ikillaraeoatat and, whereaa, by said Judgment it waa nrdernd and atljmlge.1 thai the following deerribed real propvriy 4-Wll MiiiH': of sertlon 10, In Tp. S , R. W R. W. M , be sold to sallslr aald Jinlgmeiit, cosu and accruing rosta, I ill, on Saturday, the 25th day of AaHl, 1896 st 1 o'rlnrk P. M.. ol aanl day. at the front door of tha Court lloliaeln Hennner. Morrow Counts. Orraon, aall the rluhl, tula and Inureat of ths aain itetemlant In and to ths above riMrrtb4 properly ai runne Ailrtlna lo the h heat and bt bidder for rh In hand, Ibe to be applied U Iht aallafartlon of aald iscuUoo and an coau, ana wu mat nay arvrue at it. o. w. hakkixotox. enerlrr of Morrow County, Oregoa. iaiq atarra in, twjn. The CITY BAKERY Is dow open with fresh Bread, Ties, Cakes, eto., constantly on hand. Wedding Cakes or Peatery for sp-oial dinners baked ta order. Also carries a line of well-selected Groceries. Candies, Nuts, Cigars, Tobacco, etc TWO LUNCH TABLES Will be kept for tlie aeoommodatlon of tba trade. Ooootry Teopla stoppioK temporarily in town, ran Ret what they want yerj cheaply at the CITY HA.KEKY The Patronnge of the People of Heppner is Respectfully Solicited. OTTO FRIEDRICH, Old Bakery Stand, HEPPNER, ORE. siiEiarrs SALE. XJOTICR IS tlERERT nlVBt THAT t'KDER I 11 and br virtue of an seeutton laanwl mil I Beyaalkaa Coasly ( avestlee. republioan ooaoty cooveotloo (or on lm Marrt) tbe Mh. ai th rata ot tea nee rent Svf annum and Imilart aunrnev a and the further suaaof 1 amy lour and nn iit.) m.llara e.le snd. beM. br said judgment It waanedarrtl and adludted thai the following dearrlhed Ml property, lo all ftnuth half ol the north hall of of tb cirruit ennrt of in ui ot Oregon lor tbe coooly of Morrow, etale of Oregon. tueloiinly of Morrow, on Mann la, lM, .1,4 ml ' ' , ma nirerUNi and (leiiveiwd upon a Judgment as uauaii to mwm id ittippner, in aaia rendered and entered In aal. Court on tbe Mil Mnnl nB.Hatnr.1a af.rk iwtn .1 day of Marrh. W, In favor of K. y lluahra. COOBlf, 00 DStaWay, BlarcO it, IVjQ, at 1'ialnllir. and I aln.t Henry Kelly, IM.ndant. 10 o'slock a, 10., for the purpose of DOCD- fr lhasiiniof neven Nnudre-I yony aeven and , .. ... . . . .. i' . i 1 Dollar, witii intereat iberw laalinf eaodidatee for tba followiof eonoty offlcwrs: Oaa ronnty Judge, eon ply eommissionor, coooly oleik, eoooly sheriff, cooaty repreeeotstiee, oasly troauorer, eoonty aeaeeenr, aooa- eaat. W. M . be a..ld to aallaly aut Sod SOOtlty Saryor, Sad gvlso precloot ).,.ol. e..u and ruing eoaut I w fit. on m . ,1.. . 1 . Sataifday, tK. 28th day afAaHI.189S I . . V . Ilx rhrir M . of aai t day. at tb (mm d-w ,aar delegSlew aacB ! the Slate aad ollhatonrl Hooaeln Hpp. M.nrow I ..untr $9Oti dlatricl eotreloDal Bon- imgon a-ll all the nhl. till, and n(rl ni ' Boogrwwaiou ai cow Ik Mid Mlen.anl Ued talbeaina4wrtae4 VSUtloa, aad 10 transact SSOb Other bosi- nv ai rtibtle Auction to the klgbeal an4l , . . bt i i-r t. ra in band. ih. kr,..!. u, h. I aM as may properlf ao ms befors snob n' to,h"!"'r-M"a aoBteotloa. Tbe eo.Teetloa will smb. slat ol II dalefsleav, boeea by tba aef . tret prerlarta; aad tba aeeeral preeineia at tba euaaty will ba eolillet ta rwpre- aaelalioa) la said anaeeniioa as follows: Heppeer 10 r.lbl Mile 3 a. I enla, nd e.uj Uial may ao-rne h m. iiaiio,m aherlA' of Morrow ioanly, oragna, iai warrn ia. ia. stiEKirrs SALE. 41 and bt ttttiia at an et-.illo Maul i ol lb I leraii .nael of lb mat nf Ittwvn bit the 1 onnif m, on Matrk I, l a4 an eve dtrr-lt awd deUrervd. npn Jn4gwn rtvlf-l a4 eermt In aa t tnrt on lh id 4mt M Mn-h ! In ' v4 Mnr W Mar tiH..a a lha a,lwmiiraine o4 ino SMaioag mnm w wtin, rt tlaintg, a4 Mirf Jaawa ) llamiion, ih.ra c uln.,n, t nm S l li linn. a4 tba .hkm i"i.a,M.M tr-. il4mldi ut ait l-rf ihe , 4 Nt fb.n1 lUiar witb tttt( tKrw tf.n, I iw ii ol ( rat I av aiaM a a 'I ito BMr4 (rod try Ml VtH.B tone. Ceell UeJry Dry rok. 4 Alplae 3 5 riaaCtly 1 3 Uattawon 4 1 Loilsfloa 3 ft nella Hprlog-e ...S t Lena. 3 Tba eetne bie aaa dlraU-t r(a frota each proeleet, aad aaa delegate fur diBMyd atiBMutatrf hare Welertr jy' ' afii " resry BfWa oU. aad oa f. aeort Mood fqrtSer allowa-t ta eitiit at the Wtwlle fair, O'teagv Uannlaet irers t4 othef aaravrillaO snagbl ly eswey wenas tooMaie ashowieg nf Iboir rl. Ml they wero til tBra4 away an.lef lt, ai iiraiba of tba rale rrldJias- tba entry of ptot sae.iein nail soirasan. The Joonrtoa of the Wortfe fnir aath llliee 1st fatne a Ayav'S rtarwnrrila Waa la slfeaH aa f.dl.iwa: "tn (tatsepw fiita M Sl a raWnl aalatla. It A-w a. al b 4(nl m or L'l tvl a l'ld Ibat Ida r"Hnng ! 1 h, wi, aaw. am i m 9 w wantd a bwtng the foe elovto of tba e "-'' to ! I e aoHrame nf Ibe froe.Jeot of the )nsiipsay. (Haa j ra ta Ha Bo-,ta." tba fth la a sellie ean, wairb ta nptaaa. tho paB of Ka bHmIo, an. ttthef with a t.ta! 1 .ta ttaed la Ibe eootro, Aaf ewMmt ibe enatoe toil llnolotlof e Nnauwa) ftlttore II ebalt e( boailale Id ttn bl ImUM, M we III arvor fad be aavi. Are 1 MtaoVtM by teditfoati.), fattper !, lMaaa. L of AotMelilo. fallow Ultaf Ht.ib.H i'a Se ta faitive arw, fn e e by Wsiw i Wettoa. V ert! ) Tata of a ' ad US o aw 4 anritno I, ad WW a u .n 14 to a a. Sk a M Mull tail )4 nool, and eerng onanv 1 out. an tetore-ey. Ib 38m aey ef Aorll. t9 1 . r M . ol aais al uo IraMM w (lhlatii1HMlMnfM Kmm wmi, tmv-n e4 is nai tii a4 launal M ibo ai I wil, la o4 M Um e lamiH r-t- i.t .i.a 0 tMHhai4 b-4 I m ln oa In Mad, Ike o ta ka M rri,-l o t' aa'i(n tmt a4 aavnta) aM a 1 o na iaa af o" it a. u m Mtsaia.iton. s,t ml w ro taoair, "l a tM Mar. 0 i. Ta sS'oe of etrwb la KatW-eal flu I nf H'Miooe. A I f roam lot bt4 T. IV . !W"fat Alatus, Urfu, C4tf. j fraetioai eof oao batf of fifioaa veloa east (of W. K Rllta, tba repaHlioaa aaa didata for eoeif reoaaiaa, at tba e'eetioa ia Jeoa.l'TH. rnsaariae la eloet tba doloioa ta eaeb of lb aoral proctoele will ba held kfareb It. I "ML r.JU will ba aaoa at I a'elneb a. as, and will ba eadaeo4 la tba aensi Banco; af bxt-ltnc prtasnry aiekoOo. A, W. I'imiaoa, ( hair. RopabJaewa Coaul; Contasrtioo. M. A drool Oernvao f rasiyta tllooeawd blnvot, onrval paUwi. sad I id bay, lirof and bnwot trmihloa aa enro. t Karl's 1oor lUwt Tea. Fa sale bf Mie atarra. Vour Face Wfrl ba wreatnasl wttti a an ool e(staif smile, arW yaw loeoot la a MeSeiiilJaclB tcmaesa rrm rrs asw PINCH TCNSIONg TEWS10W INDICATOR AUTOMATIC TEKSIOH RELEASER, Tbe asnet enanptHa aa4 wawfttl (Wokaw away aided ta aoy etwteg anaibiaa. Tba wiitrn 1 GBraJtla lad Mtadaasialy lifft. Of Da rialik as! rVfett A6BBtaawt, trwl ILL Iswabla Artlt, Aad will terva tod pWse pt on t- lit fall laaB pi yoor sipoaatanoa. Afmt Iiias Wtsp 1 arxca aardtnnmry. Lttmral tawsas, AM.. WHIU SEW1X3 UACHIKE CO., CLIVtLANO, O. f Fbb Teas Wat. Ooe4t baa wa4 Bp tbe f.od yard Bet dnrmf IbaOasaiio offtra, sr4 Bow oolieiU a bare itf yoajr .otroaago. U,Hf to r'.tfil at bataa bas'neoo, m I ynaar trorooe wl ba wol oot aftoe. rvtannj I eaaaaebla, tley aa4 r'a fny sst. Up i