Portland Library rHWII MM WtlMtM IHI MUHtiMVt ii phi OFFICIAL PAPER MY SUCCESS Is owing to my liberality in ad-I I FREQUENT AND CONSTANT Advertising brought me ali own, A. T. Stewart. 0 vertis'ng. Robert Bonner. I MI C liming fiMinnwH 1 Ml I I'M M II in wiHMan THIRTEENTH YEAR HEPPNER, MjORROW COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 20, 1896. I WEEKLY WO. mi J SEMI-WEEKLY HO 4241 OF SEM I WEEKLY GAZETTE. PUBLISHED Tuesdays and Fridays BY IE PATTERSON PUBLISHING COMPANY. OTIS PATTERSON, - - Editor A. W. PATTERSON. . Business Manager At tS.50 per year, $1.25 for six months, 75 eta. tor three monens. Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. THIS PAPER ie kept on tile at E. 0. Dake' Advertising Agonoy, 64 and 65 Merchant Eiohnnga, Ban Francisco, California, where cou reota for advertising can be made for it. 0. R. & N. -LOCAL CARD. Train leaves Heppner 10:30 p. m. dally, except Sunday. Arrives 6:15 a. m. daily, except Mon day. West bound passenger leaves Willows Junc tion 1:13 a. m.; east bound 3::)0 a. m. Freight trains leave Willows Junction going east at 7:25 p. m. and 8:47 a. m.; going west, 4:30 p. m. and 5.56 a. in. cyaricx-A-Xj eijreotoet. United States Ottlcials. President G rover Cleveland Vine-President Ad ai Stevenson Secretary of State Bichard S. Olney Sfto rotary of Treasury Jehu G. Carlisle Seorntary of Interior Hoke Smith Secretary of War Daniel H. 1 .anion t Sooretary of Navy. Hilary A. Herbert Postmaster-General William L. Wi son Attorney-General JikIhod Harmon . A..n..U.. T u i: M. LHHil nlOl I III BMIiUUlLUll ...... II . DUI1 U III .11111 I 1 1 1 1 State of Oregon. Governor W. P. Lord Secretary of Stato H. H. Kincaid Treasurer Phil. Metsohan Bnpt. Public Instruction G. M. Irwin Attorney General C. M. Idleman Hnu ( G. W. MoBride Senators.... tj H Mitchell n. i Mincer Hermann Congressmen J W. R. Ellis Printer W. H. Leeds ( K. S. Hean, 3nnreme Judirns F. A. Moore. ( C. K. Wolverlon Sixth Judicial District Circuit Judge Stephen A. Lowell Prosecuting Attorney John II. Lawray Morrow County Officials. Joint Senator A. VV. Gowan Representative. J. S. Hoothby tenntyjodgn Julius Keithli Commluinners J. M. Baker. Clerk Bheriff Treasurer Surveyor. School Sup't.... Coroner J.K.Howard .T. W. Morrow .G. W. Harrington Frank Gilliam J. r. Willis Geo. Lord Anna Halsiger T. W. Ayere, Jr nKPPMEB town ovnosR, Mayor ,. .Thos. Morgan C'liinrilmeii O. 15. Farnsworth. M. Lichtenthal. (His Patterson, T. W.Aysrs.Jr., 8. S. Horner, E. J. Slocnm. Recorder F. J. Hallook r-rMuinmr E. L. Frseland Marshal A. A. Huberts reciuct Officers, Joitioe of the Peace E. L. Fraeland Constable. N. 8. Whetstone United Htates Und Otfioers. TBI DALLES. OB. J. F. Moors Register A. B. Biggs Receiver 1.1 OKAKDE. OB B. F, Wilson Register J. H. Bobbins Boceiver ra OST,NO.IL . . - v ,U.A.B. , gton, Or the last Saturday of ace rnirtTut. All veterans are invited to Join. : C. Boon. Geo. W. Smith. Adjutant, tf Commander. LUMBER! rX HAVE FOR HALE ALL KINDS OF ON vT dressed Lumber. It miles of Heppuer, at wbat is known a the BOOTT SAWMIIjXj. PIl 1,000 FEET, ROUUH, - - CLEAR, - 1100 - 17 M F PKUVERKD IN HEPPNER, WILL ADO L ai.uu per i.uou leas, animiotuu. The above quotations are strictly (or Cash, L HAMILTON. Prop. national Bark ol MW. WI. NCNLAND. ED. R. B1BHOP. Prealaest, Cask tor. TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS OOIjLKOTIONSv Made on Favorable Terroa. EXCHANGE BOUGHT & SOLI) HEITNF.R. tf ORKOON 0alario-I5urns Slaae Line . r i BUBKS-GHHYQH STRGEUKE H. A. WILLIAMS, P-op oxTAitianuuxs Leaves Barns Dally ill s.o. eod ar rives at Ontario la sittoere. ( Single Faro $7.60. Round Trip $10.00 f awTnrwuf a trvlhl J' eenlt b( potted. nvnss-CASYOs Imim Bums dsl'f Mrliii4, r..n -l ,1 f (nta I ilf Willi llpf "f M.miimrni w ttmmt Hi iU In lulvrliif l'rti't tl It It i tularin, I'r tun lilt eM ttal' tuica si Sums. Now l I ha lime It (he Weekly (rnawn. Iha eras'tat watf of the Wt. Ullh tb(Urt.t.HIi riel It In ejfencw.tine tear. II f1. Mi hrtif ntr li a '! f Bsesf aprre l n l la the litis. flUw will fi as t erwmlnej ai IM nl Jmri,l.lt, fwl e arillral pa; Cxu It w i tuUorlb. ' TttttttttttttttttttttttttttttTtttttt X, Hosts of people go to work in ; the wrong way to cure a h.n Si- . To rrk Ksa Clit wcuM core tt la the v. vuvuuvj w right way, right off. THE OWEN ELECTRIC BELTS AND APPLIANCES INSURE TO THE SICK THESE GREAT POINTS OP ADVANTAGE OVER ALL IMITATORS Tho Electrie Cur rent nnnbeimmedf nJcly tV'lt, altbouKb Hootliinar to the innMt sensitive. The strength of the ourrent is! tinder the complete con- rot or tns wearer, so ininh so that a child mav b treated and cured bv tbo same power of Belt I necessary lor tne sirong' est man. It can be changed from positive to negative current in a moment. They have and are cur ing thousands of cases of Rheumatism, Chronic Diseaaee and Nervous Ail meats In man and woman (from any cause) where long continued medical treatment! ailed to cure. NO MEDICINES ARB NECESSARY. void all cheat! (so-called) Electrie Belt! and fraudulent Imitations of our Eleotrio Belt! and Appliances, as these are an imposition, upon the suffering. THE OWES ELECTRIC TRUSS la the most retentive and curative Truss made lor the radical cure of Bupture. Inclose six cents and send for our Largre Illustrated Catalosrne in English, German, Swedish or Norwegian languages ; containing medical facta, sworn statements of cures made and descriptions of Belts and Applianoes. Address THE OWEN ELECTRIC BELT AND APPLIANCE CO, 205 to 211 State Street, Chicago. 4 iICYCLES Are the Highest of all High Grades. Warranted superior to any Bicycle built In the world, regardless of price. Do not be Induced to pay more money for an inferior wheel. Insist on having the Waverlcy. Built and guaranteed by the Indiana Bicycle Co., a million dollar concern, whose bond Is si good as gold. 211b. SCORCHER $65. 221b. LADIES' $76. Catalogue free. INDIANA BICYCLE CO.. HOMER H. HALLOCK, IWDUHAPOUS, ID V. 8. A. Oen. Agent for Eastern Oregon, Pendleton, Or. to to to to ft to ft to ft to TM U. S. GOVERNMENT S IS PAYING MILLIONS A MONTH To persons who served in the wars of the United States or to their Widows, Children, or Parents. Do You receive a pension ? Had You a relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Wan on whom you depended for support t THOUSANDS ARE ENTITLED UNDER THE NEW LAW To receive a pension, who now do not. Thousands under the new law are entitled to an Increase of pension. The government owes it to you and is willing- and Anxious to py. Why not present your claim at this present time? Your pension dates from the time you apply. Now Is the accepted hour. IT-Write for laws and complete information. No Charge for advice. No Fee unless successful. The Press Claims Company PHIUP W. AVIRETT, General Manajer, 618 P Street, WASHINGTON, D. C esaiamspHsamBissiissmmBHSBBBisaMsSMSBHs-aw JT. Rnit fkmpmp U controlled nmrly m tkotuand Uadlnf paprrt in (As VhU4 !, and U guarunlttd 6y (Ann. rmmmrmmr'mTmTmrmmmrmrTrmiL jj ssssm. !! Tr-A FACTS 1 OU CAK Bt K ir.OO 0,tM A dry fouls a4 (rwi( and U ar , !, Y soomh Ut ul o( liiaon to ur-hu a Ko. Crmvnt BkjeU. This Is J a I rst-t lass machine. Wky thso bay lino OS Ins blryrle thU will give " "Hre' laalov.'onlf t wltti anenaMtle Ure-e w SMctilae. ' WESTERN WHEEL WORKS. ATTENTIVE TO CATS. Two Paris Women Who Dally Feed Heores of Them. A lady who lives near the Jardin des riantee, or old Parisian zoo, is u provi dence to the stray cats of her neighbor hood. She feeds daily a hundred at the Bercy wine market, where they are al lowed to live in the cellars. This lady believes in the transmigration of souls, and says she feels as if she was form erly incarnate in a woman who hated animals. Her extreme sensibility to their sufferings is, she also feels, the punishment meted to her. She has in an outhouse a number of mutilated and sick cats that she rescued. Another lady attends to the cats in the Palais de Justice, the Central mar kets, the prefecture of police and the Sorbonne. There are 30 cats at the Palais de Justice. They are in the habit f being regularly fed. When anything prevents their ' benefactress coming in me nick of time they go out to meet her, and follow her to the court at the west side of the palals. A number of po licemen witness her arrival, and help. one is pieasea to think that she has awakened a spirit of humanitv in the police force. Policemen who know her are loth to destroy cats, or to pass them on to vivisectors. , MUSIC AND THE STAGE. The old Ccntial Congregational church in Providence, K. L. is beinsr made into a theater. Miss Sibyl Sanderson's ambition is to become a pinger. At the Paris grand opera recently she tried the part of Hilda iu "rv.golctto." Canen Mullcr of Fulda, has arranged tho old Soxnn epie "Ileliand," describ ing the life of Christ, as & mystery play and set it to music. Herr Steiner, of Vienna, offers a prize of $000 for iho bent one-aft opera and one of $200 for the best libretto, open to musicians of all nations. Ilka von Fnlmay, the celebrated Hun garian soubrette, will play a part writ ten in broen English, in Gilbert & Sullivan's new opera, which is to be brought out In London. Zola's "Messidor," the opera libretto for which M. Tlruncau has composed the music, )s original, and not taken from any of liis novel. It hns nothing in common with "La Terre,' as was ru mored. Thk Lancashire Insuranci: Co. O MANrilKMTKM. ICNtll.AMIl i ft unnwv mm !. it. it is. w..ri. t IN SOCIETY. rho Key That Opena the Doors of tho Very Eleot Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report STRANGE AND STARTLING. A baby weighing exactly one pound was born In San Francisco lost Christ' mas day. Ulymp..,, V, null., has m well with a bottom that is gradually rising to the surfuce of the earth.' " ' "Die, and I will do the rest," is the ad vcrtisenirnt of a Chesaning, Mich., funeral director. A codfUh weighing 5fl pounds was brought into Portland, Mc., a few days ago, Mie lnrgPHt codfish seen there in many years. A talking canary has been for a year iu the possession of a well-known rrsi dent of Rockland, Me. It sings srtlcu- lute sentences so clearly that anybody can recognize the words. It is said that every man, woman and child who lixes st Point San Pedro, Oil., is a bleached blonde. This peculiar condition of affairs Is due to the chemi cals used In the powder factory at that place. rref. W. I. reske, who makes a Secialir of I A II PV 1 r.pilr, Has without rsJ Joabt treated and cur- IWlni I'hjrilcl.ni hts occms It aaimil.il Inf. We hss heatd of cae d tt years' stanitlntT carsa u blm. He tuWln valaable work on this dl. taw.whl' h be sondt wlla I. , . . ttm lie ol hie atMotnU fin, frae tn any turTsreit wftoma tend liwtr I'. and K.pt. Mr . Wa a-li en we a tat, in dt'e rreLW. U. UU, I. i., 4 Caiar U lew Terl JLllwJ Cur Hen Who Have Nothing Bat Money to Boast Of Uain Aeoess to the Charmed Circle of the Highest In the Land. The char'ge made against American society that it is based upon the wor ship of money has been so often re peated and insisted on that we our selves have almost come to believe it. The fact that it is not true, either as general proposition or in detail, has not sufficed to offset the weight of au thority, which is on the side of our ac cusers. The charge has gone so far that we should probably have entered a plea of guilty and thrown ourselves on the mercy of .the court if recent ex periences had not led us to pause and consider. These experiences, briefly stated, are, first, that the nation which is most urgent in reproaching us as money wor shipers has recently made itself most conspicuous in the devoutness of its worship of the American dollar, and. second, that the condition of society in which distinction is based on money bags and which does not prevail in this country does most undoubtedly prevail among our censorious and superior cousins in England. It is not true that mere millions.with out breeding and refinement, can make their way into the leading social circles of New York or of any other great city in this country. It is quite true that mere millions, unaccompanied by breed ing or refinement, have given their pos sessors the entree of society in Eng' land. Two conspicuous recent in stances are those of Col. North, the "nitrate king," and "Barney" Barnato, the "Kaffir king." It 1b doing no injustice to Col. North to say that be baa absolutely no other claim to notice than his millions. As recent candidate for parliament he made himself the laughing stock of tho nat ion by his exposure of his ignorance, bad grammar and general vulgarity, Yet he has reached the highest level of social distinction in England. In com' mon with celebrities from this coun try, he is "a friend of the prince of Wales." The case of Mr. Barnato, the Kaffir king, is even more striking. It is proof that money, end nothing but money, is the sole condition of passing the portals of high life in England Mr. Parnate's early history is enveloped in mystery. When he first appeared in opulent eminence it was said that hi start in life was made as a clown in an exceedingly modest circus tent. The myth has since been explained by his admirers as arising from his fondness for private theatricals, this form of amusement having been much In vogue In the (liiii'iond drifts and gold dirrglngs of South Africa. What is known about Ul ni is that he has made a sudden for tune, variously estimated at from $50, 000,000 to $500,000,000. Among his quoted sayings are his boast that he "will stiuul any. man a drink, but will lend no man a fiver, and bis advice to "always have the first lilt." Thcac maxims suflicit otly indicate the social rank In which Mr. Iiurtiato ought to be round, and which he would probably continue to flourlah If he were en Amer ican. Here his place would be with others as illiterate, as Ignorant and as vulgar as hiniwlf. But In England be Is a financial and social lion. Society ac eepts not only his tips and his pre miums, but his presence. Personages of the hlgbeat distinction are not atov paying hi in olmequlous homage, and he Ir perhaps a more notable social light than the young duke who hss reeentlv Illustrated In another way the sin cerity of British criticisms upon Ameri can money-worship. Harper's Weekly. MM ABSOLUTELY PURE WANTTn.AN in FA wbeetuiiBk nil IHWIOlMMMnilK kln I- . I n I ft 1.1 . , ii.B - hr1r oq waallh. Writs) JOHN WKIH'KIU U;MN til.. J'klnl liwnm WuUuili.. uutiui uatf si,suu iwutatr. CaMa,aa4 Trads-Mart afcuM-d tad all 1 ai Mt-nsuilm K sSea,.Ti Sua. OveOmctieOttwaiTt U. a. p.TtavOrnti ud mii fm"M a bat Um l.a uw, t-srf s-xWI. ' with eWrta lUa. w t em, M Ksnuiai sv a, l H jwrV Ow (.- 1..1 r. A NmUt. It -w ta t-.ft I'mm." ) ttm m4 aaM KM U.l. a4 lurua f C.A.SNOW&CO. tKasasi aw ttai Atew m WaatiiaiafMai -h aH DIAI.AtlJI or THE IKil The liitmae luhinf Sn4 tniartinf Iwl 04 to) ta artna, U tlrf, ealt-hilia,SIJotl 4mnu t4 lite tain hi InaUiilly sllaved I'f Sft'lrinc llitaiUrUia'e lie end f-iia (iiilrartiC Many Vrry l4 tml Le tawt) twvmaiawtly mn4 I L ll U aqually ttw tmt i"t IU hln iM texl favnrlte rm- tlf l-.f sirn ni ) rfat .4 btiw, (Ml Maina, fr'-t MIM, ent lUnmm annt eyas. tat sale hf dntfi(Ms si i.1 conU biS. Tn fir. ra4i ftitUKi rewsWa, iHy art) jt4 what s bra mlithn la mA ll bun. 1 auH Utul ji i fwr sn4 vsrsjufuew. for sale bj ( tr A Itrorl, drtUls Tli rftlai)iatiMiiia) pfwm lA lbs fVm-Waity l,atw la II Ul a. I be r"ilsf pifm r.( il.a Wtly Orsrmlsa isll.'A Aye Brit.lBf lit lh ftalla n l t-ai" f f .f nr. f ar In !c ra fri l.b II UttrU at"! 1 W li 0.,n,i.n M ll V. 40 i l I tab il-e tm lr i i ti- 'n It. t t t nf Iftftl illB Will ht jll4 and the iron work, railings, etc., are all admired and to be admired. There are some queer things to be told about squares: for instance, that there was a Gen. Strode, who had a mania for set ting up statues in squares at his own expense. We have seen equestrian statues in Leicester square propped up with broomsticks, with portions broken awny. Gentleman's Magazine. THE TINDERBOX. Its Use Baqalred Much Work A Calleo- tloa of Snuffers. Does any one of my readers know whereatinderboxcanbeseen.orhas any of them an idea of what it is like? For tunately I came upon a description of it in the recently published account of tho lifetime of John Hollingshead. "T lie tindcrbox was the toy of my child hood." It was certainly not a toy in my time; it was very much the reverse on absolute necessity. I will allow however, Mr. Hollingshead still to speak. "Without It there would have been no lightor fire with it there were (after a time) light and fire and a cer tain amount of safety. No child could burn down a house or burn itself to a cinder with a tinderbox." (It was, in fact, beyond the reach of most children to suike a light.) First of all, the rags had to be got and burned into a tinder. "This tinder was put into a large round tin box, big enough for a pic dish. Then a piece of jagged flint had to be got, and a thing called 'a steel,' which might have been the re mains of an old horseshoe, had to be purchased; the flint struck edgeways on the steel sent sparks into the tinder, which smoldered and prepared itself for the matches. . "The matches were a formidable bun die of thin strips of wood, diamond pointed at the ends and dipped in brim stone. They suggested Guido Fawkes and the cellars of the old houses of purliamentand the 'guys' in the streets, carried in chairs by boys, who repre sented a proper Protestant horror of all ltomnn Catholics." It is now half a century since I have seen such athing, It is possible that in the country It still exists; with the penurious char acter of the French peasant and the heavy tax in France on matches it is more than probable that it might there be found. In London it is now an an tlqulty. References to the flint in this respect are frequent In Shakespeare, the ltest kuown being that In "Julius Caesar," wherein Brutus tells Casslus that he "Carries anaer as the flint bears fire, Which, much enforced, shows a hasty para And straight Is cold again." Other things, such as horn lanthorns. are at least uncommon. Snuffers were at one time Id constant use and may be seen now, for aught I know, In certain quarters. One thlug at least 1 know a friend of mine has taken to collecting them as curios. Gentleman's Mara ntic. TALKING UNITED STATES. LAID OUT ft IN DUTCH FASHION. Qaalal aad llarttta mt Laadoa's ( femrmilng Iqul Fome of the London aousres are quaint Cnd charminf , being mostly laid out In the llutrh fashion. Golden square, lirer Urgent street; lied Lion and Quern aqnares, In IUoomsbury, are capital specimens. The first, though so cloe to lU-grnt street, might be a dro miles away; there is a welcome unkrmpineMi; lbs grata Is rack and wild; tl.ere are old trees ranged around its bolder In a systematic way. Tb bounce rnuud are picturesque, I UK-ana every one Is distinct. The vuare Is ?tvn orr to eonimlaalon a (fro l. merchants and trade generally, ytt within a lew years It was a place of genteel rraldenir, Ilka a usual square, and And the Isle Cardinal Wuwiiian living in a aulialontial mansion here IHrUrna, It wlil be rrt&einrre, placed Italpb Mrkrll'jr'e bnus here, which is drM-rl'vd on the orroaion of the srty of Kir Kmlerlrk and Kir Mullrry as having almoat paUllal sparlnwnta sml the- rtrhrel fuililliire. As we wshd-r around vie arw strmk with lb mrlan rholy ton of lbs Inrlnaurw, yet every thing arrms brisk enough, but It be- lotift to the old world. Iba aquar luelf le wry etirerUte and nr.ginsl, with a sort of Dutch or foreign air; sis not the fine trwa whit b shelter it all around In trmmrt rkal Lnra an I the l.omtn warrior sort of siatua In the renter arrayed In full armor, sad rrirrwsting (trorga II The grass and walks eve laid out with a rvrtaln fre end easy rarrleaaueaa that l very anwptable and contrasts with the trim, slisvvn, soulless) lrt- Mcrit of tMtbm square. Altogether a Unit u liol.lrn tuar will lnUrtat. Ilrrkeley a((iarw evtryotia fenows. Vet ll has an eilranrditiary, ayniMf thetle sttrtx tion frwi IU gra tu-l Rne tbedirig obi treee, on. litsjr I in", liaa noted that tbw Imfy )rl ar bs n , rsnf" In n rowt d-twn tlx n.i.l I,.-, i.i, an sriie, f, fx I la It a tl, Urirl. .f tb Iswa In froiil of lb i.ld IW-ttelry liiur, h i Urml tl I ll l k Ul ltXi.ll.lnr ,nlft, I TK lnat.H.t ertiand are ty fine, A Small Hot rallfhtent Ilia Taatiher aw the Real Veraaealar. In a four-roomed house In a short thoroughfare Id the most populous part of the west side live "Jsux sy" and tils family. His family consists of a father and mother, and a younger brother and a younger slater. Although "Jsmeay; as the eldest child, Is prrhnis the most Important member of the fnmlly, he is Irsa than seven years old, and not very lurge for bis age. The greate portion of his brief life hns been Sient on the sidewalk, where hr learned to fight hla own battlce and take a fr hard knocks without grieving. II father snd mother are hard-working wople, but they bsve been so busy for two or three years getting soup bones and firewood to throw at the wolf that "JameayV education has been nrg lectetl. The boy learned mnny things, but be didn't get thetn out of a primer For two months he had liern "liuntllu paiers, until a truant iiiaircbr found him one tiny and took biiu home "JameayV mother was told that the boy belonged In school, and that be must be started In at once. 8he was well-meaning woman and agreed Ilia "Jsmeay V education should br-gln the ot morning. 1 lie boy went to the St hoolhnuae ha detrrmlmd to "durk" at receaa, but the teat her trestrd him ao kindly and there waa so niurb of a novelty in the abow fhat be decided lo remain, lis soon tirn to fr- at home, and he a-rairi up a whlx-rlig aiial!ilaiir with a small Jew boy at his tight. The teach er Interested biin grratly. HewaUhed h-r draw a pk ture of a rube, and then beard her read off a row of flgurra from I be blarklxiard, sod h cinrludi-d that she was the sinsrteat ierton In the world, esevpt iba man at the on cent Show who ttiayto a IsrauUful colored andraN while the orrheaU laye one tune. Toward the rlos of the morning sea slon Uie trarhnrsald: "Now, rhiblrrn, I am going to read to you a little pleee out of tlilt book, and I want yon to listen very cbnrly.aoUiat )ol can rvjiral It to toe when 1 have nnlftlml" This sniiiard Jlmttile. If there waa an) thing hm oVia'htt la ll waa retat- Irtg, with sundry emj IiaUc avattirta. lo j bit n"i ir brother el home a'to'itila ! of II." tint ii rf espbola i f T' HI flwlton and J' ew Judt' t at lt I,. rd tl. iu frittt lh I I i.: nl.l. r ! i i. f uiii. y i,i rt , t.. an. I if a. 1 I at .!. this lie B.1 Up .i r n l t'l I Mt S( with seveial disagreeable features and return the next forenoon. He straight ened himself in his seat nt the request to "sit erect," prepared to absorb every word of the expected story. The teacher said: "Now, I will read this from this little book, and any of you who wish to can repeat it to the class in your own words. Don't try to say it as I read it, but just ns you would say it." Jimmle's eyes grew big, and he was all attention. The teacher read this short lesson from the first reader: "See the cow ! Is it not a pretty cow ? Can the cow run? Y'es, the cow can run. Can the cow run as fast as the horse? No, the cow cannot run as fast as the horse." "Criminyl" thought Jimmie, "is 'at all? 'At's dead easy." His hand was up in a twinkling, in imitation of sever al others. His interested face caught the teacher's eye, and she tsaid: "Well, Jumes, you may try it, but be careful to get it right. You may stand up by your seat." "Jamsey" arose. Ordinarily be was not bashful, but now bis face was flushed, and he was trembling with im portance, as he said: "Get onto de cow. Ain t she a beaut? C'n she git a move on? Sure. C'n she hump herself as fast as de horse? Naw, she ain t in it wld de horse, seel" The teacher was overcome, but, never theless, "Jamesy" was a favorite from that moment. Chicago Record. AROUND THE GLOBE. Garner has Improved on his monkey story; he is starting a monkey school at Caloutto, where apes will be taught to read. Prussia has a debt of $37 per capita, Russia, $30; Austria-Hungary, $70; Britain, $87; France, $116; Italy, $V8, and the United States, $14. The census of Germany, just com pleted, shows the population of the em pire to be 51,758,364, an increase of 2,- 329,894 during the last Ave years. Odessa la to hold a French industrial exhibition lasting six months, next year, for the purpose of making Russia buy ers acquainted with the products of French manufacture. A strange story comes from the Gold coast of a race of white men, with light hnlr and blue eyes, dwelling In caves to the northeast of the Koran za country, through w hich the Ashantee expedition is to march. Turkish coffee Is not all coffee. Throughout the east It Is mixed with Urge quantities of barley or tye meal, which makes It thick, and prevents it from exciting the nerves too much. A cable will soon be laid between Ice land and the Shetland Island, the north ernmost xiint of the British telrgraph system. The money has been sub acrllied, Great Britain, Iceland and Den mark jointly guaranteeing six errent, interest for a number of yeara. Tele graphic communication with statlona In Iceland, lying as It docs In the middle of the North Atlantic, will be of great value to meteorologlata. ITEMS WORTH READING. slf Ocean strainers of the first clsss esch consume from I'M to 20 tons of coal a day. In Germany a merchant was recently fined heavily for Using a quotation f rem the MiUlo at the bead of an silver Garment, Mrs. Hester Curtis, of Ufnyel te, Ind., who was murdered a few days sgo.wss the mother of 2 children, Including seven lrs of tw Ins. A M'raonid Hots for trn dollars, on which the lnii-rrt waa $340. csme into court In Arizona tecently. The rate of ints-rnnt Shplilttt.-d was ft 25 a Week. The until waa outlawed, A Unit oue-thlrd of a fine eambrlo rerdle entered the finder of Mrs. C. 8. Warner, of Windsor, VL, 20 years sgo. Home dtij astro, It waa removed from the sole of Jier foot, James KldrMge, of Hartford, Conn., has bought I lie a 4 onl and handcuffs worn by John Brown, from Daniel I.ler, of Wabash, Ind., for $51. The relics have tern In Liter's pwtaioa for luuny years. An Iceltig for rake, that w III tw found lneiienite and giant, may I mmln by faking three tu'.ilr.Hinfult of milk and letting It come in a boil. Then art It aside, and when It la cool add one lea- ainful of vanilla or otttrrrttrsrl etui tir In con fee tlotirr's sugar until thick though lo spfsd without running. I'rsnre has eolttd it, problem of ap pi) lug tbw rule for eompuleory mil itary service to prleata by assigning them to ambulaore work. Virginia ftrgroe own f 1 1 . 0,0 of the I M'J.OOQ.ttiO worth of real iuu and impeuvemeiita In Um ttat ff;f Wl by the aaaaor lof the y-er. from Turin ? brothers of the order of Mt, Franrta da ftatee ami 14 sitbrs were arii l out in m o..lr as Biiasloo aries Ui rtoutti An-rb An Inttanc of rrmarktUy wvll prt artrd old ar la reported from Grwen Ma., where a log l'l had lain on the tail lorn of the lab fe i years waa brouglit up and f mi n.l lo ba aa sound M lb day It was rnt Mvirift of o)ntrr ! el'ifig nut of NhiIIi Norwi'k, I umi, sr antdng Ibeir etrwa It Iv I tl.t f ;-tr .ilrttrt bate nia-U ll.ir aiiiaiiew again, snd ojttrr hi'n ttanpt li run ll rit il- i.l r-K.ks an st- w n.