Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, March 17, 1896, Image 4

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While yon &aep your subscription paid up yea
eta keep foot brand In free of oharg.
iYUya. T. J., lone. Or. Horses GO on left
ahoaldar; cattle same on left hip. under bit on
right ear, and upper bit on the left; range. Bor
row count.
Baird, D, W.and son.-Horsas branded D B
on the left hip; oattle the same on left flank,
crop off right ear, undercrop in the left. Bange
in Morrow County.
Bartholomew, A. G., Alpine, Or.-Horses
branded 7 E on either ehonlder. Range m Mor-
TOJan0nieter, J. W., Hardman, Or:-attle brand
,., " . Vi thiiFh: an it in each ear.
" ou ...K -7,- Orenon-Honwe
bmnded ? B on lef t Bhoulder. Cattle same on
Wren, A. A., Heppner, Or. Hones running A A
on shoulder; Cattle, same on riant bio.
Jfoona, J. H ttooteotjrry.Or. Hoiaas bran"
T8 on the rUht ahoultV..
Brotman. Jorry. Lena. Or.-Horses Dranaoa i
right side
on right ehoulrlor; cattle B on the left aide.
Left ear nnn oroii 'tnu n. im
Barton, Wm, Heppner, Or. -Horses, J B on
right thii?h; cattle, same on right hip; split in
"toTn, J. C, Hoppner Or.-Horses. circle
C with dot in nei ter on left hip; cattle, same.
Brown W J., lena, Oregon. Horses W. bar
over 14, on th left shoulder. Cattle same ou left
hlfioie, W. G., Heppner, Or.-Horses, box
brand on right Uip oattle, same, with split in
p O., Hoppner, Or.-Horses, P B on left
.houlaV. cattle.same , on left hip.
, lrftll tof croplm left e. and two split and
ffi nieoe cnt out on right ear; on horseB same
Ehelett thigh; Haw in Fox valley.
Grant county.
ed O on right stiHo ; cattle
When you are about to buy a Sewing Machine
do not be deceived by alluring advertisements
ar.d be led to think you can get Uio best made,
finest finished and
Most Popular
for a mere song. See to It that
you buy from reliable manu
facturers that have gained a
reputation by honest ana sq uare
dealing, you will then get a
Sewing Machine that is noted
,i.n nrnrlit nvr-r for its dura
bility. You want tne one mai
is easiest to manage and is
$ Light Running
-nf.V There is none In the world that
Urantooumy. n, -Hrm. hrand .
Caraner.warrm, -----
uange in
left atiflel
right ribs, crop and split in each ear. Ill
Brunt and Morrow ooiintiee.
tt sn nnirtnr c rele over it, on loft sh'
and . nWetififl on M .. under 5 years; on
left shoulder only on all horses over 5 years. All
raCa6te ChasT B.; Vinson or Lena. Or Horse.
1.BMJ, .,i- una on riiiht hlD.
H U on ngnr. i ' i"r,"7
"SJMSl. M M. palloway, Oratt!. crop
!2S?.5?s.o on ;Ka - w M0r:
"WjJihnTayOr.-Double cross on
-Sff'oS cattlehnsw,lFowfork and unde, bit
county. , M Ann nn aft. i
WfomS" bit in "right crop in
riK" -
" MTVor.-Horses, (Won right.h.
der-Cattle, same on righthip: ear mark syuare
Sy'c-&Xor. -Horses. on
leftstiHe. . Or.-Caltle, Cwlth
Voi iwi. d., 'if,. Sin.
in center; nor-. -"- - - - , (, 0r
neiiRain, on ihi
both hips, mark
Cochran, K. K.. M'.nnment. I
Hons brandrf circle wl bar
SnoilKli'rj urn -- : i
under s lope, noi i ear. - rW,,rRS branded
(!hapin, n.. "a" "mu. v
d.' (Il on horses right thigh; cattle same
'i" . . .i,ldor. and cut off end of
O on
brand on right should.r. and cut
right ear
C? can equal in meehanical con-
1 1 1 ra'a struction, duraDility oi woraing
jy -YH 1"" " . .'
in appearance, or nas u ;
improvements as the
New Home
It has Automatic Tension, Double Feed, alike
on both sides of needle ,aten ed),ro other has
it ; New Stand (patented), driving wneel hjnged
on adjustable centers, thus reducing inct.oa to
tho miuimum.
For? SH'.E 8V
P. C. THOMPSON CO., Agents,
Heppner, Oregon. .
' ; E. McNEILL, Receiver.
Of Two Transcontinental
Spokane Denvtr
iJonX-. W,M . PV--wv. Or.-Oattl D on
ritfht side.swallow-iora m e - -
on. left hip. . n .,, Up-nflod ELY
ontVZuldercItUe-.a;u. on lefthip. hole
Emery'.'H., Hardman. Or.-Hor.es branded
n (reversal ( with taill on left shoulder t oat
I L:.iT Li Itunan in Morrow oounty.
tie same ou r.a.., " "r n--C.,,tle. LV on
HghiTlpTOS: 1 wTth bar under on right
thonlder. Heppner. Of.-Horses, F on
"i.'iTldert cattle, on right hip or thigh.
uemTj, r.i . over it, on left stltte.
B. with nuarwr ri
I? 1 n H Hi dge. ()7.-:attle. round-top A
" u l Warner. Or-IT (T P L
c" .rZwTn riuht shoulder on horses; on oattle,
"""" T :"" j T- l..ft, .id, swallow fork in
2n.,T"Vl. It i left. Kang. in Hay.taok
ji.irint Miirruw oounty.
tt a I r. rtillowar. Or. Horses - .
..,, .ta Iti on right shoulder; cattle same
Start sit: ' Haug. in Morrow and Umat.ll.
Popular Magazines
He Came on Mighty Particular Bnslneaa,
But It Was Not a Divorce
When Representative M. W. Howard,
the populist member from Alabama,
first hung out his shingle as lawyer
he was 19 years of age. His patience was
nearly exhausted by days spent in vain
waiting for his first client to come,
when one day he heard a knock at the
door. On calling "Come in!" a darky,
known as Sam, stepped into the little
"What can I do for you?" the lawyer
asked, as visions of his first fee came to
" 'Scuse me, sah," said Sam, "but 'deed
I wants to see you on partiklcr busi
ness." Mr. noward, thinking that the man
most likely wanted a divorce, said: "Sit
down and explain everything care
fully." " 'Deed, sah, I would like to close de
dore, fo' de bizness am mighty pertik
ler," said Sam. After having closed the
door he took the proffered chair. Then
he explained:
"Sah, I has got a gurl in Georgah dat
I wants you to write a letter to fo me.
"Do you love her?" asked the lawyer,
"Do you want to marry her? Does she
love you?" and many questions of a like
To all these questions Sam replied:
Qf "Pmil l'oncnc Citv The replies being satisfactory, he pro
Ol. A clul J..cUlOcl3 vity ceeded to write the letteri After having
finished it he read it to Sam to see
whether it agreed with his ideas.
" 'Scuse me, boss," said Sam, scratch
ing his woolly head; "'scuse me if I
offer a sugghestan; I would like to put
something else in dar also; something
like dis:
ue roses am red,
And de vylets bloo; vT
De pinks am preaty,
And so is you.
And havine put it in, Howard asked
CAM rDAK P QPfl if that was all. Sam scratched his
OMIM I ' woolly head a minute and then said:
IIEFnnC1 could get relief
DC.rU llEL from a most hor-
rible blood dis
ease I had spent hundreds of dollars
trying various remedies and physi
cians, none of which did me any
good. My finger nails came off and
my hair came out, leaving me
perfectly bald. I then went to
Honinc to be cured bv this celebrated
treatment, but very soon became disgusted
and decided to try S.S.S. The effect was
truly wonderful. I commenced to recover
at once, ana alter l naa taken twelve doi-
ties I was entirely cured cured by S.S.S
when the worm
renowned Hot
Springs had failed,
nr. 1 1 t .. I
Our Book on Uie Disease nn d its Treatment mailed free to any
Address. SWIFT Sl'lit-lflL CO.. aub. u.
s. ft. i a
ilweite k SI. Paul H'l
Ocean Steamers Leaue Portland
Every 5 Days For
i T (nross
U..mM Mat. Heppner, Or. Morses I
Hiinsaaer, H A. Waner. Or.-Horses, V
on left I
oonnties. nr -Tsttla E H on I
-.. .ri'i AIZU same on rllit shoulder. Kange
in Orantoonntr.
Li ...
llnmphreys. I U. Uardmaii. Or.-Hoi
"Hu". Lnther. -j. Mile. Or -Honje II on
th. l.-f t shonld..r and hnrt on the 1 ! J Jj-
ri j "7 - " slionldnr; rattle lsri. M J n
. !,. underl.it in 1" ."'" '
1Vrr,LwJ,"A,"V II.,.,..nM.. Or.-llor.es. hors
I ,,n lUft .(..Milder. Cattle, the earns.
Ivan f, llri. r releTon
left :",Tl'eat.i:.: m'..u ril,t .,ip, under half
nr.... in ri,', and ...lit '.n left ear . .
T'lor.M.k.. Heppner. Or.-llor... branded
KIT ..n In't hip e.Hl..neml erop oil left
"itlrk j I.T . "lUpnn-r, Or.-ll..r.s (W en left
T nitwit." M.: n. Vernon. Or.-I Is on
. " , ' i .-4 i..fi ,. .. aw. i.w foik n left
." and n" "ler r...,. in rlUt ear. llor..n.
braidnn .h.mhW. l...e h. Ira-.t -.-tr;
U.ftn. Hiei-hen. . Ilr.-H I. on Ml, hip
on oaltle. em,, ami split on rlsth ear. Ilorw.
s"s7 brand n left ahmilder. ra..l
C,!T.",T:,, f .k- f. l.,ln. Or. -M.
spartan... , . , ,
I . I -Af-,,lrl J t. n. in.t-.( n l..ft il...ul.
dr. Cattle. .n ou . t Iil- Kali. n.r !.
1 i W. Il. i"t Or - M..rMi branded
I,,,, ovr n.:l.t '. "rM in "M
l,'.i .r. Ilt..iier Or.-H.w. branded
A, .1,1.1m II o il.ne 'U 1 H.,I.Htlllin Call".!
. t,t 11 l. l" '""I I"
Contains each Month t Original Water Color
; i.ni., 12H Ouarto Fanes ol Wending
Matter: 100 New ana nin.tias j
Ions: More Literary miner ana iiiu.ir..
lions than nny other Majrailne In America.
29 CIS. J ser.
Frank Leslie's Pleasant Hours
a t.i,.m u'hnlmiomM. Juvenile Monthly.
rmlv lllu.i rated. The best writers for young
looido o ntrtlmte to It. 10 els. : 1 a year.
I gBS ALL BUlV.-ir iv
Fran K Usuii's Porui.A Monthly andjthej
j Uasotle, uom lor one t' "- i
AND UIBIJI aim mo "."",
one year f i.uu.
UniiouMythQ Best Club Ote
-Kfnil In AVln fair's ;ih(l("B
Jr Srw UlHtlmltd I YrmlMM .Ml. rvse. j
For full details oall on 0. K. & N
Agent at Heppner, cr address
Gen. Pass. Agt.
"Boas, dar am one mo' thing dat ought
to go in dar dis: 'I hopes dat you will
'scuse de pore, mizerable writin and de
bad spellin'." Washington Post.
jSojn Iranoisoo I
The Fagot Tarty.
If one has a wide fireplace and anunv
ber of friends who are trood storv-tel
Portland, Oregon. iers a fagot party mtty be a pleasant
form of entertainment, uive to each
QUICK TIM.! I . gUest a ribbon-tied bundle of fagots or
TO bits of wood, place cozy Keats about
the fire andnr,knumber one (the ribbons
should be numbered) to throw her fuel
And all point In California, via the Mt. Bhasta Upon the fire. As it burns a story is
timwuiiu. to t ,j ther i0iurer nor shorter
SOUthem Pacific CO. than the time of its burning, and as
,... ,, the light dies out number two begins
Lhtand&uWan hU tele. A room for a fagot party
of the Pacific Coast. Pullman BoBet should be lighted only by candles and
bleeders. Beoona-olaas Bieepers the firelight. Finish the evening with
Auaonea uj exurese (mine. niLi.ruiiia .uimnuf , - . . .
aecommmlatlons forseo..nd-elau paMeniers. an iniormai nance, 11 your K"c""
Kor rates, ticket., sleepini car reservation., nf ua (lancinc habit, ana Wltn a llirnt
, oall upon or address .... ,lint v annivr a mnt nf na ir mt
R. KOKHLKK, Mananer, b. r. kuus.su, am "i r-"
i v 1 1
-JL Xli
Is one of the verv best wheels ever made Is an Indisputable fact. It stands In the
front rant with all hieh urade machines, and if you buy one you will make no mistake. !
Ride a KAMBLER BICYCLE If you want to be happy, lor should your wneei De
punctured, it can be mended by you In five minutes, ob it is equipped with the world j
renowned G. & J. clincher tires with woott rims or copper-piaieu sveei nmi,
Sold In all sizes for ladles or gentlemen at ,100 each.
Tandems for two men or man and woman, f ISO each.
THE RAMBLER'" ne fate8t" Hghtcs' and strongest wheel in the market.
For style, finish and durability it is unsurpassed, as it is constructed on strict mechan
ical and scientific principles.
Chicago Ideals
For men, women, boys and girls, with 28, 26 and 24 Inch wheels, at $B5, 55, $45 respect
ively, are splendid medium grade wheels, with G. & J. high-grade double locking edge .
clincher tires and are fully warranted,
Before you buy a bicycle, write for catalogue, circulars, terms and discounts, or call
. i 1.1... u ,, .,tl U' ,.,,1 in avarv taurn in ftreffon. Waahiilff- !
on our numerous agem.. dbiuuici nua,.. ,, ... . . j a , s
... l,l.lin .
FRED T. IV! tnnl I.L, tlULt witirsn 1 ,
NnrthvMt renre.entatives Gormully & Jeffery Manf. Co's "Rambler Bicycles." Main
Store. 827 wasmngwnbl.,rorua,m ur. n
Glance at this Map
Of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Rail
way and note its connections with all transcon-1
tinental lines and 8t. Paul and maha, and
remember that its trains are lighted with elec
tricity and heated by steam. Its equipment is
superb. Elegant Buffet, Library, Smoking and
Sleeping cars, with free reclining chairs. Each
sleeping car berth has an electric reading lamp,
and Its dining cars are the best In the world.
Other lines are longer than this, but none are
shorter, and no other oilers the above luxurious
accommodations. These are sufficient reasons
lor the popularity of "The Milwaukee." Coupon
ticket agents In every railroad office will give
you further information, or address
C. J, EDDY, General Agent,
J. W. CASEY, Trav. Pass. Agent,
Portland, Orison.
How's Your Liver ?
Oen. F. V. Agt., Portland, Oregon
Si'est. t5fYfcsV Lightest,
Simplest, i'jiSli3ikE,,5le5t
Wrongest, I jTQ Working,
TP llfi5(! Accurate,
Receiver. Compact,
II -st (
4. 'r,!javifM!,rj'
Most Modern and progressive
For rsulngue or Infonnallon write to
New Haven. Conn.
the eating habit. N. Y. Tost.
Couldn't Serve Hlra.
Drummer (hurriedly) Can't wait for
dinner have to catch 11:10 train 1 11
just have a quick lunch. Can you open
me some oysters?
Landlord Smithville Hotel very
sorry, :r; but the cook broke the can-
opener this morning. ruck.
"They say that Cholly has lost his
mind." "Is that so? Does ne know
it?" IloNton Courier.
4 Sctontiflo American
This question is asked daily. If dormant
you need exercise need it badly.
The Bicycle offers a remedy, and if you do
not own one, call at
Ike Ennis Bicycle Livery,
Power House.
Tor Information and free Handbook write to
HUNN CO., Ml Dboadwat, Nw York.
Omens bureau for socurlnn pUnt In America,
fcvery patent taken out ly u 1 broimht IWore
tlie pufjllo by a notice sjlvun (rue olcharse in Use
3 rirotif fc 'Smwlcau
IadwH clrculntlnn of any solentlfle paper In the
wurlU. hiiU'iuUilly IllUHtraUiU. So luK'lllKant
man shnulil Im without It. WeeklT, r?3 Ma
year; tLMialxmnnth. Aflilre. MUNM
Vuuuiui.ua, 301 Lruadwuy, &vvt Yurk City,
"lie suid I was his life's sunsliine. ixrs PIHEOLA BALSAM Is a sure Kemedr
lor couiih, colds, sore uiroav ana lor asinma. 11
r King of Bicycles. r
r,. - - s J.
"I guess you will find that all moon
shine." lioston Courier.
Prisoner "What, that man Is go
ing to defend me? Why, he couldn't
& 1 nOO oiMi.. lovfiv Muilc tor Forty
X 7SIIJ ,, Cents, ci.nvKHnir . i pk'f
syiw ul s, j,hl.,., M,C f iln
bring nn innorcnt perttoii through!'
lstfl. br1h;htf".t, livrlti'tt sr.J moit popular
Sf-lfctlon. holh vim al snj lnHuinenll,
sjotirn up In the nwtt rli'iint nuiiuer. la-
lIuJInK lour urr'e sire I'oltMlts,
1 'lu gentle lilm tter.
'Tell me, pulilo, why no few jveojile
nKtend that iiiiigniflcent mountain.
"JVoiuiHe no has ever fallen olt It."
Flifgende UliM-ttcr.
"Well met. colonel!" 'Tin not n
colonel, Kir!" 'Tardon mel Iwoiun
"2 dor the linireaaion you hiul ln-en ii
-Atlanta 1 011M it u-
oothrs, quicklfl
aoaies me couen.
and renders eipeclf
urauoa fsasj.
benefit from Its nsa,
Alanr vitio siipjKise
iHi j. y tlieir cases to De con-tM.rt-'V,!.
mmplloB are only
. ' sunrrltig from a
' '':r JTT seated eooiih, oftea
V ' 'M-rYttfd bT ea-
tsrrrL Kor csturrh ui Kly'S t'nm Hlm. Hots)
' ri'inifliMiare i.lpnt to mm. Cream Halm, so eta.
11 1 tier iHitile: PhhhiI Mslum, lie. Hold hy l)rti(Kista.
1 fly
LLX liUollltlUi, 64 Warren BU,W iws.
ft- CAHMHCITt, Iht Bpanltk Donrtr,
AULLiKA PAiriand 3 C.eorgia nix weekH. -UlNHIt
saintsiu sniiatt LZT 1 ,r i.t..- ivl..i 1 f n U An . i ... .1... ,.u..n !, It trivi Iha
lltT 1 lUJliTi ti inn rui" wi l-llll, nil ti; hi, u. - r
- -
If von think of linvitlU 811 ftitfine, of ,.. .,.,, rn.. r3t
-' - - .... i anc newt luna muaiLBirLnu k-u. i . . . I ... . . .
.. . . ......... . 7. , .i.lniii-.. .iii-.tt lir nsl.Til na lie iiiiiii.' I 1,. ori im.iT to flu t linn lias iM-on eusuiin-
imire iinir..rirw iiMKSjiy. - - -
VAC9EM4 wantio. 5 Ii im regular cull. I lit! tiuirriiigc ue, nrv, but, r enurae, ny gmng mw inr
V M v . H, - " " ""I;-' any a.,. or k.... n-n.l for our Cutaloyu' ZZ iujw.vT
i'r.' .i-i.i rcr.-iti. M Ii on prioea f er.ry kiu.l of rniiinn from on jIll tt) I Hi il. U llkilM'tlUJUK nnawrre.l truthfully, and without ..xercino gnuluully, the heart grow.
, np to i, norMn power, hi imuoro irici, ......... heltatiim.-Itrolt Free l'n-aa. atronger ami i prf pared fur fxerUon.
' I I M Hi',. Ui loss tj.Ar.1 Ann nM imil. I " I I . i
i or "i f.'j n Biii.t.'-i
Fmir Models 885 and 8100.
Monarch Cycle Co.
Factory and Main Office; Lake and Halsted Sts.. CHICAOO, ILL.
"UUANCHES i New York. Can FrancUco. 5lt Uka City. Denrer. Memphis. Detroit. Ter onto.
A. W. PATTERSON, Agent for Morrow County, Heppner, Oregon
.1 . l... k.... M sin Itaft TlttUlilfW.
ZJu?Z. TZ Jl riabt ert .n. machinery. Either sen I frea,
kli-i eiu.11.nnM sirla.
ft. . I a .!.. aino intra."., , , , ,. . n .
Woo lft .-.M-r. MtUn.Hi b.rfl.hi
() on l..fl
.P.Willard& Co.,
I19T Canal Strtat. . - CHICAGO
Trap j -f'TnTn
i i,! i i i j '-2-3 - -
.-i.....' J W.. l.,oiil. r. l.r
.1 i,ii ra.ilMi.w..n nlil li.
!. IHe.l'r.- Il..r,qaar
tf rirrll.ifll . sl..ml.trt ami on lrt
but. "l. '" " I'l'1'
t,i.Mil,ii.. IU..."n I' '. ,
f ,.I.I'mv. .... a a
a "T('. I ronilWlfl' "O l"'t aWMlilatr I OMll
t,,..n ii' l Lie. H-"" M.trr.. e..M'r.
',H l.ti'.i.."tl'l'l wUl,i .mi Uft bltt.
id i.w mi in -'i i
- il.lr. ' ' . v-....- - -. - i
Ill anl'-, lUrt nB.f.-lt. inar
rr mm '.. I K,,t--"t. :.i i 'i"".
k i-h Hr . Ile'l". " - .H"" a" tl 1
m il ..'.! ".! e.. ,) "P
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at -!
l .t, !.-. l-.i.V". -M.
bn.1.1 A II I'' . ".". 'V
Irfwli wtU " '. bi.
It-.at la '' ....
H...-T H. II. ls.tr.tHla. Or-IIH .!..
t.k M -sl-t ..t-i. l"l ' ': 1
... I r t lM" ' '' b-fl. M -
mmm W'. I UV tl.lH IUli la
.. m l. I'' mm um.
H-. J. W , ll-vi- J
Wft ts.u-il.Ut. t allia. rlM bltt.
HflM W. r. H.Hs. f - .t.s .Ut
J a tw t- tslt.. J H . latt bl(t, saaib.a
.-b la rM . -' W"- a a t
W b., tastU sataa aa laft bia.
R J-tt, !. tH -Cattla 11
s-WM bia l"'l tU' tfc.tabb b-e a, H M
a,.fc It..- IVaaMitllla. . !. httW
a. , . . i l in. na 11 atwatt-Ut
a,.iM J.aa All, .... Itt.l Ma...tl
la ... l ta-na. .. a.a
I II.. mm ta Jk I IttlllaHlaMf ttaa.
a A . ll.".Mt. ! t"a
. .... M-ll lal I Ml IKt ItaM t.ssi
Laaa. M't A. i .Hii -tatua,
aa t,.l.l b.l I ail"a
t.b -. I,L ii aa ll bl
a-.. S II ll-uaat. . - T aa
u, i a t.M a- ! a4-'- ta Ml (tai
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ffc..-.-. 4 A . Il-i t M -aas -a
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an ... - . b.a-. ati.a aaa a !' br
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t.. Il M l - W H a I.r4
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I. . I-....I II 1 ll. II a II I
a-4 m sia.Wi,sat a nM
L'M.ic it-i- h r, la
aa t'a i- ) ' aaa .aa fiM big.
r. , ,.4 m M.4 ' mmt l-l-at
. a - . it tw ll t. I s -
ft b... tM .at I . Mi a.,a. haa
r.JLT "is I '.'K ' I atiia W a.iK i
... ... .... I. i 1 1.1 l aa
M a
M.aaaa, t'.a Ufl
LfllRLEllC lElES..;
J..,rlr tt IVars la fl.'la'.t. 4k
lllV,,T" i."i.a i. Hall Clater. r.att
li.li ' i a a ... i,..H li. r. Tiniiit I'latar
ami lii.l Hi.Ur. a HI I avul l.i ai.f J
I t,.a li.ill n ri)'! tt l rniis, tt f H
Chataf-a H
I ni.,t ata al.li"lfl ltl-! J
b-i.ilf.lllv rt.'trr.t an.! m,t.iita-., anl M
i'"I'-l bttiaiMt u.tiht,amt
ai .......... I-Un tx
J- ' -"I I .", ..... - ' ,
at ... .... .ii.l-n.. . ...i.l a.illal.L. fl
fl .r flub. f.- liti r,n. offira ttf hi.ma. "
0.v,,i tosa -.i.itrta 4
Q A4 at iJ
Honx MYou worked your wny At for th lunfrn. cyciini? cuiiivup
throuph rollrjr-, didn't you?" Joax 1 a (roodtiabltof dwplreathln(r,naaoca
"U'urht." Hoax "What did yea work! a (rrrat deol to .trrnffihcin the inuacle
aa 1 nt7 joax " Itie oinrraitHieiivaprin-i oi uie iinca.
IX I-'. I I I cli.nllv."-riillmlelplila lteeord. There U no ther exerclae that U u
" " I . ,1 i!..l s tl.. tmmwmm anil t hlell at the
Sloiiim jeiimna ki unuin raimi..i....... , j
Hraoonatrn t m an old flame of aame time Urlnr Into play o nicely nd
youra." lllol.lta "An old flame? Im- o (rently the many pnrta of the body
piMMsiblr!" "Why Iniixwalbl?" "She'a without jrlvlnff violent work to aoitil
from Iktaton." rhllttlelpliia Iteronl. rUeular art of muaelea.
Hl,pn I are you I aluava think Cycling Induera thoaetotakeouUloor
of the i.rovrrb: To whom ti.il Klu a an exerclae who have never taken It be
oftW, to him he ! underaUiMl.i.jf." and the Wst exerclae that can be
lt-"iuit I hove no otTiee!" A-"Well. takfn: but let the brirlnner bewan .of
don't vu M-e how that filar'-Flie- overlndulirrne and pcralat In the
KrndcUlaetter. plcaaure and aafrneaa of moderation.
-Mr. Hplnka "Well. Willie. hna your . urruimiriL MnRROR.
Ther. art bo panonal or pnv.ta aUter made yv htt M l to go i JH' . n. fc. naa
.t -a ' I avtlti-art Mill. Hie V VV 11119 in", saw .a.w.
proMi in connct.oo wnn xna or8n. K. .. ,., ,,,, .n,i ni,k. im abaiai-a-.
ton and itiiiuttained by nembefihipt, .... (..,- Wi .- ,jwn In I "Machinery
contribution, and tht ditfibution of it! a inlnnie." t.rrat IHvl.le,
The American Protective Tariff League
it a national organization advocating
"Protection to American Labor and
lndu$t7M ai explained by it constitu
tion, at follow :
Tat) b)ac ibis laafu tbasl b to SfW-t
Hasnrss " b a aa baaarto, ah aKall
d. t'i.t.lr mmmw Immnrnm- butattal arodatt
a.nt vat amaaVstaa ef farf tUom."
la a monthly Journal
iubl.ahed at Johannesburg. Hout n Afrl
2 3 J
a. -
, 11, M (. II .a-a tat
, ... u t - a '-" .e
,,..( . 1 S.H Ms
. Il . , II. II , 1 1
t. - It .afi.i.la
Tbtta,P. rati rttslat f ibtaa twatars
Is (a-a la ftnin.
tbty lll.ttr! Iba i..latlts
plat, atarara saaat i N etaiita,
ta tMta.a1M baaa.la4.
Mfaf Rlpiin$Tabu!cs
At tatarat. " r ft.taatlt
t M Tattai i fut a, t
Uf at saati.
riNIT J Ctwaaeea) k taflaltot! af''M
- M.t.it " a4 " OfTal CwrasptfiHi.W.'
CCOMO: Wi atatl atxl a tlttms asatr.tMitaa,
a halt, a. ttta t bvf, to aw. sama.
THlttO: W a Itfa Kfa baws
Sawtna til akaatt af IM t '.". Ca
aM... .at a.S la ta t"a4.r ftOttat
rOUHTH! sWatt aattol te taaatl fct Ha
tamata a-tr tf la aiaaiaa i.a.-
tl M W C. W.l.'a" Oaaaral tmrmWy,
199 Wttl l tHaa. bltat Varta
t.taaa n try ttaadi twaa taaa t say sal abt aa.
alia skaaaaa a MM staat ttliiSial.nl Mttas! aatama
staaaMkaa4f .
W tarttra llsa baal atatattto r tnaraltaaia,
M sta fl mi I Km attai a Sa akaaiamaa tata.si it at
taaataaaa mt tto latM AI taaa tasst at)
tnah aa a nn ata tM fmm tW latt ska
it '5 mn a nn n,TKtvui iw cntions
taab tl tbt "ta aiaa " aba b (. to tWl tM tt
taa -a a. - .4 aa..a. tba fat-a t tait,
aaat taa." ' ... W.a. "Vaua.
aa..a., aaa t laaa.4 atlM ttiai ma.rt aaat
tat aiM aa - 4 lt. -I . ta ifcw aalt
a. i im a an a it., a.. ...a Nw twiraa rata at tM
tailaa. I r It ll. b tf ta.u( a. tataal
rr is oT f o n vko as it sixns.
fali.lt I. k. I'-aae a s.'.it.t.ap ,alaaa
Mia Knai hi ut" I V y ou k now w hen
I are tin littikiliif M happy H reniliidt!
ra. In a mx-nt numlirr is an it-count
dt a Brtait remarkable clock beloiiRlni:
to a llln.liaj (trinoe which the etIiUr
OF . . .
!! A DC T TKfn
y'y.MI..U. VIL.i-lltU
It to Advertisers at a great finoncial sacri
fice. You need it in your business, and as a
matter of business wc must sell it.
irnr i ii v utati vi winiiian-
In Imlli
kxtk'tntr rtnek It) larre fnng hunf on
railcts, while underneath, acatteret. on
the rmund, la a pile of artificial skull.
rlba, lejra and arma, the whole numbr
of ttvrt) in the pile la-l.i r etjtia' to the
number of lame In II human skew-tana.
When Ui hands of the clock Indicate
the hour tf one, tlw number of bonea
kataaval ,...a.
C .ts.kitlWanl.x.it'l' r Aaaata t
la ta. mm., .mm l aarat aa l t SaMaJl t fat mm.
aaa la 1 J--M...I, ttm t4 aa. la a4 tM tSaa-t.
IS. aU a-l.a... aaa .lia,iWai.a.,ata aa
aa.k .at mm rwa. 1 a ,alfi at tfi aaana
a mi tW. . l b-a " -a
at.a mi taat, M t a-a"-t-t a. 1. aa.ia ia aa,
94, aa a t 4 . , . w . s. tte I a4 .-ata a "i f
..,a. a. I m toa-( tt aa
a. . a .Wa as , "
Al.a ,a.wa .. 1-4 a t.ltjr na l a It ai,
J( -HM V,t Ilt S.!tl .-s A CO.,
(Wta luat 4 a...s. aa -l I - 1'at.a.,
IS I' Mrcct, N. V.,
r-,1t. liirjtt..t, D. C.
l . s - ax. v 'a raa.waat
a-'b ,
11. 1
waa UT M.aa K.-"Uhere leiiorance
la bliaa-Millatlelphla l;ccrd.
ia "I bate netcr Intel but once
In nil my life." r.h-"Uhatr llev
"I'at't, I aure you. It baa aonwfeow
alwava hap-nel that I neter taaamiite
fret fmn the one at Irl by the lime the
nctl una came alona"." In.Waaaiaille
. . a
journal. net-d-d to form a complete human
-Confident of lU-llyo , cm-e lather with a inapt
-"ianoui.ur,inyot.oU....a--.r-.... ,,f tj,.,, r,,,,,!, anre the
ettme an.un.i in we ic yam. i n .krtHt,B lp.,,p tlp, aer a mallet an J.
a t - a ...a .11 I a ,l.a I laal aav hi araM ait. I I
net, ,mt ..n t y.. 7 waiklnir sin t the r-ig-, atrlkea one
count o our i.ir i r.n.,- 1()W Thj( nhUhr(, to lhe
Itul I knew tli.ttlt waa.,t here any MU a rrrm Wh,.
,..re- .y of the llou.-- How ( . .Vr,eloi,a ret ..n and
...! ki...w itr Tramp- I in '"LtHke. tth.l-attheb.tor-i.f nnaid
l.a.etl.al pi.te i.f e J..11 r . - tl,l,)i.,i ,!, .,, ira,, up
In the t.aa of 13 akrl, t, t. bimI tribe.
rarh Itlie after the stlhrr, a blt.W on the
p.M C, and then fail to I'Wi-ra, aa before,
A Ki.larnry tmirlal. so the story (fnra.
waa aitaiirnl .t a iruitla that the echo
.n Ij Il I. ill ttaa worth Ix-ani r. fWt
f'T tsrut tlw li.iirai tis hr it. and hired
h.i it ii t.i rM I, a ut ful, a. itrti.iistv
!" If tin" 1 1 attataa 1 1.. SNt Mftl. that
I'trir t ta .i 1 1 mii- I ir ttiriii t.i artaira
f. tl.e tit.i tl e Im l.i I In altrrntanee.
j In .1. ! -t.r tb l.ft.le an oaf. and one
I an .In.ra t.i f. t. Ii ant O.a-r The
The Patterson Publishing Co.
Ivtioii I m lit ta.
Itna't Allaw ar W haal lit Maa
lib taar Ilaa4.
M.atrratinn In rvetlnf la a n-t-aar)
a In eterjlhintf rlae, and pttrtlf uiarlt
tat tat auae It brtir Itibi play new at t,
i.f lima. I,ai attd bltaal Irwl In it-rtain
aria of the l.aly to hit II are intutly
utiprtairtil f.tr the imual tlrain
Tba fiMtnata.it of blt jtla tMirf I
th airm.iftwt nlitrati.ia t.t th ti.-t'.
o a..t.iii.l of the dancrf of mrlurl'
ti.tn. ai.d for tint rt aa. ll th.aa w bit
take II up for li.iprtt'emenl of health ( i,
, r. ,,ie a., im i-.ti ,1. . au-l d -Ifibt. tl
with the rtlt it that the tt r it tit. al t'
i I the iti.iat rrf.i at (-.itrr"'? tl 1 i
i it t
ir t.
' . .. ! 1.
l ...I . ,,i,. a," i no the
"1 t '." ,. t lie r. Hi
V . . Mil.- I...I l.laaa
i . ,.t ' j a ', tt-al
Ymro iJOUND to Take 'Km.
Lcnvcs No Constipation,
Car It. m "tU m !l H Hit.ntnetw. k tl atvlacii and Malaria. Tt a only
caw irtiai a pill n ti e wnrM. rWIJ by all riffi.ia e ai.t by ir.aU oa
.. . . . . t t.a-ta--t...-tt. m
rarait 1 1 .ne, e oi par u"-s. i i.i..i i i.-w hsi'ii au w,
.t . 1
. I,.,.- r.. j
. k. 1.- M a at
i n-a I, i to i r It I bct -.t "S' t,t' a
haa fraartaoo, t ai.
IMbl tutW'Cl'.Ca . IS !' K T.
ill Lal,l..te a Mtrorl
i Itit a anr fti '- It la '. at. I I t i i.; . , " r..i. -t ;, 1,