Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, March 17, 1896, Image 3

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C. H. King, Water Valley, Kiss., cured by
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
"For Ove years, I suffered untold misery
from muscular rheumatism. I tried every
known remedy, consulted the best physi
cians, visited Hot Springs, Ark., three times,
spending glOOO there, besides doctors' bills;
but could obtain only temporary relief. My
flesh was wasted away so that I weighed
only ninety-tliree pounds; my left arm and
leg were drawn out of shape, the muscles
being twisted up In knots. I was unable to
dress myself, except with assistance, and
could only hobble about by using a cane. I
had no appetite, and was assured, by the
doctors, that I could not live. The pains, at
times, were so awful, that I could procure
relief only by means of hypodermic injec
tions of morphine. I had my limbs bandaged
in clay, in sulphur, in poultices; but these
gave only temporary relief. After tiying
everything, and suffering the most awful
tortures, I began to take Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
Inside of two months, I was able to walk
without a cane. In three months, my limbs
began to strengthen, and in the course of a
year, I was cured. My weight has increased
to 165 pounds, and I am now able to do my
full day's work as a railroad blacksmith."
The Only World's Fair Sarsaparilla.
J.TXR'8 FILLS cure Jloadache.
TT2 3 4 5 6 7
JX 15" JL J2 i3 K
3 I& I7"ia 19 20 2I
223 2i25 J 2T 28
29 ao 131 hgrorens
Take Notice. .
L The sum of five cents per line will be
Ihanred for "canls of thanks." "resolutions of
respect," lists of weddlns: presont and donors,
tnd obituary notices, (other than those the edit
or shall himself Rive as a matter of news.) and
aotlceaof special moettnira Mr whatever purpose,
S. Notices of church and sorletjr and all other
ntrUlnmenU (rum which revenue is to be de
rived, shsU be charged for at the rule of five
tau a line. ThoM rules will 1 strictly adher
ed to In every Instance.
Advertising rates reasonable and madeknown
ipoo application.
Here and There.
D. Oox was in Beppner yesterday on
"The Deaoon" at the opera bouse
March 25.
Hon. H. V. Gates left tor Hilleboro
Saturday night.
Two Long Creek teams were in late
last week to get sapplies
Hon J. 8. Boothby sod son, Thos., of
Leiingtoo, were in town Saturday.
P. Caris of Monument Snndayed in
Heppner, looking as natural as ever.
J. P. Grace, an old time sheep shearer.
arrived from Butte, Mont , this morning.
. La Grnnde Marble Works, La Grande
Ore. a, O. Smith, salesman, Heopner.
Conser & Brook hove pat in new and
attraotiye electric fixtures in their drug
store. . .
H. Padberg, Olave Pearson and R. W.
Bobison Here visitors to Heppner yes
01. Justus and Holland Thompson
represented the Hinton oreek seotion
J. A. Balaiger, who is teaching very
RiiooeEsfnl school at Lena, was in town
Jon Lnrkman and wife were in Hepp
ner Satnrdoy. Mrs. Juaokman is very
much better.
Waklies squirrel rixtermmntor now
on sale at Minor & Oo.'s, reduced from
50ots. to25cts. ; - tf.
J. Groome arrived from Athena this
morning. He comes down to engage
in sheep-shearing.
Geo. Baird has been laid up all winter
with a sprained wrist, and yet hns the
maimed member in a rliug.
"The Deacon" a -laughable comedy
drama in 5 acts will b produced by
home talent. All should attend.
' Geo. Lntrell oame in from Walt
Thompson's "half-way" station, where
George is employed, last Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Jones oame in
Friday from Eight Mile to have their
baby treated for enlarged tonsils.
Best accommodation sod courteous
treatmeniat the Imperial Hotel, Seventh
and Wash. 8ts Portland, Oregon.
E. L. Mima, deputy ' oollebtor of in
ternal revenue, and Dr. E. A. Yaugban
arrived from Pendleton Saturday. -
D. M. Smith, representing Niles
Vinson. well-known marble firm of
Walla Walla, is in from Prineville.
A company of home players will pro.
duoe "The Deacon" on Wednesday
evening March 25. Don't tail L attend.
Dr. E. R. Hnnlook, of Lone Bock,
cams in yesterday on business. This
otfioe acknowledges a pleasant oall this
W.O Hill, Thos. Beaney, his sons,
Andrew and Frank, and Obas. Johnson
were among those wbo visited Heppner
j last baturday.
Minor x uo tbe reduoerg of prices,
Lave now on hand tbe celebrated Wak-
lie's Squirrel Poison. Oall and see what
they sell it for. tf .
Nat Hale, tbe viotim ot the Roalyn
oonspiraoy and wbo was so nn justly
proseooted, as our readers will re mem
ber, is in Heppner this week. ,
u. a. uati, me tonsoriai artist, can
be fonnd at bis parlors, Matlock corner,
where he will dispense at popular prices,
suaves, shampoos, nairoats. etc.
Forget your business caret tor abort
season and attend "The Deacon", to be
played at the opera bouse Marob 25.
Two and one-half bouri of solid laughter.
People witb hair that Is continually
falling out, or those tbat am bald, oan
stop tbs falling, and get a good growth
of hair by using Ayer t Hair Ueoewer.
Any inventor in Eastern Oregon wbo
desires the services of an attorney in
Danger Signals
Mort than half tbe victims of consump
tion do not knots thty have it. Here is list
of symptoms by which consumption can
certainly be detected :
Cougb, one or two slight efforts on
rising, occurring during the day and fre
quently during the night.
Short breathing after exertion.
Tightness of tbe chest.
Quick pulse, especially noticeable in the
evening and after a full meal.
Chilliness in the evening, followed by
Slight fever.
Perspiration toward morning and
Tale face and languid in the morning.
Loss of vitality.
If you have these symptoms, or any of
them, do not delay. There are many
preparations which claim to be cures, but
Dr. Hcfctr'i sgiiib RcsKdyfor Consumption
has the highest endorsements, and has
stood the test of years. It will arrest con
sumption in its earlier stages, and drive
away the symptoms named. It is manu
factured by the Acker Medicine Co., 16
and 18 Chambers St., New York, and sold
by all reputable druggists.
The Dalles Paper: Mr. Wm Rasmus
wbo in connected with the Knights of
Pythias of ibis oity, gave "Ditymon aud
Pythias" about a year Biro, is arranging
with the Ratbbooe Sisters to produce
"Tbe Confederate Spy" at an early
date. Mr. Rasmus is a finished actor,
and witb bis oo-operation, a fine per
formanoe is assured.
Tbe sooner you begin to fight the fire,
the more easily it may be extinguished
The sooner you begin taking Ayer's
Sarsaparilla for your blood-diseBse, the
easier will be the core. In both oBses
delay is dangerous, if not fatal. Be
sure you get Ayer's and no other.
Stage for Rardmsn, Monument, Long Creek,
John Day and caiiynu 1 nr. imrra follows i
Kverr lr at a. m., exi'apt Hundar.
Arrives ever ditratf. n.-eicepi M. injur.
The cheapest, quickest aud boat line to or
from the interior rnntnry.
Conser A Brock. Aleuts.
Qambrinus Beer,
City Hotel Bar!
Drinkable Liquors and Smoksbls
Cigars. Call on Tad.
Washington, D. O , will And it to bis
advantage to call 00 or address this pa-
par, btt
Tbs GaEMt staled in last issuo that
Mrs. Dr. McFsnl was formerly Mn
Lulu Adams, which is an error. Tbs
name should bars resd Miss Lulu
A. F. White, ot Wyoming, K. Buchan
an, of Colorado, and F. J. Uagart, ot
Idaho, sbeepbuyers, visited liepnoer
last wek, leaving last night for Idaho.
It Is not likely that tbey will purchase
In this locality.
Truly AsToRMnixa: Miss Annette
N. Moea, Fountain, Minn., says: "Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral bas bad a wonderful
rftVct io curing my brother's children of
a severs aud daogerens cold. It was
trolv astonishing bow speedily tbsy
round relief after lakiog ibis prepa
Ho, ye voting men of Morrow, whistle up
llvelv tune
For the "Candidate," I'm free to state, will stay
witn us 1111 June;
Then let him oil hli auger blade, with "Sperry'i
unwooo Kye; '
"Tis sweet to think, of that good old drink, for
voting men are dry. -
Sold only at tbe Belvedere saloon.
Sam Jones is a queer fellow. He re
cently got off tbs fallowing: "Wake up
tbe oburch, preaohers, if you have to lick
an old deaoon every Sunday morning.
For every deaoon you throw through
the window 8,000 people will come to
bear you preach." ,
A newspaper published in a New Eng
land town, says: "Our new sohool
bouse, wbiob burned Inst week, was
large enough to accommodate one hun
dred and twenty girl pupils two stones
bigb. The new woman most be grow
Mrs. W. J. Leezer calls the attention
ot tbe publio to the faot that she is still
in the bakery business, and ber old cus
tomers will be furnished an extra quality
ot bread at tbe grocery of ber husband.
Your patronage is soliotted. tt
Walt. Thompson runs stage between
Heppner and Monument, arriving every
day except Monday and leaving every
day exoept Sunday. Shortest and cheap
est route to tbs interior. Uonser
Brook, agents.
W. O. Allison and Albert Lovegreen
oame in from tbe Eight Mils ooontry
last evening and departed this morning
for their mining claim on tbe North
Fork wbere they expeot to spend the
W. W. Smead, county organicsr of
republican clubs, is willing and anxious
to go to any preoinct wbere organisation
is desired, speakers will accompany
bim. Notify bim at Heppner, Oregon,
Echo stage leaves Heppner Mondays,
Wednesdays and Fridays. Leaves Eobo
Tuesdays, Tursdayt and datnrrlays
fare Wi each way. Ofiloe, Wells A
Warren, Heppner. Ed. DrUkell, Prop.
Now comes the Women's Christian
Temperaooe Uoioo ot New York and
allows tbst ths corset is ss big a enrss
to women ss rum is to man. Tbey both
frequently make their victims very tight.
Town council met last evening but
did nothing except to sot on ths bill of
a. U. Myers, for meala furnished clerks
and Judges of eleotion, which wss dis
Carrie Bash was born near Oivego,
Kansas, Aug 5. 1874, and died at
Heppner, Oregon, March 12, 1895, aged
21 years, 7 minths and 7 diys. Ia her
infanoy ber parents removed to the
Willamette valley, this state, and four
or five years latar to M rrow oouuty,
where she has siuoe resided. Oo Sept.
19, 1894 she vu united in marriage to
George W. Wells ot this city.
Tbaoksziving day, 1892, she was oon-
vertel and united with this ohuroh.
Early in ber christian life she sought
and found ths oiessed experience of
perfect love. Her christian oourse has
b'eo one ot intense eptritutlity and
loyal devotion to Christ eud this church.
In siokoess or health, prosperity or
adversity, iu life and ia death she be
longed to the Lord. Bbe was a constant
and oheerful testimony to a conscious,
present and perfect solvation. She
knew when she was savad, how she was
saved and to what she wai gavel.
For tbe past eiht months she has
been a great suffarer from a wasting
illness, one ot tbe terrors of mortality,
yet through it alt she Las leaned with
unfaltering trust upon the everlasting
arm, which did not fail her in the hour
of final dissolution. As the voices ot
loved watohers becoms more aud more
indistinot, her transformed ear oaught
the sound of heaven's bnrtnuny. As
familiar scenes and fuces here faded
from sight, did not tbat last rapturous
gaze behold tbe glorified forms of tbe
saints in light? aud as her frail feet
felt earth's trembling for tha last lime
tbey stepped from tbe waters of the
shadowy valley , to the imperishable
foundation of the eternal city.
Her life needs no long enlogism to
preeerve its mamory in tbe hearts of
loved ones and associates. The "maid
is not dead, but sleepeth," and from ber
peaceful dreams ever and anon will
oome a saint's voioe wooing us who re
main to more Godly living and faithful
service. E. P. Ghefnb.
. Pastor M. E. church.
Sarsaparilla as a blood purifier and build
ing up medicine leads everything ever
produced. It is positively the best. Others
may make the same claim. But there's
this difference: We prove if. Not by an
tiqulty, but by Merit. Not by what
"eBay, but by
what (Q Hood's
Sarsa- VN V?m Priu
does. nDJQI If HK has
a rec- sl. U ord ol
Cure unequalled in medical history.
It positively, perfectly and permanently
cures when all other medioines fail.
That tha keen discrimination ot
the people recognizes its merit and
the cures by Hood's Sarsaparilla, is
shown by the fact
that they buy Hood's
Barsapa- iJQ I 0 riUalnpref
erenceand Jt-afi.l to the ex
clusion of all others.
Hood's Sarsaparilla has a larger Bale than
all other blood purifiers. It wins con
fidence everywhere because the state
ments in its advertising and testimonials
are verified by all who take it. No other
medicine has ever received such praise, or
so many voluntary testimonials of won
derful cures. No other medicine possesses
the peculiar combination, proportion and
process used in preparing Hood's Sarsapa
rilla, and which give it merit peculiar to
itself. This is the secret of its wonderful
power, of its wonderful sales, ot its won
derful hold upon the confidence of the
people. This is why it cures Scrofula,
Salt Rheum, Catarrh, Rheumatism, all
Humors, Kidney and Liver troubles, Dys
pepsia, That Tired Feeling, builds up tha
nerves, createsan appetite and strengthens
the whole system. Its merit, its sales, its
'a 1 fa in Business ill Arcund ?
Has bought out the General Merchandise Business of the McFarland
Mercantile Co., and the stock is being disposed of at
Wde Slauchter Prices !
All woolen goods, boots, shoes, overshoes, ete.. are beiner sold below
wholesale cost Great discounts on hardware, tinware, glassware, hats,
caps, blankets and in fact everything kept in a general mercantile es
tablishment. Call and see the stock before it is too late.
The Tl fur Balldlag
Up lbs system Is st this season. Tbs
onld weather bas mads unusual drams
neon tbs vitsl forces. Tbs blood bas
beonms Impoverished and impure, and
all tbs luootions of ths body sailer io
conseqtienee. Hood's Hsrssparills is ths
great bander, because It is tbs Uns
Tros Blood Purifier sod osrvs Ionia
cathartic 1
Silvkb Wrddisq. In respoiise to in
vitations issued,- a few of the many
friends ot Mr. and Mrs. D. W, Horner
assembled at ihnif resideuoe on lost
Friday evening in bouor of tbe 25th
anniversary ot their wedding. Mr. and
Mrs. Hornor were married in Iowa and
have lived in Oregon for tbe past 21
years, 18 years ot this tims being spent
in this oity. They are highly respected
oitizens and have a large family wbo
srs loved and esteemed by friends and
acquaintances. Mr. and Mrs. Hornor
bavs now turned s quarter of a century
in wedded lite, and we trust their many
friends will havs an opportunity to
attend their goldeu wedding which wil 1
designate their second mile alone in the
century voyage in holy wedlock, Their
son and daughter, John and Muggie,
stood up with their parents while the
marriage ceremony was again preformed
in fitting manner. All had delight
tul time. Many gifts were presented ss
tokens of ths high esteem ia which Mr,
acd Mrs. Hornor are held by their many
friends. Those present anil those pre'
senting ars ss folio s: John MoCnrty
and wife, butter knit; E, G Sloan and
wife, teaspoons; L. W. firigga snd wife,
thermometor sod pinkie fork; E. (1.
fiperry and wife, teaspoons; Frank Gil
liam snd wife, syrup pitcher; E. J
tilooam sod wife, toaspaoos; T. II. Bis-
bee sod wife, knifs and fork: W. A.
Kirk aod wife, J. O, Ball aud wifs,
sugar spoon; Mr. Mo Nay and wife,
butter knife ; Mrs. J. A. Thompson, cake
knife; Mrs. McSwords, napkio riog; II
A. Emerson, cake basket; Mrs. J. 3
Adkios, pickls fork; Mr. sod Mrs. Geo,
Nobis, pis knife; a P. Oarrignsa, a. 8
Horoor aod wife presenting butter dish
and salt and pepper shakers: M
Jennie Noble, Albert Hloonm and Mrs.
Make Hood's Sarsaparilla ths One True
Blood Purifier. Sold by all druggists, fl,
Prepared only by C I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.
Hnnrl'e Dille family ethrtle
11UUU a rilia nd iwer stlmuUnt. Easy
to take, easy to operate. All druggists. 3ft eents.
or., Marcn iu, issie.
Connors, Con Hlvod, C W
Engram, J Long, Mamy
When calling for these letters Dlease ui
....-! I 1 11 . ' . . - - ' . '
W1.UIUMU, tf. r. TT lliLIANB. r. At.
Notice Of Intention.
I.ANO OrriLK AT LiGramdk, Okkoon,
Mari'h S. IHUS
1 InllovviiiB-named settler has Hlort nrtl
Ol his Intention to make nnal nrixit In aumuirt
of hli rial 111, ami that said proof will be made
ueiure i ouniy i;ier 01 Morrow comity, Oregon
nvpi'iirr, wrvKOii, nil April n, IK.m, V1SI
01 1.1 E.n 1 Si ti n. r uikkun.
11(4 V TJn 1'Ul.t I..- . U . QVL'ly LltTlS OVI.
. ... ..... ww, ., .110 r... - . Tr.''M hmu nr..
HWHfc. l.and NVVH NK4 and NKSt NWk
uee. -a, 1 p. s. K. 2 fc. w. M .
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of Mid laud, vll:
1'at Hiiillane, William Warren, Ous. Hale,
Frank Hale, of ilsppher, Oregon.
Ul-ll Keglster.
ED. R. BISHOP, Prop.
The National Bank Building, Heppner. Ore.
Manager and Salesman.
What Do fa Want?
Some people want the earth; you can get .a
goodly portion of it at
With very little money. He keeps a full line
of general merchandise, including dry
goods, groceries, boots, shoes.
Gilliam Bisbee
Notice of Intention.
J March, 6, lswi. Notice Is hereby given
that the following namot settler has filed no
tice of Ills Intention to make final proof In sup
port of his claim, and that said proof will be
uindo lwf(ir i. W, Morrow. County Clerk, al
Heppner, Oregon on April is, Is'jii, vis;
JAMK4 l AltrV,
Hd. It. No. afi',19, for the BKi Hoc. 10, Tp. 1 N. R.
2U K. W. st
ile names the following witnesses to prove
hlicoutliiunus residence upou and cultivation
of, Mid land, vl:
Umrlejr VanWIiiklc, Francis Kilkenny, Bar.
ncv Ixiherty, John kllkennjr, of OaUowir. Ore.
l -4-H. J AH. K. Mooaa, Kcglsler.
rills become ths faroriU I
rilh all who ass I been. All
SS Is tfce fwsalt ef eaMe saS
HNM tUm taf s.
Ileu kervraS If s t l.i niH
rnwSr srlurk issmMS St.
tmnif rata u imuix. fa.
Nl iekai tirM M gives
How &
Dshocbatio Committss MSSTIMO.
Tbs county dsmosrstis ssntral eommlt-
tes net Batorday sod decided to hold
I heir primaries March 2, and oootsuIIos
April 4 A isrr stnall proportino of
lbs commillea ss prsssot, bol aa
doobtsdlf a flfltit will bs mads for . JwiiiwttaiMmriwrnf
bars of lbs offlos, or si least Io lrp wmiw, HnmlnallmiilnMini
hilnra i U aS -mil rM sn si in,(i k. Mil
s swi hkm, tm imww, mtm I eta.
. Ely's Cream Balm
Have added a NEW SPRING
STOCK of Trimmed Hats for
Ladies and Misses to the Fell stock
on May Street and ask the Public
to call and sec them before pur-
All last viotor lit. Oso. A. M.tls. of
I Lebanon, (Joan,.
wilb rbsanatwrn. Al
I savers icat bs 00014 sot sisad ap
siraighi. at wss draws or sa sss
sirts. "I triad dif!Vrt rsmaHias vlth-
lout raraivles rtllaf." bs STS, "ontii
sbnsl si 1 avMitbs so I boasbl a bonis
of Cbsfsbaclata's fata Halts. Alia
oame 11 fur I bras days ssr rbsansiisss
as ssd bas Bo rtars4 sibss.
for sals br Coossr nrock
a. b.di; .fibcud D. J. McFaul, M. D.
ll limes II IU SS I '
OI's'lCIS t
At J. M. Hicta't f i si Diner.
KoTnaro VoTtas-TboM .kodeslr. COLLECTIONS.
EMM w niffi.
Did It Ever Occur to Your
That n Firm Could bo Boycotted
und Still do Business ?
Atw 1
,4 af pl'.M..
1 V
Hut Infliction Gu in tilt eetl
lo psrtlclpsts la lbs prim arias belt
Sslards sboald rsabr Ibai Hers
ars tbr vuilr.f plaeas la Otppssr, asl
follossi lleppsaf prseiscl, si So art
bone. A. W, i'elteveos, ivxnmitlaaaiaa;
(lealry praelnet, at spars hoses, Jos
lUrlor, matlflsa; Masai Tsrsssj
prarHsri, st suf Iss bass. Iks ilatssr,
CKiimiilrss Tri'Sart'S sill bs eslled
In nA'l si 2 o'rWl, f. as , sbsf p
A Xelaral f.sal.Sf
Karl's Clova Ibrtf "I as triOas tt.S
hUnml a4 f ic a t'r a" ! battifit
S"SBt,lriN. fut sals br M ells A War
H.CLH. (V Orru sss -Al lbs
SSBSal aaallo t4 tbs fwkrvil,las of
lbs Mtm Ct. Ls4A Trset Oi, sbkb
ss b4l tat MslsHs lbs folios las
ttOsart SSfS SaUsUsd lot IbS SnSslrf
! U f fss'U, pras J C. (I.
Kfrsfrf, wv pras j E. R. Il.tp, ra ;
a r. IlrsJ. ad assif , Tbs f !
PJIawisg rs Ssi I SS 4irris: O.
K Fsfsssvtb. T. (J tr tf, T. R -
p. It r. Ilfsl sal I. A Tb-sps
Aarle I svaa TS
S S ra .a f Ma4 -M,m si.4 v.-S
I 4 s.aaa Jl . .is '. si asllt
I f J SSiS bf W a. A M Sifa.
U4 mires a4 final rttmfs Tks,
STOocEtrauL .votiet iieuc
narruxx. cnsscir.
Adminlitrotor'i Notice.
?! ! NfStST I.IVSS TH4T tut
4r.g-i aa tea ( t.nl a4lla
HIMI.ltlM.r1 M .....a I iHim f , !
I Imf, a. All v a M.tf.f mimtm 4
V ("ciiw fc fal tka-a
,f aviaa4, aiUila t
aH a'aa f b.r
aalil N.nMi.lil 4
a.wM iMa 4ta kaa4
fakH lata MS Sat ml Hafvk, t
s rrtt.
't f. AAwialairau.
Notice of Intention.
J rh. 1,1, Notl.f Is hen-l.v given thai
lha folliialng uainpd acttlpr has flle.1 notice of
nil I nt.'iil Ion Ui make filial oiif In smirt nf
b srUlm, ami that salil ir.N, will U m.f
hrforrCouiilr ( lcrs.nl Morrow ( onntjr, at Hel p
ner, Oregon, nn Vm h st, vl:
(KiiHi.K r. HAIKU.
M.. E. No. for thr H' asu. NM USKUaiul
KKit rtw,. Her. , Tn. S . H. J K.
II mines the following wllnraars to fimve
niscfiiiiiiiiiiiiii mameiu-e uiu ana cuillvsllun
of MM laml,
Jcr June, tmrrj Smllh, me T. Tsllxit,
fames n ren, 01 ll'i..urr, (lrr,,n.
I II. Krsl.l. r
Notice of Intention.
TAStl ftrrH R AT Til K DAI I fS. OKKdrtK
Mi. II. io. S,,l, u hcrrl.v elvra thai
Ih follow Ins namril tclilrr haa fllrl mriira
of hi. I11I1 nllon In ntak nnal i.rool In su.Hirl
nl hli claim, aii'l thai a. I will ba wi4
"nir. ina cooinjr cicra of Morrow conn ly a
r..'llivr, wrrw'.n. nn M.rrn ,m, i'wi, vis:
Ill I Nn. rM. for tl. M.i Nw. andKUKWV
r Jl.tf, IS. K . K W. M.
If liaincs lha folt'.wln tllnwai li iirr,a
bla cmitliHimi ralllira uuiu and aullltallna
Of Mid land, Hi
t o I as. Hants Itandrls C II Bulll. t harlr
w. vuivwau, 01 llaKlmau. umnii
JA r. M'Xiltf.
IIIH I4alalar,
Cummings &c Fall,
f ih ni4 kaiuhis
Gault Mouse,
(nnf of C,
B. A
tlllfAfio. 11.1..
Halfblnrk ttaainf Itiet'ntns l
u . c u s h r , (, a . f f 1 a c
swl Ui C M. L 4 P. Hallrwte.
f'r, W. Ms tlar.n sot (II,, inn u ,
oicxosvae. xi-t
We are not small meD, lbs. We are email men, Xa,
wb are not me Largest merGtianis in iris wonai
But when the people of all the surrounding country are In need of
Hardware, Tinware, Crockeryware, Glassware, Wood and Wlllowware, Nails, Iron, Bsrbwire, $
uuuiDenana uoal, uass ana Water Pipe, Pipe Klttings, Btoves and Ranges, Wagons,
Uacks, Buggies, Wagon Material, Hardwood, Axes, Hammers, Saws, Sledges,
Wedges, Uuns, Pistols, Cartridges and Ammunition, Mason Jars, Orsn
iteware, Plows, Harrows, Rskes. Mowers, Tubs. Wash Bullion
and Boards, Bhcet Iron, Zinc, etc., ate.,
Should call and Examine oar Goods and Qet Trioes.
Ws bavs Good Goods at Pais Prices, and Cheap John Goods at Chep John Trices.
Groceries, Gents' Furnishing Goods,
Stockmens Supplies, Etc.,
And Wants Your Trade !
He will make it an object (or you to trade witb
bim aa bis prices are rigbt, and all good that be
handles are of the very best
on Main Street, Next
to City Drug Store,
I-Ioppnoi', Oregon,
Soraatsof to C. B. Vaa bats. Ktil d.f Io ( It Hotel.
Has everything in the line of Fresh Groceries,
Candies, Nuts, and also keeps Crockery,
Lamps and Tinware.
Stock is Complete. Notions a Specialty,
AttornuyH fit Iciw,
All business alUa'tsd to la a pmropt snj satlsfsrfory
Bsassr. Notaries I'aUic and Cullerbirs.
mwm 03
m Mil :, , J
ofc of final Sttttrmtnl.
NflTKf t Mtatar .IVf THT t
alaWfW, Mai'"))' al la aatat .4
tt W M ', li iaiil UI kat im
Mll al fct y.' il VMS aM awaia a
a. h al-iiH... a Ika it.
I ,.if ar a4 K i (.l. al Wi n, j
ti aa a4a a St,, ' .,. la
llxKl,HlIIS4.rri Ha. lax. I
(!' .! ,
H A4a.iakX.atn.
u tbe iMos p,nnc smiM.
Tat rl!"aS la-lays Slaafa,
tan tat t.a. a4 tn tta. iiala f !
fax l 1 1 a likMK,
Maaf smi eeH l
II-It Ha Is faW
i, W. r.aa, It. ! ttsiala, M ea. i
4 I di a! ai-dt fMilaMatf ar.
! a)( I a , ; I II 4 .aai.. . -
! !. (. -4 (l A.mn a ., fl W tlAX fl It, '' " rf,
'l m t t , - -my C'" I "'"''I ' ''
,- J. V.UAhf, a, isjf-ssr,(rs4.
i.iwi-a r
isa'i it.
Do Yoti W.mt a Riff ?
Don't You W.mt a Place to
Put up Your Team ?
Are You in Need of a Saddle
All llicss ran irrx-orfd al 1liotns'in A Hinns, Irr Main Htrt,
llfiijuiiT, Orrgfin.
Taaaa antaa era a.ll arqlnla4 altk 'Irani. Ila.xaf flwl Ol Haaj a4 iHh.f ranalbS,
aa4 ran , a4 Um Is caasias laaa awll..i a life I..( aa.
Cn-a a .aln( ana ih llwaa.
1-xt st sTut vr. HKrrifKii.
.1. O. HO I CM Kits, Prop.
I aajaaaaaji i a mil
Kewpd ihu 1 tncit Wine., Lic;oi .i;d Ciaib.