Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, March 17, 1896, Image 2

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The Oregonian was never known
to be honest in anything, much
le&a consistent This is well known
in this state, therefore the great
journal (in appearance) has but
little influence except among ad
mirers of anntocracy.
The Oregonian whines like a
common, fleabitten cur when it
is whipped. When it comes down
"off its perch" and picks manure
in the barnyard with the chickens,
then failing to bring the refrac
tories into line, flies off on an ir
ritable, puerile tangent and foams
and froths, mark well, the Oregon
ian is getting some welts . where
it hurts.
Openly the Oregonian has
fought Mitchell since his name
has been brought agaio before the
publio for the position of United
States senator, but finding that
its course was not going to win in
Multnomah county, that the old
ring was whipped, the Oregonian
changed, its tactics and says
"there's no fight on Mitchell in
Multnomah county." It had sud
ciemy learned tnac Mitoneil was
good enough, despite bis views on
Hut the Uregonian could not
hide the fact that it was tiying to
cheat the victors out of the fruits
of the conflict, one solid week,
It threw off the cloak and resumed
its fight. It avoided mentioning
the name of Mitchell, thinking to
hoodwink the people, but making
the same old claims why silver
men or those favorable to silver
should not be chosen, substituted
the names of Hermann and Ellis
for Mitchell. The people know,
and the Oregonian is too well
aware of the fact, that the fortunes
of Mitchell and Ellis are as in-
dissoiuDiy united at the move
ments of the earth and sun. It is
a new way of attacking the enemy,
but no one is deceived, and it the
friends of Mitchell succeed in the
primaries in Portland, which they
surely will, Multnomah county,
being in the second congressional
district, will decide the contest in
favor of Mr. Ellis without taking
a second ballot Not a person in
the state will be found so obtuse
but who can see at a glance that
the conditions that affect Ellis
and, to Homo extett, Mr. Hermann,
also relate to Mr. Mitchell's con
The Oregonian by implication
talks ns though his plutocratic
faction have a right to bolt if they
do not get what thoy want and
even go so far ns to Buggest that
this will bo thoir course. The
Clazottn wants it strictly under
stood that it represents nothing
but itself, when it remind all auto
crats that this is a game that
works both way, and that the
Oregonian should know by this
lime that tliero are individuals in
this stato who do not wear plug
hats tuat can lignt when it conies
to a "auow-down." If the Ore-
Roman persists in rupturing the
republican party in this state,
prosperous as it is, because it can
not have its childish way, thon let
it go to fragments. Let th fight
go on, and in the quoted language
of one of Oregou's gifted legis
lators !at winter, "Lay on, McDuff,
and damned be he who first cries
hold! enough.' H
TnK Waahirjgon democrats are
legining the work of the campaign
in that state early. Their state
convention meets in Seattle on
March 2X The state election oc
curs in November.
PrsaTOft Ci'lLo. of III, arile
is in the field for the republican
nomination for President and ex
cU toroiuain there until the bL
Louis contention names the can
didate, regardless of the instruction
fr McKiuley in soma of the 111
inois district. Mr. Cullom says
Is could Lave had quite a number
of deleft initructod for Lim, but
that l Las from the firtt pppoaed
instructing the delegates for soy
Imdy, U-lieviog that an uoinitrncU
el delegttiun would wield mors in
fluanra in th National Convention.
Tli politicians ara all fur Joli
II. Mitchell now, to gt into th
republic!! ptitnari. After they
gt la they tay taawnrtblnge'ae.
V hi! all appears U Iw in favor
Mr. Mitchell's re.Wti.o no
th Journal's a Irii I th n
is 1 1 turn out t th primaii i
vsrf precinct and county la lb
state: and to pat none but Mitchell
ruo on gqr J,n J to it that out
i ken Mitchell men who will hot
l it .i l paid t v..M f.f him fr
mU r ar put oq th legMelit
t.tael oJwut artel
the Wail ot the
Nerves for Food.
People with Weal, Flabby Nerves are the Ones who
uffer. They may be Relieved by Bmlding up
their Nerves with a Nourishing Nerve Food.
Interestina Interview with A Prominent
' Physician and a Case' in Point Cited.
S0BPBI8I Pabtt. On Saturday even
ing a large somber of the girl friends ot
Luella NeUon earns in npoo h6r un
a" ares, giviag her a oomplete surprise.
Laella takaa bar departure tonight with
her mother (or Pendleton where they
expect to in tbs future reside, and
she was given this token of esteem
3 a farewell remembranoe by ber
numerous young fnenda. Those pres
ent were as follows: Bertha Matlook,
Bessie Suttoo, Clara Morgan, Mable
Ayers, Ivy Curren, M'iry McSworda,
Maud Creswell, Essie Letzar, Nora
Matlock, Olive Adkins, Edith Hager,
Bertha Fristoe, Willa Minor, Z jo Patter
son, Eetella Lalande, Mamie Estes,
Gertrude Bishop, Winnie Gilliim, Ooa
Gilliam, Lulu Orump, May Hoiith
and Louisa Oreswell.
"What is this modern
nervous prostration?"
It this question bad been asked a phy
sician in our grandfathers time, he
oonld not have answered it. The disease
was not known then. It is new and is
a product of our American bustle and
worry. Stated in brief, nervous pros
tration is a complete collapse ot the
nervous system. It Is brought on by
overwork, worry or disease, and the
patient oan only bs oured by rest and a
proper feeding of the nerves.
Notice the dragged-out appearance of
the average mother. She oan soarcely
drag herself around; ber nerves and
strength bava been overtaxed; she has
no reserve force. She keeps up, but it
is at the expense of her nervous system,
Finally aha is overcome; she can work
no more, ber nerves are exhausted; the
From the Journal, Kirkavllle, Mo.
disease oalled tion about Pink Pills was that the
people of Adair and neighboring coun
ties might be convinced, if any doubted,
that oft-published testimonials concern
ing Pink Pills were genuine statements
from the Hps of persons who bava been
benefitted by the use of them. Speak
ing of her own interesting expenenoe,
Mrs. Gehrke sail:
"A little over a year ago I was com
pletely broken d iwn. I had been tak
ing medicine from a dootor but grew
worse and worse until I could soaroely
go about at all. The least exercise or
the mere bending ot my body would
oause me to baye smothering spells,
and the suffering was terrible. I
thought it was caused by my heart.
When everything else bad failed to re
lieve me and I bad given op all hopes
ot ever being auytbing but a helpless
invalid, I ohanoed to read some testi-
- Catarrh Cored,
health and sweet breath secured, by
Shilob's Catarrh Remedy. Price 60
cents. Nasal Injector free. For sale by
Wells & Warren.
Words Fuom Ellis. Ha. .V. R.
Ellis, writing ti a constituent iu The
Dalles, epo-iks frankly in regird to
several matters of general interest. He
promises that the Oregio delegation
will do all in their power to protect and
oomplete the work at the locks, and
that speedily. In regard to. the public
building at The Dalles, he considers
the chance for getting such a bill
through the present congress is very
remote. Speaking of the tariff, be is
sorry the senate would not take up the
tariff bill as it came from the bouse.
Oa the whole, be thinks the present
oongress will not accomplish muob,
agreeing with The Dalles correspondent
that they are too busy president-rank
ing. The Dalles Chronicle.
Miss Ada Gentry is visiting eat at
Hardman this week.
Many famaliea are moving out of
town for the purpose of oommenoing
their spring work.
James Leach and daughter returned
from Athena Tuesday, where they have
been viaitiug relatives.
Miss Katie Barton, who has been
visiting in the city the past few days,
returned to her home on Black Horse,
The BOhool entertainment last Friday
night, arranged by Prof. Balsiger, was
highly appreciated by all who par
Politics aud offloe seekers are beoom
ing more numerous every day, and as
Lexington has about every belief "a
goin," there is plenty of argument pro
duced. Robert Hynd and John Hornor were
down to the literary Tuesday night.
Next . Tuesday n'gbt will be the last
meeting ot the season. A good time is
anticipated. ,
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Haley come up
from Vancouver a week ago. Tbey
have been the guests of Representative
S. Boothby and family. Tbey left
Monday for Monument, Grant Co,
here Mr. H. will oontinue his school.
Lexington, Or., March 11, 1896.
For ioo Coupons I
and $i.oo j
I For 2 Coupons
I and $2.00.
oares and worries ot life have gotten the
better ot ber, and it will require weeks
and months to reoover.
Thoughtless people say: "How foolish
to work so bard and how foolish to
worry." That ia very well, but bow
many thousands ot motners mere are
who have burdens enough tor a score,
and whose poor, weak little bodies en
dare uncomplainingly all the burdens
until finally they have to stop and it
la a question it they bave not waited too
In cases of this kind there is a food
within the reaob ot all, and it is always
effective. It is to the weakened nerves
what bread and beet are to the muscu
lar system. It supplies them all the
properties necessary to build them up,
atrengthen tbem and restores them to
vigorous, healthy oondltion. This new
food Is Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale
People. It spaoe permitted, we oould
monials in tne Farm, Field and Fire
side, also in the Chicago Inter-Ocean
and the suffering ot the pejple who
made the statements were so nearly
like the suffering I bid endured that
when I read that they were so greatly
benefited by the use of Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills for Pale People, I did not
hesitate to go at onoe and purchase two
boxes. I took tbem aocording to direc
tions and before the first box was used
I felt a good bit better. Really the
first dose oonvinoed me that it was a
great remedy. Before the two boxes
were used up I sent my husband after
three more boxes, so I would not be
without tbem. When I had used these
three boxes I felt like a different woman
and tbonght I was almost oared.
"Since that time I have been taking
them whenever I began to feel badly.
When I began taking Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills for Pals People, I weighed
Ail Recommend it.
Ask your physician, your drngeist and
your friends about Shilob's Cure for
Consumption. They will reoommend
it. For sale by Wells & Warren
611 pages of this paper with the heart- only 113 pounda and after I bad been
felt testimonials ot thousands wbo bave using the medicine tor about six months
Tub Funeral of Mbs. Wells, The
lunerai ot Mrs. Ueo. Wells which oc
curred in this oity on last Saturday at
tested the very bigh esteem in wbiob
she was held by the people of Heppner
amongst whom she spent the greater
part of ber life, The procession was
one of the largest ever witnessed in the
oity and was composed ot the . Epworth
Leagu - of the M. . churoh and
Heppner Chapter ot the Eistern Star,
of wbiob sooieties she was an honored
and beloved member; an escort oon
slating of members ot the Mtionio Fra
ternity and a large following ot oitizins
The services at tbs cuuron were appro
priate and very impressive. The tribute
to ber memory by ber pastor, Rev
Greene, was full ot p'lbos and most
eloquently i rononnoed. The services
at the grave were those ot the 0. E. S.
and formed a fitting farewell to a noble
pure aad beautiful life.
Not to be Trifled With.
(From Cincinnati Gazette.)
Will people never learn that a "cold"
ia an accident to be dreaded, and that
ben it ocours treatment should be
promptly applied J There ia no know
ing wbere the trouble will end; and
while oomplete reoovery is the rale, the
exceptions are terribly frequent, and
thousands upon thousands of fatal ill
nesses occur every year ushered in by a
little injudicious exposure and seem.
ingly trifling symptoms. Beyond this,
there are today oountleas invalids wbo
oan trace their complaints to "colds,"
wbiob at the time ot ooourrenoe gave
no oonoern, and were negleoted. When
troubled with a oold use Chamberlain'
Ooogb Remedy. It is prompt and
effectual. 60 cent bottles for sale by
Conser & Brook.
toond in these pills their salvation.
We only give one, but liter others will
be published that will be read with
much interest by anyone Buffering with
weakened nerves aa a result ot the
season or otherwise.
I weighed Hi pounds. 1 have bad a
gooj appetite ever siooe I commenced
taking 1'iuk Pills and instead ot minc
ing along, picking such food as I oould
eat even with an effort, I eat most auy
tbing that oomes on the table. I am
distraots the loving parent, when life is going to have one of those spells I used
haunted by a constant foreboding, when to have.
the light of life seems to turj to a sraok- "Work don t burt me any more.
og, smouldering Hams of turtore that's honestly believe that bad it not been for
part ot nervous prostration, jmt a phase Dr. Williams' Pink Pills I would now
of this many aided diaeaae. As Its grasp be in my grave. I still bave what the
upon you strengthens you lose, perhaps, I dootor oalls bill lous oolio but the Pink
the power to walk, to talk, to think, Pills bave mad me much better end
even tbe power to love. Death would I tbs spells are not eo freqaant and are
be welcome, but alaal It oome not until natbiug like as paloful as before I le-
Ihe cup of suffering is fall tooverflowlng gan to uas tbm. I would not be with
Bach bas beta tbe experience of Mr. oat the Pink Pills for that diaeuee alone
lianry Uebrke, whoae story is best lold under any eircumataucee to aay nothing
to bis own words. ot the other diseases for which tbey are
To show the roe nit of this nerve food especially recommended. I take pleae-
on a special oaae, to prove tbe points I ore la telling my neighbors the beneSte
above made, our reporter made the fo.
No more deplorable ootid ition of the not the invalid I was. I do not have
to be waited upon now as if I was a
belpleia child, but I work all tbe time,
doing the boa ework and ironing and
working ia the garden without that
dreadful feeling which oomes over a
person when they are afraid tbey are
human body oan be oonoeived of than
that ot nervous proatration, when every
nerve in the system eoems to vie with
the others to make yon miserable, whan
even tue sansnine irritates yon,
hen the bappy prattle ot the child
In ing Interview;
Uenry Qebrke is a thrifty and pros
perous German farmer living fuor mile
south ot Bullion, ia tbls (Adair) county,
Mo. Mr. Gehrke bas a yaloable farm
and he bat bees a reeident ot this
ooonty fur jsare. He io very well koowo
hereabout aoj well reapeotel wbert
ver h I kaowa. Last week a reporter
of the Journal stopped at Mr. Gebrka's
aed while there became much in ter
se Uj ia Mrs, flebrk' eoooaol of tbe
benefit sbe bad not lotg since etpert-
eooed from tbe nee ot Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills for Pale People. Hue said
she wealed everybody to koow what a
great medicine Ibeee pills are, but as
eo uaoy people are pr aitlog tbem bow
a dare, sbe tnodeatty doobteJ whether
ber teatimoef oeald add anything lo
wbal other bed already (aid at thea
Iter only reaeoa for talking for pabliea
None Hot Ayera at the World's Fair
Ayer'a Barsnparillaenjoya (he extraor
dinary distinction of having been tbe oul
blood purifier allowed an exhibit at the
World' fair, Chicago. Manufacturers
ot other sarsaparillns eonght by every
means to outaiu a showing of their goods,
but they were all turned away under the
application ot tbe rule forbidding tb
entry of patent medicines and nostrums,
The deoimon of the World's fair autho
rities in favor ot Ayor's Harsnpnrilla was
in effect as follows: "Ayer s Marsapo-
rill ia not a patent medicine. It does
not belong to the list ot nostrum. It l
bere on its merits."
You will find one coupon inside each 2 ounce
bag, and two coupons inside each 4 ounce bag of
Blackyells Genuine
Dorhali Tobacco.
The watch ia Electro Oold Plated, a good time keeper, quick
Stem wind, and stem set. It it offered far below itt value to induoe
you to try that Tobaooo. Bend ooupona with name and addreaa to
Buy a bag of this Celebrated Smoking Tobacco and read the
Coupon which gives a list of other premiums and how
to get them. 2 CENT STAMPS ACCEPTED.
I eeeeeeee
he Keeley Institute
For the Oure 01
Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits
It is located at Salem, Oregon,
The Most Beautiful Town on the Coast
Call at the Gazetts office (or particulars
Strictly confidential. Treatment private and tur
Plenty of them at the
Gazette Office. . .
Otis PattersoD
I bv received from Dr. Wil'iame' Piok
rill tor Tale People, end koow of mv
ral wbo bav takea my advice aod bav
beea greatl beorflied by them."
Dt. Williami' l'ink Till coolaio, la a
ooodeosed form, all tbe element aeeee-
ary to give life and riohoee to
tbe blood and restore shattered nerve.
Tbry are an aofaillog tpeclfla tor inch
dlae lifl'irutr alalia, partial
par alj tit, Hi: Vitas' dtooe, eoltilce,
etarelgie, rbruratiUm, arvoo bed
cb. th after rff-et of I grippe, pol
pitalionof lb heart, pule and tallow
oompUitoo. all f.irtn of wiaet
ither la mat or ftmtle, and all uWaee
reeultiDg from vitiated humors ta tb
blood. I'iaa Illleare o, by all d.tl
r,or will be ernt pt paid oa receipt
of priee, CO teat a b I, or ail bote for
1160 (tbey ar af old la balk or by
th 1UU) by dlreeig Dr. Williams'
MeJiolo Cipaey, ttoheaeotajy, S. Y.
Lit? or rmm-Tbe (follow!! I a
bsl ot paleeto greeted lo l'ae i fie stale
loveulor Ibia week, aad reported to
thia paper by C. A. Haow A Co, Jieit
or ot Arka aod IWeigo pallets,
vVeeblugtoa, U Oi 1L f. tltoa.
Ate. Cat nercbaaJiee bead book;
W. E. Ura. rucaeea, I'el, brick n.e-
biae, D. Fett. flea Fraurieeo, aaatieaa
tier; H IV Millerl, IVitlaod, Of, let let
optieg preet; 0. Htaabea, Hea Joe,
Cei, press nbg abferaieatej grtp
J it.-e; H, Hie, A it. Or.. obiubJ
for dreeeieg leather; J. l Wiltn, Pee
I't', Cal., wreeeli.
Ik III ef
Outielto, mini aiore I ha ball
tb til ut ira. Karl (1tff IUhA,
Tea M a pita! tar for (Vifell"o.
fur etleby tile A tterrea.
el Uilltburo, preeidebt of th lltppntr
Kleotrl IJgbl eorapaey, wbo delivered
a very foroibl aadr oa tb politteeJ
iMtiee ot tbe day. Mr. Oatee deelt
principally with tb tariff qaeelioa, say
teg tbal It weald b tb leedlog Ueu
la lt rooukg empl. Ill eddre
at rvplete with lee, ferte and forcible
erg a awe I, atJ la all th tpeektr bew4
htmwlf l be tboroably Urattiar with
all th tetae of tb m!o( eeotpetga.
triiek appleoM by Ibe aadieac
bowej that tbey were la fall aipelby
tlb the tkr aud lb enavleamg
argeet b preeenled. Tbe elnb will
oel egaia aeil Hetarday lag at
the eoorl houee.
Cu'h Rs OitUANiZKD. Io accordauo
ithjpreviou arrangement tbe member
ot the Ulue Mountain Republican Clab
aud republicans of Driiry preoioct Diet
at tbe aohool bout at liardman latt
Saturday tor the purpoee of re-orgaoi
ing tb replublirao Club ot that pre-
oioot. Tbe meetiug wae oalled to order
by the former president, J. F. Iloyse,
od W. W. Minted, the ooonty oraoier,
was introduced, when, after a few brief
remarka, orgaonttioo waa perfected
with more Ibao 2i member, aad th
following officer for tb coming two
year elected : E. 0. Frey, pre ; . L.
Wood, vie pres.; J. F. Hire, o'y.
Tb preaidtnt attained hi potitioo and
after thanking tb member for lb
honor coofrrd b appoint! oaa)it.
tee oa membertbip, program sod ooa-
stiiatiooaoi by law. Arter ibit sev
eral preeeot were Oalled upon tor re
marks aod tb followiog recpooded ap-
propnateli: J. N. Browo, H A. Bros-
deg A. W. Fattereoa, Job Utrnir
and 3. T. Riye. Tb elub tba ad
jouroed to meet oit Hatarday. Tbe
followiog wer pn-eont from Uppor:
W. W. Bra.ad, J. H, Droea, N. 8.
Wbetstooe, E. A. Draadage, 8 I'. Omi.
gtif , Joba Uoroor aod A, W. 1'alUreoa
All report a pleeaaot aad itybllim.
Himta 8. lUrtmeo, ot Taooeltoo,
Wel Va ,be beea eotdetl to attetke
of oolio about one a year, and woald
bav to oall a doctor aod Ibea nffr M
boot twelve boor at marb at do
wbea the! die. lie take reeeolly
Jatl tb am at other time. d
eoeoluJrd lo try Ubembrlata'e Oulie,
Colera and iMarrbnea lUety. He
ayt: "I Itwk oa die ot It and it gav
at relief ta five ailoai. That it mr
Ibaa anitbtng Ue ba ever dooe fur
me." For eel by Cooeef A llroek.
From the Eagle.
BornTo Mr. and Mr. A. fl. Bos
worth, ot Chelan Falls, formerly real
dents et this oity, oo tbe 23rd ot Feb
roary, a 10 pound girl.
Hon. 0. M. Donaldson, of Bakor City,
paid flrant oounty a visit last week. Mr
Donaldson announoes that be i not
oandidnte for ajy office thia year.
H. T. Black well left Tuesday for
Orook county to purobas a band of
steers. He expects to return through
the lleaver creek oountry, where ha ex
peot lo piok op a band.
Borne counterfeit money bas found Its
wsy Into ciroulatioD lo Norwera liraot.
Some of Ibebogo stuff it a vsry clever
imitation of tbe genuine article and it
requires an expert to delect it
Rev. 11 'i m bo was in Long Creek Mon
day. He had just returned from a sev
eral days' atay at tbe MoDuffe bot
springs where be went to get relief
from rheumatism. He says be wat en
tirely oared.
A blax waa prevented at the Eagl
mau'a ranch last Wedneadav morning
by being diaoovered in tbe Deck of titn.
A oluld and in a tcbe never go together,
u 1 in Ibia partioalar in'taoo it might
bave rraulted aeriou.
Manager Fletcher, ot tbe Bin Moun
tain Telrpbon Co., io reading an artiol
io a reoeol oopy ot tb Etgl oonceroiog
tb telephone lin from Peodletoo to
Long Creek, said thai it was practically
oorreot. II is oarrylog on begotiatioD
for tb tale ot tb bond and find
ral houar aoxiou to tak tbem. U
expects soon lo rfluct a sal aod tha
tb telepboo Una will b built to
Colli fc and Puget Sound Navigation (lo
Leaving Alder Street Dock, Portland, for Astoria, Ilwsoo, Long Beaob, Oceao
Park and Nabcotta. Direot oonneotion witb Ilwaoo steamers and rail
road; also at Young's Bay with Seashore Railroad.
Leave Portland 7 A. M. Dally, except Sunday. Leave! Aitoria 7 P. H. Daily, except Sunday.
Leavet Portland IF. 11. Dally, except Sunday. Hattinlfiy night. 11 P. M. Leave Aitoria Dally a
at 6:45 A. M., except Uunuay and Monday, bunday night, 7 V. M.
Leavet Portland and rum direct to Ilwaoo, Ttietdny and Thursday at 8 A. M. Raturday at t P. H.
Iitavei llaaco Weduetday and irrlday at 7:ao A. M. uu Sunday nignt at e r. m.
, Baggnje Checked lo Railroad DestiDalioo Both Beaches Free cf Expense.
For Safety, Bpeed, Comfort, Pleaiure, Travel on the Telephone, Bailey Oatzert and Ocean Wav.
Ctra Mitn! - (jilie a creed
eeM4 el lb aieliig if lb Mrm
C-meiy Iwpahlle t'lt at lb roatt
bnci leal rUtur lay eeiiag. Tbe ae.
Mi. wae eatUd U oIf t lb 'itl
lime a4 aff Ibe rral rg ft tbe tele
n a4 other ri'ilr t.iiae tbe
pte.Jeet Mre-I U a. U. V. tialte.
Is now open with freeb Bread, Pies, Cnkes, eta., ennstantly on hsod.
Weddiog Cake or Peatery for ap-oial dinner baked to
order. Alao carries a line of well-telocted Orooeriea.
Will b kepi for Hie accommodation of tb trade. Ooontry People
topping temporarilv io town, ran get "bat thev want
Try chesply t tb OITY UAKEUY
The ratronaga ot tbe People of Heppner is Respectfully Solicited.
Old BaKery Stand, HEPPNER, ORE.
It Rave live Kvrry Day.
Tbouaaads of eaar ot Oootumlioo
attnm, Uoogti. Cold tod fjroop ar
cored every day by Kbilub' Cor. For
I by Well A wrra.
W deeir to eipree oar tbaokt aod
brtfell appreclalloo ot lb nitoy kind
Beae eiteodej lo a daring tb tllaee
of tb deoeJ wit aad dagbter.
a bo. w. wilia,
HO. Beta ad Fahut.
fee hyeM
aod Litef fowplaial fu bave a pf 114
gqaraat ee every battle of hhtl. h'
VitaUier It aevv fatle t aarev Far
by Welt A Wrr.
WuutiMia CucLa Tb oi?i.-ei of lb
Weodinea Circle, reeeally orgaBised, ar
at tultt: Worthy Oatrlia. lire
Ltlltea Ctwaer; Alvtenr. lira. Ilaaaab
Itrif ; Clerk. Mia r. Ina atiaai; tlaak
er, kfre. My hit MateorJ.j (ireal klagt
tea, Mr. lUrlha (lillinan; Atlesdasl.
Mr. Mtllie MUkhiib; Ibiaicleo. ife
Heotd aal HalpUy rvran.o d.d j
prr rVaitnet, Mf Kali liK-qm; Outr
rWotieel. Mr. Martb ll.b-rlt; Mb.
ere, Mr la Putt-o. Mr LU'.t.a l....r
and Mr. L'U t MIUy.
Charley Jee. Ik wdl kaewa "VI J.
Iiir" In the tneenrial line, ba f ia
Imated IB lrpr, btn g peicbued
llree Malkeee' l p, Mtf baiUlng
ntmiie tbe city boiai, Ibailey will
ppm tet a tail abea la lowm.
Jay IUI1 U la lleppner loJty.
Ua Oreea Malhee I aiu kk
Re. H P. Ore left for Arliegtoa
Darrieoa Hale aad Edgar MaMeeea
ar I from tb taoaateio.
H. Dckailh, repreeeliog tb Paclfle
Eipree Co , I ta ueppaer.
IWl forget tbal oa Bell FrlJay
1 o'eloek. p. m.. aiatteta prerloet '
meet at th appev Kb erk erbool
bona to orgaet a rpbluaa alah.
llrepbl)M of tbal vicinity eboald
b prveM I la bee tb rpeekieg.
Wttef Browa Bad Tb. Letena ea
la Ibat anrig witb Jaa. Aroietroog,
bo hurt r(lf aeer ! vill
la drtfleg I brae a tale b wee a(bt
alHiw, euavnag e dxl'ireltoa of
bk. Mr tio will tk htm 4wb
14 rodUnJ to It batptteL
4T rtmr.
Itavieg or .rl larg b4 of aoldia
fmm lb Ket it erriv early ta tbe
prlng an t la rMtS tac By Bew
).in. will far Ibe aeil eliy day
make lrai ot of aay pel tek
Mar, 17. J.L TaaoBB.
ru-i niMt uirn
hfmptmwe- l ttar; iiktM llrhittg
ad ltlinf i Oxat el e1!!, are bf
e-'fal. tttg. If ll.w.t la enetiaee'
luui'tr r-fi. L. tea cft .Im aej
!, hr.talri y . tva
(lvf ! li e ilrtiirg an t l.l. J
in. bia uI"Im b, ! ia m te Bale.
rN,ue ILe tea At draila. m IVa . nf aim b la Iba KxIm
h. 1 1. ao.,l r h;ea rv, fUi I ( linr. AJI'm Iwberd T.
I'kileMila Kle, A'liaat,Uretfw, UU.
Fr til ml will ll a lrl rlftM. Wb
(fM.U, beh ara ! arBI g eerao.
l lr U . re faria tt
I .ft 1 (Hi or ellr, K. A, r
liBt..e, if... aaVtt.
ayablla Tety ( eavtatloe.
A rtpublicao eoooty coootioa for
lb coBBty ot Morrow, tt of Or t goo,
i ealUd to meet la lleppner, ia aij
eoooty, oa Balorday, March H, 1WHJ, at
10 o'eloek a. Dk, for th parpoe of oom
laallng aadidate for tb followiog
eooaty offioer; Oa coaoty judge,
eoooty eomniaeiooer, coaoty elerk,
eoaaty tberlff, eooaty representative.
tooaly I reatn rer, aoaoty aeeeeeor, ooaa
ly Bcbool saperlo teodtot, aoaoty corooer
aad eoooty aarveyor, ad alo pfeeiacl
ofBeara for tb eeveral areeieeta, aad
foar delegate arh to th slat Bad
eeeoed diatricl wOBgreeaioaal eoa-
t mi Imb, aad t t ran tart sash other boai
aee a aiay properly eome before saeb
eavtloa. Tbe obvUob will o
let ot SI delegate. boo by tb ev-
eral pterlaptt; aad lb rat preeiaet
( tb otmaly will be entitled la repr
eealaUoa la said aoaventloa at follow
Geo try
Mt V.roofl ...
I Wry
Pry Fork....
.10 Fight Md 3
. 4 Alp).. )
. 5 11 City 3
. 3 Mallea 4
. 3 Lesiagtoa
. S Welle Hpleg ...3
, 3 Leo. .,
Tb Mm beisg ee delegate-! large
from eerh pfeetaet, aad eea deteg ate for
very tfWa vol, a4 oo (or every
frtntinw ovr oaabalfol 6fta vttt
eeel fnr W. K F4U. lb repuMlMa
didal for negreeaaaa,a! Ibe e'eetla
laiaaa, 14.
rrtotarie l let lb 4e)caia la
eaeb el lae MJ pvevieet will be bIJ
Mt'th IX, 1A TuUe will be tn at
I B'etaek a. a, aad will he Jaeie4 la
lb aeeal ef k"M' prtatry
l40e. A. W. FtrraaaiM,
Cbaia llepaUieea Coaoty OwmMtee,
Your Face
A f ana K
Coaplie, t-e Uipe ratawoaia
BB4 all Tbr ! Laf dne r
ear-4 by abiteh' Cae. Fr ! by
'. A 'rr.
WIN be weeetbew rta a eaee ef ag
eaiu, after fee Mean U
0weeta anvw rr atw
Tb aoM crxaplfi aad oerfal device nm
4ie4 te ay eraiag otaLaaa.
Tb) TIlITn I
Oaraaty sal KtadMatfy IsRt,
Of rise rialtft sal fVfet Asifatawt,
ttwt ALL tttkl ArtUUt,
Aa4 wTJ srv 4 pteaat ym Bp b Ik M
kaiM 4 yaar etputuaa.
Arrta tatat WaBtto la w
fed ttrtitury. Liberal teroaa, AddMM,
KivFaia Tto -Wm. (W4a baa
epa4aptke fet yer4 Betl aVmr la
tbe O ( crl.-a, M b enliaile
t are of yoitr ,ifn(. 1l!y te r'fbt
a! bwx i tb. battiee. aed y
bore will ba a l ,4 ait, rtee
reeeoaabaa, lltv 4 greia tot !. a