Portland Library jMttWMUl I PAPER OFFICIAL I MY SUCCESS - Is owing to my liberality in ad vertis:ng. Robert Bonner. FREQUENT AND CONSTANT Advertising brought me all I own, A. T. Stewart. J m i ii w tit iniii.i:iii i t rim ri MMHAVMiinn M'Mh THIRTEENTH YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, TUESDAY, MARCH 17, 1896. I WEEKLY rfO. mi i SEMI-WEEKLY NO 4'-'3l -a" n r aw SEMI-WEEKLY GAZETTE. rOBUBHSD Tuesdays and Fridays BY THE PATTERSON PUBLISHING COMPANY. OTIS PATTERSON, A. W. PATTERSON, . . . Editor Business Manager At $2.30 per year, $1.25 for six month, 75 ots. tor throe moo ens. Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. THIS PAPKR is kest on file at K C. Duke's Advertising Agenoy, 64 and 85 Merchants Exohang9, 8au irancisoo, California, where con tacts for advertising can be made for it. 0. R. & N. -LOCAL CARD. Train leaves Heppner 10:30 p. m. daily, except Sunday. Arrives 0 : 15 a. in. daily, except Mon day. West bound passenger leaves Willows Junc tion 1:13 a. in.; east bound 3:30 a. m. Freight trains leave Willows Junction going east at 7:25 p. m. and 8:47 a. m.; going west, 4:30 p. m. and 5.56 a. m. v Rent.. . . 4th PRIZE CONTEST . . I 1st Prize. Kimball Piano, "Style 3," $ 600 00 2d Prize. .Bicycle, for nan or woman 75 00 3d Prize. Cash ...... 50 00 10 Cash Prizes, each $25 250 00 10 Cash Prizes, each $10 I0Q00 60 Cash Prizes, each $2, 120 00 2 oariues.. 1,133 uu vt The first prize will be given to the person who constructs the longest 4 tence In Rood English containing no letter of the alphabet more than three time. It Is not necessary to use every letter of the alphabet. The otherprlr.es will go in regular order to those competitors whose sentences are next In length. Every competitor whose sentenoe reaches forty-two letters will receive a paper covered volume containing twelve of Wllkle Collins' novels whether he wins a prize or not. Tills contest closes April 15, 1896. The price winners will be announced one week later and the winning sentences published. In case two or more prize-winning sentences are of the same length preference will be given to the bust one. Each competitor must construct his own sentence, and no person will be allowed to enter this contest more than once. Sentences cannot be corrected or substituted after they are received, liesidente of Omaha are not permitted to compete, directly or indirectly. , , ... RULES FOR THE SENTENCE No Others Furnished.) The length of a sentence Is to bo measured by the number of letters it contains, but no letter can be used or counted more than three times. No word except "a or "I" oan be used more than once. The sentence must consist of complete words. Signs, figures, abbreviations or contractions, eto., must not be used. The pronoun "I" and the article "a" will be accepted as complete words. Proper nouns cannot be used. Each contestant must inuiouto by figures at the end of his sentence how many letters It contains. This remarkably liberal offer Is made by the WKIKLY WOBLD-QlBXiD,ot which the distinguished ex-congi essmau, WILLIAMJ. BRYAN, Is Editor, and it is required that each competing sentenoe be enclosed with one dollar for a year's subscription. The Weekly Wokld-Ukrald is issued in semi-weekly sec tions, and hence is nearly as irood as a daily. It Is the western champion of free silver coinage and the leading family newspaper of Nebraska. auurefw, THE EEEST SPRING MEDICINE Weekly World-Herald, Omaha, Net). United States Officials. President Grover Cleveland Vice-President Ad ai Stevenson Secretary of State : . Kicharrl 8. Olney Secretary of Treasury Jehn B. Carlisle Secretary of Interior Hoke Smith Seoretarv of War Daniel H. Lftmont Secretary of Navy Hilary A. Herbert fostinaster-uenernl William h. Wilson Attornoy-Onneral Jndxon Harmon tiocretary of. Agriculture J. Sterling Morton State of Oregon. Governor W. P. Lord 'Secretary of State H. R. Kincaid 'Treasurer Phil. Metarhan l3npt, PuWIie Instruction H. M. Iiwin Attornnv fteneral C. M. IilUman , vt . :icnriue Mitchell Vwwwwwwwr. I&mators j I Dinger W. H. W. SR. H. Hani F. A. Moo C. E. Wob ir, 1 Dinger Hermann MiUKnnauim,.., ....... Printer. iiipreme Judges W. U. Ellis .W. H. Leeds Hanii loo re, olverton Sixth Judicial District. Clrcnit Jndso Btephen A. Lowell t'rosocutinir Attorney John H. Lawrey Morrow County OCliiaU, mint Senator.' Ltepresentntive 'unty Jmlge ' Commissioner.. J. M. Dakar. " Clerk " Sheriff " Tmsjiiirer Asws'Mir Snrveyor , " Snhooi Snp't..., " Coroner A. W. flowan J. 8. i)o-thby Jnlin Keithli J.U. Howard J. W. Morrow ....(. W. Harrington Frank Uillinm J. f. Will Geo. Lord Anna Halsufer T. W.Ayors. Jr ncppNRB town omonnH. 1'ajoi , .Tho. Morgan Mohtenthal, Otis Patterson, T. W. Aysrs, Jr., H H llnnw If J. HliMMim. Reoonier .F. J. Maltoek rnunnr K. L. 1 nwland Mamhal A. A. Robert l'rrcinct O Bluer. nl ) F.. L,. Freeland Cacatahl N. 8. WheUtone United States Unit Officer, rua riAf.f.rJl. OR. 3. V. Moore Hcgisfr A.H. Ilium Kecuivnr LA aUAKDI, OR. B.F. Wlhon lUgliter J.H. Kobbin lleneiver n f !s Simmons Liver Regulator don't forget to take it. The Liver gets sluggish during the Winter, just like all nature, and the system becomes choked up by me accumulated waste, wnicn crings on Malaria, Fever and Ague and Rheuma tism. You want to wake up your Liver now, but be sure you take Simmons Liver Regulator to do it. it also regulates the Liver keeps it properly at work, when your system will be free from poison and the whole Dodv Invigorated. You get THE BEST 'KLOOD when your system is in Ai condition, and that will only be when the Liver is kept active.' lry a Liver Remedy once and note tne difference. But take only Sl.WMCNS Liver regulator it is Simmons' Liver Regulator which makes the difference. . Take it in powder or in liquid already prepared, or make a tea cf tiie powder; but take SIMMONS LlV-:r CU LATOR. You'll find the RED Z cu every package. Look for it. J. H. Zeilin & Co., PhiiadelfWiia, la. (filCYCLES Are the Highest of all High Grades. Warranted superior to any Bicycle built In the world, regardless of price. Do not be Induced to pay more money for an Inferior wheel. Insist on having the Waverley. Built and guaranteed by the Indiana Bicycle Co. million dollar concern, w hose bond is as good as gold . 211b. SCORCHER $85. 221b. LADIES' $75. Cstalogue free. INDIANA BICYCLE CO., HOMER B. HALLOCK, Indianapolis, Ind., TJ. 8. A Gen. Agent for Eastern Oregon, Pendleton, Or. THE OWEN ELECTRIC BELT EXPENSES OF PATENTS. Exclusive Bights for Inventions Cost Very High. The Patent Office Is a Money Making In stitution for the Government Much Time Required to Study . Up Cases. '3 Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report y 'k Trade Mark Or. A. Owtft FOR MEN AND WOMEN The latest and only sclentlflo and practical 1 THE U. S. GOVERNMENT I Biectrio bolt made, for general use, producing a genuine current of Electricity, for the cure of disease, that can be readllv felt and reeu- luted both In quantity and power, and applied loany partoi tne noay. u can be worn at any time during working hours or sleep, and WILL POSITIVELY CURE RiiRimATisn UENKH1L DEBILITY LANK HACK NI IIVOI S DISEASES VAHICOCRLIC HKIUAL WEAKNESS I POTENCY KIDNEY DISEASES IF IS, WITHOUT MEDICINE XOItET OOCIETZES. HAWL1NS POST, NO. IL Q. A. B. Meet at Lexington, Or U Ut Batartlay of arh month. All veterans are Invited to Join. C. Bono, Oao. W. Kmitu. Adintant, tf (ViwmuuW. LUMBEll! Ilfl HAVE FOR HALK ALL KINIW OF CN dri'uni La in her, what Is known as the SOOTT U miles of Ueppuer, at SAW&XZJjIi. ria i,ooo riiT, rouuu, h m clkar, I I 00 17 M w;ll add The above quotations are strictly for Cash. If DKUVERFD 1M HEPPNER, I6.UB per l.tUI I eat additional. L HAMILTON, Trop. II 01 W. MJLAXD, lt. Prealdeat. . BIHIIOP, facaier. TRANSACTS l GENERAL BASKING BCSLNESS OOLLEOTION8 Ua.l on FavoraLU Terra. EXCHANGE BOUGHT 4 SOLD UErrXEK. tf ORWJOS lions wane Line JK ft l BDBKS-GflHYOH STHBEUHE H. . WILLIAMS. P-op OSTAllIO-llVliSS Lmvm Bnrne Daily al ft. m. ao4 ar- rivee al Ontario la 42 boors. Sinqlo Foro $7.00. Hound Trip $10.00 feyTltrwu S Ifltil T nl p-f yo4. IJUIISS CASVOS t. ft.,n .it I "" t .. U r t (in Nuw W h time f la Wal I r"Mia. IKe ''" epp II., WmI Utlhlhe ( ft ft ft ft PAYING MILLIONS A MONTH To persons who served in the wars of the United States or to their Widows, Children, or Parents. Do You receive a pension ? Had You a relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Ware on whom you depended for support ? THOUSANDS ARE ENTITLED UNDER THE NEW LAW Electricity, nrorarlv snnlled. Is fast taklns? tnepiaceor arugiror an Nervous. KheumiUlo, money ana urinal Troubles, ana win effect cumin seemingly hopeless esses where every other known means ha failed. Any slugglKh, weak or diseased organ may by this means be roused to healthy activity before It I too late. Leading medical men nue and recommend the uwou licit iu llieir practice. OCR LARGE ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE Contains f tilled Information regarding Iho cure of acute, chronlo and nervous diseases, nrlccs. and lintv to order, in English, Gemini. Swedish and Norwegian languages, will be mailed, upon application, to any address for 6 cvuis pjatage. The Owen Electric Belt and Appllanco Co. AIM Omrs A0 OKLT firTOUT, The Owen Electric Cell Clda., 201 le 211 Stale Street, CHICAGO, ILL. Til Ureosl fclectrlo Dall Cilsblishsh.nl in Ih: Ww'd MMTKta tm. 4a ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft To receive a pension, who now do not. Thousands under the new law are entitled to an increase of pension. The government owes it to you anJ is willing and Annious to pay. Why not present your claim at this present time? Your pension dates from the time you apply. Now is the accepted hour. (7Writa for Uws and complete information. No Charge for advice. No Fee unlets successful. The Press Claims Company ft ft ft PHILIP W. AV1RETT, Qenersl Mantrer, 618 P Street, WASHINGTON, D. C. well begun I half dona Iwiu , well l.y tutting; terry n4. I Km I mi rimnre O' li'rinlii I yourrrun, lui plant rnrry s rti. k now u JT. A TVf Company i$ controlled fry antHy m Iaeeaa4 Uadlnf imv popm in lh I'Hitrd matt, and it guarunktd bg Ihtm. w The government has recently granted two patents, which cover probably the most intricate and complex machine ever constructed. It is clttimec that be fore the first machine was perfected the company constructing it had ex pended $1,300,000. This first applica tion filed contained 204 sheets of draw ings, having over 1,000 separate views. During the eight years the case was pending in the office before allowance the number of sheets was reduced to 163. When it is remembered that the majority of patents have but n single sheet of drawings, and that to require as many as ten sheets is quite un excep tion, the magnitude of the invention can be understood. The fees charged by the patent office are uniform for all cases, no matter how complex or how simple $15 for filing the case and $20 additional on allowance of tho patent. When this case was filed it waa turned over for examination to an exominer, who received a salary of $1,800, nnd he spent six weeks in studying the case before being able to make the firSl ac tion. The entire specification was twice rewritten, each time by a different at torney. How much this cost the inven tor is not known, but it is rumored that the attorney who first prepared the case received a fee of $10,000 nnd an allowance of $2,000 extra to pay for the drawings. While the case was pend ing the examiner who first had it in charge resigned from the office, and it was turned ever to another assistant of the same rank. This assistant went over the entire ground three times, consuming several weeeks, and finally he was authorized to go to Chicago and spend a. month in examining a working machine. When the request was first made of the commissioner that the examiner be permitted to make the trip it was promptlj refused. For argument the chief of the division then carried In the papers, making a pile some two feet thick of unfolded draw ings and typewritten specification, and the comroiHHloner said: "lie ran go. The machine is for the setting, justify ing and distribution of type. It com prises no lefts 1 hau 18,000 Beparat c parts. The patent olfice is a money making institution. It earns, above expenses, about $200,000 per year, uud now has deposited in the treasury a mat little balance of over $4,000,000. Upon this job, however, it "ost pbout $1,000 worth of time of the various patent cfllee of ficials before maturing Into a patent, and when Issued the patent rule had to be followed of prepnring copies for sale at the regulation price of ten cents each. The 244 tdicets of drawings hod to lie photo-Iithi'.prnpheil end 0,e entire body of the specilleution and claims set up In t,vie, cont lng fo- the third edi tion, as estimated by the ordinnry rules, a few cents over six dollars pr copy.' These copies are sold to the public for teu cents each, or 20 cents for the two patents, covering the entire Invention. As soon an one edition Is exhausted another Is ordered. A great ninny peo ple order copies of th patents jut for curiosities. Washington Star. . . mm r ST Absolutely pubs terns and reservoirs have become empty since the shock. In the case of the lat ter it is probable that the cement cracked or the construction was other wise weakened, but this explanation does not entirely explain the case of the wells. The bottom of a well in Lagro township, near Wabash, Ind., dropped out entirely, and nothing that has been used to sound the depths of the hole has touched the bottom. To all appearances there is an immense cavern under the well hole, HER FATHER'S OWN DAUGHTER, Even In the Matter of Proposal She In sisted Upon Court Kales. She was the daughter of a judge and she listened with languid interest to his plea. "I love you devotedly," he cried, pas sionately. "I am prepared to devote my life to you." ' "Be specific in your pleading," she cautioned. "Do not stray too far from the point at issue." He hesitated and then asked, earnest ly "Will you be my wife?' "Ah," she snid, "now I see the point you wish to make. "I am not rich," he urged, "but I have enough to give you a comfortable home, and my prospects are bright. offer you the love of an honest man, who will do all in his power to make you happy. I" She stopped him by a gesture. "It is useletis to continue at present," she said, firmly but kindly. "There are several cases ahead of yours on the Uocket." "But," he protested, "I want-" She stopped him again. "1 must insist that these matters be taken up in their regular order," she said, .sharply. 'Tut your proposition In writing and file it with my maid, and It will receive due attention when it is reached in the regular course of business. I haven't time to listen to oral arguments in a case that can be as well presented in briefs." With a sigh he left, and put in his time until late that night preparing a petition for a rehearing. Chicago l'ost. serious matter," continued the manag ing editor, musingly. "I don't much blame those poor men out iu Kansas who have been holding prayer meetings in the street in an attempt to break up the saloon business. They are tak ing long chances of insult, though. It's no place for men. I don't see what their wives are thinking of to let them do it. We'll have to have a good spe cial on the subject before long. "Meanwhile," continued the man aging editor, coming down to business again, "tell Mrs. Slasher that I want a good stiff editorial on the women who persist in going out between the acts to see a girl or get a clove. It's an in sult to the gentlemen they take to the theater." "I have that, ma'am," said Helen, looking up from her notebook. "What else?" "Leave a note for Mr. Trettyman about his society. Twice recently he has made, the '..intake of referring to Mr. and Mrs. Jones, instead of Mrs. and Mr. Jones, ns everyone knows it ought to be. It's inexcusable." "Yes, ma'am." "Then tell the city editor that I want a good interview with Mrs. Margin, the president of the board of trade, on the slump in wheat. There ought to be a good story in that. 1 understand that the firm of Mesdames Coupon & Bond waa badly squeezed and that Jennie l'lunger made so much that she blew in $200 or $300 celebrating with the girls on the board of trade und squared her self by buying her husband a diumond ring and ti sealskin coat." With a wave of the hand the editor of the future dismissed her private secre tary and gave her attention to an edi torial on "The Absurd Claims of the New Man." N. Y. Sun. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. 'J and sold very where. Ilelnre yog plant, let Firnr'i Slid Annual for lawk Contain more nrael Ural InftrriiiRtlon for fanner I and grlurr loan many Mo-i 11 priori leu Imcik. Mail.! free. Xr 11 k a. rsasi a ie, snawi, aaa.r' . t S V 'J ii ii .a' -V. -' 9--- "r. FACTS tic e FACTS ! Y": Of CAS BIT t&OO wmla uf dry fi and rtl' nd ue bate enough Ufl out of I i n in to purch a Ko. I ('rweal hkrrle. Tale Is i Ant else eiarlilii. Why tlun py !on 00 t a Mryrte that will g1e ho better rlw T C KT Urofrhw," weight pound, only l. Ladlae" aad OraU me-Uters all the ef from I le r "Soye Jenlnr, ' ewly I with pwiMMile tlr-e gmti saehl, tmr Spsrlel," Kni I A. Ladle', I A Atnr, WESTERN WHEEL WORKS. CHICAGO AND NtW YORK, the nmim m .t.lb 'frl y s a1afM,a . kl htf a-hiBai a ae eS h te Is lh . I' 4 I I Mmli" a l !itl.! J..qrnl.l th nt I1ur. aa af"tiirel pai-. Cor is b at J i -i'-writ. MORROW AkO GRAH1 V'TX VlV I iTlIK LANCASIItRK INSURANT!-: Co. ! i tr rirnrc a. " i a 1 1 1 . UfAMTCnAM inCA Wheraathlnk nnillkl -Mil I Vkflnl simple tbtoar to patent I'roterl four Idea 1 1 hey f i.rii, ,m waaitii. write juii. wr.uur.iw ih'liN ., I'aKHtt Ailornev, WethlugUM, U. l, for their lue prise ooer. Hns tem. a4 1 nlt.MM an4 all I'M M hs wMyiH I M.n.itl rtca. Ousornti ieOen o, . r.ttoij 4 pum m Me In. taw 1 MM.IMIIIM4 I iuarf '.M mt eV. Ilk eVwrla Ims. w ari-M, U 1 - at -. I" W a l. la ." l iai.H 1 - , an I Ih V. S. a4 uraa tauJ wat tree. A44na O.A.SNOWt5tCO. AM Ban, Smi.1. a.tailtB isil ninmin v " " ' - - a. e. lilhi.AKM OP Tilt: KKI!. The inu-iiai t hint ao'l emartint In. I oV4 to erwme, W Hrr, alMlum, eml mImy diarane ll, .tin U InMaiitly allarol fj l-t'lying tl.niUrliri .t end I Ow.mtil. Xmv nt l.l litre US rwui(wttly irl I it ll U illy e.tx trtit ("f ll tiing t il en-t (file rm- ely I f re ta l, )! I.jikU, ihil LUiiM, I iM lutoa, fl ! r .Mi ra y Kot ! I' druffui l ii criU f Uil. MANCIIKMTICH, t NOf.ANII S. IQJ J'9 f tli- Trt fr. fsdVa (.niai rewaVra, ! r )! h..r n.-U in lvt r..n-li- (, Jitif, Lkl niil-f il termilug-. f"of eale ly C' luf A llrca, itregUla TUs regular eetavHitHhM fit.) uf te I Sruvl We.kl, li-lle k I: VI t4. IU r ir f,lrm oi ll.a Wxslf (eiHla 1,V1. Ae;eiw ealwriliiaf f. IL (I! ea tejift t-t iar la t lf.M l fi. "-" a-. r kU t If 0 I f. f I ' f". A I t I til. .... ; 1 f.-. .,r.rl, . ft oan ii it, i It an en I'll rlln The biggest moose ever taken In the Aroostook region of Maine, Hie state a Wat hunting ground, was killed recent ly by Col. A. A. Ilukrr, of Nrwixirt, H. I. A game ofliclnl measured the aniinnl, ami hla figures are: Wright, ilrcaard and ilieludiug hide, with the ImiIihIiiI on which it wns hauled, 1.300 pounds; spread of antlera, 49 inches. The sn tiers have 13 pronga on one aide and 13 on the other. The addition of 75.IXIO acres to the Adirondack park is a cauae for eat infec tion. The land purvliaard from l)r.elri make Hie Inrgeat ainglo blcx k yrt ae i ui red In furtherance of the piir ir of ratrndiiig the wrk U lliclmle I lie 2,so7.- 7W) acn-s llcd u ion ua a pro r reserve for the liiiilniciiuncr of the fores! and alrrain an nrrraaary tothr state. With his stililition the public domain will amount In f.75,'KK) acres. The proeprrt of auotlirr AhaiiUa war rrciill Mr Wilfrrd law win's sum- mary of the llng-IUli raniMiia;n of 1173. He a Uiil In the lioiiwof eoiiiinoii what KliifUtid IiihI if allied by hrr victories orr the Aliautcc. "An old um'.iri II and a Irraly," he made anwrr to Ms own iirtioii. lie was reminded thai there hud lirrn no treaty. He remarked that he waa not sorry, aa the treaty would hate tw-rn worth so more than the uml.M lle. One of the smallest pirn and on of the hlfireat yirls In the country live down In rorfla. The former is Mr. Tom Ciwlrr, of llarlhurat, who is It Jrarn old, la Ihrre fir I tiilte nn le hltfh, ml wri'lia ii jiiihU. He has two touiircr I noilcr who are rub more than ait f.rl uil. Mr. II. W. I!.l.l. i. Iwrrr. of (lkriifcno,n, liaa Sfirl 11 yrara old w ho weird 171 iiiihU, and a UiV arlrn jrais W ltd welfrhs ll')Miuuds ami rn a iiinnla-r l tl.'. "h" X.'g firm of i"n Iwr near Miles City, al,., e ii, plots all thr )ar round twn I. uiil.r Mini k of IS lluaaian Wolf hound lo krrj, raritf free of wnlira i,, cytitre, whit L are a -l to ' k lnii all rr 1li r'lflori. rw,faf lt,i )'r th hmilir hate lakrn the a.xl of y.'J wolie and full Ii V o) o Ire. lirnrtrf any lrare of wolir or coy. olr are found Ilia k i lel.ni out a l. 'I .ol on II. r a. rnl, all liaiially Ilia i ar 1 If rn il in ,,. , it), , I hi Mrfil.ol l ll..- i.nlj our l,al ,a .., . f. , in. , a 1 1, ,. f, (nx li, lake rcMrta. ail. Al.i.ll,. f tjrrf ,.aMt allflt lilr. ,t ii, fr.ru! rnrll..,.il r 11,1,1 ' ll,iii-. i,), l,l.,t, l,r i.,.l. .Uli : ffoi.i ll.a gu'.t lo ll.e ! i II, al trany !; I,' jf..i, ill). ti I l,l t(m t FROM FIELD AND FOREST. A panther weighing 150 pounds waa killed in Butler county, Mo., recently. A 13-year-old boy shot a 200-pound bear near Coto, I'a., the other day. English hares were Introduced Into Burlington county, N. J., a few years ugo by l'ierre Lorillnrd, and they have multiplied rnpidly, A large numbcrof fine hares have been shot there this year. Wild geese are very plentiful In many purls of northern California this fall It whs eatimated that fully 5,000 were k illed in (ilenn county in about ten days toward the end of Novemlier. Fifteen cents apiece is all that the p)uinicnt partridges are worth, deliv ered at the hotels, in many parts of Maine, In this exceptional year for game In that mate. Venison Is now selling for two rents a Kund ii. Miehigainnie,MU'h.,tiiit judg' lug from the wholeaale aluughler of deer now going on In the forests of that seel ion there will not lie any veniwm nl all in the markets of Mlchlgnmme next year. There Is good hunting In Kentucky this full. A party of hunter returned lo Jeaasmlne a few days ago with 13 deer IH wild turkeys, and a lot of smaller game. Another party from Versailles killed IK deer, a bear, sod a wngun load cf turkeys. The Connecticut fish and game coin liilkhionem have decided not to pla r fry In the rivers. The fry will I kepi In the retaining imlida, the ahad until they are three or four Indies long, and salmon until they are six to rlgt Inches lone; two yesra told. The la Ire I oddily in oueerly colored game brought out of the Maine wood Is a dro-r with a polka-dot hide, flu ground color of the hair la almost enow while, and the whole body la dolled with eiMilaor bloichrsof red hair. The NpM-amne of the animal is aald lo hav lren notably pretty as well aa odd. A htinderrd akliia of does and baby fawn were arlxrd on aeteamrr In Han I'ranclwo recently. The aklne had come from Oregon, Many of the few aklna were tree than two feet In length il ia aralnsl the law of Oree-on In kilt deer for their l.tih . or to kill fa w na any lime, and It la ftf-ainal the law of f ali forma for any fa raon lo ikiwm the aklna of dure and fawns. MICHIGAN'S FUNNY EDITOR. He Takes Very Original Views of the II urn- drum Topic of a Little Town. Arterous Ward, Petroleum V. Nasby, Mark Twain, Josh Billings and the Dan- bury News man first attracted atten tlon by contributions to inconspicuous newspapers. A budding genius is just now conducting the Monroe (Micli.) Democrat. Here are a few local para graphs culled from the issue of Octo ber 10: Frank Drake, of Dundee, has a Bore hand. He stroked the fur of a buzz- auw the wrong way. The "dough me soul" clnsa of Whiteford Center will soon renew the musical conflict under the tutorship ot U. Waftlc. A successful aertes of South Itoekford Ice creum and dyqcpiiin social for the setuum bus closed, and proved prolituble and pl' iiaiiig. Chlcl-cn thieves and chicken pox are transacting IjuhIiickm at Petersburg. The former hns weeded out the fut pul lets, und the hitter sent several primary grade chicks home to rooitt nv, Idle. Without reflecting mi any of his neighbors within a mile of him, Henry Fox, of Stelner, has removed his corn crib and wagon shed from a remote )Kiint to one wilhlu ahot-guu distance of his resilience. Mr. I- Lnmkln, of London, has thrashed this aeaaon over 100 bushels of buckwheat from fouraeres of ground. Front nnd failure have not worked to gether on hi crop, A aingla stalk, In one Instance, ) icldcd 3,434 kernels. If Mr. I.HiiiUIn were not a nmn of known Iruth end popularity, we wnuld ssy he would tie the r(ht man lo swear to lbs circulation of the Detroit after noon dniliea. Mr. Wallace, of Weal Dundee, may think he did a nice trick the other day, but theit are two other nirn who w ill not agree with him. Mr. Wal'areeaw the said two other men buy gather ing hie walnut, and luld in uuiliimli while they (Mvly shook the fruit from the burdened branchee and beeped them In a pile, aingiiig a merry harteai hymn. Then he roareely Intruded hla presence Slid With rilllcll Bilddrniiraa Ihry look to fiipht. and the unferlmg Wallme inrastirrd up, with baakela they left, 14 biikhrla of like fruit, which ha car ried home. Printing Ink. WOMAN EDITOR OF THE FUTURE. a a Has Trawfcte wllh lire eiaff-taaj. aana4 Wvae I ha SvtM mt -llrlrn!" 1 be managing txlitnr of Ih future l.kr hij.ly. hh waaevlilciitly artery ImimI aon-rtliinaT. "Vea, r a'sin," rr pi led Ihe private eee rrlary, fjuii kly responding lo Ihe sum mon. "Utile a Hot to Mies Ihailillle trll- llif hrr that wa Will dialae Willi lirr arrlcra In lb lore I nmia In Sir fu line " Vi . Ii a'em ';!. i- liiiikiif t. riiii. Ii." iiU.iMil Hi. ii,jim"iui' . l i . r I ain orV for lrr IwH latlH I. who la Widow rr ai.d Ii I'l b iel on hrr f"V "l'l ' ta" "I Mf LADY S COWN. Jeweled Irlinming I at la lie It' hi. ll la tiw-d for eer)lliing. bill esperlully lor evening gown. Immenw ap collars, aprvading rrv. era and itnlrrtdy hupr aleetra are) rirr m hrre kt ii. Home of the plain rich rlolh hate a Lunelle li' tui-.il III rouifll In Ifoua liliea on Ihrir liolh surface. ( lianpraldr rftrrla In i!t, etilin. till, ami wtMtl iiiittuira and In fmoy ict.-U r .till the irry corrrcl f,on, iiotwlllialandinf ll.nr long limit of f0 111111. The J', kit wHh mhc, l.an.t siui lilallng Ui plla llir In Ihe luck ami ,aii'T '"" fninle ory a fnticy !!, relaina favor for youthful wrer. era, l.oirt hrre and atrMvl. Thi nHr iaa full .-rir and two rap rollars etfrj with narrow fur. dOKIS ACOUT IAC3. The Mian who hH ll.a U.ltle rnay e wl the lHlff lo In! 1. 1 in Ihtllaa Sl'HI. 1 l.r inn ho .It li. I lli imi ll. !( I, of I i,l.ii.i i a n "f mill liu.k- I, I I ln I lelp il. rle Will I , , I ai once, ii a i i r r d I t i i ry lr- ', tf, Ol'ii lak ih i'! . ,-?., . i i if i' PI.. I ii I 1 il... I . I f a, ! .M- i, t..- i.r , i i , ft. I