tJTOCS BRANDS. While yon awep roar subscription paid np yea can keep root brand in free of oharg. Allyn, T. J., lone. Or. Home (Mi on left shoulder; cattle same on left hip, nnder bit on right ear, and upper bit on the left; range. Mor row ooantv. Baird D, W. and eon. Horses branded T B on the left hip; oaltle the same on left flank, crop off right ear. nnderorop in the left. Range in Morrow County. Bartholamew, A. Alpine, Or. Horses branded 7 E on either shoulder. Bangem Mor- Hanster, J. W., Hardman, Or. Cattle brand d H on left hip and thigh: split in each ear. Brenner, Peter, (iooeebeiry Oregon-Horses brandod PB on left shoulder. Cattle same on " Brosman, Jerry, Lena, Or.-Horses branded 7 on rieht shoulder; cattle B on the left side. Left enr half crop and right ear oppor slope. Burton, Wm.. Heppner, Or.rHorses, J B on right thigh; oattle, same on right hip; split in Brown. J. C, Heppner. Or.-Horses, oircle C with dot in nei, ter on left hip; cattle, same. Brown, W. J., Ina, Oregon Horses W. bar over it, on the left shoulder. Cattle same on left hlm, W. a.. Heppner, Or.-Horses, box brand on right hip oattle, same, with split in O., Heppner, Or.-Horses, P B on left ehouhtor; can o , . , - y. oalOTdeV m Mt ear and two split and middle piece cnt ont on right ear; on horses same S the left thigh; llange in Fox valley, Grant county, TOoOT Or.-Horees brand ed O on right stiHes cattle (three bare) on riaht ribs' crop and split in each ear. llange in I 1) on horses onteft stifle TJ with qnarw mn. . . r - - left shoulder only on all horses over 5 yeara. All range in Grant oonnty, d. data Chas. It., Vinson or Lena, Or. Horses H f! on right shoulder; oattle same on right hip. Kanae i Morrow and V matllla counties. CWigall,M M.Oalloway, Or-Cattle crop out of iSSRar' and'underbit, wattle ,n J'U borses half oircie v on imi, "". ?n!i T H John iMy. Or.-Donble oross on 2 shoulder. Kar m arkou ' wes P on left ear iDCTArna,Or.-Hor.,()0onright.honl. deVrCtS,.ameonright.hip: ear mark square 'ox'lid.S.. Har.lman Or-C.UK Cwlth in oenter; horses. (IE on left hw. Cochran. K. K., Monument, Wrant U , Or. RM landed circle with .bar b;" shoulder; oattle same brand on both hips, mark O on right h p. Cattle branded the same. Also brand" CI on horses right thigh; cattle same brand on right shoulder, and out off el of ongTase. W. M.. Galloway. right .UK ."wailow-fork in each ear; horses. B D on left hip. . .n hranrlnd EL.1" .S&TaS: VnY. on iefthip. hoi. lDErnerV?(:.'8.inardman, Or.-Horses branded Hi" With tail on loft shoulder; oat-ae-saonHghthlP. Bange in Morrow oonnty Florence, L. A., Heppner, Or.-Ca ttl e. L F on right hip; horses, F with bar nnder on right ''S?1'1 H P Heppner. Or.-Horaee. F on ' lientry. Klmer, Echo, Or. -Horse. .branded I H. o with nuarter circ e over it, on left atltls. Ban g, in Momm and Umatilla counties. liETtr A It Hiilge, Or.-Osttle, ronnd-top k witn quarter 'circle under it on the right b.p. BanVe in Morrow and UmaUllaoonnJ Hnhes, Hamnel, Wagner. Or- (T r l CouT)on right shoulder on horses; on oattle. on righth p and Ton left side, swallow fork in nglaearanH slit in left. Hang. n Haystack dlstrlot. Morrow oount. Howard J L, Oalloway. Or.-Horses T (cross with bar shore it) on riKhl shonMor; ".7 on left side. Hangs iu Morrow and Umatilla 0,,Halie'Edwln. John Day, Or. Cattle I B on right hipjhor-'-s-imeonrightshoulder. Bangs heart on tJie lef t shoulder. Jlaage Morrow Co. Hunsaker, B A, Wamar. Or.-Horses, on left shoulder; oattle. on Iefthip. Humphreys, J M. Hardman. Or.-Horses, H on H'n. Lnther. K.ght Mil . Or.-Wora. H on the left shoulder Bud ri.rt uu the Inrt stifle I aU tie same on lert hip. iihiik iu ........w . Jon.. Harry, llppnr. .hjr"J'lB! H .1 on the left shoulder; cattle bmudnd i on riifhl bin. also nnderbit in i"'t ear. .Kauge in Morrow county. u .- u m Ifnmtner. Or. Horses, noma. .1,. J J ..n ' loft shoulder. Cattle, the sains. Bang ". Mil. , . JnhliK'm, reus, lirnn, 'r. - - -i left still"! oattle, name on riirlit hip, nader half Oron In n" snni n if" w "V. ". . M.t II er Or. Horsea branded KN on' left Imp entile same and crop oil left I .. .1..... ,.n Ilia rltfht Kirk i T., Heppner, Or.-Horses 09 en toft; rati le, W on left hip. " V . .' ui ii M.. iint Vernon. Or. I L oil eallleon rmhland left side., swallow fork in Iff ir end un.l-r ni m right ear. Horse. m brand on l"'t "I M'- j""" Ijuff.iii, h'epnon, ri."r, n ,, on ra.'He. crop and split on rigl.t ear. Homes sa ne brand on Mt shoulder, llange t.rant "i'.len.'.ll.n.J .l.ii W Mrl.i". Or.-H-iraes hrau l - l hslf idrcle J I, cnnn-'M on li.fl shuul. der. I 'tU.. sa-u on lf i hio. llange. near U. '"l!!''i"r 1 W. Hi.imr tr-Horee lirandl I Vit K " i l"'l ti" il I cett'e ennin no left Imp. .Ml.i.iver rh-ht ' tlir slits in nghl "l'ird OnrK. lletniiier. Or.-Horwa ImwM rionlile' II ' Honietimes railed wiu H on kfl shoiiMer. Iiih M. . ll...Hier. Or.- attle branded eir.leon n'itti hip; lmnsai on nghl si ill, in M miw ceinly. Minor Irwtr, ne.iiir flr.-l atUe, MUM riir'tl hip; h"n- M ."i l'l hieil lr. Slnrg,... H. N.. ' ,J""' M on lft seme on left hip. Milrr.ell.ltanar.liMM. Or.-Hoteea. II on right Lt... ..i. m ..n v.ltl airle. L' i a. i' i..... it.,k iw llimns A N enn- ri.l .Hi Mt xttl same mi boUi hl, lllr. rm. Usiua-u. 0-f O oo left iM-rn. J. W.. ...miiiUs. r.l h'fs. , reiile '" rM nip. i. in... I..M Mile, dr.- II ill i left rjiuu- l-r rirvle'shixM i.nlri .ti.xil.l-f sod 4 on left hm. aula, in n "'. "" vr..yVm.u . i -..... II... .. KUlii Mil. l-wa-r Vll-. Har4iian,lr,-llolaalPoa left sh.Nll.Us. ,w. t J. K ll, V e.miH"ll Ml I em Us n.e tm rlM hip. lUna " ""' aarla.1 mMt mI.Ui eatUa, ssjaa ua left hip. la 'h mt. . ..-4,. A, ( I.hhs llf.l h"fm dUnxd Pea ' lT.-i.lJ. iii J II J e.i.-l l. . the fl bio. unirM ship la Uft aa aad slip ta the rUM. u . I.,ln.. linvei. IV -M Wit us tH-mn.l-l IH i nr,i W..-II.MK, vmn wii rlrt-1 oM brand, nslll) saaM MIt kip. HX'rrvllU, Or-UK ,,lk iau eirrle M l.-v eUle.M nH bis W4 ,t. flai l and la Uft. II.. mm brand .w Ufi .K.l i-. lkua la atutni. tlrwl and U.'lia e.iella. iafl slwaWUr. ( aula. II wi nai atp. WralaM W. H. ILi ". r - tlrass) sha4-l i s m Uri aiMUissiiiMi i Uft hip, saailoa t.k la ni.l a...U.I.U la U". - . kip. !, Harass, f rWjwa, R.n, t.Mla, lf -faille H W Wh ip "l'U I ".r. i i ...I.Ut liana la M.wn.a iii. hmiu . "-...lie. t'r. 4 i.l nms MS Ufl SK.wltW tv4.1r-1.jMM A.l.r.i.., IH.i .- hran.U.1 ja ,' 1.(1 fa.-.i.Ur -uie li s al Ua. H a" a t-n.wmnn ,.i., .IUr.a, f k. Hie .... . ,a., aiil. kufis4 lajik. Itsl.l sUmi Mr A. J ,H-i !" -, am ivM aim ti " " 'mr- ZTi.l-,mU w Wl tis n.-r.y . .. lm. ; 1 - W mm Ufl kip. .a'. a ? as rw i . ""T'i, a a At . . , k . II Ia Mi na. !,,,- r i.p.if.-II t.aaUA "i H W I1xi lit aWI eai.i'al Uf m.i!.U. aalUe aaj ssft III . L 1.. , W.rf tuM. II. M . !". IV -M.a l-a4l Mt w I w Ufl eonat rJf aa-na hr4, ..... l II T . I . Il.ll a , !l m. iuM aWat-Mrrlila, saana nM tf.H- ra . IImi t U ll.a. V SMI I I"'' ai.l- m-m ... lltit lilp. l'l .! J. J a II. H... W - 1.aa i' l-l i II Uf Hl ! Na l .,.- ..'r ,a M M l-aU. "r I W atras .... . , r- l e '" m aar a.. kra I oa Ml Iw I" Mat II , l"t , ' tl .rai Iwaj. UhI ,J L-l " '" l M kip JV. . I ... l ... t.f . I. a. I I" I If H ,...., II t . I't II -rmm, II fc.. -I I.'.- ..r .. . . H I 1, II - lM H...I. Hadr.-. j-iaars efaasillfi ,grltinil. l loa UM atlrl Uiwti Hr.-.. Itepiwar. ir.-ll.- hrmnU.1 1 M Ihe rM sh.i.ti llU. U the Ufl hip rr,,p (t tft and .U-lep a"p. Ila la I k.luli.lillM. e - ' ''hhrvUr.Ukl lna ai. Wren. A. A.. Herjnner. Or. Horses rnnnincA A on shoulder; Cattle, same en richt hip. Xoung.J. H., Gooseberry, Or. Horses branded rrSosiUut ricntakoalde. CET THE BES1 "When you are about to buy a Sewing; Machine &o not be deceived by alluring advertisementa nl be led to think you can get the best made, Sincst finished and Most Popular ft' or a mere song. See to it that won buy from reliable manu facturers that have gained a reputation by honest and square .dealing, you will then get a SSewing Machine that is noted she world over for its dura ibiSty. You want the one that as easiest to manage and is Light Running IS? There is none in the world that struction, durability of working parts, fineness of finish, beauty in appearance, or has as many improvements as the mm New Home It 1ias Automatic Tension, Double Peed, alike on both Bides of needle (patented), no other has if, New Stand (patented), driving wheel hinRed ou ad justable centers, thus reducing f notion to the minimum. WIT5 FOR CIRCULARS. THE WM HOME SEWIHG MACHINE CO. DjiKurc. Xafs. BofiToir, Mass. 88 TTinoN Rottaup, N. T fTOCAno.Iu,. m. Ix)rw, Mo. Pat.m.1sxaii. E.-.N i'EAMCir,, C'AI.. ATTJJflA, 04. FOR SALE BY P. C. THOMPSON CO., Agents, Heppner, Oregon. rr? Popular Magazines FOR THE mi. r.jr.ftiSVS FRANK LESLIE'S OOPULAR Jr MONTH UY Contains each Month Original Water Color Frontispiece ; I in vuano rages oi Keaumg Matter; 11)0 New and High -class Illustra tions; Mora Literary Matter and Illustra tion than any other Magazine In America. 25 cts. i a Vsar. Frank Leslie's Pleasant Hours , FOR BOYS AND CIRLS. A Ilrlpht, Wholesome, Juvenile Monthly. Fnllr illustrated. The best writers for young people v nt rilmte to It. 10 ots. ; II a year. SZKD ALL SUSSCKiniOIlS TO THE GAZETTE, HEPPNER, 0RE. Frank J.itsur's Porm.A Monthly and the Uaiette, botn lor one year lor .i.w. Frank I.khub s Pleasant Hours kokBoys AMD (.ilKi.B anil the tlazettu, both for olio year ;.(io. yndoubteGiy theBsst Club Offers -Send f.. fVrtn Utile' PuMUMny flout, iV-T STKAM GASOLINE POUT r ENGINES AN MAN lfyoitlliink nt bnyina sa enirine of Any i.a nr kind seod fur our Cutalnyuf Ad. .'(', o. ml Him if illiistrHlioni ADil prloesi nf every kind of engin from one un in Tt liiirMM power. At bottom prioea, or Lint An, ill, tor yaoht nslnea, boil rt adJ maohltiery. Eittisr soot free. Cfi35. pjiiiaii & Co., 197 Canal Straat, - CHICAGO Qtfrtri, a t 1 1 Q m "i-iiirjt'sj m ... y I I'mi Ii y A Complal St. eonsisiiag ol flis 5 Mlr'lll" l... lla Hall I'Ui.r. r.. Hell I'later, ! risver, T-n.ns rlster 2 and Hi. 1. 1. Htdrr. a Ml Iw sent In any ? . lr,a ii.u (nlpl ol 10 ran Is, Ul pay 2 I h'S. 1 Ihrw fliurr at ehaiil.lleir IvrlerL 4 tw4.ilifnllr i'tfrl and u.i.ittl.l, and errant! to aland ipriskl.sndaresne' rvtlrtil s..iVf...rMl .mt AT'fas l.a.lrrs I ll.a alhlflle snfaply World fof r loli, rr1iiig r.w.m. efhra of home. a.u.srsiumu A onus,, .na I are t s.Mtfa fl.yUi,.k,a Tti rperal ! sf' heaa Iwer4s Is kaaar te an. I par.isa. tfcaf lllaslrsl Ik at ralf faaalllf bj NeA AlwayA a. mi ie k Aeirt-A, TImmm leiAs (.as Ik WaitiW My af RIp.infTahulcs A f4 wiik aey prvv.ew.lf tawal l)vMttMA tltll .'. k.i sns TskwUs i PrUA, t A I I av,..'. ky r ail. j a.j n .m.ui ca ii ( it, & i. tofan' i i i. . u .M - NaLi i "f i-rm rr4 f3L.-iL mm E. McNEILL, Receiver. TO THIS GIVES TUB CHOICE,, Of Two Transcontinental -.E&O 0" E3 S GREAT UNION NORTHERN Ky. PACIFIC RY, VIA VIA Spokane Denver MINNEAPOLIS OMAHA AND AND St. Paul Kansas City LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Ocean Steamers Leave Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. For full details oall on 0. R. 4 N Agent at Heppner, tr address W. H. HURLBURT, Gen. Pass. Agt. Portland. Obbqon, QUICK TITHE ! TO San JBVranolsoo And all point In California, via the Mt, Bhas route oi the Southern Pacific Co. The treat hiabway through California to all points Kast and South, (irand Hoenio Route of the Paolfio Coast. Pullman BaOet Hleepers. Beoond-class Hleepers Attached to express trains, atfordinn superior aocommodations for seound-olaas passengers. For rates, tickets, sleeping oar reservations, etc. oall upon or address K. KOKHLKH, Manager, E. P. ROGERS, Asst. (Jen. r. Y. Agt., Portland, Uregon Most Modern and progressiva Tor cstaloKiie or Information wiito to T11I2 MARL1N FlRn ARMS CQ., Nw Havsn, Conn, 3 wiHth of kivrlv Music for Forty Cents. conHUilnt; .if too pnv;is ' . . , , till sire MiM't Aliialc of r: r-zliJi f HSKI, the (I, tat flanlit. suci'ha runt ana aeowiae Sk4 oaesaa va THE NEW VOHK MUSICALECHO a- llroadwav Theatre IIU(r . New Y.kIc City. 3 - CANWASOIRa WANTIO. A. P.T. L. The American Protective Tariff League ii national organization advocating "Protection to American Labor and Industry" at explained by its conttitu ion, at follow. : Tks ehjaerl af ikl leafv skaM k ks rUrt Aann ae ky a anT an Irapsrss. aikiek skaA adaiiuataly ssura Aw. nun InAuskraJ araauata S(a.nt kh tesiiaeiikMM af karate laeaa," There are no pertonal or private profits in connection with the organiza tion end it it sustained by memberships, contributions and the distribution of its public ation. f I AST ! C asaa'sn. Is srleiW4 eaa'41ef Man.kerak.f " a4 " Off ! Camaaanaanta. f CON 01 W a an a.lnia. setr.ktana, kathar .mall a kvva, ks u saws. TMIAO: Wl al,k a Isriai Sea sf Aaawmanka aarinf sA akass. af Ike Tl' Saail,... Cew alaU sat a ke .laA Is an. aAAraaa tt 60 seets. you ATM 1 tt-4 AasUI aar fMrl A fras eM aa af hs ' Aaa,rae I ' A44m W.V. f Wsssiaa. Uaneraj es'eiary, I1B Watt 1 14 SWeat. kta Vara. $1800.00 0ItN AWAY TO INVENTORS. tiaaa kaa.ara.k af km.M aa. Al Ik. aaaa Saa aafc la aafiaaa ay las fmbm IW mmt Ikal ff'STHE SlMnC, TRIVIAL WCNTI0NS THAT 1110 ITIRTIMS. as SW "ra ai.,4,. aW.lieaa haJisM a ) aWv Man. M4( Hm a..,ct t aaia, "aaaaaaaa," .-a, t-m.,m Ma.k "W alia. .aai. aaj s laj..4 MM IwK Hvr. sVal M Sat aa. a S-4 s a.v "i .rw( , sarf iaa Ma aj "Map. aa.ifc.aa.. krat k..aal anaras la aM) auiliil. I ry ss Wnak af a aa.ilm t a. ami IT IS NOT SO II VR0 AS IT FIXMS. Taa'al. I.kas ana l' ...k an rar,a.;a ila4 - ).l fce.J .. . i,J4 tt 1.1, 1 1 r,ak.laM..w..iriMlalaaaM a W aHHMa af . a . laiaaJI . r ai aaa-va la ifca a. af a 4. t aaff aaiaa. Vi . mm a4va,H . 4 .-a. ttt aaa.w 11 k aa. 4 , . ., I ka. .la af af Mtai r4 aKa " N . -a4 m,..m. an k al ifc. tm.4 . .aai -m af a' a W aiM...4 I t J . . a. .,, I a- n. fc-s k,aA f k Ma al a ia a., mi , . .-. AS .a i , -nH Mr 'y aa.fcfaafc. joimvi ti;' 5,t.l UNA CO., tV lai-t.4 1 et A" ! ! I art. 1 a) I ataajO, tl'l Mrtl.N.W.. Ss'rst, vrijrTX. Lightest, Simplest, ivXUlllU-TE"4let MronE.... j2Jfljfi Working. Solid IJiSilA WiJ Most Top 1"Tt(?'J T Accurta' Receiver. v'jjill Compact, liii.u. nnunmi. iiu.ii... ..... m..... .,.... i Sri.'. tliwi. hoih v.hjI snl 3 m K"ll.'n un In tlis mol rl.-.inl m.uuur. In- -3 J; cluJina fi.ur Urite tlie I'oitiaitt. CAHUfHCITA. Iht Snarl, h Danctr. 3 aasra aManS) fraea saa Ss SSrs aa Im aa. f laeaaf h as a Mas ssast at li il in ai tsasas ,n 4 SM aaaxk . s a ra Im hi f alasiss la mm ttaai, 04 Ua) ataMt at laai aai s aaa-araa. aiilil a aa MATHEMATICS AND ASTRONOMY Two Sciences That Are Closely Belated and Meeassary to Each Other. Probably in none of the sciences, ap plied or pure, is a knowledge of higher mathematics so essential as astron omy. Certainly none involves so much mathematical labor. The method of the least squares is one in almost con stant use by those engaged in astro nomical calculation, and the amount of labor often entailed by this process is enough to make the head of an ordi nary citizen swim even to think of. One of the most extensive least square solutions ever made, says the Pitts burgh Dispatch, has recently been pub lished by Prof. Schur, of Goettingen. The heliometric triangulations of the stars in the cluster Praesepe (the Bee hive) gave rise to a series of 74 normal equations, involving 74 unknown quan tities. The solution of this set of quantities was effected by Prof. Schur in ten weeks by means of the usual Gaussian method of elimination. Prof. Schur comes to the conclusion that no other method by successive approxi mations is to be compared to the Gaussian method, even though it might seem to promise a saving of labor in advance. Prof. Schur mentions as the longest least square solution he has been able to find in Astronomical liter ature a geodetic adjustment made by Baeyer, in which a set of normal equa tions with 68 unknowns was success fully solved by the famous computer, Dase, in three months. GAVE THE FISH A JAG. This Is One Way of Being Entertaining In California. "Did you ever see drunken fish?" in quired a Sonoma county wine grower. No one would confess that he had seen intoxicated fish, and the silence in dicated a predisposition to incredulity, says a writer in the San Francisco Post, "I suppose you are going to tell us about a drunken catfish staggering down through the orchard and cateh ing a bird?" suggested one. "Do you think I am a liar?" demand ed the farmer, indignantly, but he was left in ignorance as to the belief of his hearers. "My winery is right on the bank of a little creek. This time of the year the water stands in pools and every pool is full of trout, suckers and pike. All of the waste from the winery is thrown into the creek, and that is enough to discolor the water, but the other day a big vat of sour claret burst ond nearly all of it ran down into the hole of water just below the winery. In half an hour the pool was crowded with fish floating belly up. I thought tney were dead, and pulled a big pike out, but he wiggled and flopped around just like an old drunk trying to get up wnnoui anything to hold on to. One by one they disappeared as they so- nerea up, and when the water cleared two days afterward there wasn't a dead fish in the pool. They hod just been jfiggea." FINGER RINGS. During tho 14th century, in France nnd Spain, gifts of valuable rings to statues of tho sainU and Virg-n JHary were very common. One statue in liar celona is said to have worn rings valued at $100,000. rilgrim rings were formerly sold at every noted shrine in Christendom, They were purchased by pilgrims pre. puring to return home, and were regard ed as evidence that the pilgrimage had been really jH-rf oi in-d. The coronation ring of Great Britain Is of gold, with a large nnd very valu nblo ruby setting. During the corona tlon ceremonies It Is placed on the fourth finger of the sovereign by the Archbishop of Canterbury. According to the traditions of the early church, Joseph nnd Mary were criiMMiHi'il Willi tin lunrtlivht ring. 1 Ins, by some jiersons, is stippoced to lie I Tic reiiHon why r.piHcoml rings were oftc Act with the same stone. Mithridnlea, In the first century lic fcirc Christ, had a very large collec tion or niiiHcuni of signet rings. Itwus Insinuated ngninst him that his collec tion contained the signet of every lead ing potentate of his time. INDUSTRIAL ITEMS. Taroma claims the PacIAc coast rec ord for the output of its lumlwr nillla during UBS, the total being llJ.OOO.Ooo feet The first buckwheat state Is New York, with Sso,o:9 acres and 4,675,735 busheU of product. A rnnt oil mill Is to 1m established In Norfolk, Vs., with a caplul of lo.. ooo and no estimated capacity of 4oo gAllons a day. Henry Mne, an ccccntrle farmer near lirrrnwood take, N. Y.. is prrtHtrlng to start a frog farm, on which he mill ralac froga for th New York niArkrt. The total salmon pack of the Pttclflc const during last yrAr, for the full spring and fall arnmms, was 2,03 4. h 77 casta. Of this amount r.:7.iso rawa were irkrd on the Columbia rlvrr, f 37.000 cnarA In Alaska And JIJ,77cAr In Hrltlsb Columbia. DON T READ THE NEWSPAPERS, Mas WIms la' Car fa Thlar f ( laananaraaauas laleraal. It may rrra strangp, l.ut It la e fart. nrrprllirloaa, that fnti f UiiiI1 H1 e inan w lio, l.y liia uvt n aliiilaiii, nrvrr llir Dr sinlirra tint Ut nuae ll il.iran't know liuw, fiof f iliiiitii'sa uf T)ri((lil. but fur tlic simple rt-um-h that lie Ina no ili-air tm If en tilwnlnir almlriit uf buniatt hatiirr the liiiulal uiMtliUrl of amh turn ! will with few rkrrptluua flml t lie lit to I iiarrtiW'tuliiiliHl In the imiir. Tltr hurlin if their l.lras la oftrq rlrt-um aa-rltml l.y tl lr own iliairjarJ. anil ar il.nil rttrmla tr)oruI th limits uf the litniieiliate romuiuiilty In hl. h they liar. Ask atu h hat the iliatamr la fr-in llararl to 1 hia'u. or what state tairilrra llllniiis n ll.e ainh iiiratktia thai I he mt hiMtjUiy an stiaarf, ami III" .ti- t are he hrrier ili-l know. h I hate In tiiiml eran In llararl hi think InliiM If a inl.'titj hray saelfht (I tnan liit ll.-i IimIU lm lirai'l til ak the ii ali.. a f. w yrma lij-.i tiain h atii's a intniirrrvUl win ran m-iHiiit aitiM i.f the ilariiif ilmis uf the frt-a roll feafa rat trailer, lira, ir, In the war, "if the rt titer w aa ill l.i uif 1 hi. la i,iV fa.iy tale, l.ut aa al". ii.. fai l. The .!t I ih lnii.(nrl In t!i Slrmieal aa,l,!f a..ufcr In tli,.r..t In. I... II It. at In ,1. H.r n rl r.M eiir.l ifin of tf. hpl(.a'f, . tif t l I ! III" t lit -a. i: re r ' ' I 1. t (. Mill- lr t lie all. ! Hl( i'i 1 1 !!'. 1 . . I . I.. I ,Ve a .1 I. . in. ( I f l, l l.e i In t..f it . I (... .1 It I. r ..., I la I. in. If ''ik-ii. n.e i I m, the I. HEALS RUNNING SORES CURES THE SERPENT.'S STING CONTAGIOUS In all its stages completely eradicat- BLOOD P0IS0Hn1tbsssors;8S ulcers yield to its healing powers. It re moves the poison and builds up the system Valuable treatise on the disease and it. treatment mailed free. SWIrl SPECIFIC CO- Atlanta, b. CHICAQO. liliwauRea & St. Paul R'u Glance at this Map Of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Rail- I way and note its connections with all transcon tinental lines and St. Paul and 1 maha, and remember that its trains are lighted with elec tricity and heated by steam. IU equipment is superb. Elegant Buffet, Library, Smoking and Sleeping cars, with free reclining chairs. Each Bleeping car berth has an electric reading lamp, I and Its dining carl are the best in the world. Other lines are longer than this, but none are shorter, and no other offers the above luxurious I accommodations. These are sufficient reasons I for the popularity of "The Milwaukee." Coupon ticket agents in every railroad office will give I you further information, or address C. J. EDDY, General Agent, J. W. CASEY, Trav. Pass. Agent, Portland, Oregon. DE8ION COPYRIOHTe. OtoJ For fnfnrmatlna and frra HaihIIxjok wrlt to MUNN A CO., Mil 11 roadway, Nsw York. OIist burrsu fur sorurliiR paunts In America, trery rtntcnt taken out l.y ua Is tirouKht befnra tlis pubUu by a uutico given free of cbarga lu Ua Ijinrrit clrwilstlon of any artrntlflc papr In tha wurlil. Ki.lcnilt.llr tlliiatmuid. No luK lllir.-li t man ahmilil ha without It. Wcrkly. a.3,Mta jr-nn !.! lx month. A.l.lre, st IJSN CO., VuuLuuuts, Uiil Ilrutulway, Mw Yurk City, COUGHS and GOLDS ELY'S PINEOLA BALSAM Is a sura Kemedy fur couglis, coida, tors Uuuat and for asthma. It soouies, faint's I ahatea tha conch. and renders exnacu urauwu easy. Consumptives wllllnrsrlsblyderlra brnrflt from Its ana. Many who suppose their caara to be con snmptloa ara only sufliTtng from chronic cold or drvp seated eouih, oftea WN 5 " ai-imiTsteit by ca tarrh. Kor esUrrh ua Kly'a 'ream Hslro. Itoth m.Klln are plrnuM to tias. Cream Italm, so eta. per Initile; I'mcoU Uilmm.IV. Hold by lrrnmrlsta. i.L l msi Ui.lt3, as nacres outlaw atxa. w iu iicvit ri'inla mny 1p an hnppy bn thp one who hea, lint the lattrr Aill find no pli'iiMiTf In lliefornit,r'aiK'li,ty, for the n-iimui thnt he flmU It ilifiU ull to fotiflne hin hlrna within the narrow aoopt of the fnnn Kho never reatla newaiA)er. llnrvanl Herald. Mnoe la the eovrrlnir of the nutmf ff aoetl. After the fruit haa liewn remove4 the tnnre ilrlra around the aeetl and la utwcvpirnUy talen off. The archer fish haa a natural blow run. 1 lila anliunl MisarM.s the curtnua prnHrty of bring able to shoot drop of water fmtn Ita mouth with etrar ilinary arrurary to considerable, tlisv luiuva. Thla alniruW faculty la of una to the animal In arcurinir He food. A fly or amall liutcct mwiiir over the water haa ery little chance of eacaiw from the dcailly aim of the archer Bh. The drop of water brlnjr down the In- ect, which la then Incontinently de ourrHl. tvierlmrnu are lielnj tnale In Arizona In the eaUl.ll.hnient of carrier pltfeon tneaaenirer aerrlce I "rt ween re- mute mlnlnf campa and the nrareat town or railway ahlpplng ilnt. So far aa trteil the art-tie haa proved suo- eeaaftil and very aluatile. The trails out from jKme of the larye rarua are Ions' h'l difficult to traverse at tlniea. and Hie carrier l?eona Insure a frrral a'iiijf of time In exrbanflng com munlcatlona. Kite thousand hiarmea In one bunch were roumM up on the Kiel head In dian reacrtation In Montana a week or ao alnce. Ho arr ln. of honara a erbium arn now etcept on a few of the Indian rewertaUona where there la n unrratrU tel rant. Tor aJnxail a erk Wfore the bunrtt waa fathered In the Indian and half brrvda were eaiurlnf the a! lets, ranyona and MiKtiiitain ki.trw. drhliif every txtrwe they f.Mind toward the nun tin n rrnW, ready fur the annual rultinf out Into ItidlvldiMHy iw tie, J n.a. ean4 Oewfcfaa, It haa laren shown that the tanrer- Ine orsnre and mine other! tirt. ties are foftiel throiiffh the efT.rrt of tie iri(e to rinke a a.Tiir..iry r'"'' ' I at the (-, .f tl,e i.f , n al ff e. ait!!-. Unit It I il, .1 lo tiiaae any r i rial at r l. Ifl oitwr w..r :a, the taii-t,ne l a well r,. t,n, aivaaa.Ury, . I li.a ran t e .n..ijM o'.nl un !. .(..! , i arr f it; i. r k. a I i on s In t'i Ir ..I ... i' I i t . r .. . In I tiead j p i 4i . i r.'! n f ,. i ,1 . ... -I-. f .... . I. . t m 1 m r la ! .1 j ! , He 1 r f i-iaa !...ili i m ' f Le lie tafef. L'..- 0 1 1 k ii. SJ 0 vr -A Sw Americaa Ml- TVAVIAT. J?L Vr TRAD MARKS, UljiJ DE8IOM PATENT. Wm i a That the RAMBLER Is one of tho very best wheels ever made is front mnk with all hlirh erade machines, and Ride a RAMBLER BICYCLE if you want punctured, it can be mended by you in five renowned G. & J. clincher tires with wood rims or copper-piatea sieei rims. Sold in all sizes for ladles or gentlemen at S100 each. Tandems for two men or man and woman, $150 each. THE RAMBLER1' the fastest, lightest and strongest wheel in tho market. For style, finish and durability it is unsurpassed, as it is constructed on strict mechan ical and scientific principles. Chicago Ideals Wi id olrl with 9R '1R ively. are splendid medium grade wheels, Clincher tires ana are mny warranted, on our numerous agents. Rambler Rustlers ton and Idaho. FRED T. MERRILL Northwest representatives Gormully & Jeffcry Manf. Co's "Rambler Bicycles." Main Htore, icn wasnington et., rorriano, ur. OTIS PATTERSON, How's Your Liver? This question is asked daily. If dormant you need exercise need it badly. The Bicycle offers a remedy, and if you do not own one, call at Ike Ennis Bicycle Livery, Power House. Sr King- of Bicycles. (fM FINEST MATERIAL. LI0HT, STR0N0, yXTKS. Vf)- . , HVV SCIENTIFIC Four Models $85 and 8100. EVERY MACHINE FULLY GUARANTEED. SEND 2CENT STAMP FOR CATALOG UL Monarch Cycle Co. Factory and Hair. Office! Lake and Halstcd Sts.. CHICAQO, ILL. tUUNCIIBS t-Naw York, Saa Fraactsce, 5alt Uk City, Dcartr. Msoiphls. Detroit, Teroata, WEBB SAFE & LOCK CO, Agents, PORTLAND, OREGON. A. W. PATTERSON, Agent for Morrow County, Hejymcr, Oregon It to Advertisers at a great financial sacri fice. You need it in your business, and as a matter of business we must sell it. The Pattf.rso.n Publishing Co. p Vouro MOUN i a Y X J LI a,alkAatar runs ram : puis Lcrwc No Constipntlon, Car. It. as .:! a. all H l . ...i-iiai-. ii r- a,, I In l.- rl.l. ll W.luUeH. an indisputable fact. It stand in the if you buy one you will make no mistake. to be happy, for should your wheel be I minutes, as It Is equipped with the world and 24 Inch wheels, at ffiS. 155. 145 respect- with G. & J. high-grade doubla locking edge ivrltA fnr nntalnirnn. circulars, terms and discounts, or call , Wanted in every town in Oregon, Washing- f CYCLE COMPANY, Agt. for Morrow Co., Heppner, Oregon. OUR STOCK VOF . . . SPACE IS TOO HEAVY AND WE ARE WILLING TO UNLOAD D to Take MCm. i y-i.,:. ... .. ei..ia, f rW,:,J I; a I ..,,,.u rf , . ' , hM SiSiiU Ttea t