UNTOLD MISERY FROM Rheumatism C. H. Xiag, Water Valley, Kiss., cored by Ayer's Sarsaparilla "For five years, I guflered untold misery Irom muscular rheumatism. I tried every known remedy, consulted the best physi cians, visited Hot Springs, Ark., three times, spending f woo there, liesides doctors' bills; out could obtain only temporary relief. My flesh was wasted away so that I weighed only ninety-three pounds; my left arm and leg were drawn out of shape, the muscles &t 1 Jt . A being twisted up in knots. I was unable to dress myself, except wilh assistance, and could only hobble about by using a cane. I had no appetite, and was assured, by the dootors, that I could not live. The pains, at times, were so awful, that I could procure rellut only by means of hypodermic Injec tions of morphine. I had my limbs bandaged In clay, in suluhur. in nnuiilRra- hut n,.. gave only temporary relief. After trying everything, and suffering the most awful tortures, I began to take Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Inside of two months, I was able to walk without a cane. In three months, my limbs began to strengthen, and In the course of a year, I was cured. My weight has increased to 165 pounds, and I am now able to do my full day's work as a railroad blacksmith." AYER'S The Only World's Fair Sarsaparilla. AYER'S PILLS cure Headaeht. at esse I 2 3 4 :56 7 "a!L WJLlZ- J3 IT 15 6 T l 19- 20 2J 22. 23 24 25 ?6 27 28 19 ?0 "51 "OSS. Take Notice. L The aum of Bve cenU per line will b barged for "cardi of thanka," "reaoluttnns ol napeot," lists of weddlnK prwnt and donors, ind obituary nntlres, (other than thoae the llt )r shall htmaell slv aa a matUr of news.) and aotloMof unecial meottnn for whatever nti rpoaa. . Notice of church anil society and all other "jnlerUlnmrnla from which revenue li to be de rived, shall be charged for at the rate of Bva nu a line. Tba rules will be strictly adher ed to to every Instance. AdvertintiiR rates rtaaouahls and madeknown tpon application. TIME TABLE. Dtaire for Hard man, Munumeiit, ton Creek, loti a Uay and canyon (iiy. iavra aa uiiiows : It very day at a. m., eawot Hun-lav. Arrtvaaavarvdavatf o..e-i.n( Monday. The rliram-at, uulckcat and beat Una Ut or from the Interior country. W A UT. THOMIMOS, Prop, Corner A Brork. Aleuts. Qambrinus Beer, i.fc.HKF PINT BOTTLES City Hotel Bar! Drlnkabla Liquor and Smakabla Clgara. Call en Tad. Here and There. Mrs. Anion Wright ia better. J as. Talbert is ill with rheumatism. Frank Sloan is in from Batter creek. H. M. Thornton, of lone, was in Tues day. Hear H. Y. Gates at tho court house tomorrow evening. O. B. Tedrowe owns the first slot cigar maobine of Heppcer. John Turley is in town after a hard winter's rustling with sheep. Wm. Penlaod is reported to be fast recovering, and we hope soon to see him out again. Miss Maud Smith, of Pendleton, is visitiog her sister Mrs. Charles How: rd, of this city. Waklie's Squirrel Fxterminator now on sale at Miuor & Oo.'s, reduced from 50 ots. to 25 cts. tf. Dan Bornor and wife celebrated their silver wedding laBt evening, at their home in Heppner. Matteson was represented yesterday by John Depay, Free Green, H. O.Oorbin nod Ohas. GiUon. Mrs. Jerry Oohn arrived from Port land Tuesday morning and is now visit ing with home folks. :' Harry Bartholomew took out a lot of merchandise tor bis sheep camp, down Bund Hollow, this morning. Mathews Bros, will shortly looate their barber shop in Will Morrow's bnilding, next dour to the postoffioe. Jj. tsiumentbal departed last evening for a brief visit with his family at Port land. He will return next week. Best accommodation and courteona treatment at the Imperial Hotel, Seventh and Wash, bts., Portlnud, Oregon. Recently Mrs. Cox organized a CIrole of the Woodmeo of the World, a ladies' insnraDOs order, with sixteen members. G. B. Tedrowe, Dr. Wilson and T. A. Rhea returned home from Portland this morning. All report a royal good time. Jos Biber returned home from Port land last Tuesday morning, having en tirely reoovered from a severe attack of "boils." Bam Medows grindstone has dig appeared, and the butcher's saw is taken. This onght to be enough for a guilty consoienoe. Minor & Co., the reduoers of prioes have now on band the celebrated War lie's Squirrel Poison. Call and Bee what they Bell it for, tt Anv inventor in Eastern Oregon who desires the services of an attorney in Washington, D. 0 , will find It to his advantage to call on or address this pa per, 5tf A Eugene man who had a dog for Bale banded the editor the following adver. tiaement: "Good family dog tor eale. Will eat anything. Is vary fond of children " Joe Eolman, formerly a merchant of this city, came np from Portland on Wednesday morning s train, and ia now holding down a positioo at L. Blum entbal's store. Hon. H. V. Gates, of Hillsboro, will address the Morrow County Repnblioan Club on the political issues of tba day at the court bouse Saturday evening. All are invited. The Morrow Conoty Republican Clnb will meet at the oonrt bnoaa tomorrow evening at which time II. V. Gate has oonsented to deliver a brief add res appropriate to the ooossion. Dr. Wilson and Geo. B. Tedrowe cot baok tbia morning from Portland.. Tba gentlemen went down on business strict ly, though later on tbey may visit tbt metropolis with a view of seeing tb lights. It Is not to b wondered at that Ayer's Pill are In such universal demand. But the cure of eonatipation, biliousness, or any other complaint needing a laxa tive, theae Dill are unsurpassed. I hey are augar-eoated. easy to lake, and every dose I effeotive. The Inneral of MrsCarrie Wells will be belli at the M. E. cburoh tomorrow (Saturday) at 2 p. m.. leaving tb real deoce at 1.30. All member of tb Epworth Lnagn of tb elioroh will gather at tba reaideno en I go from there to tb church ia a body. A woman In Iowa want to a physician to vet a treorlptlon for tender feet. II gave ber a raixtor containing two quart of oold water, on tabl spoonful . - a. ..a . a of bay rum and two latjiaapooaiaia ot ammonia. II did not tell ber bow la apply it. and sbe draok tbe tnlitore I six do. Mb aay ber feet haven't felt tired aloes. DOCTOR ENGLISH will stop a cough in a night, check a cold in a day, and cure consumption if taken in time. If the little ones have Croup or wnoopmg vouga, use if promptly. Croup is a very JCji fatal disease. Fully one halt of those at tacked die. The great danger is in da lav. The disease progresses so rapidly that the loss of a lew hours in treatment is often fatal. Acker's English Kf.me dv will cure Croup, and it should al ways bo kept in the house for emergencies. A 35 cent bottle may save your child's life. Three alieai 5c, 50c, $1. All Druggist ACKER MEDICINE CO. 16 & x8 Chambers St., New York. . M. E. Chtjboh Announcement. Sun day morning subjeot: "Tbe Baptismal Ojvenant;" followed by the baptism of oandidates and reception of members Into church fellowship.. Evening sub ject: "The Withered Arm" a miraole parable. A general invitation is ex tended. E. P. Gbbenb, Pastor. A Great German's Prescription. Diseased blood, constipatiou, and kid ney, liver and bowel troubles are cured bv Karl's Clover Root Tea. For sale by Wells & Warren. L. 0. Griggs arrived from Roseburg u few days eiooe and is now fitting up the room pext door to Jones' barber shop, preparatory to starting a laundry whiob be hopes 11 have in operation witbin b week, or as soon as the neces sary machinery arrives from 'irisno. Mr. Griggs is formerly from Louisville and is a cousin of James Hilton, ot Hardman. This is a new enterprise for Heppner and we bespeak for its owner a liberal share of the patronage. Judge Galloway has taken oharge of the receivers offioe at Oregon City. Mr. Paquet's health baa beoome such that be was advised by bis phyeioian to give up tbe onres and responsibilities ot the offioe. Mr. Paquet has made an honest and faithful official, and many will be the regrets that bis pbysioial oondition is snoh as not to allow him to enjoy tbe fruits ot bis industry. Dr. D. J. MoFaul and bride arrived in Heppner on Wednesday morning from Adams, Or., and will make this city their home. Mrs. MoFanl is a sister of Mrs. J. M. Hager and is quite well known to many in Heppner as Miss Lulu Adams, as she attended our sobool bere for two winters. Tbe Dr. is a pleasant gentleman and we bespeak for himsuooess. E. O. : Charles Cunningham com menced on Tuesday to shear bis bucks, and will soon be removing tbe wool from all bia large bands. Mr. Cunningham has been aconatomed to begin shearing earlier than tbe majority ol sheepmen in this connty. It will be two and perhaps three weeks yet before others will begin excepting a very tew who will be at it in a week. Boas. Ati exchange gets off the fol lowing: "The oinob bug eats the farm er's grain, tbe bee moth spoils hia honey, the bed bug fills him full ot pain, but the humbug gets bis money." This is what the other fellow said: "Tbe light ning bug can't thunder much, the big bug has no fama, the gold bug his no argument, but he gets thera just tba same." Are Yon Made Miserable by Indigestion, Constipa tion, Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, JTellow Skin? Sbiloh s Vitalizer ia a positive oure. f or sale oy wells s warren. New Plan. Tbe politician shook his head emphatically. "There is no nse in getting np a platform, as far as 1 am oonoerned," he said. "I shall not run for office on a platform this time." "But, my dear sir," protested the party man ager, "it is neoessary in order to get tbe votes." "Nonsense," . replied the poli tician, "I shall make my raoe this time on a pneumatio tire ami endeavor to oaptnre the bicyole vote." I Prize Hood's Sarsaparilla more than any remedy I bar ever taken. I have never been robnst and was subject to severe headaches, and bad no appetite. Since taking Hood's Sarsaparilla and Hood's Pills I am a well woman, have a good appetite and sleep well, I cordially recommend Hood's Sar saparilla. Mrs. S. M. Gokham, Fillmore House, Fillmore, California. HftrtH 'a Pi 1 1 e cur '! "ver Ilia, bUioos llwuo r 11 13 neaa. headache, iio. Fills Do Not Core. Pills do not onre oonstipation. They only aggravagate. Karl's Clover Root Tea gives perfeot regularity of the bowels. For sale by Wells and Warren. Nearly Out of Fodder, An Ar kansas paper Bays in one ot tbe moun tain counties only one man took a news paper and all the citizens for some dis tance around would gather to bear the news when it came. A listener one time asked what the demoorats were doing in congress. "Oh," replied the reader, "they're playing tbe dickens over there. They've passed a law adding two months to the year, and tbe worst of ft is they made both winter montha." "Blast their souls," said . a listener, "and I'm nearly out of fodderl" John Carrey, formerly of Grant county, died this morning at an early hour, four miles west of Heppner, of pneumonia and neuralgia ot the heart. He was a brother in-law ot Henry Blackwoll. Condon Globe: D. S. Brown visited his brother Billy at Heppner the first of the week. Billy has so far recovered that he was able to return to his borne at Lone Rook this week. Walt. Thompson runs stage between Heppner and Monument, arriving every day exoept Monday and leaving every day exoept Sunday. (Shortest and obeap eat route to tbe interior. Conser & Brook, agents- - La Grande Marble Works, La Grande Ore. b. 0. Smith, salesman, Henpner. The Best Conch Care Is Shiloh's cure. A negleoted oougb dangerous. Stop it at onoe with Shiloh's Cure. For Bale by Wells t Warren, m1 A little girl In Aberdeen brought a basket ot strawberries to tbe minister very early on Monday morning. "Thank yon, my little girl," be said ; "tbey are very beautiful. But I hope yon didn't gather them yesterday, wbicb was tbe Sabbath dayT "No, sir," replied tbe ebild. "I pulled them tbi morning. Bat tbey was growing yesterday." A fellow at San Franoiaou got tbe end of bia nose out off ons day last week wbile being shaved by a barber. He bad fallen asleep In the easy-chair, and dreamed that he was having a vigorous tight with another fellow, tie raiaed his bead quickly and the baroer's rotor took a few inobes off tbe end ot tbe fellow's probosois. Roseburg Review: Condnotor Conser, who baa been running tba ''fiysr" ont of Portland to Ashland aiooe tbe beginning of that service has been transferred to tbe regular overland train between Portland and Roseburg. Condnotor Houston will have cbsrge ot the "flyer" to Ashland hereafter. Ooe of onr girla baa Invented a lamp that will go ont at precisely 10 o'olook p.m. Now it she will let ber geoin expand and invent a new papa who will go to bel at 9, a dog without teeth and a little brother who is deaf and dumb, tbe coarse nl trne love may evidently run smooth. Ex. A niokla in the slot maobin is no one of tb attractions at tbe City Hotel bar room. It represent a deck of cards. which shorties iUelf when the oiokl U inserted and show a poker band. Anv thing bigber than a pair of queos wlos a cigar, tbe higher tbe band the mora clgare won. Two Portland parried man had a bit diaottsaioa Thnraday aa to whiob was tbe bigger fool, both claiming tbe cham pionship. On nowJ tost b married in bast and rrpenUd at leas 11 re, and tb other proved that be married al Isaanre and repented to baa la. Tb Baker City Blade savs Bob An derson shad tear wbo ba board lbs republican ol tb Snooty of Baker in tended to Indora MilcttalL Wall, ltb ia rood a so acrobat, bat be ba to perform tie someraaoll of bis III to land bin) io eoogrrs. W. W. Hnaad, foaoly organiser ot re- pnbllran olnba, will orgaaisa aa follow) o elofi Wedne- All last winter Mr. Geo. A. Mills, of Lebanon, Conn,, was badly afllicted with rheumatism. At times It was so severe that be could not stand np straight, but was drawn over on one aide. "I tried different remedies with out receiving relief," be says, "until about six months ago I bought a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. After uaing it for three days my tbeumatisra was gone and bas not returned since." For sale by Couser Brock. Not a Success TI.e Linnton borse meat "industry " hhs jnst olosed np its sanguinary establishment for the best o( reasons there was nothing in it for tbe promoters. In something less than a year 7,000 horses and ponies have been slaughtered at that place. Now the company finds i'selt with a large quan tity ot barreled borse meat upon its bands that they can neither, sell in this ooontry nor In Europe.' Even Japan wonld not take any of the stuff. This is tb result tbe Tomahawk predicted some months ago. It Is stated that even the fertiliser mad from tbe bones and offal of the bors-s could not b sold with sufficient profit to eontinn the business longer without loss to the 00m paoy. Oo bnmanitHriao line argn meot bad no avail, but ben it ram to touching tb pockets ol the promoters tbey quit. Portland Tnmabaak. Before von try anything else fur the blood lake Simmons Liver Regulator It is the heat blood medioin beeaus it is tb beat liver remedy. If your liver i acllv and at work the blH will be tba beat. Himtnnna Liver Regulator 1 ha beat sprint mmlioin. "I tell mv friend if they want to enjoy health and happiness tbey onght to lak Himmon Liver ll-gnlator'-Mrs K. W. Hmith. Uclatosb Bluff. Ala. oe Dbrslelaa or tbsrmaelst rao Hiely warrant 0 ear, lh i. C uasraotaa tba rnrltr, strangle and medieioal vtrloa rf A jar's Maraa- partlla. Itwaslaa oal blnod rnflf Hmiud ai ibo '! W orld's Fair la E WANT TO INFORM THE Public that vc have purchased the Fell Sa&A'7. Bros.' Stock on May Street and intend to close SJJf u'xlmoa ,,,Be, it out in the next 30 days Regardless of Cost. Jffi!.. We have made arrangements to have the hats trimmed up and will sell them at prices .m I j fasti k l that will surprise the patrons. There is also a fine line of Hosier', Knit and Muslin Underwear for children and ladies; Children's Dresses, Infants Clothing, Ribbons, Thread, and a complete line of Notions, Dress Goods and Linings. Come and get bargains ixiforc they are all sold. Yours Rcspct., IIOUNEIt & ItllKA. Di?l op Mas. Os . Wslls. Teater day afternoon, Carria Wells, wife ol Gen. W. VY)la, ot Ileppaar, and dangti Ur ot Mr. aod Mrs. Hart Ilnsb, died at ber rraldene in Heppner, of mo setnpHoo. iVeesaed led been ill for months and ber death was not one i peeled. Tb remains a ill be loterred ia lb Ileppoer eemaUry under lb enaploee ef tha Eastern Star, of whicb order Mr. Will tai a member. Mrs. Well we raited lo Ibto vicinity sad was blgbly atr1l. The breetd relative have lb bearlfelt etmpetbj of alt 7 Did H Kver Occur to You? That ii Firm Could bo Boycotted nnd Still do Business ? Adklas arrived from Ilaf tri WadneeiUy m-elof In it.aka brief vteii wit lUptmer friend and relative. II alll I1 aaeiat K. Howard lo Halving mmsaasKraatS Into tb M. K.eliareb, footn. obi! bare. Mr. W. J. Yi Ut rati II. alleoltoO r.f li e ffihlte It II. fact that b la Mill ia f ! b beam, aad b old eea oraf will taa frnlatd aa Mire qoel" f kiaad al lb a-mrory of bw basban Tunr peifnaeg a anlicited. if V.. II. I'.i.h-p. t4 ili sur. 4 1. II ItaUy, ! l'ltlno, raroI Wad- day vai froee 0 brief tioetaaao trip to M.a Interior roaalrjr. Mr. HaUf n- fvled Iba soa ait g traie l VtdM'a. W. W. 8oet. e-.Mf of rr-i !.. fllU. I wlll ag i line o ft In ey jif-1 ok off saitna la ArmtA Noa will "i taey Lisa. Nttifi kin at 1 1 tf- '" If t.tw ta ! HMe Mott lav: WatMvltaa4 F't lai. Ia TL Ta-tts, Talt Haady far tl oav tWw, Well Warvao.lUfpaef. YA. I hlt. V-P TrMkto wi.k RWaaaeiaaaa. rM (it, (tt. f.b. , r avrfaav ttaa Wo tmahM o itj Vy them Administrator's Notice. KTOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE 1 undersigned has been appointed adralnla trator of the eatate of Sarah H Fell, deceased, by the County Court of Morrow Conntv. State of Oregon. All persons having claims against said eatate are hereby required to preaent them io me ai Heppner, ur., amy verinea, wunin six momns irom naie nereor. Dated this 6th day of March, 1K96. C. E. FELL 421-29. Administrator. Notice Of Intention. Land Orrics at La Grands, Orkoon, U ...V. A 1uii NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has filed notlre of his Intention to make final proof In support of hla claim, and that said proof will be made belore county Clera ol Morrow county, Oregon, ai nvppner, irpgon, on April i, mm, vis: bi i, r.ni r.it w. r iAKr.o. TT . ' ..liu. ... .1 11 1 1 I I! I.I . dw.. nti, c.. nu. iRffl, lor mo n..' nr.'k nnu 8W! Br-c. IS, and NWi NEi and NK4 NWk Bee. 22, Tp. 6 H. K. 2M E. W. M. He names me loiiowmg wuneaaes io prove hla continuous residence upon aud cultivation of aald land, viz: I'at Hi. 1 Mane, William Warren, Uua. Hale, Frank Hale, of Huupner, Oregon. B. r. WIIJiON. 4J1-I.1t Kvglater. HAVE YOU HEARD THAT THERE'S. ta a Change in Business All U! ED. R. BISHOP Has bought out the General Merchandise Business of the McFarland Mercantile Co., and the stock is being disposed of at lotale Slaughter Prices ! KmARDLESS OF COST. All woolen goods, boots, shoes, overshoes, ete.. are beitc sold below wholesale cost. Great discounts on hardware, tinware, glassware. hs.ra. caps, blankets and in fact everything kept in a general mercantile es- taDiisnment. au ann see tbe stock betore it is too late. ED. R. BISHOP, Prop. The National Bank Building, Heppner, Ore. FRANK M'FARLAND, Manager and Salesman. Wkt Do Ion fa Some people want the earth; you can get a goodly portion of it at GEO. A. BROWN'S HARDMAN STORE, With very little money. He keeps a full line of general merchandise, including dry goods, groceries, boots, shoes. GEO. A. BROWN, HARDMAN, OR. Gilliam & Bisbee Notice of Intention. I AND OFFICF. AT THE DAI.I.F.rt, OKKOON, J March. . lH'.ol. Notice Is hareliv alven that the following; named anttler has tiled no-1 tire ol nis inivnuon to make nnal prooi in aup-1 port of hla claim, ami that salt proof will be I maile Iwfore J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, all Munnner, uregon. on April n. lhuu, viz: J A M KH (TARTY. Rd. T. No. 3f.W, for the t)K Hue. 10, Tp. 1 N. R. Wl K, W. M. He names the fnllowliiK wltneaaoa tn prove I niaroiiMiiiioiia ivaiiionee upon aim cultivation oi, ania iani, vir: Charier VanM Inkle, Prancla Kllkennv, Bar. ner Hohertjr, John Kllknnny, of Galloway, Ore, I il'.u. J. r. Mooaa, KrKiaier, We are not small men, S)s. We are bid all men, Xs. we are not trve Largest mere Ws io me Woilfl ! ' a But when the people of all the surrounding country are In need of a a Hardware, Tinware, Crockery ware, Glassware, Wood and Willow ware, Nails, Iron, Barbwlre, Cumberland Coat, Oaas and Water Pipe, Pipe Fittings, Btnvcs and Ranges, Wagons, Hacks, Buggies, Wagon Material, Hardwood, Axea, Hammers, Saws, Bledgoa, edges, Uuns, Ptatols, Cartridges and Ammunition, Mason Jars, Oran lteware, Plows, Harrows, Rakes. Mowers, Tubs. Wash Bolllers and Boards, Sheet Iron, Zinc, etc., etc., Should call and Examine our Goods and Get Prices. We have Good Goods at Faia Prices, and Cheap John Goods at Chep John Prices. OILLIA.M & BISBISE, MAIN STJtKET - IIEPPNKK. OltEQON T. R. HOWARD DEALS IN Groceries, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Stockmens' Supplies, Etc., lwi. via: I IfedAnd Wants Your Trade! Notice of Intention. I AND OfflCR AT TIIK PA 1. 1. EM, OKKOON, I 4 Frh. I t, Ih'M. Notlr Is hervhv given that the following namcl au'tt l.-r has nivl notli'e of hla Inu-nlloti U make final proof In aupKirt of h'arlalm, and that aald proof will be rna.lt lH-loreCoiinlyClrra,nf Morrow County, at llnpp- ner, urrgon, on n n i". via iiKoiotR r. baikh. H I R. No. SM., for the fi SKVt. NWVHCU an NK4 I1MW, Hrp. It. In. A, R. Ii. K. II nani4 the following wltneaars to prove hla cnntiiMion. rraldenre iimiu and culilvatlon ot aald land, via: Jul Joiim, (irorv fmllh, lames T. Talbot, James n rtu, ol iii-npurr, Oregon. JAX. F. MOORR, III tl. Rrglalvr. Notice of Intention. I AND Orrif'R AT Til K DAt.l.M. ORKOOf I J trH. II. w. Notli-e la Imrrl.v ilvvn thai th followlni named aeiiler haa fllrd nirtire I ol hla Inli-nllon lo maka flnal proof In aupport ol hla riaitn. aiol Inai aal'1 pnioi will ! mam iH-lor Oi roiiiii, rirra n Murrnw romuy all lleppnar, urron. on Mart a la, via: l IUKI f- a II. HAMK. Hd. R No. 7M. lor the a4 N'. aiidNsalWIa aw. 1. fp a a. H K. W . M lie iianira lh lollowlng wiineaae lo prnvs hla roiitliiimua rmld'iire upon and oulttvalloB of aald land, via: ri ( a. it.ir H.nfliii r n nuiiit, i tiarir I D. ( 4lman, ol llardinaii, Orr(on. Jam. r, MooRR. Ill l IWI.t-r. He will maka it an olject for you to trade with him ai lis prices are right, and all goods that he handles are ot the very tout. CATARRH LOCAL DISEASE 1 ss ia PM-n j m ; I s4jmav MMikMa iwan . . haltM4rftaial fmi h 3 fc i """(J? isaaaiai aa. t" fff WM a ftv I w I I sat f Store on to I-Ioppnor, Main Street, Next Door City Drug Store, Oregon. Cummings & Fall, PR0PR T0RS Of lb Old R.llal.1 Sueorsaor lo C. ft. Van Dujo. (et dour to City Hutrl. Has everything in tho line of Fresh Groceries, Candies, Nuts, and also keeps Crockery, Lamps and Tinware. Gcilllt HOUSC pock is Complete. Notions a Specialty. f HICAMI. 114. f !, H av aawea Ely's Cream Balm b ertW4r4 I. to Bn al (Mm ei ( aw a. ( ( m ht a- n, r r a i tmt Sit i mum a4 ti nail tto .Mall . auae pHt a4 Sn.l a. aa. I. a ma. ok w mii'm tm m4, i Hi i a ia. a..a SliaMiMMi rna ann,(awkf mi, kaulKUt,ManalnM,M taal. D. J. McFaul, M. D. At J. Ol'ft'lCIS t jr. mau l ffisiomcr. E. L. FREELAND. s.t CQUtCHOH. HI l$UACC, ABSTRACTS. U. S. UNI) l.4 ti.i-n s4 fiaal Taa.a. u mw.wm. mm mm lla'f I.I" k ! Ihat'nlon f(4 of g . i- m a m r . i a , r rt ft a and Iba (:, St. U I. Hallru4a. AttornevH tit Tiixx", MVTicaa aftu.tM iicm DAY I of. W. Mallaa and I llntna Sla , All basin alUmlad lo ia a rmmp anJ atUfaoor7 maaaar. Notarlca 1'oMic and Cllartra. OfriCK IN NATIONAL It ASK LCILMNO. I I OIIEOON T'l HIK EAST AND SOUTHEAST Ml THE WON PAHHC S15TIM. I Two'wl !( r rum Hwiitin i ! r COM MISSIONI K. aV . i . a. Horse? Do You Want a Uitf ? Don't You Want a Place to Put up Your Team ? a if ii i r r i it Are You in in ecu ol a aauuic All Uimw can U procure! at Tlinm.n k Hiufi, Ixiwrr Main HUtfi, llf jijinrr, Orr'io. TI,m i.im. an .all ralnla4 .Ha ((. Mv ( rl'llaas t akt fnaaltaa. a tt laaait bmiiw, ,.4 tit la anaalMl It.". II H'li. .. I Ii lHt afa ll llanvs. THOMPSON fe HINNS, uvsnTUtaf. itarnria. THE PAIiACE HOTEL 11AR, o. i jo i ten ions. Prop. a a i hi i ii Kc;-s thg I?ine&t Wines, Li(Uors and Cigars.