Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, March 13, 1896, Image 2

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    The latest theorist on the money
question is a Missourian. He
wants gold, silver," paper, copper
and & "little more counterfeit"
Washington, Lincoln, Blaine
Webster, Teller, Mitchell and the
rank and file of the United States,
were and are, all bimetallists
Baker City Blade.
A Denver judge has ruled that
a lady must take off her hat in the
theatre. But she won't do it.
Anyone can lead a horse to water,
but the trouble is to make him
Tie Best Medicine In The World--It
According to the press dis
patches Col. John Lane has re
ceived a very marked promotion
in the Indian department. His
many Oregon friends will be
pleased to learn of his promotion.
Governor Greenhalge, of Mas
sachusette, is dead, and in his
death the Bay state republicans
loose their most popular leader.
He Was an able, brilliant and
patriotic citizen, and a very popu
lar governor.
The Chicago Times-Herald re
marks: "The honest man with
mistaken ideas is not near so dan
gerous to American institutions as
the dishonest politician who as
sumes wholesome principles which
are only skin deep."
nermann is closing in on the
home Btretch for re-nomination.
The Oregonian's opposition to him
strengthens his chances every day.
The watchword is: "Whom the
Oregonian opposes I'll support."
Roaeburg Plaindealer.
. The veteran woman's suffragist,
Susan B. Anthony, is engaged in
stumping California to have, if
possible, the word "male" stricken
out of the constitution at the fall
election. She will make two
speeches in each of the fifty-seven
counties of the state daring the
J. II. Gray, of Prineville, has
been appointed a member of the
State Horticultural board, for the
fourth horticultural district, com
prising the counties of Wasco,
Sherman, Morrow, Gilliam and
Crook. Mr. Gray is well fitted for
the duties of the office, being
practical, as well as a theoretical,
Mrs. Mary Leahe says that she
has turned from the road that
leads to hell, and booome a preach
er of the truth and gospel. As
she has heretofore boon following
the road of Kansas populist poll
tics, says the Shasta Courier, and
advocating tho doctrine, her re
marks aro rather suggestive as to
the Mipulistic trend
The oM legend, "Pike's Teak or
bunt." w hich used to adorn thocan
vas covers of wagons in the ol
days, has been succeded by various
signs appropriate to the changod
nd changing location of the Itooin
rr's paradise. A big piairieschoon
er panned through Osliomp, Kan.
bound rant from Oklahoma last
week, Warning tho inscription
"Oklahoma fur stavation, Kaunas
for daolation, Texas for devasta
tion, Nebraska for damnation
(Soing to Ohio to pngo on wife'
relations. To hell with Democratic
Administration." Tbe Tress, N. Y
Senator Mitciiel contributes t
tho American Economist tho fo
lowing on the wtxl industry: Tl
ftdvaDtAgA which the Australian
wool growers have over those
tho Tacifio States and Territorl
in tho one matter of freight rates
laces tho Utter at the mercy of
the former in the markets of llos
ton, iuchuling freight, commissions,
acd all other charges of haudiu
ami lraoMrlaUon, lor 1 cent xr
pound, whilo freight rates alotia
from tnont (( the shipping depots
west of the lUn'ky Mountains
rango from 1.3 to 5 cents
pound, but IhlS dot' Dot IQcludt) 111
coal of transportation of wool from
tho sheep ranches to tho railroad
and water detail, to say nothing of
Coiuuiaious which invariably at
tacb to Hi shipper before Li pro
duct reaches the manufacturer.
Pors any one in th staUo!
Oregon think that such republicans
as J. II. Mitchell, W. 11 Kllisao
Diner Hermann ars dishonest be
cause they maintain ties frieu,
j to silver? It would seern so t
reading th Oregoniao and a fe
of its satellite. Hut it will U
found that very large majority of
tho rsnk sod tU of th repat licao
My will, hcu I tiff 1st an op.
pvrtuLit W tiyi9 MtanoUt, U
There is one true speciQo for diseases arising from impure blood sod a debilitated
nervous system, and tbat is Paine's celery compound, so generally prescribed by
physioians. It is probably the most remarkable remedy tbat the soientifio researob
of this oonntry has prodoeed. Prof. Edward E. Phelps, M. D., LL. D., of Dart-
month College, first prescribed what is dow known the world over as Paine'i
celery compound, a positive care for dyspepsia, biliousness, liver complaint, neu
ralgia, rheumatism, all nervous diseases and Mdney troubles. For the latler,
Paine's oelery compound baa succeeded again and again where everything else
has failed.
bund to hold rriurilar views on the
status of the white metal as those
gentlemen above named entertain.
Baker City Blade.
from our Special Correspondent !
. 0. Maeten, secretary of the North
west Manufacturers' association, some
time since addressed a stirring letter to
Sen. Mitohell, ot wbioh he sent copies
to otber northwestern senators and con
gressmen asking tbat the manafaotarer
ot Oregon, Washington and Idaho be
given tbe right to famish government
supplies ot whatever nature required in
those stales, provided they equalled tbe
prices and quality of goods offered by
other competitors. Mr. Masteo's letter
ia an nnanswerable argument for fair
play for the young manufactures of tbe
great northwest Senator Mitchell bad
copies of it made and presented them to
all tbe cabinet offioers who have -anything
to do with internal matters, with
a request tbat they take action and let
them know as soon as possible of the
action taken.
Tbe gill-net fishermen are up in arms
against an effort of their hated rivals,
the pound-net men, to extend further
their encroachments upon tbe Columbia
river. Tbey have sent a letter protest
ing against it to the representatives of
the Coast Seamen's union, in Wash
ington, be being also a member of their
onion. Tbey want the secretary ot war
to intervene, and it ia said tbat there
will be war sure enough if he dosen't.
The letter has been given to Senator
Mitohell and be has the matter under
Twenty million aores of laDd is a good
deal, more in fact than the area of some
states and one-tbird of the state of
Oregon. It comprises tbe arid .lands of
tbe state and under Rep. Hermann's
The recent snow baa come and gone.
lone is one ot the live towns without I
Mrs. Alice Keller's house is nearing
Messrs. Glock A Keller, blacksmiths
of lone, are ready for business, and have
made their shop look quits oozy.
A petition for a license saloon bas
been circulated by T. J. Carle. Those
opposed to the same are signing s re
- A number ot oar citizens have been
called before tbe grand jury at Heppner
to answer some oharges which were
brought against them.
The First Congregational church of I
lone was recently organized with seven
teen members. A four hundred dollar
ohnroh building will be put np in the
near future. '
Several from lone attended tbe debate
at Lexington. The question discussed
was, "Resolved, tkat intemperanoe has
oauaed more misery that war." It was
decided unanimously for tbe affirmative.
lone, Or., March 9, 1896. Jakb.
seni FREE
A WARRANTED French Briar Pipe, Hard Rubber
Stem, equal to those usually retailed at so cents,
will be sent free
You will find one coupon inside each a ounce bag,
and two coupons inside each 4 ounce bag of
RRnnlnR nnrfiam TnnaGcn
Bend coupons with name and address to
Buy a bag of this Celebrated Smoking Tobacco and read the
coupon which gives a list of other premiums, and how to get them.
Ohio's state convention enthu
siastically endorses McKinley,
while Iowa cornea out just as solid-
y for her favorite, Allison.
The democratic campaign has
opened in Portland, and Edward
Kilfether has been given an oppor
tunity to nnload some of his pent
up oratory.
Nat Blum, the notorious bmug-
gler and informer who figured so
prominently in the Portland smug
gling cases, has been pardoned by
the president
Fnoat all appearances the Ken
tucky legislature will adjourn with
out electing a successor to Senator
Blackburn, thus creating another
vacancy in the senate.
elected school director in I'ortlaud
by a safe majority, lie is a good
man for the placo and will certain
ly fill it acceptably to all.
J Ion Andeiibon is known as tho
pluto republican acrobat, 6ays the
Maker City IUade, performing the
master act of linking arms with
Mitchell and Dolph at the same
Mot I be Trifle Wllb.
(From rtnrlnnttl Gaiella.) .
Will peopls never learn tbat a "col J"
is sa accident to be dreaded, sod that
bn it ocoors treatment should I
promptly appttedf Tbera Is a know
log where lbs Iroabls will sod; an J
wblls som pUts recovery It lbs role, the
eiorption ars terrlblv frrqnent, and
thousands opon thousands of fatal ill
bnmi occur every year osbered in bv a
llltls Injudicious eiposure and eeern
Ingly trilling symptoms. Ileyond this,
tbere ars May oouulleai invalids who
can trace their oorapleint to "ojI.U,"
Mob st the tin ot occurrence
no concern, and were neglected. When
troubled wllb a fold nee Chamberlain'
Onagh Itemed y. It l prompt and
effrctaal. fx) cent boille for nU .y
Conor A Brock.
family of six sons and two daughters to
sustain his widow. Mr. Walton wsi
also an ncole ot Wm., Low, and Andy
Tillard of this county, being, si men
tioned above, s brother to their mother,
Mrs. Sarah A. Tillard.
" , t7 ,. "u"ou features, particularly in tbat ons which "tC ,u ,'" Vh.n,.
of the oountry than all otber diseases bold the title open to contest for ,0 "ambers, rsther than from any taogs
There Ii more Catarrh in this seotioo
Taken In Time
Hood's Barsaparilla bas achieved great
success iu warding off sickness which,
if allowed to progress, would bave un
dermined the whole system and given
disease a strong foothold to cause muoh
suffering and even threaten death.
Hood's Barsaparilla bas done all this
and even more. It baa been taken in
thousands of oases which were thought
to be ioourable, and after a fair trial
has effeoted wouderfol cures, bringing
health, strength and joy to the amioted.
The Eeeley Institute
i niU.. .,,.; uA..a xjau
ill nrrtinh mill ha fnirnrohlw tAvwvtaH trt r.
' ..vCU .1 sarsaparilla is that its cures are perma-
tne house next week, is to be granted to nent, because tbey start from tbe solid
the state ot Oregon, without reserva- foundation of purified, vitalized and
tion or restriction, save that it most be enrich ed bl ood. Untitle not what we
. , . ,, , . . . , say but what Hood s Sarsaparilla does
ninnnapfl nf in email froma t nnfiial r
For the Cure 01
Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits
It Is located at Salem, Oregon,
The Most Beautiful Town on the Coast
Call at the Gazette office for particulars
Strictly confidential. Treatment private and sure
of. in
settlers, and thHt prooeeds ot sale of
such lands shall be applied exclusively,
so far as 'jecessay, to the reclamation
of such lands,,.
The bill is, of course, general in char
acter and makes the same provision for
all other states.
that tells the story.
Plenty of them at the
Gazette Office. . .
Radicalism in the Senate.
The extent ot the obange wbioh baa
gradnally come about in ths manners,
methods and oharaoteristios of the senate
was illustrated last month by the ex
tremely radical and nnpariimeotary
It is generally understood tbat many character of Senator Tillman's maiden
years must pass, if the title io these speeob. The new Populist senator from
lands OOntinnes vested in the Federal North Carolina and aeveral nther of the
government, before Bny substantial I more reoently appointed members of
ettorts ror tneir reclamation will be the nnner rhnmtw hv W In their
made, and this will help to secure a resnective ways, riven nroof of tbe same
favorable consideration for Mr. Her- tendency. The desdlocks in Frsnoe
manns mil. ins uarey law now in and England have resulted frem the
force is objectionable in many of its growing radicalism of the popular I
Otis Patterson
fst 1 1 I TV
1 TV
er and fa
et Sound Navisatioa Co
pnt together, and until ths last few
years was supposed to be incurable.
For a great many years dootors pro-
nounoed it a looal disease, and pre
scribed local remedies, and by con
stantly tailing to oars it with local treat
ment, pronounced inoorable. Soienoe
bas proven catarrh to be a constitutional
disease, and therefore requires consti
tutional treatment, nail's Catarrh
Cure, manufactured by F. J. Gbeoey &
Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitu
tional cure on the market. It Is taken
internally in doses form 10 drops to s
teaspoonful. It nota direotlv on ths
blood and mo nous surface of tbe aya-
cr . . j ,
truj. aucj uuw qdv uuBorva aoiinra
for any case it fails to ours. Hand for
circulars and testimonials. Address.
F. J. Chrkkt k Co.. Toledo. U.
Hold by druggists, 75o.
P. C Thompson Co. bave s new sd in
Another column.
Hee the professional oard ot Dr. D. J.
Mor-aul in this Issue.
E. L. Freeland, J. P., does tnanrance,
collecting and stenographing. Bee bis
ad elsewhere.
Hall's Hair Reoewer renders ths bair
lustrous and ailkeo, gives it so even
ooior, anil enables women to pat II op
In s great vnricty ot stylet.
O. R. Hatl. ths tonsorial artist, can
be fonnd at hi parlore, Matlock Ooroer,
where ha will dispense at popular prices.
aliavea, siiamiMioe, b a 1 routs, etc.
H.i, ye tniliif mrn ol Morrow, whlttls np a
Urf 1 11 hp
ror Hi "Caii.ll.Ute," I'm lnr to aUU, will Hay
1th lit nil Jmif :
Tlirn let lilm oil hit auger blade, with "flparrj's
I.IiiwimmI Kyi."
"Tla mtrrt in ililiik, nf that good old drink, lor
vniiiis mrn are dry.
Hold only at lbs Delvsdere saloon
attuk ef Ik UH ef W. W. W atloe. a Uale
ready rioer
William W. Walton, who died near
Albany, in IVnloe ronnty.O on War. b
I, 1A was bwa la bt Louia, Ucu,
April U ltl, of Honteh tleeceol. Hie
father wm samed lieory W altos, lie
was s ptooeer, fmruinf saroea lbs lalns
Is 17 with 01 leans with aa ancle,
Jbna Aetklaa, and a bfulber. Jobs 1.
Walton, lie served as a volsnleer with
Oesersl Harney, la Ibe Rogne river war
la K2, as scoat, bating his bote
sbor from seder Mu. Fur ibl servtee
be bete reeelved any pay, Bur fur the
bore. Ia 1V4 be drives from tbe
Mnil"amie mlnrs by Indians aader
ft let Uoimot. S be freighted
wiin a park Irala in F.Mlera Oregoa
and Wiahiegtna, Ming in bis
whole train f l timer by the Indians.
He retomvd to the valley la 1'7. la
l7l bewjerriej r'Jxtbelh F- IViwwaa.
stMirieg Uill. II-Ihi cvesty, snre
Sea as bas NlaweJ fatmieg la Uns
sn4 Peetoa sisnttea A brttr, Juba
IV Walton, al tf4e, Of, an J siater.
Mf. Narab A. Tiller I. at Iedlel., O'.
survive Mm, slen Be bait lber,
Tbomaa, ftker Vtif ; J bna, Hi- kaae.
Waebt Ibibert, al Inden lere. Or. j
Aalm, al lIofM, Waab, aud Aagae
1st Tsilvf, al forttasj. lis Irsvrs a
many years; and then it limits the grant ,b8 ,one o( senate or bouse of lords
to each state to one million acres. . An out in the United otaies it is tbe sonate
amendment to the Carey law relieving whioh bas become tbe radioal bodv.
it of some of its most objectionable -y,-.i. . ... ...
ftnrA. .ill h hronahi hfnr h. wb,le conservatism bas taken refuge in
linnaa eonn h Mr. Hermann. He in. ne UOUSS 01 representatives. iDSCDiet
troduced It some time sinoe and it bas reason, of oourse,,is plain to everybody,
seoured the approval of tbe interior de- We hive been adunttiog new states very
UHriiumil. . F.nMlv and s.if.h iia !.( ha iim imn
Mr. bills has been working on several r " .. .
important matters in the publio lands representatives in the senate, even
committee, of whioh be is an influential though entitled by the panoity ot its
member. nonnlation to onlv one mamha in the
Henator McBride also finds himself L,,. v ,.t .l. ttt.i i m
important oommlttees to which he bas in Maroh Review of Reviews.
been assigned.
On Wedoeadav Sen. Mitchell opened
tbe contest over the- Delaware senator
abip, witb n speech tbat was listened to
by orowded galleries, lis was sub
I'oted to so many interruptions tbat be
did not oomplttte his remarks uutil
today. lie spokd io all over five hours,
and it fhe senate were always a judicial
body, bis tborougti explosion of the
theory that a man can oombloe the
office of senator and governor In bim
self weald settle the case, but merit bat
very little to do witb it.
Washiniiton, March 5, lHlXi.
lit war ir ronntrrfrlltr
Who Infest the market and are the
mean of robbing sick penple of their
money, and wbat la nf still greater 0"n
ee qtif-tice if not nnfrcQUi'titly agirravat
ing tbe complaint ouili-r which Hie
lalmr. It I an ant of duty we own to
amicty to warn tbe people ngainnt tbrae
dangerous fraud. A little care on the
Of tht Sational Hank of llfvpner at
Ilrppnrr, la iht titult of Urtfom,
uf tin clot of bntintMA,
Frh. Mh, is:l.
Iian an.lduKionnta f 79,464.33
Overdraft arcured and nu
rureil 8,4,46.57
U. ri. lmnil to e urftircnla-
ti..n njnnon
Htorka, renrltiea, etc 11197.4.1
lUnkiuglumae, fuiuiture,A (Is. 2rt 30
Otber real ratals and mong-
aseownel 20 00
ln from National llaok
(not lUeerve A(enU) m.ZS
Due front stale bank and
banker 4.1.W
Dne from et'prtrved reserve
Cheek tr.i otber Saab Mem.. 174 31
Fractional paper enrretx-r.
nioklra, and cent 13 20
Hiieri 1704 id
Ual lender Bole Xal.00
lte.lemplun fund with r. H.
Treeeiirer (5 per eeot f ctr-
Capital trk r aid la
Hnrin read
I'n.livuM proflla,leaaripea
ee and tiee pakl
NalHioal bank olroutalod-
In t otber aaltnnal bank
Dee Id state banks and bank
et iHvtdrnd anpetJ ,
divltaal deplla subject,
la cheek
IVcnaiid setlinValee of de
I.W7 N9
Wl) (JO
T..tl lll,(Wti4
rtfT8 . (tntMOB, I
Onanir ef klorenw. I
I. William I'enlaed. iV-wt tent oflk
tiv named bank, do solemnly swear
that the abv tteleejeel t tree l th
beat of Wit ksWle.l and belief.
Wltill) l"tl0, Freetdeal,
Silt(erihe aa t l befere S
Ibittf hday of Mar a. IA
T. It tnW.
Xolarv Fhli Ia trr".
Crrrt-Aieal Andrew IW-4. O. F.
rersiworiB, P. C. Tkmpeos, LXrKtjra,
Leaving Alder Street Dock, Portland, for Astoria, II w boo, Long Be sob, Ocean
Park and Nabcotta. Direot oonneotion witb Ilwaoo steamert and rail
road; also at Yonng't Bay witb Seashore Bailroad.
leaves Portland T A. M. Daily, except Sunday. Leavei Aitorla 7 P. M. Daily, except Sunday.
Leaves Portland P. M. Dally, except Sunday. Saturday nlnht. 11 P. M. Leavra Aitorla Dally a
at 6:45 A. M., except Sunday and Monday. Sunday night, 7 P. M.
Leavea Portland and rum direct to Ilwaro, Tueiday and Thurnday at S A. M. Saturday at 1 P, M.
Leavei Ilaaco Wedneiday and Friday at 7:30 A. M. On Sunday nlgtit at t P. M.
Baggage Cheeked to Railroad Destination Both Beaches Free cf Expense.
For Safety, Speed, Comfort, Pleaiure, Travel on the Telephone, Bailey Oatzert and Ocean War.
Here is a diamond, bare a piece ot
oharcoal. Both carbon: yet between
them stands tbe miubtiest of magioians
nature. The food on your table, and
yonr own body; elementally tbe tame;
yet between the two stand tbe diges
tion, the arbiter of growth or deoliue,
life or drntb.
We caount make a diamood; we can
not make fleab, blood and bone. No.
Hut by meant ot the Blinker Digeetive
Cordial we can enable the ttoroaoti to
digrat food wbiob would otherwise fer
ment and poiaoa the tyttem. In all
forma of dvapep'ta and inoipient con-
anmption, witb weakoe, loaa ot flesh.
lino blood, nrrvona proatration tbe
Conliil I the auocraifol remedy. Taken
with food it relieve at onoe. It nour
ivbra, anil asaiat ratur to oonritb. A
trial bottle-eoongh lo show its merit
10 oents.
It now open witb fresh Bread, Piet, Cake, etoH constantly on band.
Wedding Cakes or Pastery for sp-oial diooers baked to
order. Alto oarriet a lino ot well-selected Qrocories.
Will be kept for Hie accommodation of tbs trade. Oonntry People
stopping temporarily In town, can get bat thev want
Try cheaply st tbe CITY UA-KtSUY
LaX"L i the let medicine tor child
part of the purchaser will protect them J'0-, ?,ior rc,,m"0,1 11 ,0 Uc of The Tatronage of the People of Heppner ia Respectfally Solicited.
i i .i I,, k i.... i "eiur vii. I -
lii'iu ii-in'ei.i.i. it i--eriiia in uiii.u
thete funis: Never bny where tt it
offered in bulk, (in kegt or jaga) as tbe
genuine tioatetter Mtomai h Hitter ar I
told only in bottlea having tbe band-
tome aleel plate label displaying the
enrutat between HI. Oeorge and tb
Dragon, and having at the bottom el
minialnr note ol band for one rent.
bearing lb fatf tmil ot Ibe ignaitir
of tb president of lb otpany. Over
th cork i a melallio eap, on wblrb I
Iropremed tb nam nf tbe article, to
gether with a tuedallioo bead In Ibt
centre, Aey peeaoD selling tb Counter-
. . If . ..' LJ . I. 1 1 i I . . i. 1 1
ten iiueieitrr w nnnuwu c.ii.--r w w iuii
nt beeiial Io bring lo Jail toe, M we
sever (il Id Soaviol.
Niw Varalee.
Ulrl aeherl.
Bloomer lrl,
Strug laag,
Toak whlrL
Bloomart Inre.
Ulrl Suabed,
Man lambed,
Shi bluthed.
Old Bakery Stand, HEPPNER, ORE.
hvrvea O !(
I we eervone, tired, irritable and
crae. Karl Clover Hoot Ta bas mad
m well 4 bsppy.
Ma. E. R. Wosunv.
For tale by Walls A Wsrves.
Fumti. F-Lsmio Th annual fily
electioa at Foatil paaaed off very quietly
Tuealay of lt week, only vote
being Seal. W. W. 11 wver waa elected
mayor, W. W. HUiwtr and 11. II. Ilea-
drk ks soanrtlajea, A. O Lamb Ire-
srer, and f. W. Iloyal reoorder. There
was only on candidate for each of Ibee
offioe rieepliag rouneilmao, fur wbicb
Ch a. II. Iil let and T. J. mtb were
pat ferward by Ibeir frieed Ibe dsv
of electioa, after th ticket bad bees
reed np. Tb retiring ofBrers are 11
Uaffeey. Biayor, wba ha lakes a
boeaeateed in r- Iberefor te ae loBger
ligible, f, W. Ittyal, resaeileiaa), and
Jaa, H Mi waft, reeorder, wbe 4eWin4
re-eoitiieatiiie. M al4 di J lb as ay of.
tl tea man.
Knew what.
Duelled 'round,
Barrel got.
la barrel
Uol aha.
Walked bam.
Te, be!
Beaakllraa Ceaaty ( atvratle.
A rtpablicaa Bounty coaveotioo for
lb eoanty of Morrow, state ot Oregon,
Is sailed to meet ia IIppor, la aid
I coooty, on Saturday, March 28, ISOtJ, si
10 o'olock s. nu, fur lbs porpoae ot nom
inating saodldates for tb following
coooty officers: On coooty Judge,
sonnly eommiMiooer, coooty elerk,
Pile I rile! itrkiag rile. soasty sheriff, coooty repreotttis,
hymptnme Mnietore; intenae ttebtng eeosty treaaurer, eoonly saeeeeor. sons-
aod.iir.ting; nvl at Blgbt; worw by y artxwl so perl o Undent, eoanty corrxitr
rtrbing. If allowed to fnnlinn I ... ..,. ... , , .
tumor form, blob ofUs bleed and " . ' ' '
nlrerat. bMsimlng very eore. Hwatvss ert lor Ibe levers! precinct, and
OirrMaar top tle Itching sod bl4 toaf delegates etch to lb stale sad
ce... mmniui, ana hk-i eaeee teeeaJ dialrifl eonre.iiinal
h mail, for Wen t.
Den Bat ;f a al lb WeM
Ayer' Naraaparill )y the ettraor
dlnary Jiilincttoeof having le tbeotdv
bhod purifier allowed sa eibibit si lb
World' fair, Cbleagix ManafaHirer
of otber etari)!a efhl by ey
ealnat4aie abwig nf Ibeir (.la,
Out they were ait Iere4 ay Ur Ibe
arl'lM'ait'e i-f I he ml fort-idlieg Ibe
eelry nf l-eietil tnedietae anil kmtrimt,
Tb 4ei.. -f tt.e World's fair BVthn.
rilir la ff ef Ayer' Naraapa'ill Wee
w et a follows: "' rraa
nil M t s patent n.lM-ta. II i4 e
I tieg tbe 11 nf BMtrn. It
bere n tie tnefil."
t'ateevb te4.
.tlh ad h) 'er, by
atitib' I'aUttfc Il'iaelr, 'ne J-y,
iaI lH'' ''
. .
Ifr.HweybeA rtoej, """' roci saeo oiber coal-
e y propeny some oeror tacb
soaveBtioB. Tb oevollos will coo-
Nut lTsBBTtitt.-F.t Hesalor IUpbM of M delrgaiea, eboeea by Ibe set.
delivered iob oo ibe money ,ee- era prerlacU; and lb eateral preeioet
tit ia before Ibe Mt. Tebor lUpablieas I of lb Snooty will be entitled la reare.
nab, lb printieg of wblrh ore pied n-Lllei 1. ..i t .n
i wo pge ia tb. jre,,-. ipb lt". j c r.v:. 1 .
nai s gumi reeri wbiie ie it. aeeai,
bat II oever ibmegti ahluty to
Interval bM bearer. look a ll
H..b late le beiag ea aetiv rwadidat
fr Milrbeir eal, and If i be dwe Bel
wal W Bak ney ebe like tbe
nee delivered St Nt Tbr. ia lb
failed HI ale ote, wbee line te of
Be aeonoel, Uegthy a peer h are a4
Mi lea 1 1. U, tal Ibe S"te of Orego) ar
i baay lo giv mn b Hot lo I beta.
The ellee CtilooloUi.
Him'Mi A. lli'tmae, ef TssBellno,
WealVs.bae beeoeohjerl to aileik
nf -lo Im one year, Bad waetd
bave t tall a o or aet ibeB r7er for
ttl toelve ba a M-b a rto
bee K ey de. II we take reeeolly
ial h ae 4 otber iwee, 4
e-liite4 Ia try t'baranet lai Cte.
C.eta and lherrbe lUaae-lf.
eeye i I k ob 4e nf it and it
relief hi Bv mieate That bv ee
Iha ehlng alee baa ever tf
Wi. For tale by (Weef A llmek.
K ...... . ... -Sto.
lUbi lit a.
I "Mr bahv bi4-opad oa aej bv
fl. it,'t - u V. J ft. Mi.
nl lUa avi,., AU. Fri by Hs
Ueppeef 10
(eeotry 4
Mi Vemoo t
loo J
tU 1
I 5
Dry Fori 3
Eight Mile J
Alois J
PlBS City J
Malleeoa I
LetlsgtoB 3
ll Hprleg ...1
Lena. 3
Tb eme beiag ea delegate-! large
(mm eark prle(, and delegate for
evtry ftfWa tote, and on for every
fraeti over oaobalfof Cfieea vote
eeot (or W, M F.Uia, lb repnhia ra
didato ft totigreaaaaa, at lb e'eetioa
is Jan. m.
FrtOMrie to elect Ibe detegaie la
eeeb of toe several pr-inet o,l he bel l
Meb 11 1 rJU will be orB at
1 e'eteek p. Bi, and will b no4ot4 to
tbe ! of b-l-ling primary
aleWk.aa. 1. w t .n.-
CbSifc ReUkeB Coaaly OoMmtllne,
tMiwie fa be re4
By I he Bee of Ml..b't Cor. Tbl
greet t ! Cere I th noly kaee
relj ,.i ,rt,l,it dievaee. For
ti Bf w rut t wtrrv
Your Face
rni be oToeta witb a reeal faciM
mile, oAee yow lo la a
Wliite Sewini HacMne
tOMias wivw rrs oiw
Tb awt mwiplei and earful eVrkea test
added to y areiag aaatiua.
The) TIIITi: I
Dtrably- s Mssdassjtly I tilt.
Of FIBS rislia t4 Ptrftct AtstsMt,
ttwt AU Itwtble Arlleltt,
And !H trrr and pleaw yu e e lb fait
UmH of yw tiptaUoa,
Acrns I'tattst Wanrto U oeto
r"l bnriioiy. UUral terota. AMmm,
w ram Tiao-Wm. Ooede bo
opened np lb f.-l yard Belt dnnr
tbii4 ptHem, ant i eoliebt a
abar .f yoor paia.e, tjiily te rCH
al bw tl Ik a ) t,ee, ao I ynor
bree Will U Weil ...aed aft-r. piiee
raoeoeable. tlf sad ft st lf tale. U.
Irajr jnti'eKAi