Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, March 10, 1896, Image 4

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Whils yon .eep your subscription paid a; yc
Out keep your brand in free of oharga.
Allyn. T. J., lone. Or. Honee G(i on left
houlder; oatUa same on left hip, under bit on
right ear, and npper bit on the left; range. Mor
row county.
Baird, D. W. and son. Horses branded D B
on the left hip; cattle the same on left flank,
crop off right ear, nndercrop in the left. Range
in Morrow County.
Bartholaraew, A. G., Alpine, Or. Horses
branded 7 on either shoulder. Range in Mor-
Barm"Iifc9r, J. W., Hardman, Or. Cattle brand,
ed B on left hip and thigh; split in each ear.
Brenner, Peter. Oooseberry Oregon Horses
branded PB on left shoulder. Cattle same on
Broeman, Jerry, Lena, Or. Horses branded 7
on right shoulder; cattle B on the left side.
Left ear half crop and right ear upper elope.
Barton, Wm., Heppner, Or. -Horses, J B on
right thigh; cattle, same on right hip; split in
"Brown, J. C, Heppner, Or. Horses, oircle
C withdotinoerteron left hip; cattle, same.
Brown, W. J., Lena, Oregon. Horses W. bar
over it, on the lelt shoulder. Cattle same on left
hlBoyer, W. G., Heppner, Or.-Horses, boz
brand on right hip cattle, same, with split in
eaBor'g,rp. O., Heppner, Or.-Horees, P B on left
shoulder: cattle, same on left hip.
Bn'wnlee, W. J., Kox,Or-Cattle. JB connected
onlnftside; crop on left ear and two splits and
middle piece cut out on right ear; on horses same
brand on the left thigh; Range in Fox valley,
GCnernWarren. Wagner, Or.-Horse, brand .
ed O on right stifle ; cattle (three bars) on
right ribs, crop and Bplit in each ear. Range in
Orant ana siormw
Cain.E., (!alob,()r.-Y D on horses on left stifle
VI with quarter ciroin u
and on loft stifle on all colts under 5 years; on
left shoulder only on all horses over 5 years. All
range in Grant oounty.
Cate, Ohas. U Vinson or Lena. Or. Horses
H 0 on right shoulder; oattle same on right hip.
Bange Morrow and U matllla counties.
Corrigall, M M, Oalloway, Or-Cattle crop out
of each ear and underbit, wattle in rel.ea,!;
horses half circle 0 on left stifle. Bange Mor-
ow and Umatilla counties.
Cnrl,T.H.. John Day. Or.-Donble cross on
each hip on oattle, swallow fork and nndei bi
right ear, split in left ear. Range in Grant
county. On sheep, inverted Ad spear point
on shoulder. Kar markou ewes, prop on left ear
Punned upper bit in right. Wethers crop in
5? ind nndnr half orop in left ear. All rangs
denCatOe, same on right hip: ear mark square
orop off left and split in n-jht, M
Currin. B. Y., Currinsville, Or. -Horses, n on
xEd. 8.. Hardman. Or -Cattle. Owlth
C in center; horses. CHS on left hip.
Cochran. R. E., Monnment, Grant (o , Or.
Hor branded circle with bar beneath, on left
ThouhTer; cattle same brand on both hips, mark
nmlnr slope both ears and dewlap.
( hapin, H Hardman, Or.-Horses branded
O on right h p. Cattle branded the same. Also
brands CI on horses right thigh; cattle sae
brand on right shoulder, and cut off end of
r' UougTase. W. M .. Galloway. Or.-Cattle. R D on
right "do. swallow-fork in each ear; horses. B D
0nEly,.tnn..T)oug'a.,0r.-H.,r.es brand! ELY
on left shoulder, cattle iame on lefthip; hole
lDFmer"(;'H.. Hardman, Or.-Horses branded
nrireveried flwith taill on left shoulder ; cat.
Sesame on right hip. Range J" Morrow conn y
Vli.rnnoe L. A Heppner, Or. .attle. Lilt on
right Mp horses. F with bar under on right
'Fhiren'oe, B. P. neppner. Or.-Horses F on
right shou d",; oattle, V on right hip or thigh.
Gentry, Elmer. Echo Or.-Horses branded I H.
B with a quarter oircle orer ,t, on left stifle.
Bange in Morrow and Umatillaoonnties.
Hi.it A. B . Ridge. Or.-!attle, round-top 4
wlKnart-r circle under it on the r.ght hip.
Bangs In Morrow and UmaUlUoonntme.
-Hughes. Hamnel, Wagner, Or-h (T F t
niiar-.ted) on right shoulder on horses; on oattle,
on right h p and on left side, swa low fork in
rightearamlslitin left. Bang, in Haystack
ditrlot,Morrow oounty.
Howard J It. GUowr. Or. Horses (oross
with bar shore it) on right shoulder; cattle same
on left si.le. lUnge in M.irrow and Umatilla
"""lalirEdwin. John Day. OrCattl. K H on
right hip; h.irs -a same oil right shoulder. iUnge
'"u'lgh-MaH-ppner. Or.-Horae. shaded
haVrttn the MUshonKler: llang. Morrow Co.
Hunsaker, H A, Wagner Or.-Horses, on left
ihouliler: cattle. on left hip.
Humphreys. 1 M. Hardman. Or.-Horses, H on
'"llSMon. Luther. KiM Mile . Or -Ho H on
the left shoulder anil heart on the left still (at.
tie same on left hip. Range in Morrow oonnty
u.m Wniiiinnr. Or Home branded
ri i on 'the loft shoulder; cattle braided J on
roht lnii. also underbit in left ear. .Range in
Morrow oonnlr. ,, .
jutisin, o. i"i'i""', "
shoe J on left shoulder. Cattle, the sains.
Range ''-'iMUe. ,.T.
- jiihnson, rem, urna. - y- -. . :
left still: oatllM, same on right hip, under naif
nminy, mia, ""IM""", - : S T ;
RNY on Inft hip entile name and orop oB left
r; nndr sIimmi on Hie right
Kirk, J.T., Heppner. Or.-Horsaa 9 an left
eh.ml Ur; cattle, W on l.n iiip.
Knnilmrland.W.G.. Mount Vernon. Or.-I l,on
..mi. ..n n.i,l loft shlM. swallow fork In If fl
a.r .n.l miilnr mini In right ear. Horses saint
bran. I on l't shoiildw. Rge In Grant o miiiIt.
L.ftn, Hteplif-n, Fot, Or.-K Ij on Inft hip
in cattl". crop aiMl spin on rigni
uln. I,r...l ,,n l.-ft shotildnr. Range Urant
emiiitf. . .
Limnllen, John w.. i,.n-n I'r -n
hru ll liU-rirnln J I, ixmnix't! oo lrt ln.nl.
il'r. I attle. earn on inn inn, iwui.,uw
inilt'in .... i .
lili"T. J W. Hnpinmr r -llorii brandMl
t.anil t in lull lMiild"; rMtle earns on Mt
Mp, wattle 'rrinlil three elite in right
ll.re lleimner. Or.- Horaes branded
dimlile II p'li.neli'l Huni4iiins nallad a
i.ri U
n .r,., ,,. , . .-f, , - -
ein-leon rdM hip; l,.re Mine on right sidle.
u -i tl i ll....t...Mr llp.felllrt liramleil
lienidt 111 M'Tf "t.
M r, llr. i'pl"ir Or. - attle, M D a
. , . - U ..n Ufl aliirtlliler.
It'irsan. M. N.. Hp.nr. Or.-lbifses, M )
on Ml ehiHildei eallla same cm Inn hip.
MiU'b-ll. wr. !. r.-Mof, 71 on right
. .... ,i.
L , i I ii. ...i. I w " -- k N M.n.
Smt.nn'iri. '"" - - " -
u let! ahmlUri naltle "aloe both Ml.
tiller. I'erry, uii"B"e,, w
iHl-.rn. J. W IVeiglae. Or.: hrwO oo Irfl
hixlMeri re' M Mime. in ngiil hip.
l-eenem. OI, r..fl.t M'le. .- Il.iraes, q.ir
. i- .1...1.I .... Uri ehiHil.lie? and M on Wl
hio. Call la. f.e-kin rlshl rropleeL !M
on lft till'. Range im KUht Mile.
I'.. kif . lilaMeia. Haxliiian.tH!, llorMlroa
left .l.mll lef.
t, l .....I li nl,iii (lr.- Il,es tiranil
m U it. K .'i.e.iili an left !..!. I eli I.
. ..-i.i hi,., lien. Miri.w enantr.
.. T I 11 I 1. II. II. JKe
a,H. ,.,'left alioul'teri oalUa, eataaiHl left alp.
(jn.ier nil m .. .
.,.,, I' , . ... - -,
ft hip, ttppw slope la left ear a4 elip la Uie
I1...1. Aa.lfw. IUr..oaa.f.-H.. im
eisM wnti "" ' '! .
K-n Mm"., Hei'paer. - H.ireeB han.l 1
M the rlM H.mi.Ui celtle. U ta .left kin
rt..v i.tl twft Man. .lewlep im Berk. lUage la
U'-rmm awl l"iili. e-"ii'
lUenef. Aa-lrw. ?. Iw-Horass
hf.n.h.1 A It urn nM -.i Uf. sent qe.
U, i.e lean.li nttll eWB) ua fight bip
vTT Vri'Mrftllta. Or-II II en-He.
,ib ueaitet rif le-t I'-p eaiileiMi nM fcir
and "1 '' tt-l'"
HHnni.e Ufi ,l.i4-. Itaage la M n-w
(rnl ami llilliam .
K-n- J. W . Ilevi, Or ,-M.ireaa, iQ m
left stMmlde. I alUe. O alp.
SlnlaHl W. . Ileppaw. . - M.fe Katari
in,, iu.eiiie4 Ho Ml elp,swaiMw
I...S ta nM ear. ae.WW; la left.
a,.- ke, llet.p. if. - Husasa, A Fa
UftVipi aue sa Mt Uf kp.
te, --. l-KM'a. Of-fUh II "a
nM ki e. M ' r. " I-1- i II am
,,,..1 .....1 1 Kanlal-ir.sleiMt.
..te H . nM.tlll. . Hnesea. bnaerf
M ,ee..ntle eil.e, k,ne m IWl anunete
M. JeeM ll..e., IW I k.a tMan.le.1
Ja -nl'tl enl.U wlini tne ee.ee. ale., n.ae
e.e.t.ltn. Kn a e-M.W a"l llilllMewnelnea
ai-4. . . .lleM aaa. tin P in.
. k.,e. I ll.e ilel.t ekte
I 1 - 1 1 1 J II J & l.t 1 1 M 1 1..
Mm A. i H- e r -4 aiUa,
a,aet. It. . Me. w - llMraaa. M a
kh .,e1.kll-Wlkir
e,-.,, U. lln- - -" ' -le'i
e.t. r.e (.' a-l nei ta Mt Hat,
l!..., Iwn-art ) I . -! .I---
I i A. II-,, -. H-e a
l .4-.: MH'U e-ft --. , .
Vi-. ' . Wl
kr,".- l W,Htt - aailt
r fc.l.t-f . eeee. " aeft kl
..., B.I.II.I."" , ,
M.i... II. M I a l - N-wwa l-U4
l t e.exn-rte.1 "" -!-
t F.. 1-aa.tw M II
M )v1h ainee saeis wm M
fc'U-t W-l .Iff-". a V I.
nj le ' ei-Ml-e! eM n II4M kip
g le'i e4 l-.-l eW (l
U. e M-11-M, Iw -
H.mm Me--l i aw mW"w
JT w H ! W" Willi -l-eel
.i w . I "a.
Il.ee aea k"4 Ml at-a.let. lMKate
... !J 1- '- - ' "
I . tie .... " '
,t . .1.. I Mt, t !, II
. , a ... l.i . ..l-l-e
'" I - B. -e
tlw. isaaiat
.ma, w- w'a-l
IT inn, A, a., TlOL.UCr, VI, ii t., w e 0
on shoulder; Cattle, eame on right hip.
loung, J. 8., Gooaeberry.Or. Horas branded
T8 on the right should.
or a . it unMU a a
When you are about to buy a Sewinff Machine
do not be deceived by alluring advertisements
and be led to think you can get the best made,
finest finished and
Most Popular
for a mere song. See to It that
you buy from reliable manu
facturers that have gained a
reputation by honest and sq uare
dealing, you will then get a
Sewing Machine that is noted
the world over for Its dura
bility. You want the one that
is easiest to manage and is
Light Running
There Is none In the world that
can equal in mechanical con
struction, durability of working
parts, fineness of finish, beauty
in appearance, or has as many
improvements as the
New Home
It has Automatic Tension, Double Feed, alike
on both sides of needle (patented), no other has
it ; New Stand (faented), driving wheel hinged
on adjustable centers, thus reducing friction to
the minimum.
Obanie, Hash. Bostoh, Mass. 28 Vwum Hrn, N. T
nicAra, !r.L. M-r. Loi;n, Mo. Dam.ak. TsiAS.
tjAHi-'UAKOIHOa, f'.'.U ATLANTA, C 1.
P. C. THOMPSON CO., Agents,
Heppner, Oregon.
Popular Magazines
f a-l Mnnwta Arlirlnal Wmi fn1nf
I rontUplcca; 128 Quarto Page ol keadlng
Matter: 100 New and hlffh-claM lllufltra
(lons; Mora Literary Matter and llluatra-
Uont (nan any finer m-K""
3 cia. i a J a ivar.
Frank Leslie's Pleasant Kours
VntW tllnmriiiwi. Th bunt wrltern for young
I ..i-ii....- a., la a t na 4t r..o m
Sdd all suBscsmions xo
Frank I.shue's I'ofulai- Monthly and the
Ua.utte, both for one year lor fi.OO.
ANOliiKLsaiid the (iettc, both for
one year U.ou.
Undoubtedly the Best Club Offers
C or Nnn lluf mll ITrmtum Lit. fr.
If nu lliink nf liuvinir an aiioina nf
any sie or km. I si'lnl for our Culatityur
... - . . in I
ltd. .in, oiiiiwiiiuk iiiiinirainiiia auu
iirlfli's nf rrrv kind of etmine from one
up In 'JL'i horae power, at Ixittiiro tirioea,
or ,if Ao. If ', for yaoht englm-a, Ixul-
. ! - M il m. M.
en aiiii oiaouinery. riiucr not ire
Gtas. P. WiUaid & Go
197 Canal Slraat,
iy m r ra t ri Q
SJimmc ibiires..
H .-..4.waitf o 7.t flHVN,
ss) A. el-a .d..l.ll.,a..ll.e
lu.-,,.- r..,- Ii.m. hll I iatr V ari m
2 lUll l'Ui, -.! I latrr. Trtitna i UlM J
2 ' Mt. Ki-Ur. will .-itl U m.f
I lrra un fHil ( t rn', l ?
l I h.M Mal.irv Aral rak,.tllll
ara)ililnlly rlifM at-, tnMitiN-. ami
krt(- i.i iiii M'tiit, anf arti v
tcl lha all. I.I U .iiii.l aa,.a. a-
, ..,t i imua ItitellilM j
II f AAAIA tf Att(J
1 xtfkwrrrTttifiijj
' '
Is laws M airt pans.
tay llieeiista laal grMt sjvaatlly Ii
Hat alarera aaat M se) sr4.
faaaa iaa ssaaaa IM WaeSaMl aee
tllM-felti ailk saf fwtmmtf leee)
IVI1 14 ilStM
t ,.eltiWH)i r"fa, m fee'S
H aa, as tr avsii.
ftiTAU Cat -UU. CO II tfOM ,.
E. McNEILL, Receiver.
Of Two Transcontinental
St. Paul Kansas City
Ocean Steamers Leave Portland
Every 5 Days For
For (all details oall on 0. R. & N.
Agent at Heppner, cr address
Gen. Pass. Agt.
And all points in California, via the Mt, Bbasta
route or. ua
Southern Pacific Co.
The (treat hlatiway thronirh California to all
points Kaat and sonth. Urand ooenlo Itonta
of the Paolfio ()oaat. Pullman Boffet
Hleepera. Beoond-olass Hleepers
FAttached to express trains, affording superior
accommodations for seoond-elass passengers.
for rates, tickets, sleepiug oar reservations,
to. oall ntxin oraddreea
K. KOKHLEtt, Mananer, E. P. ROGERS, Asst.
Gen. F. A P. Agt. Portland, Oregon
Most Modern and progressiva
For caulogiia or Information write to
New Haven. Conn.
fc C inOO """'hot lovrlv Music torFarl--a
- III f.al. -M -
' ," ' w full lie Miprt Mutlr irf 1.
ee Utett, brtKhu-1. ltvrlli-sl snj si'rtt popular
ai-nxlloni, K-iri vntsl nj Intliumrnul. 5
a g.Hien up In the mt rlr-ifjinl ntanoer. In-
; (lulling rnur urge u rurlrslls.
- GAHH KV.IH. v tpanltk Danrtr, 2
ST: tAOt HI USUI, fee Utnt fllUlliL
ae IkuaJwuy Theiir ilJg..Nw V-akUty.
A. P.T. L.
The American Protective Ttf if! League
it a national organization advocating
"Protection to American Labor and
Industry" ai ep!ained by it constitu
tion, as follows :
Tae t i tt IKls league saal aa to aeeisr
iiMmsii lebee t t Ian? m lowei. etfc KS
adenoeteif sasues a enema aMwal pr4
aft.net sae ataeiiNM af fwafa laaaa."
There fe no personal or private
profits in connection with the organiza
tion and it is sustained by memberships.
Contributions and the diiwibution ol it!
Is SelUlse) Sfeateg
- wee " ae4 " trr-eal Cioiiiiioi I
St CO HO: W.eee 44 naUhKHe),
TNINOT We avefce S elf lelWl i-H
ee wU-imm i4 aey tdeaess
'OUMTN! ee4 eeW sa4 eaauei
ee-e-e serf e ! " lee-e. t
44'eee w r Will
US WH t4 (feet Htm Vara.
a eet I Im leeat faaaaas tm mm aMaaia,
aa M m aVM mi
tees Weak el SMleil
ejiai l lllltes
TH4T wild romscs.
mmh ss mm "re - W a ree W aaeey sM s
e-e, eee e-i.s ei.n f mm ee..i s eS,
aey mm M S-U s aey 4 ee.e tel 4
m I ii lei I ew le ee- eVe, tmmt le.(M m
wmh a. I iy e wmm ml eiwt t. areee
Twm mhm mm fr-mmSm -' - it a g
I" tsfcHlMkfMta(wa.,
e.'1-e a eV mm mi t-et, e-
w etae ee'.'' ee -4 .wm, mm etMeewl
aW a e .m fee e I fceeee e) ml
mt ree 4 mm - H ... eel p.
ea-- a 4 e-4 mm .. mil
a.H W w l l a aie I m4 mm ei ne
mm.. e4 e. . eVeS S'W f f a mmm
A '-. -mm eeea n f-f m4 SeeeMialed
Sa'eat. yflitfe.. Llehtest,
Simplest, jTJil I l X Easiest
Strongest, 171370? CJ I fa w"'l''ni
5olld I UiJJ I J-VUJ Most
TP QT? Accurate,
Receiver. W3r2y Compact,
Hel,ie a
eeiiifc Me . -
Werta 4 . - eH ' I I
tl I Sml, f tt .,
Cocoa Balls. Before the fondant
is very stiff, take out about a cupful.
Knead into it as much grated cocoanut
possible, form into balls, brush with
white of egg and roll in dry cocoanut.
Prairie Farmer.
Polish for Floors. Boil together
ona cup of strong beer, a piece of bees
wax aboat the size of a nut, and a spoon
ful of sugar. First clean the floor
by wiping it over with warm beer, and
then apply the polish with a brush.
Leave until dry, and then polish with a
soft duster.
Beef and Carrotg. Chop one pound
of beef (not too fine). Cook slowly with
three sliced carrots in water, enough
to cover until well done. Season wth
salt, pepper, tablespoonful of butter,
one-half teaspoonful of onion juice.
Cream one teaspoonful of flour m one-
half cup of milk, and add just before
servmg.-Chicago Record.
Plain Custard. The beaten yolks
of five eggs Rnd five teaspoonfuls of
sugar. Pour over this one quart of
hot milk, add flavoring and the whites
of two eggs. Bake in cups set in a
pan of boiling water. Cover with mer
ingue and eat cold. Do not leave too
long in the oven. Boil instead, if pre
ferred. Farm, Field and Fireside.
Cocoanut Creams. These are made
by dropping some grated cocoanut
and a few drops of vanilla in some of
the fondant; work like dough, roll
out, cut in cubes and allow to harden.
Melt a piece of fondant without choc-
olate,and dip the cubes in this. The dip
ping must be done expeditiously, as
the creams will melt if left too long
in the hot mixture. Keep the mixture
for dipping warm over hot water.
Orange Judd Farmer.
Apple Butter. Boil three gallons
of cider down to one-fourth of the
quantity. Tare and core as many ap
ples as the cider will cover. Divide the
cider and put equal parts in two ket
tles on the fire. Place the apples in
one kettle, and as they boil down pour
over them the cider from the other ket
tle, boil 12 hours until smooth, add
ground cloves, allspice, cinnamon,
brown sugar. Then boil again, stir
ring constantly. When sufficiently
done it will stick to the spoon when
held up. Boston Budget.
Fur, after some years' wear, will
look much improved if cleaned with
white bran previously heated in the
oven. Eub the hot bran well into the
fur with a piece of flannel, shako the fur
to remove all particles, and then brush
thoroughly. The fur will clean more
easily if the lining and wadding are
first removed, but puch removal is not
absolutely needful. The flat, oily look
which mars the appearance of the neck
jjprtlon of furs long In use is mostly,
if not wholly, removed by the means
of hot bran. Bub the fur the wrong
Its Bareness Concealed by tha Rich Clfta
of tha Devout for Agea.
No one thing in the Gospel story ap
peals more to the hearts of young and
old alike than that the Kedcemer of
Men was born in a place so lowly us a
inunger, out of which beasts were wont
to take their food. Every one who has
heard or read the immortal narrative
of that bl i t h has tried to picture to him
self the scene that rough stable, hol
lowed out of the rocks where Chris
tianity had its origin.
The poverty and squalor of that scene
hove U'f n of wondrous power in affect
ing the hearts of all of us. We have
pondered the rude features of that en
vironment unt il it linn gained a romantic
place in our thoughts. Few of us have
not hoped we lulghtftoom-r or Inter look
on that historic spot, so fraught with
Irtrnts for mankind.
But the visitor to Bethlehem Is
doomed to disupiioiutmciit. There Is
no stuble to I acen. The uncouth
chamber of which the evaiipi liats tell
la no more. Whither hue it vanish d?
It tins Imh-ij coiicriilctl from view by a
veneer or lieauty It luui la-en destroyed
from slpht by eatecni for It. The rock v
walls of the cavern are concealed behind
panels of marble; the inniiger, which
was the cradle of ChrUt, Is r-liov. u only
by the uime inurhle forms; Innumera
ble Ughla diaaipaUi the original gloom;
the Christian church has d.-llifhted In
bringing hither Ita gifts of gold, frank-
Incense am! myrrh, aa did the wise men
who came under the li-adiiigstar. The
church hea done no more than to follow
In ita rich offerings the example ai t
forth In the Scriptures, but the result
la unfortunate. It thrills the hrart of
the devout, doubtless, to atatnl on the
spot hrre the Infant Christ flmt
opened human eyea, but how Infinitely
more won j it thrill the heart could one
but are that scene In all Ita flmt naked-
lirse-tlie. bar rock a, the linked floor,
the gloomy recvaara, tli damp air,
shaken by many currrnt-the una
dorned, the real birth chamber of Jcaua
ChriatJ-.X. V. Herald.
arpeisa mt m Talraiy Hall Waaa IM Hlg
(at eWaagkaef la Ilia t
Tlwra tta. onlilrraliln exilu-inent
at Mtaairw rvwntly. tn tf the
maharajah'a t'sra fot una and aa
not rn-apturrtl foe oer 4 hmira.
Allowlnf tijreta and nt her wild animals
lO earaiat put 'f rotjflurmrnt tntlll a
common rut In Myanr. Parltif tha
lima of the lat Maharajah one fat out
nf bit raw In tH tm-naf artr. and also
during hla father's reiga a Ugrt haafrd
all parr lha fort a whale day. firg la
and out of i.l's hottara, but alrangw
to aay. on none of thra hiuh'IiI has
aaioiH tB Injured.
Tha ljrr In I We .rrrtit Inalance It
one wtik Ii la kept by bis titgbftraa' dairy
to kern away thai ll eye" frnsw tb
rattle, lie waa nrM-. f.r U-nl lyana-
down lt . ! whra bla rntlliry
ti.lil VI i r a frw tara ar and ta a
(.rn... brute. 1mm al .It y ta a y
Ui I yard, with tin ahrU all r..i,.,
la whi. h lb ralile ar tar!, the taf
eagv le-lfs? t" t.i p etii and a liiss
tain ttrar lit rtHr. Tha I pi ft out
kleilit araea In, and relia'r atratSned
ariin., h 4mi- lir.g f,! i f rattle-
and e--U the lim; Wul.foftutiate-
In, be bal ho draire wbatrarf im laai
stall fed te-rf. or .a-to eiibr, al
Ihoosh b faaaevel within a f frvl of
the rwa an-1 tb nn, aad sfirf rtam
Inn.g Harm all it! tef l-y Ik
1 Mne n , .e I a r. l i-f l bla
litmij ill ! IN ! ar-4 a tenl..e)
a Inn afaM lK -1 Ia-arntit.f
t- i-fr-f Ma .f ,t if al it'
taM'a. I n t a itSf a,,. .. 1. . ,
From early child-'
hood until I was '
grown my family
spent a fortune.
trying to core me I
I of this disease. I visited Hot Springs i
and was treated by the best medical j
i men, but was not benefited. When "
all things had P R 11 1 1 f a"ed 1 de 4
'termined to Is 1 1 1 try S.S.S.
and in four I 1 1 U III months was
entirely cured. The terribli eczema
was gone, not a sign of it left My
general health built up, and I have I
i never nad any return ot the disease, i
any return oi me disease I
i nave oiien
I recommend
ed S&S. and
i nave never
. yet known a failure to enre.
liKU. w. IRWIN. Irwin. Fa.
Never tails to enre, '
even when all other I
remedies have. Onr i
.treatise on bload and i
I skin diseases mailed
' free to any address. I
SWIKI SPECll-IC CO., Atlanta, Gs.
Ilwtt & Si. Paul R'y
Glance at this Map
Of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Rail- I
way and note Us connections with all transcon
tinental lines and Bt. Paul and ( maha, and
remember that its trains are lighted with elec
tricity and heated by steam. Its equipment is
superb. Elegant Buffet, Library, Smoking and
Sleeping cars, with free reclining chairs. Each
sleeping car berth has an electric reading lamp,
and its dining cars are the best in the world.
Other lines are longer than this, but none are I
shorter, and no other offers the above luxurious
accommodations. These are sufficient reasons I
tor the popularity of "The Milwaukee." Coupon
ticket agents In every railroad office will give
you further Information, or address
C. J. EDDY, General Agent,
J. W.CASEY, Trav. Pass. Agent,
Portland. Oriook.
oopvuiohti. atoJ
For lnrormstlnn ana rrea Hanilbuok write to
MUNN a CO., wi lm.nDWiY, Nsw Yosk.
Olilenl bureau fur seciirlna patents In America.
Ererr pati-nt taken out liy u 1. l.rouirhl befnra
tlie pulille by a oulloe glveo traa of cluuva la Uie
lAryest eln-nlstten of any vlenUfln paper In tha
world. Hi.li'iiillillr llluatraleu. No tnb'Ulveut
man ahmil.l lie without Ii, Werklr. (13.00 a
yeari al monllia. Ari.lmu, MUVn CU
rveeuuieiBi WW1WI7, nfw luravilj.
net elom-at to the ti(fer; and for some
me Ktrtip;(ji'd frantienlly to (ret looae.
Every one fully exiieeted that the eow
would lie killed. Kitmllv. however, a
nunilier of men went out and held the
wretched anininl down and removed
tlie net. Ilnrdly wna thia over when a
Hplenilid Mini l ull pot over a part f
the net whi.-h hnd fallen down.nnd after
e nreenlntrnliout Iheytird just an the cow
hnd done, ruahrd rlirtit up to the foun
tain and dipiM'd his none Into the wa-
ter. Evident I v lie hnd no Idea the tiper
wua there or he would never have Bona
up In th at .vie h did. However, after
drinking, he liHiked up, when the tlffer,
who roiiin not have iieen more than a
few fret away, "woiiphed"' In hla fare,
and the way that hull went away after
that did onea heart RT-od tooee. These
were two prune! opportunities for
witneaalnir "how the tleer oelwa hla
prey," tmrtlrulnrly aa there wera
aeverol aortanirn about, but uafortu-
nately It waa not to be.
After worrying tha poor brut for
two day and two night, during which
time he frot Into the net onee, he quiet-
ly woJked into hla eafre and waa ahut
tip. The eool and Indifferent way In
which Una-spall t'ra' fnaailited bunt
era, with their fearfully and wander
fully maile hundnoka, walked op and
town t ast the tiprr waa most amualnr.
What thry would havedone In Iheetent
of the tirrr maklna for one of Ihem
it I hanl to Irll. Th elawa have
Ifrtmn Into the pads of the tlgv-r, and
the wrrtrhr animal aermt im ba
auffrrlnir nrat pain. Hod It not been
for thia tbrrw would dottbtlraa hare
l-en very different Ula to telL
Tha drat durhraa of Marltmrwich
sun irnl lha trrral dak nearly tl Tears.
riha aa alnf ularljr faarlnatinf OH-
an. nil rouM lraa anyUaly.
Huttvr I ntrtlah pera aa that fur m
lotif tirrr tit faarlirt tJMine ailira ars)
nf I'rlnrraa Matvl of Walra atsMlf
fit ilullara a month, ltrr tixtbrr, Ikb
4 younj fir I. ha, iba am tmotinl.
TKa prinrrea of Waira la atritlntf to
lntrnlur dtnl Willfl aa tha ilrrea f(ny
lh IhraU-ri ah liaa in a ti'.-b laa)
k ail Ung alrr Min atirb nerm,
ioita aa h baa a nl at ll.a tbraUr
ilttrltif th aa im a jrajra.
l.ml (,laaar"w, thm ftrtrmof of New
iValarHl. rTUtlr allru-tr.! rati la
lf at sx-r. lie reirtimlart tvt-
rtiireel r rum a)xrtrir Imll, Th
m,i mI tmt a-iti.ita tie armr. atfl
1 1 1 rreer. thai fart t-y ttturvfrtrMatitmia-
ly t,eii,a kts lnr4.ru prr innutiirM
UnC. Tll'tt tie f'"'t' ttat eVHte
1W ai if raf f RaieaU ta no' f-m.
a,f I' larva of aa. II ta ralW
texeel r ii.li.iil. t fi. at ratiBt,
l I aa na4a rUeae atiwir ( I rtx-
liie-ralur. ati l la sviaviaSly U lay
folltMl fit I'aria.aa P !.). T ba lattf
l.uy il 4atraejearit I of a ftavay
, aixl M prat: a tf)tMli
that mil .4 aaritM.
tW.ra.ot mm thm tm
'ri..i I ..it im m aa la-r-f.
r ,,
I 'e7 nt Ue arteallar tef a
- , n I )h. lie,',..
a f r at I, t.rraei.al ac-l at-
r-Tgf, PAUL $ 1
. o C1TV V VM
' 6 w "a 'r
1 SOnMtifio Amerlcaa
jS Aflenoy
I V&Y mT r I mmmmm1mmr
Uelj,e e. O .r o I m
Is one of the very best wheels ever made Is an Indisputable fact. It stands In the
front rank with all high grade machines, and if you buy one you will make no mistake.
Bide a RAMBLER BICYCLE If you want to be happy, for should your wheel be
punctured. It can be mended by you In five minutes, as It Is equipped with the world
renowned G. & J. clincher tires with wood rims or copper-plated steel rims.
Sold In all sizes for ladles or gentlemen at f ICO each.
Tandems for two men or man and woman, $150 each.
THE RAMBLER ! the fastest, lightest and strongest wheel In the market.
For style, finish and durability It la unsurpassed, as It 1 constructed on strict mechan
ical and scientific principles.
. Chicago Ideals
For men, women, boys and girls, with 28, 26 and 24 Inch wheels, at J65. 155, 45 respect
ively. are splendid medium grade wheels, with G, & 3. high-grade double locking edge
clincher tires and are fully warranted.
Before you buy a bicycle, write for catalogue, circulars, terms and discounts, or call j
on our numerous agents, uamuier jtusuers n aiuea in every rowu in uregon, naming
ton and Idaho.
Northwest representatives Gormully &
diore, oil nasmngion si., rortiana, ur.
OTIS PATTERSON, Agt. for Morrow Co., Heppner, Oregon.
How's Your Liver?
This question is asked daily. If dormant
you need exercise need it badly.
The Bicycle offers
not own one, call at
Ike Ennis Bicycle Livery,
Four Models
Factory and Main Office t Lake
mmSs King" of Bicycles, (f
BfUNCtlBS ifew York, Baa FraacUoo, 5alt Laks City, Oeavar. Memphis, Detroit, Teronto.
A. If. PATTERSON, Agent fur
It to Advertisers :it si great finnncial sacri
fice. You need it in your business, and as a
matter of business vc must sell it.
WBS : ESfflPIlI : pis
Youro IiOUKI) to Tnlco 'Jm.
Lrnvci No Contipntlon,-
Jeffery Manf. Co's "Rambler Bicycles." Main
a remedy, and if you do
$85 and 8100.
Cycle Co.
and Halsted Sts.. CHICAGO. ILL.
Morroto County, Heppner, Oregon.
(OF . . .
I .! Awn wrj?
Ca H. M fll aa ail ft IHm,.w,, at,fc It.a.U.t. I a. ,
t ur- araait till la tt ..t, a.,, , ,, ' " f MaUfl. Tia etr
lHai MiatteaH ' ' IH L CXJ.
nl a, iirt-i i.-e hh,fi-iliir
Ht ,t. .l.'nitv. fl. c.
I..MI'.. as, I. .,.! r. . , , j" ""
m4 hm