Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, March 10, 1896, Image 3

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la Grippe, for Golds, Coughs,
" Two years ago, I had the grippe,
and it left me with a cough which gave
me no rest night or day. My family
physician prescribed for me, changing
the medicine as often as he found the
things I had taken were not helping
me, hut, in spite of his attendance, I got
no better. Finally, my husband, read
Ing one day of a gentleman who had
had the grippe and was cured by taking
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, procured, for
me, a bottle of this medicine, and before
I had taken half of it, I was cured. I
have used the Pectoral for my children
and in my family, whenever we havo
needed it, and have found it a specific
for colds, coughs, and lung troubles."
Emily "Wood, North St., Elkton, Md.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
Highest Honors at World's Fair.
Cleanse the System with Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
r 1 1 aw m mi
J 2 3 4 5 6 7
89TuLLl2I3 IT
T5WTLia 19 20 2J
2223 24 25 M 2728
T 3ins I'e l"o bp
Take Notice.
L The mm of five cents per line will be
)hart;ed (or "card ol tlianai," "renolutloni ol
reapeet," liata of wedding pruaenta and dunnra,
ina obituary notices, (cither than thoee the edit
or snail hluieelf give aa a nmttr ol newt,) and
aotlceeolepoctal moetlun (or whatever pnrpoee.
2. Notice of church and society and all other
vnterUlntnenU (rom which revenue li to be de
rived, snail be charged for at the rate of Ave
jenu a Una. These ruloa will be strictly adher
ed to iu every Imtance.
Advertlnlug mtc reasonable and made known
ipon application.
Stage (or Hardraan. Monument, Lona Creek,
loha Day and t'anyon ("lljr. leave aa follows ;
livery day at A a. in., envpt rtundav.
Arrtveaevery dnyatr .aeicept Monday.
The eheaprat, qulckcat and best hue to or
Iron the Interior cnnntry.
Conaer t Brock, AltenU.
Qambrinus Beer,
City Hotel Bar!
Drinkable Liquors and Smokabla
Cigars. Call en Tad.
Bo, y vottns men ol Morrow, whittle up a
lively tune
for the "Candidate," I'm Ire to ilate, will eUjf
with ua till June;
Then let him "11 hn enter blade, with "fperry
Unvni.l Kvo."
Tie awcv to ttil ua. ol that font old drink, lor
voting men are dry.
Hold only at the BcUedere saloon.
Charley Jones, the well-konwn "old
timer" in the toneorial line, baa again
located la Uepposr, baeirg pofchaaej
Orssa Mathews ehnp. Minor bnil llnf
opposite tba city notl. Charley will
appreciate a rail wbea In loam.
Public that wc
Bros. Stock on May
it out in the next 80 days Regardless of Cost
We have made arrangements to have the
hats trimmed up and
that will surprise the patrons.
There is also a fine line of Hosier)', Knit
and Muslin Underwear for children and ladies:
Children's Dresses Infants Clothing. Ribbons,
Thread, and a complete line of Notions, Dress
G(xxls and Linings.
Come and get bargains lcforc they arc all
sold. Yours ResjKit..
110KNEU & nu 1: A.
Here and There.
E. H. Clarke Sandayed in Heppner.
Wm. Brown left for Lone Rock yester
day. T. A. Khea went to Portland Saturday
Andrew Kood returned from Portland
0. W. One; ie down from hie moan
tain ranch.
Gov. Re a is much better atd ie able
to be around.
8. S. Horner got back from PortInd
Saturday last
H. T. Bagley ie oonvalesoiDg from bis
reeent illness.
Mrs. Anesn Wright
being quite ill.
is reported as
D. P. Ketohnm, of The Dalles, San
dayed iu Heppoer.
Frank and Doo Brown were over from
Coodon last week.
S. P. Floreuoe's little daughter was
reported as ill Satarlay.
E l. R. Bishop and Col. J. H. Raly are
over the mountains on business,
Mrs. LeBalister will leave for Portland
this week to bay ber tpriug stock.
Al Emm rson took a oar load of sbeep
below last week, returning Saturday.
Go to P. C. Thompson Oo.'e for syrup
and undei shirts. Lowest oaeb prices.
J. 0. Hart, agent of the 0 E. & N., at
Heppner, is threatened with pneumonia.
John Hayes wae in town the first of
the week, He is running sheep near
W. G. Eapey was in town over San
day to look after hie hardware trade
Dr. Wilson and Geo. B. Tedrowe are
enjoying themselves in Portland tbie
Alex Cornett was in town yesterday.
Everything is prosperous out on Butter
Scott Stone's baby, two years old, ie
quite ill out at its borne on Little Butter
Mrs. B. A. Huneaker and children
arrived Sunday to join ber husband at
this place.
Squirrel rifles and cartridge; 22 short
22 long and B. a. caps far sale by P. O.
Thompson Cj. 2t
Waklie's Squirrel Exterminator now
on sale at Minor & (Jo. s, reduced from
50 ots. to 23 cts. tf.
Hon. H. V. Gates, of Hillsboro, ar
rived bere tbis morning to look after
business matters.
Henry Heppner is able to be about the
streets again after a siege of sickness of
several weeks duration.
O. E. Holland called at tbe Gasette
Saturday. Tbe wire worm bai worked
on tbe wheat in bis section.
. BeBt accommodation and eourteons
treatment at the Imperial Hotel, Seventh
and wash. Hts., Portland, Oregon.
Coin's Finsocial Sobool for sale by
P.O. Thompson Uo, at 5o each. Tbe
best smoke in Heppner for tbe money.
Mrs. Martha Calloway and son, Frank
are viitiog Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Spsrry
Mrs. Calloway is a sister in-law of Mrs
Minor St Co., tba red a oe re of prises,
have now on hand tbe celebrated War
He's Sqnirrel Poiaon. Call and see what
tbey sell it for. tf
Sheriff Harrington leaves tonight for
Salem with Jndd Wiley, oonvioted for
perjnry and eeutenoed to three years
in the penitentiary.
Hall's Hair ReDewer renders the nair
lustrous and eilken, gives it an even
ooior, and eoao:ea women to pot II op
tn a great variety o styles.
G. B. Hatt. tba tonsorial artist oan
be fonnd at bis parlors, Matlock corner,
wbers be win dispense at popular price
s naves, sbampooa, nairoots, etc. "
E. O : N. E. Potwina, father of Rev.
w. E. Potwine, is serioosly ill at bis son'i
bora in tbie oily with pnenraonia. His
friends think bis recovery is doubtful
Any inventor in Eastern Oregon wbo
deaires tbe cervices of an attorney in
Washington, D. U.. will find it to bis
advantage to call on or address this pa
per, btf
Owing to eickoeas Elder Jenkins was
not able to Oil tbe polpit at tba ball for
a f evenings tbe past week Hit plaoe
wae supplied by J. V. Craw (old, tbe sing
Ing evNDgellet,
Browniville Times: Mrs. James Callo
way and ano, Frank Cochran, isrled (or
Heppner Tuesday morning to visit wit
ber dangbUr, Mrs. Aex botb,od son
lingo Ooobrsn.
Condon Olobe: Rev. Bramble di
not oondoot bis revival meeting ber as
long as bs bad islanded, bating eloeed
Friday night. He ei porta to leave tbis
week for California, to remain.
Mr. L.Hamnel. formerly pnblieber of
lbs Went Hbore and tbe ehUf promoter
of tbat Joornal during Ms eiietewe baa
bn appointed mesgr of tbe r. quit a
ble Life lo On. for Uregoo, Malm and
the eonntie of Washington borderto
on lb Columbia river. lis Is talented
gen 11 em an and deserves tbe promotion
have purchased the Fcl
Street and intend to close
will sell them at prices
Tbe Palace botel ball on St. Patrick's
day, Tuesday, March 17, 1896, promiees
to be a grand success. The large store
om on tbe north aide of tbe building
ill be fitted on for a dining room, s
tbe regular dining room was thought to
be too small to accommodate tbe guests.
Ladies are especially Invited to be
Tbe Morrow Co. Republican club met
st tbe conrt house last Haturday nignt.
Quite a number were present and many
responded with remarks appropriate to
tbe occasion. The club will meet again
bext Saturday evening st tbe court
house when all are invited to attend.
It is nut to be wondered at that Ayer's
Pills are in such, universal demand
But the cure of constipation, biliousness,
or any other complaint Deeding a laxa
tive, these pills are unsurpassed. They
are sngar-ooated. easy to take, and every
dose is effective.
William Vsnduyne was Thursday ap
pointed executor of the estate of leaao
Vanduyne, at Eugene. The appraise
ment shows prdperty as follows: Rnnl
eetate, $19,360; casb is bank 84567 98;
personal property. $708.90; notes and
accounts, $11,000.22.
Wbile no pbysioian or pbarmaoiet can
conscientiously warrant a oure, the J. C.
Ayer Co. guarantee tbe purity, strengtb
and medioinal virtues of Ayer's Sarsa
parilla. It was tbe only blood-purifier
admitted at the great World's Fair in
Cbioago, 1893.
Mrs. Anna Fall, tbe woman lawyer of
Maiden, Massaobnsetta, thus defines
issing; "Osoulation may be taken to
mean, in the eyea of tbe law, the act of
two mouths oomiog together eo as to
bave a common curvature at tbe point of
Mrs. W. J. Leezer calls the attention
of the publio to the fact tbat she is still
in the bakery business, and ber old cus
tomers will be furnished an extra quality
r bread at tbe grocery of her bnsband.
Tour patronage is solicited. tf
O. W. Brook, of Wasoo, Sherman Co.,
was in Heppner Tuesday, accompanied
by bis oousio, Dave Pressley. Mr. Hrook
is on bis way to Camaa Prairie, Idaho,
end after stopping a few days with rela
tives bere will journey onward.
Cbet. Sargent, Frank Thomas and
Don." Curry returned yesterday from
Hamilton's mill wbere they bave been
putting up ice for C. O. Sargent They
report having pat up about 20 lonawhiob
will average 12 mobes in thickness.
W. W. Smead, oounty organizer of
republican clubs, is willing and anxious
to go to any preoinct wbere organization
is desired. Speakers will accompany
him. Notify him at Heppner, Oregon.
The W. O.T.D.. of Heppner. elected
tbe following offioere Saturday last :
President, Mrs. Drew; aeoretary, Mrs.
a. V. tinggs; treasurer, Mrs. M. B.
Thompson; corresponding secretary
Mrs. May Minor.
W. T. Rlnehtrt of Shedd, Or., accom
panied by bis wife, arrived Sunday and
are visiting Mr. Rinebart's cousin.
wait Thompson. Mr. Hinebarl comes
to Eastern Oregon hoping to benefit bia
wile a Health.
Oa Mitchell ia feeding 2.100 bead of
sheep down at bis ranch near the month
of Rhea oreek. Of tbe number, 1.200 are
three and four-year-olds, but tbe re
mainder are two-year-olds. Tbey sre
all doing welt
Echo stags lesves Heppner Mondays,
Wednesdays and Fridaya. Leaves Eobo
Tuesdays, Tnrsdsys and Saturday.
Fare 9'i eaob way. Ofnoe, Wells A
Warren, Heppner. Ed. Driskell, Prop,
A landslide on Portland Heights last
Sonday killed Daniel Campbell and
Isabel McDonald, and also badly bruised
Mary MoDonald. Tbe boms of the Mo
Donalds wss entirely deatroyed.
E. O.: Col. J. H. Raloy left Thursday
evening for Heppner, from wbere be
leaves wltb Cashier E. R. Bishop for
Canyon Ulty to be absent onlil about
Tburaday of next week.
Wesley Baird arrived from Missouri
tbis morning, vis Hood river, after
fonr months' sbsenoe, and after settling
op bis affair ber will locate perm
nently at Hood river.
Dr. J. A. Qeiseodorfer, of Arlington,
rsme up Ibis morning st tbe reqneet of
ur. f. it. MONworda to bold consultation
in matters relative to tbeir profession.
F- M. Haly sod wife left yesterday
for Monument, Mr. Haley lo tsk ebarg
of a aobool al that place. He is a cousin
of Tom Bootbby, of Lexington.
Rev. G. Rushing, of lbs Christian
rhnrob, arrived tbis morning from
Atbsna, and will assist In tbe meetings
being bsld at lbs opere boose.
J. W. Beckett, of Eight Mile, was Id
Heppoer Haturdy last. Tbe wbat
crop for Ibis year is prnmiiiog, yet lbs
sianl is Dad lo maoy plsces.
Soap! Soap! I Hoap! I! till yon can't
reel. Prtoe a low a lb fnweL al
store of P. U Thompson Co. Casb only,
RaOsoasrzso A per previous ar
raoiresewta tbe repobllesna of Cecil
preclnot mat at Don ft a last Saturday
eveelag for lb pnrpeee of re orianisieg
tbe Cecil Itopoblteaa elob. Tbe gather
log wae a4lrMd by T. R. Lyons, A.
W. ratlereoe, 0. N. reck, Oeo. Kty and
Gee. Miller. J. T. Willi, baying acted
a pilot, wae tiau from making any
remarks. Tbe following cRWrt r
selected lor tbe ooealng teo yrs: 0o.
Wilier, pre (A T. Doaglea, vie pre.;
Oeo. Ely, c't and trees. Tie meeting
we a good one aad fall of Utereet bo
U.g tbat lb ronblleo of that preciart
are alive aad active. Th club til ml
eg ale cit Haiu'day at J JO p. m.
Il Save live Kerry lf
Tbtnaaed of of Cooeaaptioe,
Aalbm. CuSf t.s. Culd a4 Croop ar
eened ever day by (tbilob't Care, for
sl by Well 4 Werree.
Or IvraateT tq If ais Tba !
yarM res blab sill r-mt off si
U poor Ma 36, pr.,une t
InUr'SMSf-. Nitiiaa stats
nlrlaf, Msrh llib, act I al Ibal lists
II ts lfet qi!f rlatil'i b .e. will
be rr(rasl-i Tlx bl bats ftta)
tanel bir boaa e!e,l I al osts.
It ill Kiel sslt 5 11 gits J nut S..1I S
Iris! Tbe erWff, A. W rHerafj,
ill t f isad si lb Oat-lls
All H
Ash font t.halois. air irnmt sad
yomt fn4 sbnl Hiithib's tars f ,
t Kaam(.ion. i ).y win rnineeal
IL r aa s If W ells w anes
Il baa Kaa raveled Ibrtabnajt
rt') I hat TMl'taa ' be -n
j.e.f tinnuiMI V, T a
B 1 1 ta (aea) at J B lib m f ...).'
i Z.J. Hl.tB.
The Rothschilds aro believed to be
all together worth $2,000,000,000.
The estate of the late Eben D. Jordan,
of Boston, is estimated at $7,000,000.
Whitelaw Reid, the editor of the New
York Tribune, is spending the winter
in Phoenix, A. T., whose climate, he
says, is better than that of Cairo.
The presidents who were over 60 when
inaugurated were: William Henry Har
rison, 68; Zachary Taylor, 66; Buchan
an, 06; Jackson, 63, and John Adams, 6,
Dr. Melancthon Storrs, who hos just
teen elected president of the Hartford
(Conn.) Medical society, was graduated
from Vale in 1852 and was one of the
lending surgeons in tbe union army
during' the war.
Ex-Gov. Campbell, of Ohio, is said to
have struck it rich in California gold
mines. He is in partnership with a man
who owns e cattle ranch on the San
Joaquin, who has discovered a great
placer deposit of unusual richness.
Mrs. Hannah Lovett died at Nashua,
N. recently at the age of 106 years.
She was born in county Kerry, Ire
land, and her age was authenticated.
All of her ten brothers and sisters lived
more than 90 yeai-s, and one brother
died at Merrittac, Mass., a few years
ago at the age of 105 years.
John W. Macay, the American mil
lionaire, has sent to the city of Nancy,
France, a large sum of money for the
purpose of erecting a statue of Jeanne
d'Arc, by a Lorraine sculptor, upon the
square of St. Nicholas Du Port, where
In 1429 Jeanne offered prayers to her
patron saint.
Instead of using medicine as cathar
tics give the animals linseed meal regu
larly, which is not harmful, but, on the
contrary, is a nutritious food, which is
beneficial in many respects, especially
to cattle and horses.
Whenever there is a bounteous fruit
crop vegetables are not cared for as
they should be. It is always best to
have a little variety laid by for winter
use, for before another crop is harvest
ed they will be hugely appreciated.
The prices of farm implements are
low compared with, the past. When
prices of farm produce fall, implements
must be sold at a small margin of profit
owing to the farmers curtailing ex
peunes in the several departments.
Windows of poultry houses should be
placed on the south or southwest side,
as the warmth of the sun will enter
scion in the morning. The interior of
the poultry house should have plenty of
light and warmth, in order to keep all
portions dry and free from dampness.
Every man who contemplates going
into the fruit business should first visit
nn experienced specialist in the partic
ular line he is going to engage iu and
get all the information possible so as to
utart aright. 1 his precaution may save
lots of trouble, and probably avoid fail
ure in the end.
Miss Eldorly
was enpaped."
-"She said she heard I
Lena "How nice of
her." Truth.
Equal to Emergencies. Country Ed'
Itor "What's the matter now?" Press
man "We're out of ink." "Well, rub
the rollers with the" office towel." X
Y. Weekly. . t . .
Pater "This is an awful big bill for
Turkish baths. Why do you go there
to often?" Daughter "Where else
ran a girl go who hue nothing to wear?"
Another Excuse. Mistress "You
have a soldier In the kitchen. What is
he doing there?" Housemaid "Learn
ing cooking, please, mum." Ilumoris-tlwlu-
Mrs. Crimsonbeak "I see the minis
ter announces a sermon to pugilists."
Mr. Crirosonlx-ak "Yea; I guesa he'll
out 'em to sleep without glovee."
Yonkers Statesman.
What She Was Meant For. A lady of
great beauty and attractiveness, who
was an ardent admirer of Ireland, once
crowned her praise of it at a party by
raying: "I think I was meant for an
Irishwoman.'' "Mwlam,' rejoined a
. illy son of Erin, who happened to lie
present, "thousands would back me In
saying that you were meant for an
Irishman." Tit-Hi ta.
Slavery la r.af lead.
Marry aurvivr In England much
Inti r than In (fpncrslly stiipcMl. The
word Uinilspc In .Vorthumhrrlsnd atlll
tiirans s frmsle fnrm servant. The
rooiirs and altrrs (I. r salt minrra) of
f jiat Lothian ere scluallv slave till
1773. If Ihrjr ! rti-d thrir evrvl.r
mi) one hurlioririjr thrin wss lishls lo a
riialty of fWc KiimlH atrrlinif If Im
lid not reatore llirni In 24 hours. Tin
let alsrs In Knfland as not frwl
completely until IT'iJand In IM43 Iherr-
a roolis llvinir who, M well aa hia
father and RTei.ilfoihcr, bsd worked a
a sls In pit a 'tu.wlliurr.
Iniinimu Maanwa Tba I"oa lls
pshllcss c'ab net M Matanlajr after-
soon al ths 'rVilllarna sotiool bmss,
bfs vsrf Intawsstinf meellng wss
he'd. TbsslnbvM a.Mree by 0. N
I'srk, T. It. Ljoea, X. W. I'attersoa an I
W. 8. C-issof. TUs remark a ot sarb
ers SDlsiietaelieally reoeifsl, shoving
Ibst Ibal ssetlos of lbs cooolry alill bss
mlisrof alsaarb aod sUadfaal rs-
rohliaans who bass eakanej lo
lb faith. Tba nti natin of lha slab
will b b14 Sl loss Bell Hatatdar seas
Iftf sl 7 A) p. bv abas ail ars latitsd o
MolkM ia berehr isw Ibal vtaolis
af !' dssxanrstM seslral somnilieai of
Morrow sarsaly, (ft'.n. will ba Bald o
aiorday. Marrb li. !.. al I B, m., ta
IBs Bwrtsr of lbs I'alana bUI, for lbs
BaruwM (if (wleStlBat lbs lima for I", I dm a?
BfiniBrts, Bnitatf aavtili'io, and f-r
lb Irabeaelfia tr asr Blber latoeS
Ibal mar r- rne bf rs lbs enetin(. A
fall SHeftdasM f all tbe inolttDeo
la aafcre'ly rqiet.
i . w, Kerse, eily Minlef, M rew
er1 Iu d'l all Bisde f.f taiaila' and
Mtaf baaainf aad will da hone rleaa
tnt and tat ap Bed pat d'loa rafi'a.
tiS MaM street, 6(p'M I'Hjr
bole I. 1
Ff $n ta I will sell Brat rlaa..
f ra-le. Lab area M"af Sarbls f ia'as
Ua4 taf IQ trfs, f ftr1bf Mf tleta-
(rs a; am m t4ifaa, V, A !",
!ler'oS.INi. ml.
' I . , ... .f ...-a h N ...!
U. k t I..IH A H's ll.a4 I.
tt, Rlf, AiiiasWro, 0(( ti, 4tf.
Red Blood
Is the Foundation of the Wonderful Cure
by Hood'a Sarsaparilla.
That Is Why the cures by Hood's Sar
sanarilla are Cubes.
That Is Why Hood's Sarsaparilla cure
the severest cases of Scrofula, Salt Rheum
and other blood diseases.
That Is W hy it overcomes That Tired
Feeling, strengthens the nerves, give
energy In place of exhaustion.
That Is Why the sales of Hood's Bar
laparilla have Increased year after year,
until It now requires for ita production
the largest Laboratory in the world.
la the only True Blood Purifier promi
nently in the publio eye today. Be aur
to get Hood's and only Hood's.
Hood's Pill M,T ,0 b,IT' MT t0 tak
Walt. Thompson runs staee between
Heppner and Monument, arriving everv
day exoept Monday and leaving every
day exoept Sunday. Shortest and cheap
est route to the interior. Oo riser &
Brook, agents.
La Grande Marble Works. La Grande
Ore. 8. C. Smith, salesman, Henpner.
J Or.. March 9. 1896.
Fldaeeo. Frank F. Miller. Jamea
Thompson, E. P. HukkIiib.MIi'b Frankle(4)
Ashfo'd, M D, IL Btftiof, Simmon
Cather, C W Wilion, Pearl M
When callliiK for these letters dense aav
advertised. 1. P. Williams. P. M.
Administrator's Notice.
undersigned has been anDointed adminis
trator of the estate of Sarah H Fell, deceased,
by the County Court of Morrow County, State
of Oregon. All persona having claims against
said estate are hereby required to present them
to me at Heppner, Or., duly verified, within six
momns irom oaie nereoi.
Dated this 6th day of March, 1896.
421-29. Administrator.
Notice Of Intention.
Laud Orrics at La Grands, Orroon,
MbmI. a lana
followtne-named settler has filed notice
of his Intention to make final proof In support
of his claim, and that said proof will be made
oeiore county Cleric oi Morrow county, uregon,
at neppner, urvRoii, on April v, iw, via:
Hd. E. No. 4:Xt, for the HW' SRV and KEU
SWlf Sec. 15, and NW(4 NE and NK NWJ,
Sec. 22, To. 5 8. R. 28 E.W. M.
He names the following; witnesses to prove
hie continuous residence upon and cultivation
of aald land, viz:
Pat Kiilllane, William Warren, Out, Halo,
rraua HHie, oi neppner, uregnn.
421-4.11 Register.
Notice of Intention.
a J
March, 6, 18M. Notice
la hereby given
that the following named settler haa
tiled no-
lice ol his Intention to make nnal proof In sup
port ol his claim, and that said proof will be
mane Deinre J. w. Morrow, county llerlc, at
HeiM'tier, Oregon, on April 2S. 1MW, via:
Hd. E. No. 3fiM, lor the BEU Bee. 10, Tp. 1 N. R.
26 K. W. M.
He nanus the following: wltneaars to nrove
hlarontlnnnna residence upou and cultivation
ol, aald land, vlr.:
t;harli-v Vanv Inkle. Francis Kllkennv. Bar.
nev Dnherty, John Kilkenny, of Galloway, Ore.
j as. r. mooke, KCKlater.
Notice of Intention.
J Felt. CI. 1WHI. Notice la hereliv a-lven that
the following named aeltlcr liaa llled notice of
his Intention lo make final proof In aupportof
h s claim, and that anld priHil will be made
beforeCounty Clera, of Morrow County, at Hepp
ner, Oregon, on March :m, w, vlr.:
Hd. E. No. H.H.. for the HU NKIa. NWU HEU and
N Ki 8W a. 27. To. S fl. R. M K.
He namea the following wltneaaca to prove
nia runiimioua nviuence uoou aim cunivaiion
of aald land, via:
Jelt Jouea, (leonte Rmlth, Tampa T. Talbot,
Janice Wren, ol Heppner, Oregon.
4K1I. Keitlaler.
Stockholders' Meeting.
1' annual mrellua lor the alia kliohlera of
The Morrow Co. Iud & I'riial Co.. will he held
at theofllce ol the trraeureron the Ind Saturday
In March at ? p. in., lor Ilia puriHiae of rU Ihii
orllcera and attendltia to such other biieliiree aa
may come bclure the meeting.
K. r. HVNR.
I-VII. Hccrelary.
Notice of Intention.
MJ Feb II. iwja. Notlee la herahv rlvrii that
the following named aelllrr haa nTcd nolle
of hla Intention to make nnal iiroof In aut.iKirt
of hie claim, and thai aald proof will lie made
wiore me rouniy cirra oi Mormw county at
licppncr, irrrgon. on Man'O I v, via;
Hd. E No. 7t. lor tl.e Hi KL and HU HWW
Hc .-a, Tp, . R. V K. Vt. M.
He natnee the lollowlne wltneaaee to tirova
hla pttntliiiioua reeldcace upon and cultlvalloa
ol aald laud, via:
Rd Cot, Oo.rg llendrti.C H. Bullle, Cbarlee
V. l.oleuiau, oi iianunali, liregon. .
jAit. r. M'xutg.
tit 31 Heglater
Cummings 8c Fall,
Ol the Old Rallat.te
Gault House,
f iiK Af.o. ill,
Half Wnri weetnl the I'nloa f. -Mat of C, 1,
M . ' M el F.f S A , F Ft W. 4 C,
aod the V. St. L F. kaJIruvla.
Cut W. Ma-Ila.a and Ctlnloa Su,
OStZ90. ZXUZa.
- T' inn. -
east n mm
ni ms mm mm.
Ttifo-sb Foliate fale'e laar.
Tm'Ut t ! iM fta IU. Ilnlnf
(t'l 1AlLT lot Abac.
fetaf b-ica a4 via tl U faatof
triij hi at
" t.
llVltaaj r
MA I Ita).
' t'Xtm t.,m I e.f
, ' '"'. ' J -
. C. tlAli T, Apt!, rjmaf, Urs
a flap in Business AH Around?
Has bought out the General Merchandise Business of the McFarland
Mercantile Co., and the stock is beiDg disposed of at
Wholesale Slaughter Prices !
All woolen goods, boots, shoes, overshoes", ete.. are beinc sold bnlow
wholesale cost Great discounts on
caps, blankets and in fact everything kept in a general mercantile es
tablishment. Call and see the stock before it is too late.
Jlausger and Salesman.
The National Bank Building, Heppner, Ore.
What Do
Some people want the
goodly portion of it at
With very little money. He keeps a full line
of general merchandise, including dry
goods, groceries, boots, shoes.
Gilliam & Bisbee
We are not email moD,
we are not me Largest
a a a But when the people of all the
) Hardware, Tinware, Crockery ware, Glassware, Wood and Wlllowware, Nails, Iron, Barbwlre, J
I Cumberland Coal, Gaaa and Water Pipe, Pipe Fittings, Stovee and Ranges, Wagons, JJ
iiacs, Buggies, vtagon Material, Hardwood, Axes, Hammer, Baws, Sledges,
Wedges, Uuni, I'latols, Cartridges and Ammunition, Mason Jars, Gran
tteware, Plows, Harrows, Rakes. Mowers, Tubs. Wash Bolllert
and Boards, Sheet Iron, Zinc, etc., etc.,
Should call and Examine our Gooda and Qet Prices.
We have Good Goods at Fais Prices, and Cheap lohn Goods at Chep John Price.
GILH.IA.M & BlS33:E3i,
Grockries, Gents' Furnishing
And Wants
He will make it an object for you to trade with
bim aa Lis prices are right, and all goods that he
handles are ot the very lx?Ht.
Stork on Main Street, Next Door
to City Drug Store,
Ileppiier, Oregon.
uorraaor lo C. i. Van Duyn. Kelt door to City H.iM.
Has everything in the lino of Fresh Groceries,
Candies, Nuts, and olso keeps Crockery,
Lamps and Tinware.
Stock is Complete. Notions a Specialty,
-Vttoriio'M tit JfiWs,
All bnalneats alUnlJ to
Bsosar. Notaries
itPh 1)0,1,1
F.f9' v .'TJJ Put
-li Arc
All ll.t'e can l ririirrI al liw-t,,n A Itintia, liwrr Main Mrrsl,
Mrjijiiir-r, C Irrjfoii.
Tfcaee til'an tw lt a"i".. -1 ltd t.tml lt" v 1 H Ham ant Mbaf f.ii.i..
aid mmm aate wmf a4 ltn la anablt.g a-. (I'M MS itm,ing ian,
ritraela ain VMS the tla
uysnTiisir, Mtrrtrsn.
.1. C. noi?CI IKItS. Pnip.
e ia mm m m a umMmmmmi .
I I t
hardware, tinware, elassware. hats.
R. BISHOP, Prop.
Ii tat ?
earth; you can get a
lbs. We are small men, Xs.
nerciiants in ine vona !
lurroundlng country are In need of, a a a
Supplies, Etc.,
Your Trade!
iu proropl anI aaliafactofj
i'ablat? and Otlltartors.
Ymi Want a p,acc
un Your Team ?
You in Need of a Saddle.
lorse :
I '