Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, March 10, 1896, Image 2

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    In Decatcb, Mich., the popula
tion of which is 1500, the presi
dent of the village council is Mrs.
Alma Sage, and all of the town
offices, except that of official dog
catcher, are filled by women. Mrs.
Dr. Kinney is one of the leading
physicians. Mrs. Ada Gregg is a
preacher, and her church the Ad
ventis taken care of by a jani
tress, Mrs. Barnett The restau
rant of the town is conducted by
Mrs. Crane and Miss Haines. The
biggest store in the place is owned
and kept by Mrs. Mary Schood.
Mrs. Nicholas is the postmistress.
Miss Clara Hotaling is a shoe
maker, and a good one. May
Percival is a furniture-maker.
Miss Anna Fardnett makes har
ness. Mrs. Carpenter is a florist.
Mrs. Child is a carriage-painter.
There are several women painters,
weavers and brokers. The women
have a secret society run on the
endowment plan. There is also a
woman literary club. The women
control the saloons, and the only
things to drink are soda and pop,
in a village near by tnere is a
woman undertaker, who can attend
to all of the details of a funeral,
even to driving the hearse.
. Mobe, more, (Jleveland one
year more." The three years of
his last term ended Wednesday.
He is on the last lap. He cele
brated his seventh birtuday as
president by going up to New
York and presiding at a home mis
sion meeting. If he could be pres
ident seven years more, the country
would have to be filled with home
missions, or, rather, turned into
one grand reservation to supply
the mass of the people with blank
ets and rations. If his life is
spared, he will drop out of sight
altogether, except when people in
their extremity will in future say,
"limes are as bad as tney were
when Groyer Cleveland was presi
dent" It is a wonderful comment
ary on the intelligence of this age
that a man like Grover Cleveland
could bo twice elected president
of the United States, and that
finally after serving three-fourths
of his last term still be so little
understood that some people woul
actually want him to bo re-elected
Salt Lake Tribune.
Ellis against the field will win
hands down,
The San Francisco Wave advo
cates the nomination of Senator
Geo. C. Perkins, of California, for
vice president on the republican
If the silver question is dead
why does the Oregonian keep dig
ging it up all the time? The Ore
gonian always confounds its de
sires with facts.
Let's see. The gang of office
holders that "held up" the legisla
ture are opposing innocent little
Joe Simon, poor boy, says the
Oregonian, but it forgets what sort
a story it is imposing on the
public when it tells about Mr,
Sears being allied with Mr. Simon
It will be noticed that when
ex-Senator Dolph concluded that it
was time for him to sound the
signal of warning to the erring
brethren he had to go 'way out to
Mount Tabor and talk to an obscure
club with but few membership,
No club of any importance has
thus far felt the need of the ex
senator's stirring oratory.
Many papers are suggesting
that Indiana again'send Benjamin
Harrison to the senate. While
Mr. Harrison would probably de
cline the honor, yet, if he could be
persuaded to accept, Indiana
would be represented by one of
the brainest men in the country,
and his experience in the presi
dential chair would be invaluable
as a senator.
The admission of the Oregonian
in last Sunday's issue that no fight
was being made against Mitchell in
Multnomah county, when the
Oregonian and its friends have
been fighting him right along, is
an admission that "the gang" are
From our Special Correspondent.
'Sen. Mitchell has propounded a ques
tion on which be wants a judicial opin
ion from the grave and reverend gentle
men who comprise the senate judiciary
committee. It is a very moe question,
a question of national importance end
involve! the troublesome state's rights'
democratic nightmare as to where the
powera of the etate end and those of the
federal government begin. The ques
tion is whether the government bus the
power and right to protect fish in navi
gable rivers which, like the Colombia,
form the border line between states and
consequently over wbioh the laws of no
state have authority. The protection of
the salmon industry of the Colombia is
tbe Doiot aimed at by the senator and
he will press the matter to a decision
The judiciary committee are good law
yers, wise men, and their official opinion
will go far toward a determination of
tbe issue.
Tbe committee on transportation
routes to the seaboard, of wbicb Sen.
McBride is chairman, held a meeting
this week Bad beard Sen. Mitohell on
bis bill for the construction of a boat
railway from tbe foot of The Dalles to
tbe bead of Celilo Falls. Having heard
him, they deoided to favorably report
his bill to tbe senate. It provides for
tbe immediate appropriation of 8500,000
and gives authority to tbe secretary of
war to enter into contract for tbe com
pletion of the work, the aggregate of
such contraot not to exceed in amount
one million seven hundred sixty-four
thousand four hundred sixty-seven dol
lars additional to the five hundred
thousand appropriated by tbe bill.
Sen. McBride has made a very inter
esting and exhaustive report. He traces
the legislative history for tbe measure,
tells how it was first introduced in the
49th congress by Sen. Mitohell, bow a
similar bill passed the senate in the 50 tb
oongress, and also in tbe 51st and 52nd
oongress. He then cited the appro
priation of one hundred thousand dol
lars in tbe late oongress for tbe purpose
of beginning tbe work. He accom
panied bis report with tbe estimates and
recommendations of the U. S. engineers.
He aeks its passage by being referred to
tbe committee on oommeroe with a rec
ommendation that it be incorporated
into the river and harbor bill
Tbe ardent purpose of tbe delegation
is to get tbe work nnder tbe oontract
system. Tbii accomplished the legis
lative work of years will be done
Senator McBride is very much in
f fie lest
of all Cough Medicines
is Dr. Acker's English Rem
edy. It will stop a cough in
one night, check a cold in
one day, prevent croup, re
lieve asthma, and cure con
sumption, if taken in time.
It is made on honor, from the
purest ingredients and con
tains neither opium nor mor
phine. If the little ones have
croup or whooping cough,
use it promptly.
Three Sizes 25c-, 50c and $ J per bottle.
At Druggists.
16 and iShambere Street, New York.
beaten and that an endeavor to
save Mr. Simon's crown by drop- earnest about bavin those of the Siletz
Diner the real contest will be made Indians who can prove themselves
ibis will not work, lne genuine
friends of Mitchell and Ellis have
been threatened and bullied ud.
ceasingly, and now that they have
practically won the fight, do not
intend to exchange true friends for
false ones.
The adage, "Give a dog a bad
name," etc., is recalled by the ex
perienco of Representative How.
ard, of Ala., who wroto a scanda
lous book before the populists
elected him to tho house. He has
been almost completely ostracised
by members of the house ever
since ho took his scat, and several
days ago when ho was carried out
of tho Iiouho very ill, everybody
declared "Howard is drunk", and,
liotwitliHtanding tho statement of
his physician to the contrary,
in any iwntilo continuo to think
that ho was drunk.
The supreme court has denied a
re-hearing in the branch asylum
case, claiming that there is no
rosHOQ for changing the conclu
ions reached in the former de
cision. However, this does not
settle the matter as injunction pro
ceeding have now Wen filed re
straining tLe stato treasurer from
pnyint! tho warrant drawn for the
purchase of the land From all
appearance there is no end to
this injunction fight, so Union hail
just as well rcicafto uer claims id
favor of Salem.
Troubled With Rheumatism.
Forest Grove, Or., Feb. 6, 1896. My
mother bas been tronblod witb rbeti
mat ism for some time. Hbe bas taken
several bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla
and is a great deal better. My little
girl was delighted with tbe paper dulls
whinh were sent for oie trade mark from
Hood's Tills and ten onts in stamps.
Mrs. O. L. Uinman.
The indecent scramble of some
republicans down in Kentucky to
elect John (1. Carlialo to sucewl
Dlarkburn "throws down the bars,'
and enough republicans may 1
Mured lo rloot lUackburo. It i
a good gamo that two ran play at,
when it comes to Clevr-Iatiduiog
the republican party.
Judt! (lalloway has received
dispatch from the derailment
tho interior, atatlng that Ms bond
Las Ihcu approved and instructing
him toentrr upon the performance
of his duties as receiver of the
land office at Oregon City, Or.
Til r demortat of l'oitland
think their chancoa for tictofy
would ln flfvi'rtit this year i
. a .a
they only ! A Mac lea.
tlnta. 1 he trouble in the t baa
len too many audi leaders.
Tilt fitfM over the contested seat
of Benat'T Uu Tout, of iVlaware,
is now attracting the attention of
tha C. H. enat'V Kntor Mitchell
is leading the fj.l In favor of
Pa Vbt
! Krtnx, lit.r of thn Sum
Iran Hebrew News of Portlai!,!, U
qui! ill at lh hoj.iUl fr..trt a
etefs) attack of appen li.'itia. V
hop tQ ta Lear ol lia rotery.
Hood's Pills cures biliousness, indi
gent tou.
Tin CiUMrioit. Uilly Oeoner Lai
earned the title of champion sheep
border, bait winter William was
ranght oat on the range in Wyoming
witb a band of 4.SKM sheep, in one of the
worst snowstorms ever soeu la that
locality. 1 bongo bis three dogs were
eaten by wolves, bs managed to bring
lbs whole oot fit through witb a loss of
only two head, herding witb tin aid of
Md glasses till relieved, and then bis
boss was mean snongb to say that if
bs bad been any sort of a herder bs
ould not have lost any, tbongh the
thermometer was far below iro all ths
lima and lbs herder bad to sleep among
Ilia sheep to keep from f reeling to death.
This is by far lbs most wonderful record
mads si oos John Uendrit eavigatsd lbs
plains witb a wiod-wsgoo which was
rigged witb sails instead ot horse.
For lyipeia
and Liver compleiol yoo have a printed
gnaraote on every bottle of Hhilob's
VilalUer. II never fails to Our. For
sal by Wells A W arrro.
Farm or Waomiuoma. Hbtriff Use
ringtoa m telegraphed Haturday by
hbenff lluoeef thai bs bad arretted 1.
C. Ileeoh sod Mai Ihrkaofl, Indieted by
lb last grand jury fur, rprrlivly
rap aJ selling lienor without lioeaa.
Ihikeou save Ootid, but IWaoh was
brought her Ibis moraine and lodged
1st I default of bail. Tb vidua
of IWarb'a Inst was bol eleven year
of age. Us himself Is well advene! la
ysara, and it what purport In h facts
srs true, h bo!4 suffer lb severe!
penalty. lUsoh U from loo, aad the
child oa w boot lh rap wm committed
is a stop daughter of A. O. Carl, an of
Tho. Call.
capable ot managing their own affairs
relieved from tbe guardianship ot tbe
government. He baa received letters
urging this measure from some of them,
wbioh indicate a high standard ot edu
cation and intelligence.
Congressman Hermann's bill to pen
sion lb Indian war veterans having
been favorably reported by tbe bonse
oommittee Senator Mitohell decided to
iotrodnc il in tbe senate in Ilea of bis
own. The entire uregon delegation win
energetically nrge to a conclusion the
passage ot this measure of justice to tbe
old pioneers who underwent danger,
privation and nntold hardship to aeours
to the border settlers immunity and
peace from the depredations and the
assaults ot the red men.
For over a year Congressman Ellii
bas been trying to secure a pension for
Mrs. Mary A. Mills, of Weston,
and her Ave children. Her bnshand
was a worthy vetersn, and tbe wido
bad no attorney . 8h oan now be made
happy witb the knowledge Ibat she bas
been granted fH per month and 2 for
each of her five children making flS
in all.
If olaiuianta against ths government
could have their wry, Henator Mitohell
wonid have no lime to attend lo anything
outside of Ibelr eases. Formerly chairman
and now ranking member of the commit
lee on claim, lbee poor people, many ot
whom have been knocking al tb door
ot the government for years, vainly ak
Ins: tli settlement of jnt end equitable
claims, eons lo him in score fur assist
aoc. II does not lik to refuse, bnt
over-burdened with other work, b ha
already bad nine mors el alma aligned lo
blm Ibaa the chairman of aoy other
suh-oommitte and ha found it neces
sary to decline to tak eui no til h
baa dtapd of thine he now has.
UW. Sibley, of Ilaker City, and Dr.
Van 1'jk. of (Irani bavs been ia
the oily during lbs week.
Washington, Feb 27, l.1.
To the Teiobers of Morrow county.
Deab Fbiends: Although we were
witb you for such a short time Inst sum
mer, we beoame moob interested in yon
and your work. We have thought many
times of our pleasant stay in Heppner
and have wondered how each of you
suoceeded in introducing the new course
of study wbicb you discussed so en
thusiastically at tbe institute.
Many of you will begin a new term's
work this spring. Do it with a determi
nation to succeed. Enow your school
before you enter and have your work
definitely outlined. Not only study to
adopt your school to tbe oonrse of study
but the oonrse of study to your school.
This requires not so much talent as
tact. Do not forget the value of edu
cational journals. Many of you feel
that you cannot afford them. Really
you cannot afford to do without them.
By studying your oonrse carefully
you will learn the latest "wnair- ana
"bow?" of teaching. Tbe old methods
were very good for their age but now
that tbe aim of education has changed
we must change our methods. For
"New occasions teach new dutlei.
Time makes ancient good uncouth;
They must upward still and onward
Who would keep abreast of truth."
We boped Done of you would give up
in despair beoause some little difficul
ties came across your path. From what
your superintendent bas written il seems
that you have not and have really
worked bard and successfully.
If you become disooaraged and find
difficulties which you oannot surmount
remember tbe kind offer ot your superin
tendant and do not hesitate to oouncil
with her.
Our work has been very pleasant this
year, as it always is among teachers.
We ore endeavoring to secure a min
eral oabinet for tbe normal and would
be pleased if any of yoo could aid ns
in aeouring epeoitnensot Eastern Oregon
rook. If you have any or know where
tbey oould be procured will you kindly
let u know? Would be glad to bear
from yon and if we can help you in your
work will be delighted to do so.
Tours siooerely,
Mb. and Mm. E, E, Bau-osoi.
Monmouth, Oregon.
From Poyallap Commerce.
Benjamin Franklin is dead, and
Nye is dead.
Recently some of Ben's descendants
tried to join the Society of Colonial
Dames and were blackballed because it
was claimed that Frank bad not been a
moral man.
In writing about Ben Bill goes on to
At tbe corner of Arch and Fifth streets
stands Christ Church graveyard, and
near tbe corner ia an iron gateway,
which Is kspt fastened. Through this
iron lattice work you may peer into Ihe
burying ground, ond almost in reaob
from tbe street are tbe graves of Benja
min and Deborah Franklin. On a oold
winter's day it is not an uncommon sight
for two or three strangers to rest their
damp noses on tbe frosty iron ot this
railing and read the orumbling name of
that great genius and job printer, who
was not only a very able man but utterly
free from tbe snobbery and oaddisbneas
wbicb seem to move and assert them
selves in our now somewhat middle-aged
In fancy now I can see Benjamin trip
ping gayly down to tbe office, wearing a
coonskin cap in wintertime, wbioh was
tbe oauee of his early baldness. In my
mind's eye I can see the great jour
printer, philosopher, statesman, alma
nacker and inventor as he enters tbe
rear of the building in order to avoid
startling the sheriff in oase he should be
waiting for him at tbe front.
Mr. Franklin was not only a great,
big, brainy man, but be was a thorough
American, and tied bis tfpeotaoles on
with blue yarn. He did not use a single
eye glass, but believed in freedom and
delivered bis own parcels. I wish be
could see how things have changed now.
Franklin visited foreign powers dur
ing his official oapaoity and often re
mained a week at a time. Over and
over again his royal host taking pity on
Franklin, whose little bag contained
nothing but a few sheets ot hotel station
ery and a sausage, would oarelessly
leave bis own manicure set and beauti
fully embroidered nigbtiie in Ben'
room, but tbey were never UBed.
With a large and versatile jacknife,
whiob could do anything from opening
a barrel ot older up to pruning an apple
tree or paring tbe flog of a horse's foot,
Franklin trimmed np bis nails, and as
tor his slumber-robe no king waa smart
enough to learn wbal bis habits were in
that regard.
Could he today go into the apartments
ot a yonng man who is "loo poor to
marry" and see tbe large collection ot
ornamental artioles wbioh era about as
necessary to human ezistenos and ho-
man oomfort as an ootavo jennyalogy is
to a government mule, he would make a
few desultory remarks wbicb would read
well In a sorap book.
tail quaUty
mi j f 60 Coupons, or
If yOU Send US 2 Coupons and 60 cents.
else fnanateed te
be beet quality
c i 50 Coupons, or
FCT 2 Coupons and 50 cents.
You will find one coupon inside each 2 ounce bag, and
two coupons inside each 4 ounce bag of
Blackwell's Durham Tobacco Co., Durham, N. 0.
Buy a bag of this Celebrated Smoking Tobacco, and read the
coupon? which gives a list of other premiums and how to get them.
The Koeley Institute
For the Cure cu
Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits
It Is located at Salem, Oregon,
The Most Beautiful Town on the Coast
Gall at the Gazktts office (or particulars
Strictly confidential. Treatment private and sura
Plenty of them at the
Gazette Office. . .
Otis Patterson
Columbia River and Paget Sound Navigation Go
All last winter Mr. Geo. A. Mills, ot
Lebanon, Oonn,.'as badly a (Dieted
with rheumatism. At times it was so
severe that be oould not stand np
straight, bat was drawn owr on one
side. "I tried different remedies with
out receiving relief," be ssjrs, "nntil
about six months sito I bonght a b nils
of Cbsmberlain's Tain Balm. After
using it for three days my rheumatism
waa gone and bas not retorned linoe."
For sale by Oonser ft Brock.
Leaving Alder 8treet Deck. Portland, for Astoria, Ilwsoo, Long Beaoh, Ooeao
Park and Nabcotta. Direot oonneotion with Ilwaoo steamers and rail
road; also at Young's Bay with Seashore Railroad.
Leaves Portland 7 A. H. Dally, except Sunday. Leaves Astoria 7 P. M. Dally, except Sunday.
Leaves Portland t P. M. Dally, except Sunday. Saturday nlttht, 11 P. M. Leaves Astoria Dally at
at 6:46 A. M., except Hiinday and Monday. Sunday night, 7 P. M.
Leaves Portland and mm direct to Ilwaoo, Tuesday and Thursday at S A. M. Saturday at 1 P. M.
Leaves Uwaco Wednesday and Friday at 7:30 A. M. On Sunday night at 6 P. M.
Baggage Checked to Railroad Destination Both Beaches Free cf Expense.
For Safety, Bpeed, Comfort, Pleasure, Travel on the Telephone, Bailey Oatiert and Ocean Wave .
Nuns Hat Ayers at the World's Fair
Ayer'a Ssrsaparilla enjoys the extraor
dinary distinction of having been tbe onlv
blood purifier allowed an exhibit at the
World's fair, Chicago. Minnfaotnrers
ot other sarsaparilUs sonirht by every
means to obtain a showing of their goods,
but they were alt turned away nnder tbs
application ot tbe rnle forbidding ths
entry ot patent medicine and coalmine.
Tbe deoiainn of ths World's fair autho
rities in favor of Ayer'a Harsaparilla'was
in tffeet as follows: "Ayer'a Haraapa
rilla ia not a patent m'dicine. It does
not belong to tbe liat of nostrums. It is
here on its merits."
Karis (tavtf a4. Ira
is a sere eura f.r HeaJarhs aad Bervoos
diaweaoa, irtlan4 reliavmi s qatrtly.
for saJs by W ells W area.
I'a-r. (ViautMi Hoa-asP la WaUia
tro plttling storeUs lis) WablS(lra't
birthday Ibis year, It frt-sbojao slaas
of l'arifta t'aiversity, at Fwt Urova,
daat. tre ia of the mof
of I'r. f Tb t'.'B J a of Cin. lbs
Forral Of ve TlwS sajs Tioffaenr
Thomas ll I was o ul lb
aetata at to I rrv4 ty It.
'rolMar J ilaoUj aa Oufa ,
ae4 ta a fw rvmarit ..afaig I'M,
l.fs aal bis palieet tml a a
gvl l A rx4 how tb hi t
o.i.oliM'4 by tl )."
hH to h TrlSr4 With
(ffi I'lnrlnuail (iafvll )
Will pepl sever learn that a "col J"
is aa arn lnt to be dreaded, and Ibat
hen it cx-cora treatment should I
promptly applied? Titer ia n know
lag where the trouble will oJj and
wbils omplets recovery is lbs role, tba
eieeptimis at torriblv frejueat, aod
thousands op-.o IhousaaJs ot fatal 111-
e ooear every year atbaied ia bv a
llltla leindicieus sipnaora and rn-
Inaty trilling aysspfam. fUtond Ibia,
there are) lday njaitM tavatide who
ran trace th4f aoeaplainU to "o-ilda."
wbicb at Ihe lima of rxvtirrerio vara
no coeearn, aod were nglrW4 Uim
lrunbl4 with a sold n ('hambrlaiu's
Pnagb Remedy. It to prompt and
vfTertaal. 6l al bottles fc aato by
I'onaer a tmk.
Hons Motw. Our editor Mad Ibe
full'iwtng " oa bat taUw aAfly thai
ml: "I em very a-.rry tW what
happened lo John Kilkeaay, aad I heps
ha will Soot b around again aa I ke
Hay will taka the b-at of ear of him."
Sl -W. D. rmUy." N 4 U be ont-
tb tribe '. out lik Ibis :
Tat KeUkar says thai Jim Carty ts
aaiks l aonvil oasof t.ta aalgkbars
al Ibis Urn t4 court lo IrivteJ
ftT , hi tjH ltng fc taks Sail
ihbn' i arowed lbs family
ciRAMT room new
Fmm the Casta.
OusHraith who left Oranlooonty soma
time ago for England, going by ths way
of Cripple Creek, C dorado, is seriously
ill at tbs latter place witb pneumonia.
J. O. HlilT. who left Orant county
over a year ago with a band of horses
for North Dakota, relorn4 last week.
lis reports fair times bark ia tbs steUe.
While a Wot bs visited friends ia Mis
Uo. W. Goods, who formerly rea
lised law at Condon, aod earaped beiog
disbarred on ooeditloa Ibat h would
leave lb st eta, bas beau rsoaally dia
barred op at Ifoaotw, Idaho, for oopro-
fmsloeal eon J act.
Mr. John Oegea, owner of tba illaok
Dolts nine, baa bad a fore of mea al
work al bis taias during tbs winter, and
bas drivta a aew foot luoael on lb
famous property. Tbs Kagls is in
forotod that from Ibis new tunol la orb
valuable or ha be taken, aad thai a
new mill will b put oa lb tttln in tbs
Tbs luaol os wbkh work bas bea
prtaetii, daring tba wieUr is almost
al a rigbl teg la to lb otber tuaaels oa
tba proper ly, aad will thoroughly eat
i.fy aay on Ibal lh Klerk Halts ladg
I on ot lb largest bodiea f or la
tietoee. Taks It a a wbo!, It is
valaabl propwfty aad is a fortune far
air. Uage.
0 the First Xational Dank at Hepp
ner, in ri .Mure or urtgon, or me
Clone of liiuine, Feb. JW, liM.
Lonns ami discount 1128,900.09
lh-rd'ftseouredand unaeenred 6.80H.71
L'. H. Uonda to secure circula
tion 11500.00
D. 8. Uonda lo secure 0. 3. De
posits 875 00
Stocks, securities, eto 19,110 23
Banking-house furniture, and
tixturew SV4
Due from National banks (Dot
reaerv ageots) 1.216111
Due from approved reaervs agta. l.VXl W I
Checks and other oasb Item 13'J 66
Notes of other National Banks 2,000.00
Fractional Darter currency.
Dii kels and cent a. 83.90
twrLoHT aistavs im s.vii:
Specie 111,307 00
Legal trader note.. . 220 00
Itetlemplion fund with U. R.
Treaeurer (5 per rent, ot
Clrculalion) 5C2.50
Is now open with fresh Bread, Ties, Cakes, etc, constantly on band.
Weddiog Cakes or Tastery for sp-oial dinners baked to
order. Also carries a line of well-selected Urooeries.
Will bs kept for Hie accommodation of tbe trade. Country People
stopping temporarily in town, can get bat tbey want
very cheaply at tbs CITY 13 A.KE KY
Tbe Patronage of tbe People of ileppnor is Respectfully Solicited.
Old Bakery Stand, HEPPNER, ORE.
Capital stock paid ia t-'iO.OiiO.OO
Hurplus Mod li,UiI.W)
fo.iivided pmflia.eM ripen-
e and late paid 22.V.I10
National llauk Notes oot-
aUodiog ll.rO 00
Dos lo olbr National Basks.. i;M 39
Das lo stats bank and back
er 8.125 W
Individual itopnatls subject to
check t&WH
IVroand rvrttnoatew if drpuait .772.7H
Total t'H,H3
Hrara of Oarw,
l't IT or Maaow,
I. (Venrgw Cooarr, C"birf of tb
alaiv aara4 bank, do lmuly swear
Ibal lit ahov Uttoetit is tru to ths
bt ot my ktowldg an4 twlief.
tiso. Crnieaa, Ciilr.
HuWrill aa4 sworn to bforBM this
lutbdayof Mareb, -
i 21. Vaowa,
Notary I'ablig.
O.riwt-AlUet: C. A. IUms, T. A.
Kb. J. B. N alter, iHrwctnr.
ruwt rwt I ritoa.
rl ir.(4.iflto-l.itar; tatonM ttohicg
aajeimgiog; av al aigbti woraa by
Tsauell'Hs, jlamor f ra. bth often aad
a ka ) mk wato, bfialng very rltTs s
Ressblleaa Co sty Caavtaltoa.
A rtpablican. eouoty convotioa tor
tbs coaoty of Morrow, stats ot Oregon,
iaeallsd to meet In Heppner, in said
county, on Saturday, March 2. 1M, at
10 e'elock a, m., far tbs porpo of nom
iaaliog eaodidate for tbs following
county ofSonrs: Oes county judga,
soooly commieeiooef, county elerk,
eoosly sheriff, county reprnttiv,
eouoty trwasurwr, Ooonty asee or, ooua
ly school soperioUodrtt. county coroner
and oounty surveyor, and also prclocl
oflloer for tbs several prswineta, and
four delegate earn to lbs stats aad
aeooad dielricl soDgraMional ooo-
VtotioB, and to transact snob other bosi.
a as may properly soma bfors such
oavMlion. Tba convention will con
siset of 11 delegaiaa, boe by tb sev
eral pvacitcu; aad lbs several precmols
of lbs eouaty will bs entitled lo repr.
slalioa la said aoaveotioa as follows:
Oeppser 10 Eight Mils 3
OeUy 4
kit Varaofl ft
font 3
Cad i
Dairy ft
Dry fork 3
Alpine 3
lias City 3
Malteeoa 4
LtiBgloB 3
Hlt Springs ...3
Laa. 3
Him a H. Ilartioaa, of
WnI V , ba hes Q.)erl no al
of ilK almsl owe a . awd wwl4 ( Oitrwavr iot lb Itching and Mi
bate M i a Hof aaw lh enffer for rag. alae!, aad ia t ae
alal twelv t,o a ) a none do) rtnute lb taaaora. Al drggM.wr
wnen Ihey d'. II a lake reet!f
Jaal th earn a al olhef lien, aad
e-eelu Wd M try l'tiaiut"laia O lte,
Colera ant Iha'fh'e llnlr. It
ees. - ! k tB 4 4 I atnl II gav
me re'irt In fit rriipMie, Tl al t a-r
than aotlhing ela baa ever J frf
h.," or ! by tVmr A Irk.
ht !, f St) eat.
I a ,
lit III e m
I'. neill all 0, raa Idea tall
It. ill. i,l a.Hi .n kail i".et bot.
te ts a ( lea. I I rnre f..f tniliJ-atLW. j "aftes.
k k. la .1 la a in areea. 1
m vi www - - - . . . .
k KaiaeeJ tW'Se
KatT Clever Uwl i yinfle lb
tdorkt and give B clear n.elf
I wr ! ry mii a m ar-
lie. eg 4rl S larg 4 i4 d lings
fr.n Ihe !. , mh ewly la ll
P'iag an t taak rwm f-r y view
v.! tin, I iU f f lh Mil !' ta
ti tt ,al of Btf !( k at
alar. 17. J. L 1oa.
A lilt! gi la Abr tea brongbt a
heat ff auawbxilew to tb n .
ei early e M dat awtn. -Iat
. a. my giil," ba aaid , nbv mf
viy rM,fl Dai hn te dtdt
iiU lbi teateMay, nh wa IB
hal.llh 4r -, 4.M replxd IB
kll., illd Ihaea IBS Sneag Pl
Ibey wm gtoaiag teMay."
Tbs sam beieg bbs delegaU-at large
from eex-k preoinrl, aod oa delegate for
vry fifW) voU, and m for vry
frsafeti) over a1fof flfia vote
el nr W. K Klha, tbs repubticaa eaa-
dtJal ft rgreaatae, at lb ,ectioa
ia J ass, 14,
rnaasri to steel lb deles ale Is
aib W IB several pferloel will m held
Mb3U IKX r.lU will U nrn at
1 o'dMl Bw BS. BO I will bndaid la
tb anl f holding nrtnart
! A. W. rrTaae.
Chair. IUt.l4w-aa l'4ily (Vfmt,iite,
Your Face
I B Tbi,
b alib a1 heib er4, tw I
e,U ! I j I -r Ire y ! by
e. e ta aire.
a FaH Warib gtemlag
Coesfln,piHi, in i-pe, 'neinri
BBlail lhe aad ting ai
ie4 by ahiMTa Car. fr : by
Wells . ir.
Will bs weaatb wlIB a mat segaglafl
smll. bIW r lMvt U a
Tb snoet (nenplel sad Barfal oVviosS SWBf
sAled to aay avwte aaexkiB.
drably- ail HtadMsnty Isltt.
Of ns rtalak aa4 ftrfset AUJs.tsmt,
Itwi ALL ttwikla Artlolss,
Ae4 witl sere and plea you ap to lbs fall
ftaiel ot your tspectBUowa.
Antt tisalllt WawTID la BeMccw
f.ed tetrtuxY. LiUtal Urwta. A4dfaa,
Ksw raso TiiB-Wm. Oordn baa
ep4 ap tba fd yard Beit door ta
tb (Imii orBea, aod aw aotiit a
sbar tf y0ar patreaag. Dilly H rtgbt
at b"fe al I hi ba !, and yowr
" Wd be Well Uw.le I aft. frtaMS
f et,!e, hat and grata for aaiav U.