MUM W t ft MM, ftM S I JMiU4,tfrSaa.a MMMQH IMY SUCCESS ' Is owing to my liberality in ad OFFICIAL PAPER FREQUENT AND CONSTANT I Advertising brought me all I own. A. T. Stewart. j vertising. Robert Bonner. THIRTEENTH YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, TUESDAY, MARCH 10, 1896. WEEKLY r0. 61 8EMI-WEEKXY MO 41 1 or SEMI WEEKLY GAZETTE. rOOLISRID - Tuesdays and Fridays BY . TflE PATTERSON PUBLISHING COMPANY. OTIS A. W. PATTERSON. PATTERSON. Editor Business Manager At 13.50 per year, $1.25 (or biz months, 75 ots. lor threo moncns. Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. THIS PAPifiR is kept on tile at E. C. Dake's Advertising Agency, 64 and 65 Merchants rExohnngs, Ban Franoisco, California, where cou Taots for advertising oan be made tor it. 0. R. & N.-LOCAL CARD. Train leaves Heppner 10:30 p. m. daily, except Sunday. Arrives 6:15 a. m. daily, except Mon day. West bound passenger leaves Willows Junc tion 1:14 a. m. ; east bound 3:30 a. m. Freight trains leave Willows Junction going east at 7; 25 p. m. and 8:47 a. m.; going west, 4:30 jp. Tn.-awd 5.56 a. m. OFTICIAIi DIKECTOBT. . . 4th PRIZE CONTEST . . ? $ 600 00 i 75 nn t 1st Prize. Kimball Piano, "Style 3," 2d Prlzs. ' Bicycle, for man or woman 3d Prize. Cash 50 00 in n.k n-L.. aL enr ncn nn lOCasb Prizes, each $10.... 100 00 S 2 60 Cash Prizes, each $2 120 00 W A4 aft A irtf AA W m rum i,m uu A The first prise will be given to the person who eonstraots the longest 4 sentenoe In rood English contalntnsr no letter of the alnhabet more than three T times, it is not necessary to nse every lotter or the alphabet. The other prises wlu go In regular order to those competitors whose sentences are next In length. livery competitor wnose sentenoe readies lorty-two letters win receive a paper JrMk i?tk til nHHeiSLi2fV covered volume containing twelve of Wllkte CoIUds' novels whether he wins a prize or not. Thiscontest closes April 15, 18W6. The prize winners will be announced one week later and the winning sentences published. In case two or more prize-winning sentences are of the game length preference will be given to the best one. Each competitor must construct his own sentence, and no person will be allowed to enter this contest more than once. Sentences cannot be corrected or substituted after they are received. Residents of Omaha, are not permitted to compete, direotly or indirectly. RULES FOR THE SENTENCE (No Others Furnished.) The length of a sentence Is to be measured by the number of letters It contains. but no letter can be used or counted more than three times. No word except "a" xne sentence must consist or complete words. must not be used. Tl r figures at the end United States Ofllclalg. ( President Q rover Cleveland 1 Vice-President Ad ai Stevenson ( TfenratAi-v nf Mate Itichard S. Olnev Secretary of Treasury Jehn G. Carlisle 3eorotary of Interior Hoke Smith " Seoretarjr of War Daniel S. Laniont Secretary of Navy Hilary A. Herbert ! Postmaster-General William L. Wi'son .Attorney-General Jndson Harmon Secretary of Agriculture J. Sterling Morton State of Oregon. Governor .. .......W. P. Lord Secretary of State H. It. Kincaid Treasurer Phil. Melsrthan Supt. Pn'.lio Instruction O. M. Irwin Attorney General C. M. Idleman u , ( G. W. McHride a10 1 J. H. Mitchell 1 Hinger Hermann Congressmen J W. R. Ellis Printer ....W. H. Leeds ( R. H. Bean, tnnrama Julian. F. A. Moore. ft!. E. Wulverton Sixth Judicial DlHtrh t. Cironit Jude Stephen A. Iiowell I'rosioutiiiK AUorni-y John H. Lawrer Harrow Connty Ofllcialx. int. rlAiiKtor .. W. Gowan UeprowrotntiTo J. B. Boothhy i wcMiy wunu-iwdiu, u.naiia, nw. I TK SPRING he nrononn i complete words. Proper nouns cannot l oi nil sentenoe how iny letters it contains. . . . This remarkably liberal offer Is made by the Wseklt WoBLD-HlBaLD.of Which or "I" oan be used more tnan once Signs, figures, abbreviations or contractions, etc., "i"' and the article "a" will be aocepted as comple be used. Each contestant must Indicate by figure many letters it contains. This remarkably Ube the distinguished ex-congi essmau, WILLIAM J. BRYAN, Is Editor, and it is required that eaoh competing sentenoe be enclosed with one dollar for a year's subscription. The Weekly World-Herald Is issued in semi-weekly sec tions, and hence Is nearly as good as a daily. It is the western champion of free sliver coinage and the leading family newspaper of Nebraska. Address. W66K1U woria-neraid, Omana, Net). BEST 'nun ty -Indue. ommissionen. J. M. Haker. " Clnrlr " Hlioriff " Troasnrer Aaieenor " Surveyor rlohool Hnp't... I'nronor .Jnlins Keithl J. It. Howari J. W. Morrow .G. W. Harrington .... Frank Gilliam J. r Willis Geo. Lord Anns llalsiger T. W. Ajrers, Jr Htf.PPKK R TIIWN OKFTOr.HS. iH01 ... .Thus. Morgan (O Minniimmi O. K. Famswnrth. M. Liehtonthal. Olis Patters., T. W., Jr -U U ll.,innr V J. Hlfinnm. 'ttwUdw ; F. J. Hal lock 1rru.nrar K. li. Frelmill '.Manhal A. A. Huberts PreciDr.tOBIin. .'Inatinenf tha Peace E. L. Freeland I'matalila. N. 8. WheUons I'nlt'd Htatrs Land niticers. THl DALLE. OR. . I llogistnr A. 8. Rinirs Ueoeivr LA OEAMDE. OH. B.F, Wilson RegMer J. H. Kobbins Itecwiver 8ECXIT BOCIZTISS. KAWU.N8 POST.NO.IL O. A. K. Msets at Leuna-ion, Or-the last Saturday of art. month. All veterans are invltd to tin. : C. Hoon. Geo. W. Hhith. Adiatant. tf Commander, L U MBJ5 R ! Iiri RAVI FOR HALE ALL KINDS OF ON IT dressed Lumber, It miles of Heppner, hat la known as the BOOTT 0A.WMXIjXj. rCB JU FEKT, ROUOH, " CLEAR. - MOO - 17 M It pr.l.l VERKD IH HEPPNER, $ft.uu per Lwiu leet. additional. WILL ADD Ths above quotations are strictly for Cash. L HAMILTON, Prop. national BaaK oi Mm WM ptNLANO. r.n, rrwlaeat. R. ilMHOP, Caale. TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BCSINESS COLLECTIONS UaJe ot Favorable Terms. EXCHANGE BOUGHT & SOLD OEITNER. It ORFXJOS Ookio-Hurns Stajc Lin BBBKS-GflHYOKSTESEUH H, A. WltHAMS. P op OXTAKIO-DUllS'H Lrave (turns Dsltf at fl p, m. aol sr. rt al UnUrlo Is 42 boars. Sinqlo Fans $7.60. Hound Trip $10.00 fTliwi ffftl " r ft f-mni. nuns's cas vox S b t.t", f lr.,-n r t .. Hh ih tinurva. PrMLle el Lt.n 40 iiStwIU'gUlDllBa Is Simmons liver Regulator don't forget to take it Tle Liver gets sluggish during the Winter, just like all nature, and the system becomes choked up by the accumulated waste, which brings on malaria, fever ana ,Ague ana Kneuma- tism. You want to wake up your Liver now, but be sure you take SIMMONS Liver regulator to do it. it also reeulates the Liver keeps it propeiiv at work, when your system will be free from poison and the whole Pody Invigorated. You get TH13 BEST BLOOD when your system is In Al condition, and that will only be when the Liver is kept active. 1 ry a Liver Kemeuy once and note the airrerence. tsui raue oniy siawiUIns Liver Regulator it is Simmons LIVER REGULATOR which makes the difference. Take it in powder or in liquid already prepared, or , make a tea c f ths powder: but take SIMMONS LIVER RECU latok. You'll una tns KfcD L on every package, look lor it. J. H. Zelliu & Co., Philadelphia, To. (filGYCLES Are the Highest of all High Grades. Warranted superior to any Bicycle built in the world, regardless of price. Do not be induced to pay more money for an Inferior wheel. Insist on having the Waverley. Built and guaranteed by the Indiana Bicycle Co. , million dollar concern, whose bond is ts good as gold. 211b. SCORCHER $85. 221b. LADIES' $75. Catslogue free. INDIANA BICYCLE CO., HOMER H. HALLOCK, iNniAKAPOLls, Ikd., V, 8. A. Gen. Agent for Eastern Oregon, Pendleton, Or. THE OWEN ELECTRIC r SHUT ULLI STUPENDOUS SIZE OF THE SUN. Tnd. M.rk 0. A. om. IthfIT C finVPDNMENTl fS is ... Cfs 63 PAYING MILLIONS A MONTH To personi who served In the wan of the United Stale or to their Widows, Children, or Parents. Do You receive a pension ? Had You t relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Wars on whom you depended for support ? THOUSANDS ARB ENTITLED UNDER THE NEW LAW To receive pension, who now do not. Thousands under the new law art entitled to an Increase of pension. The government owes it to you anJ is willing- anJ Anxious to pay. Why not present your claim at this present time? Your pension dates from the time you apply. Now is the accepted hour. trWrit for laws and complete information. No Charge (or advice. No Fee unlets successful. to ft ft ft FOR MEN AND WOMEN The latest and only icientlflo and practical lucirio nun maue, tor general use, proauoina genuine current of Electricity, for the cure : dlneese, that can be readily felt and reeu lated both In quantity and power, snd applied to any part or the body, it can be worn at any uuie uuring wumug uours or Bleep, ana WILL POSITIVELY CURB RIIRITIffATISn LI ,11 H AGO G KN K H A L nBBILITT LA1TIK BACK IN EH VOl ) 1I1SEASES VtHKOCKLK Kl'AL WEAKNESS 1 71 POTENCY UONKV 1I1SEABES WITHOUT MEDICINE property applied, Is fast taking mss for all Nervous, Uheumatle, ;y and Urinal Troubles, and will effect euros In seemingly hopeless cases where every oincr anown means naaiauea. Any slugirLu. weak or diseased organ nay by this moons be roused to healthy activity before It Is too late. Leadtns medical men use and recommend ths Owen Bell In their practice. OUR URGE ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE Contains fullest Information retarding the Cure of acnlo, chronic and nervous dlseaaos. prices. and how lo order, la RiiKllsh, German. snd Norwegian langtisKea, will be mulled, upon appllcatkiD, to any address for cents postage. Tbi Owes Electric Belt and Appliance Co. AIM tirr IrS AMD OKLT FaCTOBT, Tae Owes ElMtrto Bell Diss., 201 Is 211 lists Street, OHICAUO. ILL. Mm Urssst CIscUls Bell Cttsslnhsiwiti 0i ajecll ( ,mt, rioetrlcltv. the place of Mnncr ana llANTm-AM inCA Wborsothlnk linil I LU ms I WSWInf MMiieslmple thine to beUnt f i'roleot orld-as : thrvmar hrliK vou lth. Write JOHN WKIIIlKIU JHJKN h, l'ient Allomrrs, WaaLiugtoa, U. t; lor tbsir i,auu prise oner. Some Comparisons That Afford a Coneep tlon of the Orb's Immensity. Ponder also upon the stupendous size of that orb, which glows at every point of its surface with the astonishing fer vor I have indicated, writes Sir Rob ert Ball in McClure's Magazine. The earth on which we stand is no doubt a mighty globe, measuring as it does 8,000 rulies in diameter; yet what are its dimensions in comparison with those of the sun? If the earth be rep resented by a grain of mustard seed, then on the same scale the sun should be represented by a cocoanut. Per haps, however, a more impressive con ception of the dimensions of the great orb of day may be obtained in this way. Think of the moon, the queen of the night, which circles monthly around our heavens, pursuing as she does, a majestic track, at a distance of 240, 000 miles from the earth. Yet the sun is so vast, that if it were a hollow ball, the moon could revolve on its orbit which it now follows, and still be en tirely inclosed within the sun's in terior. For every acre on the surface of our globe there are more than 10,000 acres on the surface of the great luminary. Every portion of this illimitable des ert of flame is pouring forth torrenta of heat. It has indeed been estimated that if the heat which is inces santly flowing through any single square foot of th sun's exterior could be collected and applied lwnpnth the boilers of an At lantic liner it would suffice to produce steam enough to sustain in continuous movement those engines of ao.uuo norse power which enable a superb ship to break the record between ireianu and America. SOCIABILITY OF INDIANS. They Are Fond of Faying social visits Among Themselves. Indians, contrary to widely received opinions, are of a social nature anil fond oi paying friendly visits, the etiquette of which would make a cnapter oi iv self. Not much attention is given tc the order of their going while in the dust of travel, but when arrived within a short disance of their destination a halt is called, the ponies are relieved of their burdens, the rawhide packs are opened, and gala dresses and fine ornac menU come to light, me two young men selected to lie the bearers of gifts ot tobacco deck themselves for their mission and ride on in advance. A sur prise party Is not in the Indian's Hat of amusements; he takes his tnemy unawares, but not his friend. The young men return with messages of welcome; sometimes members of Uie family to be visited come with them txTHonally to conduct the porty. Meanwhile, writes Alice C. t lowlier In Century, all bavo been busy prink ing; bruHhing and braiding their locks, painting their faces, and donning their liest gear, the wide prairie their dress-Ing-rooin, their mirrors each other's ryes. W lion the visiting party is again t-n route there is not a man or woman vi ho I not gorgeous with color and the glitter of shell or feather finery. Even the children have daubs of fresh paint in their plump little rliwks, while the dudes are wonderful to brhold, resplen dent In necklaces, embroidered leg gings, ami shirts, and with ornaments innumerable braided into their scalp lorks. The visit over the Indians go l-nck to their homes pleased and eon- ti-nteil, happy If they find, as may not always lie the eimc. that the enemy have not been at work in their absence. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report ABSOLUTELY PURE him. Then he noticed, with great con fusion, that he was in his shirtsleeves. His sack coat hod come' off with the other. He put them both on again and tried to peel off the overcoat, but it wouldn't move a little bit. He gave a desperate tug and wriggled his fat shoulders, and the next moment he was in his shirtsleeves again. "Get out!' "Sit down!" "Rip it off!" cried the people behind him, but the fat man tried again, and with the assistance of two men in the seats behind him he finally managed to shed his overcoat. BENDING OF WOODS. An Art Extensively Used In Carriage and Boat Building-. Comparatively few persons outside the carriage and boat-building indus try are aware of the extent of the wood- bending industry, and but few realize that the carriages they ride in are very largely made of such wood the felloes of all their wheels are bent and made in two parts the framework of coaches and heavy carriages is nearly all made of bent stock, and not only better made, but more cheaply and the frames of pleasure boats are bent, as also many of the frames of the finest Bailing yachts; furniture, too, of many kinds has bent frames, all the celebrated Thonet chairs, for example, being made entirely of wood thus treated. The ob ject of bending is twofold, says the Woodworker, namely, saving of time and stock and stability and strength of the work when put together this inde pendent of beauty of form; and bent carriuge shafts are almost, if not en tirely, used now, instead of the olJ' style, clumsy, sawed ones. Skill in manipulating the material is very es sentiol; simply the forms to bend on, and the steam box in which to soften the wood do not alone insure success In the operation it is necessary to know perfectly the stock to bend. It being so variable that no two pieces bend alike, told one of the neighbors from across the street that she anticipated taking the baby to Ohio to see its grandmother. As this was Raid in the presence of the persecuted baby, I shall always think that he reflected upon the number of times he would have to exhibit the lace gowns, and then, as the easiest way out the difficulty, he just laid down and died. When the neighbors from across the street called to express their sympathy, the heart-broken mother was a sad and hopeless heap in the middle of the floor, surrounded by that fateful layette. As she gathered up a lace garment to dry her tears, she sobbed aloud: "And to think we were go ing- to Ohio only next week and now my mother will- never see its clothes!" And some way I thought that baby heard. N. Y. Recorder. The Press Claims Company PHIUP W. AVIRLTT, General Maot'er, 618 P Stret, WASHINGTON, D. C JT. ft ri Compnng U tonlrollM fcy smrly ewe Mewewiuf Jroftnf smws papm is fa Cnlir4 Utoitt, mH it gmrnnlr4 ty Man, Xo- le II- Or thm lime M ft tU Wei!t p ; pf FACTS AHU l FACTS ! A si oC CA Bi t wottb uf dry (-li si4 imriie sad tia have esnta left out of lust as In purrhsa a Ke. I ttBal Bkyrle. Tale la I IM class swain. Wbf Ih.n ( u lot a wlrycle Usl will (! no bUrt sarvkw f mt KIT "anwrasf," w.lgl.l s kaee4s.Miy fm, Le-tlM' avt Oeots" ra4tr sll the sf fro tw W FX "ft'irs Junior. ' only In witk pneewMI tlrs -e e4 SMkln. -nr SpoUl." M't I a. Lvluw, I. WESTERN WHEEL WORKS. CHICAGO AND NCW VOA. TEE NTTRvON 111 IV, ftt.r, ; MORROW MHO CMtt 7C X J Cavnis, and 1 rade-Mirka ofaMimd sod all f a- at bmaonsenodurue l Meetesvt fits. I OueOrncf ieOseeiTtu,S. ssvtvOrnci mm! pw ut in Jus Inn, lata Umm ranHMs Imm aUr.(i', fcoaa ewl, ' pn, wits durrlB tln. V . tJmm, If tMitiuu or (, el iteMf. Ovt lie e lMf4. A fisnur, " I'" e lil-twa I'.'.nu," wttti rM bl aw is tKe U. K. aad tuntf ewalna mm bee, AMm, C.A.SNOW&CO. AHam SSa af AfSif wM A at aSISl ATA SS fa C XsseEMiawawaawssfelM. ,!alilt j -v tut iiirm II 9 J staixUH arnla every k awwbrr ; atiwn y lek Twflt l-lentere In the mm Ul. M r wau.f pu.t t i'-t M Jf Of lmn4 ot f. ' ill M II k r.vr'4 ! loi ve. jB U Te tnimi vainahl - lar H kmiih4iu i.miim.i tliw AJ D. rKJiMV ss IO, jf th We-I. WHS iMIIalb"'! SlfM la 4e. '. M-Vt Mit.iw 'r I r c, ...... I..Ctt, ....f f owWeatt. I f sestSee I-o.. te 1 I IK UANCASlHKh INSUKA CI. V,(). Is le eui. ftMhiM i'tl si MAMCIIItSiritM, t"Wlt,A l I a 11 . I ja aa a t ' I s I ft far . , . . . VlHiAWA OT Tilt: hK!V. TVs IniMMa irvl ssnartinf inri ltt in svw-m, t1if, asll-lum, sihI mitt I diMaeUllw sain L tmuiitlr ailavfl If S-lvlnf I L.n.Uf '..iii s 1 Si J MiiS Oininwtit. v.rv !! rave lists Uwn fm runni I r fi"l it. Il U eiMlly tfinttHA M ibtiinfl L en-t a (. filer-m If fif mm fltt 4 h.K tlul l-UiMa, tfM W.IM, etvl , iirilfl are njm. of sale bf iirt el r U i. Trt fr. 's4s f 4ltU rlra, ikf era akel li m.U !, U4a.U. Imm, Ltl Mifif aid .mm, (!.. tut s I'f t.r.e A I'-fftfl, H-iifi.le Tl rfi!f stilBf. p iria ffw fUntWWMlly llslle U f I ffl sn. k. rutsr rr ct (I, Ml!f Off' kit ?0, As owe eitw't'l.a fr Ibe WATER SNAKE FIGHTS EEL. Terrlfte Cnsnbat W hlrh Mnally Ead-d la the MI'S Karaite, 'Did you ever know that there Is a deadly antlmlhy Wtwei-n a common water snake ami an rrlW ssked the fisherman, ivitrta the Indiaoft polls H-n- tlnel. "Well, I never knew It until an exN'riir that I had In witnessing a fitful between the two. Personally 1 have the greatest dreail of rels. I'm mure afraid of tlirni than I am of a snake, and you t an Iniaiiie my chagrin when I linpini'il to hook one on one of my flailing rxfwilitiotis, I wnasfiald to torn U il, and til I could do wn to li t It dangle In Hut sir. 1 ton Id not grt It off my hook, snd I v. as me.liteiins; lisi to do, hrn altoffrMier unnol Iceil I allowed the slimy olij f to drop dovti Into the water. In a moment I miw a g vst r snake make a iliie for IL At the firat lurifr It ranglil the berk of the eel squarely between Its leelh snd I could ae it alnk Its iiply-looUnK fangs Into the (wl's fle.h. 1 waited atwloualy lo ae the devrlopmruts. Wlib Ms grim hold still on the eel's heck the snake, quirk SS It lakes to tell It, wrapped Its sinuous l-ody around lu ant.irmlat's heek In an effort lo squeeze II lo death. The lly of I he eel was loo sleek, how ever, and the snake's rolls, despite all il could do, would slip down Into Ibe water. Time snd limesi-sia II lrid lo e.irr Ida life mil nf lie aritatfinlsl, never for an In.'snl n I. a . f it. hold on lb rrl'e ik, iil Ihe ltf of the lellT was li sleek for It, nl rtery time it would slip ilow n. I inally Hie honk broke, and the er niali' f kI I'e eaeaps).'" A FULL DAY'S WORK Wh.l a Mew Knsland Farmer Aeeasa- pllshad. Lest some one should think an Aroostook farmer's life too free and easv. the Parkhurst correspondent of the Fort Fairfield Beacon gives this account of an average day's work dur ing thanotato-diirsrinff season: "I went to bed at 11 p. m. with the conviction that I must get up at 4 a. m. aocai timei. Awoke when the clock struck and dared not go to sleep again for fear of sleeping over. Jumped out of bed at 4 o'clock, ran to the barn, dressed myself aa I went, and fed and harnessed four horse; ran to the house and woke the old woman (for good reasous farm era' wives often sleep with the hired girl through potato digging); ran to the spring and back twice; greased the double wagon; mended a cheek rein; unloaded four barrels and a basket of potatoes and dumiied IB barrels; 5, woke up the rrewj 6:30, break fust; 5:33. ran to the barn again, got the horses on the wagon and started for the factory; 6, arrived at factory, horse steaming, two acres of teams ahead of me; rvrrybody swearing; 6; 30, lit my pipe; 7, gave some oljthr boys a lesson In careless language; s, lit my ple again; 9, went Into Die tioarding house and tried to burs the rook; 10, uld a big yarn; II, stole a bottle of whisky; 12:30, got unloaded, full as a starch factory, and ran Uie horses all the way home, arriving at I; had a row with a Frenchman and forgot to rat dinner; t, rhsaed four Arab peddlers out of the field, then hauled tmtator to the cellnr till 7; S, had supper, unharnessed and cared for the horses, went to Ihe spring twice more, shoveled potatoes In cellar till 9:30, got a chance to kiss the hired girl twice; 10, went to bed happy. WHY THE BABY DIED. Its (lofiu ei 7 . . . ... sa i Bites as ej 'it.r ai p.rfcei.M.e " inaa'sf. aa ev-VI Ji-. fume la sm r.:r:e. ! Will IH g f,.r a ) la slttrr raa ft t ! fi. We.!r O'-ri . f-lf.i. A I. .11. nl ff'1'-! tii H ' i. . f , f f f.W IMl l ill W " " ' I i Is INTANCLCD IN MIS OVtRCOAT. Very a If-IM t I afartaaata ,r4linaat ef a Ma el Ika Tbealee. If waa swh a srry fal man thai the entire ai'len lrnel arvutnl to look al him when l rsme Into the Hosier In Ilie n.i.l li- of ll.e ftr.l a I aii'l lak lii rl In s i on lir.l ra elialr. He Itie last year's fall 0erfat, sate lle I'l.iU'U llne llnord, whirb was I fdl for IiIhi, He Lad e.rtill taken on fleh I'lfir lb yrer. II il si at' t.l.tion lo th iierea ,. icilif eilixed In li'm. toil eat down and al fifif atue alMrrlml In Ibe u'ny. II , f fw warfn, and wi'l, h eir siil f!ir I., Ii '(' , t.e lhi SI, I .l,. j l is reie.l. "J ,e eot. atoi,iid Litis e-U I'l I "tf, . I I . n " y len.'li (y awd.My, 1 L fl ne! f -I j ku"l t!i' H-e " !" wre I yMfif st Klaborate flat bee Were Tee Ureal a lea lav This Interesting story of Ihe ryal layette reminds nw of another story, tferhSIM beeanae It la BO very Unlike. Once there waa a lit He woman w ho lived aeroas the street, end. as we are often more or leas the victim of lh "ple acroaa the street the jieople ho w al h our doings with Ihelr noees flatt'lied against window aues or ronr-rah-d lie hiud ls e drsjieriea thai little woman now beeomes my victim In Ihlaslory Hhe waa 40 and newly married, aud a baby had lieen to ef an Id' al slmr Ihe days when she play ed w II li dolle and dreaaed ihein In finery toe iMir all the dolle In Ihe lown. I recall lb" Wftn-ler-ful Ltyrttfl preiami for this baby that had lieen a life long ideal. Never until ILe account of Has royal llus.lari iMthy'a hate I ever etiureltril of snirht toore lalBtrale. TI.e lial.v was aomew list of a diaapieilnlioent to Ilia loo'ber. It Journal was a l-etltelir, uiiliapy, lnrlsnid, j a raw ny looking re'rs iiUtle of Ibe ii us hoino, and not at all the lbal baby the mother lat In b'f mind. It'll, bleaa y,n, Ihe tool her kite afm Irene- formed It Into an Meal, and moil II lb ' .ia.r of Inilnite lal.y rraoa, asvl tbeii llH-rewer all llai lot lira, la-er rr llona all lied la ribl-ms, and t an ar IU le lltat was lb leant bit iiiimon e. H, Iruok full of waa Natural Soft Soap In Puddles. A party of gentlemen from the east who have been hunting and fishing for the past month in the Big Horn moun tains and basin met while there with a pertinent illustration of the natural marvels of the great cent ral west. This was nothing less than the discovery of a scries of pits, or vats, of natural soft soap, the excellent quality of the prod uct showing that old Dame Nature is well competent, when in the mood, to hold up fully the end of her string as a housewife. These natural soft-coap pits, seven in number and having an average capacity of about 1,000 gallons, are scattered over an area of two or three acres of alkali land, situated just below the mouths of half a dozen hot springs and two large springs of prac tically pure lubricating oil. The water from the hot springs and the oil drain age combining with each ot her and act ing on the allcnll deposit constitute a natural soap manufactory, the product ot which is gathered in the adjacent series of earth cavities or pits. Just below the pits themselves is a wide tract of spongiest marsh soil in whose depths the soft-soap surplus is ab sorbed. The product U perfectly mar ketable, and In the coming commercial : development of the Mg Horn basin there will doubtless be a natural soft- soap syndlcnte. Denver News. PUNGENT PARAGRAPHS. "Isn't this rather too generous?" said the clergyman, looking at the $20 gold piece in his hand. "It s what I always pay," loftily replied the Sioux Falls man who had just been married. -Chicago Tribune. An Unbiased Opinion. "Now, pro fessor," said the ambitious young man, "you have tried my voice, I want you to tell me frankly w hat it Is nest ailnptca to. And without a moments hesita tlon the eminent musician responded: "Whispering." Tlt-I!its. Ijrnrnlng the Lesson. Hubby "When I first got married I determined to have no lurge items of expense In hotiM-kcrpilig, but I find after all that it Is the little things thatcount." ltnteb. "How ninny have you?" Hubby "I have four." Detroit Free Press. "Don't try to deceive me, Mabel," said Mrs. Point lln- to her daughter, In a severe tone. "Mr. Ik'llefleld took s kiss when he left. I beard him." "Oh, well, mnmina. It's all right," replied the girl. "I took It bark from him tin- mediately." Pittsburgh Chronicle Telegrsph. The meuilier for North Couth Wank, ahlre "tientlemen, you twit tne with having turned my coot. Years sgo I supported this inraaure. Then I hail a reason. Hut now, gentlemen, I hae lout my reason." And he wondered at the deafruliig smile that M-rvadcd the meet ing. Household Words. "I euppoar that It would take A great dcnl of observation aud eirrl enie to enable a man to pick the fastest horse entered for a rare," she remarked. "Yes," rrpliif! Ibr man of mournful rs crlctire, "but that I Si t what you are trying to do. What you want Is to pk k the horae that is going to wlu." Wash ington rtt.'ir. Mra. Watt "There! We hat, cleared off the last of that church debt, and It iietrr rtmt you men a cent. He what women run do." Mr. Watte "I don't know about Ihe other frlloisa, but 1 know you hs made me ien4 more than I"'J for rtre inmls down town while you were oul monkeying around." Iii.liuna.lla Journal. Ilialory.-Mr. Flgg-"lial did .tt learn at mIhniI to-day?" Tommy "leather told tta how Ihe rrni I I'm. wrr Nero iol iiiiiiniw hin.wlf In n be was a boy by uI!hik tlx I'f off Ihe flies." Mr. Ftp-g 'Tuli'd Iheir kfs, did be? What lr ai,e i.f Join 1 l,.I lie become S promoter lo'lialiaimhs BITS. Iha arrested comfort In Ilie world lo that moMter. 1 l.ery dr ! dre-r. ihe ll.y ihrw liioa . and lrie.1 f.n lu tiiif "iirr fi, an-l ! on it M,ree ' h lo k I "fry afteiii ein. I'.'ery iifne t!iat wrei!.l liaby .ad on a f b an i!f 1! r"i Bi'ire bfr p Slid lu-ife ia'. f:i- ' sh LITTLE FrsnrUA. l ea U s prosprmus lawyer of M altera, t al. Diplillieriaha laeneommunb aledbf l-lr.ioiie. In I'aria. Mr, John I ikew ie a a n pea led real. d nl of I'laMsniotith. Nell. An appl" wria'liin 14 otinere was raiaed this jfr by J. J. Thomas, of Ttiftt eoiiiiiy, Ky. Aatl'iarUne sy Iksl yla was is) uaa S." yfre lafora Iha time of lb birth cf ( lir.. lli Uff.t l'i!4e In ll.e m!l law Ion, . lo tl.e l'wl;i.'.U It lain i:l o UUi , SmI 'r ,-!. t.'"', (fiutrls.