Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, March 06, 1896, Image 4

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While roo aeep roar subscription paid up xoa
aaakeep jourbrandiiifreeof charge.
Allyn. T. J.. lone. Or. Horsee GO on left
hoalder; cattle same on left hip, under bit on
right ear, and upper bit on the left; range. Mor
row comity.
BainJ D W. and son. Horse branded D B
onthelaft'hip; osttle the same on left flank,
crop off right ear, nnderorop in the left. liange
in Morrow County.
Bartholamew, A. G., Alpine, Or. Horses
branded 7 E on either shoulder. Range in Mor-
MHnTi"tr, J. W., Hardman, Or.-CatOe brand,
d H on left hip and thiith: split in each ear.
Brenner, Peter, (tooseberry Orenon-Horees
branded PB on left ehouldor. Cattle same on
"Brosman, Jerry. Lena. Or-Horse, branded 7
on rinht shoulder, cattle B on the left side.
Left eur half orop and right ear npper slope.
Barton, Wm, Heppner, Or. -Horses. J B on
ridht thigh; oatUe. same on right hip; split in
""Brown J. C, Heppner, Or.-Horses, oirole
C with dot in oei tor on left hip; cattle, same.
Brown? W. J., Lena, Oregon. Horses W. bar
over it, on the left shoulder. Cattle same on left
hlBover. W. 0.. Heppner, Or.-Horses box
brand on risht W cattle, same, with split in
""EorP O., Heppner, Or.-Horses, P B on left
b"Wthil4 in Fox TaUey-
Gr"Warrn, Wagner, Or.-Horses brand.
.. O on right stifle ; cattle (three bars) on
? ght ril "crop and spl it n each ear. llange in
OTiiffi n h"e? ??lB.ft
TTwith nnnrtir circle nvor it, on ioti smntm-jr
?nd on left stttle on all coha nnder B years; on
lens'hSonlyonallhorBosoverSyears. All
range In uranioonniy. n .,.
cite Chas. H Vinson or Lena, Or. Horses
H C on right shoulder; cattle same on right hip.
ji j "' , nmHll nniinties.
Corrlgal l M M Oalloway, Or-Oattle crop out
-a0?"!".' and 'nnderbit. wattle in forehead;
horses half circle 0 on left etine. Kange Bur
X R,n t H John Day. Or.-Dtrable cross on
CwrL,Ton'tt?e swalfow fork and nndei bit
in right ear, ""' ' i orte(1 Aud spear point
county. On sheep, invor w a
oushoder. tor maouew p .q
rTgdSbhilf oropKiu left ear. All raug.
' Cook" A J Lena.Or. Horses, Won right.houl.
deV"(!a'tOeJaameon right hip: ear mark square
Currin. H. X rin.vUle, Or. -BoM on
Cox Ed. 8 Hanlman, Or -Cattle, Cwlth
tt in center, horses. CK on left hip.
Cochran H. K., Monument, Grant Oo , Or.-
brands CI onborst. right thigh; cattle s
brand on r"ght ahouUl.r, and cut oil end of
' u'lgTass. W. M.. Galloway. Or.-Oattle. R D on
right sdTswailow-fork in each ear; horses. B D
on left hip. n..H.,rsea branded ELY
on leVshouldcItae same on lefthip. hoi.
Emerye().'H.,nardman, Or.-Horses branded
O (reversed I with taill on left shoulder ; oat.
shoulder. HenDnOT, Or.-Horses, V on
Gentry, Klmer, Echo. Or.-Horses brsnded H.
H with a quarter circle orer ,t, on left stifle.
B. wun "i' . nm-t Unonnties.
au,l A llidge ( r.-Cattle, round-top 4
.lVhB00rt circle unde; it on th. right hip.
i i. i.ln.nd on left side, swallow fork in
SlWteittai.ru Haw in Hay.taok
Al-i-ln M.irrviw OOUDty.
Howard J L, Gslloway. Or.-Horens I (oross
with bTb.e It) on rigKt.houlder; c. .l.ms
on left side. UU8 " Morrow and Umatilla
"HalMMwin. John Pay, Or. Tattle E H on
right hipThor.' same on right shoulder. Range
in..'iT.t ll.nnn.r. Or.-Hon shaded
k'ontl, left-honlder. Hs-J Morrow j.
Hnnker. H A, Wagner, Or. Horses
Ihoiilder. oatUe. on i left hip.
Hnmphreys, i M. Hardman, Or.-Hoi
rase, Hon
K'. i ...... ir,.l,l MiUOr.-Horsa Hon
the M sh. mlderand heart on the left atiHe Cat.
V I "wins "on left hip. Range In Morrow oonntr
Jones Harry, llppnr. Or-Horea branded
II j n he "ft shlmlder; caMIe l.n...M J on
riKhl hip. al. uml.-rl.it in left ear. .Range in
Morrow county.
n'Jtn."li,n Heppner, Or. Horaea, hoi
a),, i
J on left ahouldor. Cattle, Uie aama.
... ......
(..,,... in Klatil Mile.
.... , r.
-Horeea, elreUT on
left etitle: ckIU". aanieolt tikoi
orun in ri-M- ""'lit n left ear
K .nny, Mike, llpi'i"r. Or.-llores branded
KNV on lefthip caitlesameand crop oil left
r: im.r nloneonthe right
Kirk J T., Hitner, Or.-llorsos fl en left
. ... l' .J ..n l.t( liltl.
Kn iilB.rti.iid.W.11.. Mount Vernon. Or.-I Lon
!ii,.n ruct and lft id.. swallow fork in Iff!
.... I ,,,..ir i. ill riitM ear. Iloraas sains
bni'id on l"'t nlioul.l.". Iln-ige In tlrant c .-llltr,
lift.m, Hiiii.l,n. rot,Or.-H Ijon li-ri hi
.... ....in. nr., i. and i.lii on rl.'l.t ear. Ilnrwi
s.. 'in luanil on lft :ioul.lr. IlimiJO litanl
I illen, John V.. (r.-ll..r
brail l-l li.ll-.-ifU 1 1. fiMn."" 1 on l.-ft li.-ul.
..r. ( ii'U .. a n "'l I"-!' I."i. K'U". near U--
'"l. !'" J. VV. Hi"ii -r Or - Hoiws brsn-M
I.- I o-i l-'i ' .-ii !; r-t-ln me o'l 1-fl
bill. m, i;iiiirr. i.i ')". Ilir-" aliia in right
".,. i j, ,.. Il .i 1'ii-T Dr.-H irMS hraii.M
it,, i ... II i-..i ii" ' 'I H i n 'tiui.-a rallml
a. ., . h in, I.-" '. il I-'. ,
Miti. il. t' . Il- I'I-iht. - ' attle liraii'l'l
rit, I. .in r hi. I hi.; h.ir-"- aino on right still.
It'i'" in M-.rrow wmnly.
Minor, ., Heppner 'r.- attla, 1 Dm
right hip; borea M on left eHmldr.
M.,r,i, W. N.. Il-ppn-r. 4'I'"r,
CO l.ft h.HiliUt eallle same on Urft hip,
MiU-hell.Owar.l.ma, ir.-M.s. 11 on right
blp; eaiil. lion right aiiU.
K.l Andrew, lone lt.-fc.Or.-llofeee A N eo.
-t.l on lft h-eilil"r'. eallle eame on lHhhl,
Oiler. Terry, Leslngum, Or. V O no toll
"H'l.'rn, J. W., l..natae. Or.; horaee O on left
l....il.li.r; rail I same on rlht hip.
1'aara.m. llae. k.gM M ila. I r.- Honiea. qnar
lar ciln-Uahield onUft ah.mhler and on Ufl
bip. Caiila, f a la Ml ear, right eroppsd. IN
tin Ufl hlii llaageun Kleht Mile.
I'arkar h UiaaxMi, llarliaan,Or,-Iloraae IP oe
'l.f, Irre'l. Iilngt.n. Or.- Ilura brand.
V. (I. K eonnarlvli an l-tt ah.nil.ler t eallle
e me on right Mp. lUng .Kr..w e.Hintg,
1-ll.w, J II , losli... . - lloraee, JK e.
).l. tx.Mt ah.nl.ter; rat Ue, aaiaa .Mi Ufl dip.
lnl lul in '! "r.
I'iriir. A Or ; h'-fwa dlam.md Poa
- ati-ml-l-wi . U, J II J e.B"H I, on the
eft hip.UfpM sU.pe la left ear and aliv la Uia
IU..I, aadrew, llarbnan. r.- II . nr
rmwi'li'iu"-ri" l"" .mi Ufl all 'V
H . Iln.. Hei-paee. 'r.- II -wm bW'W 1
a II lig'.l Ih.iI (. mill. I on the Ml hip
rr..p u(t Uft ear and -I'm U a tsrt. Manga la
)H ' ' rv and ihai.i.ge.w.i-.
W,mi, Ha-lits. l-ini-, iw-ll.wa
Kt.n Ul H ' h-atl.Ww. "it 'l'"l
lrta ntw hal, naitle aarfte lM hip
Um-'f " e-i"'t.
Iboaa. m. II. liliilll IV-II II eoanaetaa,
ilk qiH Mrrla l"P re'UM n'-l htf
ae.l rtti "B ''-' an-l l'1'1 In I". Iluraal
tmmm laui m Ml alw n lx. li-MHT la M.rtw
itol wul KiKiaia xtetxav
lu.i. J, W . Hti-w. .-Muraaa, JO e
MlstwaLM. at lie. rlalil hi is
H.mi,M W. t,ll.i.ne,r.-M.sr,l-l
J H nm Ml xlfU. wM J It i Uft kl, swaibiW
.Mk ta ntl ear. "U.UI la Urt.
r. I Wb . MtfOT. ' - lt.Kaa, tree
141 km. Mtlla auaa an Ml kin.
ll-h-rt, IWmalM, tif-rJIIn
rwht hit- I II ni.t .,1.1. i km, H ua
W.I M ie ! .,. nnaini.
n-mifc ! Iw,ille. tHr, lloaa. btae.M
M L m, I Mi , na Mi aiumi.Ua-
aj,a Ja lllil., I'l l l WajXkBl
JNn Ml M -iU II.- aa-. aia m.mm
Okktla. H la -t.wad Hill w auaeltaa
la... .i.a. a . Ilana, tw ( k.iraaalla
vtM aiSL MUb k..fc i l tal U liM at la
i,,-m, Mm . i , ll-vi- U -KeilAa.
mm iwM kil'i ail"W ff.a la ln mmt.
aaaH II. " , Iteif-x. - ll-traaa. M aa
i, t .!. ti i-rt km
a--.it U . Iii l t. - I ante W I' mm
-4i 1.. i to -' a- I a4t i la Ml f
Ar .... k-MM W t -i Mt liM
I W"..'. i a. Il". tlwaaa. aa
l at. . nalls Wl ..-l-kw
,,.,ta r..'"tl- aa tofl
-I . ,. la.
!.- H W Hi-t Itt .l a.ikj t
H ah.-i t-t. " aae mm Mt kif
. it. mI.II, lHWIt
f . .. 1 ' " I-a.-W ali I' aat s-l
ta W....I II I I ll-aaaa H t.H
a,.H a ..! '-' M l .. ttM
k'.H.la- II -it ll.ma r I
(hi tut i k - - kl
... ..1 l'l - t-r'-t ta H i I
J t. o . a..- -t II-, at. lit
ft a t-l J, B IM ' .la) ha
y ... t
tl a) H I 't ' 1-aM.a
. . . . ...it ' " . I f-f.a'
li i
,.a la-o I I --a-i-t. Iail
, , I) . , . (W H !. 4
. . I- a- .it-t (l-a k
A' a. -I -' t-.a.
. , I! : aa. ( I
Wren. A. A.. Heron ar. Or. Horses runningA A
on shoulder; lame, aama on riant mo.
ionng, J. 8., Gooaeberry, Or. Hones txanda
son UK
right should.
When von are about to buy a Sewing Machine
do not be deceived by alluring advertisement!
and be led to think yon can get the best made,
finest finished and
Most Popular
for a mere song. See toit that
vou buy from reliable manu
facturers that have gained a
reputation by honest and sq uare
dealing, you will then get a
Sewing Machine that is noted
the world over for its dura
bility. You want the one that
is easiest to manage and is
Light Running
f "i? There is none in the world that
S,v" f,.;? can equal in mechanical con-
i'Vfi"3. struction, durability of working
r '(-tt parts, fineness of finish, beauty
Vi-'tivh Q appearance, or lias as many
New Home
It has Automatic Tension, Double Feed, alike
on both sides of needle ( fiatented),no other has
it;NewStand(pfl'i,ariving. wiieeuiiiiguu
on ad j u st a ble centers, thus reducing frictiou to
the minimum.
Cravoh, iiABfl. Bovrog, Mass. t8 V nioh Sotam, N. Y
oiuoa'io, III. Ht. IOi is, Mo. Daixah. Texas.
ron siK BY
P- C. THOMPSON CO., Agents,
Heppner, Oregon.
Contains each Month I Original Water Color
Frontispiece ; 1 28 Quarto Hages ol Keadlng
Matter; 100 New and High-class Illustra
tions: More Literary Matter and Illustra
tion than any other Magazine la America.
23 cts. ; l a Year.
Frank Leslie's Pleasant Hours
A DrlL-ht, Wholesome. JnTenlle Monthly.
Ft'dv llluntraled. The best writers for young
poo;.lo c ntrlbute to II. 10 els. t l a year.
Frank I.isme's poruw Momthlt and Uie
OautU), both (or one year for yXU.
FaAWIl LltMI.ia'8 I'lkasakt Houm ro Boys
AMPtiiHLsaiid the (la.ette, both lor
one year ..uu.
Undoiibteuly the Eest Club Otters
Z f Srnd to Frank 1Ue'n fhHhinQ Hnut, .Ta,
. i n,..u..i..i lAauaa.li.aaa I tat VaM.
J tr iilH' ill I i"'l l r . -
If yon tlilnk of Imying an im-kiiio of
any '. i or ki'iil si-nd for our 'ittiltyu
Ax. .V, oonlainiri lllunlriiliiiiis nod
prloi-a of evr-ry kind of engine from on
ud to -) hotHH power, i bottom tirioet
or LM ao. fur jranlit eninHi, boll
era ami maolilnery. bilber eon l tree.
Ctias. P.Yiilaia Co..
19T Canal Street, . . CHICAGO
QTf .lteeetO
a) 4l.l.ll.'V4a,rH
nttiirTif. nnnnrn i
a X,..,,r l V-r, l lt.
W 1 r.M.l.laC.I Pnii.1.111,. ! I..
ll".u. I., ,i... II. . 'll.il l iai. Imil a
lull I'lat-r. n il! lui-i. Ihi .a u ar
m tnl III, Kit- Ml -Iff. Mill ful I.i ant
I If, at Mni rta-t-t o( l-i rents, lo -ar w
rliart. H
2 llo" fj.ifra at alaolotrlr l-ifai't.
ntiiiliilit r. aw-1 aa-iiip., ao-l
a"iia In aia. m r '.t. ! an- an et
ff rlti-Ml amtolf f i,i,i i rra aa t.-a.tatw
fl .ti II,- all.ta.ili, aiii.,,1. a.,i.l a, .11. 1. 1- tj
l-f rtilli. ttai ling to-i, olloa or Itoine,
iit.iria,i y
Tk taxferetlreale eftaxea Heer4t
Is tanwa le siail eerssaa.
tar IHiHirate last f if aally at
Has aloay awal te 4tmi,
Taaee sat 4 ssauss tae aA(ial sjaal
Of e
4s a aay frWaly kaawel
n Popular Magazines
E. McNEILL, Receiver.
Of Two Transcontinental
Spokane Denver
St. Paul Kansas City
f)n0nn Ronmoro I ono Pnrtlnnri
Every 5 Days For
For full details oall on 0. R 4 N.
Agent at Heppner, cr addresa
Qen. Pass. Agt.
JSaxi. Franolsoo
And all points In California, via the MU Shasta
route or tne
Southern Pacific Co.
The reat hiahway through California to all
points Kaat and South. Urand rjoenlo Itoote
or the raoino Uoast. Pullman unnet I
Hieaoare. Haonnd-cU. Hieenara
FAttached to express trains, affording superior
accommodations for seoond-oiaas passengers.
V . mIjm linkta almoin, na. nu.n . I i.,n a l
etc. call noon or address
R. KOEHLKK, Manager, K. P. ROGERS, Asst.
uen. r. a r. Agi.. roniaua, vreguu
Most Modern and progressive
For catalomie or lufurmallun write to
Tim marun nun arais cq.,
New Kaven, Conn.
Jtn C f00 "ti. it livi-:vM-ii
111 Cenll. conliirit ,ii
ic tor forty
, ... , k -,,
' lull aire Min i Almlc ol tiia av I
t,m mwnm.
iiitim. rnpiiiiM. n.iii'st anj mt.-,t pi. uur I
t4f -2 1
. ""in nun , in- il VtH tl ttllal Ml l I UHitT (M .11, " I
.W jftl-n up In (he wi rUennl tnoAovr, to- -j I
r tn lino Im.r I li I
mWm-- te Ji I
2 flAftVi kniTM fha Caaaf.ti n,.it..
wwwsAi.ihfc.iii i
muiLtr, rat u neir i
e 6UIUMAH umillO. r3
IkuaJwav Tru-alrt Hi Jf . N.w Y irk (Jty. 12
-r ........ ' .
canvaaeisia wantio
A. P.T. L.
The Amefican Protects Tariff Uagu
it a national organization advocating
" Protiiction to Amarican Ubor and
Induitry" ai aipiained by iti eonititu-
ion, at follow! S
M..a.ra.au i k.a .
I ! i i iv-f m mi
a-taq .wuiy aavre SaoaM IXaaawal aaaauae
Thata mtm no carton! or Drivata
ptm a ,, uiej.-.,...
t on and it it sustained by membenh'pi,
contiibutioni and the diitribuhon of its
naiTt Cwwti le sn;w4 mf4
Xa"-KxK. " m4 "CffaW Ci siHSii ta."
tCCONO: Weaalaeaslaneeatr.weaa.
kaKa iwal ef stf. W aur sss
tMiRO: We avs-ii e Wa a rf laanaaiata
rmnu all -a.aa af la t . aarta, C.-w-
aaa a a..talaa a a44aaa an D9saa
rouatM : saw aai m.ni a a-.
a"- " l -a a
A IM W .Mj r Wltlaiia. (jaiani tmlVJ,
lu nets ie ev xrai imrm.
le mtm tmm hmmt aalaHe IW a-aealata
IN IW aaaa m4 IW. ,aw m aa m 'ti' ij
mi ta mi maa as the tm W ta. (ta
mKim 0mmmtm tmmmmm 6t
mt W HV f,,mimmW1 la9
" mm f sv " adwUftV "aWfc,"
at "M ! I 4 tl W -M , slk-aeMt
m-m m whs W g tmvrm mmm m IM
US . 1 rf Mr tKMt- 0t a,--.. 4 . nm
tat aW ' 4 Mk V Mt4 V tMsif
W mm. . 4- I-- ' w I t . (V
Vlk taa f-e., -s. W 4
t $ IV. . e.. , - : -.-.sJ I
A taWJtfa ft 4 a- itW Cjn' wtaiai
5,'"t' jdffffifh. L'S!hut
Simplest, fAyJJ,(yE,l4le4t
Jtron1;..t,' t,rpTrt Work",
Top M5p Accurate.
Receiver, ajj Compact,
'a ami
Many of Them Used DurlDg tie
Slega of Paris.
Am Excellent Method of Getting Within
the Enemy's Unas Ballooninn Baa
Since Become an Important Branca
of Military Stndj.
The Inst big European war taught
the French more about ballooning'
than they v.ould otherwise have
learned in a generation. At the begin
ning of the war the government re
jected many proposals from balloon
makers to construct a number 01 war
balloons, but when they were shut up
in Paris they giadly turned to the bal
loon to help them. They turned an
their disused stations into balloon
factories, and sought the services of
the few experienced aeronauts then
available for the teaching of the use
and management of the balloon to the
neonle. During; 'four montlis oo Dai-
loons left Paris, of which number only
three have never been accounted for.
This is remarkable when it is remem
bered that no lights were allowed in
the night ascensions, and the balloons
could only be sent up under cover of
One hundred and sixty persons, in
cluding Gambetta, were carried safely
over the Prussian lines, and 2,500,000
letters were sent. The balloons also took
with them pigeons, which were sent
back to Paris with letters and dis
patches. The messages were written
and photographed down very small on
exceedingly thin paper. This was
rolled up, inserted in a quill ana at
tached to the toil leatners 01 tne
piireon. When It was receiveu in raim
the photograph was put under a mi-
- , ,nn I CtnA
croscope anu tue iiicbuk4'
of the balloons, the Ville U'Urieans,
left Paris at 11 o'clock at night, and
nrrived near Christiana, Norway, 15
hours later, having crossed the North
sea in its remarkable voyage. Most of
the aeronauts were sailors, who were
chosen because of their familiarity
with the management and steering of
boats at sea, and they proved very ca
pable. During the entire siege bal
loons formed the only means of com
munication with the outside world for
the imprisoned inhabitants, and notlv
ing could have taken their place.
Since then ballooning has been made
an important branch of military study,
and the course through which the bal
looning corps has to pass is becoming
daily more scientific and severe. .The
war balloon must be compact, always
ready for action, and very strong. It ie
not large enough for two. It is always
captive that is, it 18 secured to the
, , . n i. .i,im .mniiJ
earth by a cable. It is seldom emptied
of its ga, and is, therefore, always
readv for action at a moment s notice,
J .
The equipment Of a balloon corps, be
gjjeg tnfl balloon itaelf, consist essen-
,in i. ., lnrir nnrl
heavy, somewhat resembling a lum
ber truck, and the other considerably
smaller. The former is used to fasten
the balloon to, and is provided with
large reels containing about 3,000
yards of twisted wire rope. The
smaller wagon is filled with iron pipes
containing ga, and is technically
called tho "tube wagon
At the word of command the balloon
always inflated, is released, nnd bounds
upward to the height of several nun
dred foot, uncoiling the rojie after It
Tlii ndi-ei- In the car tki-s tin with him
maps of the surrounding country and a
Hi-Id glass. The position mid arrange.
ment of the cm-niy are marked dowp
on the maps with ditTi-n-nt colored
IH'iicils, imlii-ntiiig cavalry, infantry,
etc. These marked nmpH are then
placet, in a leather bug. which Is at
tat-hftl to a ring, which wiilm down the
cable to the ground, where a iniiiintetl
I, ., .!, ( ,l ....--I... .), ,,,..
I.'ltiv lI'Mllin s ( nun Hill"" il" tin n
tin ir i ii f lin trmii'idl tn fniiiiiiitiiil. i ittir
. t . . . a
niri.nn ni roiiimuiiH'imiiK imnrnui'
a! . .. a I. 1...
UIM1 IllktV IH'1'11 inill, I III II H t Ull"
I'litme r.ntl pl.oimgrnpli.v. but ninny
tiiutM-ra anil ciiiilt I" i ne nuiin-ii in-ii'
cil uit-thotl. wliit h, they ny. Is very
ure n,u circtive.-in.tiigo itecoru,
a nnn-e ft i
ApMard to RaranlM That Ilia Maaler
Had llrva II art.
L. C. Menchimp. Ilvlnu alxive Uomrr,
Ijt., on l lie ttlffe of Arltajiaaa, la pr.'nt
hunU-r nnil hna a flu" il'tr limnJ, Don,
of klileh h If Jiiatly ii-mii A lew
doyi ago, ) the rhiliwlrlptila Tln-ra,
Mr. Mraclinmp ni K"iK aijuirirl
t..,..litr att.l lit nn.f tn LHn linn at
home tl(J wn romia lltil to Ur him tp.
The hound hlnl ana lx-pi-l. but.
nmllnK l.m muau-r wa.oiMiuri, Dai
I I . I . ..!.- . .11.. 1.P.. ,I..L..n.
0 4U!'iar.
At fle o'rltx k In th afternoon, bow-
mt, w hrn Mnt. Mmchnmp u 1
jfinnlnir ,0 'xl" '"r brr husliaail'i rr-
t,,ri. n,n IM-Itllf Ml unUllially rrstli aa
1 1. . a. I.m a. a. ., I mil I r, ami tthut K I h
matirr. In epite of hrr rrralr,l ,f
tt .1.. , . I a I 4 .
Bt ,, u, lirr UUrr j,.,,,,,!.
I mrnl, f, hmu n, rr ami U.iiinitil
y wr the f-ncaiil Irioth wowla.
a. inr , roihljf a half Hour whr o
I ia r.i,,. n-tM liiir liark tuntinr and al
I ,.t l,rfBiil- ith hie Wia-trr'i '.ial
I .
' , . m
Mia, , m. i ... mb
alarm"!, anil, railing hrr mm hf ml
out Ut f.ml M-o linttip. tli i!.-ff ail ihe
tiuio Uiumliiif alone In frant ami kail
Inf tl." way. At lav I llwy came Un
Mr. M-arhamp lylnff lirl.ra la the
taala. whr at iirwlarly neorli--k
he ha-1 fallm In a hiU tllirli and
hniVrn a entail Imido In Ida h"tr The
iUt('a kn l-'t,y of th a-rhlrit at the
ry mottM-til of IU orrum-tr iwmi
alnuot Inrrtolihl, hut th. truth of Hi
ta ljonl Jiiut.
airaa aa4 tale Mle.1 wUWal taf
Maa U aH ltae
rtt.a il..1llf. t1 ll.mlin. Unewl
rutily, aa In ttiatliston the oWt
laV, ati l .rfwl the ' II
ntil ad ,uti-ia Un .-!) ihal It
It wnulJ arn-l a lavl rti.nl I.i lUrril n
the a arly ilil-l aMee a nM-tialef l.iftl.l
. ... i
tf a aim! hnrt a-n lr.r l-v imw;
III tn l'fnia. The faUl
p .mairr. aaialhe JUlHun r-e a.( rh an. j
ta ilrfctill I v lr l. !V.f. fri-m ii..a
lrrnrtila taLin I t b -naalf and U. tV
AilVina. of Hamlin, wh m.ilni ll- It ft
al I t m.'tit l i f an-aH la ifrk.lili
flie ..!;. i Imm t r S, k bneiinr
lrf fa, a I, til The a. n ft
l.iur In. f i i I t . lift l-mf f.l
rn i i f i i i. r i i i . ..
it )' !rtf at-l line ii a Ira aMt,'
aitwahl a.i.Sr l. H.l ! a k .
From early child-
hood until I was
grown my family;
spent a fortune
trying to cure me
of this disease. I visited Hot Springs i
and was' treated by the best medical 1
men. but was not benefited. When'
all things had P f t I failed I de-1
termined to Is K 1 1 1 1 try S.S.S.
and in four II U III monthwas
entirely cured. The terribls eczema
was gone, not a sign of it left My
general health built up, and I have i
never naa any return ot tne disease.
any return oi tne uiseosc. i
l nsve oiten
S.S.S. and
have never
vet known a fnilm-e to i-nre.
GKO. W. IRWIN. Irwin, Pa.
Never tans to cure,
even when all ether I
remedies have. Our
treatise on bloed and i
skin diseases mailed
free to any address. I
SWU-f SPECU IC CO., Atlanta, Gs.
Inns ft St. Paul n
Glance at this Map
Of the Chicago, Milwaukee and 8t. Paul Rail- I
way and note its connections with all transcon
tinental lines and Bt. Paul and ( maha, and
remember that Its trains are lighted with eleo-1
triclty and heated by steam. Its equipment is
superb. Elegant Buffet, Library, Smoking and
Sleeping cars, with free reclining chairs. Each
sleeping car berth has an electric reading lamp,
and its dining cars are the best in the world. I
Other lines are longer than this, but none are I
shorter, and no other offers the above luxurious I
accommodations. These are sufficient reasons I
forthepopularltyof'TheMllwaukee." Coupon
ticket agents In every railroad office will give I
you further information, or address
C. J. EDDY, General Agent,
J. W. CASEY, Trav. Pass. Agent,
Portland, Oregon.
Sobntlflo American
Agenoy Tor
For tnrnrmatlnn and free Handbook write to
MUNN n t o., ssi linotuwir, Naw Voaa.
Olilt-at liun-ati for serurlnK pau-nu In America.
Kverr patonllAkpnout by unla brouttht bt-fore
tin- public by a uotluu given (rue of charge In Uie
$ ricntif ic tucrt(ittt
Irpiitelrnitntlftnof any arlentlflr paper In the .
worlU. KiiUii.II.IIt IlliiatrattiU. No lii4-lllK-nt
nan ahoulu bo Without It. Weekly gS.OIIa
yivir; !.' numnntha. Aililreaa, MUNJl t IM.
BUaui.ua, at I lJruadway, ew York City.
hnlf inches throtip-h tolow the
fi-nthr-rn; jiluninpe durk brown, re
licvptl on the wlr.fra untl breaat by lipht
bint? alimlinfr. Tho bird when drat Been
was clrt liiiK hiffii in the nlr, but crime
dtiwn very tpiit-Kly nntl nliRlited In the
water, when1 AdUiim Rot a pootl ttliotnt
tTZ .t' ft
retjuirt-il five bulleta.
How r.niill.h V nmrn Draw VUltora ta
In Kiifrlan.1 hen aoelety rmbarka
i iitm atllm flinrituliU r-ntcrprlae uau-
i uau
r.lly a Im.itr or eoiurUiinf on that or-1
i "J JSitiS debut
tan tea to rnirnif in a wahin(r coine
titiun," thia feotura of the baiar al
ways proving a hg drawinir card.
Kat-h of the fair waabrrwomrn la at-
tirrtl in rlilnt., a g whit apron, broad
w hite collar ami alervra rolled up above
the rlbow In true waaherwouian atyle.
rat h comprtllor la aupplicd with a
pail, aotno cold water, two (r and a
aoi'.ed tea cloth.
On the word "go" Jeweled handa are
pltinjred Into the water and the wanh
lff liearina. The prize la liven to the
coinH-titor who ahowa the clraiteat
tlt.th at th end of three minute, the
ante Mtg trggnl Into place upon the
line. I'oliita are deducted fororrrtime
and Ineorrerl detail.
Hald a Indon belle who recently
took part In a waahlnir compeUtlon at
a aelertaoc Ial event: "Twenty tnlnutea
of that eterrla every day would give
nnytimly flrat-rate arm developing e
rrrta. It'a way ahead of aonie of the
MrtUtale In tny j.lijsU al culture claaa."
Iu Maurtrr baa recently tnavle the
stale ment that hie pro flu fmnt "Tril
by," Itarluatinff hla rnyaJUea front Uae
play, amount lo ltM.uuo ao far.
(ien. Chartea Hamlin and hie arm,
Oiarlre K. Ilamlln, are In luoigor,
etillertlng daU fr Uv tlf rapby of
llannilHU Hamlin, wbkh they tare
alamt to write.
It la an Intereetlng cn(nmetit on th
finaaelal euerea of lawtka written
Wnnwa that a Uttil-m publlaher lately
lfrred a !itiifuihel nviit an ev
tra AT-ti If the latter would onv
rht to hat hla lateal atiarr I.
simI un.lrr an aatimet aivl frmialne
Wne, tfh drarul has yrt an-
tifmr lli liile f hr toew tl. tvtm
tirarlf f-ni Irie, 1, h al,e eiia..l. ra
a airi't -r work tl "Tt lUatertty
T m.
A a she i.ffrre ti hate II ra4
WiUtotil a l (, she haa iWlinrd a.1
f.f. r f.-r r al p-it.h. atw-tia In l;rg
li I at. I ti i n
eat.f f t .-,.. I..1.,, h. r.u
' , t in !!. .. .,n WIMrf
I '. -I a
I .. . .,
I ing l-al
' " Iv'tal Hl lO
if ' I. . '
t !
. It.nt.a .-t I
-'A vlfc
V milwaurcev;
KJ- a
1 mmy r m m. mmr
F ft. M W MmW
3 i - I-
' ' I a nn t.-M l. n
That the RAMBLER
Is one of the very best wheels ever made is
front rank with all high grade machines, and
Ride a RAMBLER BICYCLE if you want
punctured, it can be mended by you in five
renowned G. & J. clincher tires with wood rims or copper-plated steel rims.
Bold in all sizes for ladleB or gentlemen at f 100 each.
Tandems for two men or man and woman, $160 each.
THE RAMBLER Is the fastest, lightest and strongest wheel In the market.?
For style, finish and durability it is unsurpassed, as it is constructed on strict mechan
ical and scientific principles.
For men, women, boys and girls, with 2R,
ively. are splendid medium grade wheels,
Clincner tires ano are iuuy warrauieu.
Before von buv a bicvcle. write for catalogue, circulars, terms and discounts, or call t
on our numerous agents. Rambler Rustlers
ton ana laano.
Northwest representatives Gormully & Jeffery Manf. Co's "Rambler Bicycles." Main f
q.am QQ1 Wa.h nnlnn fit Pnrtlanri Mr
K. m
How's Your Liver?
This question is asked daily. If dormant
you need exercise need it badly.
The Bicycle offers a remedy, and if you do
not own one. call at
Ike Ennis Bicycle Livery,
Power House.
Four Mode1s$85 and 8100.
Fact0ry and Main Office .-Lake
ANcHii i-Hmw Vark. San PraaciMo. 5alt
I niir nn r- r r
YYC.DD OAT t. t5i
I " '
A- ' Agent frUcrrc County, Jlmcr, Oregon.
s i a aati m i. i.
f yQlMC Jv ti
It to Advertisers at a great financial sacri
fice. You need it in your business, and as a
matter of business we must sell it.
The Patterso.n Publishing-Co.
: BIF.il ;
Youi'o HOUN D tf Tnke 'Km.
Leaven No Con&llpaiion, . , .
an Indisputable fact. It stands In thoj
if you buy one you will make no mistake. I
to be happy, for should your wheel bef
minutes, as it 1b equipped with the world S
26 and 24 inch wheels, at fi6, f55, $45 respect-1
with G. & 3. high-grade double locking edge
Wanted in every town in Oregon, Washing- j
Agt. for Morrow Co.. Heppner. Oreeon.
. . . . v
f lVrl C IIO
and Halsted Sts.. CHICAOO, ILK
Lake City. Denver. Memrhli. Detroit, Teronto.
s. t -v a .
O '
King of Bicycles. 2
I fiMliUN fn.a, ft ssaie k
1 1 i 4 a. 4 t SK4.
,Ua. fc, .littfall H H M .IT.
.mm 1.9 M 4 M -4 I tfj4Ma4,
Cae il. m aM a'l 11 Ml , ,r jta l.el
i V a -1 .1
I, . rt ,,n' I-- 1 t a I
i I i , t - ' ' s ''.' r '
t- I t , t
ai .1 . .
' ' I I' -an !; la
I IM1IHI fill In IM ' M
lit in ik. . ,,m. k-si aii ' '-" -r
- a i- ii .-.
" I'irit ua-
rr4tt f I iee
II Tal raster
r . -
ft.rwa imtm wa
, Um we -
a - t 11 ! ' ' ' '
' r ra, (,