Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, March 06, 1896, Image 3

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La Grippe, for Golds, Gcughs
"Two years ago, I had the grippe,
and it left me with a cough which gave
me no rest night or day. My family
physician prescribed for me, changing
the medicine as often as he found the
things I had taken were not helping
it- 4),
Here and There. -
O. E. Fell is over from Pendletoj.
Ben Honssker is np from The Dalle.
S. 8. Horner is in Portland on business.
Armstrong is over from Golden-
me, but, In spite of his attendance, I got
no better. ' Finally, my husband, read
ing one day of a gentleman who had
had the grippe and was cured by taking
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, procured, for
me, a bottle of this medicine, and before
I had taken half of it, I was cured. I
have used the PectoruV for my children
and in my family, whenever we have
needed it, and have found it a specific
for colds, couglm, and lung troubles."
Emily 'Wood, North St., Elkton, Md.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
Highest Honors at World's Fair.
Cleanse the System with Ayer's Sareaparilla.
TIT'S 4 .5 A. JL
697T ILJ 3 14
irTETTIaJ9 20 21
"22" 23. W 25 2f 2f 2
"29 MtSZSSMca.
Take Notwe.
L The anm of Bre rent rr Hn WU
ibarral for "canU of thanks," "rvanlutlons of
uiiwt " II. la nl arnriilliiir iiri-aenta and douora.
Hid obituary notlrua, (other than thoaa the adit
)r shall blmat'lf niveau a mutter nl newt.) and
antlrjwnf aixirla.1 intwtltiira for whatever purpose.
a. Notlcoa o( churrh and moWj and all other
interUlnmeiiU Irom which revenue ii to be de
rived, shall be rharne.1 fur at the rate of five
nU a line. Thfe ruloa will be strictly adher
ed to In every ImUnce.
AdvertUliK raue reaaouaUe and made known
ipoo application.
fttaite for lUMman, Muniimsiit, tone: Creek,
John lay and I'aiiyim 'lty. Iravna follows ;
Every day at a. m . xi"t Hnn.lay.
A rrt vea evory day at t J.. erept Monday.
The chmprat. HUlrkeat and beat line to or
from the luUirlnr romitry.
' WALT. TII01IP80S, Prop.
Corner Brnrk, Axctitt.
Qambrinus Beer,
City Hotel Bar!
Drinkable Liquors and Smokabls
Cigars. Call or Ted.
Nels. Jones was in town early in the
W. T. Allyn was up from lone Wed
Wm. Hashes and J. N. Elder went
below Tuesday.
J H. Allyn and son were in Heppner
Wednesday last.
W. J. Brown and Tboa. Brown were in
Heppner yesterday.
Born To the wife of Sam MoBride,
in Heppner, Maroh 5tb, a boy.
Hon. J. B.TIiorapnsn and JoeWoolery
were seen in town this week.
The child of Albert Hluoum is not bo
well aa reported in last issue.
Jas, Mnuion, representing Wadbams
& (Jo, was in Heppner Wednesday.
Jnmes Mclntire beoame a full-fledged
citizen of the U. S. last Wednesday.
La Grande Marble Works, La Grande
Ore. 8. 0. Smith, salesman, Heopner.
Mr. A. D. Stillmen and Col. J. H.
lialey oame in Tuesday from Pendleton.
Go to P. C. Thompson Oo.'s for syrup
and undershirts. Lowest cash piioes.
T. M: Miss Addie Jackson went to
Heppner last night for a short visit witb
Squirrel rifles and cartridges; 22 short,
22 lout; and B. B. caps tor sale by P. 0.
Thompson C). 21
Miss Bessie Sutton is suffering from
ooDjnnotivitis, or iu other words, inflam
mation of the eyes.
Baker Blade: Bob Anderson is under
the weather. He took oold when the
pope got after him. '
I Waklie's 8quirrel Exterminator now
I on sale at Minor & Oo.'s, reduced from
50 ots. to 25 cts. tf.
All court business ends today and
JudeI.owell and Pros. Att'y .Lawrey
leave tor home tonight.
Jas. Oartv. Jas. Molntire, John Kil
kenny. Put Kelebar aud others were in
to attend court this week.
Otto Friedriob bai opened up the old
bakery stand on May street, and hopes
for the people's patronage.
This office was the recipient this
afternoon of s oall from W. W. Brannon,
John Lawrey and Judge Lowell,
Beat accommodation and Oourleous
treatment at the Imperial Hotel, Seventh
and Wash. 8te.. Portland, Oregon, i ,
Born On the 3rd inst.. to the wife of
Mr. D. B. Leathers, of Eight Mile, a
1 pound girl. All are doing nioely. .
Baker Blake: Hod. 0. M. Donaldson
desires us to stats thai be is no aspirant
for any offiosin sny shape or form whatever.
John Kilkenny, of Butter creek, bas a
severely sprained leg as a result of a
borse falling with bim a short time
Minor k Co., tbs rednoers of prices,
have now on hand tbs celebrated Wak
lie's Squirrel Poison. Oall and sea what
they sell it tor. tt.
Tlis Qftzstte office acknowledges a
call from Messrs. A. D. Htillmsj, J. H.
Haley snd Henry B lack man, while iu
town early this week.
O. Bi Hatt, tbs tonsorial artist, can
be found at bis parlors, Matlock ooroer,
where b will dispense at popular prioes,
shaves, shampoos, hsirouts. etc.
Messrs. Gilliam k Btsbee bsve secured
the servioes of Mr. Harris, formerly of
LhGrande, who presides over tbs man
ufacturing department of their tinshop.
Nearly sll women bavs good bair,
tl.ouijli many ars gray, snd few srsbald.
Hall's llhir lUnewer restores tbe natural
eolor, snd tuiokeos ths growth ol ths
Any inventor in Eastern Oregon wbo
desires tbs tmrvioes of an attorney in
Waahimrton. D. U . Will find it to his
1 1
for Coughs, Colds,
and Consumption
te beyond question the greatest of all
modern medicines. It will stop a
Cough in one night, check a cold in
a day, prevent Croup, relieve Asthma,
and curt Consumption if taken in
time. " You can't afford to be with
out it" A 25c bottle may save your
life I Ask your druggist for it Send
for pamphlet If the little ones have
Croap or Whooping Cough
use it promptly. It is sun to curt.
Three Situ JSC, joc. and Ji. All Drngglsta.
X6&1S Chambers St., If. Y.
tin mm ..tin mm of MoffOW. WhUtl UP S
"".f " .-......
for "he ( -aodldau." I'm free to stale, will Kay
.Ilk etat till J n tie '.
Tt on M him nil bn eusfr blade, wllh"'etTT-i
IJllWOnd Hra," . i. .
Tla eeeel to Ihlii. "f that fwwl old drink, lot
voting men are dry.
Bold only at lbs Ifc-Ivsders saloon.
CKarl.e JnnM. Ih Well-koown "olJ-
i in ii.a innanrinl line, bas again
located In Heppner, bavtrg pyebeeed
ll.mmm M.tkawa' ahoD. Minor buildln
ii- ih rii hofl. Charley
appreciate a call bn In town.
advantage to call on or address this pa
per. 6U
Canyon City Nawe: Died, at ths
Black Units mine. Foi valley, Fridsy
morning Feb. 21, infant son of Mr. and
Mrs. John Uagen, alter an uioess oi
about a month.
Echo stags leaves Heppner Moodayl,
Wedooedeys sod Fridays. Leaves Kobo
Tuesdays, Turedsys anrl Batordays.
fare 11 eaob way. umos, wens u
Wsrrtn.tleppner. Ed. UrUkell, Prop.
John Hornor and M. T. Galloway
went Lexington last Tuesday evening
to praotice in a joiut debate with the
Lexington literary eooiety. The follow
ing subject for disoussion was won by
the affirmative: "Resolved, That intem
perance has caused more misery than
war." A very interesting program naa
been prepared for tbe occasion, and both
report a very pleasant time.
Take Simmons Liver Regulator now.
Its just the remedy for tbe spring of the
year to wake up tbe liver and oleanse
tbe whole system of the accumulated
waste of tbe winter. "My wife oom
balted more malaria in Alabama in 1881
witb Simmons Liver Regulator than all
the doctors in tbe neighborhood. We've
bad a siege of malaria in our own fam
ily, and it helped us." W, N. Bryant,
Dallas, Texas.
Two Heppner oolts were entered in tbe
Rural Spirit stake raoe tor two-year-olds.
James Jones named "Paul Jones" and
Geo. Swsggart, "Miss Heppner." Norn
lnations in this race closed Mareh 1, but
tbe raoe will not be ran until late in
the season.
"A orick in tbe bsok." a pain under
the shoulder blades, water brash, bil
liouBoess, and oonstipation, are symp
toms of disordered tomaob, kidneys,
liver and bowels. For U ailments
originating in a derangement of these
organs, take Ayer'e Pills.
Joe MoAlith, wbo was recently releas
ed from jail and from further proeecn
tion. desires to thank tbe offioisls ae well
as his friends and aoqnaintanoes tor
their kindness to him, both during bis
incarceration and since bis release, .
Collector Blackman waa in Heppner
Taesdsy night and Wedneeday. His
visit evidently bad no political signifl
osnoe, tow that soma of tbe "powers"
have decided that tbe office-holders sbsll
not be "in it."
W. W. Brannon, grand leoturer of tbe
A. O. U. W.. made a public address at
K. of P. ball last night and will talk
again at tbe M. E. church, South, on
matters appertaining to tbe order.
Tbe blue-bird is bailad ss a bsrbinger
of spring. It is also a reminder that a
blood-purifier is needed to prepsre tbe
system for the debilitating weather to
come. Listen and you will bear tbe
birds singing: "Take Ayer's Sarsa
parilla in March, April, May."
Fossil Journal: L N. Hughes, Jr.,
fnrawlv merchant at Wb'--' now
traveling in tbe interest of tbe 0. W. R.
Co., of Portland. Us waa in Fossil tbe
first of the week.
Fossil Journal: Matt Moegrovs, wbo
keeps bis political eyes and ears open
when travelingover tbe oouutry.lbforme
na that be finds Eastern Oregon quit
solid tor Ellis.
W. Bagley, father of Harry Bsgley of
this city arrived from Hilleboro last
Wednesday morning to be w Hi bis son
wbo is now recovering from an attack of
Recently N. O. flmead fell from bl
wagon over on Bis Mile, tbs vehicle pas
ting over bis bend, bruising same
State of Oregon vs. Milt Powell, true
Thuraday, March 5.
State of Oregon vs. Milt Powell, con
tinued and set for first day of next term.
State of Oregon vs Milt Powell, plead
not guilty, oase dismissed on continu
ance of other case.
J. A. Woolery va. J. I. BeoeQeld, motion
and demurrer submitted without ar gu
ment, overruled, M-iy 4 to answer.
J. A. Woolery vs. D. W. Hornor, dis
missed without prejndioe, to be tried in
State of Oregon vs. J. W. M rrow, sod
the heirs of Cbas. Lini, deceased, de
fault and judgment. $250 att'y fees.
In the Circuit Court of tbe State of Ore
gon for tbe county of Morrow. To
tbe Hon. Stephen A. Lowell, Judge of
tbe Above entitled Court.
We, your grand jury, duly drawn and
empaneled on the first day ot the present
term ot oourt beg leave to report as
We have been in session four days;
we have reported seven true bills ot in
dictment and one not true bill of in
dictment; we have examined twenty
three witnesses and have inquired into
a number of matters whioh were pre
sented to tbe grand jury fur their con
sideration but on whioh said matters we
felt that tbe eyidenoe submitted to us
did not warrant an aoiion ou our part.
We have examined the offices of the
sheriff, clerk, treasurer and other county
officials and fiud tbe ' books of eaob.
neatly and intelligently kept and so far
as we are able to judge, matters in an
excellent oondition; we have examined
the Jail and find the same fairly kept
and tbe inmates well provided tor.
We have noticed that large numbers
ot persons, mostly young bjys, are in
the habit ot ooogregatiog around the
oounty juil to talk to the iumates and
we IdJl that ins practioe suouia De
stopped. Suoh a condition of affairs is
only calculated to give aid and euoour
agement to law-breakers and lesseu the
respeot ot tbs boys who are in tbe babit
ot going to talk witb them, for law a id
order. We therefore reoommend that a
twelve foot wall be built around said
jail to stop these praotlcee in the future
We desire to thank your honor for the
oourteous treatment reoeived at yonr
bands and to our bailiff for his attention
on our wants, and to our district attor
ney tor his attention to our wishes and
aid in our work.
Having oompleted our labors we re
pectfully ask to be discharged.
Dated at Heppner, Morrow county,
Oregon, this 6th day ot Maroh, A. D. 1890'
Oabbitt M. Akkra, Foreman,
S. W. Adams,
O. F. Mattbiws,
J. N. J ON KB,
Tuomas Obahav,
J. H. Allih,
H. 0. Gat.
A Great Blessing I HAVE YOU HEARD
My wife and I have found in Hood's
Barsapaxilla. Bhs bad rheumatism very
severely, with
ankles and legs
badly swollen, and
hardly able to get
np and down
stairs wit bent
help. Many other
remedies failed,
but Hood's Sana
parilla entirely
c cured her. ii was
-. only shortly after
kSs that I was
with the
ing my limbs
hips, so I just tried the same medicine
v. the same result. My wife and chil
dren take Hood's Sarsaparilla whenever
they feel the need of a medicine and it WV
mediately makes them feel better.
fa a Change in Business All W.
Has bought out the General Merchandise Business of the McFarland
Mercantile Co., and the stock is being disposed of at
I Wholesale Slaifer Prices !
All woolen goods, boots, shoes, overshoes, ete., are being sold below
wVinlnanlp onat. flrft rlinnnnntn nn harrlwRrfi. tinware. plftRRWAra. hats.
i aaa w . . 1 ' '
HOOCl S OQrSQpEtMllU caps, blankets and in fact everything kept in a general mercantile es-
I leri ichmAnt I 'n 1 1 onH naa fha oftsilr hofnria if ia rr lora
O -i i 7 VIII- T .M . 1 - I laUllOULUCU Is VUll UUU POO VUO OtASUCX tctuio X K AO XC VVe
v cs jiiu uuviui o uiuni jl nut on lutvi y
nd well known in this locality." Q. W.
Wyatt, White Bead Hill, Indian Ter.
Hood's Pills asv In effect. 26c.
ED. R. BISHOP, Prop.
The National Bank Building, Heppner, Ore.
Manager and Salesman.
From the Fossil Journal.
Mr. Tom Dawson and Miss Ada Rhea
went to Antelope Monday.
Mre. Andrew Tillard and baby boy,
ho have been visiting her mother here
tbe last few weeks, returned to her home
near Heppner Wednesday.
Wednesday morning Squire Donald
son, mine host of tbe Donaldson hotel,
asked N. J. Sinnott tf he had ever beard
bis father tell about Qeorge Franois
Train omening tbe Uolumbia river on
tbe backs ot the salmon. "Heard it?"
replied Niok ; "I have beard that story
so oiten that I have oomo to believe it
as strongly as my father does." And
the squire rejoined, "You'll do."
Rev. M. Bramblet has been oalled by
the Baptists, of Arlington, to oooopy
their pulpit twioe a month during the
ensuing year, who nave promised $duu
towards his salary, bight Mile has pro
mised SI 60 for one fourth of bis time,
and if Condon will guarantee $150 for the
remaining fourth, Mr. Bramblet will aj-
oent the Arlington call; it not, be will
aooept call from Ukiah, uai.
Nerves On Edge.
I was nervous, tired, irritable and
oross. Karl's Ulover Koot lea bas made
me well and happy.
Mrs. . B. Wohdbn.
For sale by Wells k Warren.
What Do fa fat 1
Some people want the earth; you can get a
goodly portion of it at
With very little money. He keeps a full line
of general merchandise, including dry
goods, groceries, boots, shoes.
Gilliam & Bisbee
Notioe is hereby given that a meeting
of tbe domooratia oeDtral committee of
Morrow county, Oregon, will be held on
Saturday. March li. 1890, at 1 p. m., in
tbe parlor of tbe Palace hotel, tor the
ournose ot selecting tbe time for holding
primaries, oounty convention, and for
tbe transaction ot any other bnsiness
that may come before tbe meetiug. A
full attendance ot all tbe committeemen
ia earnestly requested.
J. YV. M0BB0W,
Coin's Financial School for sale by
P. O. Tbnmoson Co.. at 5a each. The
best smoke in lleppoer tor tbs money.
SoaptBoept! Roapttl till yon can't
Mat. Prioes as low as ths lowest, a
store of P. 0. Thompson Co. Cash only.
We know of but one onmmnnity in tbs
world wbere dyspepsia ia practically nn
known, and thai is the Bbakers ot Monnt
L.kM... N V Tku. ..4 aMiiliitio.
been studying tbs subject of digestion
for mora than a hundred Tears, and that
the understand it pretty thoroughly, ia
evidenced by the foregoing faot. Their
Uiaestive Cordial ia Hie safest and beat
remedy in cases of indigestion that we
know ot. A trial bottls can be had
through your druggist for the trifling
anm of 10 cents.
Ths Honker Uigeslivs Cordial supplies
tbs system witb food already digested,
and at the same time aids the digestion
of other foods. It will almost instantly
rllea the ordinary symptoms of imli
BMtion. aud no souVer need be told
hat these are.
Laxol is the best me.liolne for ohll-
drrn. Doctors reoommend it in place of
castor oil.
Catarrh fartd.
Health and seet brralh seenred, by
Sluloh's Uatarrb liemsdy. Pries DOc.
Nasal lejootor free.
For Hale.
Ten shares of stock in the National
Bauk of Heppner. Address Richard T.
OoT. Receiver, Arlington, Oregon, 64tf.
We are Dot small men, lbs. "We are email men, jCs.
v.e ate not ine Latoest inercfiants in iRe World !
aaa But when the people of all the unrounding country are In need ot a a a
Hardware, Tinware, Crockery ware, Qlaaiware, Wood and Wlllowware, Nails, Iron, Barbwlre,
Cumberland Coal, Oaai and Water ripe, Pipe Fittings, Stoves and Ranges, Wagons,
Hacks, Buggies, Wagon Material, Hardwood, Axes, Hammers, Saws, Hledges,
Wedges, Guns, Flatola, Cartridges and Ammunition, Mason Jars, Oran
tteware, Plows, Harrows, Rakes. Mowers, Tubs. Wash Bolllers
and Boards, Sheet Iron, Zinc, etc., etc.,
Should call and Examine our Goods and Qet Prices.
We bavs Oooo floods at Faia Prices, and Cheap John Goods at Chep John Prices.
QIL3L.IA.M & 33ISB3531, '
Notice of Intention.
li Feb. l:l, lH'Jil. Notlro Is herebv given that
the following named K-ttlur baa fllM notlrc ol
Ma Intention to inuke final prool In support nl
ha claim, aud that an Id proof will bs made
brforet outityciera, ol Morrow uotiiuy.ai iiopp-
lir. urvgou, on irrn .a, via;
Hd. E. No. X for the HU KK4, NW!iBEand
N K'i (tw V. aw. n. Td. 8. K. W E.
Ha iiatuca Hie fnlliiwlng wllneaars to prnvs I
hlarontliMioua realdeuce upon and cultivation
of ajtlit laud, via:
Jell Jmiea, lipurga xmitn, lames 1. laiiNn,
Jaiiim Wru, of Hoppiicr, Urrgon.
414 II. Kt-Klatur.
Stockholders' Meeting.
Groceries, Gents' Furnishing Goods,
Stockmens Supplies, Etc.,
Wcints lOiir lrsclc !
I at !h nnlc of the trraaiirrron llitltid Mturday
In Marrh at 7 p. in., lor the purixwanf rlsrtlng I
oitlrvra and attending Ui nu b olhar bualuraa as
may corns twlora (lis mwtinf .
n. r. 11 1 3 1.
1VI. Hwralary.
Walt. Thompson runs stags bet
Heppner sod Monument, arriving avsry
day except Monday and leaving every
day aiopt Monday. BDooesi inasorip
aat route to ths Intartor. Oonsa
brock, sganls.
A ennk alovf blew SD down St AlbloS
few days sgo Just as Cbas. Jones beaUog
tovs went recently. IU ssrefol to avoid
frnta pipe. " " 001
witb very light Ore so (bat tbs pipes
will not gt tery bot.
Mrs. W.J. L tr calls the attention
ot ths pnhlto to tbs faet that she is still
la tbs bkry bostneaa, aed bf old sna
lrners will farnlalvaj as sitra quaint
of bread at lbs grocery of bet baaband.
Yoor pair oo age la soliottl. i
Ars Yes Use
Of thoas nnksppy psopls wbo ars sof
fering witb weak nsrve. starting at
every slight sonl. noabla to sudors
any aonsaal disio'baooe, flodioa it lap-sal
bis to slsept Avoid opiate snd
esrve cimpoaads. Peed ths nsrvas
nrwa blood msde Dire sod noartshint
by tbs great blind ponflo and tins
nsrys tonka, Uood's Karasparllla.
Hood's Tills ars tbo beet after-dinner
ptlls, aat digoslloa, prevent soosli pa
two, 5o.
A Mj s Ufa Nava4.
'M baby baJsronpaod waa aavad by
Bl. Hob's Care," write Mrs. J. 11 Martin,
nf llnn'svill. Ala. For sals bf Welts
A Warren.
curt it cocT rtorrkwsos.
Jna.tay, ttafthl
J. A. Wool ? H. W. Adas, -llt
sad UlSBilawd.
J. B. tlsst , 2Ct Jo, d missed
I defendasls soetav
E A. Morgan ts. D. A. Urr, ttotj
tinood for Ufts.
rar,k alifarUad vs. D. W. HornuT,
Thers I mors Catarrh In Ibis seotion
otitis eonnlry tban all other diseases
pnl together, snd nntll lb leal few
years was supposed to bs iaeorsbls.
For a great many years douirs I"0"
noanoed it s looal disease, and prs
senhed locsl remsdies, nod by cm-
stanlls failing to sore with lal treat
tneot, prononneed it tneorabis. noiene
bas proven satarrb to bs a ooosiitaikinai
dtseasa, and tbersfors rennlrss consti
tutional treatmant. Hall's Catarrh
Care, manufaelnred by P. J. Cbeoey &
Co- Tnled.1, Oblo. I tb only cnitetilQ
lional enrst on tb market It I taken
In Urn ally la dnars form 10 drops to
UaatxK.nlal. It nets dlfaolly no the
blond end DiQeons snrfaoa of tbs eys
lera. Tbey (iffr os bnadrsd dollars
for aaf rasa It fad to oars. Hand for
clrenlars and Utitpnials A l lraa.
r. J. CllMv k Co , Toledo, U
Hold by drnggtets, 7.KJ.
MaaairtlM fas be t ar
lit II. as of Hdloh s Core. This
fl fVinili rare la Ihs only Inn
rama.ly Ibal trrribl disesaM. ror
sals by Weils Werr-o
Notice of Intention.
T A"D OffirF. AT TUB PAI.I.M. nKKfiOf
I J Fi-b. II. If. Not Ira Is harrhy glvrn that I
lha ful low li( naaiad arlllrr haa ftlro nullra I
of lila Inlrntioti In maka final (.riKif In auppnrt
ol hi. claim, ami thai aall prml will w man a I
i.t-lnra tn rniiiiiv rii f a oi Morrow rouniy a i
llrppnt r, urrfnn. nn Marra .-, via:
ltd. R. Ko. JW, Inr Iha fix N J and SWIa
Srr il. In h a. R . F.. w. M.
Ila nalin-a in Inll.tWing wiuinaf. hi prn
blamnttimoua rKldoma upon aud cultlvatloa
ul aalil lan,l. Via:
Kd i nt. i mp linint.: H Bunts, t narira
V. Colsman, ol llaidmau, umtnn.
JAa. r. M'xiHa.
114 24 Raglalar.
Public that wc have purchased the Fell
Bros.' Stock on May Street and intend to close
k .,..v rlivc Rpfrnrrllcss of Cost. I o0smi sn piaiaurs sou.s.
11 OUl IU lUt "v "4V "'to lM.ko.fUACo....0.r1.V.s
Wc have made arrangements to have the .-'''-
hats trimmed up and will sell them at prices
that will surprise the patrons.
There is also a fine line of Hosier)', Knit
and Muslin Underwear for children and ladies;
Children's Dresses, Infants Clothing. Ribbons,
Thread, and a complete line of Notions, Dress
GomU and Linings.
Come and get bargains kforc they arc .all
Yours Rojct..
IlOltNKll & RHEA.
He will make it an object for you to trsJo witb
bim aa bia pricea are right, and all gooda that be
bundles, are of tbe very bent
Main Street, Next Door
City Drug Store,
Cumrnings & Fall,
JT. Ta7Sr. VC33Ejf20Kr,
unoraaor to C. B. Vaa Dnyn. Hail door to City HotuL
Has everything in the line of Fresh Groceries,
Candies, Nuts, and also keeps Crockery,
Lamps and Tinware.
Gel lilt HOUSC r00 'somP'et0, Notions a Specialty,
I (SflMBMaSjaiaBaMaBWaBWaHa
01 Iha Oi l Kallal.ls
Half l.l"k aii.ltha t'nl. m fvi- of r
-" d 1- i- W rot44Ms
far lrss
f. H. VsmUsvs s. I. II. Vaa Wats,
rcft 1 1 rfrs 6la4.
SaaltnaMSt ol C K VakUlS, SSatioa
Ifl m4 darla 4ft.l.
C Kif vs r.m.if Kii, l's
pray a I lr.
II. T. l'.aUy vt l-iu s lta('y,sbaf
I vtsss to MllO"ab iMaoly grasU-t.
4ta.. .ns vs. 14 a J I. (Waai. C
C Mlr l l . "-' l sBf ita
i SIstisaL.
UUlifr, vs. Mill !!., ltj
trial, Jf &V a4 kaja4.
Mai at ((- vs. vt s. Ttol'f, 4iS
All last wloUr lit. (Un. A. Mill, of
l.aoeo. Crxia.. was ball afflict!
witb rbatalisia. At Hem It waa
vara ibal as ooom act sunn ap
straiatl. tot was draoa ovar od
al.la. -I lrtd diffafaat rsma-lias with'
ant Mrttla rtllaf." S sat, "ontll
abuntsli Dvmll.s am I boatkl a b!il
U t'baobrlaia's rata llalta. Alter
oaitis li for I bras days nr tbsamaiisn
as S"0 1 bas -- war aaa siuos.
for sis l.jr Vjoot a Dwl.
J. W. Ksv bs, its r-itf MinUf, Is ir.
(i4 to 4i all btsds of pamUsS si4
ia(wr baas-its' il 'Hd l."ia Plaas-
ao4 tab p a4 t"l inw rari-ia,
Ofllf om Mala sinsl, t t-i' (Vf
bolsL "
t b beat e.b fsr
I hilb's f sf A lai4 'Hib
ia) JiaaamiM, M..p rt Si S vl'S
H..k's C. fnf tif Wa.ll A
in AMM'ti.rri c.
simI Ui c. 't. I. r. Kaiiroaoa.
Cof. W. Ma-ltsfHt ant Cllatea Sta ,
01CZ&av90. ZlXfc
All busluaas slUaU4 to It. a pmtntit an J satlsfaHory
ssaaasr. Not arias 1'bUm sa4 Collators.
t l i i
- - t- Tiir - - f
as .4 0-a-Hi vs J a 1 1 Wil.y. 1l
,n.l, a.,!a- ! I IMa I
iailf y
IViiilbms M. K4 Wf. si
r Mf.
Ilaviatf 1 S l'S V f UttS
ttnm lbs t'.i it MM early I
!.! aw-i It '"" ! sf
viiltr-c. I ll fr lb ! s'l'y days
saabs lrs oat M mt Ss ! at
ft '
Msr. 17. I. TS.oss.
f t 9:1 Vi I sill Kil s f!rt tl, li-sb
I ! 'w Ska l.lt.a naraa
i I- r M !. lifthr .a'liH
l.rs Sa l OS aUs U, A lab,
kast and mm
Tarouab fllaaa Uta Ska,
tmirt a a4 fra tUrllnlns 1-al I
(at l'll 1 U, htfafO.
y 4 ia
birs aaa4 ta lli IIM to taalars
i.iiwi'.n r
li If.
II 1X1 l.li. thn Auini,
Vrujva, V'ijvn.
j . C. UAkT, Aft, Trr, Ongon.
Do You Want a Rig ?
Don't You Want a Place to
Put up Your Team ?
Are You in Need of a Saddle
All lbNM cad U roarl t TlKm,-oa Iliocs, I.iwrr Main Kirs.,
TI.M a..,tl.maa mt an ial-l f tl !., Maa rtr w illa"l iM '' -Hilt,
a4 raaaata avHy a4 Uava la aa(li( law a UM a US laaiti. aaan.
tikaa l l.r. alia tka iimaa
x-i-vmhtamit. rtsrrifm.
J. CMOItCHKIlS, liip.
Keeps the 1'incst Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
LstsH.Uiffva. ss-U.