Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, March 06, 1896, Image 2

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    ( It is a rather extraordinary state
of affairs when men in congress
who are disposed to be his friends
have to acknowledge that try as
they will they have been unable to
ascertain where the president of
the United States stands upon
such an important question so
important that the most conserv
ative men in the Benate have pub
licly stated that it may lead the
United States into war with one
or more European countries. And
what makes the situation even
more extraordinary is the repeated
cablegrams from bpam saying
that the Spanish minister in Wash
ington has assured his government
in the most positive terms that he
has personal knowledge that Mr.
Cleveland has no immediate in
tention of recognizing the bellig
erency of the Cubans. It may
be supposed that these cablegrams
alone would have been sufficient
to have caused Mr. Cleveland to
have at least taken his friends in
congress into his confidence, but
no; he takes nobody into his con
fidence. Consequently there exists
a belief that lie is afraid to define
his position. This is an unfortu
nate conclusion to arrive at, but
what else can people think?
The rumors alleging that certain
republicans are working to have a
special meeting of the republican
National committee called for the
purpose of deposing Chairman
Carter, have received no serious
attention in Washington, for the
very good reason that everybody
knew them to be entirely without
foundation. Senator Carter will
retire from the chairmanship of
the National committee when the
St Louis convention names the
new National committee, and his
successor will be chosen as usual
by the man nominated for presi
dent by that convention. Even if
Chairman Carter were trying to
injure the republican party, al
though nobody in Washington
would credit him with being en
gaged in such business, he could
do the party so little injury dur
ing the few months he has to re
main at the head of the national
committee that it would really be
a waste of time to call a special
meeting of the committee to de
pose him.
The Portland Telegram states
editorially that Dlnckburn should
retire now in tlio intorest of har
mony and permit the election of a
gold-bug democrat, for unless
bucIi sacrifice in made no election
will be lind and the governor will
appoint a "Hound inonoy" repub
lican The editor hns forgotten
that AlliMi, of Washington, Mantle,
of Montnnn, and others have tented
tlin right of the governor to, ap
jiointoii tlio failuro of tlio leginla
turo to ('Wt a Hinator, to find that
they poMHi HHod empty honors. On
ly iu cam of death can the govern
or appoint a senator.
The Greatest American Prima Donna Made Well
by Paine's Celery Compound.
There wm never a remedy ao highly
recommended aa Paine'a celery com
pound. Tbera waa never a remedy in each
universal demand.
For it make people well I
Erery one among the tboaeanda who
have been delighted by the beautifal
songs of Roma, the great prima donna,
reoognize in her ooe of the world fsmous
lingers. ,
Born in California, (he graduated with
bonora at Esstern musical colleges, and
on ber return to the coast, became first
tbe prima donna at the Tivoli opera
bonne in Ben Frsnoisoo.
II was while making the lour with the
fatuous Marine Hand of Washington last
season, that the beiutitul Homa felt tbe
strain of travel, burry, and work, yet in
.Mu. Cleveland gave congress
quito a surprieo by vetoing the bill
providing for the loaning of school
land in Arizona by the territorial
authorities, which waa passed
nunuimouttly by both house and
enatn, and the house returned the
favor by promptly passing the bill
over Lis veto by a vole of 2CX) to
as, and there ia little doubt that
the senate will also pass it with
the required two-third vote.
What made tho veto all the more
surprising was that a eiruilar bill
waa penned by tho last congress
for Oklahoma and has worked
profitably for that territory.
ConiiEtr hit reclaimed the title,
"champion of the world." When
Corbett Rave the title to Mahcr
he lays he tied this string to it,
that if Mahcr waa ever defeats
by a foreigner, ho (Corbett) would
e i a, a a a. a a
again claim and tloiooa tne pure
ring title. Corbet l is disgusting
the public with hi Ceaseless
gabble, and it is to bo hoped that
he will fibt aud get awi badly
licked aa U Dover again l able to
arwak nhiva a lnir. n ben it
eouiee to talk, "Fita and CotMt
are a dead match, and a dua
rhampiouthlp 111 should l
I At WTioK t.) th tnany to
rtiulit Itdriferrncoi of the
Haleta NtatiMtman, regarding mat
ters up hre in the second congress
tonal district, it now baa some
thing to say almut who shall I
returned to rotigres. Home tolt
prosper just aa c!l whoa they at
tend t (heir o n tr-dhe 11 selvea.
The Halem Htbniin, iVti He ton
Tlibune, an I (net but l l at,
th ( Jfeoftiaii, through its abl and
fT''l ir;r'S"ijUtii, Mr. Mi l lie.
I in, nfl ii K t bt ttry d n I
waul l.lli will U rtuoi.tJ
jaittbt una.
The locks were not opened on
March 1st., but Day Dios. promiHo
that tho opening will not bo long
The bill leasing tho Arizona
school lauds was vetoed by tho
president recently, but the house
overwhelmingly passed the same
over the veto.
the evenings abe greeted great audienoee
with smiles and electrified them with
ber voioe. Could abe have done Ibis
without ber nervea were steadied and
ber strength bailt np by Paine'a oelery
oompoundf She says:
"In Paine'a oelery oompound I find a
very much long felt want for tbe worries
and exhaustive oarea attendant npon ao
aotive professional life. Paine'a oelery
oompound brings restful strength to
body and mind, invigorating tbe aystem
and prolonging life."
Paine'a celery .compound baa made
thousands of people well. It bss saved
thousands of women from nervous pros
tration. It bas made the weak strong.
It baa cured where everything else
failed. Inunuerable testimonials as to
its wonderful value have been volootnri-
8beepmen have to feed tbeir sbeep
Aa the weather has been quite cold the
farmers fear tbe early fruit is frczeo.
Charlie Iograbam made a flying visit
to Eight Mile a few days ago, to visit
bis father.
Persons have been making garden be
fore tbe snow came, but gardens are Dot
growing very fuel dow.
John Warren and family are visiting
at their old home in Washington. Mrs.
Warren's health is poor.
Ed. Hawley surprised several of hie
acquaintances when be came back to
Eight Mile a married man.
Ed Rood bas gone east. We will aee
when be comes baok whether he went
for a wife or not. (Ed. got tbe wife all
right. Ed.)
. On account of sickness Sunday school
was closed for a tew weeks. Next Sun
day afternoon it will open again at tbe
usual hour, 3 o'clook.
We have bad quite a snow storm. The
snow fell to the depth of seven inches,
and nearer the mountains it was deeper.
No doubt tbe ground squirrels wonder
at the state of affairs as tbe poor little
fellows can get no food in the snow.
Cayote and jack rabbit tracks are numerous.
Some persons think that tbe world
owes them a living, and tbey are going
to have it no matter from whom tbey
get it. Tbey appropriated to tbeir own
use hams and ehoolders belonging to
John Bellenbrook. Tbey were taken
from Ed. Rood's smoke bouse. Tbey
also appropriated a portion of William
Ingram's meat and lard 'to tbeir own
The majority of the voters in Eight
Mile precinct will vote for "state con
trol ot liquors." ibev nnd that some
of the prohibitionists are republicans,
and they think tbe prohibition talkers
will cast their votes for saloons and
license, although all republicans are not
in favor ot saloons and lioense, but
do know that thoy, as a political body,
do not fight against it.
Lioense, that dreadful woru Ob,
wbat terror, what dreadful agony, it
oaoeet! Think tor a moment, an in
telligent nation, granting men lioense
to tell poison to tbeir fellow men, and
have tbe privilege ot using any poison
tbey wish, and have tbe privilege of
adulterating all liquors, so thai the)
may make baok wbal they have to pay
tor lioense, without any great expense
to themselves, bnl at tbe expense of
ly sent to Wells & Richardson Co., who
prepare it in Burlington, Vermont.
Paioe's celery compound ia tbe most
remarkable remedy for tbe blood and
nerves, known to the 19th oentary. It
is employed by tbe foremost physicians
in curing kidney and liver troubles and
tbe diseases due to nervous disorders,
faulty nutrition, and impoverished blood,
producing results that seem little short
ot tbe mirHculous.
Paine'a oelery compound builda up tbe
system, purifies the blood, regulates tbe
nervea. The weak and worn-out soon
find tbeir frames invigorated, their
spirits raised,' and their strength renewed
It makes people well.
II is as superior to the ordinary nerv
ines, bitters, and sarsaparillas as strength
is better than wenkoess.
TuE Oregonian editorially is not
represented by Middleton, rouso-
piently this account for the edi
torial admission in Tuesday's issue
that there is danger ot the anti-
ring people winning the fight
Almost two pages on Tuesday's
Oregonian la taken up by J. N
Dolph'e Mount Tabor speech. It
this is what the Oregoniau's sub.
cribera are paying for thry are
getting very little for their money.
Till campaign is warming up
all over the state. Aa one ot three
parties, the republicans certainly
hare the beet of tho field, but f ac
tional couteaU in the rank ot the
g. a p. may defeat the ticket in
Tni man who contends that the
ailver issue i dead want it to die
so that Lis little wad of gold wil
further appreciate in value. Many
pAople make tatomeuts to agree
with their prejudice which iu
truth amount to nothing.
Oil bret'jern of congressional
hope ran rest aMurrnl that Ellis
ill be oo hand in June, and no
amount of Hub AodersW war
paint, or hi uid money twaddle.
wil divert the poopU from the fact
that Anderson on Monday ia Dot
the same Ainli-raoo on Tuoeday
by a jug full. lUker Wad.
Bhioiit Hot. N. J. Hlnnntt. a bright
young attorney of Tbe Dalles, wss in
town on legal business Monday, Tues
day and Wednesday of this week. He
as employed by James Connelly of
burnt Ranch to defend an action against
him in Fossil jnnlioe conrt, brought by
Nongier A Hover, sheepmen whose
range is on this side of the river. The
action waa for IJ50 dmnagM for tres
pass, plaintiffs claiming that Hi de
fendant, who rama over to Qilllam
eouoty with bis sheep las! fall ia order
to be near bay be bad bought on Ibis
side of the river, bad ranged bia sheep
on their land. Connelly admits beviog
ranged bis sheep on tbeir land, but
claims be made a trad with them
whereby they were to get lb OS of bis
range on the other side of the Jobo Day.
whirs tbey iu luru owoed soms bay
It appears, however, that Connelly's son
bad drove them off the racge, and bene
tbeaotion. The esse was stopped be
fore going l Irinl, by a compromise, in
wbicb Mr. Siuoott 'id fur his client, to
II. II. Hendricks, attorney for plaintiffs,
lb sum ot 1.15, plaintiffs to pay the
costs. We acknowledge a uleaaant call
frm the young IVitlrs attorney, who ia
son of the wo'l kn'iwa Colonel Hiooott
snd graduate f -om the offl of Judge
lUnnetl.-two good reasons wby be
should tut ein to bis rbosea profrs
smb. Foesil Journal.
tVwar I'vsatorfrllere
Who lofi-t Hi marks! and ars lbs
mean of robbing sick peopl of tbvlr
money, sod wbal la of still treetsr en
rqueoo ot tml abfrequeolly at travel
ing lb enmplslet aoder which lb
latmr. ll la ao eel of doty we ewe to
enctety to waro lb penple e.eii.et these
dangemnt frao.la. A little ear oo Ibe
pari of th pnrrbrs will protect thsr
fmra Imposition by bearing I lod
h farts: Neva bay wber It I
effersd In balk, (to ke or JenO as lb
geaatae UosUiUr's Mmmarh Hitler are
sold oaly I hMl haviag lb band
some ete plate lebsl displaying the
Mimtsl belweea hi, Oenrg an. I the
Dragoa, ap t beting si lb bothies
mlaialare rmU ( l.anJ for ooe rent,
hearing lb tme sim.le of Ibe aigos'or
of Ibe president of Ibe company. Over
lh ork la tnoisllie ei, a wan b I
lmrl Ibe name tf lb art tela, it
ihr witb a medallion hl to the
enlr, Asy roo sllie tbe Htntr
fell lloetetier's H'onjsrh IlllUrs we shall
not IimiUU lo bring lo jttsttoe, a we
sever fad to eoovtet.
Death op Mhs. Andsiihos. Mrs. Mary
A. Anderson, a sister of Mra. Msrgaret
llaguewood, died recently at Santa Rosa
Cil., aged 77 years and 1 month. She
was botn iu Keotnoky and cam to Mo,
with ber parenta when quite young,
then married and oame to California in
She leave one dangbter. Mrs.
Riohard II. Crane, of Santa Rosa, six
grsnu children, two sisters ana one
brother. She bad a wide circle of ao-
quaiotaocs aud was highly esteemed.
Nom Hat Ayers at Iks World's Fsir
Ayer's Harssparillasnjoy th extraor
dinary distinction of having been tbeonlv
Mood puntler allowed ao exhibit at Ibe
World a fair, Chicago. Manufacturer
ot otber ssrsaparillsa aooght by every
means to uhUio a showing of tbeir goods,
nut they were all turoed away under Ibe
application ot lb ml forbidding lb
entry of patent medicines and nostrums
I be decision of th World' fair autho
rities io favor ot Ayer's Haraaparilla was
in effect aa follows: "Aver s Bsriipa-
rilla is not a patent medicine. It Hoe
not belong lo Ibe list of nostrums. It ia
ber oo It merit.
Tltl Oregonian I "crying" over
the conditions ia Multnomah coun
ty. It it "holler." Il ring wil
g t another rap that will complete
ly put It to ehvp. The advocacy
of th (Hcgociao for the j'rpptu
atiotiof I leg tactic i!I ail niote
than an) thing els 1 1 bli4 al-ml
c iiJ.tWH (eVuiebl to ti
ratirrt. AccttaT. Mr. Johnny
lUpskllrsa ('sly Ceavtatloo.
A repohtirao eouaty cooveetioo for
lb county of Morrow, stst of Oregon,
U called to meet in Ileppoer, ia said
f.oioty, no Hslurdsy, Msrcb M, al
10 o'clock a. ra., far th porpoa of Bom
inating candidate for lb Mlowlog
eoooty offliw: Oo roooly judge,
oounty cornmlssitioer, eunoty eleik.
onnaly shnff, coo at y repreotstiva,
c moty lrsarwr, oonly assssnr, oo
ly cbHil sunerildei. eonaly euros tr
sod eotinty surveyor, and ale preeiart
offleer for tb several rrinta, ud
foor dslegsle each I lb eUl asd
seooad district oograelooal eoa-
vsutioa, sod lo Iraoaact saeb olbet bosi
a nisy property eats bwfor soeb
eoBvenllnn. Tb isveetloo will
alst of SI delegs!, biteo by lb v
eral pre tacts; sad tb rJ preeioel
( tkeeounty will be entitled U rpe-
sslsH in sail nveotioa follow
(Untry ,
Ml YrB"0 ..,
t Wy
IVy Kotk....
Pocket Knives
i and Scissors
Ws will send FREE either a
large 2-blade Pocket Knife
with stag handle, OB, a pair
of 7-inch full Nickel Scissors
Both Guaranteed to bo boot
Quality tool.
40 Coupona;
3 Coupons and 40 cenfj.
Ten win Snd one coupon iniido b S oanee baa,
ad two coupon intid Mob 4 ounoo bog or
Send Coupon with Name and Addreu to
Buy a bag of this Celebrated Smoking Tobacco and read the
coupon which gives a list ot other premiums ana now 10 gei inem.
!hc Eeslev U
For the Cure Oi
Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits
It Is located at Salem, Oregon,
The Moat Beautiful Town on the Cocut
Gall at the Gazkttb office for particulars
Strictly confidential. Treatment private and sure
Plenty of them at the
Gazette Office. . .
Otis rata
ColuraMa River and Pu
et Sound Na
ation io
great Buffering, Dd ot live of those
who purchase from tbem. Meo will
pray "Lead ua not ioto temptation, bat
deliver n from svil." when Ibev know
they have voted lo license men to open
tbe saloon as door to temptation that
leads to nntold evil. Tbey will Dray
Give a this day our daily bread," aod
koov? tbey have voted to lioenae men
to take away tbe bread from tbeir neigh
bor e. Tbey will thank OoI for tbeir
bomea and pleasant surroundings, tod
know tbey voted to lioense men to take
away tbeir neighbor home and drive
tbe family to lb streets to seek bom
where best tbey can. It these Voter
could be buog over tbe earth wber they
could s. 'e all the suffering and distress
that liquor ia bringing on th esrtb,
they oonld not even be bribed to vol
for lioense. And yet tbe ministers,
elders, deacons and professing Chris
tiana oan ba found io Ibis oompaoy ot
voter who are w illing to vote lor tbia
eurae, and even accept mopey from tb
lrilli)f.ir the support of the minister
and put the money in lh treasury of
the Lrd. Will ii blesa it? Will Us
accept nf It, tiluod money mad by sell
lug bmuUT If no drunkard shell inherit
the kingdom nf (lod, bow ia It about tb
Iruokard maker? How I it about th
one bo voles to lioens tb drunkard
maker? E.U.O,
Eight Mile, March 4. 1896.
Not to boTrlfM With.
(From Clnclunatl Cajetts.)
Will peopl never learn that "cold"
ia a Si-oiilenl to b dreaded, and that
wben it occurs treatment should b
promptly spplied? There is n know
log wber lb trouble will end; tod
while complete reeoverv is lb role, tb
rioeptiotis are terribly frequent, and
tbnussnds opnn thousands of ratal ill
Dea oeonr every year n shored in by
little loiQlicione exposure and em
loely Iritlinc symptoms. Beyond this.
tber are today onaoltees lovaltd wbn
oan trace thetr onmplsiot to "oolds,"
wbiob at tbe time of oofurreno save
no eoneern, aod were negleoted. Wben
troubled witb eold nse Chamberlain'
Dnofb Kcmedy. It I prompt and
effect osl. 6) oeot btrttlss (or al by
Uonaer C Urook.
Leaving Alder Street Dock, Portland, for Astoria, Ilwaoo, Long Beaoh, Ooean
Park and Nabcotta. Direct oonneotion witb Ilwaoo steamer and rail
road; alao at Young' Bay witb Seashore Railroad.
Leave Portland 7 A. H. Dally, except Sunday. Leaves Astoria 7 P. M. Dally, except Sunday.
Leaves Portland t P.M. Dally, except Sunday. Haturday nlnht. 11 V. M. Leaves Astoria Dally at
aie:ta a. ai., except euuaay anu Honaay. eunaay nigm, 7 r. m.
Leaves Portland and rum direct to Ilwaoo, Tueaday and Thursday at II A. M. Saturday at 1 P. II.
Leaves imaco ncaneaaay ana rriaay at :m a. m. uu Sunday nignt at a r. M.
Baggage Checked to Railroad Destination Both Beaches Free cf Expense.
For Safety, Speed, Comfort, Pleasure, Travel on the Telephone, Bailey OaUert and Ocean Wave.
To CatulUnUi:-Candidates for mem
hersbip in M. E. Church, South, will
receive tb file ot baptism eed b reewtt
e4 Into tbe rborcb, Pooday, March, 151b,
instead Msrcb the ftib ss prsviooily
so oo need. All aodidste bless ar
rasg la b freeeot Ther will b no
swrvie Ibis Bandar, lb seout Raadsy
beisg tb regwlet monthly appoio truest
Mllbe Creek. C. Ik How tan,
Pastor M E. Cbareb, Booth.
.19 EUrhtMil
. 4 Alpine , .1
. 8 Ha Ciiy
. 1 Matteeoa 4
. t !alalo 3
, 8 Mslla H prin- ...I
. 3 tn. 3
Tb m b'ie oae delegale-at targe
trmn earli prveloel, an I pm dsUgst f.r
srrrf ftrwn vol, asd cms f(r ery
Ilsgsf bad Ibe fclafiiftuti lo fall from frscttm rv.r .aekalfof flf( votrs
tal.te last lUlnHay, while banglag op ! et f. W. Jl KUis. tb rrtllea ea
Htr"S) H. Uarlmaa, of Tianellow,
WmI V , ba ban Mb eel lo allark
of ulie ebffl oose year, aad woald
bate lo eall Ouetor aad Iben offr (or
stout Iwelvw boars a macb a soms do
wbew lty de. He wm take rveaolly
J tat the srse aa at otber times, sad
eosela.Wd M Iry L'bambwrlsla'a (Julia,
Colrra and Ihsrfboee IUmely. II
aaysi ' I l k oas d of I and II save
me rwltel la five mlaaiav That I store
IbewantlbUit el bs ever dose for
m." for ) by Co nt A Urcb,
t) tnrM, fHtvIng t'Siaful tru'. tai
lh 1 1-IU Is Inf ormed that she Is
ivwlng rat-i lly. I
I III t k.4 t'sr.
1'itls .! et'e e 'Bii.ai Thf
,1v 'aat Karl's ('l.tvsr l!
ls five Ve'l fsuVllr "t tUe
burs s. Fer sals py Wiliss4 Wsnse. (
lllata tnf etvrMlli, at lb e'rfti"
ia Jane, Itt
'riari t eWI Ibe JUsleS I
b nf lh vral p'Winnls will be held
Mre!i Jl. ltV r-ile will h .rn at
t rk k. in , ai 1 al l t ! .i"i I lit
ti Hi,,! rrli) ,.f ti .ltms' prl"''!
:.-,. A. W. I'tfttaw .
Ci sii. Hib4is Cwaay Uaiaui.
Ni mL Tb (si tola rvepi
ill ft enaoaeeinf lb srria(
Mm Matti II KaUht aa l I. . T
Tbnrasa, Wedeslsy eal, Marrk
. 14. ettbe rMtdee f lb bride
HKiiber, Mf Hwaaa Kaigbl,
1 1 art fnt i, K snaas. Th yeaag lady
a fl l e Miaia t tb Taliereoa beolber.
I l.i.blf e tliar! as I ) laoagbl a
!,.. ' s ie ksnau. TbeliaaMte ) 4at
H lb s.r,-ra'ti'.li a.
A iii i.r a pr. nn
1 --! h'. L (I'l-atMMi, ant k
ir lu 1 b Ir., ,(,; r rr.
. k'f t .ff it t tsa. Tat saws bf
IL Warrsa.
Is now open witb fresh Bread, I'its, Cake, etc., constantly on band.
Weddiog Cake or Fastery for special dinners baked to
order. Aleo oarriee line of wcll-aelected Qrooerie.
Will b kept for Hi accommodation ot lb trale. Country Peopt
lopping temporarily in town, ean get what tbey want
yery cheaply atth.CITY HaKEUY
Tbe Patronage of tbe People of Ileppner is Respectfully Solicited.
Old Bakery Stand, HEPPNER, ORE.
Mr. Wm. H. Lambert, of rbitadelpbl.
iaooeot tbemoalioUlligsotsod iodsle
tigsbl eollsetor of Liocolniana it lh
country. Ilis collection looludr many
rar and precloos piece, eocb a tb pre-
Ip I Linoola' Brat Iswsoil; Lloooln'a
old "WrUter Dislionsry; th obalr,
desk asd lakeland asad by Lincoln for
year la b Ppilniflaldlswofflos; one of
tb finest original amVotypee of Linoola
ia eilstaoca, aod aevw al original Lineolo
letter, besides qneaUtiee of angraviogs,
wood nt aad eurios. Mr. Lambert's
collection of literature oa Liooola la
praeUeally aomplvte, ooblaluiog bun
dredt of boc ks, psmplsU and neaspa
pr. Witb this vast amount of matter
Mr. Lambert la bimself perfectly femil
Ur, aad bi lalimat kowlalg of all
tbal la been written la rerd lo Lia
eo!a mike bi opinion af any as work
oa tb iob;t ot pollar valo. Of lb
"Lifaf Llaoolaa rtoeiag ia Mo
Cure' Manama, Mr Lamhwrl wriu:
"I oreialet yoa npoa tb value
af tb Ltaaula batory, aad apna tb
eorwws abteb ba MUeed Its aablira
lloa. rressotieg a II die Li4a'i
petaoaal blelory aad etiararUrtillos
or tally Ibaa any alber biography, I
balleve II I daelloed to ba lb pnpalw
Ul of lb gret Amertraa."
Mknit rikwl Ifklag niec
hyanpincM Mnwitarw; leWoaa Itehittg
aad slinging; atoal at aigbt; warae t y
axratrbiag. alluwxl to ntiaa
lamer furai, wrt'tb aftea IIm4 aad
ai.wraK twmailag very enra, Mwsrsa
UiTaT stops tba laebiag aad bl,
a. ! alewrixa, aad la mkwI mn
rOMV law tsavxa. Al drrci4. ar
hy mail, f.w aOe-wU. Itr.Hwsraa. ffc.
i iitiavix 'Me,
Aee 1a
MiaUe by ta t vi a. Ciaii.a.
ll", lM I, m nl ArX'K ru
asiar nuu.ms vi'a t a uit
tar, get aat Wi,,i Wairea.
Your Face
Wrtl aa wmIK wita a atael egetaf
mile, a fue yaw leet la a
oviawsa with rr asw
Tbe axnt (nwipWia and aaefal aVvtea ww
s 4.14 to say arwiag aeikiaa.
ti rniTi: i
Dartbly la Maawafy !rt,
Of rie rialib as4 Perfect A4stawi
Stwi ALL ttwabla Artie,
AM will trm and fiWeaa jm ep to (Ws f4
km it at yow trpo.1atjaaa,
Am Iitatsst WTta t wawwra
f4 ktnuirjr. LiUtai Ura. A4lrwa,
w rsa Tat Wm. Oordna ba
epa4 ap tb f4 yard aett oVne ta
IbeflaaiM ffSce, a1 aw aHil a
sba'a r.f your tir.,ase. Tilly ta rtgbt
at b ra al tb e tn.awa, d fear
w il b wl kv.sed fl. frtae
laawbA gv sd g'i ft aa. It