Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, March 06, 1896, Image 1

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    Portland Library
g!-v PAPER
! .... . 1
1 Is owing to my liberality in ad-
I vertising.' Robert Bonner. I
MiiMivrtt tt i fit i 1.1 wmmH nw Mm
Advertising brought me all M
own, a. i . Stewart.
n J
ww nnwniiiiimimptmM mhhwiiiumiihwhii row mhhimi
Mill M IllKMI-IsM 1 1 1 HI I ri 4 II Mil Mill MailK 4HbDW
Tuesdays and Fridays
OTIS PATTERSON, - - - . Editor
A. W. PATTERSON, Business Manager
At $3.50 per year, $1.25 (or six months, 75 ots.
ror three moncns.
Advertising Rates Made Known on
TH1B PAPKK is kept on tile at E. C. Hake's
Advertising ARenoy, H4 nnd 65 Merchants
Exchange, Ban Irancieoo, California, where cn.
mote for advartisintt can be m!ide for it.
0. R. & N. -LOCAL CARD.
The nervous system Is weakened by the
Neuralgia Torture.
Every nerve Is strengthened In the cure of It by
Train leaves Ileppner 10:30 p. ra. dally, except
Sunday. Arrives 0:15 a. ra. daily, except Mon
day. West bound passenger leaves Willows Junc
tion 1:13 a. m. ; east bound 3:30 a. m.
Freight trains leave Willows Junction golne
iest at 7:25 p. m. and 8:47 a. in.; going west, 4:30
jp. m. and 5.56 a. in.
United States Olnclals.
If'resident Qrover Cleveland
'Vice-President Ad'ai Stevenson
i-Wirotjirv nf Hint a Richard 8. Olnev
Secretary of Treasury Jehu O. Carlisle
flnerat&ry of Interior Hoke Smith
Secretary of War Daniel H. Laniont
Secretary of Navy Hilary A. Herbert
Postmaster-General .....William L. Wi son
Attorney-funeral Judson Harmon
Secretary o( Agriculture J. Sterling Morton
' .-' ":r"" State of Oregon.
Governor W. P. Lord
Secretary of State H. It. Kincald
Treiunrer Phil. Metaohan
Hnpt. Public Instruction O. M. Irwin
Attorney General ....0. M. Idleman
o . (G.W.McBride
juprntno Judgos...
Sixth Juillclal
Circnit Jadee
I'roetautinK Attoniny.... ..
Morrow (!oanty
4 mat Senator
Ueprasnn wive.
' Vanity Judtte....
" (JoaiuiUnionors
J. 111. Kalior.
" rwv
" Sheriff
' TroHarer
" Knrvcyor
Sniiool Bup't
" Coroner
1 . W.
1J. H. J
J Hinirer H
j Hiniror Hermann
' W R. KM in
, W. H. Leeds
K. 8. Bin,
V. A. Moore.
C. E. Wolvorton
...Btoohen A. Lowell
....Jolin U. Lawrey
A . W. Gowsn
J. 8. Boothby
Julius Kolthti
J.U. Howard
J. W. Morrow
.G. W. Harnnirton
.... Frank Gill Urn
j. r. wiiih
Gnu. Iord
Anna ltalsicor
'1aoi Th'm. Morimn
r. ,un(linii O. E. Farnsworth. M
Uchteiilliitl. O'is Patterson, T. W. Ayars, Jr.,
U H Mnpnnr. V 1. Klnanm.
u-.-.i.,. .V. J. Hnllock
Prnr " . K. L. KiwUnd
Marshal A. A. Hubert
Precinct Offlner.
Jninanf thm I'mu E FrsslniKl
Constable N. rt. Whetstone
United HtAtes Unit Officer,
mm dai.i.ks. on.
I MnnM lUeister
A. 8. Uiion Itseeiver
1.4 osasds, oa.
B. F, Wi'son Ultsr
J. II. Jtobbins Hwwlver
'J'Sjc Electric Cur
c'.'i'.t eiMibeiumietll
nt 'ly felt, nlthouarb
NOoiSiiiifr to the
iiio.Ht sensitive. The
dironut h of the current is
iiodor iho conaploto con
trol of the wearer, so
muon so that a ohild may
be treated ana curea oy
the same nower of Belt
mioosHury for the strong,
est man.
It enn be changed
from positive to negative
current in a moment.
They have and are cur
ing thousands of oases
of Bbeumstlin,
Chronic Diseases
and Nervous Ail
ments in man and
woman (from any cause)
Where long continued
medical trsatmentiailed
to cure.
AvnM all oheao teo-ealled) Eleotrlo Belts and fraudulent imitations of oar Eleotric Belts
and Appliances, as these are an Imposition, upon the suffering.
THE OWEH ELECTRIC TRUSS la the most retentiYe and curative Trass
made for the radical cure of Eupture.
Inclose six cents and send for oar IrfM-sr Illustrated Catalofrno in Kngusn.
German. Rwediiih or Norweeian lansuaces : eontainins medical facts, sworn statements ot
cures made and descriptions of Belts and Appliances. Address
803 so 211 Stato Street. Chicago.
KAWU.N8 rorr, n j. 11.
a. a. h.
Meats st Loxinxton, Urn Uit lost HatunUy of
aofc month. All rstoraus are invild t Joiu.
C'O. H.mi, iiao. W. Hmith.
Adlntant. tf CininauUr.
L U M B E It !
tV dreMHMl Lurolior. l miles ol Ua'pnr, at
what Is kuown as the
- - - CIJAK,
I too
r PKUVRRrTU IN itrcpsr.R, WILL add
a wi per l.ou Itmi. additional.
The above quotation are strictly for Cash.
Rational M ol WM.
WW. rrLAND, tO. R. RINHor.
I'mUvsl. Caklr.
mmm k gener.ii banking business
IIaU oa FsvoraLl Tsrma.
Oalario-Burns Slime Line
H. . rM'.'.lAMS. Pop
. , n i
Are the Highest of all High Grades.
Warranted superior to any Bicycle built In the world, regardless of price.
Do not be Induced to pay more money for an Inferior wheel. Insist on
having the Waverlcy. Built and guaranteed by the Indiana Bicycle Co., a
million dollar concern, whose bond Is as good as gold.
211b. SCORCHER $85. 221b. LADIES' $76.
Catalogue free. INDIANA BICYCLE CO.,
HOMER H. HALLOCK, iMDiAMArous, Imd., U. 8. A.
Gen. Agent for Eastern Oregon, Pendleton, Or.
Oil is to be tried as fuel for the tor
pedo-boat destroyer Daring during tho
eoming mobilization maneuvers.
A new knapsack attachment without
streps is being tried on the Gordon
highlanders. The pack is fastened to
the shoulders by metal hooks, and ia
prevented from wabbling by a back
All of the crew of the Russian flag
ship in the Pacific who recently caused
trouble by mutinous conduct have been
sent in a body, it is said, to hard labor
in Siberia for life, their places being
taken by a fresh crew sent out from
Kaiser Wilhelm, being through with
his 1870 celebration, is getting ready
to celebrate the war against Napoleon.
He has just ent 10,000 marks from his
privy purse to the fund for a monument
in commemoration of the battle of Leip-
rig in 1S13.
When the Magnificent and Majestic,
England's new battle ships, were put
into commission the other day crews
had to be taken from two other vessels,
that of the Empress of India going to
the Magnificent, while the Majestic re
ceived the men from the Eoyal Sov
At Blackwell the largest battle ship
in the world is nearly ready for launch
ing. It was bui It for the J a panose gov
ernment and will be called the Fuji,
instead of Fusi Yama, as originally in
tended. It is a battle ship with Harvey
ized steel armor, 400 feet long, 73 feet
broad and 44 feet deep.
A satisfactory test has just been
made of the Becond section of the boom
that is to defend the Chatham (Eng
land) navy yard and the Medway from
attack by torpedo boats. It consists of
groat balks of timber with a network
of wire hawkers, five gunboats being
used an supports for the boom.
... IS ...
Iavt H urts Isily el fl p. m. etjj ar-
rite si Ootarto la il boors.
Single Furo $7.00.
Hound Trip $10.00
SI iai1 .If tin H-M " -I
fiat rwit t - r-n.'l -
Stae st f rn.
To perjont who served In the wan of the United Statei or to their
Widows, Children, or Parents. Do You receive a pension ? Had You
relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Wars
on whom you depended for support ?
To receive a pension, who now do not. Thousands under the new
law are entitled to an increase of pension. The government owes it
to you an J is milling and Anxious to pay. Why not present
your claim at this present time ? Your pension dates from the
time you apply. Now U the accepted hour.
irWfite for bws and complete information. No Charge for advice.
No Fee unlets successful.
g The Press Claims Company $
PHIUP VY. AV1RLTT, General Mamter, f)
618 P Street, WASHINGTON, D. C f4
ra JP. lUVill Company Is snOWM nttrtf ess IAmshhJ Uadi f 'V
ri swmts t Ikt Viu4 maltt. mnd is marnnUl It iMrm. f 1
MS SS I' t t Irt -l tk Wa.l
(,,ttt, s' ti
hs KM, H ilb lh(..t.lH er.rl
y s Sit ", '. $ ?( tWt
nMsit"S ft Pt-t real
lh l- U. I f -
rfwmin s at i- rl V-t'sl. Ur.
I !'. a,- '.'''
YOU CAM nt r lr.00 llh u dry -- S4 S4 U)M kavs
esxwstt Wft eat of tiwos Is sorrHasfS Ha, I ( rrnt fekyrla. Tklsls
S Sm tisM insrlilnsk Wkyl,s Say I ii (( bkfrls Ual will Us
SMt hmllt SvkS f
rarai itr "," wki as s4a. sr ia
I Alias' aivl Ovate' trnAl si' IM waf It I a In tTt
aVtr Jsiinr. sti sim-wswiin- fwA BMaisa.
our sriai,'wr lo, U-ii', I
trmtt fat ,
Tur. Lanca: imkk Insuk.wck Co.
t xri'iistssj rii, i;j.Ai
4 iTTiL V t-ht is. i - is sties ,,, t
Papa (on top of the stairs) "Is that
young man gone, Mamie? Mamie
"Yes, papa; awfully." Judge.
"Queen Victoria and Emperor Wil
liam are relations, are tley not?"
asked Bloorofield. "Yej strained re
lations," repl icd Belleville. Pittsburgh
Chronicle-Telegraph. '
In the " Restaurant. Waiter "What
shall I get for you?" Professor (ab
sent-minded, rending the bill pf fare)
'I am busy now; link me after din
ner." Fliegeude Iilntter.
Minnnia "(iracious! how dirty your
hands are. You never saw my hnnds
that dirty." Ethel (aged five) "No,
mamma, but I 'siwct gran'ma did."
Philadelphia lU'covd.'
Comedian "I can' always tell when
I've gotten oil it niilly gmnl joke be
fore nn nudience. Munugpri-'Itow?"
Comedian "It is received with such
(loathly silence." ltoxbury Gazette
Klie "Ethel I'ii shoo had such a queer
txix-rience yejitrdny nfternoon, alxiut
ilurk, goiiiK" home from the Browning
clans. A man l UNiicd out of an alley
behind her, klmtcd wr just once ami
fled!" lie "I should think he would."
X. V. Tribune.
When rsopls May Usnrs.
At a gathering of King's I)niight-rs
at Ixndon, Out., the other day, Mrs.
(irnlinm, of Toronto, nn bring miked if
dunrlng should Iw toli-rot-l, replied
) r, but only in the morning, sn hour
I fore breakfast, and then thi woman
t-hould dunce with her hiiHhaml or
brother." Thli encouragement of
morning dnnring st a time when morn
ing prayers are an Id to he fulling into
dlkimr, may fxsislbly s'rlke some Cbrls
tlan as unwise. And there are ardais
Irailrrs of fnmillrs, not nereaasrilr
C'hrtntinn. who would kick vlgonmaly
If they were saked to dance an hour be
fore rending the morning iwis-rand go
ing to biilnrs. Farmers, also, who
hsve to lirgln work ery early In the
morning, will be srit to tomplsin If this
dancing rule should )m eiiforcwi.
The intents lulling and sinsrtine; Irxl-
oVnl 10 srrrnia, U-tlrr. sall-rlieum,snJiKlirr
diarasra of lbs skin Is lnUiitly sllste.1 j
spplying llismUrlsln's snj Klin
Ointment. Msny Terr bad asm have Im-n
rrmsrwiilly niml Ir IL II Is equally
Ih wot tf ItrttiiisT pi"' an.) a favorite rem
edy (-.r sort ni'ilii rlisppnl lunK cl.il
hlains, fr4 tiitns and rtimtiio sirs tvre.
I or sals ly drufgwu at V) mils -r boa.
Trt Dr. Tact's CaodHUa rsmlf rt, thrt
sr jwt what s h'lne nmli ! in 11 ortvll-
Itn, TotiK-, bl'l txirtiwr an. eniulnsa.
for sale ! Oosrr k llrork, dinggials
Escape of a Brave Young; Hltnger from a
Heavily Armed GaarU.
On the bank of the deep and swift
river stood a fully armed soldier of that
terrible power which overshadowed all
the known world. To Cyril, that soli
tary legionary, stationed there to pre
vent such us he from crossing the
Kishon, was an embodiment of all the
enemies of Israel and Judah. The sol
dier stood erect, witji his pilum, or
broad-bladed spear, in his right hand.
The visor of his bronze helmet was
open.' He seemed to have understood
the trumpet-note of warning, and was
looking in all directions. His sword
hung at the left side, ready for use, and
on his left arm was a large round
shield, now raised a little as he scanned
the vineyards and the river-bank, as
if he wondered from which of them an
enemy could come upon him at that
time and place. After a few moments,
he turned nway and strode slowly,
vigilantly, along the river-bank, while
Cyril watched him.
"Good!" exclaimed Cyril, at last.
"He is fur enough, now. I can reach
the river."
Out he darted and sprang away to
ward the Kishon. Of course he was at
once seen by the quick-eyed patrol, and
hoarse and loud came the Latin sum
mons to halt. To disobey was sure and
instant death if Cyril should be over
taken, and he would be followed with
relentless insistence if he should es
cape; but he bounded steadily for
ward while the soldier ran toward him.
The soldier ran well, too, considering
the weight of arms and armor he car
ried, for all Roman legionaries were
trained athletes; but he could not get
between the armorer's son and the
Not broad, but very deep and swift,
was the torrent that come rushing
down from its sources among the Gil
boa hills. A spring, a splash, and Cyril
was swimming vigorously, though
swept along down-stream ly the strong
current, while his left hand held his
rolled-up robe high and dry above the
Fierce, indeed, were the threatening
commands of the legionary, but on the
brink of the Kishon he was compelled
to halt and consider. No doubt he
could swim, but not well with his heavy
armor, his shield and his sword.
Lightly and rapidly swam Cyril, and
in a few moments more he wns out on
the northerly banks of the Kishon,
sending back a shout of triumph and
defiance. But he meant to send back
something more. His eyes were
swiftly searching the ground around
him, while he drew out something
which had been hidden among the
folds of his robe.
, It wns a stj'ufj of leather, its broad
as his two hands, with corner-straps
as long nn his arm a sling, such as
David lined of old. In that older llay,
all the trilie of Benjamin, to which the
house of Ezra the Hwordmnkcr be
longed, were noted stingers; and here
was their joung representative, loop
ing to pick up KiiifMitli. rouuilfd elj)lcs,
as David lind picked up hi" H-tillea
from tln brook in the vnltey of Elan
In un inntnnt he wns erect sgnin, sling
In hnnd, while yetthesoldierstood con
sidering the risk of swimming the
Whirl went the sling, with such a
swirtncHS tlint it cniiM hardly be seen,
nnd awnv binned the stone. Nodoubht
tlio Unman Imd faced sliiigers, mnny a ,
lime-, but the distance was more than
50 years, and lis mny not have expected
so true sn aim. I'p went his shield,
Indeed, a second too Inte, and well for
blm that he Imwrd his head, for Cyril's
(lrnt M'Milc struck him full upon th
crest. It did not knock him ilown.oniy
because In the heat of the dny, he hs4
loosened the fniitrnlngs of his helmet,
so that the blow of the stone struck It
from his head, snd sent It rolling away
In Ibe grans.
No crooning of the Kishon now, with
that slmger to pi-sHlr uimn his bar
head all Hie sy! Kiert wnrrlor
though he ss, he hnd enough to do
for the next two minutes In wardlngofT
with his shield Hie wetl-slmed peb
bles which rapidly followed the first.
William O. Ktoddard, In M. Nicholas.
Highest of all in Leavening Power.-
n c
-Latest U.S. Gov't Report
and then the serious look came back
"I don't think," said he. "I don't
know, and, what's more, I don't give a
cuss." Then he stopped talking to look
at his questioner through the corners
of his eyes. After a little urging and
much hesitation he told this story:
"You asked me once if I'd ever seen
any snakes here in the park, and I told
you yes. That was early last spring,
wasn't it? Yes, I thought so. Well,
I've seen some snakes since then. May
be you would like to hear about one
that I've got to know pretty well ? Yes ?
Just as I thought. Let us go down this
walk a ways. I want to show you some
thing first. Here we are. Do you see
this little knob or hummock in .the
asphalt? Well, lost spring, the first
time I noticed it, it was an inch high.
You can See for yourself that it's not
more than half an inch high now. What
do you suppose wore it down so much?"
"The scuffling of shoes on it," the
man guessed. '
"Well, I rather think nit. The feet
of men don't touch the edge of this
walk twice a year. " Do you see that
robin's nest there in that oak? Well,
the first tim I saw that snake it was
just swallowing the last of five eggs
that had beeu in that nest. I know that
there were five eggs in the snake be
cause they showed in five brnches in
the snake's middle the cuns had swal
lowed them whole. He wua a black one,
by the way, and could climb like a gray
squirrel. -
"But, as I was Baying, that snake had
five- unbroken eggs in him, and I wa:i
wondering about what he was going
to do with them. I found out pretty
soon. The snuke climbed down the tree
head first and crept toward the walk
here, getting along pretty slow, for he
was only 14 inches long, and the five
eggs made a pretty big load for him,
"The snukecame straight toward this
hummock here, and I was standing
right here by Uiese bushes. . He crawled
around the hummock several times,
than stuck his head in this little hole
here In the asphalt, and then drew him
self up Into a hump, with his tail stick
Ing In this little crock here only the
erack wasn't so large then and then he
stood up -just like a letter V upside
down. Then he straightened out, and
down came one of the eggs on to that
hummock there. I heard the shell
break. The snake raised up again and
nnot her egg wns broken, and so on until
there wasn't a whole egg In the snake.
Thut's what wore that hummock down,
for all summer the snake broke his eggs
on It."
Is that what made you think and
look so seriously?" the man asked, as
the policeman stopped talking.
"Oh, no. I was Junt wondering If It
wouldn't m a good plan for us police
men to be made auxiliary observers of
natural history here in the park. N. Y.
Ths renlef stjlworiptnio pf kw of the
H-at-VVseitr tiss-tU is 2 50 and II
I rnlar prir of iha Weekly Or(nlaa
U 11.50. As one aolMM-ribina; for tb
flatette and (jus fr oos jr (n
olf aaee raa il Mb lbs (lairtla anil
Wskly Orrla fr H All old sab
IsrrtWr alloc llittr s a bawl til lone fof
in tear ia alass still b enlilUj la
9t ssnss '
i ,.., s4 1 ! iiis.4 4 eS fas
mm I il m I in 4 M Sl.S.
os e o v. a. .
4 ve . - f m mm W4 a
. i-MS, M pmmt SrS, S M
I (mm r" l 't
a rifwui, ii si-M r- .i
. m m IM l. ft. aa4 ss
ft a... v . a c
t i s 1 ftfc 9 I r'l n-. i'.ir
' 1 f-t w, il, Vl Jolt'. I .V.
I i i . rValuktivSi.
Uc-tl'4 ta.i i,'Ssfl.f.
A ftelltt's llris.
Most bulldogs prefer lo dks rather
than let ro Ihelr grip, ome they hava
fastened thrlr teeth Into flrah. This
wss the rase itli one at North Hsyville,
I, I. On the rtrtilng of that day a Mr,
Armbrunirr l-ft a valushls pony In
front nf lil house while he entered to
fvt something. Wlille he was In tlie
Iiiiiim. his l.ull.li, Mhbh was rliallied
In the j artl. Iirranie anry at lbs horse,
and luifge.1 st 1,1a rhsln until he broks
It. lie then at'srke.1 U.s pony and
ureratl It lerriiily. H bit I trough
Hie trndrme of ths fftml bga, snd was
hamriliaT to the snjr's tt.root whrn
Arnibrnstrr rune out of the house
N-elt.g (he Iroublo that Hi jr Was
In, Snd lir? 'i jintel w till the ilutf s
in-r, lie rsllrd a himt man and they
attempted t rlub tl log off, but all
lo mo purpiw. 1U Iws.l ruing on to
ll.s r.iv' ilinist. I'lnsllr Armbrustrr
(I a double lr.-d slrolff ili, 'tn
t.th Imrrrls and l.lsrrd ir at im
d'HT. ViHiog l.iin lii.iautly. 1 ) ny
was trfully t.n, l-at will ror Huf
faht rprss.
A f !. liHnailMi sf a Wsrs
mym Is a Sll IS.
A Central rk f.li.man aa stand
Ir.jr far the mt rut.. at l'fh slrt
ai.l (ri.tral tk rsl Hrf- Mlrft dar
skilig "f UMMighlfal. lis stroked
lbs .tvl,si.d smIo of his Bus rd runs
i u1m nl Lis ria'1.1 f ftriitr
1 gd ia an titrwi"l tsai si tnsr
i rin.a .f H. w (.) i.t i air ?" and I4
j e ) t Irs a 1 1.
"Wbst is i'i'liiif , irtir Wiil
..nt i r' -v -I i iiiiiiii",
t b t.. rn lrt.l - f Ir ih'
Si,,, ,f y tnt I l n I .a rf
n. l !, i,. It's fti'i. is IT H
j es- V jit W a La'.f si..(e,
absrsssa Tells rThy lis farrhsssd Prs-
srtf la Wsahlnitoa.
"When I rnlered congress my pay as
a memlar was eight dollars a day d jr-
ing the snsslon, and It was ssid we had
roaat lierf,' but paid fo- It if we had
It," says Senator John Sherman. In his
"Itecollectlons." "At the close of the
34th congress the esimiienaatlon was in
creased to fl.noO a yrsr. During the
Utter part of the war and afterward
prices of food, board snd lodging were
ronaiderslily advsnt ed.
'In infil I offered the proprietor of
Willard's hotel my monthly y of I2W
for lMrd and hntglngs In vrry modest
qunrteis for my wife and myself, but
he demanded $100 a month. 1 hialed ma
to purchase a bona In which to the,
a change which I have never regretted.
It was quite the fst hJon then for the old
famuli, who wen In full sympathy
with the confederates, to underrsla
protierty (even th-irown) In Washing
ton, on the ground tliatwhen I heron
frdersry wta a-khwledgrd the raphal
would be removed and real est Is
could, therefore, 1st obtained upon very
reasonable tcrma.
valleys and skirt the eastern edge of this
region. The Fricso and the Gulf sys
tems cross it diagonally. The Cape
Girardeau road penetrates it on the
east far enough to demonstrate its pos
sibilities. The Missouri, Kansas fc
Texas cuts through the northwest cor
ner. A new Kansas City road, the
Pittsburgh & Gulf, is being built south
ward through the western edge of it.
The Gould system has gridiroued tho
Kansas City corner. It taps the eastern
edge with branches to Doniphan in Mis
souri and to Batesville in Arkansas. .
The Frisco sends a t'hort prong into a
couple of counties from Cuba to Salem
nnd, further clown, i'rom Springfield to
Chadwick. The Gul? road has run out
a feeder to Current river. The Eureka
Springs road enters from the west just,
far enough to reveal what a promising
land it is. But the heart remains un
touched. South of the Frisco and the
gulf lies a territory more than twico
as large as Mansachusctts without a
mile of railroad. North o the gulf,
south of the Frisco and west of the
Iron Mountain is the Current river
country, larger than Connecticut, and
an ideal manufacturing region, if evec
there was one. North of the Frisco,
south of the Missouri Pacific, and cast
of the Clinton division of the Gulf sys
tem is a third great sectiou of the
Ozark country, with the same character
istics as to soil and cl'mate ue the other,
and the same magnificent wuter pow
ers. It has less mineral wealth and less
forest than the other two sections, but
more rich farming land.
Twenty counties in Arkansas and 2
counties in Missouri lie within tho
boundaries of this undeveloped region.
Eighteen of them have not a mile of
railroad. Twelve ot tiers are but littlo
better olf, with a single railroad cutting
oil a corner or striking tho border or
penetrating to the county seat. Yet
the SO counties each contain, by the last
census, a population ranging from 8,000
to 1S.000. There are living in this ter
ritory 800,000 people who are more than
ten miles from a railroad station, and
25,000 of them never rode on thecsrs. .
St. Louis Globe-Democrat.
Tabhj'a I-ove of Home.
The difficulty of talking cats abouj
makes this exclusive stfschmHS stsu
a source of munial puin. A pet dog, be
ing generally taken on the journeys of
the family, i dellghted nt the sight of
trunks and signs of departure, but tho
cat, who leitrus to know tint she is to
be left behind, grows melancholy and
rest lens when she sees them. Mine
give tne so much trouble by their im
portunity when I n in ulniut to leave
home that I hne the packing done in
an unoccupied rmnii nml keep the door
shut. In thin way I otiee kept Princess
from knowing my pi. urn uutil the car-
rluge wan at the door and the luggage
wiim In u put on; nlie was up a tree)
before i'ic home when thin happened,
and, tul.ing in what was going on aa
she saw me conic out in my bonnet, sho
l untied down to the ground with a
howl of nngtiinh like a cry of physical
distress. In my absence she bestowed
her society mi tier master much more
than at other limes, but when we wt ro
both away sho remained alone, as she
never ssHiHluted Willi Ilia servants.
She hud her preferences among them,
and wouM nt long lutcnals pay a short
visit to one w hom she liked ill the acrv-
ants' hull, nnd the sewing room, but
never staid mora tlinu a few minutes,
and this tine Wn more or less the caaa
with tbem all. Temple llnr.
essttssa ef lbs stsik Whir las
Uses Has Ms Is4a4.
Ths most attractive field for rait
road Investment remaining Uodevrl
id In Ota I'lilted Hates lir between
ths Missouri ami Arkansas rivers and
ls-lwern ths essl and west Hereof the
states uf Missouri end Arkansas, ilrut
hrsvre I he southern half of Arkaaeaa.
If a wall was built around It the peopln
within would want fnr nothing that
aMa lo ensks lit comfortable, lisrrii f
ths prwious tnelsls, more Statural
wesllh la within the bouftdsrtr than
within any other rr'"n ef bks alas In
this r.utiif) , AH of ths nctsls. all of
the woods, all of the stores and elate,
are liters. To Ib'so ars ebbd climate
Slid sod w bl h furnish lbs l suc-ros.
fnl conditions for all of tki fruits of
IM lmirsi sons, Wsur powers la
nuinUr and airsfigtli raisttryond ih
tntnprt k-Mtaion it t !. who hava it
s.a them, liraw a line frmt M- louU
to Mills II-k. fro.. iJllle )t'k K
I oft Su.ith, fn.ru furl Fmitb lo Kansas
til, flora ksnsae ( iiy ! k to t
loits, Y't'i have tiit-d sn ara
whith Is rsisl.U of aurtlin st.ore
is in r.,,.fi.ft than say isrt ef It
I int. d Ittatee f bks sir'. And Jwn
,as s Mfi'm let wltHb m-f
is l.i i 7 tods wiHu rstlnsvls
lbs it ssi tf is I in t ! is . ..uyity
lf.,k I tf I'e 1. . ! 'il
Its ll. Mii'ii i1' , ' . ' rf
"Why, professor, you have two um
brellas." "That's all right. I espert
to lose one of them."- I llegendo Idoet
ter. "Ily Jove. I left my fmeketlmok under
my pillow!" "Oh, well, your servant
Is honest. Isn't she?" "That's Just It
she'll take It right up lo my wife!"
Chicago lUs-ord.
"What a lot of people thera were at
the Wortlrburys' last wek-an yet
how dull It was!" "Yra, dear. Hut It
was much brighter after you left,"
"Itunklna, I guess, Is about ths smart
est man of hia yrats In this nun mind
ly," Mid ths citlen who ei!rriS.
"Knows arrest ibal. ihs-a lis? "Knows
a great deal? I should ssv so. Why,
sir, that ii mil knows alnmst as much
aa his l9-)rar-old ilnujlitrr who Is In
the high s. Iiih.I."- Wsshinirton htr.
tropmIls'of THE HUNT.
A single firm of l idormMn at Ui-
gtr, We, lina rwliwl 41 rsntstu itewne
litis srsson.
A California linn, rors'iiring ais feet
nine Inrttea fmin n to tsail lip, waa
Shot lirar IVs. sdero, ( J.
Tho fo limiting thaOiphmahlp of
Vermont la tUimH by Jhn Ials. of
lirnnli.gton, H Is so jrsraold ami baa
kllll S.l fotrs.
A Itshl esifle. rnsssuring seven fl
four tin Itea frtun tip lo tip of Ha wings,
and liaiinir rUws nitrs than Iwolm hea
long, was killtd hear F-srulspla, Ky., a
few da t s ain.
Ilunlrrs reluming fruin lh (ikfno
V ee swamp In ..rg.a, wlters rtimpara
lirrlf few luulitrfs go, say il atstundf
lih rnt of all e-.tta tt.rr. Wars,
allifal's. I'trl.j a, w ltd f..w and flh.
1 wo fins I., if.'. i . win an.l l" i'il
r .t n In U . .t-.n,
Wash. fi.MU I tt'ls fi.-rlhwssa
rtri,l!i t Wsa ui..t I.I..-I thai Iha
.1 . s s M ' - i - v OS
ti . . . t t ' i ' ' t. t.
lot I . . - .