ipawwraMwai'9iiam VTOCk. BRANDS. Walls von aaep roar subscription pld ny jrce can keep your brand in freeof eharg. All. T. J., lone. Or. Home Q on left houWer: cWe same on left hip. under bit on right r,' and upper bit on the lefts range. Mor row county. Biird. D. W.and s-m.-Horse brsmtad D B Tthalarr hio; ci tie the sm on left flnk. Srop off ri,,St ear. nnderorop in the left. Bange in Morrow County. Bartholamew. A. G- Alpine, 0U branded 7 Eon either shoulder. Ramrein alor- tHRri1iiiter, J. W.. ffardman. Or.-CatU brand Ton lef t hip and thiih: eplit ui iaoh ear Brnnner, Peter. tiooMberry OrMwa-Horas branded PB on let t ahonlder. Cattle tame on "Si14!!!; Terrr Lena. Or.-Horeee branded 1 o.hoSJyrSttl. B on the left .id,. Left "m "half crop nd right ear nnoer .lope. Barton Wm.. Hippner, Or. -Horses, J B o riihttWKhs cattle same on right hip; apUt each ear. HerjDner. Or.-Horeee. cirols C wUhdoHn wteroTOthip; cattle ..... Rrown W J., lsn&. Oregon. Home. W. bar over It, on the left shoulder. Cattle .ame on left S nr a Bnnnner. Or. Horeee, boi branon W'hip cauTeaame, with eplit in eBBor"p. O.. Heppner. Or.-Horeee. P B on left ahonlder; oarao, .''"" i i Uannnv. Or. Home running A on shoulder; Cattle. same or iriht hio. toons. J. 8.. Gooseberry. Or. Hotass brand' Ti on tha rUht shook rao.iii.iii-"" """-r- to fJ Brownlee. W. J., Kox,r- ..,.. . . irt our Hiiii iwi) Buiiwouu G?.t "nS,.,. Warner. Or.-Horses brand l;Hrnnm mttle (three bars) on Aht rih? "Wn ea7h 'ear. Bange in Bpintt P ('aleb Or -Y D "in homes on left sfle TJ wThq'narJer circle over it. on left shoulder E.TTrtstirle on all ootte aider 5 years; on left shoulder only on all horses over a year.. or Lena. Or. Horae. Ranae Worrow anc ,v ,t,e ,op ont uorr a".Vi''"hi ' wattle in foreh' of racnear '!"'" ".iH. II GET THE BEST . WhnoMi are about to bnv a Sewing; Machine j . Ki j.iu.rf h linrlnir advertisements and be led to think you cn get the beat made finest nmsnoa ana Most Popular for a mere song. See to It mat yon buy from reliable manu facturers that have gained a reputation by honest and aq uare dealing, you will then get a Sewing Machine that is noted toe world over for Its dura bility. You want the one that is easiest to manage and is TTT iiUo DEATH 10 buiiUttiLS. The Modem Hunter and His De- trootlve Methods. . FOR E. McNEILL, Receiver. TO THB Instead of Firearms, He Csea As. Raw and Bulldog and Hot Few of the Little Trae Climbers Es cape Hliu. CURES SCROFULA, BLOOD POISON. THE GIVES THB CHOICE Light Running of Two Transcontinental CURES CANCER, ECZEMA. TETTER. Ft.-r- 1. nnj 4n the world that can equal in mechanical con struction, durability of working , parts, hnenesa vi umo", In appearance, or has as many improvements m m BLOOD and Umatilla oounhes. forahoad horses half circle 0 on lew Mine. "'"J1 a Tnhn Uav Or.-Tonh1e cross on In rlnhtear. ep it in 'eft ear. "e oonmy. n enoep. .Una iewee oroo on left ear 0",hdrJrW??5 WeTh.. crop in pnnnhed npper bit jn ngnu u ,n Orant oonntr. 90on ri.ht.houl ,V'9,"AS-:,..nnrlBhthip: ear mark square left .till?. nr.-Cattls. Owlth O on right hip. ''"i'ut thh! ca'tle sam. right ear. Onllow.T. Or. Cattle, B D on rWK.wilSwS&' or.. B 0 onJrftph Tlonsla. Or.-Horsas branded ELI inrinht ear. , ft.Hor.ee branded J WU iT;- I. A.. HeDoner, ur.v t, right hip; horse. shoulder. ttl.7 on ri-ht hip or thigh, New Home . .i. T.Milnrt Hnuhle Peed, alike on both .idea of needle (tasted), no other ha. It New Stand ( patented, dnving.wheel hinged orad j uitable centers, thus reducing taction to the minimum. WRITE FOR CIRCULARS. THE SEW HOME SEWIHG MUCHISB CO. .. B0.T0W. Mass. ir;inoKSojTK,N.Y l lUCAOO, IfX. ST. LOTIH, MO. DATXAJ. lEIiS. SAM FftAHCIBCO, (JA b. ATLANTA, Oi. roR satK BV P. a THOMPSON CO., Agents, Heppner, Oregon. GREAT UNION NORTHERN Ry. PACIFIC RV.1 CtHOAQO. VIA VIA Spokane MINNEAPOLIS Denver OMAHA Iwaies & Si. Pami'g t AMD AND St. Paul Kansas City Bmsry. tjVl with toil' on left shoulder t e.t- V with bar under on right Or. Horses, 9 on i.hthlD or thigh. ,ht hon.o..rf rl(--br,n(Ud H. (Jentrr. Elmer, Boi . u j.,. ..ig. di.trlot, iniow rnuii Han fr" in (eroe. tsam. Uang. in Morrow and Umatilla - - . nil a tt . r Howard J Li, f auwT, i.k Kho.i It) on rinhUhooldert eattlesame w.v.. -- - - i Or.rt. E Ho I Popular Magazihes i FOB TIE ROSE 1. 1 pstie LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. 2til kANk I PrrTi-v. 6 sir and nn-W mon In right "r. bra H I on l.'l .h H.lder. IU-. In on left .ids. en.n.t.M,,.,.. t..i. n.. ,l"hihip;hor. m.ou right sheuld.r. Bang. ,rl0',M"t.'r H.nnW. Or.-Hor shaded i.i.."-v ... -j i . r . !(. Morrow t'.ih bXnk.r. H '.yVVagner-Or.-l!,.r... on l.h rimTrrijf M : HSiiiS. Or-Hor H o. the left Him iw anil nnnrv nu - H i oT the left ainnMor; eaU bra ided J on riulit hip. alw umlroii in ". "'" Morrow oiHintr. u- km hue J on !' .houlder. l atUe. Uie sai Han."" T'"-. elmleT on John. m. Fell, n-na, , : T l.j.: h.if l.ft .iiHei oalile. as-neon rlhl hip. nader half orfin in rih ami .iilit nl.rtr - Reinr M,h.. H er. (Ir.-rT rm brandy KNY "n l-'f hp eaMle.am.and erop oil left nnder .lone on the r-ht M i t n..nner. Or. Horee. nv an len llS 1 Vm "m-.- . Vnon.O,.-I I. on DVlie .... na .... .m. rant e wiitf . Li. ! HlKKhan. Plll.or. n " V ift .hoiillr. Ilane Mrani brVil. V.( Irel. J I. e-.nn-o.-d on lN .hm,l d. C..II.. M. o left hio. Uange. mt Us C-.hr. J. W Mmnr lrr.-Mras brandy l. an l nil-ri .l.-il Wl c.-l- Tia oo l-f 1.7. -..il....rr.l.l -e. Ihree slit, in r.ghl lj1.ll.re. Heupner. Irr.-H-irsas brands ri...,'iU II WrtW'" "-i-n-tlilMW WM.-i . . . ( ...... I M f . Il...nr. Or.-('allle hrandM .ii...e ...l.thlni I...M wins on right slifle. . U .....aw) gtasainlff. ,MUT 7JLm ' rie..im- r,.- awa, I Dm right hi,.; h..M i-f m',,iri,ir. M . .. .L..-I.l ..I.U MVAIffl UnhiD. M,lrh.ll.o.l -". ir.-U.e-. II oarigh' " ""l ZZrZZi H.-1lor 4 N en. .1 m l-fi .h-il'l-" h.U hli Te,C". J. W ,. n-gl- r.i h.-sO oa left i..l i, a.il Mine us r-.I.I k.p. . " 1 ...... w..hl Mile. it.-H '. mf i- .ii.'.hi.ld ne l-t eh HiH- ead . aip. VtK la . jht erwl. f.. !.. t.lleeVa.fW.--H'i-ea howl . V A. K ..wi.li l-'1 eKwi W I aaitl aTeoa rW'.l hio. HMH,-r;.ea-;. .. . t ii i.um.. l. M-.ee. IS: aa,. wurt .vi left eauia, 'P dl.M fa lie, J H J fwi .t. k... ..uiiiuM la left ear eat ail right. u l iiM. llHaaa.O.-M'wa. iaa l-lva. a .. l-vs t k-H - eh.l Uri FRANK LESLIE S FDOPULAR IT MONTHLY CooUlns each Month I Original Water Color Hrontlaplece 1 28 Quarto f of Headlag u.it... inn Ngar gtna nirn tgmas iiiHHnr lions I More Ut.rery MatUr and lllii.tra- Hons than any otnar m.iraiin u Frank LesiGs Pleasant Hours FOR D0Y3 AND OIRLS ' . rih TTinle.nia. Jnrenlle Vonthlr. r-iilr lUimrsied. The bet writer, for young uiul.lo i- iitrthnte t-i It. m '' : a jw, li3 ALL SUBSCKOTIOIS TO THE Q4ZETTE, HEPPNER, 01E. FamK Liiui'i PoruLAg Monthly and the yaiette, both lor ous year lor j.W. f sank LMg's Plsasawt Houas roe Boifs AMUU1KU IHU VJaovvw, iw.a una yr $- iinrinrhtpfilvths Best Club Offers f w ( rVnn f;(r- PuHt.0 t. St lliutlraltd trtmium 1AM. r Ocean Steamers Leave Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. For fall detail! call on O. R 4 N. Agent at Heppner, tr address W. H. HURLBURT, f Oen. Pass. Agt. POBTIiAKD. OBBOOK. QCriOIt TI3VI33 t : The old-time squirrel hunter is pictured as tall and stalwart, decked in the garments of the wildwood, whose every feature displays honor and cour age, lie has coine out to get a dinner, and Dicks a tarcret on a far-away tree. lie matches his skill against the dis tance and wins. With the flash of the long riflo the nearer squirrels hide away, and a moment afterward bark lustily at the retreat of the intruder. Daniel Boone or Davy Crockett might be the model for such a picture. ' The new squirrel hunter is a very different person. His methods are line uiose 01 the drag-net fisherman that sweeps from shore to shore, leaving no way of escape. II is work, if unchecked, means extermination. The new hunter, says the New York Star, has nothing to recommend him to the public except possibly his courage. Fear seems to be unknown to him. Ilis equipment might not suggest peril. It consists of a gun, an ax, a saw, climb ing srjurs. rone, a stringing belt, and a bulldog. With the first snow of winter he begins his work work, because it is a vocation, and not a recreation or pleasure. After the first night the snow through the forest is lined with a network of tracks that lead from many quarters to some mammoth tree. There may be a dozen trails all centering at this j.oint, some from the distant corn fields, and others from near-by logs, where a supply of nuts was garnered for vinter. Probably with the pot hunter's coming a red fox squirrel, bolder than the rest, barks from the upper boughs at the intruder, and lashes its long fiery tail through the sunlight. Its position would delight a sportsman, for it would afford a superb shot, but the pot-hunter has no senti ment. There is no quickening of his milso as he unslintrs his gun, for it is Sleeping cars, with free reclining chairs. Each not to be used, but is piled with the leeplng car berth hai an electric reading lamp, PAUL. MINN BSOTASsjr k ' M I L W AU It E t JrJJsigggggUM Hi fi "TiTfanr TfeS;e RAMBLER Is one of the very best wheels ever made is an indisputable fact. It stands In the front rank with all hiirh erade machines, and if you buy one you will make no mistake. Kidea RAMBLER BICYCLE if you want to be happy, for should your wheel be punctured, it can be mended by you In five minutes, as it is equipped with the world renowned G. & J. clincher tires with wood rims or copper-plated steel rims. Sold in ail sizes for Indies or gentlemen at Jino each. Tandems for two men or man and woman, $150 each. THE RAMBLER Is the fastest, lightest and strongest wheel In the market For style, finish and durability It Is unsurpassed, as it is constructed on strict median- leal and scientific principles. Chicago Ideals For men, women, bovs and girls with 28, '26 and 24 Inch wheels, at J6S, 55, 45 respect ively, are splendid medium grade wheels, with G. & J. high-grade double locking edge clincher tires and are fully warranted, Before von buy a bicycle, write for enta'iogno, circulars, terms and discounts, or call o-i our numerous agents. Rambler Rustlers Wanted in every town in Oregon, Washing- inn otiH Trlnhn FRED T. MERRILL CYCLE COMPANY, Northwest renresentatives Gormully & Jeffery Manf. Co's "Rambler Bicycles." Main Store, 327 Washington et , Portland, Or. OTIS PATTERSON, Agt. for Morrow Co., Heppner, Oregon. Glance at this Map if the Chicago, Milwaukee and 8t. Pa"l Rail way and note Us connections with all transcon-1 inental lines and St. Taul and maha, and emember that its trains are lighted with el ec- rlclty and heated by steam. Its equipment is superb. Elegant Bullet, Library, Smoking and How's Your Liver? San Franolsioo And all points U California, via the kit, Shasta route oi tai Southern Pacific Co. Cbs great highway through California to all point East ana aonta. urana oosnio noma or me raoiuo joasi. numu nuuai , Blaepara, Beoond-olass Sleepers Attached to express trains, aftording superior ocommodatlona (or seoond-alaaa Daaseogers. For ratas, ttoketa, limping oar rasenauons, uto, oall upon or address (LKOKHUtK, Manager, I. P. ROGIR8, Asst. i tan. r. r. Agt, rortland, Oregon , Easiest ' ta?u,3r", PTFlmX J AccuraU, Coin pact. STEAM GASOLINE ST ENGINES 1 'rst. Simplest, ttrongest, 5olld To. Receiver. Most Modern and progressive Par catslogus or Informstlon write to TlIC MARL1N riRU ARM5 CQ., New Haven, Conn. ff inOO worihof lovrlv Music rsffSftf r- S II . , Cents, cortlnlng M toe pgi 7 - 1"w full .In ShM Muilr ol '.. w- latrtt. brlrhlnl. Uvtllrtl and aunt iwpul e ; srteillons, birth votsl and lnttrumnul f.rtlMl up la IIm avt slerant an f eluding fuur Urgs sin HocUalts. 0"TA A H MAM Iftonlbink nt bnfinf to angina of I any n or kind send f ir our Catalogue So 30, 0'inUinirg llluairatinng aon rloa ..f etrrv klml of gng Ina from oa np in 2i hnrga p-iwfr, at bottom prioaa, rr LM So. 9, 1'T yanht anglnea, bull. ra aoj maohlnery. Either teal (re. .P.l'liliHl 197 Canal Strt, CHICAGO 3 3 S CAMUXCirt, it,, tpamltk Daimr, mutunm rmi u mum f uuuah cumno. r5 2 THE NEW YORK MUSICAL ECHO CO. W WANTED ?3 wiiiJiiJiiJUJUiium;l"AWiut? CMS A. P.T. L. TXxp w, .M r- Ih -Mi -"l 1 1 J- 'P .a !.'.' -aaaefc. Naaga t. .e)a4aJ-''',aejM-J- Zr.i. wrvMi "Mlla km aa nU a.p V. . . .11. rwim aid rr-f " HM "' 4 avM la Urt. M i Ea-vl sH. Maaga a .f Ml UiVrtlw. V, rt- If Uft aoUii, t attla, U aa HgM hlan JO ursw, a Pa. i.-i.m W ft. Il-ii or .n.rtaseKw liMLh Mia, mik lira rt ata, ewaiiaa la r.M a.'. aWt ta Un. am aipi - -lUrM, H -Wl. H-Mla. ttf-fatUaQ ki m-..t n 1HM sW.WW amraw. M aa .....I ....UIOT S.iU .1ll. , ir. . .Ik It" H.H.III " ( u. m- f l llili !S., t"U -.-J ts)M .a. M" 4 J.HW.II -tasUa. aIT 0 , H.m . -Il.aaa.s4 a. U kitV t a-4 -'' iwir 1v.p7J 4 . M -Naat,at T.v a r.karlaMH.-M-l-aal. a II MttMiar . -aaB sapKal 1 Un !. awaa aa krft M.l. ia Wa am. (V-,,..-.. M I IW-H-e It t .jinnr I l"' ' a aa l4. II r l-klN,.M.HI M ! ae rsk "U,m-, Ww fV. II. tiM ais aa iw ! i s M ats ft HM , a 14a Wl ta, haaa , . u - !,-., la . M. aa4 a brt atwakha, taait ' ... I..-., H- t-a.41 ' " . - . . u-i i. k-1 1- a,. V . , i . .i i ., tt .rmm, Mr - mm, I'f .k l-k M -!-..- O t4 t Bjrt tn rt ttmn Q gt MI'AUIIINIVN T ..BIBIEII5 nsoaEs.. a4 a rart la Iwwn, A Camgleta Sat. a Ire tllii. g . e- fUli tal.f, l awn 1 1.... ....it !.. f ,i riA.M 1 ai l Ml tf alll hm ( ta er iM-mi rartlpl af I cwata. la bar I kw trans are iiliMi aaHart Iwakl.lntlf p.,1 w4 aa4 f.iakta4. S4 ams. Srt ala-! rit M. 14 iff as ialK.1 ... I ol a .r - a IMkl'rs f lha lhl-tf sMlf a-fi-l 'UM 1-4 rluk. -li-g rwi tl. m Itmaa. A. Q. SPALDING A BttOS., firm l l inn f-aiiaMaia Qumiitiifa-AnaittmQ The Amtricmn Protectiv Tariff Laigu ii national organization advocating "Protection to American Labor and Induitry" at eiplamed by its corutitu tion, at follow : Tkak,4f M.IS taagws saafl sa s SW Immw mm a a ar? m has, akwk aMt gacut mm A mama a4Mal aasia agkts Vks Wfn,M ev mm aa There re m penonal or private proftt. in connection with the organize ion and it ii untamed by inembeahipa. contnbationt and the diitribution of Ha pwb&catione. la ufalWI mif fiaiT : c si a . - - . .. ' - llCOaCV. Wskaaa-aoa eilii e I esaV-kxweas, a aaaae avga. aur awa TmiMO; We . ikyUsa1 lieia ss.aia a" at aaa i.wv... rw m4 xS m US k i llin Ht Id a.a'a a sakM-ai rsueTNi a e A-m w " other accoutrements at the foot ol the giant tree while he prepares for the coming- slaughter. The climbing spurs are already buckled to his boots. The ax and 3av are slung to his belt, and with extend ed arms ho measures the tree; then, set tins his iron heels into the bark, the ascent begins. With each reach of his long arms he leaves the younger forest below. The line of the pawpaw tops is passed, the silver birch is distanced in the upward reach, and at last the climber comes out into the open Bky, Long before the hunter has reached half the height the fox squirrel, alarmed, has hurried to his nest. The climber reaches the point where the squirrel disappears and finds the en trance to the nest a hollow knot, wM.cb had been enlarged by the sharp teeth ol the little fellows. The hunter now knots the rope about the treo and un der his arm. Then, Imbedding his iron heels deep in the bark, he hangs out from the tree at an angle of forty-flve degrees. It is a dangerous position; his safety lies in his ability to keep his muscles rigid and the iron spurs 'ruried deep in the tree. Should the spurs slip or the muscles relax the death of the pot-hunter would bo assured. After attaining this position he rcn-oves hi saw from his belt and makes a deep cut Just be-low the entrance to the squirrel den; the black dust telling him when ho has cut deep enough. Then the saw is dropped to the ground, and its crash awakens the bulldog to the fuet that his part of the programme Is rbout to befcin. lie (ore this he has suit motion less. Now his dull ryes flash. IIo takes tip a position at the foot of the tree, his short neck bent backward as he looks steadily upward awaiting dc clopmenta. The climber begins splitting out the blin k with the as.- There 1. 1. rain of chips, and at lost tho ax penetrates the Interli r and the slab is pried open. Already the anuVrels hnvo Wen plan ning to escape, a .1 as the light cnten. their home one of them spring out of the knot hole. The others would hove followed, but the climber acta the kt.-vl blade of hi ax across the opening, and the slab spring back to Its place-, barr ing further eaeape. Tho squlrTi-l thai Jump! from the tret-strikes the snowy ground and endeavors to cw-anc the rush of the bulldog. A quL-k spring to a neighboring trv would save it. but it dors not recover front tho shock of tho fall quickly enough. The kliarp fangs of the dog are art In Its back. There la a cry of puln, min gled with the track of bonea, and a vigorous and prolong! shake of tho dog'a head ends the aqulrrrl's life. Then the climber rvlroara another vic tim, and In this way the alaughtrr on tlnuea until half a dmen dead squirrel are scattrrrd In the snow. The profits of his railing net tha hun ter only a scanty living, brrauao thr law prohibits the grnrral sale of squir rels. Thr pot hunter has brrn dr fended by many who tx-llrva that no other rail ing ta open to him, but thla vacua has Utile merit, A cUn.brr of such daring rHild raUy tin from two dollar to thrae dollar a day as a telegraph liur aa, a.. 4 but work half to hard ur so long. ind Its dining cars are the best In the world. ither lines are longer than this, but none are horter, and no other oilers the above luxurious iccommodatlons. These are sufficient reasons 'or the popularity of "The Milwaukee." Coupon lcket agents In every railroad office will give you further Information, or address C. J. EDDY, General Agent, J. W. CASEY, Trav. Pass. Agent, Portland, Orsoon. This question is asked daily. If dormant you need exercise -need it badly. The Bicycle offers a remedy, and if you do not own one, call at Ike Ennis Bicycle-Livery, Power 'House. I It Sdentiflo American I Aaencyfora For Informatlnn an1 frra Handbook write to f J' w n - TrS MUNN a CO.. Ml BHOiUWAT. NSW Vork. T K 1 TI (T AT HinTrnlAH f S OMm bniran for ai-nirln iu-ntii In Anii-rlrs. ,ai A1.IHK KfL AllUyViv9 IS Every Pu-nt takon out l-y u l liroiiuht iKfora .... w Sr tha iiulillu by a uut.cu given free ofuliarge In Uie 1 jwaMyaaigassssslk f dtnilfU x6m ' i,VJfeni5: 9ir SCIENTIFIC Lau.M.aa,3t.way...wVurao,y. SPEEDY, HANDSOHE. fr ! WORKMANSHIP. iionti or boulli, with the outside world. "And 1 suppose," I wild, "you hnd no hiKiksT "Uooliht Think of hoolts ut Slinp In tin mi- duval No, not rven a pm-k of cnr.l i." "Wluit did you flo with yourselves?" "Wt-ll," Kiild mv n-fipt'ct-ahlo friend, "it set-ins queer to say so at this time of dny, but Hit' pluee wns fa muus for its caiui- cwks nnd wo hnd coeic URiiwiiK irom nionunr io nijfiii.. uro U.UUB rill I V rillRlNTrFO That Is what they did for eh-lit tlnys EVERY MACHINE FULLY CUARANTEtB. Imtcnd of ti-llinNlories to one another, as would luive liei n theitisu in sC'hrist mas nuuilii-r. THE POWDER PLAY. Ilaretsnea of rsuMTM! 4 aasSal aw w.w) tt ' I Iw S..m v m f Wakaawa u UIWallHrliwtkHTok $1800.00 GIVEN AWAV TO INVENTORS. t.skeas TRAVEL IN OLD TIMES. mmy mmmA sjnas s s aaa ssa aa aa. SSms ai aakia aa saawaaaM sassss ij aa a aai4. ats 1 1 1 k. SaaS yakakt attaaka. saS aa mtmm mi aw tSm a a s sa SmmS W SkMknikt I rr i tit e a Mitr, ravui tMiasj that iiao ronvM3, aw ss swa "w eh I. m' k.a. WatrfraH aa Tke laasisraUaaaalaa af i Is Saaaa sa saaa4 f Tkas- HiaaSwM Ikal graaka aaaalflf at Das slasys saaas ta a Issues. Tsaaa saa prase Iks fceaattlal aaat My af WpnsTabuk$ 4s isafar4 arHk ssy irsalsasiys tineas Tsbatse i fiWa. sa taaia a I Of sWias, at ay saaak TsMmiaKtrWsyss1,t sa aaa aw kwH ska s.a i si S ka.k, "MMaM." " S.'l "klkOUk Sf a saa a4 s v 4 wmmmm i'aarfiaMk mm m i m iM mm an ki Imsms nawas ska saa, 1 1 fc aWk al i 17 1$ NOT SO rURD AS IT STLHS. a m t w aw imxiil mm ss a- i r ,kkk a mi i a. i s Ma i 4.aw0.M.avn ! wk Wk wmt mm t.tm rmtm. kl I I I a SkMMS ml mwfmm mi k sm.,mm mil, mm tm.m f S mi m m 4 s. a' kii ' a. a k ! tM ka I m4 i ii i i 4 asssajslraa)!" Massavak Msjg Mftl tsSsssf am a -k m mit f m aa s aassas)sBssrtasss fwasssajsasj &)ti0J VHssssasssassBaassB Slk,a JottN MTtWBmHN A CO.. MkMwi a4 aaakMsaJ I -"ia fHa4, S I' fclrat. . W., r-.l"l. A aahln1aaj. D. C i-a-dsaaa m a fiitig m a " I Maw aaa SsMknss aa ae !Wallas3 laa Tiasa with raa I Is k la Of rvmraa tha railways hara d.ma away with asaek vf tha dimnHU of trarrl ta atuiw lima. Vt h a train Is sou wad ap aow? tbrra ara mi each la rrrninr aa aapps-a'nS la tha raaa of tha R.sll eihra. Thar Udrlay, hot Ihrra la rnrsily snwif h to rat and drink, plrely rf enpanimhlp and a snorh lart-f arra U i sad t-n-athf la. A friend of mtna, av-h my artU. atnwmrr, rwwa UA ma ethat ormrwj U hlra In a ar sUfisi !! lUl a borgh and Ixxi W tla a a arx-f chant of rrral faniiloa and ijulta sNit lha tf mpisiH loesaffrraia anailrrt. lib a Ktara story t!lr, and his n a r re tire Impraaaed W tha morr arvnrdipr ty. Thr t!ora rm thr'r ay aiia taHtl rratkUla and IU1 kartijrrr had lo ft cj the e.a-h aa4 th tha hrr', lhrif(ti lh dr tlad aiwrw, and sha rmaaina' Mvsp Hs ttha llnaaat kr4 oa tha n.ti l fH aif k. Jsks Istb rrilaa la laa Lnt4- li',Uala4. A f'f froiUaaa a-ad W snna la-a era- tha rsrt rle ofl ih MaUHar sad tha iavtrfi ra ft U lhi fa la. Thra "sa knows . t sa Ins st Hap If lhy oratlJ oei'y l''. a4 aftaf aaaajr hara thay f.arit4 W d ao. roftaaate'r tt wa tm .w tiatawofHr, or It la jk4U Uy ! ha awnnuklikL 1 kf avyrw skt A I'lrlarastiua Hani of I he lerorao. A docen or so horM-s arc drawn up In to line at one end of the plain, tho rid trs, by means of hit nnd stirrup, work inir their animals into . a fer ment of rxrllement. Then, at a (riren signal, the lonir barreled jruns aro waved la tho air, and the troop arts forward at little more than a walk, which Im-reiihos as they proeeed. war ln(T their gun and saluting the while, until It runtimes a furious traUop. Huddrnly, says ltlaekwood's Ms (ra tine, the weapon are brought to the shoulder, held with both hands, the rl bow raised to the level of their shonldera. and the nest moment the little troop of horetnen I lt to alfi-ht, envrloptsl In the cloud of white smoke whteh the Hint lo k (runs and Inferior native powder prtklu'-e, only to Uaue afi-aln In their lmwy trappiuifa. rrlninft' In their horar with all the ktrrngth of their Iron wrll, until the poor teaats, often withblolin(r mouths, are trwught to a stan.UtilL The lab vl tmnmd. aa the nstivrs ra'.l It. admit of but little variation when prrftirnMtl In nuinli r; but this Is nut always the rase, ami at time one man alone will r thrmis-h the manravrr, Intrratnelnr some new srtrm of hi own I) Injy l-i k lo tha ka-l lie and firlnf behind him, tor Instance, ur ander his cwjtm's UKy. Myaara leraai awl Marry. The mahrh of Mjaore hs re sidved to put down by an s- t of the IrfTialatarv the ci-Iho of lufsnl mar- ria..- isjiwf hi !! la. A bill to that eflavt w aa pul.iulvrd lal year Aftet- a f.l dead of ilikrokl.in the mrasare hs fcowr Skaunml a definil shspa and form tVh the -t ts en (,fw sny t r -n cuii or alwttlnf Infant tnarriawa, any prr.m of ela-htes-N o over eifhlren marr) Irtf aa Infsnl sr fl will t tmt.i.lrl with ba prUowtural of rlthef tlrrrl;ll -. whkh suav vttrn l to two yrarwim nn or with N-IH 1 ha aama rrinUhinB pewa.tltd f"T any lu who. hsvlns? a.wnt-ll I Bf't y' of l- atf. tnaf rw-s a ar'-rl au l. r f yr. M sn.wlh .n;.rlk,airrtmt r Br. of b-rth Will I fwl.-l cv.lt . lha slw-Mnf of s1lt.w of this t.ij.naa. AU (firia dee eljfht taers -f will ba eai4 et4 a la(ae a- 1-r this la sw4 tM I wakai The wr.j if.: rr f h lr.iry to aa isUwtsi t,.n dikbi) vvoff t.U era ttt ol t:e it. . f mf'.ir'4 -f IS e ium. kjna f(-s ac. t- tfca toitiiw Wat of t' ", rr4 to ,,-a arraetf r -er h !- l.raa th wrM It pr , r list n I "Tha' I rt.l." ! t" I. I a1-. r f.mtt flrwifi . tl l. r - if r--e 'fro m fkH.ln- 1 a t f f i ' "f- f U 1 wr a-L 1 -n ' r ' . ' ) f af mm V, . -f. I -f I ,, S .. Four Hodels-885 and S100. j SEND 2-CENT STAMP FOR CATALOGUL IVIonarch Cycle Co. ! ractory and Main Office vLnkt and Halsted Sts.. CHICAGO, ILL. hltANCIILST-Vw York. San Francisco. Salt lj-ke City. Dearer. Memphis. Dc Ul. Ta onto. j WEBB SAFE & LOCK CO, Agents, PORTLAND, OKEO0N. A. U'. PATTERSON, Agrnt for Morrow County, Heppner, Oregon- at Vkertlea M vh daya. sta'tkf U s , mM v f W-aer-. OUR STOCK ( OF . . . !! SPACE IS TOO HEAVY AND WE 1 TO UNLOAD- It to Advertisers .'it a great financial sacri fice. You need it in your business, and as a matter of business vc must sell it. The Patterson Publishing Co. 11 : WITH. mas : mm : pilis Youro J30UXJD to Take M:m. Lcnvc No ConMipntion,- il. aa a. I aa k'i ft Hi- .ra, rk l.s .r. t, j ft r- at ti a I I a a ! M, y 'l .arr ,., , ... t S. 1 i L.ltMI 111 taJ Mia rM-aaa M.I Ta r-t. ' ifth Co. P sTfaarli 'aaaia,, Ca4, w m W k.s ak W tfs satsSAaai afkiaay U. 4W.U