OVERWORK INDUCED Nervous Prostration Complete Eecovery by the Use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla " Some years ago, as a result of too close attention to business, my health failed. I became weak, nervous, was unable to look after my interests, and manifested all the symptoms of a de cline. I took three bottles of Ayer'g Sarsaparilla, began to improve at once, and gradually increased my weight from one hundred and twenty-five to two hundred pounds. Since then, I and my family have used this medicine when needed, and we are all in the best of health, a fact which we attribute to Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I believe my chil dren would have been fatherless to-day had it not been for Ayer's Sarsaparilla, of which preparation I cannot say too much."--II. O. Hinson, Postmaster and . Planter, Kinard's, S. C. Ayer's S Sarsaparilla RECEIVING MEOAL AT WORLD'S FAIR. AYER'S Pills Save Doe .r's Bills. Jfepwj 4 a ( mm VPJL Here and There. J. O. Warmoth is iu from Ella. Gov. Rhea is on lbs sick list this week. Tbeo. Anderson is here on jury dnty. Mrs. Isaac Large it reoorted aa much better. Mr. Frank Kellogg ii np from Salem attending oourl. Sand storm below and snow storm in tbe Beppner region. 'Nitib Too Lais, ro." Last Sat or- Blew Ur. Those who happened to be day d. Rood arrived from the east, ae- J down town early yesterday morning and Little Emerr Sloonm. son of Mr. Mrs. Albert Sloonm, is ill. and oompani'd by a bride. Now El. waa opposed to be a baobelor beyond re demption, bat all this time he has been tooling ns, bat his friends grant fall pardon. The wedding oocured on Feb. 26th, at Bloe Springs, Mo., and tbe luoky lady was Mies Luticia Johnson, a sister ot Mrs. Uiterbnok, who, with her husband, formerly resided here. Tbe Gazette extends its well-wishes in behalf of tbe numerous friends in Ore gon, as well as on its own acoonnt. Bob Watkina and W. B. to attend oonrt to is week. Fmley are in SiJhM0lfTOfiVD iTrtU rp SAT T0"IliTl2J3 IT 75 hT ISTT9 20" 2j 2 2 2 3 ? $ 21 28 Take Notice. L The sum of five rent per line will be Shamed for "cards of ttmnks." "resolutions of reapoct," lilt ol weddlns; presents aud donors, tnd oliltuary notices, (other than those the edit ir shall himself give as a matter ol news,) and eotloeeof special meetings for whatever purpose. i. Notices ot church and society and all other intertalnmenta from which revenue Is to be o rived, eha'.l be charged for at the rate of Ave yenu a line. Theae rules win do stnouy saner ed to In sverv instance. Advertising rates reasonable aud made known ipon application. The tittle daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. Sam Meadows is reooTering. County court is in session this week with a goodly amount ot business. Wm. Lord, who was formerly with J. B. Natter, has returned to Heppner. Frank Holmes was here yesterday and today as a witness before tbe grand jnry. La Grande Marble Works, La Grande Ore. S. O. Smith, salesman, Heppner. Born On Feb. 27th., on Sand Hollow. to tbe wite ot Milt Powell, a 14 pound boy. The seven months old infant of John Adams, ot Hardman, ia ill with oholera infantum. W iik lie's Sqairrel Exterminator now on sale at uiuor & Uo. s, reduced tram 60 ots. to 25 cts. tf. Henry Vandernool is baok from Web- toot wbere be has been visiting bis! mother, Mrs. M. P. Blum. Best aooommodation and oourteoos treatment at the Imperial Hotel, Seventh and Waeb. ots., Portland, Oregon. Tbe new town council ot Heppner are bueky fellows. Tbeir average weight is over 200 pounds, and tbe smallest weighs 181. Tbe total number of delegates as shovn bv i he eall published in the last issue was wrong. It should have read 51 instead ot 57. Minor & Co., tbe redneers of prices, have now on hand tbe celebrated War lie's Squirrel Poison. Call and see what they sell it for. tf Mrs. Dnherty, mother of James and Bwrney Doberty aud Mrs. Mike Kenny, is now onnvaleanetit at tbe borne ot ber son James, on Black Horse. G. B. Halt, tbe toneorlal artist, can be fonod at bis parlors, Matlock corner, wbere be will dispense at popular prices, shaves, sbampoos. bairouts. etc. Judge Stephen A Lowell and Pro. Ally. John Lawrey arrived Saturday from Pendleton to be in attendance on the preeent term ot oirouit oourt. Lew Trainer, a brother of Mrs. J. N. Cider, was fonnd dead near the Cliff Huse, San Francisco, recently. The oaose ot bis death was unknown. H. T. Bagley has been ill with eon geston of tbe lungs at tbe City hotel, but waa well enough today to be re moved to the home of Hon. J. N. Brown Nearly all women bave good bair. though many are gray, and few are bald. Hall a HairBenewer restore tbe natural oolor, and thiokens the growth ol tbe bair. Any inventor in Eastern Oregon who dVsirea tbe services of ao attorney in Waebington, D. 0 , will find it to his advantage to call on or address this pa per. 6tf These late storms are not much appre ciated by tbe stockmen, on aoonnnt of snaroity of feed, bnt farmers are content. Yet everything points to good rangs as well as bouutiful orops. Ann dal School Election. Pursuant to oall a number of tbe citizens of the Heppner school district met at Matlock's ball yesterday at 1 o'otook, and m tbe absenoe of Chairman Morrow the meet ing was called to order by W. A. Kirk, a member of the board. The annual report of Clerk Roberts was read and accepted. Tbe eleotion ot diriotor re sulted in favor ot J. J. Adkina, and as Ibera was no opposition to J. J. Roberts for olerk, be was unanimously elected by acclamation. An expression ot those present as to the ' length of tbe aext sobool term was called for when a num ber responded. The attendance was not aa large as it should have been, only 27 being present. Or Imtxbkst MoOlnre's Magazine tor Marob will contain interesting pas' sages from a speech made by Abraham Lincoln, in tbe Illinois legislature in January, 1837 undoubtedly the earliest speech ot Linooln's of which any reoord remains, and one hitherto unnoticed by any of bis biographers. It is in bis most attractive vein that mingling of genial candor with perfectly olinobing argument for which he afterwards be oame so noted. Along with these pas sages will be presented some entirely new anecdotes and reminisceooes of Lincoln's service in the legislature and cf bis hnmble beginning as a lawyer at SpringQeld. And there will be a full quota of Lincoln piotures: among tbem tour portraits ot Lincoln, two of whioh bave never before been published, and a view ot bis first law office. in tbe neighborhood of Charley Jones' barber shop were surprised to bear a cannon like report, and to eee tbe front of tbe sbop precipitated onto the side walk and into the street These dem onstrations were followed by tbe sudden appearance ot three grim, sut-oovered in dividuals, one limping, who were at first mistaken for chimney sweeps, bat who proved to be Geo. Conser and Ed. R. Bisbop.two well known bank oaebters.aod tbe veteran redoubtable Cbas. Jones, tbe barber of Heppner bills. Investigation proved that there had been an explosion and a pretty bad one. The whole front ot the ehop was out, the mirrors were de molished, the stove was distributed around in a thousand pieces, while sut abounded in endless quantities and parts of bursted and mutilated gas pipe lay around. One large piece bad penetrated the ceiling, making a terrible hoie. Tbe shop was indeed a complete wreok. Tbe stove had been serving as water heater, as well as a generator ot beat, aud ihe pipes having been frozen tbe night before, were beated suddenly and the steam having no obunce to eaoape, an explosion ooourred. Both bankers and tbe barber were standing near tbe stove at the time of tbe aocident,discuss iog the probabilitiee and possibilities of ao explosion at seme time or other. Tbe conversation was rudely ended by tbe accident, bat no one was muoh hart. Mr. Conser received a badly bruised ankle while Mr. Jones received slight injanes. Both are oompelled to go on orutohes for the present. A gas pipe will stand a pressure of over 1,000 pounds to 'the square inoh, aud it is in deed a wonder that some one was not killed. It Saves lives Kvery Day. Thousands of oases of Consumption, Asthma, Coughs, (Joins and (Jronp are cured every day by Shilob's Cure. For sale by Wells & Warreo. TIME TABLE. Btage for Hardman, Monument, tons Creek, John Iay and Canyon t:llr. leevee aa follows vary day at a. m., eicrpt ttiinriav. Arrtveeeverydevei( a..airept Monday. The cheapest, quickest aud boat Una to or fro ia the interior ennntrv. WALT TUOMPSOJt, Prop, Conser A Brock. Agents. Qambrinus Beer, vi.sHAtr PINT BOTTLES City Hotel Bar! Drinkable Liquors Cigars. Call anal Smoksnle n Tad. T7. i. - - t. o - n .A j... ...i p.i.4... v t?-K sobool bouse, and tbe folio " JA l7T7U U.V SJ (UU sY I VI SB I f) t sWM SJ MVUV I Cltji Ri Obqamizbo Last Saturday afternoon a buss load of republicans from tbis city were driven to lone by "Pole" Thompson wbere a number ot good republicans gathered at the sobool bouse at 7 o'olock for the purpose of re-organizing tbe lone club. Appro priate remarks were beard from E A, Brondage, T. R Lyons, A. W. Patterson, 0. M. Peek, John Honor, Ben Case and a number ot others. Following tbis A. a Pettys and A. W. Patterson, who bsd aoted respeotfally as chairman and secretary of the meeting, gave way to tbe permanent officers who were selected ss follows: E. T. Perkioe, pres.; Ben Case, vice pres.; Edwsrd Keller, seoy Tbe club starts off with a good member ship and an abaolanoe ot the right kind of entbusinsm. All speak highly of the meeting and treatment received at lone, and it is safe to aay that it would not ba difficult to gel another orowd to go down from here especially if our former driver oould be assured that winter was over. Tbe club meets next Saturday at 2 p. m. at the Williams log Bator i. va lll InliA for the t'an.lllu." I'm frte to sum, will stay with us U I Juna; ... Thin t him oil buaufar blade, vlth "Sparry s Unwoud Kya;" Ha sweat lo tbliit, of that food old drink, tor voUng mea are dry. BolJooly at tbe Belvedere saloon. Charley Jooee. Ins well-known "old titBr" In Ihe tooaorlal line, bee again located in Heppner. h'.vtr.g pej-cbed Oreea Matbewa' ehop. Minor bmldlnf opposite tbe rily hotel Charley will appreciate a call bo ia town. Taa Ilia ef Weea. Cost lpali.ro, eeee lh Ml the ilia ol wumea. Karl's Clovef IVtrl, Ta la a plaael rir fr Ooesti patloa fur a lc by Welle Warreo. AT COHT. ftawiaa Af.Ura.1 a large In of aKilJIngS from I be Eet "! ,b mtA m snake room f say ftew wJ.b. I will f tbe SMI elry days make (rats as oal ot ear present stock at eoai. Mar. 17. J. L. e U W Trl-a WHS. (Prwei Cincinnati OesHte Will Mnala eav.r l'S thai "flf la a. art-l t.al trt ba AtM. aed lba k.a M nrara lflml sbonld ba) ptapT appli-dT Ttie e -lag wbare iba ifaW 'H while oejplete vxwiwv leibe rele. etepMe urrlblv frjee. a4 Ibnnaaeda ap-sj lho.ae.le -( fatal III eer evory ar asbwrwd la bv little lejil'rt) eiira l "' lagty Infliet eyi'l"m. IWf"1 be, lbra are lytef avaa'l levall U Jlj two Uara taif eeipUlote in svl4e. waieb el Ihe tinii f Bwiweee te IM rM'a. an I wf Bgl-eay. iMihM will a aohl Cab""; tb Rnl. It w P""P' "". & t boUM t f aale tf Cnmt A Bre. Yt tn to I w.M stl a f grl. ImsH ' warbi gearaa-U-t M J t f I"''" tare on . aUreve, . Tuesdays. Tursdsys and Satordays. r"arr S2 eaob way. Office, Wells A Warren, Heppner. Ed. Driekell, Prop. Word came in today tbat Mrs. Jackson Fleek died yesterday of cancer. Tbe iotermeot will oornr at 11 o'clock. tomorrow, out on Little Butler rreek. Mrs. Fleek bad been III for some months. Walt. Thompson runs stage between Heppner and Monument, arriving every day except Monday and leaving every day exoepl Sunday. Shortest and obeap- eet mote to tbe Interior. Oooeer A Hpnftlr. avanla. v O. W. Porter, a prominent shoe pro ao, of Unotingtoo, arrived leal Thursday morniog to look for sheep. Do deeiree lo purchase about 10 000 owes and wethers which ba will drive over lo Ibe Huntington eooatry. Mrs. W. J. Letter calls Ihe attention of the pnblio lo lbs fact thai she is still ia the baker basloeee, and ber old cue toroers will be famished aa extra qoslrtv of bread al Ibe grocery of bee buebaod. Toor patronage is solicited. It Tbe little son of Mr. and Mm. Andrew ftwd le irooroxlag rapidly undae pbyet- eisn'e cere and Ibrongtt ibe iefiiteneenf the Webf.mt llmate, d"o al Portland, Theebild bee beea soffrrtBg from lo fanlile peralysle of tome time. There was no t-ela yeeterday eel of Beoooer. aa tlh eaet aod wret boa at trams were lied ap by seed. However, Ibe branch train went down Ibis saon ing aod will rwisra Ibis aftaeeooa, going back agata Ibis eveoiag oa llsse. Joe MeAlitb. beld oe a charge ef prjnr.w.e )rteidsf releeaad s"tioe having Urn ttllone4 la it en. Tbe pelitkte) wee id by foil two bendred eoreneie. Ju Is Ibe Beppuet mea is Uepfmer. Boodsv alfhl was the ooMeal of Ibe eeeenti ao far. and namemoe wlf Dloee err broken up. Tbe 0t-i'e ttgtoe wee diaabUd l e-toe ettenl by IhaiboraMug ef a pipe, bit tbaeit lo Tim Hiab, ibe reach le once more lo roasleg orisr. A erl. k la Ibe baek." a aia aedar Ihe eboaloer blades, water break, Ul lioneeeee, sad eoeslipalioo, are ) tp ee ef dsorJred , kidoeie, llvr aed bowel a Fur all elaiia or lfisti'g a Wegmeel of lhea orgaoe, lake Ayer'e Pi'le. W. Vf. Hreoooe, rlta4, past ssaeier wor k ease, A O, U. w . will d livef a leflare Ibe ae laf f Herslay eeanieg at Ibe K. P. rU el 7-1J a. m. Mr. B'eeona le a twb4e epkf eo4 will no dnoM p'eaaaaily eeVsrtslS Ibe sedietM-e. All are leviud. a D. IWet aa ewtabile prleler aa,l ttsiMMr abltate bat BOW a pmapefrnte aUnenay of povllaad. was la Hrfpof oeerNalerday, aad may de ei.t l. , ate bee la Ibe I elwre, Mr iVaaie le bait eaf f a faewef ar aewieiaf eal adawie a eeeided beaker lag Ii Ibe eld baeiBawa. A. F- Pewall. bvnlbef tf Mill Powell, offtaed ll'l-iw. env4 IMaslaf frnaa sKmsIis lae m Hvtfif atvnl flvw I vara. Mr day evening at 7 o'clock at lone. UoCVClL Mimxa. Councilman were all prweot at a regular meeting lest night, Mayor Morgan presiding..,. Minute of last regular meeting and subsequent speoial meeting read and approved Quarterly report ot tbe recorder and treasurer read and referred to lbs dsw flosnoe committee. Meeers. Gilliam and Minor, aew oouocilmeu were Inducted into offioe, and Patteraoo Liobtenlbal and Faros worth retired, Mr. Oeo. Conser was not preeent owio lo illness Msyor Morgan ihea aa- aouDoed bis eppointmeote ia Ibe matter ler of eommilteae: Health aod police Oeo. Conser, Frank Rogers aod Fran Oilliam; streets aod public property, Oeo. Cooaar, Frabk Rogers and Frank Oiltism; Bra aod water, Oeo. Cooter, E. J. Bloeum and CL A. Minor : finance, E.J. Bloeum, 0. A. Uiuor aod 8. & Humeri eUoHoee, 8. H. Horner, C. A Minor aod Frank Rogers: or'.ioeooae. Fraiik Roger. C. A. Mieor and Oeo Oooeer; ways aod mesne, Oeo. Co nee r, E.J. 8 loco at eed Freak OilLata.. Mayor Morgaa tbea delivered bis at. anal aod iaaogaral aJdreee which was toll of good advice Bills allowed : elea- lioa board, 118; F. J. Uallock, 116 66 A. A. R- b-rta $50; U. L. A W Co., 70; C ee-eABrtKik.il 23; Walls A Werrve, li Morrow Co, L. A T. Co. agal petiUoo lbs towa to abaadna streets of ihe proeeealiog eit-reey, Ibe leif dowa la Ibeir addilioa, and eeid pet It toe was referred lo the coa millee oa streets end Boldia properly Marshal re ports lr4 000 galloos ia flra teeervolr Adjoeroed. Pe Mas Oe Tkie. IU ol be udm-a.1 1 bay eey other if )oe bave made ap y.-or mlad lo lake tloid'e are.prille. fUmemhef that lleM'e rlsreparlila eorae wba all mrrs fell. l tool give ap la daopetr liaeattso vLer eiadtaibaa bsS felled to .lu turn. Teke llod's nareeportlla Mafuliy aad o may reeeuaebly ei I eel Ut be tared. Ud's Tills are ,r f vg-lsble, erfellf l-rpifl I'li'n Iba lal legrf disate. V. Pure Blood " Is the secret ot the restoration to healti which Hood's Sarsaparilla gives. "It glvss ma pleasure to mend Hood's Saisa ' parilla. It has cured me ot many com plaints, and purl fled my blood. I was troubled with my liver, had hip disease and other i troubles, with swell- ing oi my snues. had to walk with a cans. For several V years A waagrauuai- breaklng down. I had the grip in a severe form. I procured eix bottles of Hood's Barsaparifla and it built me up. My recovery I owe to Hood's Sarsaparilla. All my ills have gone and I feel like a new person. I sleep well and eat heartily." Mbs. Chaklotth Kelly, Haywards, CaL Hood's Sarsaparilla prominent Try it. Is the only true blood purifier ly m tne pubiio eye toaay vjr j r:n euro habitual constjpa- "WU O riliJ tion. Price 25c, nar box. A Pleasant Pabti. On last Friday evening a number ot Heppner'a young people, in response to previous invita tion, met at the heme pt Miss Oertrade Bishop to enjoy themselves as none but the youthful oan. Those preeent were : Misses Elsie A .vers, Emma Farnswortb, Ethel Myers, Bertha Matlook, Mamie Farnswortb, Ida Stevenson, Lulu Hager Grace Hager, Alma Thompson, Annie MoBride, Edith Vaughn, Vira Hart, Pearl Welle, Mable dyers, Messrs. Wayne Howard, Ernest Kirk, Ora Adkina, Lee Slocum, Earl MoFarland, Riie Ruark, Olarenoe Kirk, Orio Brians, Percy Hughes, Willie Hughes, Kalpb iperry, Qussie Ayera, Oeorge Vinson, Louis Biebee and Norman Shipley. The Lkctubi. Mrs. Cox delivered s lecture at tbe M. E. Church, Houtb, on ast Sunday afternoon that every man aud woman io Heppner should bave heard. She is a veteran in tbe ranks of the Temperance armv, being a lady ot. cul ture end wide experience ebe baa a large fund of laformation and aoeodote to draw non. She gave a grphio aeoount of the Woman's Crusade", of ita rie. its rap id expansion and its crystal izatioo into tbat most wonderful of modern organi zations, the "Women's Christian Tem perance Union" with ita - world-wide mission and its more lhau forty depait menta of Reform work. She then took up tbe aggressive nature of tbe liquor traffic and dealt some heavy and well deserved blows st tbe weak, vacillating voters, who tor the want ot backbone permit thia power In continue to grow. to dictate tbe laws of tbe Nation, State aod Corporation; to fill our offloes with tools tbat do ita bidding, thus degrading tbemsnbnod of Ibe country, sapping its resources, crushing out patriotism, and enthroning idleness, anarchy, lawless nees. Tbe lady is mistress ot irony and aaroaem, bat dealt very lightly in tboae commodities, just enough to spice ber moot eloquent and logionl leotnre of an hour and twenty minutes. 0, A Fact Worth Knowing. Consumption, La Grippe, Pneumonia and all Throat and Lung diseases are eared by Shilob's Care. For sale by Welle & Warreo. All Rreoxraeod It. Ask your pbyaioian, your druggist sod your trieods annul Hhilou s Core to Consumption. They will reoommeod it. For sale by Wells A Warren. Coming Pfospbbity. In addition to th regular output of wool, sheep aod cattle thia year, at probably better ngurea than tor some lime past, it is now almost oertain that a large wheal orop will reward tbe exertions of our industrious farmers. Tbe season so far he been all that one o mid ask. The moisture of tbe winter will be largelj augmented by tbe fall of snow Sunday ast which will doubtless be followed b reasonable rams, l'he outlook is indeed bright. - Judge Lowell, at tbe opening of court asterday, made the following appotn ments: Obae. Johnson, jury bailiff; Walt Riohardson, general bailiff; W, B. MoAlister, grsnd jury bailiff. . CENTKAL COHV1TTEB MEETING. Notioe is hereby given tbat a meeting ot tue democratic oentral committee ol Morrow oonnty, Oregon, will be held on Saturday. March 11. 1890. at 1 p. m.. io ibe parlor of tbe Palaoe hotel, for tbe purpose ot seleotiog tbe time for holding primaries, oouoty convention, and for the transaction ot any otber business tbat may oome bofcre tbe meeting. A fall attendaooe of all tbe committeemen ia earnestly requested. j, w. biohbow, Chairmao. HAVE YOU HEARD THAT THERE'S, i:t, a Change ia Business ill Ami. ED. 11. BISHOP Has bought oat the General Merchandise Business of the McFarland Mercantile Co., and the stock ia being disposed of at Wholesale Slaughter Prices ! REGARDLESS OP COST. All woolen goods, boots, shoes, overshoes, ete., are being sold below wholesale cost Great discounts on hardware, tinware, glassware, hats, caps, blankets and in fact everything kept in a general mercantile es tablishment. Call and see the stock before it is too late. ED. R. BISHOP, Prop. The National Bank Building, Heppner. Ore. FRANK M'FARLAND, Manager and Salesman. Some people want the earth; you can get a goodly portion of it at GEO. A. BROWN'S HAEDMAN STORE, With very little money. He keeps a full line of general merchandise, including dry goods, groceries, boots, shoes. GEO. A. BROWN, HARDMAN, OR. Gilliam & Bisbee We are not small men, lbs. We are small men, Xs. we are not tie Largest Mews in tne worm ! But when the people of all the surrounding country are in need of . . Hardware, Tinware, Crockery wsrs, Glassware, Wood and Willowware, Nslls, Iron, Barb wire, Cumberland Coal, Qasi and Water Pipe, Pipe fittings, Btovei and Ranges, Wagons, Backs, Buggies, Wagon HaterUl, Hardwood, Axef , Hammers, Saws, Sledges, Wedges, Uuns, Pistols, Cartridges and Ammunition, Mason Jars, Oran iteware, Plows, Harrows, Hikes. Mowers, Tubs. Wash Bollleri and Boards, Sheet Iron, Zlno, etc, etc., Should call and Examine our Goods and Get Prices. We bave Good Goods at Faib Frices, and Cheap John Goods at Cbep John Prices. GILI.IA.M & BISBEE, MAJN STREET HEPPNER. OREGON For Hale. Ten shares of stock Id the National Batik of Hrppoer. Address lticbard T. 0. Ro Hr, Arlington, Oregon, (i4tf. T. R. HOWARD List of Patsits Granted to Pacific states Ufeutors tbis sek. Reported br 0. A. 8oov k Go, solicitors of Amer- loao sad foreign patents, opposite D. 8, osteal offlrs Washington. D. O.: J. F. Appleby, Santa Cms, Cal , barresllo machine; W. F. Bowers. Han Francisco, bote j O- P. Browo, IUdlaods, Cal., Boms (aU; B. Coleman, Ban Frsacisso, car oonpllng; A. Derreoberfejr, Taeoma, gold separator; O. Johnson, Bourns, Ore, Indi oat or for hoisting works; 0. C. Johnson, Los Angeles, I as generator or vaporisers W. C. Loogetretb, Oak- a, Cel., detonating bargtar alarm; T. II. Montgomery, Oakland, Cal rool- slest for liengitg paiolers falls; I, B. Btorgfi, Portlsod, Oreg., derioe for cleaning tobaceo pipes; J. N. Slrnm, Han Joes, Cal., aUr beater; W. D. Wailsworih, Hattr. Cl feass wire oiler, W. K. P. Williams, Oram's Pa.e. Oreg ., ootnUined sntitalis safety brake aoJ erbeel gnard for street oars. Notice of Assignment. KfOTICE 14 HBKKHY OIVEft THATOKO. i rVllsiid W. H. reU.lMrtiiers doing btislnrss -DEALS IN- at tlrppner, Omon. under the Arm name ol Fell Hris . have made an aatlgninent lor the bcnrflt ol their end tors. All parties having claims against said Arm of Fell Bros, are hereby required to prvwint the same to tne unarnlanea assignee, at tne First National Hank of Heppner, In Morrow ( ountr Oregon, within three ruontns Iroia tbe daie herml . Dated. Januarf . IMS. (iko. CONKR. Assltnaa. J. M. Baown. Attorner lor Assignee. ent.is. Notice of Intention. Groceries, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Stockmens Supplies, Etc., And Wants Your Trade ! IAND OFFICE AT THE DAl.I.f., OREGON. J rb. U. Ixua. Notice le bervbr ilren that Ihe following named settler h4 Sled entire ol his Intention to eiske Snal firool In S'lnport ol hselslm, and that said proof will be madr brfore County Clers. of Morrow County, at llepp- net, IfragoB, on wn n mi, iwa. vis: H4 E. No. US, inrtheau Nkv. NWI48EH and H K4 B k. Her V7. Tp. I S. R, A) E. He names the following wltneesee to prove I his continuous residence upon and eulilvalloa I olsli land, ls: jn 101M, ,core emitn, ramee T. lainoi. laraee wren, ol Heppner, Oregon. JA. f. stOORE. 414 L Itrglster. He will make it to object for you to trade with him aa bis prices are right, and all goods that be bandies are ot the Terr best. Store on Main Street, Next Door to City Drug Store, Hoppnor, Oregon. Administratrix Catarrh fared. health end sweel hrealb aernred, by HMIob's Catarrh Km-dr. Trios 50 eeota. Neael Injector free. Kor tale by Wells k Warren. KlJ'f JrskiftS eie.M iHtr .lghl.rr1g ity, Lei'ae'oe. urn I set hien.y end .rtpite1 il eoi iloof S ChrUties ehsreb si I bet Ue. Tbe) f-.IUerlD are ll.e graad ) I'ymeg : f. M. AkM. f xn.M! IL C. tly. Newt jM.ee. tiroes Mi'Mei, J. Ii. Alien, Tlx. P. Urahara aad H W. Ads ma. TWe keeitags si Ibe epers Mnee f-HI tisae with torrweeieg teieeeet. Large eed slleeilee sedvee gree4 Ibe spect er si every aad eef gro sosy iikvowl soeaelbleg lo tblsk sboejl. TV. kl ktrJ U baiUi ae a karUeewe efsateg tt te e.ia4e h a ' t,.ell fnewxrli i Ml mrlft-f W e..d t wr A fssiocs Ottaaoc-Teeterday Jod Wiley, young Ban lifieg bers Ibis Inter, was held to answer on s (barge of pe'Jtrr. Il appears tbal ha told Ibe cilf marsbsL In ibe beeriog of Hbenffl Kartogioo, wbal purported lo be Ibe facts roaaeralaf Ibe robbery of Iba aatonaof MAl k Krkk, siting Ibe ears of the eoppoeel colprtts Bfor lbs gran I jtry Ibis as denied, bat rn being cou fueled by Ibe viioeeeae ba at 1 reeanled and sskaowledawd that ba bad iwera falsely. Wiley le beld asieer lo serious (barge, wblcb la ev4 orrvboretlvs of Ibe ear tog tbat "talk cheap.'' AH laet wlater Ut. Oeo. A. M'l'e. Lliea. Owtn,, eras badly sfflwi4 11b rteoiMie.o. Al liases II aeeere Ibal bo Solid Sol stead ap elraigl.l. bel drawn er en e elde. "I tried d ffret reotedlee wilh- ent rerwteleg relief." ba ears, "nelH aU-nt ell avwi'La ee" I boeehl a bottle bf CbeeatMftaia's rein Belrev. Aftef Being II for Ikree dees ssy fbenaaiieen ae gne and baa retarae4 sinaa.' tat aie ly Ouaeef Drork . Notice. VTOTtrE 1" MERERV OIVE THAT THE II andrre riml has been ennnlnUd Mmlole- tretrlt ot tha rsUle M U. f. etliiMS. iticeeed. by thefounlr turt nf Morrow ( ountr, aisle olOrvvoa. All swr-one hevlua rlelme againet sal4 eelale are hretr rvaulrad lo pneenl th to me si er kma In luna. itr , On If VeIDea, w'lhie si 1 monins Irom nate arreol. Haled U1 M dr ol reo , l tar uruivi 4111 Admlulsrratrll. Stockholders' Meeting. oTtrg 14 nragsT ofvsw th t the I annual awatlnf loe the etork holtre The Mocow t o. Itxi A rnetC . will be Mid et Hm ,niM e4 Ue trurr m Ihe tad MioMsf I in Mere etre.es. lor toe DiritM eiMHina I eritovre and atuodlag lo ewk etltee buetueee ee I Ber rove belore tbe seeeUug m. r. 1 n i ltt. sW-retery. Notice of Intention. T An OFfK E AT THE DHM. rHEiK 1 1 r.b II. isvt, klnUce le herb give thsl the lolH.wloe Bested emr bee ! Sucoreeof toC. . VesDutn. yeil door lo City Uolel. Has everything in the line of Fresh Groceries, Candies, Nuts, and also keeps Crockery, Lamps and Tinware. Stock is Complete. Notions a Specialty, TTTT -TT sslff LYOBIS iVttornoyw fit Ivfixv, BF.PP7JEB, All bail nees atleaded to U a prompt and sallafaotory maaser. Notaries I'sblie and 0llerurs. OmCE X2f NATIONAL DANK ECILDINO. 1 1 1 cnr.oos I we rtiai inienii'm e eam n ness r"i f rs i'ri 1 aMPRMa V . I htifUlM ht mM ftrnit will ! tntvlt I 1 1 1 A ?-s.eK 1n4l4sr ik rnnij rivra y H'rymw rfniiif M I .I f V T - k is i i1;"- . ? . tr ri 1 a it, v p met n is- HK Ne Mme loll wl( HhwiPl U prove ' f l hie n,tinM.MM nei.lewe ape aad eultlvatlva rTrt ref Mid Uad. vis t, PI I 4 ..t.(if lUedrli C ft. Sellle. (hs'Ue V. .otxee, es Mt4ea, vrawei Ill M Rwieur, Do You Want a Rig ? Don't You Want a Place to Put up Your Team ? Arc You in Need of a Saddle J. W. Keren, the ely eielf, te pre- pt4 t do all blade ef neiailaf ae4 repef kaagiag eed wvil d hMteeeieeB i aad lake ap eed ni 4iwa carpets 'rfVa en Mat street, op pf etna ( hotel. t t I inrse CummingS Si Fall, Al U)eacnUi)rocorf.ItTbomi..o A UioDs, Uwer Mala Btmt, llf I'poer, Urrgoo. Thsee ellmm ere wsll ar4lned with fire-t. Ne"we. Cf- ni'ltse and eiaef teweHaa, aad eaa ee,e bmmt ad Uwe la auSing tbee e. tlune Hh Iretellng eee. ri W-e la levptng wlia the Ueiea. THOMPSON & BTNNS, LivaaTMiK. itarrirxit. . . , . J Ot the 014 Sellahle s Gault House, lived' u ..J Ll. 1. mm 1 r.tB4e are ee.'eea r r I ed bal be te e-e SB-e In IB le4 e- 1 . . . 1.1 k ul ik.i 1-. .a tM4e liul d '" e4 ") itt it Tke "'( Hit' tel - H H..BI . I-. ,. CHfr'ACKi. 114.. Vst Mt wot! ef ie raloei rtM M r. . A ,r s ) r ' it.r n 4 t m I. a r tt m i 1.1 il -Ml . . I I' l I A V rew e. THE PALACE HOTEL MAK, .r.r.nonrnrnp Pi. p. 1 die 1 iaut U.i.i., 1-....-:- e.t.d L.ui. ;MM4yu A ,U