Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, March 03, 1896, Image 2

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    The Long Creek Eagle has
changed its came to Blue Moun
tain Eagle. O. L. says that the
new name will not harden it or
impair its usefulness in the news
paper world.
Alabama republicans claim that
they will carry the state in the
next election, aided by the popu
lists. The Gnzette has heard this
talk before. We will not believe
it until the victory is actually se
The republicans may win some
temporary advantage by making
political coalitions in Southern
states, but in the end it will come
home to them like chickens to
roost. No party can sacrifice its
principles and save its honor.
The republicans and populists
carried North Carolina by fusion
two years ago and each secured a
senator thereby, but no amount of
abase was spared them for the
unwilling inroads made iu the
ranks of the faithful. Now it
seems that the democrats are court
ing the populists for a like coali
tion. It all depends on whoae ox
is being hurt
Unless either McKinley or Reed
are nominated in the early part of
the St Louis convention, Senator
Allison will loom up as a strong
second choice and capture the plum.
The objection that be is too far
west falls flat when comparison is
made with Lincoln as a presiden
tial candidate. He was chosen
from Illinois in 1800, which, then,
was much farther west than Iowa
is today, backed as she is with an
unbroken chain of states to the
Pacific ocean, where in I860 were
territories inhabited mainly by sav
ages and maintaining bat a sem
blauce of government The repub
lican candidates are, in the main,
pretty good men, but the opponents
of Senator Allison will have to bring
forth something stronger than the
menwo'ar wes" western
man, but prefer a stronger silver
j . . . , , ""promise caudi-
umo must ue nau, Aii.
the bill as well as any.
From our Special Corrwpondrat
The one great ebarm of traveling In
8paio ii tbe abundance of fellow toorists.
Tbe "Nectar of romance end adventure"
baa not all been drained by . curious
Americans and diioontented Eofflish
aid one fioda the people aa maaioal.
piotorerqae and nnolean aa could be
wished. The local color and life have
withstood the comparatively little in
vasion ot travel. aDd though Granada
with its incomparable Albambra baa
been tbe goal of more curiosity and Bight
seeing than other Spanish oitiea it re
tains many of its purely characteristic
and delightful features. One of these
is the gypsy oamp in tbe outskirts of tbe
city. We drove there late one after,
noon and saw tbe gypsy in bis native
I nir. Cervantes alone describes these
people as, "Just as God made them and
often tiroes worse." Eduoation , has
never laid ber rnle or ferule on them;
honesty and morality have passed them
in despair, and if the proverb sffirming
tbe proximity of cleanliness and godli
ness is true tbe gypsies are "way off".
It has been enough for them that they
live and tbey have never asked those
enigmatical questions wbenoe, why and
wbitber. Their houses are caves and
we were allowed to go through one.
Tbe first room was the kitchen and the
last and choioeat one the abode ot tbe
pigs. There were many of these com'
partments about tbe eize ot a steamer
tate room, and as one groped his way
by tbe aid ot a email candle into tbe
depths ot tbe bill, tbe smell became
painfully prominent Tbe ptgs, though,
like the gypsies, were contented and
the fact ot being kept in tbe parlor or
Editor Osteite :-As .there bas been
for the last two years in this and other
oouoties tbrougboot this state consider
able misunderstanding as to whom tbe
masses of the repnblioan party want ae
there candidatee, espeoialy for the United
States senate and oongress, so I, as a re
pnblioan, and one who is not seeking an
office and one who believes in a majority
of tbe people composing the republican
party having their oboioe, ven
ture tbe suggestion that when our
primaries meet that tbey then and there
decide whom they want, for these two
offices especially, eo that the respective
delegates to the county conventions know
exactly what their ooostitoants want,
aDd that tbey can intelligently vote tbe
sentiments of their party, and if necee
sary so pledge their candidates to tbe
state legislature and their delegates to
tbe state convention. Then at a oauooa
on tbe Digbt before the county oonven
tioo, let tbe delegates ballot on tbeir
choioefor senator and representative in
oongress. Then in tbeir convention
eleot men known to favor this, and also
eleot no man as delegate to tbe state
Danger Signals
Mori than half tbe victims of consump
tion do not know tbey bent it. Here is a list
of symptoms by which consumption can
certainly be detected.
Cougb, one or two slight efforts on,
rising, occurring during the day and fre
quently during the night.
Short breathing alter exertion.
Tightness of tbe chest.
Quick tmlse. especially noticeable in the
evening and after a full meal.
Chilliness In the evening, toiiowea ry
Slight fever.
Perspiration toward morning and
Tale face and languid in the morning.
Loss of vitality.
If you have these symptoms, or any of
them, do not delay. There are many
preparations which claim to be cures, out
Dr. HcKWi CnglUh Rnsedyfor Consumption
has the highest endorsements, and has
stood the test of years. It will arrest con
sumption in its earner stages, ana anve
away the symptoms named. . It is manu
factured by the Acker Medicine Co., 16
and 18 Chambers St., New York, and sold
by all reputable druggists.
Crude Petroleum in the Orchards
of Loa Angeles.
In a Moment of Desperation an Owner
Begins to Bore, and the Besult" Is
Something Astonishing to Him
self and Neighbors.
Free Silveri
One SSL Scarf Pin
For 12 Coupons
or, ron
2 Coupons and 12 eta.
convention unless bis constituents think HARBISON OS CIVIL BEKViCK REFORM
enough of bim to send him as a dele-
sate to the oountv convention, and Filling the Offices is a Distracted Duty, and
thereby f ntber, fully and honestly rep
resent tbeir constituents intelligently
and directly.
Kesjeotruiiy, etc,
Jno. T. Dizhet.
Nolin, Umatilla Oo , Or.,
Feb. 25, 1896.
None Bat Ayer's at the World's Fair
Ayer's Sarsaparilla enjoys the extraor-
Ji. & inry distinction of having been tbe only """"
,be,ir blood nurifler allowed an exhibit at tbe to'""
One Which Weakens a President
In none of . bis napers upon "This
Country of Ours" has ex-Presideat Har
rison delivered himself with such vehe
menoe and emphasis as he bBS in the
one in tbe Maroh Ladies Home Jonrcal,
"Tbe President's Duties." Besides
commending one ot Mr. Cleveland's
acts, and censuring ambassadors for
making political speeches, he talks ot
presidential appointments in a most
spare room added do arroganoe to tbeir h,nnnrifW .lm-eH an exhibit at tbe " lm08t pathetio way. Upon
amiable manners. Evidenoes ot certain World's fair, Obioago. Manufacturers tbe latter theme, in ktving endorsement
luxurious tastes were to be seen in the lot other sarsaparillas sought by every U0 civil Service Reform, be says: "In
cvesoobasa piece ot oarpet before me"ooM of all the difficulties that beset
each bed on tbs earth floor, and a stove tDDiiCBtion ot tbe rule forbidding tbe th qion of removals and appoint-
rO.A TnAui sirftUitn ft alon ThA dAfliaion of the World's fair otho. I nrni,P ;n um Hirntion of a hatter
manifest for banging over tbe bed io "f'AJ
.... . . i iu ruevi ss - - sr -
one of tbe rooms was a highly colored M .. ol . Daent medioine. It does
Civil Service rales have removed a
advertisement ot a German beer,
When we left tbe cave ws were told
that we could see tbe real sod genuine
gy p j dsnoe for the modest sum of seven
dollars, but we deollned. Our inteipre
tors after a consultation with the gyp-
not belong to tbe list ot nostrums,
here on its merits."
It is large number of minor offioes in the de
partments at Washington, and in the
noetal and other services, from' tbe
CIRCUIT COURT PROCEEDINGS. t0ramble of politios, and have given the
Monday, March a. Dresident. tbe cabinet officers and tbe
Clrouit onrt convened yesterday m.mh... , ,,. ... r,iuf- hnt
sys told us that oor eoonomy would be morning with Judge Lowell and otber , lil, nmia, trne nBt in power
will m
There are DumerovtH members
of both hoiiHO ami npnato who are
of the opinion that Secretary Car
liwlo phiepil liimm-lf in a position
that in nliiiiiht, if not quite, rrimi
iml, wIu'ii ho Hiihl the Morgan
By llli('llll, till) lum.ltl Ufisu nlillU
tli" Kiiiuul biiMi-rri fnilfil to in uke
tin- liit payment at tlm atipulaled
tiiin', at n price) j nnt nix cent on
tin dollar It-Hi than they could
liavrt bii'ii m.ld for in the ojmmj
market, and hoiiio who think con
gi(HM ahotild prolm thin favoritiatn
to Iho ImiUoiii. Among the laat is
Ib'proBoutativo Colann, of Ken
tucky, who has ofTored a leaolution
providing for an investigation by
a aoloct ooQirnittoe of five, and
Xlepreacotative ltarrett, of Maaa.,
who Laa opouly deuouncod tbe
action of Secretary Carlisle. Tbe
conservative members of ooi.grfss
are loth to authoriie an ioveatiga
tion, becausw of tbe fear that a
treasury ecandal might be pro
ductive of much more barm to tbe
country than ita eipoenre oould
possibly do good.
reapeoted and tbe daoee given tor five
dollars. Asws drove regretfully away
we were sgaio informed that though it
was a great sacrifice and altogether nn
paralleled in tbe annals of history we
might see it for three dollars. Ws
accepted tbls proposition though it de
veloped that we really paid tour dollars,
tbs last one being in redemption of a
counterfeit dollar that bad been substi
tntedforthe good one we bad given.
Tbe coin was probably a product of
gypsy ingennity snd so fares 1 know,
the transaction may be one ot tbeir
establisuu) ways ot making an bonest
lMr, ao to Tbe dauce, however,
was quit, worth tu uperinooe. Aooom
1-aiiiHj ry ont lwo hviM BD(i two
polioemHn who, it was expUioed, were
necessary for our safely and who on'y
ailditj to our general leeling of In
'in, wo went no a Aurk allev.
ooan omciaie preeem. of anoointmenJ to nffioa the nreaHent
The following proceedings have been flo(ll b, mo,t piloting, norelenting and
distracting of bis duties. In tbe natute
of things he begins to make enemies
W. Honor,
Szcbktabt CabUsli baa for
tiahrxl the silver democrats with a
wedge tbat will be used to split tbe
democratic party, at tbe Chicago
coDvrntioo. This wedge was Mr.
Carlisle's letter drxlioiog to ask
anti-silver dfmnrrats in Kentucky
Ifgislature) to vo for Blackburn
for Senator, aud saying la effect
tbat be thought a minority joatl
fied io refiuiog to sacrifice) thsir
belief io tbe interests of party bar
mony. It is thought by sews tbat
this letter was deltbertely planned
sod writ too aa tbe first step to.
arjs a Iwlt on tbs part of tbe ad
ministration democrats should tbe
silrer democrats control the Chi
cago coDfriition, but if tbat t
correct thoe administration dem
ocrats who have ba working so
bard to get the silver dimxraU
t. c-'intnit thmalvee io advance
t the support of tbs candidate
and pUtf.rm cf the Cbicagrt co.
vcnlioti wrre h't tkfu into Nvrr-
tary tr' it'ei euifi IrocA. Ilia
r has Umlxie all their work,
an I lli Filtr d' iii' f le ere Dow
atn'tg tl.Miili thai
tliy wiil I" j ut.:'. in lxlting
tl.n f'uten'i if ran't rntol
It a-. I a iui i f ll-ptii l.ate g-H.a
fr sit i ai in'tihi'n thfir ihtrnlioi a
f,.inji Mr. Cr;ila letter
is t iU ii I i r:i"n Hil tlx litiitiit.
truii m n"j lt n I ! t-U If tlt
tl.'d'l r ImI the rofttrhlUm. i
ths split inwi UfVilalUk
riMim where the orohestra and danonre
were aMsointiled. Tbe orchestra con
xisli'd of three men who played the
itniiar, ninuclnlin and tambourine. The
ilximiTs wire four uuly women sod a
pn-tly Dim all gortteonsly arrayed in
Infill otlii'(iee and with artificial Unwers
iu tin ir coarse dark hair. The aervios
onpi with frightful song that nearly
drafrnrd the Bildienee, which on IC
omiiit of the aiis of the room was within
two fft of the aiugers. Then the
women danced together, ao active,
splritsd daocs snob as Kiralfy labors in
vain to get, This was followed by a
eon or uanes aa venire, mere were
several graceful flgares deeeed by the
womes and thea one, "La Uata" by
the tambourine ptayer and the pretty
firl which was quite tbe prettiest of all,
end would compare favorably with tbe
beet daoeee oa tbs Amerioaa stage.
During the performance I woadered
bat some eetsrprislng Amerioaa bad
sot Imported Ibem all t America aed
made bis forlnoe by putting them oa
tbe siege. One does not Bod sack
ahaaJoa, aelmstioa sod net oral graes
la tbe dancers wbe learn o ebalked
q a arte while Ibey eoaot one, two.
three, eae, twe, three. Tbe pretty
womaa bad a far ateolas olj baby la
lbs room, and tbe Utile creelare acta-
ally wave4 Ita arme wbea tbe aaolber
danred ae tboagb really letweeied la
itefalareempleytBeet. Tbe father bed
tMww eeel ae a solJier te Caba, tbe
mother ear folly esplsia4 aed tbe
sarMol maieralty and wlJewbooJ set
Mlhlly ea her aalaX It wee eel)
aaolber deejoBetraMea Ibat wnmee doa't
alwata weep while tbeir baebaads war,
aed bar devutkte la the lambetrme
player led ae te Ibiab she might be
erepariag lor tbe fslare "It tbe worst
ebonld eeme le lbs woret te Can
WeiMtpoJ from Ible plaee with ear
lives seJ we were rot robbeJ, the Ulter
beeenee deeiied te site tbem ell
we bed sej it re tbeca tbe sertlo el
tekieg U. As we drove swey I looked
aosoegtbe ebildree for some of I boo
ibat SiHamoa report sets tbe graotee
sl, be 1 1 saw Boee, aal JaJfleg from
tbe sasahef ttM have ba seal la tbe
aaleral eat appco. be tbe earns
tare roe fur tbleklng that tbe
(,ttM BM It d ffl4tt M reest the
UnHi'li'i ef eteatleg ilhf. ehoalj
t ! tt 'link ttty i iiu-4 the
m I, k f tMitttna atkwt a'rv
ulite ao I dsotiahle artli l, W nb all
iUir.pft.t tbiti tber are aa le
Ifftstliig. J tflarreqee (t'!'.
bad so far:
Frank McFarlsnd vs. D,
set for trial tomorrow.
Ditlenboefer, Baas A Co. vs. C 8,
VanDuyn, demurrer to answer argued
snstained and two days given to answer
Man A Joruensea vs. Osmers A
James W. Smith vs. T. J. Teters, J,
P. and J. II. Long, dismissed oo plain
tiff's motion
Robinson, Straus A Oo. vs Fell Bros
default and judgment. Attachment di
solved by assignment.
Assignment ot Jfi. 8. A 8. H. Cox, con
tinued for term.
Mrs. J. II. B'ahl and Tbe Boeeblat
On. v. (Vtnnr. u"', "u "
uut'i, muiiou ari(uea oo ro-Deariog.
The Holioitor's Loan aod Trnst Go. vs.
Chaa. W. Hhurle, cuutiuued for the
U. W. Harrington, aJui'r, vs. J. D.
11 imilton, et al., default aud decree aa to
from tbe start, and bss no way of
escape it is fate; and to sensitive man
involvee muob distrees ot mind.. His
only support is to tbe good opinion of
those who obi fly oare that the public
business shall be well done, and are not
disturbed by the consideration whether
Ibis man or that man is doing it; hot he
hears very little directly from this class.
No preai lent oan comluol a sncoessfnl
administration .without tbe support of
congress, and this matter ot appoii t- j
mente, do what he will, oftec weskens
tbat support It is for bim alwnye a
sort of compromise between his ideal
net the best, attainable thing."
'. ...4-4 .W -
Himon H. . llnrtman. of Tniinelton.
Went Va , has Weu lolij.-i t to attnrk
of colic about once a year, mhI would
bhvo to call a doctor ami then stuIVr for
about twelvn hoo-s aa nincli as Rumx ilo
'hen they diet He a thken recently
just the eme ae at oilier limes, siut
all partiee except S.C. Inv. Co. and the rjnlere and Diarrhoea Heme.ty. He
N. C. I. Co. dismissed. Att'y fees 1 100 says: ' I tiwk one d.ee .f i and it gave
Kll.isreil me relief In five mioii'ea. That i mre
-.:. tn m v...n.- "" ' envtiiHig els- b e evr Uona f. r
aneip ii i si t-U V u atUsVU) uiui staj
argued and laken under adviament.
Henry Ueppner vs. Clark It. Adkins,
settled aod dlsiuissnd.
Tboa. L Dormao vs. Qeo. W. Jaokins,
at ox., default and decree, f 100 att'y
feee allowed.
lle-ry fedberg vs. O B. Cochrane, et
ux., T. It Lyons appointed goardiao
a 8. Kirk va Emit Kirk, default.
Aaeigameat ot Fell Bros., continued
for term.
Lueioda Uales vs. J. V. Kirk at al.
order of eonflrmatluo.
Ketale ot Eliaa Ann riookel, motioa
State of Oregoa vs. Mill Powell, trial
set for tomorrow. Arraigoed.
State of Oregoo va. Jeeeph McAlilb,
ladle Inset U is aliased oa motioa of diet.
at tore y.
Btaleof Oregna vs. William riaUy.
trial eel for tomorrew, ArraJgoei.
Taseitar, Marrfe I.
Frank MeFarlaod ve. 1). W. Uoraar,
Jary trial Partlrs Bffee te try
witb II jury men
T. It. Veaeleave tel. II. Teeeleeve,
defeala. T. VL Lfoes appoiatod refeeee.
I). . WalJa va Fraeb U Wal lee.
tefeall J.N. Brewe eipvial4 te re
port feels Bad law.
a A. Rbta, st sl4 vs. tbe fsleoe Uetel
Oe aofeall sb4 deeroe.
Bteie et Oregoo ve, JaJJ Wiley, ar
raieed, will pleaj al $ e'eloek.
Hiate et Orvgoe vs. EJ llo;ee, eot
Irae bill.
me," For sale by Conser A IJr.ck.
Hrpabllraa t'eaaly ( oavsalloa. '
A republican county ennveotioo for
tbs county ot Morrow, state of Oregon,
la called to meet io Ueppner, io eaid
eoooty, oo Saturday, March 23, 1390, al
10 o'clock a, m, for the purpose of nom
inating candidates for tbe following
eoooty ofneere: One conoty judge,
eoooly commleeboer, eoooty cleik.
ooooty sheriff, coonly repreeeotstiva,
eoooly treasurer, county aaaeeenr, enoe-
ly school saoerio teodeot. eoooty eomeer
end eoooty sorveyor. Bed also precinct
offloere for Ibe eeveral prreioota, and
four delegetee each le the elate and
eeeoBd dietrict eoof rsosionsl eoa
veutne, aed to Iraoeact aaob oiber bosl
sees u may properly cms before soeb
eoaveollna. Tbe eoBteetloo will eoo
slet of M delegatee, eboeea by Ibe sev
eral pmlacU; aad tba eeveral preoince
of tbs eoooty will be entitled ! repre
seelalloe Is said enevetitkoe ss follows:
Ueppaer 10 Eight Mils 3
(raotry 4
Ml Teeeoa I
lone , I
Oesil S
Dairy ft
Dry Fork I
Alp! a-
Plee City J
MalteooB 4
Leiiefloa 3
Welle 8prig ...S
tea. S
Aari-S tVsvsr Tea
le a sere eo t lleederbe aed aervoaa
4'smms ft leg iits ao e,BKkly,
fur aaJe by Welle A Wervoe.
rn.st nt M'kisi riia.
rin l. itis 1 nettire; ieloso tlehiag
.1 i.f i tone! al a'st'i worsst t f
! .ng. If allowM to
; li,ii..t, f .!. a bleb nB I Isk aad
I '.' h, r. v'V en. ltVe
Ui tsf ilo I fit eg eat lls-J
; m . t. .ief ti.Hi, ae-l i id l w4
',!-. . t u toNuwe At ilit(H,
I I. f . Meeeia. tr.t1aee A feVe,
, l'l.t.eJl, Lia,
Fob Berraa turn. 4laa4a's Iraia
bv Bbt la s special re, wiib Joe Leas,
O. K. A tt. ei-ray, Kxhert Be-ea, trat
Ht freigM tgeet, aod Wa Cemiboll.
geral fr)gll l(Ml, ae faseengere.
Tbe geoiiemee rerne sVere tt mt e
eomtllee f Ibo ilsppeer boa'J of
trade la rtfae to a rvJaMioo ao wool
raiee to eU rJ. It le oeJrsoi4 lb4
(cmaLioe will be ma., aad le tt.ta
eveel the IUr(ar wovl aaaiket will
eaai tbl of aey la Ibo etwtbosot. It
M ltr4-l I t Ibe M.leUeil slip will
be meksl4 In llnef lb s eeeeoa,
aa4 ae t. fiire will be eaee4 bore,
lit eatallov rel of lrastwraltHi to
tsitruat, the saia to .!eroe wiil
b rlU rs. lt sil-a. Mr. !Vtiar,
ael)e ber, aesjtetlsJ Ibe '
b tee maia bee. '
Tbe seme ble eae olegle-a Urge
fmm eocb preosaat, aad oeo dltse f. r
every Brtee voUa, aa4 eee toe every
traelina evt waa-balfot Bfteeo vnlee
eaet for W, fl EHw, tbe repohlleae eaa
ditle'e foe roegreeomae, at Ibe e'eetioa
ib J see. 1W4
rnmariee to eleel tbe dlgatea la
eaeb el tee efal peecteeu will be beld
Mareb L ltM. Pr.lU will bo at
I e'olnek p. m, aal will bo eoa loe'el la
Ibe eeeal kabaor ef bUia ertmary
eleetsoae. A. W. rrvsswoa,
Cbalr. ItepaUleaa Caaaly tV.mo llieo,
r (f
aad l.ir r-oit'1'! bats a r ' 4
rtvtd rt sef l.'ll itt rt, !.'
Vnalir l et-t fail ,f, fat
tale by Wlls A VVff.0
Itivar e I'm -TU 1. iisiUi U
rahUo Club ml last Ft-Iv ftm -a
eat oe elid l l-r ly He t'.si
Jt. W. tl V.-tll..i.r. Oil a !
etuoj a so t, en.t. ,.( f,,. '
aUliteeol all It t.,itt
mMUmhI ty C. . i ir, A W. j
fat, J. l.M,(i,t.t ! I x !
H'n-Itf. J M, V)bs if lirfr-n,
a' sj, i. .If it, t .( !.
V l ! It I tf l 11 ir ..f,
fi.l ei.-.t, lis :! ! . t t
Hts IfiUl Mv h "He
atl are tevti to mw,j.
Indications of oil in and about Los
Angeles have been appnren, for years,
and a few instances are on record of
PTithiisiastic nrosncctors who Blink
wells to the depth of from 100 to 200
feet, and actually succeeded in securing
an occasional barrel of crude petro
leum. The first cable car line was built in
Los Angeles in 18S6, and it was natu
rally conceded by investors generally
that a piece of laud close in on the
cable line was about the biggest card
in their pack. This particular section
of town is made up of a series of hills
crowded along aa closely together as
a prairie dog village and just about as
av ailable for town lots, a local reai es
tate dealer acquired some property in
the inuch-valued region, and then for
several years tried vainly to sell out
at almost any price. Finally, in a fit of
desperation,' he decided to bore for oil.
This was in August of last year.
Discouragement and ridicule met him
on all sides, and when l.OUO foot had
been reached without result, his "wild
cat" scheme was the talk of the town.
Then something happened.. Sudden
ly, in the dead waste and middle of the
night, a tremendous burst of of. and
gas shot out of the drill hole, Hung
every portable object in its pathway
high in the air, literally soaked tho
men in attendance, and sattirntv? the
region roundabout with the grimy,
ill-smelling substance. Dismay reigned
supreme, until the owner cf the well
was enabled to turn the enormous out
put into a hastily-constructed tank.
At first a universal wave cf indigna
tion swept over the- community which
had in the passing of years taken up
its abode in this region. It was out
rageous that olfactories ; of the peo
ple should be so violently assailed
their very hearth-stones invaded. It
was furthermore declared that the well
wns a' menace to health, und applica
tions to abate the nuisance were made
to the city council
Then there wae a great calm, which
lasted exactly 4 hour,; after which
every adjacent property owner with
$1,500 in hand or in sight began to pre
pare for. boring; Innumerable agents
now appeared on the aeenc, eager to
furnish estimates on readiug, casing
tubbing, etc.; to supply rig irons, en
glnes, boilers, or tand pu'nps, while you
waited; to take your measure for oil
proof overalls; to move your house.
Oil companies and oil exchanges are
being organized mid reorganized al
most dailv. Two nine-lines are con.'
plcted f fom the field to the railway
tracks, one having a 32,000-barrel ator
age tank, and the other with a c.i
pacity of 35.C00 barrels. These lines
cost about $73,000.
There are over 400 wells In actual
operation to-day, and the drHl'ng Is
progressing rop'.dly. What with the
jmrchiwe of phuits und the cost of pip
ing the oil to tlir railroads, nearly $1
(KMl.OdO capital Kastilready la-en lu"cst-
ed in tho industry
Ah liif.'li '() barrels of oil hav
i .uuimiI from n sinirle wi'Il I
H hours, (iitnoii!;ii loO liurii U is con
mlficd tin excellent daily average fi
the iM-Kt prodm-ci'M. The prvsrut on
put id over ;i.iuo linrri-N iit dov
tin l,uo(i liatri'lM lire r'iiirtl for local
itiiiMiiiiiption brcwcrlcK, laundries,
iron anil at eel win I, x, printing oflirct,
etc., and the Santa 1 and Torininul
I.'ailroad coni,;uil-s being tho princi
pal coiiHiiinciK. I!arH-r' Weekly.
How Now York llrauty Aslonlsh4 a
Montana (isnililln( IIoum.
A French count, a g'-ntlcman com
panion front .New York and hi aittU-r
registered at one of the leading hotcU
In llulte, Mont. It wo their first vhut
to the woolly west, and, under the Im
pression that everything wrnt, tbey
sought and wrr grunted permission to
visit the Combination gambling house.
The lady had never awn a furo game,
end watched the copird manipulator
with considerable Interest. Hie ekcd
Uiore quest Ions than would ever roimi
Io the mind of a I'biladclpbia lawyer,
but the polite attendant waa on to all
the curree, and be answered each on-f
so readily that the lady Uimigbt she
bad tbe game down to a dead rrrtainfy.
Thinking she could double hrr pin
money, she bad one of hrr escorts aa':
the fat, good-natured boa If she could
lU The bos bl-ished and said. "Certainly."
Eterytmly exctcd tn ae her maVe
a gentle touch on ber brother or the
count, but abe didn't. Fhe opened ber
hind aairhrL and, taking out
a gold-mounted pockrtuouk and
aelerting a pieeo o yellow met
ai inai an ibotighi woui.i sie
Kp with ber confidence In ber abili
ty to brat tbo rmharrassrd dealer, ahe
ut It oa Ibe king. Tbrre t tnee it won
bim aa tbe sUcV of rhlp that Im.k lis
rlaeo brfao o reach up to the ,-eilinir.
ber face was fnbnl wiib victory, an l
ahe lookrl al brr rnipulin as tnui b
aa to tayt ."Isa'l this Jiurt f lori..us7"
Tbe rtwn who were playing "single
e rr" vooderJ why tbe pretty gam
lUr dhta't put j txp-r on brr lc, as
long aa the deelrr waa Ino takful to
estl brr rlowa U Uir limit, lint lb"
rard bad on tbrrw time and !. b I
no use for aa ln.1. si.r that would Ht
l-rr fatorlto was rwinr to sisv In ll.r
boa. The dealer rl rslH, K b,b.
out wotildn'l rnni,ir thai he Iwm a
lhlr.f alotit thr Ujoui, and it.e t !)
era rrtrrteoUrd rs rirl. Tbrre
wasn't a man In ih r tn h eml
bt ftit" t, b lea ti'i.lt.gtowar:
h m If be bd i n s'led -hg in lb tun!
ri cf a fi!r l IV, A.1 y wet
wa.rr t.g l-i..-i fh Ithf an-1 ih
trsS'lSwil tf rti'fa st! th f j'b-1
en I I b".,,!! ,!r., f 'irf ,h. trt
!l I ; I i; ! v ,! ( wla I'ul she
""'n't. 7W . tl f itff.,J V
K l- V t, .! slrt eirtjwt.rr I
' ':' ' , ! t4 s It
" . I'. I.r. , ,,W.t I I J.,., -
V't'-a . l ; ba4 . text
I 11 f 'Nxsw t'lik- Imrr
it Ufa f.-r !.'. r. a.-vwt "
-- f t Ml rrm
, ,r i ... 1 ... . f rl y oe, k
I '. s ! I ' t
j l,.n , H m f-t.
I - , . I ,
'Oil' ,1 III!, f
t .. ?. ,n m f n.
I I sirf .
Link Sleeve Buttons
lor 30 Coupons j
on Foa
2 Coupons and 30 ots.
You will find one coupon Inside each 2 ounce bag, and
two coupons inside each 4 ounce bag of
Buy a bag of this Celebrated Smoking Tobacco, and read the
coupon, which gives a list of other premiums and how to get them.
For the Cure oi
Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits
It Is located at Salem, Oregon,
JTie Moat Beautiful Town on the Coatt
Call at the Gaiktte office for particulars
Strictly confidential. Treatment private and sure
Plenty of them at the
Gazette Office. . .
tis Patterson
and Puset Sound Navisation Co
Leeina Ahler 8treel Dock. Portland, for A'lnria, Ilwaon, Lontr Braoh, Ooean
Park aud Nahcotta. Dirot ennneolinn with llwaon eteHiners and rail
road; also at Young's Bay witb Seashore Railroad.
Leaves Portland 7 A. H. Dally, except. Sunday. Leaves Astoria 7 P. M. Dally, except Sunday.
Leaves Portland P M. Dully, except Hiimlny. gaturdsy nlRht. 11PM. Leaves Astoria Dally at
aio:w A. h., excepi aunaay ana onnay. eunaay nigni, r. n.
Leaves Portland and runs direct to I'wsro, Tuesday and Thursday at A. M. Saturday at 1 P. M.
Leaves Ilaaco wetlnesuay ana rrliiay at T.M A. M. un Sunday nig tat6f. M.
Baggage Checked Io Railroad PcdinatioD Both Beaches Free cf Expense.
For Safety, Ppeed, Comfort, Pleasure, Travel on ttie Telephone, Bailey Oatzert and Ocean Wave
t a r
' t. ut. .
I Hi f wt . f
t t-al. 5. V.
Mm sMPai u ! Becni-nd for tbe
Capitol Ilulldlna; Hugs.
' It la a question which no one can an
swer what Ix'coi'.cs of the Hugs which
fly tiOHHKiu nfU-r eeKulun over the two
Iiouhvk of conprt-sa. The life of a fluff
expoiied nt euch C height to the tuttt r-
lii)r winds nntarally cannot lie lii(j.
Every now und tlun, nftcr tl alorin,
a prcut rent Is acen in ' Old Glory," us
It proclaim from the Iioiiki lop that
our atfttesinen nie dcliliernt inff. fomc-
tJinea the elpr only ore Travel' Konie
times a htriK is ijoiie, or, rerhnpa, lialf
the etnra niny be torn away. Then In
il.iy or two It fliee imin. with nil ita
atriM'a and its Innt, ua If it had never
suffered lv the storm.
I nuked hat became of the old flnfra.
Xolxidy knew.
What do you do with them?
They are the same fluffs; that Is, there
ore no new om-a. The old flops are aim
ply mended. Th. re la a patriotic em
in thia. "Old Clory- h a "T-timl
life; that la. the "Old fllory" tbat
prrsldiw over the cnpltol. When a stripe
Idows away, a new one la put In Ita
place, and the K.inr old flnff it pulled
to the head of the sUfT. It la the Line
field and stare. If it la the bine field
and aura that la ffone, thla Is repro
duced. If only a rent, it la darnel; If
a hole, it ia pj'ched. Then another
atrip ffora. and a new one la added. 80
on, the old porilona ar blown away,
the newer alanding until the new be
eomea the old in turn and tra-aaway,
and In endleva evolution the old flnff
liiew on. It la alwata the name faff,
but from jear .o year ita entire tea.
turw la rhanirrd, and the small bits sr
blown away by the winds, and other
email blu take their place. There la
no trrareyard fr "Old Glory." It has
l-eri-tual life. No one ran tell when
the flsff whirh finale oer the aenate
waa bought. J a , perfect flajj.
I.ut no Nirt of what waa flrat drawn
to ih masthead la now In existence.
Washington 8ur.
Tnclish law takea no arcount of
libels on lb dead. Not ao la France,
A I'aruiaa lady baa just obtained a
r.i. 1 against aa author who pub
bed sntii (Irfamatory alalementa of
her fftandfather.
I trior ibe eomlnff ft U waitre
to Aii-rira tl, MiMiutippI river was
known ty a different name every few
mila la Us rtHtrw. r,rh tribe that
ilwtll ahne il I ils re It a an,
a-l tiMitv than i of Ihrsa loral iig-
ar prvarrted In the narratives
lf h ewr'j Ifavrbra.
- "jrt'ii.-n's rMhuUm U ! al'
si s ..t.ik-,vi, t worked dillnrt!f
tt, .:,-r way In the easw of a rr.l-i,
of l'nk.W-, who fei-emly was
st-j l-d on the h'fhway ly a party of
spMtatrq and tns.ie t wait wPh thm
an ktnr and a hif.ibai bewnnM aot
s.r sjwsy a iWt wt.M-tt .i Uraof the
fc Mirf 'ty were If tint to drive out
f f lh l t'Ut f t wml.
le err,, Trf1 shows tbst.
'''t ' ;i ..n t;.f. tssrw f
r' twis mania era rarw ta trH
W'l II tiHii'iir,. I!,, ilrtrr fl"l
ll.it !, r.t: 'l slft , -1 i,,,,S-
1 ,.. 4! ir.l ff j .;.;). f, -
4 1 31ii.
u 1 n j m - ill w Wm m
til W-
Throuah Pullman Palace Sleepers.
Tourist Pli-enem and Free Recllnlne Chair
Cars DAILY to Chicago.
Many hours saved via this line to Essteru
R. U'. BAXTER, Oen Agent,
I'oruand, Ortqon .
J. C. HART, Agent, Ueppner, Oregon.
Your Face
Win kve weaataaw wtta set t(a(i(
sli, a rue yaw I a vest la a
Soueea wit) its
The snort fNefdne and aseful eVrfcxe swat
added to ssy aewiag aistkiaa.
Thm UIIITn la
tsrstly itj Hisdteily Bsllt,
Of risa rialtk aa ftrftci AitM
& ALL Itwabta Artiattt,
Aed 1 tervt svd fdeaae fv S9 to the M
AniM rssits Waattn ta awoacv
HJictntrj. LiUtal urate. AAitwm,
mi mm haohike co
! Fitr Taaa Wsa. (Wdo a4
""""llMK ' s-d yard t linnf a
h ! a n aa b anHeta a
h' f )o.f I r, sa rail is right
I h o at bo , end jowr
ms la. i'im, Tta
leaawaaba, liar aa4 rata aasa. M,