Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, March 03, 1896, Image 1

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Advertising brought me all I
own. A. T. Stewart.
It owing to my liberality in ad
vertising. Robert Bonner.
1 - "
14.1IMU I'll I1U4 t ill! I'MtM IM
.- -iLii. ! -
Tuesdays and Fridays
A. W.
. . . .. . .. Editor
Business Manager
Al M.SO per year, $1.25 for six months, 7S ots.
lor three inimtns.
Advertising Rates Made Known on
.Application. -
Are the; Highest of all High Grades.
Warranted iupertor to any Bicycle built In the world, regardless of price.
I)o not be Induced tpjiey more money for an Inferior wheel. Insist on
having the Wavirley. "Built and guaranteed by the Indiana Bicycle Co. , a
million dollar concern, whose bond leas good as gold. -'::- ;'
211b. SCORCHER $85. ' 221b. LADIES' $7sl
Catalogue free. , M ; , JNDJANA BICYCLE CO.,
' HOMER H. fiALLOCK, iHDUNAroui, lMD.t TJ, S. A.
qHia PAPKll is kept on Ule at E. fi. Hake's
1 Advertising Agency, M and 8S (Aeronauts I
Bxohanm. San Francisco, California, whore cou. I
rncta for advertising can be made for It.
Impossible Stories Told About
. the Animal's Memory. ..,
Highest of all in Leavening Power.--Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Ula Sagacity It Greatly Exaggerated. Says
Prof. Lockhart He la, However,
Good-Natured Beast If Prop
erly Treated.
0. R. & N. LOCAL CARD.
.k r.V... , t'i3 :".:i' S: i!;V .Vita
Train leaves Hepp"er 10:30 p. m. dally, except
Sunday. Arrives 0:10 a. m. auuy, exccpi mou-
dWest bound passenger leaves Willows June
Hniil'lli m emit bound .1::10 a. in.
Freight trains leavn Willows Junction going
east at 7:24 p m. and 8:47 a. m.; going west, 4:30
p. m and 5.58 a. m.
United Btates Officials.
1 i
I'l esident
Vice-President .........
k)ooe'ary of State
ileoratary of Treasury. .
Secretary of Interior..
Secretary of War ,
Secretary of Navy
Posttnaster-Qonaral. . ..
Secretary of Agriculture.
..Gruver Cleveland I
.... Ad ai Stevenson I
...ltinhard 8. Olney
....Jehn G. ('arlielB I
Hoke 8inith
..Daniel a. Lnmont
...Hilary A. Herbert
.William I. Wi son
.;. Jmlsnn Harmon
..J. Sterling ilurtou
State of Oregon.
Oovernor. . .
Heoretary of State
Knot. Public Infraction.
Attorney General
Supreme Judges
.W. P. Lord
H. K. Kincald
Phil. Hotorhan
O.M. Irwin
, C. M. Id'eman
U. W. McBride
7 J. H. Mitchell
1 Ringer Hermann
" I W. B. Ellis
. w. n. lieeas
, Wulvertoo
vv. n
( ft. S. B
F. A. M.i
t C. E. Wu
Sixth Judicial Klotrlrt.
Oircnit Judge Etephen A. Lowell
I'roseouting Attorney John U. Lawray
Borrow Conntj Official. '
lolnt Senator A. W. Oowan
Unnrannntntive J. 8. HlXlthhV I
't,innHr.Tndif b JllltUB Keilhlf I
' ' Comn-.isiiioners I . B. Howard I
J. M. luluir.
- flerlr .T. W. Morrow
RhurilT H. W. llamnotoii
" Trfv.nr.,r Flank Oil Hum I
AwMwr J. if. Willi.
" Hnrvevor.- Uwi. Lord I
" rt(hMil Sop't Anna llalsiger I
" Coronor '1'. W. Ayers, Jr I
RKi-PNcn town orrioxna.
.Thoa. Morgan
C mn"iltnii O. K. Farnewirth. M.
LinhtMithal. Mia PatteriKin, T. W Aysrs, Jr.,
. u U UAmw V J Ulnnnm.
u"' ' ' . V J. M.I lock
p . F.. Lm. Ft"l.nn I
viJ r A"""" " ." " A. A. Boberta
pa E. L Frenland
Conl.le. N. 8.WheUloDe
I'nltcd HlatM lnd OtHrera.
n . T if. 1 1
i u .' K.irla'-t
a" R. 1U.M BCT f
no mnu IWIt' I
1 ' It H..hliin. ' Bwlver I
O. A. R.
M-u at Lnington, Or., the laat Batarday nf
art month. All veterans are Invited to joio.
i-. 11 u,, ii ma. W. Hurra.
AH Intuit. tf ( otomaniUr. I
, . , A MONTH
To peraons who erved In tht wars of the United States.of to their
Widows, Childfen, or Parent. Do Vou receive a pension ? Had You
relative in the War of the Rebellion. Indian or Mexican War
on whom you depended for support? ' '
To teeeive a pension, who now do not. Thousands under the new
law are entitled to an Increase' of pension." The government owes' i
to you and is willing and Anxious to pay. Why not' present"
your claim at this present time? Your pension dates from the.
time you apply. Now Is the accepted hour.
tWrite for laws and complete information. No Charge for advice.
4 No Fee unless successful. . ,:. . . 3 .--;-,. iv-'--
The Press Claims Company
PHIUP W. AV1RETT, Ccneral Manajer, .,r ,
618 F 5treet, WASHINGTON, D. C
JT. B. ITU Company it controlled by nearly ens thoutand leading swr
paper in (Kt United Stale, and it guaranteed by them.
'Z. Zjm Caw s&A Ww .wiw M
Is Simmons Liver Regulator don't
forget to take it The Liver gets sluggish
during the Winter, just like all nature,
and the system becomes choked up by
the accumulated waste, which brings on
Malaria, Fever and Ague and Rheuma
tism. You want to wake up your Liver
now, but be sure you take SIMMONS
LIVER REGULATOR to do it. It also
regulates the Liver keeps it properly at
work, when your system will be free from
poison and the whole body invigorated. -:
You get THE BEST BLOOD when
your system Is in Al condition, and that
will only be when the Liver Is kept active.
Try a Liver Remedy once and note the
difference. But take only SIMMONS
Liver regulator it is Simmons
LIVER REGULATOR which makes the
difference. Take it In powder or in liquid
already prepared, or make a tea of the
powder; but take SIMMONS LIVER REGU
LATOR. You'll find the RED Z on every
package. . Look for it
J. H. Zellin A Co., Philadelphia, Fa.
Trade Mark-Or. a. Owe
.The latest and only sclenting and practical
Electrlo Belt made, for general nee. nroduoln
a genuine currant of electricity, for the cure
01 ainaae, mai can Da readily felt and re
itbcu mna in
both in Quantity and power, and applied . . . , ..V. ..
y part of the body. It ean be worn at any mood, he makes a terrific roar with his
during working hours or sleep, and , throat, which aounda like distant thun.
Errors and extravagances Oriental,
classic, medieval and modern supersti
tioncluster about "my lord the ele
phant," as he is called in India. There
is hardly an animal about which so
many fictions extot or which is so little
The popular opinion is that the ele
phant's memory is as : retentive as
man's. Stories are constantly floating
about to this effect. The lost one I met
with asserted thut an elephant had
killed a man who, 20 years before, when
a small boy, had given him a piece of to
bacco, or had in some way maltreated
him. Of course this story is preposter
ous. In the first place most elephants
love tobacco, and instead of killing a
man for giving him a chew, he would be
most likely to trumpet a welcome and
caress him every time he presented him
self. But as to his remembering any
body for 20 years or 20 months even, it
is sheer nonsense. There is hardly an
animal who3e memory is so capricious.
An equally unaccountable fiction is
that there recurs a period each year
when a gland swells on each side of the
animal's head about six inches bi.ck of
the eyes, and which emits a watery dis
charge of unpleasant odor. At such
times the elephant is supposed to bo a
very dangerous creature. As I never
knew an elephant to be especially disa
greeable when he had a cold in his head,
I am inclined to class this with the
other ridiculous and absurd yarns so
often repeated. " 1 ' -i
' It is commonly supposed that the
elephant is unabli to give definite ex
pression to his feelings. This is a mis
take. He always expresses his pleasure
in one way, by blowing through his
trunk. 1 The noiBe made is exceedingly
shrill. When in want, he expresses it
in a low note mode by the mouth, and
when in anger or when In a revengeful
l,IKi :'.t M
persons with cold hands make lighter ' me. He never vorks, all he docs is bod
cakes than others, irenerallv sneakinc: ''der me "
Tor this reason a china rolling-pin will
be found preferable to one of wood.
Liverpool Mercury. "' ;..
' Salmon Steak. Steep for an hour
or so four middle-cut, good-sized sal
mon steaks with a glass of sweet oil,
salt and pepper and the juice of a lemon.
About half on hour before serving,
broil them light brown over a charcoal
tire, and garnish with quartered lemons
and serve with a bowl of tartar sauce.
Boston Budget.'
CrumbB spread over the tops of
dishes should be mixed evenly with
melted butter over the fire.' This is 11
better method than having lumps of
butter dotted over the crumbs after
they tire spread. When the sauce bub
bles througli the crumbs on top of &
scallop dish the cooking is completed.
The Cook. ' " - ; ' ' , ,,,!
Egg Dressing for Salads'. Take the
yolk of one hard-boiled egg, one teai
spoonful of sngar, one-half teaspoon
ful of salt, one teaspoonful-of made
musturd and one tablcspoonf ul of but.
tr. Cream the Ingredients and add
gradually two tablespoonfuls of vine
gar. Chop the white of the egg fine and
add It to the salad. This is especially
desirable for cabbage. Housekeeper.
He Aeeom-
amis e e e
r: iiiim'iw .1.1
0C CAM BCt 121.00 worth of dry and groceries and thss have
enough left ent of 1 100 00 to purchase s No. I Crescent Bicycle. This Is
1 Srst-elass machine. Why then pay 1100.00 for s bicycle that will give
0 better service t
LI) HI HA uo
-lloctrlcltr. eroserlv eotilled.-Is fast ukln
tne Place 01 aniga for an fit
cures in aeemlnsiVnoVj
other known means haa failed.
.Jam.... T, 1. a.. . I
eurrs In aeemlngly hor'MtaJsV'S.a w
iiti niV ro nai.K ALL KIHDH Or OH
YY draeaad LointMr It miles of Ueppuer. ail
what I known as the
ria t,ow rtiT. aooou,
1 IV un per l.'i'i leM a1lllniial.
The above quotations are strictly for Cash.
L liAMUJON, hop.
national W o( mwi
freaMeaL Cekl.
e aaSj mivim wmm
' ! CRESCIMT corchaf," weight pounds, only t.
Ladles' and OaBU roadsters all the way from te I. FFDPVK
f i 'Boye' Junior, only M With pneumatle Ura a good asachlna. " V
5 "Our pedal." Meo'i M; Ladles', M. f g CDS tftk
'. r" -1 ' l, awla trow 'U-.A
II 1 " p.r1,lScrul,IL I'ertw: 4
ADDtKSS . f, i .rBin.re l.j rhiM-. "it", -1 1
' Snr !. lUiatful af ValuaMe W
. 9 w w w w wf a . ewfc Srw ay ij J
i THE PiTTIRiOX m fcs lK XjX
Any sluHl.h. weak or diseased orcan nav
by this means be roused to healthy aoUvliy
before It Is too Ule.
Leadln meillral men nae sod reoommsnd the
Owen Uult lu their practice.
Contains fulleat Information regarding the care
or acute, enronio ana nervous omeanes, prices,
and how to order. In Enillsh, German. Hwcdlih
and Norwegian languairea, will be mailed, upon
application, to any address for eeuls postage.
Tki Owen Electric Belt and Appliance Co.
sis emri as ohlt rarroaT,
The Owea CieeUte Celt tUy, 201 le 211 tuts Street
The Urtett Electrlo Bell CslablishatMil In tht Wt!
If ads oa fsvoraUe Term.
Oalirio-lliiros Staac Line
a. r i
H. A. WIl'.laMS. P'OB
I..,m II tne Iilf al n. ra eoj ar
rive al OutarN 43 tnnr.
Sinale Faro $7 00.
Round Trip $10 00
famse traUM 'i eae p awaO-
t -I'll H.i.V" "
Most Popular Pepatllcan Newspaper of the West
And Has the Urcest Circulation.
DAILY (wilHovt Umdty)... te e eryesr
DAILY (with feaday) 9. rr year
The Weekly Inter Ocean ($1.00
, - rxx txax.. ............... I y . '
Lr-n.m4 T ra. Mart. mm4 e4 all 1 'aV
Um wu4 w steeia.TS rtra. i
Ova ori is oeiv U, . rv Own
h4 ew ' aa tMS bM
aaaJ (Me.! e yWaa, 4tfc eWrt.1
Um. We (. 1 ""- e
Ch b. W4 bll HUM tmw.
. . . ; . .. m k j
A KM iok. i. 1 a4
e e.
ftmm BmS. !
UJDUTm.aM tnCfr'aS'',
finillal nil SWrs
he a am I ha aisi tV
TRI prrm OCCAl ttMwe aas t rw Haws
fms mm etfmm M
uun uTiaaitaa.
ta a
J-en mmi pour Wle I i r asa f
Wtt. y, WMiia. tania J ' 1 1 wuiaa
ii;ffIVI,laa AMwva, WaaUifU.
U ti, lot Ui l pvtae ar.
der. He never mixes these sounds;
they always stand for definite states of
feeling, and are as well understood by
the trainer as are the deep, slow-drawn
and far resounding snores heard at
midnight in the elephant's stable.
The elephant's wisdom has so often
been extolled that "sagacious as an ele
phant" has passed Into an axiom. In
point of fact an anlmrl will cross a rot
ten bridge full of holes If you will permit
IV fP 1,0 S9- Even in his wild state,
though posSfs-w. - . -i...,i,M.hIch
Is capable of guarding it aguimtrrnitu
dangers, the elephant readily falls into
pits dug to receive It, which are only
covered with a few sticks and leaves.
Its fellows make no effort in general
to assist the fallen, ss they might easily
do by kicking in the earth around the
edge, but fly In terror. It commonly
happens that a young elephant tumbles
into a pit, nrnr which its mother will
remain until the hunters come, without
doing anything it help It not even
feeding it by Uirowlnjr In a few branch
es. Wbolo herds of elephants ere led
Into locloeures which tiny eould break
through as easily as if thry were made
of cornstalks, aud which no ether ani
mal would enter; and single onee are
caught by their hind legs being tied to
gether by men antler cover of tame ele
phants. AnlmsU that happen to escape
are eapturra again without irouuir,
even experience will not bring them
wledoru. I do not think that I traduce
the elephant when I any that it la. In
many thing, a stupid animal.
Itrgsrding an elephant bring unable
to express with hie countenance feel
liijfs of affection, fesr, desire , I think
all thoae who have awn Itoney simulate
drunkrnneaa at Troctor'a pleasure pal
ace. In the antomline, "Krom Cafe to
Police Station," will readily acknowl
edge lhl error. It la really wonderful
how rouch facial expression an ele
phant really haa-vt lib a fare skeleton
ao Imperfect; that Is to say. Its feseaj
bunre are ru'lioieniary, wmie the
mouth, all of thw lower hulf of th face,
hi conrt-slrd beneath grvat mu Ire at
fay-hed to the beee of the trunk. Bulla
spili of tl-st, and with his ears un
rurLrd and his ftroboaei pendant, an
rtriihaat s eouoU-nance U full of rhar
artrr. The truth about the elephant Is that,
trrsted kludly and ronsldcrately, be la
a great, giwid natured beast, hn, f'r
his mastrr, will perform any rnmltirle
labor or fiat. They are rry afftB
ate and eioredlnjrly Joaloua of atten
tions from thrlr ma.ter. Therw are
rogue" elephanta, of roure-, but they
lr aeldom me I lth esrept In large
l.erda, and her sttrndants An not un
Jrratand bow to treat the brut a la
their rharge-. Y. Jouraal.
To Do This Gracefully la to
' pllshed.'
The woman who rinds herself at the
top of a flight of urairs, breathless and
xnausieu, gusping ana Dlcwlng In a
distressing rummer, has undergone' an
.iwful physical strain. The heart a.id
ihe stomach havo been made' to do
double duty, that of the lungs and their
awn combined, with more often only
one-half of the room required to do it
in, from the. compressing fpce of the I
stays. Consequently, o of the ir--
graceful actions thn a woman called
on most often Hlustrar trans
formed, hv ne lenorance of a few rules
of physical culture, Into one Of the most
tiuiinroua and sorry s!irbu Imsglnsble.
The woman who clutehes her skirU
in front niidwsv between the hip and
the knee be.-.ds ber body from the hips
?Amfrnt.Jn bow and drags up, labor
louiiiy exiiiuiauiiK uv. ....... -i. t
every step, ,s maklnir a fool I Mi snd a
ridiculous mistake, for which she suf
fers severely long before arriving at
the top.
One of the handsomest picture paint
ed of feminine benuty is that of a love
ly woman sjtrendirg a fine, old stnlr-
(ass. Her slender figure is gracefully
erect, her lovely fsee on the column
like throat turned half over her shoul
der. The arms are bare, and droop
with perfectly natural grace to her
knee a, where the silken skirts are
daintily lifted to allow the free play of
tiny, slipiH-rcd feet. The My la In the
act of ascending, and seems to Host up
ward, the personification of grace It
' One Imagines that he ean see her rslrh
her silken skirt at either knee, lifting
it Just to the an kit, expand her chess,
hold her shoulders well back and her
arms down. Then tha slender body
rests aouarrly on the hle, not dreg
glng forward, and, standing per fee-1
erect, she glide urrward, easily and
grarefully. Chicago Inter Ooeao.
"What have you got to say about this,
A toll German lad with light blue
eyes hung his head in shame, Swung
one foot backward and forward, pulled
his cap nervously, and said in a low,
timid voices" " -''" '"' ' 1
si "We was in Iofe, you know, and she
went back on me two or three times
alrettj . When I haf vork she lofes me,
and when I haf no vork she lofes me
not." '
"Weli.you had better transfer your af
fections somewhere else, ofr it you
bother this woman again I will send you
ta the bridewell. ' Do you understand?"
, "Yes, chudge; I vill say to her right
here: "(jood-py, Lena, you vill never
see your Hans again. " .
. So they parted. ? , ;. J
IsoOe Justified by Audacity of aa East
, : Indian Beast.'.
. Apropos of the death of Maj. Sand
bach from wounds inflicted by a lioness
while hunting In Somaliland, reference
may be made to an interesting article
n Scribner by Capt C. J. Mellls.
Among other things Capt. Melllss gives
a striking Instance of a lion's grent
audacity. An English officer was shoot
ing recently in Somaliland. One night,
when he was in bed Inside his tent, a
lion sprang over the rough thorn fence
which it is usual to throw up around
one's encampment at night. Tnstesd
of picking up one of the men or ani
mals that must have been lying nbou'
asleep inside the fence, he wouV' and
rone but the sportsmanJ'ind seised
made a dash lntoJy- by the hand,
him fortunBtfc)on(jei.fui piece of luck.
Then, by0s; chftnged his grip for the
.Jlder. he ersobed the pillow nsteaa
and so vanished with his prise. The
pillow was found next morning revero.
hundred yards distsnt In the Jungle.
r'Hi Ukevlew
TheAVcckly Inter Ocean
,tt It has aewttHef alleaenet Sa aae e la tmemttf If
I ,-, i II lit totisi .irmainauHt,Ml Me awe. VJ
H IliUltaasy laatwataeeaanfliA II
rotTTKAlLV ry I rntHICaj. 4 tew Ss ml.n raw a e,. w raw
eS4.es mmm ee eS) Mve a I M ease gives tkwes IMS faa 04
Twn wrt en r piueiro r srrwe asm connrscut,
it rr or i.i t t tnr n . ssoi wtria, m ieiiis.
orii r to trie m riii or in riurxn Or mat u.(,1s Inajs Ay
pAttm fASlrtlK East.
H Is la mnm wMs taw saw at Saw Wees swtk le ewMISse mm t tvewlaea.
rw.MMMiMlk)-4.tftai WeeSIr tarOe e Ss 0,T Ufl Dot.
U txm taae. TIE NTER OCEAN. CbUafa
4 Fkie'
Dur.Aiui or mi: mi.
The Urne luk'og sn4 enMrtini ls4
dVnl In eravwa. Hl.f. aall-rlieuoi, srwi otlnt
dM.e i4 U. ekis ss Itwtantly alls'
at.tlvl ( in.Uil.in s I e el
tmwnL W-nr very 14 wre hsve b
rmanertttr rw.l ly IL ll is e-ually
UpoI f: f IU liir I il w srvl S far. it h
j alf M are ti'ti i a, rKaf--l Kafla, rhil-
Mains, fr-M kiU, aivl (hemM anre eyas.
of sale by dr.r)C Si ten IS twf log.
Tr Irr. f4ie feadlllea Te Jer. lU
arajirf whala Ixtf M fwv U w hen in bad oritldL
um. lose, I r-uiiiwr sm vfrwitiuga.
Tat sa'e te ('. k lwel. d'SiUls
w.. U th liase M arH le Wawlly
v.-.: it iimimI eeiape t4 j
.... u u. tt m H C brh ff
f a Me , a H on - wv-v
a.iMa"e -f a -eret" re U sa4
l. Ike V' t-e '
I,,.,.-,, a. .t I .-'. WpS
f4 e. aa ) e t'!-.
?Mi ifl l trieaa.
Thf. LwcAnmt Insurance Co.
AI Its r:e HVtlLAall
i . Thy aUT "lM",.'H' j" U"'- "A?tf
Tb rf ita ett. vt a me el lb
ttMSra.kl; UagtU le I3..V) sad lb
rewnler (.rirw fcl ib Weekly Oregnelsa
to ELM. Aayaae toriMs M Ib
Oa'" s4 eayieg fr year le
ade.ftewrea ! t,h Ite ft.'le al
eki ..v -iaa f I' t. lf.Hah
w. I. e .,,i, i e-'ee KM is lt
J a 4t a "'4 e
!- a fe
rmt&lOE rWAGMENTt.
If ye rmsnea a eery earner lh B
shelf at tbe top ls a ttee trtxigb made
lo fli it and AH this with sm bsrdy
Miaf sbd Mower ptaets, Tbey will
last a lurg lime sad add greetly to lb
Kaaety of the room.
Urnall pUrr f toilet Soee which
re toe lutie le b ad may b eUiis4. :
Make a Lag ef Turkl-h tAwelibg slul
awvee Inrhes a'piare snd put Into It al'
IIwp seiall plKwe ef snap. WMe It la
Ihrea-rper Irri filled sew up the end SB'I
a lb IriMf as tf It were a eaks ef aoap
rsm Tnl with Voevh'4 Ttt
tyrr lusat aa smusI. Iy tstb aJi
le aawter before at'litif drwaaieg , aed
t!ta flnliti with A rVUaUly fwa bd
t3- Iff brvkee into twpersM eaee
dabe or ltiy ae. snd uead eetil
th w l.iue ere est, Ul preset e or
atttliit.f ai'ireac uas eke
trf jd li.te wsier N. Y. I)ff.
T rtiste fee'ry e-eaefiny. It Is
Irapovtael IKel It aa"M tf I Ww li
ttIM. St H at ILa ke!i alrfmld t
I ewwi. kHasSeaWwdyta
TerrlAe C aaaawt Wkkk fUally Cee4 ta
' the Cat's Kaeapw.
"Did you ever knew that there la
deadly antipathy between a common
eater snake and an eel V Bated! the
fishermen, according to the Indianspo
lis fVnUnel. "Well. I never knew It
until an ripee-leece I bad In witnessing
a light between Ihe two. personally,
I have tit greatest dread ef eels, rut
mere afraid ef them than I im oil
snske, and you can Imagine my tltng r.n
when I hsppen-d to hook one on one
of my flshliiff estwditions. IwsssfrsM
to touch It, and alt ! eould do was le
let It dsngle In tbe alt. I eould not get
II off my book, and I wss meditating
wbst to do. when slt'ifvthrr enaoticed
I allowed the slimy ebet to drop Into
the water. le moment t saw a b f
water anake rusks a dive for It. At
the first lung It rsugbt the neck o( the
rel eouarrly between his teeth, ami I
eould see It sink Its egty looklrg ra'g
Into lh ee-l's flesh. wailed aaakiua'y
tOe the dvrk1mrtte. With: lie ft
bold sull on lb eel's keek the snske.
quick as It tehae to lU wrspid
lie aiauoua bmty around Itasntsg nlal'
neck In an effort le soneese It to death.
The body ef Ibe eel was tuo sleek, bow.
wr, and the snske's rolls, defpltt a'l
II roulJ do. wou'd slip down Into the
.water. Tlee and lime araJa It trWd le
jaoeeete the life net ef Its saurm st.
, Mver fores lastant rvleaiBf luhol.lrrt
lb awl's nark, but lb body ef U la
trr wee loo tUk for It sad ever llete It
would slip down, finally the tmk
brokered tb eel ied f tn4 its res spri."
An Aecommodatlng Justice,
A Philadelphia mntristrate, who re
cently distinguished himself by hold
ing court in the street to nesr a cnao
toiieernlng two men who were brought
to his house while he was at dinner.
broke his record one Sundny recently
by leaving tllS tie, utlone in church to
hear a case out in the street and then
going back to resume his interrupt
ed prayers. Two men were arrested
In the ICth precinct one Sat unlay night
for a slight breach of the peace. Next
n orning they were willing to pay their
fins and wanted to be rcleaaed at once.
They were token In the patrol wogoe.
to the magistrate's house, where it
wss learned that he was at church. The
vsgon wss driven to the church, and
the Jtid) was quietly called out. lie
heard the ease, Inflicted the usual flnee.
which the prisoners paid, then dis
charged the men aud went bark to bis
The Breath af llrh rereane Leea with
Deadly Germs.
A little frill, six years of sire, wss
taken by her mother Into a atret car.
The car wna crow, led, and a delicate-
looking man lifted Ihe little one to his
kiines. rihe ast there a moment, then
slid down and clung to ber mother's
A Iter they had left tbe car, she said :
"Mamma, I rouldn'l sit there; that msa
breathed In my far snd msiW me sick."
For tlsys afterward she complained
. . .. . . . .. . .. .
teal alio coiim not get mat tirramui
teat rut of ber mouth. In due time
she was allocked with typhoid fever
and died.
There was no question whstevrr le
ihe mind of the physician that the mas
who took the child up wss in the first
stntres of typhoid. Ulieing that this
llaeeae could be transmitted by Ibe
breath, be look pains to make ei perl
men la. A sufferer from typhoid
breathed a number of llewe Into eg la
veaarl rontailill.f sWrilised water. I'rom
Ibis water iiliiura wrre made, and tha
tree typhoid UeiUI detrloped la eaor
ruoua ej 'tan' Hire.
ll la grn-'rally swppoaed that typhoid
U due to rvittatninatrd water, but SI
permienta of this sort hae mada It fer
ula that tl I rva'b. eaerially If
threw n out euddcnly aa by roughing.
Is likely lo lie laden with Ihe deadly
germs. Iadd, physicians ens bream
Itif well eaiia Red that lit lung aie roe
suntly at work trying to rsttari from
.he blood and throw out all polauBeee
Ingredients, Tb la being tbe rase, those
who Inhale lb breath ef a person suf
fering from stiouat any diae are
llahla to rewrite tb germe snd been me
Inferled with the earn n.eJedy, N. Y.
etee I Haf Xe fe as 11 ate ,"
Bay Htjagrawa. 1
1 waas Jree to pel biai aotnew br ae
h imAd e sneay
Jd Xre, I-rglia.ef tl VsrkH ssrw,
t Jesurw Kereim w,f she spjewed
falntt llane Msle.n. who she
threrg'd with Uisg dordilt aay
lb 1.1. g J luraaJ.
"V. haf baa be b a 4(r eaid Ut
)sU . . i
" eil b roteee pf mf f e! It
Uea kxi km bvdJ p f;A tvdert
Al lmm S. tea Slag.
Mis b'g l.rae enndearwftda to Uke part
In a bow lint evening of Ib "IWlal
Urol hers." i Ikrowaaltsll wbkhbiU
aoth'nf . Ae the prlttr I sear e ghted,
b aslai "itill. bow many la HT"
I'slnfsl sit' tie At last lb preside at
metre a rteepf at effort a4 aaya,wltk
B deep bow "four klf be. two e
the j,iBS-ebbw:"-rird fju
Th a.erlaae f tW
TaS CbSiffa ef Ik IM fsntTS
f oar lw re's a tttistsV ba toed.
ty sr. '.s ot.l. M't l a y.
Se' dm roust sbowa tn se an' ewlf
tifibt a-.
the (lrk..ttt'l, rtiM"? "n U
j we) l'a.i4ii.k t iw-!.
1 !
"a I