Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, February 28, 1896, Image 3

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After Acute Bronchitis
CPKED bt vsaa
"Three months ago, I took a vio
lent cold which resulted in an attack .
of acute bronchitis. I put myself:
under medical treatment, and at the
end of two months was no better.
I found it very difficult to preach,
and concluded to try Ayer'a. Cherry
Here and There.
N. H. Lettheri ia in from Eight
Otis Patterson returned
below last Wednesday.
W. B. FioW waa np from the Alpine
country hit Wednesday.
J. W. Banister bas been down from the
Hard man country for a tew days past.
La Grande Marble Works, La Grande
Ore. H. 0. Smith, aaleaman, Heopner.
The meetings at the opera house oo-
d noted by Elder Jenkina are progressing
finely. Mr. J. is doing aome sound,
logical preaching, suoh as is calculated
to reach the bear a and stir the souls of
home from people through tbsir brains. He seems
to have but little use for a religion found
ed upon tLe emotions or feelings to the
exoluaion of the intellectual faculties.
A prominent feature in the services is
the song servioe each evening oondooted
by Hinging Evangelist Crawford, also the
praotioe at the olooe. The meetings al
together are eduoative and will doubt-
lnaa reantt in miinrl onnA rt th nhnrnh
Tbe spring raoes next Mav Dromiae to and rnmmnnitv
b by far tbe best ever held in Heppner. .. . , ,. . ...
Call On Minor & Co. for low Drfoen. ISimmr.nQ T.iwa,. Ttemltatni- Tt ia hn
We handle all lines and make a little off very beet medioioe to take in the spring
Pectoral. The first bottle cave m
great relief ; the second, which I am
now taking, has relieved me almost,
entirely of all unpleasant symptoms,
and I feel sure that one or two bot
tles more will effect a permanent,
cure. To all ministers suffering from
throat troubles, I recommend Ayer's;
Cherry Pectoral." E. M. Brawley,
D.D., Dist. Secretary, Am. Bapt.
Publication Society, Petersburg, Va.
Ayer's Cherry Pectorat
$ To 77" II TT TT. Jf
-y Take Notice.
1. The sum of five cents per line will M
Shamed for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of
respect," Hits of wedding present and donors,
tnd obituary nnttncs, (other than those ths edit
or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and
notice of special moetliiRi for whatever purpose.
a. Notices of church and society and all other
tntertalntnents from which revenue Is to be de
rived, shall be chafed for at the rate of five
,nts a line. There rules will be strictly adher
ed to In every Inatanne.
Advertising rates reasonable and made known
ipon application.
of eaob.
T P. Havdeo, representing Lang A Co.,
or roruana, was interviewing our busi
ness men yesterday.
Call and see Minor & Co.'g new line of
clothing. Tbe beet 86.50 suit in tbe
market. All wool.
Best accommodation and oourteona
treatment at tbe Imperial Hotel, Seventh
and Wash. Sts.. Portland. Oregon.
Minor & Co., tbe leaders in fashion.
will have everything in spring goods tbe
market affords in its proper time.
Horner & Rhea have purchased the
veil Bros.' gfook, and are now busy in
voicing the name, preparatory to moving
it over to tbeir store,
No stale nr shelf-worn goodii at Minor
Ud.'s. We only buy six months in
dvnnoe. and not two years, wbioh an
.bleu us to kepp a fresh, new etock.
Thompson & Binns' livery stable hw
been renovated and repaired, and is now
being (rented to a new coat of whitewash
under the supervision of K. J.Howard.
Any inventor in Eastern Oregon who
lettiraa the services of an attorney in
Washington, D. G , will find it to hii
'Ovantage to call on or address tnia pa-
r, 5tf
Orover 0., Bennett Bros.' five yenrold
rare horse, was shipped from The Da I lei.
Mat nipsnay nrriving bero YVertiieednv
morning, and is now being put in shape
for tbe May races.
Those desiring bargains should take
advantage of tbe wholesale slaughter
prices rnnde on tbe MoFarland etook
which E B Bishop is now closing out
regardless of oost. s
Ben Poppenga was down from the
Hardman country today. Ben reports a
very pleasant winter up there, but en
countered a pretty stiff wind as he oame
down tbis morning.
Eli Keuey now possesses au eagle
biob he bas just reoeived from Partland
where be sent it to be mounted. It looks
very natural and the work of mounting
was certainly neatly done.
J. H. Piper wss np from tbe Lexing
ton oountry yesterday. Mr. Piper bas
had a ve y severe siege with carbuncles
for more than a month past, and even
now looks very moob like a sick man.
Ecbo stage leaves Heppner Mondays,
Wednesdays and Fridays. Leaves Echo
Tuesdays, Tursdays and rjatnrdtiys.
Fare 82 eaob way. Ornoe, Wells A
Warren, Heppner. Ed. Driekell, Prop,
Walt. Thompson runs stage between
Heppner and Monument, arriving every
day ezoept Monday and leaving every
day exoept Sunday. Shortest and cheap
est route to tbe interior. Gonser A
Brook, agents.
Miss Lillie Allen arrived on Wednes
day morning's train from Moomontb
where she bas been attending school.
Hhe departed tbe following day for Long
Creek. Miss Allen is a sister oi Ed Allen,
now a resident of Pendleton.
Tbe entering wedge or. a ratal com-
til Bint is often a slight cold, which a
de or two of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
might bave cured at the commencement.
Therefore, it ia sdvisable to bavs tbia
prompt and aure remedy always at band
to meet an emergency.
Mrs. Aodrew Tillard and son, Rhea,
arrived on Wednesday morning's train
on tbelr way boras from Fossil where
Mrs. Tillard bad been visiting with her
parents. Ithea bad been reported quite
ill with fever but bad sofflclsntly recov
sred to be brought boms.
for tbe blood, and to oleanse tbe system
nt all Impurity. "I bave nsed Simmons
Liver Regulator as a oorreotor and blood
purl her and tbmk it an excellent
remedy. 1 always keep it on hand to
take in preferenoe to any other medi
oine." I. M. Hysell, Middleport, Ohio.
It is reported that R. H. ttobinson, the
Gooseberry mail contractor, met with
quite a mishap last Tuesday. The horse
ftom some uok -own reason got soared
when opposite B. T. Snail's ranch and
ran off and broke up oart and every
thing Tbe last seen of tbe horse it was
tearing over the bill toward Gooseberry.
Tbe driver got another borse and oame
in on time to Olox.
Pendleton Tribune: Tba Portland
Oregonian ban just awarded a pnn of
$150 for tbe best definition of a baby
Tbe Heppner lady who won tbe prize
-ent in tbis answer: "A tiny feather
from the wing of love, dropped into the
sacred lap of motherhood."
Tbe aeries nt revival meetings which
have beo in progress at the M. E,
church for more thau two weeks past
olost-d last Wednesday evening. The
meeting ba been a very successful one,
more that 50 conversions being reported
Tbe Gi'Zatte oves an apology to E. P.
Vornz for cot mentioning the fact in
tbe last issue that he is now the father
of a aeveo pound girl, which was born
to bia ift last Mondny at Maniuoutb.
Emil ia now a full-fledged oolonel.
Othello, Shakespeare masterpiece, will
be presented at tbe opera bouse on tbe
evening of Marob 2nd. Htanley 0 rdon,
Georgia's f anion tragediao, and founder
of "The King Richard Tragedy Co," will
appear in tbe roll of Othello. 2t.
Mrs. W. J. Leezer calls the attention
ot the pnblio to the faot that she is still
in the bakery business, and ber old cus
tomers will be furnished an extra quality
of bread at tbe grocery of her husband.
Your patronage is solicited. tf
It is reported that for some time paat
there bas been a slight post offioa con
troversy down at Castle Rook, but It
bas now been settled by tbe appoint
ment ot Mrs. Mattie Teeters as postmistress.
Mr. Potwine will hold servioes at tbe
M. E. churoh next Tuesday evening,
and on Wednesday morning servioes
will again be held, at which time Holy
Communion will be celebrated,
Cannot be permanently cured by tbe nsa
of opiates and sedative compounds. It is
too deeply seated. It Is caused by au
Impoverished condition ot the blood,
upon which the nerves depend for suste
nance. This is tbe true and only natural
explanation for nervousness. Purify, en
rich and vitalize the blood with
and nervousness will disappear. Hood's
Sarsaparilla will give vitality to the blood
and will send it coursing through the
veins and arteries charged with the life
giving, strength building qualities which
make strong nerves. It you are nervous,
try Hood's Sarsaparilla and find the same
relief of which hundreds ot people are tel
ling in their published testimonials. Get
Hood's onn Hood's
Because Hood's Sarsaparilla is the only
True Blood Purifier prominently in ths
public eye today. Sold by all druggists.
HnnH'a Dillc habitual eorutlp.
tloa. Price 26c p.r box.
of Morrow, Slate of Oregon.
K. t. Hughes, PlalnUfl,,
va. t
Henry Kelly, Defendant)
To Henry Kelly, Defendant
In the name of the State of Oregon, you are
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint Died against you in the above entitled
ult on or before the first day of tbe next regular
term of said court, to-wlt:
Tbe M Day of March. 1896.
And if yon fall so to answer, tor want thereof
the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief
demanded in said complaint, to-wit: Judgment
and decree against you for the sum of $525.00,
with interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent
perannum fiom the 12th day of May, 192; for
the sura of 121.78, with interest thereon at the
rate of ten per cent per annum from the 20th
day of December, 1895, and ttiOOO attorneys fee,
and the costs ot this suit. And that the mort
gage described In plaintiffs complaint be fore
closed and the premises therein, described to
wit: the SH of N and of NEW of Sec. 22,
and WH of Sec. 23, Tp. 2 8, of R 27 E, W. M., in
Morrow County, Oregon, be sold to satisfy said
Th is summons is published by order of Stephen
A. Lowell. Judge of the Circuit Court oi the
State of Oregon for Morrow County, made on
the 8th day of January, 18W.
401-17. Attorney for Plaintiff.
n, f
Btag for Ftanlman, Monument, Long Creek,
lohn Day and Canyon City, leave a follows t
Ivery day at S a. m., except ".tindav.
Arrives every day at? .o.. except Monday.
Tha cheapest, quickest and boat Hue to or
from ths interior country.
Conser at Brock, Agents.
Qambrinus Beer,
City Hotel Bar!
Drinkable Liquors
Cigars. Call
and Smokable
art Tad.
whistle up a
'I'm Ires to state, will star
i. vs
lltralv time
for ths "Candidal,"
with us II I June;
Then let him oil hli auger blade, with "sperry
Llnnoud Rye;"
Tls sweet to thins, of that good old drlus, lot
voting snsa are dry.
Bold only at tbt Belvedere saloon.
Charley Jones, tha well-Eonwn "old-
in tha tnnanrlal line, baa Main
located la Ueppoer, bevir.f puobnd
flraaa Mathews' shoO. Minor baildtof
opposite tba rity botel Charley
appreciate a call -bso to town.
That tha blood should perform its
vital functions. It Is absolutely neoeaaary
that it not only be pure but rich In life-
giving elements. These results sre best
eflecte.1 by tha ass of thst well koowo
standard bleod partner, Ayer's Sarsa
A prominent young, man ot our ooooty
went to see bis bast girl recently and
had lbs misfortooe to )na bia bono
during toe eveoing. requiring a long
elk homeward through tba mud. Cruel
Cupid, to tbus leapt tba youog man
thither. To wads mad ankle deep is
bo particular fun lo any alimata.
A number of eotta are tow la training
t r the special two-year-old stake raoe
to ba run dunug our aprinf raeea. rtv
ssl are coming iron) Tba Dal lea. and la
all It is eipected that at leael 13 will be
ertered. Entries fur tbis raec etne
March U wbeo the colt most ba no rai
ns ted.
Having; "He red a large tot of asotdlnge
from tba East to arrive early la the
spring and to make ruom for say new
molding, I will for tba ant siity days
make If sates oat of nt present etock at
ill i anal.
e Mar. 1?. 3. L. Tsuota,
Tbe Christian Endeavor Hooiety will
meet at tbe opera bouas one-half boar
late, or 4:45; giving tbe metnbere a
cbaooe to attend tbe leoture by Mrs.
Cox at the M. E. churoh, South, at 3:30,
G. B. uatt, tba tonsorial artist, can
be found at bia parlors, Matlock corner,
where be will dispense at popular prices,
shaves, shampoos, nairauts, etc. "
When the soalp Is atrophied, or shiny-
bald, no preparation will restore the
hair; In all other oaaes, Hall s Uair lie-
newer will start a growth.
Frank Kahler, (t Centralia, Wash,
cxme in tbis morning and will leave to
morrow morning for tba boms of bis
nnole, Wm. Budio.
Minor Co.. tba reduoera of prtoes,
bave now on hand tba celebrated Wok-
lie's Squirrel Poison. Call and sea what
they sell it for. tf
John Kilkenny was op from his Sand
Hollow ranch yesterday. Range is gst
ting to ba good down In bis looality.
Little Ren a Meadows, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Sam Meadows, is reported as
still seriously ill with poeutnonia.
Wakliss Squirrel KiUrsntnator now
no sale at Minor St Ca's. reduced from
50 CIS. to 25 els. tf
Minor k Co. bavs now on tba war tha
finest line of footwear that will ba found
ia ths city.
Henry Qepnoer ia eonvalesoing from
a severs attack of congestion of tba
Mr. J. W. Letter is reported by Dr.
P. B. McUwords as very much better.
Mrs. P. B. MeSwords Is convalescent
from a severs attack of la grippe.
Marvin Smith bas recovered from a
dangerous attack of quioiy.
Mrs. Sarah Donahoo ia aerloosly ill
with neuralgia of tba heart.
Mra. Qeo. Walls Is growing gradually
Circuit court oooveoes on nsit Moo
Mrs Julia Bradley is improving slowly.
Leslie Matlock la bom from Portland.
Mrs. Ed. Ilels ia oa tba sick list.
Wanted, Two Oozea Panties.
Tbe Oregonian perpetrates the follow
ing: "A rather singular mistake, wbioh
furnished no end of amusement to tbe wife
and friends ot a government official in
this city, may now be safely told, as all
the parties implicated bave gone East.
Tbe wife of tbia official was giving a sort
ot farewell luncheon or dinner party to a
number of her lady friends, and had or
dered two dozen of oyster patties from a
popular restaurant, to be sent op at a oer
taiu time. They failed lo arrive on time,
and. the messenger from ber husband's
offioe, having oome up to tbe house on
some errand, w s told to go to tbe oalerer
and uive notice that the two dozen patties
must ba sent up at once. The mesne oger
not knowing what patties were, got a
wrong idea of his errand, and also got
mixed on tbe name given him, and com
ing down town went into a department
store and asked to be directed to the
ooouter where they sold panties. On
being shown the oounter, be told the
clerk in obarge that Mrs. wanted
"two dozen panties" sent up at once,
Tbe clerk thought it was rather an ex
tensive order, but, as tha lady was a
good customer, she made nu demur. In
tbe meantime tbe patties had arrived,
ana tne party were at tne ta'iie when a
paroel waa brought in, which it was said
had been ordered in a hurry, and wbioh,
when opened, was found to contain two
dozen panties. Tbe unfortunate mes
senger cams near falling dead when he
was made to realize bia mistake, but his
employer thought it a capital joke and
managed to get a great deal of fun out
of it."
x of Oregon, for the County of Morrow,
ueum a. neiaon,
Frank L. Weldon
Defendant. I
To Frank L. Weldon. Defendant
In the name of the State of Oregon, you sre
hereby reauired to appear and answer to the
complaint filed agalnt you in the above entit'ed
suit on or before the first day of the next
regular term of the above entitled court towit
Monday, March 2d, 1896;
and if you fail to answer nr otherwise plead for
want thereof the Dlalntlrl will aoulv to the
above entitled court for a decree dissolving the
nurriatie nouns now e lating ttetween you ana
herself, and also for a decree awarding the care
ami custody of the six minor children towlt:
Delia Edith Weldon. Lilly Louise Weldon,
Lianastaniora neiiion.rranx i.eotmrn neiaon
George Irving Weldon and Pearl Weldon, tbe
iruiis oi rata marriage to planum.
This summons Is published bv order of Hon
Stephen A. Lowell, judge of the circuit court of
the State of Oregon, for the sixth judicial
aisinci, aaiea January oin,
404-17 Attorneys for plaintiff.
1 of Morrow. State of ttrflirnn.
.... i "
usury vv neeier,
William Bremer,
wile of said
Wll'iam Bremer, and
rranx ttagerman. ai
Receiver of the Lom
bard Investment Com.
pany, a corporation,
To William Bremer. Defendant.
in the name of the state of Oregon, you are
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint Hied against you in the above entitled
ult on or bsfore the first day of the next regular
term of said court, to-wlt:
The 2d day of March, 1896.
Pilesl Pilesl Itching Piles.
bymptoms Moisture; intense itching
and stinging; most at nlgbt; worse by
scratching. It allowed to continue
tumors form, wbioh often bleed and
ulcerate, becoming very tore. Swayni a
UitfTMiNT stops tba itobing and bleed
ing, beals ulceration, and in most oases
removes tbe tumors. At druggists, or
by mail, for 50 oenta. Dr.Swsyno A Son,
The Best Congh Care
Is 8hlloh's cure. A negleoted ooosh
is dsoaerous. Stop it at once with
Hbilob 's Cure. For (ale by Wells
A Popclab Line, Recently ths editor
of the Oszettc bad occasion to visit
Astoria over tbe "While Collar Lioe" ot
steamers, going down on the Bwiley
Osiserl and returning on tha Telephone
Tba mem'ters ot this company are com
posed moetly ot big, fat fellows Jolly
good-natured souls (tbat'a tbe irnpres
sloo left on tbe mind of ys lanky scribe)
and tbey make it pleasant for pas
sengers. Everything Is bright, clean
and home like, aod a trip over tbis line
is of course aa eojoyeble svsnt. Else-
wbere appears aa ad. of tbia popular
Been a Ikg. is Bins ill W!
Has bought out the General Merchandise Business of the McFarland
Mercantile Co., and the etock is being disposed of at
All woolen goods, boots, shoes, overshoes, ete.. are beine sold below
wholesale cost Great discounts on hardware, tinware, glassware, hats,
caps, blankets and in fact everything kept in a general mercantile es
tablishment. Call and see the stock before it is too late.
ED. R. BISHOP, Prop.
The National Bank Building, Heppner, Ore.
Manager and Salesman.
What Dojoujant ?
Some people want the earth; you can get a
goodly portion of it at
With very little money. He keeps a full line
of general merchandise, including dry
goods, groceries, boots, shoes.
And If you fall so to answer, for want thereof
Intllt will applv to the court for the re
lief demanded In said complelnt, to-wlt:
For judgment and decree
Bremer for the sum of lotiO.00,
airalnxt William
with Interest ou
:I5 00 thereof at the rate of 8 per cent per art'
nam irom trie nrstaay oi June, urn; witn inter
est on $15 thereof at the rate of 8 per cent per
annum from the first day of December. 1HU3;
with Interest on (IS thereof at the rate of 8 per
cent per annum from the first day of June, 1K9I;
witn interest on f ia tnereoi at tne rate oi 8 per
cent per annum frm the first day of December,
urn. ana tor a itinner sum to te aeierminen or
the court as an attorney's fee, and for costs of
this suit.
Also for a decree foreclosing the mortvass
described In plaintiffs complaint, as to all the
defendants herein named and the sale of said
mortgaged premises to satisfy said judgment
and decree, interest and costs.
This summons Is published by order of
Stephen A. Lowell, Judge of the Circuit Court
of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, dated
January m, inue.
V. u.SLiiittina J. N.KHimn,
404-17. Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Gilliam & Bisbee
X of Morrow, State of Oregon.
jonn r. urosDy,
Alexander urnham,
Uraliain, wile ol said
Alexander (Ira ham,
The National Bank ot
Heppner, a corpora
tlon,aud Frank Hager
man, aa Receiver of
the Lombard Invest
ment Company, a cor
twtrstlnii. ttefftrtrlanU.
To Alexander tiraham. Defendant.
In the name of tha Stats of Oregon, yon are
hereby required to appear Mid answer the com
plaint Bled against you In the above entitled
cause, on or Deiore tne tint asy oi tne next
regular term of ths sbovs entitled court, to-wlt:
Moadajr, tha ltd day ol March, IH8.
And If vou fall so to snswer, for went theteof
the plain tl IT will apply to the court for ths relief
demanded In said complaint, to-wlt:
A Judgment and decree against you for the
sum of f IUO.O0 with Interest thereon st ths rate
of elvht per cent per annum from the Unit day
oi July, w. ana lor a reasonstiie sum to oe ae
termlnrd by the court ss au attorney's fee, and
lor costs oi mis suit.
Also for a decree foreclosing a mortgage
bv you on the following described pre
sltuatMl In Morrow county. Oregon, to
Ths HEVi of Hoctlim S, Tnwnthlp 1 North, of
Ran l Eat Willamette Meridian, and re
corded In the rarardsof mortaia ol aa d count
In Hook ':," pases KM, and l ; ss
ths dnlnndsnts I
We are not email meD, lbs. We are small men, Xs.
wb are not ifie Largest mercnanis in ine worm !
But when the people of all the surrounding country are In need of
Hardware, Tinware, Crockery ware, Glassware, Wood and Willow ware, Nails, Iron, Darbwlre,
Cumberland Coal, Gass and Water Pipe, Pipe Klttlngs, Stoves and Ranges, Wagons,
Hacks, Buggies, Wagon Material, Hardwood, Axe, Hammers, Baws, Sledges,
Wedges, Guns, Pistols, Cartridges and Ammunition, Mason Jars, Gran
iteware, Plows, Harrows, Rakes. Mowers, Tubs. Wash Bottlers
and Boards, Sheet Iron, Zlno, etc., etc.,
Should call and Examine oar Goods and Get Prices.
We have Good Goods at Fata Prices, and Cheap lohn Goods at Chep John Prices.
Groceries, Gents Furnishing Goods,
Stockmens SurrLiES, Etc.,
SAnd Wants Your Trade!
i to ail I
i herein named, and for ths sale
of said premiers to satisfy said Judgment Slid
drrrrs. Inlrrrst costs slid sttornev s fee.
This summons Is published by orde of
Rtenlien A. Lowall. Juifse of the Circuit Court
of I hs Mate of Orrgoa lor Morrow County, made I
on tits Bin day 01 January, iimi.
vh HIS isa shecphcrd-
I J cr who has been out :
fj lour months, but hc
loooks like a new man O
V now for he has been
:; . O
: - dressed up at ,
Horner & Rhea's.
rsrfrct WIs4mi
Woold a-iva aa paitrcl bsallb. Ba
raoes man aod virxMo ara not psr family
is, tbsjr moel (ska nadiota to k
Ihemaelvea MrfsU health-, for.
riea blood U lb basla ot mood baaltb.
Hood's Msrsepsjllla la I ha Una Traa
blood rnnU-f. it fivsa food baltb
twasoss) II b'til'le go iba Ira fjaada-
tloa pora b'ood.
UhmTs fills ara oars If varUbla. psr-
fetily barmlsss. aiasia rsllabla aad
tBt Octal
A lltlla d sugbter of Frad Wshbar,
Holland, Mas bad a vary bad oolJ
aod oongb vLlob ba bad not baan abl
toenra with anything. I fsva bint
bottle of Cburolwrlain's Coagb lUmadv,
says W, p. Molded, merchant and post
master at West Hrinvflsld. Bod Iba Beit
tima I saw bios ha said It worked Ilka a
charm. Tata remedy la lotsmled aa-
peoially fit acuta t lima I and Idd
diseases aaflb as fluids, arena and
'bonping pottgh, aad II la famooa for
ila cores. There is bo danger la ffvins;
it to ahlldraa for it eooiatos ooihlot
lojorloas, or ssla If l'bilt Cobs,
Ara tea Is4a
Miabla by IadlgtUo. Coastipa-
tlos, Dunnes. Ia of Appalita, Isllow
HkmT Mbllob'a Vitaliaar s a poattiv
eora. For al by Wella ft Warrsa.
Notice of Dissolution,
Ll co-partnership heretofore eil.tlng be
tween Oarer Minor, Arthur Minor and Frank
Knsera. andr the Prm name of Minor A Co.,
doing a general Birrrhandlsa bullosas In ths
towam eppiier, bas llils nsy iien oiuoivea
by tnntual consent, frank Miwsrs having nls-
poepd of hi. Interaat III the business to the other
members of tbe arm who will enullnii In
business at ths same location, collect all debts
nd settle sll account of th said arm
Det4 at Heppor, Or , Jaa. , ft. 17.
Horner & Rhea,
a a a a flrat National Dana O.H.i.
uuirvo n f run !- !- - A' -'
Bm.irt Mm it Lad- 0o. Coeaer,
MasUr of llfppner Ludaa No. W, A. T.
A A If., reamvtd a Uiogract Mfrdv
anuou.atog Ik death of boos Malksy,
of bead ill , at It o'elook p. a, at
Hi. vtnosot'a hospital. iWaaoad bad
beaiilf"r awaiba and ba dsib
al aiiied. H firoenrlf
rcclrel of Marrt 0"iiaty, hit tf lata
tests hso lived la Ursnl eoat-iy, nr
lsg rreek II van nr an'fieH, bat
Issr a aanher of relative n Orr',
ooom) residiaa ia r.teni utg - aas
llvlaf sssloly la th VTillomslU vslUf
Mr. Maikry'a isaialo ara tpld bto
lotsof r nwrsiii, al hirb lim they
til ba Usa U abnefa of by Iba
Vfsena. of bkh Or4f bllMII
bef. aad riva ltksra la Iba
Msnoaia cetostrry at Ilrppt. Mr,
Mlky m very asll koaa bora aod
blbly re t tod by all TW 0tu
UrM bfra rxsT a th I
tba rsniaia will b Iyrto4 la fjrtlso 1
. W. Korea, Iba oily pain tor, la pro-
parodtado all kind of pslbiio and
papar baaaini and ill da boas oleao
in and tab aa aad pal down carpta
OfQca ob Mala trot, oppoaila City
For S32 E0 I will aoll a Oral claaa, big b
gro'l. biah arm ssolag asnrblo goaras
t4 for 10 yoaro. for farlhor par t ten -
Ura aall oa or addrass, N. A- f-b,
Llegtoa, Oregoa. Srt-lf .
Ooesnovet asiog sUr frata tba
Blpaar Light A Wsis mnpaay ara
brby raatloaa4 agaloat toltiaff olbara
carry orator from thkr proajisaao, aadet
poaally ol batiaf tbrlr oatar col off.
i K Harrssa Lioit A Wsria Co.
Ilea Matbova ta aow ol peoaeiator of
lha Oilf et Market Ob SIS tM
freh on poly lA bf, pork, mnitoa, venl
Immis, bnana aa4 Iar4, vrbMife ba sell
far Iba too! gsarfc! pMW. (lie bl
a call.
roi aoy r . a .
Haa Vr, CI. as: .11 ..'Ub
tUnae-f) m lb tl 0.U rr fuid
nil i" v g-vMS." fttrP.
flt WsnlaAWarrWI
A meaiknsej ia a prevloo Mna of
Iba OsooMa. a'ie M'b Ibia pnrf
ill ba oat oaly ta lbaa mb ara paid
is la Mvaca. ( year abrlptka
psij apT
ropfia ra w r ae4
fly ae ..f f..l.,b's TUI
gienl .!, I ' M M. Mtlf to
rae4v I" th let 1 1 1,1) tfawsssa, VW
Ola bf WfU r Warra
401 17
. M. BKOVSN and O O. rt.l.I".
Attorneys for I'lalntlfT.
He will make it an object (or you to trade with
him aa hia pricea are right, aud all goods that he
bundles are of tbe very best.
Store on Main Street, Next Door
to City Drug Store,
I-Ioppnor, Oregon,
Notice of Assignment.
iv Veil and W.
at nrpttner.
fell ae
f. fell, partner doing bul
Oregon, under the Br in nam of
n , naee mad aa algniaul lor to
bene lit of their ered Uirs
All itie having rlalms ssalosl saKI Srrs ot
.11 Hm ar hereby reanlred to present lb
mm la ins nnnenisnen aesignee, al in rirsi
national Sank ol Mei.oiier, lu Morrt.o I ounly
Oregon, nltbla tore ssontos Irons to dal
1U4, sauary 9,
I. HO. COXIER. Antlrna.
I. ,..
Aitorny n.r Assign. ) IS.
neceasor to C, l Van Duyn. Vsil door to City llotol.
Has everything in the line of Fresh Groceries,
Candies, Nuts, and also keeps Crockery,
Lamps and Tinware.
Stock is Complete. Notions a Specialty,
3 5fe
fit IellW.
ADIINIflrKATnr kwrica.
H the rocnTY raT of the cornTY
ol Mnrro. Silo( lrvnn. In tha matter
4 IK late al 1 bras Oeunleon, dereaeed
fetal rH I homes kennleon dexenaed. notW
I bereby gl.en by lb undersigned admlnl-
trtr of lb estate ol Thomas Itennteon, de-
rnesed, to lh eredltnts of, snd all pereoM
log rl.lm asalitel lbs said 4ervaeed. to
klMl them ollli the mwn.tr towber
Utile sis month srler lb Srel pul.llratlnn nl
tbu notue in th said edmlnl-lrau si his
residence en Nben .net, In said eouiilr, nr to
E. f mn. hi attotner at his oRlr la losing.
, Marrvo swunly, Urn.
iirjiaT r Alias so.
AdmlnuratorotUitoll I home llenul-
, drM t
Iwtod Heppner, Of., aa. T. 1. WS-17.
All boston atWodad to ib a prompt and aatlafactory
Baas ear, Notsrlea I'ahlw and fjllrtra.
Notice of Intention.
Do You Want a kig ?
Don't You Want a Place to
Put up Your Team ?
Arc You in Need of a Saddle
I Iorsc ?
rAr ffrrp-f. at the btt.1 f, ni, AH tbfloe cao be procured at Tb"fDi,o A Hioea, Lower MaJo 8trft,
MH.IM noilrn la aet.f yieen that I Hnriiir Dreprm
Ifcetoltaotug nnm4 etier he '4 e-HI-.ol iepjltlT, lrrgon.
hi lteHt(p to I. (.ipportnl
k seisin, and thai said rf out m m
hetoret tnMf I lets e H'rtrna ( nM( ,t 1IB
R'iHg f Bltail
ltd f fn r-v. loft.eij sn naHSEH"
sri P. tp ll.t eE
Ila nn to f'.l.eli. ottw.M.S to am
ht iim r4dn npoa 4 ut lsiloa
Of eaid la4, vis
j.g i'.. ittw Smith, tamo T. TslboS,
faatea i Ml. ot tt'fpmt. nrm
I At. t. lfVfE
IIS M Msiet,
Usr .art.i .-,
wf l U to t..el In
t to t..el In Me-M to ee'aMI a
ioe hiM nUrv I m a r 4 e ..e
n4y mmmiHm m:w te'ern a-4 eell ed-
4re-l ri,,il n,t.'t 1 he i ...
f, tae Inwfi tmill bNMmsbi
Tnea senllMnen sr oell slle-l th frs, Mersey fr fll' lis 4 ofcr eonattoS,
an4 eon sa.s avr a-4 Um In stsklug Ibeen tW4 elm li.eiii.g bh.
frtoM In keefdag ana to tint.
U7EETMI)f, Wr.rJ".
.t. c. BoncriKus. vvap.
eell ed- I
Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars.