SILVER CERTIFICATES 00 VP. In the stocks last Monday sil ver certificates advanced to 70 on transactions of $40,000. The high est previous price within the past few months was 69$, October 10, 1895. Authorities on silver say the rise is in no sense due to spec ulation. Exchange on India at London is now at the highest point after a steady advancement for the nast 30 days. The largely decreased production of the white metal has naturally depleted the supply on hand while low prices tend to increase the demand for use in arts. London is now large bidder for silver in this market, but finds the metal scarce. Large sales of silver were re ported by bullion brokers, one transaction beiDg a sale of 400,000 Mexican dollars to London. One of the oldest bullion houses in the street stated this afternoon that heavv transactions for 30. 60 and 90 days were made today and business in future transactions for the last three weeks bad been the enced. General Booth fears that the work in this country will be come Americanized and has changed commanders. The rank and file of this country is heartily in sympathy with the work and Repablleaa Ceaaty Coavaatloa. A republican ooaoty coDTeotion (or the count j ot Morrow, etate of Oregon, is called to meet in Heppner, in said county, on Saturday, March 28. 1896, at 10 o'clock a. m., for the purpose of nom inating oandidatee for the following WASHINGTON tETTEH. aims of Ballington Booth, who is ; . nntf , , , .. oounty commissioner, county oien, from onr Special Correspondent. It in to be feared that Coogreaeraan Ellis is a trifle hoggish io his legislative propensities. He has succeeded in get ting unanimous consent twice during the present session mad all over because be oao't get it a third time. On . . t tn Hinnt AiArK. i mis ocoaaion ne Dan rnn tin siuni iun really an able man, and the out- . herjff -oooty representative, democratic secretary of the interior and come of the affair may result in a ooanty treasurer, oounty assessor, oouo- the democratic land, commissioner, secession from the English biauch. tyachool superintendent, ooonty coroner The bill is the one to refund to the and oounty surveyor, and also precinct seiners woo paid aonoie price iw k'- Frtt mates of strength of the ofHaets for the several preoinots. and eminent lands under the supposition ESTIMATES OI Btrengm Oi me . ra road, the different presidential possibilities oonre8giorjBi oon. excess so oharped. Xne lands in qnea- are now being given. McKinley veution, and to transact such other busi- tion were in no way snp?nor to other is always given first place, though pees as may properly come before such lands sold Bt 81 25, but the government his strength is variously estimat- convention. The convention will con- naving -granted me alternate eecuU8 .u .j rru. T);il.v.. c sist of 57 delegates, oboeen by the sev- the railroad companies, put up the price eu. xub iiiwuurg unuu BMkplBnta. and the ..veral preoinots so that it shonld not be the loser there- nres that McKinley Will have d50 o C0Qnty wiU be entitled to repre- by. In oases where the roads have not votes, Keed 210, Morton , am- geotatioD in said convention as follows: been constructed (Hid the grants for ann 7fi f!n11nm. fi& Bradlev 26. Hnnnr 10 Eicrht Mile 3 feited euoh forfeited lands have been Davis 22 and scattering 18. General Weyler is greatly alarmed over the loss of an army of about 15,000. He has instituted search day and night and has not yet solved the mystery. He might try his luck in a lost, strayed Gentry 4 Alpine 2 pnt on the market nt $1.20 per acre, Mt. Vtrnon 5 Pine City 2 while the original purohisers are out Ione 3 Matteson i the additional $1.25 and without the Oeoil 2 Lexington 3 railroad. l)airv 5 wells Springs. ...2 The chief objection of tbe democratic Dry Fork.... ... 3 Lena 3 administration is that it would involve Th iimi heino one delegate-at large the expenditure of $1,500,000. Under from each preoinot, and one delegate for every fifteen votes, and one for every fraotion over one-half of fifteen votes cast for W. R. Ellis, the republican can- or stolen advertisement in some , . . 3 u it . : of the papers that his predecessor didate tor congressman, at tbe eleotion heaviest noted by the nrm during , .. , . . f. T 10Qj " . ' so effectively used in his various injuria. 1894. lis existence. campaigns, i Thebb is a story going the rounds at the expense of Walla Walla and in favor of Pendleton. It is this : "Two milk cans stood on the platform of a railway sta tion. Both were partially filled with rich milk. Two bull frogs came along and seeing the caDs unopened began an investigation. One fros was from Pendleton and one was from Walla Walla. The Washington county wants all Walla Walla frog lost his footing three congressional nominations Primaries to eleot tbe delegates In eaob ot tbe several precinct will be held If McKinley wants to please Maroh L 1896. Polls will be open at 4 O CIOOK P. in., HUU will uo uimuuuicu iu the nsnal manner of holding primary eleotione. A. W. Patterson, Chair. Republican County Committee. tf. Democrats and mugwamps he must stop making speeches. They don't want to hear about "the rob ber tariff," and the prt-sident, we are told, is bound to make silver the issue, even is he has to call an extra Bession of Ocean. and fell in one of the cans. Ab he btruck the milk he yelled 'I am drowning.' This alarmed the Pen dleton frog and he jumped in, selecting the other can. As be did bo be yelled to the Walla Walla frog: 'Hustle I hustle 11' The next morning at the bottom of one of the cans was found tbe Walla Walla frog, drowned. In the other can was the Pendleton frocr. alive and safe on a cake of Few people know that all plants con tain digestive orinciDles. They cannot Congress. Inter absorb their food until it is digested any. more than aotraais can. ine numm Lebanan 8hakers have learned tbe art nt extracting and utilizing these diges tive prinoiplea. and it is for this reason that tbeir Bnaner uigesnve uornim is meeting with snob phenomenal suoness in the treatment of dyspepsia. The ShRker Digestive Cordial not only con tains food already digested, hut it also bion am the digestion ot other foods that may be esten with it. A single 10 rent sample bottle will be sufficient to demonstrate its valns, and we suggest that every enffering dyspeptic make a trial ot it. Any druggist can supply it LaxoIi is the bait medicine for child ren. Doctors recommend it in place of in the first district this year and suggests the following material: Thomas H. Tongue, republican; nnntains digestive principles 8. B. Ilucton, democrat; W. D. Hare, populist Her wants are certainly few. Chas. A. Maskrev, formerly city editor of the Pendleton Tribune, is now manager ot the Astoria iGaetor Oil. Evening News, a bright newsy paper of that city. Judging from A WOE BEGONE DEMOCRAT. I 1 L KMnnnMHnM. ' kA nnnAV Ha 1 n the finest butter in the land." See? luo " vv a Buccess in mai une. cover of the fact that it is an exeouted oontraot, in defiance of right and jnstioe, they withhold from tbe settlers the money out of whioh they have been buncoed by tbe government. Verily, all the cmfort the farmer, the settler and the hardy pioneer can expeot from .this seed-denying, bond snpplying adminis tration, is to be found in the many elo quent sentences of Mr. Grover Cleve land's purity and reform messages. In the senate lhe democratic opposi tion to the bill is led by Sen. ..Berry of Arkansas. Senator Mitchell, thinks he oan beat the ' opposition and he base peculiar faculty' for getting thnmgh the senate in some form or shape anything that relates to Oregon's interests. With out unanimous consent Mr. Ellis1 will haa a hard row to hoe in . the bouse, but he is .nnt at all discouraged. On the contrary he is now working to get it favorably reported by the committee and thinks he will succeed. Ken. Mitchell has mnde his .report on the oase of Mr. Dir Pont claiming to be senBtnreleot from Delaware. There will be a great legal battle on the qnes tion in" which'' Sen. Mitchell will lead for the republicans and Sen. -Turpie fo the democrats.' Tbe main point is whether a state eenater who baa sno ceeded to the' office of governor, can exeroise the duties of both riffioes. Sen Mitchell and tbe republican majority contend be cannot. Congressman nermann baa succeeded in getting through tbe house bis bill LITERARY NOTES WASHINGTON AS A FOUTICIAX Provided a Generous Viom Fe fe Vulr: Hcwpltality for Tho Opr"" General Greet' article to March Ladies' Home Journal npoa "Tb Per sonal Side of Washington" wiU tw that Washington was largely udaeawd by bis environments, but also that ha steadily tended toward tba biuher stand ard of the present age, especially as regards his habits and ideals. Of th first election in whioh he aotively par ticipated General Greely wiitea: "Io bis younger days Washington extended at his first eleotion the usubI post eleo tion hospitality, which, in those days. consisted in tbe minimum amount of food with the maximum amouut of spirits. We flod him paying an acoount for such an entertainment for Borne four hundred voters, where the acoount wee three shillings for food and thirty-seven for liquors. Tbe capacity ot the average drinker may, perhaps, be placed at three quarts at a sitting, as derived from tbis aoconot, which oovered one hogshead of pnncb, one barrel of punch, forty gallons of puncb, nice bowls of pnncb, forty-five gallons of wine and forty- seven gallons of beer. . Washington, who was not present, expressed bis sur prise at their moderation, and wrote bis agent that be feared be bad not been liberal enough, and expressed tbe hope that be had not neglected those who ad voted io the opposition. 'His rtflpotive mind and aoute obser vation soon noted the ravages made by rink, and doubtless confirmed that personal moderation whioh never per mitted bim to rnn into excess of any ind. In the Provincial army, when general charges of drnnkenees were mnde against tbe Virgit'i troops, there was no word against Washington per sonally. He had, moreover, thns early deplored it as a serious vioe, forbade it by stringent orders, and spplied a bun d red lashes to every man found drunk, Still ater be wrote that 'Gin-ebops served to ruin tbe proprietor and those who make tbe most frequent application to them,' and in advising bis nephew he adls, 'Refrain from drink, whioh is source of all evil and tbe ruin of Lnlt the workmen of this country.'' At Chicago a few days ago a bottle, tiirhlly corked, came ashora apparently from the direction of tbe lake where openiog Ibe Fort Klamath Military Hay need to lie tba veesel of Mr. Yattaw, deceased. Tbe bottle contained nothing a manuscript poem written npnn heeti evidently turn from a note book. Whether or not the author" perished in the wavea ia unknown, but it is snr inised that be considered tbe life of a democrat no longer worth living and took water wbiob ia always fatal to one WHEN we bear of tbe creat of bis political faith. Following ia the Spauish victories down in Cuba P010 it is well to remember that news- An Onio justice fined a little girl $10 and costs for whispering but in church. At that figure this conscientious dealer of justice might do a land office business in some towns not far from Heppner. The report has been circulated that the venire of jurors as pub lished in the last issue of the Gazette was altered or amended in this office, especially that part re lating to the occupation of one of j tbe number. Whether this report was given publicity by thoso who did not know bettor we cannot say, but for the information of any who may have been lod to boliovo the report, as well as those who circulated it, wo will say tbst tho venire is prepared by the clerk and given to tho sheriff, and after all have Ix-en summoned it lias been the custom to furnish this paper with tho lame for publica tion, when it alwava appears ver batim, briog treated the same as summons, sheriffs sale or any other court document Any who no desire can probably see the same by calling on the sheriff A DisrATcn from Havana re ports 15,000 Bpaniab solJiers mis sing in Cuba The fact has Ixm-h eommuoicatod to tho Madrid gov. ernment, and tbe sonrch for their whereabouts is going on tiny and night. Official circles are in a state of alarm, for 15,000 men with m m w 4. rrA fi 1 A ! I 10.WIU tines ami ow.uw cannugos vrci Faito. - Lest Monday is an eoorroouaitrin totlieHpaninh (eror Lord BiU4 by appointment army. Tbe disappearance ot the tba t scant regeoolM aod tba plaoa ea tneo will ultimately t traced to lb. eleta board of Mfieullora oiled either death io battle, tbe number 0.tbm .r Pik . i iii lorta baa riptrl. Una Cbaa. litltoa of which baa been concealed to w Tb wlM hM Mni, ,b, hide Hpaniah losaea, their detail to r,reoey ot tba I'utvrfsity imT Orna al positions io vaiious paiU of tbe Eogeaa, made vaeaal by tba death ( l ,.f -t. !. nA rr.l ,! r. morals raodieion. j. u & Watel' for Mini; SENT POSTPAID I EXCHANGE FOR 100 COUPONS, on, if you PRcrcn, FOR 2 C0UT0NS and $1.00 IN cash. TM rK-t t tekl. (ml lmekrr. quick stem wind and set. You will Aai mm coupon mud etch 2 ounce bag and two coupons inud tub 4 ounc bag of BLACKWELL'S GENUINE DURHAM TOBACCO. Scad coupons with name and address to BLACKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO CO., Durham, N.C. Buy a ba of this Celebrated Smoking Tobacco, and read the coupon, which gives a list of other premiums and how to get them. 2 CENT STAMPS ACCEPTED. r o o o o 'OOOOO The Kseley Institute -OF- For the Cure ox Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits It is located at Salem, Oregon, The Moat Beautiful Town on the Coast Gall at the Gazktt office for particulars Strictly confidential. Treatmeut private and sure cure. LEGAL -av- m I a I f f "Nl BUN ft Plenty of them at the Gazette Office. . . Otis Patterson NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCER CALL AT OPPICK ITT ANTED: Several trustworthy (rentlemen by paper corrPRpondtiDta are io dan ger of their lives if they venture to report any other kind of victory. IU'hhu is mating less noise and gathering io more frosh tonltory thnn any other nation; Imt one Rood thing about the Czar is that he never hnd any designs on American soil. Twt llaidrtd blortri Hick. Two Naw York City arcuilrota, Uard- Ing A (lo ioli, hava draa laoi (or Ilia moat remarkable btiiltliog no aarlh, and l ia aarcttfd tbal it If aooo to ba built in that city. It will a 20) atoriva in hdiulit ami will hava a tlMr apaca il.- ipnoiKiainara rL it will nrfupy our larii oitr liiixtt ana nny aiMi'io aiava lure will ea'ry iai.uif' and (rriubt np and down Ihrnnali II, Ilirawil ttm Jll, 000 arnariita vflo an J aita, aoooinod' ling 4H) UN) pi)la, A uaaaiooani rol arda, rncloawd ia glaaa Io In winter, will aarmoaot tba uaaaifa building . a CNOrllATIC Willi. I Th winter'! come and timet U harit, The penple all are IiimIh': The ploui (lki have tuck to pralr, The other lolki to cumIii'; The (overnment hai all broke out With Wall itrwt raih an Ami all mm KU rroin Morton, Hoke and Eckle. I lh Ihe bnaa would help uaoiit, Rut what'a Ihe uae of wlahln'T Itn'i cut a pole and dm aome bait And muceyed off a-flihln'. II The rerenue la lalllna off, t'arlltle li "owaker apeelr," And Hln haa Cuby by the nei'k; John Bull baa Vennweely; The Kolhrhlldi have our fold rraerva Hcpuhllrane Kalnturky, And II old Kirk don't ill ut alt We'll be eonloundl lucky. I with hit nil would ahow ui how To art what we're a within', put hal t the uae ol aili him? Hv't buay now a fitliln', III I with that Omrer would kelch a thark And thai Ihe thark would bile bim, I with he'd hrvak bit dlmmyjohn, Or-anylhlnf o U him I with he d ft Into a twamp And lall to And a pataae t'ntll hit trub wat (one, and be Compelled to Ml hie tarmmt I wUh-but law! what te Ihe ute Ol riliayrrala a wuhln' Tbe whole blamed fmtf Uiirf ( And Mlow Oroer a Bthla'l ReaerYatton to boniesteadera. Owing to tbe riobbeai ai d vnlne of tbe lnnd eaob bomeateader n limited to 80 acrea the department wanted to make it 40 acret, but Mr. Hermann pointed out tbe nnlikelibood that a man would rxhan bia homestead right for ao email a trnot and tbe Valued it to 80. Metara. Mo- Millao. Dlbgley and Lnoey ehowed a diepnaition'to obj'rt, but the peretiaeive aeoent ot Mr. Uermann'a mclndioue Tolce overcame their icruplee and tbey allowed the bill to pan. HeDfttnra Mitchell and McOrlile will puxb it in tba aeuate. Mr. UerniHtin baa iotroduoed a bill and made a favorable report npon it from bin committee to appropriate 81."0,000 for topngrnphin anrvea and to miike elevaMont nn Ihe pubtii land. Tba work will be of reHtet poteible value Io all irritfittiuo tuterpriaea and to mining operation. . Hroator Mitchell bna favorably re ported to the aenata Pen. MoDridj's bill to allow the heire cf Chauorey M. Look wood to commence unit Io tba o mrt of rlaimt for eitra mail aervioea renlered between Tba Dallea and Pall Lke City The arootinl Ihe beira it Ltokwoml eUirn Io la entitle.) to araonntt lo many thoneande of dolUra aud tbe object of Ihe bill la Io give Idem Ibe leital riahl In have Ida mailer tieminrd by the 1'i.ited Statet Ooiirtt. McClnre't Mngnzlne for March. In McClore's Magozine for March brought to light a aueeoh of 1837 Abraham Lincoln, wbiob the bion raphera nntil tow, eeemitigly, have known nolbing of, though it oontaioa pHteegee etill ot the highest intereet. For exnmple, of politioiana, Lincoln eaya: "A eet of men wbo have intereeta snide from the interests of the people, and wbo, to eay tbe most of them, are, taken a a mass, at least one long eteo removed from boneet men. I eay tbia with tba greater freedom, becaoee, being a politician myself, none can regard it as personal." There are alao an arana ingly jiidioinus love propoaal of Lin- oo'.n's and some lively reminiacenoea of him ts tbe leader in a successful manoeu vre lo establish tba state capital at Hpringfleld, and aa a yonng lawyer lo that smart Dew town. The piotnrea are nnmcroua, and inclrtde four portraila of l.inoi'lri. Col. Joho Flay oontribntea an inter eating paper on Ellsworth, tbe yonng hero killed at tbe beginning of tbe war. On his twenty-second birthday Ella worth began a diary, "becanse," aa be write, "my life baa been, and bida fair nr Ih,1Ih to travel in Orenon. for eab! lull ed, reliable house, mlary 7M) and expentea. Steady position. Enclose reference and self ad dremed ttamped envelope. The Dominion (Rom any, intra floor, umana duiiuihk, vuu-uku. Fan II. marl. Stockholders' Meeting. NOTICE ia HEREBY OIVEV THAT THE annual meeting for the stockholders of The Morrow Co. Land & I rutt Co., will be held tl.o nlllp of the treanurcron the 2nd Saturday in March at 7 p. m., for the purpose of electing; offlcert and attending to tnch other buiinest at may come belore the meeting. IV. K . r. I 1. 15-21. Becretary. Notice of Intention. TAND OFFICE AT THE DAT.I.E3, OREGON J Feb. 11, Notice It hereby Riven that the followinu-nnmed settler has filed notice of Mr Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that xaid proof will be made before the county clerk of Morrow county at Heppner, Oreiron, on March 25, 1896, viz: CHARLES H. HAMS, Hd. E. No. 2SK4. for ibe 8 NWJi and Ntf SWJ Sec. 21, Tp. 5 S, R. 25 E. W. M. He names the foil, wing witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vis: Ed Cox, fteorge Hendrix.C H. Bullft, Charles D. Coleman, of Hardman, Oregon. J AS. F. MOORE, 414-24 Register. Nerve Oa Mis I en oervoos, tired, Irriteb'e and eruaa. Karl'a Clover Um4 Tea baa mad ne wall aod happy Maa E. It WoaPM. Tot ala by Well k Warrea. Our pimple are growing nicre and more in tba hatul of (miking In 1'htll Cnho driigglal, Ibe late! and bisl of everything ia the drug line. Tbev a-ll t. Usmlverlsl'. Uottgli lU'toeilf, fsui'Mie fur Us raree of bl Polls, crunp and hmilOrf rviittrb. U'bea IB tieed if such nitdietiiM give ibl remedy a trial and )n will ! ornra llto plij Willi lit l rati 1 1, OULER FOK PUBLICATION. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF TUB BrAllS of Oregon for Morrow County, The State of Oreiton, riaintirr, vs. J. W. Morrow County Clerk ol said Morrow f'm.f.ttf OrMrnn inn ! the heirs ol unanet Lind, deceased. ll..fMnr1iinrft. UharA.a it haa lipun tatlsfsctnrilv made to appear to the Court that on the Mth day of Jan nary, W.m, In said Morrow County. Oregon, one Charles l-lnd dli'd intestate: that at tbe time of hit death salil Charlrt L'nu wat iiinnarrn-n aim iui n.i rhiirin.n or other ncira at law. aun tnai np tit the time of the commencement of ibis nnu'dPllllK m iwrwill or iwiwun nrvtt- ni.n mi . to hm an heir, or helra. of said ilecfas- rl. That at tbe time of his death at afnrMald, said deceawd wat telxed of certain rral estate Intald Morrow County, resliles a eontmersiue amount of personal property. That afterwarl iiw. I'nmiir Court of Morrow Countv duly IP- pointed ailmlnistratort ol the estnie ol ine sain AnfmmmA wlmdulv anslllli-d and pnterisl iitxi' latil trust, and proceirdrd to administer aald Mtnle. under the direction of said County Court That on the 21th day of December, !',! such ilin In itratlnn was cnmtlelel. ami ssm annnn Ittrabira fllel in said County Court thetrtuppln- . , . i , i . ..,. 1 mental nnai account, dt wnirn u was tunwu io do, eocn a jnranie i unii niuiurUi ,h,. ,h remained in the hads of tuch an i .i .i ...t.i r t.. . ...Kl. n I mlnlttratora. alter tuch administration wat .m.., eu..i a ..,.. tllU, Pomp,..w1.M Ihe prorty of aald estate, thing, this Will ba oaeful a a meant of Ihr sum ol lltViOl, hlrh tnld sum ol money . , . . . , was. on tald dar. under Ihe order and dlretlon showing how much anflering and temp- o( Ma t'ouutv ('ourt, puld hv enrh admlnistrat. lalion a man mat nnderern and still keen lo ' Morrow. Clerk ol talilt oiintyt onrt, talioo a roao may nnaergoanu sun aeep n.mnt d(,n,i.nt. mhiect to ihe further order of Ihe tald County I onrl Thst said sum of money hst ever tlnce said 21th day ol neremtier. l""-. Iieen, ami now is. in ina hands of J. W. Morrow, and thst said County Court hat not made any further ordi-r In relation thereto: and that by rraaon of such fa-t. said sum ol llii 01 thoul I etrheat to. and become Ihe Amnvrtv of. Ibe Wale, anil Ihe Mate ol OriMfn hat a rttht hy law to tald sum of money now In poesioa ol salil delcnuant i. w. Mor row, at aforesaid. And It further aatlsfartorlly anpearlntr lo tbe Court thai a tummotia hat Issued In tMt pro- direrted lotald de'emlaiit. i w. Mor row, reoulrln him. aun the heirs M me aani Charles Mod deceased, to aiear and answer Ihe Information fled herein, within Ibe lime limited by law In civil raea. and tbal tald iimmnnt bat been duly aered upon saM defendant. 1 W. Moriow. personally, in said Mormw I'oimle, Oreton, and that no heir, or hel't. of the aald harlet l.tml. deceased, rsn la hitmri In aald Cnnnir and Mate ll It Ihereliir herehy ordered ht all pentnnt Intervaied In the tald estate of t harlet I. Inn dereaaed. appear nn or betore Ibe first dsn of Ine o eeiiiar lerra of this "in. which It Ihe Aral Monday In Mai-h. I"", lo wit. Ihe tenmd day thereof al llentioer. In tald Mnrtnw CiMinte. and thnw ranee. If an lhe bar whv the ml nl aald estate, now In Ihe nf Mid J W. Moreow, belne lh aunt of iv.ol. should Cummings 8c Fall, PROPRIETORS Of the Old Reliable Gault House, CHICAGO. ILL.. Half block wett of the Union Dei Ion Depot of C. 1 A , P. Ft. W. A C, B. Q.. C. M. 4 St. P.. C. & ana tne u. si. i r. iwn 1A.TRH a.oo PUR DAY Cor. W. Madlton and Clinton Sti., CiIICn.a-0. XiZ. wbirb no Isttra kiit, or tliHrf rtion to joia ttit lnaargtoU. TL puniah reoortla bow tlat retire carrtaont be joiowJ tb rnll, with tbrur arma, ia ever province of lb Mano. t A tew K-brm ftr "I'-pging" iUgry baa itrra iovrbtoj lj to ipgaoroa farmer lal anil aa put la raftical teat Urn dayi aloe, Mje tbe Wilbur IUgiatr. Tbe acbeioe enraista ef Juieo or more trout-bottle aod liore. Tbe bixika are lail. anl tii to eaga, lifueb ftate or firmly ecrboroilto Cboreb of La (Iraada la appaiale4 So Ibe regncy ef the Affloultnrel coltega al O-rvallia, inada tacanl by Ida rewigna ttott of Mr. French of The D.llre J II. Oray of I'rloeville lake UaVklOalbrvi e plaaa a lha elate twarj of ag'K'ollora. Mr. tlilli la rvfaioeel buaioewa Kaa al Tba lalUj aad rprtwal4 tbal die. trkt te tba (late aenaU la I'M) aad Wl Mr. Cborch ia oca of tba Mild mea of t'aloa ronblv, bavlag lga baalaeM aod rienllural lateteet la Ibat aerlknw, I II. Gray la ladl etorkmea ot iv4.k eoaaly and e I bo roe (k repr. awataiiva repabltaae. RM Hal Ayst'e al tba WaU s rate Ay r'a Haraapaf ilia aaj ya the eilraor I J I . . i,.IU.i....J k - . - i. ... IL.M.I, , rit0 low tbe grooo.l eoioe. Wo4 pntmt aa eituM al il.t lie tttmra tha crcts are in the Hiwld'a fair, 1'm k kttaataelnrete Lalit of filing A watch li kr t fr tbe ftt end ba one ia faogbt it te tasily UM from tb crrat ruturnoliiio raaaL It ia nf etbr aaeaapanllaa by taeaat lootdaiaatbnwitig of Ibeir g, (Mil II, ey were all laraed away tin.f Ibe ai i'lH aina of iba rla t xl iJ lisg tbe airy of patent tJii aad trataa Too ilf Kioa pf Ibe ttsfM i fair eatha nliea la fatot of A' rtarwaoarilla waa eaJJ tbat b0 two tr tbree gee ,t M miw.: Ayat Vareaoa i. it., !wV nt lranr.1 In nita k n a faieal w.liina. II rloae - " - HlhUlhlMMafK-lrtM. Ill ILia mauoer enj i'ns ran ii'itvik.itiHiii menu In will.ln raaf gntiaht of tbe flxk lfiire tboy iU fir- TturaatMi e t.tcrr - Oa (ail Han day afterouoo al .) p. ta . al tba U E. bnrrb, Boatb, Mia. D.I la C U. On, wbo baa bees aa sting la Ibe rwvivel work at Iba M K. obareb, will deliver a Uelare oa lenpafaoae. Mre. Cm't leolare oe latl Haoday waa ka of aa oea of Iba boat ever beard te Ibie eliy. Tba Tacoraa Ladger baa Iba follow ing In aay of bar trot a re oe lempeiaeee le tbal riiy: Tbrea bandraj poopla greetrd Mra. 1IU C. II. 0l, ealmoal orgaanet for Ibe W'xaea'e Cbrttl aa Teas r tore ral.n, al Utaatos ball, eoraar of t'acifta sveaua aod Tbirtaaalb srl. at allil Tbe aa 'at Una waa erwwJ4 and rasns tloo4 Bp lo feaar wt. Mea. Vl loul "TttaawfarrM" ff bf aibjrt aod gave of tba ! lalellealaal, lrlll aad etarl lesapawaaae diooa'a lbt baa evar ha baarj ia Iba atly. Hba la a elihll bail! Onto aa, but a enagnilbanl siwakaf aad rt W-t Mr aw lin a wnb bee fmaa Iba heglaniag 14 Iba and of ber leelnrtv Ilea !' la Iba aailoaal lewlarar of Iba W. I) T. t roaatar.tir bf 4ara will be fi-i o4r It eopi-a l Iba aaa. AU are loit-l. rillt Im S. I rare. Tilla do Otil an O -oeltpaltno. They only agg'avsgala. Karl'a CluVer H-'l Tea give pil0 reaalantf nf Ibe Uiaeie. I'ot aale by NV ells aad Warren Tli ' ii ,t rurUuis il. ituii-nt nt C'.e am. in' Ihe o-urt rrnir.U nf Ainer!-a la a l.'twi.l v fr yeara. flii h may be firund Iran tiUd In the II.-l.r..n t( i.nti iland iH..rl. v.4. It . par ' May il. a,-,'.r,1iig .i the U,te,. Hi tmle-i.f the ' n'ir'y f.r the !.) rati.xt l-f Ihe li.e lit rinrl(,n I'aru" teaH So eirea nt land m-sr the a'"e oamed pla lo nae H W. Law and bia helra "during tha full Irtnt Iherrio state,!, vli . f.w ytar The tenure la lirld no c-m.l.t 1.1 thai Ibe M,. H"t,a, ir bla Wal bnra. aHall pay J"ba and T IViera.. ban b sserilena of aa,d ly, their tu.e sr in '!l-e, i f ra n i.f pure a.isef f idhef a,ier, f.iM sttlaliat .(f de ban4e. i, in M John day ( r. H en awiOaf tear " There era many rar is aitd hlmairal lerir betd In ir-al ItrHam. t rance and (irnny, I l it it ilowMftil if tbe feeneils rf Aneriraa prm'tfm an)1Mog V'at trt this .if. ite4 land !. hi. b "i. I o.d lernuc bate antil tie laie f .K ytara frwta tbe tt f lb "eJiS clear cf despair and vice." Col. Hay givee ettranta from Ihia dUry, and adds rrminieceooea from bia owo personal intimacy with Ellsworth. Tba paper ie fully illustrated. A story by Kipling that brealbee the btea'h of life loM every plate and rivet of a greal ship, sod make it ao all but hnmao community, striving, etralulog and giiesiplng, ia a fealnre of Iba earn. l-r. Hcareely ea notable are e poem, "Cy and I." by Kngeoe Field ("Cv" b ing that beany bar! of tba "rail." Cy Warrnan): a poem by Robert Lonli Hreneon, and a elory by Robert Barr. Cleveland M. Elt. io a profusely Ulna, tralej arnc'a, (cite bow to make aad fly the nmdra kite, wblcb, shorn of Ibe old lima tail, g-ea more Ibaa a mile Into Iba air, and lifts men, lakea photo. I km ,t , 'h flalncrr herein, the Mate nf graphs, traosroila weather reporla, and bida fair to lake a band ia tba making i f war. Mr. Will II Iiw adia a t ehatder OB Ibe re-t painllnaa of Ibe relit urv. aod Knlth Hmait I'beltj relate bow, having made ber way lolo b leadieg mgto aa oly lo Ood tbal use onid 0"! live by "magattae sio'iee ahme," eh wrote mora Ibaa a 6otra aody school bnoba. Ibrew Away bas I'aaea. lf. I. Wey, poatmaater. Elsrk (Veek. N T, waa an badly effi dej wub rliromaltatti lhal be Wee ooly alila In ttdilila eroaod With eat) re, aod even then tl eaneed bim great le. After oalPi ('batatewlalo'a I'aia Italnt ba Was en aunrb Improved Ibal be IbreW east bi fae. II ears tbis lialmeol did bira tniw .! ibaa all other aiedirtaes aad treat meal pol ing'tber. Vat sale at ri eeota per bwltla by I'bill Cuba. diuait. -TO THE- EAST Al SOUTHEAST VIA THE UNION PACIFIC STSTEM. Through Pullman Palace Bleepera. Tonritt flrepet and Free Reclining Chair Cars DAILY to Chicago. Many hours saved via tlili Una to Eastern Points. STEAM HEAT. PINTSCH LIGHTS. tCrVTlCae R. W. BAXTER, Cen Agent, rorllana, Oregon. J. C. IIAHT, Agent, Heppner, Oregon. Ornn ll It further orileeed that Ihlt hntlr be pnhlltheH mm earh seek fnrtlt eonaerutlre Weett In lb llepner faelt. a rtenai4r of teneral rln-nlatlon pnhliahed at Heppner. la Mid ttormw I nutiiv. oron a tineas my baud ! luhdaynr January. ! SltrllK A UiH U 01. Circuit Ju'lfa. HCMMONH, illiiafViaA'A-i--'--'''A,,'-'-A-,,A,'--'--'"''"v'-"v'-A-,''"Vi fAttATit Aaf rirrlce are troablaJ villi tbe eame pip,U Maw Tito Tiao -". 0.rd ta eee op lb feed yard Belt (ttof lklltlt rrt-e, awl 9m lie I a tl.a'e f soar " t t a. l.:!y f4( al b"fl al Ibi batlacea, ao I ""f Kofae Will tt Wll lrwia-1 a(i. r?beel tlrtB the fatriofej pf UTU npari- 'rw-aal aa lv aad i'aia M aale. HI ratnofitncon centrntee evil Ita Mlaery n:EltIEU.V1ATISt1 ST. JACOBS OIL W ya ay aj ayay ay ajay aa aa atay y a ay ay yay ay SJ aj ayay sj ay m ay 9 y A Ureal Urraita t frrarr'fles tbeed b'is.l, rtinel paluna, SB I kid' livr a.. towe tmnble are eared I K til'. Clover K i Tea. rf aal by Utlls A mlt'tt. tniHaitiitinti stirixa M .i.e. it berby gia tbat a snetilag it tie d'Wesii avatral e-ttirai'te id M.-frow e..noly. Will ha bl I oa fatt lay, Man b li li, al I p aa . la It til..f t f lb I'ala. b-el. f.if Ibe pia of eelewlief Iba litae f i botdicg .ia).a', frniStf tveitta, Sal ft is trtrssef ef aay oitr batiae ll al a e. nt l.l, r ibe n,liug A fall til.t UsM -f all lb valtlea efa'ty fe.jacid. J. W. Voaaiw, t btltejaa. tMTitt riarriTOM'aT roa the cot'KTY I nt Mormw, aula ef Oreaosi. nenry urpener. riainiiR, va Clark K A lklns, iln.1ant. Totlarl K Adkln d'ndant. In in nam nf the etaia of Ornn, ymt ar beeehv rr.,itr. t appear and aer lh mm piatnl Sie. inH ?..n in lh aine entitle t nil! ne or l,,i lh srt day of Ute Dfi I regular term of aald ennrv t.ll lb lad iay of Marrb. IS'M And If Vmt 'all to anaaer. I.,f want tbeeo lh plaintiff nl'l afflv In lh ennrl inf ht reilrl 4nwnded In . eonnlalnl. In all rt In.ltmenl aealit tiw 1.4 th Ina ol On Ttiouanicl iK.l.ara ua ihemin al th rai H in pee en pmf annim ...m in t h 41 H sm"iii, e, and i b earn aa th eHiri snay a.lji.e rea,nai.i n tt.rne t we a'.i r"a ai4 nisemnia, an 1, h .,rr i.,ifv rat a eeMali, tmfflfar hf rnn in aernr in patment , th torn !, lawiSe4 at rror.t- n th .rlraf ml aal I f inir nn l J ib dt ol N..,lf it tn a r " r . . .i r.nrn m aerftll ..emiM n m II y . M I, ..4 Ilk nt a a I, nt , n M ..1 rt t 4 J s , ,,.. afi .f a i, .st.r.Jn. , l.i k n M 4 l. tn aa. ( a 1.1 pieaiiMt le aatltf f aald j-.l t k .ia4n I l.hed bv nr-I.e nt Won art a lrn I J..-te l li tmt, snft w mi ia u J il January, l I it penwaj I AlWrtnet f. flalntlt. 1 1 t4 p n, waa tar I hy Baby t ' Mr bv b.le imi bt ae." Wfitre Ua.i, H Krt.a H Maa v,.,e, Ala, f l rr 'A eree Asimlnlilratrtt Hotkt. t,ttg I Nrrr oivtw TttiT Till . MnfH a heen actated dia H e4 th ll nt it I attn, trwd ...a I m,i I cr1 M Wneer. I tt, a'al M 'f' ail E a, kal- r'.alot a nt ta4 ' a aey rttr4 le ff-i tHm a e t mf h" tn .rf.e. I, 4,i taitMl ih,a dt aiiM l..i nakp hn4 lied 11 M 4T h r , i mat rVtra l ! Alnlt'.atrtf Your Face Will ka vrralbe vtth a saoal eactg smlla, arw yoti ! la a WMteSBwiniHacMne ipuieeto wtwi y a otw PINCH TENSION, TENSION INDICATOR AUTOMATIC TENSION RELEASER, Tbe aanat roeeplrte and aaeful oVrka avwf added lo any awiti MaLkuet. Tbe WHITE le Duribly aid KiidMmily Ii!lt, Cf Dae riaUk ae4 ftrfaet AttKeet, ttwl AU ttwtble Artlcfet, Aad 'U area aad r! yu ap bt tba fail tt aal. 1 Tasia-a f aio. ia Ifc Saskonai Wia! yiak of IWcar. A J lia-a 1, bw J T. Ut, lUOasew, Arliagaa, Urwr n, Oitf. J bd of youf rt;.uuvA. Artni I titt Wawtis In uftoraw WHITE EYiI!t3 UACHIRE C3,t CltVCLAN0,O.